02-08-2006Blair Park Board Meeting February 8.2006 Roll Call The Blair Park Board met on Wednesday, February 8, in the City Hall Conference Room. Members present: Neil Jensen, president; Kathy Kuster, vice president; Ann George, secretary; Roger Petersen. Blair Parks Department: Pat Long. Not present: Jim Peterson. Ardee Pounds. Also present: Paul Thomsen, Jennie Warrick. Reading and Approval of November 9, 2005, Minutes Kathy Kuster's motion to approve the minutes was seconded by Roger Petersen and carried. Approval of Bills There were no bills needing approval. Pat Long said that he has ordered paint for marking the soccer and baseball fields. Old Business Prorress on Stever tree sienase pri,iect. Neil Jensen asked about label consistency, and Pat Long said he'd check to see that they are consistent. Members discussed entering the trees in Steyer and Black Elk - Neihardt Parks into a computer program. Northern Natural Ga. ',Dialing of trees. Pat Long explained that the gas company, now that it has moved the pipeline, will pay r replacing trees and reseeding. Lions Park projects. Pat said that he's trying to meet with Lions Club members to ask for the Club's help in financing a basketball court. If not enough funds can be raised, he proposed putting in a new off- street parking lot west of 15 Street with seven or eight stalls. It's also possible, he said, that half of the new court, at a cost of $6,000 to $7,000 could be put in this year and the other half next year, for a total cost of about $14,500. New Business Election of officers. The election of officers was tabled to the March meeting. Discussion of possible donation from Thomsen famiyl of a memorial bench. Paul Thomsen told Board members that as a memorial to his parents, F.W. and Orpa Thomsen, the family would like to purchase a swinging bench for Black Elk - Neihardt Park like the two already at the park. He proposed that it replace the concrete bench that's on the west side of the oval sidewalk and south of the sidewalk that branches off to the west. Board members accepted his proposal. Discussion o(Park Board .oats for 2006. Goals discussed included putting in a new off - street parking area south of the skate board park at Steyer Park, placing directional signs to the parks on highways entering Blair (the need for a committee to determine the location of signs was discussed), installing playground lights at Stemmerman Park, and the feasibility of a climbing wall. The Park Board will meet again in the City Hall Conference room at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 8. Roger Petersen's motion to adjourn was seconded by Kathy Kuster and carried. Respectfully submitted, Ann George, Secretary