04-16-1931~TERPRISEEbTHE WASHINGTON OOUNTTSmmrrs 'ms rmwa-mg-¢a¢¢| wASr||N0ToNGENERALBLAlR'S LEADING NEWSPAPER mu. PAPER OF wAsmNG'roN COUNTY, NEBRASKA!THE OFFIC "!""°5-mnhnmuahvn¢\¢G¢nr|¢89mlta(Nah-uh-L . . .BLAIR, NEBnAsKA.;APmL 16, 1931VPublished Weekly by John A. anonO L E ~Subkriptlon Price, $1.50 per Year. uglngle Gum Se Wnlhlill Cwlty. 0 I l .\ 1 I an a a l l Q a * n an Q m u t a n s GO OD - B Kin g'A l f c a te d th e Spain Tue~ - lic wa s ~nr lished a mi d est e nth us re i g n o f rie s b ac k King AL!~ i l y w i l l m h o me i n quee n wh o i m u c h n t h o n 1|n 4 as I I I Funeral se Fremont, Ma ~ S. Olson, an . ingtbn county, cux-red at Se home of her d time Johnson a 6 months and Mrs. Olson .~ den, coming t in Sept. 1871 Swen Olson, months previo in Omaha and ingwn county their home . ships ol the e Mr.Olson and Mrs. Ola state at Was her son, Albe 1928 she wen daughter,M children are of Seattle, Ov. Mrs.J . W IW ork Progressmg O n State Highway No. 73 ~ad Slraightened from Calhoun to County Une.Large Fill at Turkey Creek.A New Bridge South ol Nashville 0 BE COMPLLWLI) BY JULY 15 Surfiiced with l'u\ing Twenty Feet Wide.Se\>enty~l`i\e Men Are Employed on the Project During the past few months the work of improving and paving llighway No. 73 between Calhoun and the Douglas county line have been going on which when com- pleted will be the first paved high- way outside of the cities, in this county.The highway has been so changed that the msd bed will be alnioat a straight line, the curves I and comershavlng been obliter-| ated, which change wil Genahle the mownsta to speed along in mach greater safety than hereto-fore. The improvements begin imme- diately outside of the city limits of Calhoun and every curve him been straightened and all culverts wid- ened.The abrupt turns near the Allison farm,which formerly brought the road alongside the railroad track have been removed by angling the new highway di- rectly across the fields and bring- l i WORD I-'ROM COLORADO Wiszirw. Colo. April s, 1931 Mr. John A. Rhondee, Blair, Nebr. Dear Slr:I thought it would be weli to let you know that everything is look- ing fine out here.Wheat is about four inches high.Farmers are be- ginning work everywhere now. Some beets have been planted in the irrigated sections. A large acerage of com ,and pinto beans will he planned in the dry land farming section. We have had me fierce winterweather for thif time of year but not as had as 'southeast of here where the children were frozen i the school bus near Towner, Colo. Thousands of wild ducks wefrozen in the com fields and i was reported in The Fort Mor~ Times that alter the mow and ~-= had melted in the big irrigatlo reservoirs that the dead wild duo~ = lay ln windrows along the sho where they had ded in the ferrilli~ blizzard which lasted s day an~ night which was accompanied b wry high wind and below ze temperature,We are all well ut present an hope this finds everybody the sum in and around Blairing it out just north of the Turkey! creek bridge.Enclosed please find check io At 'I`urkey Creek a large fill is,which please extend our subscrlp to be made which wiil bc Placed'tion so Nov. '31, and oblige as w The Baseball Season Opens '<v\Rse JONY,~ ~~ l s a l n l u o c l o o n c /rs ROYALTY DODGE COUNTY IN 'I anno XIII abdi- ndent throne of lay and a re 'mediately £ 1 1 scenes of wild- nm.This ends a uyally that car- > medievil times. me and his !am~xke _their Iuture xgland where the f1 » » u » s » 4 . ¢ ~a Ooua o » slworm nlsmlcr Dodge county, it is repor- ted, is in become s part oftheseconddistrictwhichwill include Douglas, Sarpy, Wnuhimrhm nm! hndua sos o 1 as - Early And Modern Times SPRING El.Ec'rioN ECHOES Brlef Story nr;e_Fnunding md we 1 . 0 '~ s J "Q ..| 3 5..rrI.»';r , ; . . a s o | s s n s a s s a a ..........,..... .,... .,,_.,- _-_.ties. Senawr Hugo F. Srb has entered a protest against Dodge being in the second district ong with Douglas county.ell,we don't blame in the lean Washing- county has allways fell. same way.Personally, would like to see Doug» him lon the welas county a district by her- seLf.With Omaha hogging everything politically there 0 o 4 s s 1 s s s; o s o Our old friend, John F. Rohn of Fremont, wu '.L Jcted mayor od the city of Fremont by n flatter- lns majority nt the rwent dty election.John nn on the demo- cratic ticket and was subjected to the keenest criticism by those against him.However, he scored a sweeping vicwry over his re- publican opponent. Fadrbury, Nob. defeated the pub- lic swimming pool proposal by 28votes.' S Growth of Blnir an Chronlcled by the Editor of The Enter- prise »,_ ". CITY l-'oummsn MARCH,1869 Now the Home of /Nearly 3000 l{aPPY. Pronperous Citizens.Ia - caled in Fine Forming Territory (Continued from Aprll 2nd) 'Min Ibn »...¢:¢.,. -1 u.. ».....»--,. English, will bc *I1nn ,f » j ; ; -:_ I,ff"5 -.:H .r / 1 ~ ,Q 3 /A I .1 .y. .ff /1 '' . "i n/ / ?.1 |\ I //= //p .r ~v p 'I U/4 Accidents Run Home Theatre 'is,but lltle chance for the ' »outlying districts w even get ' Hnrtingwn,Neb.tumed down 'the pro osition for a lcva "look in".s » ¢ » » » » - ¢ » » ~ » ~ ¢ ~ » TEKAMAH To BUILD SCHOOL BUILDINGS Tekamah will be unable to enter- tain the relays which wen yiumed \...x\,| p y w hire a band leader,the vote standing 107 against as bo '75 for. Neligll, Neh.cant hut a small vote, only 200 out nl a poasiliie 700 vote was mst.Norfolk,Neb.dernocmts hadthelr day at the recent dry elec- tion having/ captured pdctically -.... ...... ...W....ls ... ...e ~....».~."ol the town was held August 7, 1869 and the minute; of the meet- ing are herewith replmduced: Blair, August 7th, 1869 The lint meeting of the trustees of the Town ol Blair, who, being d"1Y appointed by the county com- missianern and having taken their oaths of orifice, called this meet- inz. d séeuer of wash-I whose death oc-' :2 days. llc,Wash.,at the .ughter, Mrs. Chris- the age of 87 years, as a native of Swe- the United States D meet her husband ho had come a fev\[ ~ llvnllm 'vm' ollln ill in dty. HA mr-i». mn mnyar vu ntu in_ £_=&:'x§:":°;'e_';'r!§"§..".2 dur two yan mmm.f 'resent F.H.Louder.M.D., hed, J.H. Post,C. B. Herman~High Of Late Robbery Solved\ M V .ilf lh n n1 endured the hard- rly settlers. lied Feb.14,1898nwent out to the ingbcm w live with t, now deceased.In to live with her s.Johnson.Other Twn Week Perind Closing Apdl 7 C Have Tmnl of 289 Aeddenu With 1a Dellhs ll\d 301 Penonn lniured EIGHT FARMERS ARE INJURED T onfession of Robber Clears the Mystery of Over $600 Theft. Money That Was Taken H u Been Spent 'HEI-`T BY FORMER EMPLOYE n m u m n e e u e a g y m n a s i u m W m erected.ln addtion to the school building progmm, the city has pur- chased a site fora swimming pool and a tract of land large enough fnr an athletiq field.The present athletic field will be utilized an- other year white the new field is Scottsbluff, Neh. voters defeated decisively A proposal for $9000 in bonds to buy a 70 acre park track frum the University al Nebraska. Ashland, Neh. voted to continue Sunday movies. Tekamah voters defeated by 171 votes a nronosal m license noel On motion proceeded to perman- ent organization.The election of officers resulted in the unanimous dection of J. H. Post, chairman; C. B. Herman, treasurer and M. V. Wilson, clerk.W. C. Walton wu appointed attorney for the town Mrs. Edith Haneiius to H. Olson of Craig ion ol Fremont. .Blotter and Mrs! g are entertaininglxiliary kensington at! rn-le, this (Thursday) For High- 73 Settled nm Ft.Calhoun ld Undsrgo Some Rad- o From FL Calhoun EASFLRN TREND s in Highway Num- Pt. Calhoun to Blair 'initeiy decided upon. >u.n's main thorough- lte will be directly the George Rohwer a.gradual swing ghvmy to cross Tur- t.he same point as it innlnrul ,rf v..