07-13-2011Minutes, Blair Park Board Meetin;s4 July 13,2011 Roll all - Members of the Blair Park Board met at 7 p.m., Wednesday, July 13, in the City Hall Council Chambers. Members present: Neil Jensen, president; Jeene Hobbs, vice president; Ann George, secretary; Ardee Pounds, Steve Tonn. Blair Park Department: Pat Long. Not present: Roger Petersen. Reading and Approval of June 8, 2011, Minutes Ardee Pounds's motion to approve the minutes of the June 8 meeting was seconded by Steve Tonn and carried. Approval of Bills There were no bills needing approval. New Business Discussion of playground equipment location for Stever and Black Elk-Neihardt Parks. Members discussed current and proposed playground layouts, referring to handouts prepared by Pat Long, for Steyer and Black Elk-Neihardt Parks. Use of remaining playground funds for Liscal,Eear. Pat Long told members that because of time constraints, the proposed rubber surfacing at a playground couldn't be done this fiscal year. A discussion followed on how to use the remaining funds, and Jeene Hobbs made a motion, seconded by Ardee Pounds, that "We change the allocation of monies for playground surfacing to, instead, the purchase for Steyer Park of multiple pieces of small equipment, such as bounce toys, and a playground drum set." The motion was carried. Jeene will give Pat the website information on playground musical instruments. Friends of Arboretum meeting. Members of this organization will meet on July 20. Ardee Pounds's motion that the meeting be adjourned was seconded by Steve Tonn and carried. The board will next meet on August 10 at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. After the meeting Board members and Pat Long visited the playgounds of Steyer and Black Elk-Neihardt Parks to discuss the proposed layout changes. Respectfully submitted, Ann George, Secretary