12-09-1998• • • Blair Park Board Meeting December 9, 1998 The December meeting of the Blair Park Board was called to order by President Kathy Kuster at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 9, 1998. The meeting was held at the City Hall. Those present included Kathy Kuster, Jim Peterson, Ann George and Neil Jensen. Absent: Bobbie Cade and Donna Mahlendorf. Pat Long, the superintendent of the Blair Parks, was present as were Kus Kuster, Jenny Warrick, Judy Seaver and Bruce Weber. A welcome was extended to Ann George. Ann has accepted the position that is being vacated by Mary Sue Pook. A motion was made by Neil Jensen, seconded by Jim Peterson, to accept the minutes of the November 11 meeting of the Park Board. No bills submitted for approval for payment. Pat Long indicated that a letter of apology is needed to be sent to the Masons. An overdue bill notice was inadvertently sent to them for their donation for playground equipment at Ridgeview Park. Pat indicated that a climber, swing set, digger and a bounce toy was installed at Ridgeview. Gravel will be installed within the week. Pat Long indicated that footings for the new 30 x 30 concession was being completed. Pat Long asked that members be prepared to discuss park plans for 1999 at the next meeting. He indicated that there will be $5500 for playground equipment in 1999. Neil Jensen suggested that a smaller shelter be looked into next to the play area in Black Elk/Neihardt With no further business, President Kathy Kuster adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m.. Motion by Jim Peterson, seconded by Neil Jensen. Motion was carried. The next meeting is January 13. Respectfully submitted, Neil Jensen, Secretary