08-01-1991• • • The meeting has called to order by Chairman George Wilson at 7:45 p.m. at the Park Board Office. Members present were Wilson, Gentry, Leonard, Solomon, and Steyer. Minutes of the June 6th meeting were read and approved. Chairman Wilson discussed the Park Budget for 91 -92. One employee will be transferred from the Recreation Committee to the Park Department. Closing the restrooms will become part of Park employees regular scheduled responsibility. In other words, employees will be paid for doing this job. No one seems tonterested in buying the prairie hay in Black Elk Neihart Park. Leonard made a motion to purchase 70 tree identification tags at a cost of $450.00. Arboretum funds will be used to purchase the tags. There was some discussion about the new R. V. Park. There has been no further development since the last meeting. There has been some opposition by local residents to the development of the park. Plans have not been completed. Dale Stricklett requested the purchase of five small "spring toys It was suggested that the Northwest entrance to Black Elk Park be refurbished and black topped from the paving up into the park. It was suggested by Leonard that we ask the Lutheran BLAIR PARK BOARD Minutes of August 1, 1991 Brothernhood if they would be interested in taking care of • the erosion problems on the slopes below the "Tower" at Black Elk - Neihart Park. Perhaps the water department should help solve the problem. The Board suggested that park employees deer proof the trees and shrubs North and West of the "Tower ". There was a discussion about using some of the trees from the nursery for the Arbor Park school. It was suggested that the park department move trees needed in the parks first. Any remaining trees could be donated to the school. The Board suggested that about 25 trees be moved into the parks this fall. Motion by Trisdale, seconded by Gentry to adjourn. Motion approved at 9:00 p.m.