\_ The report of accidents sent out by the Nebraska Press Assodation for the two weeks period endingApril'nh discloses a total of 289 accidents with 13 deaths and 301 persona injured Three children under 18 years ~age were severely injured while handling fireanns._Various sports, such as Hnlfmkfootball,baseball,pole oaultmg, handbali, etc. placed nine persons on the list ol accident eausualtiea. Fifteen industrial workers were injured the last two weeks.Since January 1, 1931, 184 laborers have been injured; 7 have been disabled; and 8 have been killed. In two weeks, ten farmers wereinjured by nm a nimals; 6 were injured while cutting or sawing wood; on wa others Isffsfsd. ik juries through fdls.Eight farmers were injured thru the use ol form machinery. Three intoxicated drivers injured 7 persons, and 15 reckless drivers injured 18 persons and killed one Twenty trucks were involved in accidents.Eight persons suffered fracture.-1 while cranking cars. www RDOKR IN Several months ago the Home Theatre as robbed of over $600. The robber had, presumably, been left in the bdlding at the time of closing the doors at the close of business and after gathering his loot'had escaped from the building by pulling the pins from the hinges on the alley door,thus allowing his escape. Just recently Cbunty Attorney Mencke and Sheriff Sutheriand got a clue as to what they thought might eventually unravel the mys- tery and on following it up were successful ih their attempt.How-ard Sublett was suspected.He had been employed as a worknnan at the place but had lost his position some days before the robbery and it was he who was suspected. After gatherllm evidence enough to convict him he was placed under arrest on Thursday of last week. His confession is said to be com- plete. The robbery evidently was con- templdted.Before leaving the em- ploy of t.he Home Theatre he re- moved tbe pins from the door which was rareiy used and/ after waiting a few days he made the robbery. | being developed.Tekannah high athletes of the fu- ture will have all the opportunity of modern .facilities in the way of gym and field. Rev. N.C. Carlson had charge of the moming service at tho First Lutheran church last Sun- day. » Features Coming "Gmarron",Edna Ferber'| Story of Early Oklahoma,and Will Rogers in "A Conneaidnt Yankee' Billed for ~BlAir Soon A REAL MOVIE FAN TREAT Blair people are soon to enjoy two wr y good plays which are being staged by the Home Theatre management.Edrle Ferber's "Ci- marron"is to be played Sunday and Monday,April I9 and 20. This story is written of the early h o G o o d F i l m ..-m.........»nl' n|,\°),"m-It dna- halls. York, Neb. voted to keep their Sunday movies. BYRON CLOW VISITS BLAIR Aft/er an absence of nearly forty years,Byron Clow dropped into Blair last Friday for a short visit with friends.Byron was a resi- dent nf Bldr away hack in the early 90's and he and the writer were in high school together.At that time his father was manager of the Grange Lumber yard in Blair,hut later the family left Blair and so far as the wnter is concerned were lost track of.I t was a very agreeahie surprise when Byron walked up to the writer last Saturday morning and introduced himself. Ha is located at Lewistown, Mon» tuna and has been engaged in the milling business.He also is the owner of a fifteen hundred acre ranch and has evidently enjoyed his share of prosperity. The Clow's were highly respecd ted citizens of Blair, and made many warm friends when here. There were two children in the family,a daughter,Erma,who marded Dr. ".';¢.. Rav" ,mn want l a n d A .r . v n a p m , On motion a committee of three was appointed by the chair to sub- mit for adoption at our next meet-gg a form of by-laws and ordln- ces for town government con- sisting of A. Reed, F. H. langlsy and W. C. Walton.Also a com-mittee on grades consisting of F. H. Longley and M. V. Wilson. No further business being before the board, on motion adjourned. M. V. Wilson, clerk. Approved J. H. Post, chairman. During the following meetings by-laws and ordinances were park ed for the government of the town. The first ordinance is here repro- duced and is taken directly from the town reoords of that date which is in the possession oi the writer. ORDINANCES \~f me TOWN OF BLAIR Number One An ordinance to provide for the appointment of subordinate of- ficers of the corporation and prescribe their duties. lst,Be i t ordained by the trustees of the incorporated town ol Blair, that at the first regular meeting after the annuad town election, for the éleclion of Trus- s cn railroad onoge which nas oeenin use at this place will also be removed and the fill will be made wide enough to accomodate both the railroad and the highway, thus eliminating the hazard of the deep creek on the east side of the road. Continuing toward Nashville, the road has been graded and made ready for paving.The course at this point will be the some as formerly. At the point north ol Nashville where the road formerly crossed the railroad tracks a change in bridges and road position new en- ables the motorist to cross andhave full View in both direcl.ions.` Formerly it was possible to see in only one direction with ease due to the fact that the road was so nearly parallel with the railroad tracks. Directly south of Nashville the greatest change has been made. The new highway runs directly south across the hills and wooded territory, coming out in line with the Douclas countv mwimz.Deco :ours very truny,Star R. 2, Box 69Wm. E. Beard and family' BOYS CAUSE ALARM The neighborhood dovm in the McCarthy and Money sehooi dis- tricts were much alarmed last Fri- day afternoon when Calvin Coma lius, aged six years, and his play- mate, Junior Maaterl. failed lo re-' tum 'home from school. Alter waiting lor some time the parents bewmo frightened and be- gun w check up on them.They found that the boys hid left school at the usual dismissal time but from that time on had not been heard from.A coil was put in over the tele- phone and the neighborhood turned out bo search for the missing lads. After a hunt which lasted until seven-thirty in the evening they were found in a gulch about a quarter at a mia from the Cor- nelius home.. . . A ¢ \ . - the A. L. AllltheBlotterhraftembon. Route way Highway Fre Blair Will ical Change to De Soto ROAD HAS The change ber 78 from 2 have been del leaving Calla fare the rot north past 4 farm.Here brings the hi; key creek at "'*"°u \\l:lB\(% Juylul. Lulu num un: AQ-nuw |.:1u:antu»sunt, uzavcnu ul. Aus-H I 1 "» ' v v " '"°"*f=have b een ma d g " ' " ! " € h the :i ma p a r e n ts wi n n e ve r f o r g e t u m lowin g a lo ng th e De So to bluff s as B L A I R P U B L I C L I B R A R Y hi]I5 and SEVEFHI lar ge £1113 hl1\'£!l»hulnn.¢ nl #lan nniwhhnve fnr ihni H imnttr Anne 4Hn 1-nlrl I:u:r§nn.x nnrfh- de;'"gu;";;==;,;;;:,; ;;;':",§;,°2,_;"';; ;1;°;;"¥;;" ,,;;a:;;;;";';.m..;;.,;;,';. to ¢;;d;W;;;; ;§.;;h;;,; ;e;;;;; gg; gggw g wgug g g wa stolen from him and the rest standing of the country and the made their home, and the one son, and uaiified accu .Y to lawalater discovery and developmental Byron q 3 rhe spent.the oil industry .a.shall appcint a constable, collec- "|\|||u||1;;pn UL LI IC a va a l lu va u Au s u u . - -A u n u n u u u s , l u v ; v u u u v o s o g a - v o - 'b c e n p u t a c r o s s t h e m v i n e s w h i c h a s s i s t a n c e .w e s t ,p m c t i c a l l y p a r a l l e l i n g t h e a r e 1 n t h i s t e r r i t o r v .D e e r C r e e k . _....=|..._..,|+.......\,. . . A A n a l 1uni |n l l | \ l \ I "Bridge of Deaire" by Deeping; "Angel Pavement"by Priestly; "Winding Road"by Philip Gibbs;is bridged by an immense cement culvan., ten feet wide by ten feet in height and seventy feet long. A twenty-foot fill has been placed upon this to prvvide n roadway of the pmper height.It wsu also necessary to prnvide a new chan- SXVING To HOG SHIPPERS All Nebraska railrcads have been ordered by the railway wm- misaion to furnish double deckuars for hauling Hogs when such are ~mm.