04-14-1999• The April meeting of the Blair Park Board was called to order by President Kathy Kuster at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 14, 1999. The meeting was held at the City Hall. Those present included Kathy Kuster, Donna Mahlendorf, Ann George, and Neil Jensen. Absent: Jim Peterson and Bobbie Cade. Pat Long, the superintendent of the Blair Parks, was present as were Kus Kuster, Jenny Warrick, Dawn Nielsen, Bruce Weber, Kathy Weber and Tom Jackson. A motion was made by Ann George, seconded by Donna Mahlendorf, to accept the minutes of the February 10, 1999 meeting of the Park Board. Motion was approved. • No bills submitted for approval for payment. Blair Park Board Meeting April 14, 1999 Neil Jensen, arboretum curator, reported that the NSA curators annual meeting will be held in Blair on May 21. Everyone is welcome to attend. A class from North School will be present to plant trees at the Arbor Day program at Ridgeview Park. The Papio - Missouri River NRD is donating tree seedlings to give to the students. A NSA patron membership was received in the amount of $75 from Huntel. Donna Mahlendorf recommended that we contact Patty Plugge with the Chamber of Commerce to ask for additional memberships through their newsletter. The NSA grant was discussed. Pat Long indicated that he would order the sign for Steyer through the City and that the FOA could make the payment. This would help save on cost. A work day was scheduled for April 25 at Steyer Park at 2:00 p.m. • Pat Long reported that he has ordered round posts for parking area. Posts are used to prevent vehicles from entering grass areas of parks and replaces the cable. Pat Long is looking into applying for a federal grant to assist with the construction costs on the new restrooms for Steyer Park. Tree City presentation will be April 16 in Lincoln at 12:00 p.m.. Those wishing to go can meet at Steyer Park at 9:30. Arbor Day activities and Ridgeview Park Dedication will be April 23 at 2:00 p.m.. 5 blue bird houses donated by Wally are installed at Black Elk. Park staff will maintain. Warren Kempke built a blue bird house and would like to see it placed in a park. A motion to accept the donation was made by Donna Mahlendorf, seconded by Ann George. Motion was approved. A motion was made by Donna Mahlendorf, seconded by Neil Jensen, to adjourn at 8:15. The next meeting is May 12, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, / Neil Jensen, Secretary