03-05-1992BLAIR PARK BOARD MINUTES • March 5, 1992 • • The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bob Leonard at 7:30 p.m. Also present were: Marilyn Gentry, Gene Solomon, George Wilson, Jim Peterson, Bill Trisdale and Ralph Steyer. A correction to last months minutes was suggested. Marilyn Gentry was listed as a Richard. After careful observation it was decided she is definitely a Marilyn and not a Richard. Motion of the Board of correct same was duly voted and passed. Minutes were then approved by Wilson and seconded by Peterson. Ralph Steyer presented an inventory list of trees in the park nursery, along with a discussion about their future. A job description for the future Park Supervisor was discussed. It was decided to work one up and present it to City Administrator, Rod Storm for his opinion or approval. The RV campground is still on track. It will be a slow process until work on the underpass on 19th Street is started. Discussion on when and where to plant trees this spring was held. Also priority was established with parks first, City second and Arbor Park third, in line for same. A committee was appointed for this, they are: Bob Leonard and Gene Solomon with Ralph Steyer as an advisor. Dale Stricklett thinks the Rose Garden can be left as is for the present. Playground equipment status was discussed. A total of $1,800.00 has been expended so far and is either in place or will be soon. Trimming of trees was discussed. It is a bit early for this as the ground is not firm enough to drive on. Dale assured us it would be taken care of in a timely manner. Brochures for the parks was discussed. It is still in its infancy. Jim Peterson is the anchorman for this and will give us a report at the next meeting in April. There being no further business to conduct, Wilson proposed we adjourn, seconded by Solomon. The meeting was adjourned by President Leonard at 8:30 p.m. Bill Trisdale Secretary