09-08-1999Blair Park Board Meeting September 8, 1999 The September meeting of the Blair Park Board was called to order by President Kathy Kuster at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 12, 1999. The meeting was held at the City Hall. Those present included Kathy Kuster, Donna Mahlendorf, Ann George, and Neil Jensen. Absent: Jim Peterson and Bobbie Cade. Pat Long, the superintendent of the Blair Parks, was present as were Judy Seaver, Tom Jackson, Jenny Warrick and Bruce Weber. A motion was made by Ann George, seconded by Neil Jensen, to accept the minutes of the July 14, 1999 meeting of the Park Board. Motion was approved. No bills were submitted for approval for payment. Neil Jensen, arboretum curator, discussed upcoming meetings. On September 30, is the Gardens 2000 program in Wichita, Kansas. Other flyers were passed around. Bruce Weber is working on plant labels. Dates will need to be scheduled to install posts so this project can be accomplished this year. Pat Long indicated that the Blair Garden Center will complete the plantings on main street. It was moved by Neil Jensen and seconded by Ann George to accept sign design for "Ralph Steyer Park ". Motion Approved. The sign will be ordered for fall installation. Carol Lane, NSA summer intern, had designed a planting for around the sign. Hoyt Lambert wishes to donate several lilacs (22 varieties) to the Blair Parks. A motion was made by Ann George, seconded by Donna Mahlendorf, to accept lilacs for planting at Lions & Black Elk Park. Pat Long will work with Hoyt Lambert to determine number and location of plantings. Motion approved. There is $3700 left in the playground budget. It was moved by Donna Mahlendorf, seconded by Ann George, to approve a purchase of a slide. Motion approved. Bret Jorgensen would like to hold a MDA walk in Black Elk Park on October 14 It was moved by Neil Jensen, seconded by Donna Mahlendorf, to allow Jorgensen to hold the MDA event. Motion approved. It was discussed wether the gratings along main were to be painted or left rust colored. A recommendation was made that the grating be painted. Pat Long has a large pile of wood chips that he would like to place around trees. Neil Jensen indicated that he would talk with Troop 232 to see if they would assist. A motion was made by Neil Jensen, seconded by Ann George, to adjourn. Motion approved. The next meeting is October 13, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Neil Jensen, secretary