11-10-1999• • • Blair Park Board Meeting November 10, 1999 The November meeting of the Blair Park Board was called to order by President Kathy Kuster at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 10, 1999. The meeting was held at the City Hall. Those present included Kathy Kuster, Donna Mahlendorf, Ann George, Jim Peterson and Neil Jensen. Absent: Bobbie Cade. Pat Long, the superintendent of the Blair Parks, was present as were Kus Kuster, Jenny Warrick and Bruce Weber. A motion was made by Donna Mahlendorf, seconded by Ann George, to accept the minutes of the October 13, 1999 meeting of the Park Board, with the correction that Neil Jensen and Bobbie Cade was not present. Motion was approved. No bills were submitted for approval for payment. Neil Jensen, arboretum curator, discussed progress of projects. Blair park board has purchased posts for tree labels and plants for landscaping around the Ralph Steyer Park sign. Pat Long indicated that the Ralph Steyer Park sign has been ordered. The Blair Community Arboretum will pay for sign when it arrives. Play ground equipment was received. It consisted of a slide and spring toy. The Downtown planters were turned over to the Parks Department for maintenance. Landscaping is 90% completed. Kathleen McShari and May McCauh spoke about designating an area for a dog walk in Black Elk park or at another site. The area designated could be used by dog owners to let their dog exercise off the leash. Concerns included current leash laws in Blair and the liability to the city if someone was injured. It was moved by Ann George and seconded by Donna Mahlendorf to table the discussion until more information is available on current leash laws and how other cities of similar size handle the liability aspects. Several ideas were suggested for park improvements for the 2000 budget year. They included hard surface bike trails; enlarge the basketball court at Lyons Park and a smaller covered picnic shelter near the playground. Pat Long requested copies of newspaper clippings or articles to be used for documentation for Tree City USA. A motion was made by Neil Jensen, seconded by Ann George, to adjourn. Motion approved. The next meeting is December 8, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Neil Jensen, S retary