07-05-1990July 5, 1990 The Advisory Board met at the Park Office at 7:30 p.m. with Vice-president Bob Leonard presiding in the absence of George Wilson. Others present were Greg Drew, Marilyn Gentry, Roger Hohensee, Gene Solomon, and Ralph Steyer. Marilyn agreed to fill in as Secretary. The minutes of the June 7th meeting were read and approved. Because of mention of the large slide in Steyer Park in the June minutes, the Board moved to the slide location in the west of the park and examined its condition. Concensus was that it seemed structurally sound. There was no recommendation to move it. BLAIR PARK ADVISORY BOARD According to Ralph there are some desirable plant materials in the City nursery which may be in excess of what can be used in the City Parks. They may be varieties that would be useful at the proposed arboretum at Arbor Park Middle School. The Board gave consent to Roger to make this availability known to the School arboretum planners. The Fire department borrowed Park picnic tables for use 410 during the recent Gateway to the West Days and did not return them before they were needed by another group in one of the parks. The Park Superintendent had to retrieve them early on a Sunday morning. While willing for a volunteer group such as this to use part of the park tables for a short time, the Board was disappointed in the lack of consideration shown by taking more than the authorized number of tables and by not returning them. Brief discussion was held on what playground equipment had arrived and been installed and what else might be needed. All members should be alert to ways to improve the parks. We will try to place our order by January or February next year so that installation can be done before the heavy mowing begins. The Tether Ball received a lot of use for a while, but the cable is broken. Bob Leonard has the ball and will re-install it if he can find a stronger cable. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Bob. Marilyn Gentry Secretary, pro-tem.