¢»A hw nhinnnra 'Fha l l l L u U i I . L l I . u l u n .n u u u v s n . l a v a v v u w u the p rese nt hi ghwa y un til i t re ac h» ea the f i il wes t o f th e J a mes W ii d f a r m.F r o m this point.to Blai r, there is but one c hange to be made 'a n d th a t in to be a t th e K r o g h come; just south of Biair. I COMMENCEIKENT |.3'ff.'-mesfe !§'i'.°£2}"3E!| uuluu as Fon ALUMNAE Iwr, ,.,..'::'...":a '.:. th-y.d||t| nf"b0pmSucBws"ny nuuenwu,N-land ol Desire" and "Gringo Pri-sv mnna CHOSEN vawer" by Kymi Mystery swrles:"Tl1lr1y-first Prof. H. H. Hahn, Dean of the Bullflnch" by Reilly;"Dying Al- College of Education of Wayne :lmman" bv Wade: "Stranzler Fig"State Teachers College, has been Lruvam, a nvnuer clmmuwr.mu|a lovable and capabhe wife,who takes up the bunden of the business of keeping the home together whlle her husband yields to his weak» nenaes nt drink and riotinz.If/s a The officers of the A1 mme As.the 2}§=§Lm£S1.§"§J w§ `Ha "'¢ x; sedation of the Blair lxgh school cute all warrants, wrlll, P"°°P"5' for the year 1931 are as follows:executons and other process to President.,Mn_R_J_Murdoch;nm dlred-ed and delivered, and ln Vice-nrenldent_ n M.n...».,. su-=-1 respects whnwver, w do and. nel for a smaller creek which joins Turkey Creek at this place.Two steam shoteis M fleet of tmcks hnve been busy aking these cuts und fills for some time. To insure a solid roadbed which will not settle, the dirt is spread out in six-inch layers m d rolled with a steam roller!This method vprovides a firm durable shoulder for the road and does away with the danger which has formerly been connected with lt. The new highway is to be sur- faced with a twentydoot smog, matedal and eqdpment which are nlready on the grounds ready for use.There are about seventy-five o r a r d u n d f o r o v e r - c h a r g e w h i c h . . . . ... . , . . , . . . . . . .. , ,.....,.,.......- . . -commission further provides that il double deck mrs are requested three days in advance of the pro- posed shipping time and are not furnished,that the carriers fur- nishing single deck cars must pro- with the double deck rate This will mean considerable saving to hog shippers in the state of Neh-1 raska In the same case the com nuasxun further provides that in cases in the past where shippers have property requested double deck cars for hogs and they were not furnished, that this is a basis mn ha nhtninefl hv nnulmatirm. ted the shippers in acoor<lanc M.n .¢ 1 M EE TS met at the home of Mrs. W. W1 Wilkinson, April 18. Roll call was responded to hy Rhymes and Jingles.A very ln-1 'teresting.program was given by Mrs. L. C. Kleen and Mrs. Philip 0'Han1on,substituting for Mrs. L. C. Farnberg on selected poems. A number of poems by Mrs. Enid Beaty Ranldn ol Omaha, Mrs.W. F. Hfmphlli and Jeanette Robert- son,Blair people.were among those read and much enjoyed. The Club meets next Monday with Mn. E. Schmidt when Mrs. The Monday Afternoon Clu by Strange;"Pavdllioa by the Lake" by Rees."Second Twenty Years at Hull House" by Jane Addams; "Henry the Eighth" by Hackett. ENJOY KID PARTY Mr. and Mrs. John M. Burnham and Miss Helen Gottscl. drove toMissouri Valley Tuesday eveninl! w attend a "kid pany" given for the employees ot the MissouriValley District ol the Iowa-Nebr- Light and Power Co.The usuni round of (un, 3118! goes with all kid parties was wr- talnliv enjoyed by everyone. sion! selected by the senior class to de- liver the commencement addras here on Friday, May 22.Prof.Hahn needs no introduc- tion to the people of Blair, he hAv- ing been Gty Superintendent of the Blair city schools for a period olte ny e a rs .Pr o f . Hs hn h s s a host of friends in Blair, who are always delighted to hear him.Hia last appearance in Blair was at the time of the dedication of the new high school.He gave a fins talk which is still remembered by many of those present. The Baccalaureate sermon will be given in the new high school auditorium on Sunday evening. great story and is especially strik- ing on the screen. The next good bill is "A Connec~ ticut Yankee"which comes on Wednesday and Thursday,April 22 and 28._Will Rogers is the leading char- acter and he does justice to his subje ct i n the mmm: mul. The whole play is a riot of fun, spark- ling with wit: from beginning to end.You'li never for-get "A Con- necticut Yankee".Don't miss it. It isn't oftm that two so widely advertised shows come to Bldr in the same week and the theatre- going public of Blair will he well nlsashd luv both nl these hills. . .... ..._. _.. -.._.,,.,.....retary, Mrs. Clyde M. Allen; Trea- surer, Ada Harrison. The president has arranged the fdlowing committees who will have ¢l1ll'Z€ of the reception to the class of 1981 which will be held Saturday evening, May 28. Reception committee: Clllirmln. Mn. Mattie Pound, F. W. Arndt, Mrs. Chelsea Whitford, Mrs. Ops) Reeves, Frederick Kolhennnn. Program: Chairman, E1-na Mez. dnger, Hazel Cannon and Myron Brock. Finance: Chairman,-Ada I-larrl. on, Louis Annstead, Hllga Han- sen. lperform all things pertaining to his of!lc¢ and to apprehend on view, or warrant, or on knovvldge and bring to justice all felon: and dlsturbars, and violators of any of these by laws or ordinances,or any of the criminal law.-| ol this State.And tn suppress all riots, atfraya and unlawful assemblies, which may come to his knowledge. And ahah have charge and supe- vlsion of side walks and the grad- lng and improvements of streets, and alleys, within the corporation, under the direction of the trustees o t said town. 8rd,It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and snlojv nc 'FJ: Len or; the job in nil and c ontrac ts § § , ' j , ° { ,f',' 1.11 for the c ompletion of the pro- ECY. bv Jill? 15.n n n n m n v Tw. J. 'KoonmBD will have charse wau{¢h@`,1éu¢i°u} \\m<~.\im`mved lhv 17.Rnveremby the lsdiu on me colm:n£t¢ee»tha Baptist churcl L. 3. M ' f ~"au m ""` -"""'1i.. ....:,f:*',,':..|,,...,,.,,, nvrn mn I 1owA LAND IN QUESTION lin mm ,,f"::,'1':r; :mr srmffsg§`,',L§,;§;..I`§§IJ{m.`~»¢1`li\|""""" "`"`]m1?=`7r1z1c:1~ COURT'Hama A rv a nnul U ;va c n l q U A nu n v AA A \ C | " i l up s y o u t t h e s a m e o n o r d e r o f t h e trustees, upon which treasurer, an n w l n v s h a l l h o d r a w n In f i l m .»l¢»L I 1I narmnn Fh~v M mnunsI. nn n u |||mr~|1rhtm mm }§¥i£n nv Iunuv .5. u c n o u n nACE Now AVAILABLE : lots west of the school ich the B N :Board of » m - n . w mm; ti me I»§`i2§f`a §&»§u§§`Ji` ;€;l'g;d }v}§ know his ability in church andcommunity work.Rev. Moran will give a ma to the young people of the clans of 1981. _ . . _ - - - - - - -- - - - - -u v u u u ununz usu al.3 l u l l .w a sb r o u g h t i n t h e d i s t r i c t c o u r t ,o f " | " h A * H a l n f W ; I f n r ` R . n vn 1 r l | \ \ | n f n a . ........4....4 - . .n . -_ - ; 4 |.._..;. »PRESENT GIFT To SCHOOL K c n n n r d f o l k u e s o m e w h a t e x - ~ " ` " ` " § é .''wa we bbs 1 u1, , l § ` § . ¢ f $ " § ~ g e m n mz r ginihl Zahn?g§e;mm f»<=°;g>d me 'nm rm ..hi h 1 The li our-year-o aug r lx hScaleto the Blur cnty schools. ffii. swre w c new an ..¢ Andrew Nelnnn hm wlut seems »='$'?3'3.JX.. -... ...... --.,_..-. ....,-..-.. -_Arlington wu.hen.rd 'hzesdsy i n the county court.The charge be- ills "malicious demuction of pro- Pw r" - The charge set out thlt he had dri lle dho\e s i1 \the hi gguta.nk| of one ol the Arlington oi com- panies and wa; Lnking gms.He ..... wwthe owne on the I( supposed wry.Th which ws W both p Ins t M agai n tn W .mr me sesuumam oxnuhip of a piece ul land xwu. ide of the river buh bo be in Nebraska \erri= e caun made the decision A uaepted as satilfucwry nrtiaa mneemed. londay the same case was ara; 27" "§a ¢§"\; 5; man. a h ,I: lhllu bs the duty ol (Continued on P¥8e four) B u s mr s s AND mbling the court and it | SDCIAL 1=mmc.As'r This Scale will not only be used l|.l5u\,,a i . " " ' ; . 