02-11-2015Blair Park Board Minutes February 11, 2015 Neil Jensen called the meeting to order. Present were Park Board Members, Ardee Pounds, Roger Petersen, Neil Jensen and Jeene Hobbs. Ardee Pounds moved the minutes be approved as written. Jeene Hobbs seconded the motion. Motion carried. Election of officers for 2015 was conducted. Jeene Hobbs moved we cast a unanimous ballot for the re- election of current officers: Neil Jensen, chairperson; Jeene Hobbs, vice - president; and Steve Tonn, Secretary. The motion carried. Pat Long shared plans to plant trees this spring in our City Parks. Pat has requested an NPR Grant for trees, which they are considering at this time. His plans are for a variety of trees. Arbor Day planting of trees with school children is tentatively planned at Black Elk Park. Elementary principals will be contacted for involvement of school children in the project. Plans for this year's projects, in light of the Master Plan, were discussed. Lions Park site development was a topic of lengthy discussion. The horseshoe area will be moved to Steyer Park to make room for rest room construction at Lions Park. The Park Board passed a motion to approve moving $20,000 of funds to financially help with the rest room construction. azs Remodeling of upper Steyer Park shelter was discussed which involved ADA parking, sidewalk, moving of grill, and redesigning of the south side of shelter. Pat reviewed other possible summer projects. Jeene Hobbs moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Ardee Pounds. Motion carried.