03-09-2011Minutes, Blair Park Board Meeting March 9, 2011 Roll Call Members of the Blair Park Board met at 7 p.m., Wednesday, March 9, in the City Hall Council Chambers. Members present: Neil Jensen, president; Jeene Hobbs, vice president; Ann George, secretary; Ardee Pounds, Steve Tonn. Blair Park Department: Pat Long. Not present: Roger Petersen. Reading and Approval of October 13, 2010, Minutes Ardee Pounds's motion to approve the October 13 minutes was seconded by Jeene Hobbs and carried. Approval of Bills There were no bills needing approval. Pat Long reported that new 40- gallon trash cans had been installed at the Hardy RV Park at a cost of approximately $550 each; they're made of recycled plastic. Pat said that he'd like to purchase more for the other parks; he's learned of a new, 45- gallon trash can that has a flat top and costs about $475 each. He plans to ask the Recycling Association to help pay for them. Old Business Discussion of 2011 park budget for playgrounds. The park improvement budget for 2011 is $28,000, Pat reported. Of that, $28,112.50 has been spent. The remaining amount, $11,887.50, needs to be spent by mid August. (For further discussion, see "New Business, Discussion of replacement playground equipment. ") Pat told Board members that for budgetary reasons, 1,000 hours had been cut from crew staffing for the year. New Business Election of officers. Ardee Pounds made a motion, seconded by Steve Tonn, that officers for 2011 remain the same as for 2010, with Neil Jensen as president, Jeene Hobbs as vice president, and Ann George as secretary. The motion was carried. Discussion of replacement playground equipment. Pat reported that three of the four playground rules signs had been installed, with two in Steyer Park (the upper and lower playgrounds) and at Stemmerman Park. He plans to install the fourth at Lions Park. Small rules signs are being installed at Black Elk - Neihardt Park, Hardy RV Park, Rhoades Park, and Ridgeview Park. Pat has purchased a new slide and new swings for Black - Neihardt Park and new swings for Lions, Stemmerman, and Steyer Parks. Referring to the amount remaining in the budget (see "Old Business" above), a climbing wall would cost about $12,000, Pat said. He will get the pricing for installing ADA compliant surfaces. Jeene Hobbs suggested, for discussion at the Board's April meeting, that Pat prepare a proposal that could include both the purchase of several smaller pieces of playground equipment and the cost of resurfacing one of the playgrounds to meet ADA requirements. Train - themed playground equipment for Lions Park was also discussed; with work tentatively scheduled to begin on the 1880 depot and the surrounding area this fall, members agreed to wait until next year for further discussion and decisions. Discussion of Stemmermann Park tree - planting glans; Arbor Day plans: site es o trees, time, sponsors. Pat said that because he and his crew have a required day off on Arbor Day, the annual tree - planting will probably be held the day before. Neil Jensen will make arrangements for participation by students in a second -grade class. Report from Arboretum Curator Friends of the Arboretum will meet at 7 p.m. on March 16. The next City Park Board meeting will be at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 13, in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Ann George, Secretary