1 ...;Eacaxie fromby fhe school nurse in her work,T m hotgte dufii "g desth esday Jmmwn.She was but will also be used by the girls'th 'mlmemméous a1:t.iclen.ridiig with her father on a disc11 sical trainer and the boys' o er and 1' 11 off tha disc lmains over'P sr ..enh1.rnirn"l trainer and the tara:-hors . ~ ~ ~83 .dl...'c°'r.-_A--:..\...|.........x........~..t»¢..1 Eéé-"`£§§" 55;vu 18555 Zimbrought to grade.This :paw in To PUBLIC now available for plgygruund Pg;Wu to express our appre- "R'E°,'1""°.`fF'i" "°"§'"¥'*'f{?. 'f§."'...`muon to The lhztemriae and to ,...,-.__.__...._..._..._,.__.._._of the various rooma This is a very welcome gift tn the schools and is probably one .of the most useful gifts that has been presen- ered snenxr suumrumu Bhd Coun-ty Atwmey Mencke were nnlifiqd and lmmediptely went to the scene ot the robbery.After making a .......:..|.-.,...:....n.......A 1.....a.... ner.une umue umm:;ymmm uneu Dy we (ren numner ax pu-z th bud `f m 'h°ha d,iti s c l.»i me d,he e no pe ra ti ng|,e m,i ,3 ;kg; iw ""'"<;e°;=;1 "°*:§ ; plla s °h1x w the central gmde mid, ie $`f§§n.TZ'"§..$' ,_he";§m,;" for same time and afkr ni ghtly in Iowa. °u°§~l..°`1hI vnugpprutimlly un- schools.£0 lmva so much Valvbla HPI" in gyq'-\ M mfmgn the h°l°:'°°'d claim the umm nlthnuvh um mnrks nf other l m u v n m n l r n w n l s tha two issues 'ff mm ww' pre-_P .___ _ff .-$ 'L_p l - ~ j " § . ' D u u l u l u w u Bt t t l l l Lus territory and just who diction is yet to he set» _..-.2...; . .L . .A - \ - - _1.-fo r s ome ~'\.a\1S1.uA \:Anlununuvu qnu uihnulub "th e desc ription o f th e me n ,they g J U N I O R T R A C K ¥°'P. fF'¥`'?""_'{"H§°_ , , , _ f " ' f f f ' f f _ l ; d ' 1 ' F ° " 1 i"n`i t o g e -n - - _ ' v n u _ v u -¢-. ¢.» ¢. ¢1u --~ t o E g g t g g ~ ~ ~ ~l l l p f l p W I !m y LUI'l l I U I lluI.I.\l.H ~f n e r ° Z1 . ` € \ .f f ' § g "D r y C a m e r o n w a s M ,m d M r s A E H a m m l e f t ,u n n o a m o e m c n t c o n t n b u t e d m u c h * ° |c a u g h t a n t h e m r b u t h e t h e F e d e r .-o .....1...I a .. ..." n n u h h - H n l l l _l ? ¢ . » l A » u n n r i n a n T l l i d e 1115 ~T h e W i t - C h '- B ca me l s n o D e s a t a n w al court for adjudication. alled to treat ner mJ m:1es.la s t Sa tu r da y b y automobi le I o r ""-' 'I'"" VA. HN: A;nnaww:Mon mou th. Ill. to be nre sen t a t the Th e E m i ' _ l i i n i s t e i lmx;;gm n m nm n ily v u l u n e f l l l l l n m u m n m o r m n |L |-1|-ml nu- .|lll||u»»u. um;nnun un Allrvnnuga u o n s an a an u n s W n u n g na ve uanot return ed.The boys of the Junior mgnschool are working Wd daily in prepumtian for the track meets whichstan next week.The Junior high boys hope to meet Ft. Cn.l~ houn, Kennaxd and Arlington be- w. 9- w. INSTAL LS o x-menus EIGHTH GRADE EXAMINATIONS The Woodmen of the World held their innallntion of officers kit Fug the time ln the history Friday evening foilowed by s ..a nm fmmfv nw nxvms. man n. mm uma md nine nelrealunents !\meral o i Mr. I'Iaxin|'n mother 1... J. Munn, rm.; who P8-'lied away at that plsce on A. J. Hagen., 5°¢~b Friday evening at the nga ot 8|" " " ' °y um-ATTEND BIRTHDAY G Mn .Hnnn|'|mother puaod PARTY FOBMOTHER n m (mu :Inna nn»uin\n L ° ; § u z ; ' °~ ~ ~D u u u n a n u u x ; u n |} § a 1 _ _' 2\`;5Fl`1 1 9 3 1 in.nu.ln .ra.as. Q t 9 'ik Aumm over no unmet court..|The J. C. Appleby property was]n ¢sold at a sale at Blair Monday db-5 5 7 8 §gi, OVERNOR APPROVES ex-noon, Mr. Hale: of Omaha be-1 2 | 5 1 4 | 5 | 5 | 7 BILL FOR STATE DAY ing dm nweeslful bidder for the ~ 2 0 2 1 2 2 _23 2 4 plwa.Mr.Appleby will move 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 March 1 wm hereafter be known amy immeamay as the new own- Apr. 17-Christian mmh s "sau DIY" in N°\1Yll\¢l~er wialma it vnaled at once.Apr. 18-Dance lt Kinfn. -¢l l I 5 2 5n dinner. Governor Ervin darned the hill Am-21 ' ».m»,.m....\.u---- fore the seawn closes.v a ." * " "" " " ' ° * " J " " 'v i g n v l e g n u u v v u .- - - - - __ -_._a m i n u t i o n a w e r e c o n d u c t e d b c o .s e m d b y u w w o o d e n c z m l .' " " '" ` """ ` " '" " "' " ' " ' " "" § u p s .B e u o r a i n t h e g u a i w n f m o f T h e m m l u d o f f i t s r a w e r e S o m .m g r m h m d g F ° § f " ' "m d H ° " d w = ¢ = _l o l A l 1 q l n ___.\e r ,_Q W A.J. '. H m- a z m n(C. R . S kin ner , wh dwu fo rme rly employ ed a s auto mob ile aalexmmn fm this Vfninn fT'| \ntnm| f»i fnmnnnv me new nemo: msn-Anon: mu C. mmenon,uouneu Uommnmer;eighth graders from all sections of Elmer Pate, Advisory Lieutenant,| l 6 n . H u r vm d L . l L I l nMr. and Mn. Huold Schafer drove up hom Omllm lm Monday waning :ml Mm Schafer utended the mower for Mn. John; -XMB? tht. avming. Clyde Compton spent the wedb md v dth hi s hmly it tha Km. Eva Cook homo. m i i 'Q §I`nf§f9sQ ii byto ntfend the birth mnivwary ot Comstock of Llneoln, recently. thdr mo ther, Mn. u. P. lu-nm,Thin hill wu spomwwd by the at tha Raymond Dixon home. Mn. Huhem Davh md dlugh¢o£` Hhs Violet Davin and Ilsonard L u -l m of Onnhn, sho attended the colo- hndo n.., Nebraska Congreu of Plrentl and Teadmn, which orgmlndo n hu! observed l l u th L u State Day in thei r pmgnml for L numbe r of y a n . C. Ray Gates and wife camo in Friday evening from Grand I v knd fo r A woek-end vldt with u r .Gotel'mother,Mrs.F.w . Amdt.Mr.Gates was lonnerly prlndpll ol the Blnlr high school ho t h u fo r y u m been mpexlm tandmt of the Gnml Islmd schools. KApr.Apr. Apr.lf-ly Huy May lilly --~~--.-~.-....\..... mmm.22-Legion Camlwll at Kinfn za - ' r n- v a n e , ' r mk mm 24-mg-h Sdmol Dly 29-County Achievement Ihy 8-E. c. N. A. A.. hick mast 1 1 -B lw dmnn o a 22-Comnnneemont 23-Alumnae noopdon m e c o u n t y w o t P l r r -u n s u r g e J o a n 1 .u n r u n b a n n e r 'h e n r yc x é k m x m l f F e a rB Y z i i l é r f ~ i m : S h e l l m d i t u r l n m p m v e d o f a n n i e d m t o C h r h m e n s e n ,;. uis e n u m,SmffysService Station at Sehuylcr, Neb.handle nl uw Pupi ls who umm E mu,u> Min Helen Gotxuch spent Sshlr- on take the exmimdons.Tablel Nels C. Jensen. Wandrmsn.The day evening and Sunday wich her md duin were npptvprlntdy lx- board of dimeeton an Chu. Gil- liam. Mxllries Mohnml Ind Elmer§§!¢f,l4rS»}§l:;x.Christons¢nat|~u|g¢asothnt tlwmvilsweru 'able me work under mea wmuumllmnh. - ' r n Bhdr, Nebraska. April 18. X931M N . ta g ue te s t well, e ig h t mile s s ou th east of this c ity . . .... N O T E S Childrexfs, $1.29, $1.59 Ind $1.98. Get your pair while size; are oom- Phnrrln, fpr- plate.18-It dzildrm vidted with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Widener md family Mun- dny evanlqg. Mn. Fred Peck and llrl. Georgu I-'allen were vhitan at the Plesk mt View school Mondny niumoon Mr. and Mn. Elsa Ki ng and granddnughtcr, Bettx King,Mrs. Na m' s yxv u, Mr. ma Mn. Aug- ust Sehznzel and bnhy of Fremont Mr. and Mrs. Janes Sylvia and children also of Fremont, |.ll vis- ited at the Harry Smith home on Sunday.Mrs. E. C. Lippincott and Ruth ROSEHILLITEMS Mr.and Mn. Della! Wulf and family, Mr. and Mn. John Peter- sen .nd fa mi ly um Geo.Lune helped Mrs. Fred Mgyle celebrnbe her bxrm anniversary Thursday evening.Mr. and Mrs. Hnrley Appleby and hmlly were Sundly visitors at Howard Applehyks. Verna Wulf ol Orum.visited the Rose Hill school Wednesdny. Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Wilson md ~,.,, ~ llunch. George Reel:and M m Wlli udMcKay became members ol theClub.The Indies spent the after noon pied" quilt blonke and the Int lesson of the county extendrrnwork.Mn. Milton Roblxuon wu| guest.At the elose of the meetfinsMrs. Mundor! served n nlee This nedghlwrho5`d was quita well represented at the McCarthy Clnhu m lt the M. w. A. ha ll in Bla-ir Friday night.A number of relative and friends spent Monday evening at the Robert Rasmussen home, help- 'r¢bmh_m;¢n°r of mx n than Hardware Swre rsdeoon NEBRASKA WEEKLY Ogdlah.