890087923.tiffIII IA: UISANCE•Weeds,grasses, worthless egetation. Owner/occupant must correct MOW) violation on t is operty within (5) lays or by; �/—? 4 order of the City of lair P as ca 4 191 'roperty Addressthin; cop nt o days otter reneipt of such notice or publication or posting, whioheuer is applicable, the owner or move of eM1 lot or pi¢o¢ of grountl may request a hearing with the city to appeal the icaojslon to abate or move above nuisance by lilin9 a writt=n appeal with the City Clerk at 71B S. 761h 51. Blajte islon o bate _- _\ 9/4/2014