08-13-2014Blair Park Board Meeting Minutes August 13, 2014 Neil Jensen called the meeting to order. Present were Park Board members Todd Wick, Roger Petersen, Neil Jensen, chairperson; Ardee Pounds, and Steve Tonn, secretary; and Pat Long, Parks Superintendent. Todd Wick was welcomed as the newest member of the City of Blair Park Board. Ardee Pounds moved the minutes be approved as written. Roger Petersen seconded the motion. Motion carried. Pat Long gave an update on: getting a new department truck in the next month, starting to haul dirt to raise up the road to Optimist Park past the Water Treatment Plant, hopefully will begin building the trail along Jackson Street /Blaine Street to Optimist Park next spring, next Parks and Trails Master Planning public meeting is Sept 3, storm damage has been evaluated at every park facility. The City has prioritized doing work first on the Library, Police Station and Water and Sewer Treatment Plant. Work is slowly progressing. Steve Tonn encouraged the Park Board members to attend and invite others to the Parks and Trails Master Planning meeting on Sept. 3. He suggested putting an article in the paper and also in the Enterprise calendar. Neil Jensen suggested we start sending meeting agenda, budget reports and meeting minutes by email. Pat Long will check to see if we can. Ardee Pounds moved the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Roger Petersen. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Steve Tonn, secretary