--Improvements madato nmusranu. REVIEW New sam Hou! dz Cafe. _Blain-New | wi '~ """"pool 1| FT. CALHOUNAND v1c1NrrY The Pmgreuive Sodety heldits regulnt meeting l t the Pnlby- Oerhn church Tuesday mlm-noon. Minn Kate Rohwer wu hostessto t he w " Club Wednesday afternoon.e u n d good Lima was had by 111.Mins Sadie Krisel nnd Mrs.`~..»~n Misa under eona~ruction.room in Hlnbak building md will open grocery stare. Uehling--Henry Eliinglnnsen erecting gnnnry on his [um on west side. West Poi nt-Oil nation being erected on vacant lots ln southwest comer of block two on Hain street.Beaver City--Forrest Selby re- Blghwny No. 8 between Wisner md West Point being improved.'Wlanar-New equipment install- ed in afllceu ol Dr. H. Gayle Mc- Master. _Wolbuzh-Bids for ennntrnctlon work on highway leading south from Edward Dugan home to [point wen of city and out a n .r MILT NELSONn d ~ o n a m l zo. D A N c~ KING'S 3Zvn.10N Saturday, April l D ARLINGTON __ __ 'IJ Hr. and Hrs. H1haerly of this place mm- Coloma, S. D. 4golden wsdding onM their children w Eresent for the new y celebration was I Mi n Va n a nd I haimer of Fremon guelts Sundny even Henermm home.Mn. Arlan J. Eweek with her<°»ff€€""s,'5s:_°*,3Z' r ..o.Verne Bevelt.were dinner mrs. Lswnxu nuuuu-m w»..-.nu-.the last o! the week from Calif., where me went. lui [all on an ex-tended visit with relatlvea.Frank Braithwait returned thelint of the week from a. week'a trip through South Dakota. Richard Woodman and ctassmnte Jimmie Jones, who are ntmndinz :allege at Madiwn, Win.,spentFridayat the H. W. and Frank Schoettger homes. Mrs. Jay Ueu.renberer and the Misses Vera and Luela Neuren-berger of Wakefield.spent the weekend with the Iomwfs par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Mm-shall.Helen Pfeiffer in convulesdng at the home af her grandmother, Mrs. Helen Marking, following an ab- tack ol scarlet fever.Mrs. A.W.Ayers returned toLebanon, Ill. last Tuesday after aweek's vmcation with her mother, Mn. J, C. Blackburn;Her daugh- ter Angeline of Lincohn, Mr. andMrs. W. W. Dillon and Barbara Jam of Rnckport, Mo. were also guests at the Mn. Blackburn and R. A. Davies homes Sunday. Very little interest was manifest in the election here Tuesday, only 55 votes were can.The old mem-bers ol both the (mm board andlchool board whosg terms expired, were r~e»elected. Ex-senator and Mrs. W. B. Ban-nlns ol Union, Roy Mapes, agt. of University fruit farm, and s. Mapes, also of Union spent Tues- day in Arlington inspecting the nurseries and renewing acquaixr tanees with old friends. Jack Scheer,who was selected by the Cincinnati "Reds" for a try out as pitcher, left here Tuesdayevening and After brief visits withrelatives in Fremont, Kansas and Miaaoud, wil report Apr. 15 at Peoria, lll. to begin training. The Merry gg Round Club drove to Bmir Satu ay evening whenthey had dinner at the Robinson Cafe and then returned here w theWalter Echienkixmp home where the remainder of the evening was devoted so bridge.Prizes were won by Dr. and Mrs. P. L. Cady nnd Dr. and Mrs. W. I. Nelson. Coach and Mrs. Clifford Deckerentertainedthe members of the high school buakethall team and a number of friends at a 6:80 dinnerFriday evening.Followin dinnertables were pln¢€d for mi, Rich- ard Cady winning high score and Joe Weidum bein cnnsoled. The Marshalls iurseries basket ha!E team were guests of Mr. andllrs. C. G. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Andrews ut the farmers' home Tuesday evening at a 6:30 dinner.The gold medals,wamhfob pendants, which the team re-ceived as winners of the open Y. M.C.A.wumament,were pre- sented by their manager, Dr.Cady. Marshalls Nurseries also presentedeach with n large group photograph of the team. The Arlington Community Club hae launched a clean up, paint up, plant up and dress up campa.ign which will be from Apr. 13 to 18.Boy Scouts and Friendiy Indiansare .assisting and will remove all old nigns and posters; merchantswill offer special prices on paints,grgrdep aqq lawn yoalg, etc; the city Don. Klindt Friday evening. The Coffee Club met wich M n .August Klaasen Friday afternoon.Pinochle was the card Eimef Mn. Juob Sierk winning first Prize and Mrs. Marie Mehrens, bocby. A delicious lunch wan served by the hostess and s most enjoyable time reported. County Agent Ge0PB° Bates and a number ol boys and g-Ms met at the George Ohrt home Saturday w organize various lam: clubs.Six clubs,composed of the boys d girls were organized Mrs.C. B.Mehrena held open house Sunday in honor ol har birth Anniversary.A large number offriends gathered no help her new brute and the usual good time was hhd by all.'Mr. and Mn. Fritz Jahnel ofKennard,visited Henry Schmidt Sunday afternoon. Henry Klindt and family and Cham Klindt and family of Omaha, spent Sunday at the Richard Sie-vers home. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lorenz of Craig, Neb.,were wlers at the Oral Harrison home Sunday.Ever Lund entartained a numberof friends Sunday evening in honor of his birthday.A most enjoynbfe time was had by all.) Mr. and Mn. B. H vMead enter-tained relatives from,agner, S. D.over the week-end.Mr. and Mrs. Handley of Lincoln, spent Saturday and Sunday withDr. and Mrs. C. W. Mon-nw.Carl and Kate Rohwer and Alma Sierk spent Sunday at Ceresco. Mrs. Emma Kelchmark was ull- ed to Broadwater, Neb. because o!the illness of her daughter, Mrs.H. A. Mehrens. Sensatiow Sade Silk Dresses- Fashlon Centex 'mo values, ¢3.98; $15 wues,$6.75 Mzes 14 to 52. Shop early Thursday,Friday,Sat- urday, Mnnday.18-It Bargains for Thursday,Friday, Saturday, Monday-Fashion Center -Si lk Stockings,50c quality-8 pair Sl; Kotex, 454: packna l9c; Wash Dresses,$2 values '.'l.29; Bloomers and Skepins, $1 vniues- 47c.Shop early-Fashion Center. NEW ENGLAND NEWS Mr.ang Lbs. Freeman Loftis and Howard were Sunday evening visitors at the Wesley Graulich home.. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kruger and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Gus Kruger home at Tel~ hasta. Melcy Bridwell spent Thursday night at the Earl Thompson home. Friday evening visitors at the Che.-:ter Hovendick home to help him and his daughter, Jean cele- brate their binhdnys were Mr. and Mrs. Chu. Hovendick and family, Mr. and Mrs. Huit Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Loftis,Wayne Loi- tis, Esteila Montgomery and Mrs. Lawrence Larsen and Ivan. Mrs.Mack Rosenbaum,Mrs Neil Thompson and daughters, of Blah, Fcm Loitis and Bill Toelke were Wednesday visitors at the 4 ~ " : 5 i m o 4.114 v +7 ~ ~l °»~;»'.A AN o ' r l m n E X AMP L E L it ed an~ gravdod.Road from Ohiowa. to Western MILT NELSONnd Hil Oridnnl nANcoNlAusippincott home.|Ogalld Mrs. Fred Peck and children vin~ ln-gg; qv ed at the Charles Koenig homo and instx hoxne. Mr.and Mrs.Harvey Kuhr entertained the Pnplo Club Thurel day evemlng. Mr. and Mrs. Detlef Wulf Ind family helped Mrs. Jens B. Jensencelebrate her birthday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ryan vldted at the Babe Ryan home near Ken- nnrd Wednesday.The Rose Hill League attended th¢ Rally at the Teknmah church Sunday evening and had n very good time.They were accom- panied by Rev. C. C. Norlin. Mrs.Norris Wnrd'e mother spent the past week visiting her and famliy. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ryan and Gene were Sunday evening visitors at John Pefersen's. Miss Norenberg of Blair, spent Thursday evening as guest of Miss Marie Ward. Mrs.Hosea Wilson and Mrs. Frank Wilson were Monday aft- ernoon visitors at Will Ryan's. The sevwh and eighth grades 01 Rose Hlll, took their final ex- aminltiunl in Blair Thursday and Friday.The seventh graders were Rosellna and Olga Petersen, Caro- line Jacobson,Muriel Nielsen, Kenneth Hansen,Russel Taydor. The eighth graders were Merle Ward,Jack Petersen and I.eRoy Hansen. Mr.and Mrs. Jlrn Ryan and Mr. and Mn. John Petersen were Fremont visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.Henry Kuhr en- tertained their children at a fam- ily reunion Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Kuhr are mnv-ing to Blair in the near future. The cast for the class play at Rose Hill school has been chosen Bhd has been rehearsing this week. The play "Fixing it !or Father", a royalty play by J.C.McMullen, will be given the first week in May.Theexact date will be nn- nounced later.. 