SD-2011-00368_0005.tif B randy Petersen From: Canoher,Oennk;[dennia.oanahar@nebraoka.gov Sent: Friday, September 23.20118:50 AM /o: Brandy Petersen Subject: RE: Electrical Permit Brandy, l received the pen this nmornin8 and it includes the sign, Also The Washington County Atm was fina|edifI did not tell you. Dennis Carraher Cell 402-443-8222", From. Brandy Petersen Lma ii tQLbpetersen Sent: Thursday, September 22,2O1111:54AM Tm:Carraher,Dennis Subject: Electrical Permit Dennis, Could you verify something form me? I need to know if state electrical permit #2035545 includes electrical for the sign out front. |t should be the Verizun building o117355 Hwy 3O, here inBlair. Thank you! Brandy