'T~ERBER' ~ r ~~ \ \ \ Shoe Sale-Fashion Ce nte r- Values to $6 Womens and Misses, $2.65 and sa.6s; values no $3.50 Children's, $1.29, $1.59 and sms. Get your pair while sizes an com- plete.13-lt Bargains for Thursday,Friday, Saturday, Monday-Fashion Center -Si lk Stockings,501:quality-3 pair Sl: Kotex, 45c packag -l9c ; Wash Dressen,$2 values '!'1.29; Bloomers and Swpins, $1 vaiues- 4'|'c.Shop early-Fashion Center. I . m ¢ " '`<"-#|l.in.»f__I |~r»|H o m e T h e a t r e g B u n n , N m n ms n I April 19 and 20 S U N D A Y a n d M O N D A Y Sunday Matmee n m s s s r PICTURE YOU W ILL s m: ' r m s n u m D o N u r m s s r r HILLSIDE NEWS OFGARDNER DISTRICT Eda Anderson spent the week-end with Mrs.Anna Hagée in Blair..Mrs. Ruth Woods and son, Dale of Omaha, was a Wednesday vis- itor at the J. L. Petersen home. Sunday dinner guests at the Lars Jeppesen home were Mr. and Mrs.B. A. Waugh and family oi Omahn. Frank Petersen had the misfor- tune to lose one of his work horpes Tuesday night.Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Petersen and Robert spent Sunday evening at ;o o : ::l U A ma n d a a Petersen spent the week-en d' with ho me fo lks . Mr . a n d Mr s .Ha r r y E r ve y an d Fa y e spe nt Th ur sd ay even in g a t Mr, and Mrs. Cnrl M.Jensen and family were Saturday eveningvisitors at the Lars Jeppesen home Frank Linden shipped four loads of cattle and hogs to the South Omaha market Thursday. Mrs. Fred Anderson of Hennnn, spent Friday at the J. L. Petersen home. Mr. ami Mrs. Cecil Thompson and Kenneth spent Sunday with Mrs. Rose Petersen and children, near Springfield. Mrs. Edna Mundorf was hostessto the Hillside Club at her homein Blair Thursday uftemoon.Mrs. ORUM BRIEFS Mins Priscilla Wrieh entertained a number of friends Sunday a!ter~ noon in honor at her birthday. After playing a number of games, a dainty luncheon was served by Prisd'2la's mother,Mrs.Chris Wrich.The young guests included Dorothy and Lora Arm Jensen, V rnn. and Harland Wulf, Gustave Ro\land,Ivan and Allan Larsen, Telsie Johnson, Helen Rasmussen ol Blair, Anna, Esther and Edna Hansen,Edna Stork and Helen and Georgiannn Hansen. Misses Hannah and Louise Lat-' sen and Nena Andersen and Mes- dames Chris Peterson and Ed Han- sen helped Mrs. John Taylor, Jr. celebrate her birthday Thursday afternoon . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Iverson and daughters of Lincoln, were Sunday afternoon guests at the H. C. Lar- sen home,Mr. and Mrs. Larsen went to Lincoln with them for a week's visdt. Sunday evening vlsétors at the Ed Hansen home included Mr. and Mrs. Lars Rolland and children, Mr. and mn, Martin Larsen and sons.Ivan, son ol Mrf and Mrs. Carl Rasmussen is quite si k a t this Writing. Albert Benson and Miss Lennetta Gnuse spent Tuesday evening at the Chris Benson home. Mrs.Mamie Shearer returned last week to the Jens Iverson home after spending rr few weeks in Omaha, recovering from a recent illness.' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nielsen spent Sunday evening at the Victor Johnson home. Mrs.Ienn Warren was hostess m 13 ladies Wednesday nftemoon, who took the project lesson on "The Spirit of the Home". gi ve n Th u r s d ay e ve n i n g a t the P. H .K a tt h o me i n h o n o r o f Gi lb e r t K m an d hi s bride-to-be,Mi e s Lo r en a C h r is ten s en o f F re mon t. Mr .a n d Mr s .Boone Ne wk i r k we re Sun day gue sts a t th e Mr s . J im B le ve ns ho me i n I ie nn an d. E i g h th gra de p u p i ls o f O m r n sc hool wh o to ok examin a ti on s i n Blai r East we e k we re :I v a n L a r - se n , A nn a an d E s the r Ha n se n a n d He le n Ha ns en .Se ve nth gr ad e pu - pi ls we re Prisc illa W ric h,Li lli e .....| Kenneth Andreason. Miss Edna Newldrk spent a few days last week at the Leslie Petersen home in Arlington. Mr.and Mrs.Fred Ahlmeyer, Lillie and Irene were Sunday eve~ ning visitors at the Chris Peter- son home. Mesdnmes Henry Rasmussen and Chris Peterson were Friday dinner guests at the J. P. Larsen hdme in Blair. Mrs. Rudolph Andreason spent Wednesday at the Emanuel Andrea Bon home. Mrs. Albert Jensen and dnugh» ters of Fontanelle, spent Monday afternoon with her mother,Mrs. Chris Benson. Sensationsl Sde Silk Dresse~ Fashion Center-$10 values, $3.9 $15 values,$6.75-si;es 14 to 6 Shop early Thursday, Friday, Sa urdny, Monday.-13- BENCH'NOTES Mrs. E. C. Lippincott and Ruth and Mn. Emma Hoover visited at the Ted Olinger home Tuesday evening. The Misses Vera McGowan and Anna Paulson were supper guests Sunday evening at the Charles Hunk home. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Svendgard and children spent Sunday alter- noon nt the Jonas Blomberg home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hansen nnd nI I .I PUBLIC SERVICE TRUST SHARES Howfast Ls YOUR money growing? Le! us tell you how Public Service Trust Shares, had they been in cxistenoc dur- ing the lu! 10 years, would have shown an avenge |m~ und return of 221°- ......_a1,.u||¢am»z>-,n....... HANSUN & MEHHENS P I L O T B U I L D I N G & - I n n l p i n q n y p n .»-A .-'a .:.'z:.,-:.-.-'*'-lf';-°~ ~s*~ v I BABIES are Upset BABY illa and ailménts seam twiceas aerlona at night. A sudden gg;may moan oollc. Or a sudden altaof diarrhea. How would ou mastu m - 4 ' h v l l»°¢ui"'.§"é2.°L2r;.°2¢y,,aveyonl For the protection of your wasona-for yo ur own pe nn ol mg;keep thla old, rellablo pnpara n always on hand. But dnn't keep H.hat for emergencies; let lt be aneveryday aid.lt'| gentle Inlludll can and :oaths me Infant w eannol '1°°;- Ita d regulationhdp an ol er child whose wnguacoated because ol alugglah bowala.All drudm hava Culoria. W hen '4 § cZ c f-r..a/5.21% CA ST 0 -- feed shore in building on East Frant Street, for-meriy occupied by Hamlin Produce Co. Swbnex--Misses Amanda Sw and Lila M. Pinneo opened LI Anda Beauty Shoppe lt 624 North H. Street in Commodore Apartment building._ West Point-Number of improvg ments made to local post office. their present gqdpm~t. Veld Ie -Bids opened for erec- fs .on of school buildmg in this town. Ogallala.-New machinery inltall ed in Lyons Cleaners. Oliver Harvey will operate bus sewice between Omaha and Syn- mse. I IFriday evening, the oacadon !§=i11s mer birthday.The evening was :peut playing pinochle. Mr.Hmm Anderson of Onnha, spent the week-end visiting with his daughur,Mrs. Clark Lippin- :ott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jensen edi- = adey evening. ;Mr. and Mrs. Lode Me children spent Sunday eve iling with Mr.and lt Mencke and family.g Mr. Sherman Duckling dde, was a vlmitor on T1 the Ted Ollnger home.I Mr. a nd ms. nm-y s Mr. and Mrs. Cllllord R _Thursday evenlng with Mn. Elsa King. |The Bench Community at the home ot Mm Lauil Thursday afternoon with nttendmce.Visitors wer Curtis,Lnltia,Doris B Grewhen Mencke.Miss ndded her name to the me list. The Club will meet 1 Mrs.George Fallen and stories will be told when a ro ll ml. y Mrs. Earl Clay and two and Mrs. Clay, all of Om ited at the Charles Hunk Sunday aftemoon. | 'M r. a nd M n . . u ma and children were Sunda guests of Mr.and M n Baker of Arlington. 'Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sn Sunday dnner guens of Mrs. Walter M. Nelson of Mrs. Fred Peck and chi] iled at the Ted Olinger \L home on Hansen .y dinner 5.Alfred iith were Mr. and Blair. ldren vis- FOR SALE BY% . . Bigelow & Unruh amrk 'Friday evening AN o ' r l m n E X AMP L E 0 F F 0 n D VA L U E Garner Oil & Servlce Statlon When you find it necessary to renew or change your oil justremember the Garner Oil andService Station. We are equip~ ped to handle your business and ive instant service. Everydems will be looked after and you will go on your way rejoicing. Garner Oi l U Servicestation EAST LINCOLN STREET .:r f ""* "' f`. . - - - ~-»~»., T 1 v / 5 ? "l.. . - ¢| | | nul».._: "~ _..-Q;-" ~Z...I ~ ~¢~¥': f._ f,1 --r $ l | 'wr r '.~- f l .- -"F ' L f ~ ¢ ~- » .f n ~- - - ~ , | r »f` >~\» - - - » . \. . v W 1 _~_ . . ' : ..( { ! "=-_L . , , . » » ! \0 _ _ , , . - ~q J ` \. . . . » . - . - \s , . . ,. --~-~~ I " ' »*:~»":J j *~"; . : ~~ 9 NEW LAWS FOR NEBRASKA Up to .the close of last Friday's egislstive session sixty-nine new aws had been placed on the Neb- ~ka statutes by we 47th legis- stivs session. With 71 legislative days com- leled Friday by the Nebraska ouse of representatives, the house alendar shows the following sta- us of bills:' Passed by the house and sent - the senate, 144 house rolls. House rolls indefinitely pos:- oned by the house, 244; lost on ird reading, three. Senate files killed by the house, 7. Senate files passed by the sen- te and sent to the house, 185. Senate files passed by the house, o. House rolls approved by the gov- rnor, 41. Senate files approved by the ~vemor, 66. House rolls in governor's hands ut not yet signed, 4. Senate files presented to the ~ver-nor, but not yet signed, 4. Bills becoming laws without the overnor's signature, three. Sensational Sale Silk Dresses-1 ashlon Cen|.er 10 values, $3.98;15 values,$6.75-sizes 14 to 52. hop early Thursday, Friday, Sat- . ~y, Monday.18-lt L O W F o n n P R I C E S #430 to $630 (F. o. b. Duron,plan /reillu :md Jelivery.Bumper: und apunllraoxtmmllmccou.Youmaypanllmoafordeu-of ur n thr ou gh y un r F or d dod cr. I ""&=.<fi 3 g:;?tT zulu." l 'éiuur gun llllllllx \ \ ~ ~~~B r i g h t ,e n d u r i n g n U s T L E s s S T E E L i s u s e d f o r m a n y e x p o s e d b r i g h t m e t a l p a r t s o f t h e F o r d WHEN YOU BUY a Ford you buy enduring beauty. The body finish is mmle to lust for the life of the car and practically all exposed bright metal parts ex» cept the bumpers are made of enduring Rustless Steel.\ This Rustlas Steel has great tensile strength. It is the same bright metal all the way through. A salt test equivalent to forty years' service under the sever-est weather conditions failed to have any ellect on its brilliance.It never require polishing.All you do is wipe it with a damp cloth, as you do your windshield. This is just one of many featura that show the substantial worth of the Ford. In speed, eom~ fort, safely, economy and long life- in the rich- ness of its finish and upholstery--it brings you everything you want or need ln a motor cur at an unusually low price. Call or phone for demonstration. 'rms roun ' _mxvnnsln il!~.c m m o u r r 1|..,'\,.,...1z . _ _ gn l| \r: n:111"1 "¢!\"5_. .Q /P ___ .___/""""'Hll*'uu|3 _" """__ `'\. } -un"" '- -- *- .. »~»" " - n;l 5 r Q 2 . .9 ~....¢s sm,S 'b nl ~"'~"5" . w N I M v I BABIES are Upset BABY ills and ailments seem twiceas |e.rlon| at night. A sudden gg;mny_mean oollc. Or a sudden altaof dmrrhen. How woulddou mastthis emerganclw-tonight?ave you ubottle of Cas rin ready? For the protection of your wasona-for your own penn ol mg;keep thh old, rellnblo pnpnra nalways on hand. But dnn't keep li.jul for emergencies; let lt be aneveryday aid. lt'| gentle Inlludll one and :oaths me Infant weannol '1°°;- lu d regulationhdp an ol er child whose tongueted been ol bowah.rlldrvldlhultva Culoria. W h e n '4 § cZ c f-r..a/5.21% C A S T O R I A will fumish trucks free far haul- ing of old rubbish; a Junior Gar- den Club for the boys and girls will be formed and vegetabie and flower gardens for them will beplanned.Prizes will be offered stthe end of the season and the pro- ducts will be exhibited at the coun- ty fair this fall.All unsightly places about Down are 00 be emd~lated as much as possible andeveryo neiabelngurgedto takeaan in this campaign for u moredful Arlington which is ad-remdyknown as the tovm with well kept yards. .-s i lk Stoekinmx.i n mmmv__~x Earl Thompeon home. Ruth Jordon spent the week-end nt the Adclph\§herman home nt Fontanelle. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Doftis and family were Sunday evening vis- itors at the Grandpa Fleicher and George Loftis homes. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hovendick and family Lfpent Sunday evening at the Chas. Hovendlck home.Sunday dinner guests at thh Wxll Rankin home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank laftis and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hovendlck and Jean.Mr.and Mrs.Freeman - y E pJ£"$1;`i£¢Ii2§f'I5¢`{»Z=1{`u z9é`§ Loftfs and Howard, Mr. and Mm Wash Dresses,$2 values $1.29; Fred Anderson and Mr. and Mn- Bloomers and Sbepins, $1 vaiues- Louie Hovendick and famiiy of| 47c.Shop early-Fashion Center. Shoe Sole-Fashion Center- Values to $8 Womens and Miseee, 32.65 and $8-05; values to $8.50 Chlldren's, $1.29, $1.59 and $1.98. Get your pair while sizes ans com~ plete.-1s-1: BELL CREEK VALLEY The card party met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Echten- kamp Friday evening. Quite a few from here attended.the Miadomnry play at TelbastaFriday evening. Mrs.Amandus Peterson, Geral- dine and Leroy milled at Mrs. John Niebaum's Tuesday afternoon.Alice Hetrlck,Viola Holtman,Sylvia Lallman,Iaater Peeper, Rollin and lone Christ took exam- inations at I-*rmtanelle Thursday and Friday.Hr. and Mrs. John Niebanm and Irene Hoitrnan emlled at Elmer Buwe's Tuesday evening.Hin Clara Schweder spent the week-end with home folks at Fun-hnelle.Violet Eehtenkamp and AlfredDlclaneyertook examinations atArlington 'Pmrsduy and Friday. Vernon Melerhenry npmt Satur- da afternoon with Stanley Kerk- Mrs. John Edztenkamp is vineing relatives at Wayne. -S i l k Stockings,50¢quality-9 Orum.' A crowd of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs..Ben Wachter Sunday,ta help James Mathews celebrate his 'mn birthday.They came with well filled baskets and at noon s big dinner was served cafeteria, Those present were Mrs.Carrie Moorehonse,Barbara and Mar- garet, Monta Matthews of Teka- mah, Annie Goodrich of Los An- geles, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Thons and family,Mr. and Mrs.Nels Jackson,Mrs, Dora Miller,Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hovendick, Mr. and Mrs.George Iaftis and family, Mr. and Mn. Edgar Skinner andfamily, Mr. and Mrs. James Brod- ereon and family, F. E.Fletcher and family, Ben Wachter and fam- ily,James Matthews and John Wachter. Earl Thompson and family were Sunday visitors in Blair,at the Mack Rosenbaum home.Mrs. Thompson returned home with them alter spending the past week visiting relatives at Blair. Shoe Sale-Fashion Center-I Values to $6 Womens and Misses, $2.65 and $8-65: velnm to $8.50 Chlldren's, $129, $1.59 me $1.9s. Get your palr while else; are com-plete..18-lt Sensational Sale Silk Drelaes- Fnnhinn (',nnt¢n_l|n vain..eo nn. m _.. -__.._.,-- ......,.., `~..~,$1: Kofax, 45¢ Pwhse-19¢: $15 mm.$6.75--sizes 14 w az, . uh Dresses,$2 vmlnea-SL29; Shop early Thursday, F`ridnv. Suv Bloomer: and Skpinl, $1 v\'2ne»- urday. Mnndny.1a-1: Tie.Shop early-Fuhlon Cenfu. Bmw-01| fm- Thmdlv.Frldxy, ggnm-dly, llondny--F on Center er o n-ll uf u81190Bale--Faahlnn Center-4 na m u."n. nm. but It » » \1 w Yaluol 12° $6 Womens md Misses,Amman on thc mood at the ur.- 32_55 and $8-66; vduel U0 $8.50 Alum (0.) Beamn-Jom-nu. Hl | h i | 1 Ha nd s|P b l nn L ..,-, 'm u- ' w v v n v r »| | l »l 1|.Q q '' n I Blair. Nebnah. April 16, 19s1 -THE ENTERPRISE-P l n n n v 4. 1 sh all be dee med to ha ve c arried an d s ai d b o nd s will b e i ss u ed an d uid tax leviecf.If said proposi- ti on does n o t o b ta i n m af f i r ma - ti ve vo te o f th r e e - f i f th s o f th e |.."||| ~...... Estate of Clans Boiln, deceased. Notice is given to lhe creditors appear before me at the County urt room in Blair, Nebraska, on e 24th day of April, 1931, and position :hull be deemed no have I!threelilths ol the votes of the qualified electors of the City voting on m a propositivn shall be in favor of the inning ol said bonds and the levying of the tax ~,., NOTICE To c ns nrro ns R. L. C°¢=hl'¢lI» Slate Engineer.GEORGE c. MCQUARRIE, 0'Hnnlon & 0'Ha.nlon, Attys.County Clerk, Wasldpgton County. I UNTY COURT, WASHINGTON 12-St k n;m\01u ~§ Class.'11:00 Regular Church Service. Box Socinl by the Y. P. s. next 'Tuesday evening (April 28) at the church. B A P T I S T c m m c n L. J. Ho ran . Pan oz u n n n u - u ~. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bidi will be received. at the office of the Department of Public Works in the Sf-Me House ..1 .~ri ~0 ing ~ne another ~ brotherly l~ and right conduct". Ahsenwea be careful, you put ulbelow the hundred.You are not going bo do this ol course without With The Churches 0 a L I F s s P ~m e e t b y a v e r y f e w p o i n t s .H e n c e ,A l l u _ ; = g ;; e ° ; ; , a ; ;a r m d h o n o r s a r e j u s t a b o u t e v e n b e t w e e n 1 1 a n r n s | t h e s e t w o s c h o o l s i n t r a c k w o r k .. " ' m 2 ' { ' ¢ . »o f ¢ . ? » u § g Z " ' L = . £ J " H o w e v e r ,A r l i n g t o n h o l d s a i u r g e r a n o u z h . - R i c h m o n d i m L u + oongregalion in urged to wal# md worship with us.f "And let u.; bestow thought bn one another with a view of amus- DANISH EVANGELICALLUTHERAN CHURCH, oa uu Hmm C. Jerdd, Putor » th i s s p d n ~ ~ d we a r ; ~ o p i n g th ey wi ll b e re tu rn e d vic tors th d r f i r s t tr a c k me e t o f th e . son. for two or three years no dun! :meta were scheduled.IAM year tnck relations were again es¢ab~ lilhed and Blair won the d w I lair xlly hs!1 in u p b0~ ||_yu l C4 5»$2 I|th orth ju A] th be 19 (E 11 £0 join hands with us.' rms? LUTHERAN CHURCH James N. Lund, Pastor Miséion meetings April 15-19, Rey.Harold C.Jensen: speaker, Pnday and Saturday alternoon and waning._Suflday:Sunday School af 9:30. Sunday School at 10 o'dock, Dr. Mead, Supl..A clan for evelfyone and an elticient teacher for every class.Dr. C. C. Wilson, our Dist. Supl.will lmve charge of the pulpitSunday morning and will bring an.rbng'and helpful mesaage, Hear him.Epworth League services at 7, I w |noun s ` ..A Ccnnecticut _l anke e ~ \ the 25th day of July. 1931, for e lmrpvse of examination, ad- stment and allowance ol claims. ll claims not filed on or bdore .e 24th day of July.1981, will I forever bun-ed. Dswd this 27th day ol March, ~a1.iEAL)I. c. ELLER, -4t County Judge. Nl'\'l'|f`P Tn rrnrflwrnxm at Lincoln,Nebraska on Apm au,1981, until 9:W o'clock A. M., and at that time publicly opened and read for Grading, Culverts, Road- way and Driveway Culvert PiP€» Four Bridges and incidenw work on the Fremont-Arlil18W\'\ Projects Nos. 258-C & D, Federal Aid roads. The proposed work consists o l constructing 7.7 mics o l Earth Road.The approximate quantities mm be issued or sam tax levzeo.said election shall be held and governed by the usual election laws of the State of Nebraska per~ taining thereto. .Given under my hand and n e seal of said City at Blair, Nebrnf- ka, this Sth day of April, 1931. c. E. KRAUSE, City Clerk.(SEAL)12-5\. a good excuse.Some of you mis# ed a real treat last week when you missed Dr. Chas. Durdcn's mesllge when he spoke at our church on Thursday evening.We welcomed seven new members into our church at the Sunday evening service. Our Steward-ship and EDHBL- ment Campdgn is going fine I t looks now as if our rnembership ls going to do this in a fine way-n . . . . . . . . x . . -d m l n r r O M !~ Services at 10:30, and 3 p. m. and 8 p. rn. Wednesday at 2:30 the Dmsilla Guild meets nt church.Mrs, Chas. Mortensen, hostess. ,..5 ;~ TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH W. Lincoln and 2nd Streets H. c. Jul. Fume, Pam: Sunday School at 0:45 A.M. Services at 10:30 A. M. English services every lst, 3rd and Sth Sunday in the month. Gerrnnn services every 2nd and 4th Sunday. Specinl for next Sunday,,April .1 ;..Iv*T :M ...>.¥'e»j g ..afqgv r 1_.Jon ~~Y..~...,,, 2 » x 1 ~ `:-~`<2 v 'Q~ ~4 ~1 ~~v 1 2 Q .¢4 ..»,.».r - x .~:.. »..,..n.x sw.. ..~v m " ~ v ,JC R. §# u r32 f " 1 .4 n f x . ~ x .~., ;\;J /~"f ,b \§- . . §is1 ~ "~»w».i'\""w s , T w .~a y . E r 'i i ' 7 ; " l ' i : ' '?~ . r w ' ¢»I »¢= f '=~\_ I f ~ III|||||||l|III|||I|||||||I||||||||||I|||||||IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|||||||||l|II| 5 -$1 ;.;5 2 1 ~~ ~~M"f o r ;8° ~"~;'v H E A L T All Kinds of Fresh Meats . . . VEAL LAMB-- BEEF AND PORK SPECIA L for Friday cv Saturday HAMBURGER l5c lb. Also cold meats of all kinds. PH O NE 11 3 o r I I 4 North Slde Store 1931` WALL PAPER ||! a n d a n intere sti ng d r a ma b y th e y o u ng pe o ple o f Te k ama h a t e ig h t o'c&ock.Th e pu blic i s in vi te d. Pr ay er me e ti n g o n W ednesday night, at 8 o'c 1oc k, as usual. SENIOR H!GH TRACK SEASON OPENS FRIDAY The track' season for the senior high school will open with a dual meet agdnst Arlington which will be run ol! on the local field next hiday afternoon.Rivalry has al~ ways been close and tense by the two schools.The first meet, be- tween he two schools was held in A v Q' v ( J J. ll. Barry, AttorneyCOUNTY COURT, WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA Estate of Edward Siegrlat, dc- ecnseil. Notice is given to the creditors to appear before me at the County Court room in Biair, Nebraska, on the lst day of August. 1931. for the purpose of examination,ad- justment and allowance of claims. All claims not filed on or before the 31st day of July,1031, will be forever barred.Dated this 2nd day of April, 1981.(SEAL)1. c. ELLER, 12-At County Judge. NOTICE To CONTRACTORS The City of Blair,Nebraska, will receive bids until 7:30 o'clock p.m., of April 28, 1931, for the furnishing and lnstalllng ol adeep well turbine pump, including motor und incidental Pinins and equip- ment, same to be installed ln a now water well to be constnided by thc City Wnter Department of said City and sald pump and equipment to he furnished and in- stalled according to the plans and specifications of the City Engineerduly upprovcd and adopted by the Mayor and Council of said City and now on file with the City (Icrk.All bids should be accompanied by n certified check to the order of the City of Blair, Nebraska, in nn amount not less than 10% of the amount bid,which shall bc- come the property of the City of Blair in ease the successful bid- der neglects or refuses to enter into a contract and furnish n bond for the faithful performance there- of within five days after his pro~ posul has been accepted by the City.The City reserves the Hght to reject any and all bids, with or without cause.By order of the Mayor and Coun- cil of the City of Blair. Nebraska c. E. Kna us n,City Clerk. (SEAL)12-3t NOTICE To CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Department of Public Works in the State House at Lincoln, Nebraska on April 30, 1931, until 9:00 o'clock A. M., and at that time publicly opened and read for GRADING, SAND GRA- VKL SURFACING,cULvEn'rs, n o a u w a v CULVERT P I P E , ONE VIADUCT and incidental work on the KENNARILARLING- TON PROJECT NO. 258-E, FED- ERAL AID ROAD. The proposed work consists of constructing 0.9 miles of Graveled Road.The npproximxlo quantities are: 49,000 Cu.Yds.Unclassified Excavation207,000 Ox. Yds. Stations Over- haul15,000 Sq.Yds.Sand Gravel Surface Course25 Cu. Yds. Unclassified Excava- tion lor Culverts2 Cu. Yds. Class "A" Concrete for Box Culverts and Headwslls 174 lbs. Reinforcing Steel for Box Culverts and Hendwalls 56 Lin. Ft. 36" Cu7vert.Pipe. VIADUCT A'r\s'rA.151 1 Viaduc 1G3' Long-22' Road# wayPlans and specifications for the work may be seen and infomation secured at the office ol the CountyClerk at Blair, Nebraska, or at the office of the Department of Pub- lic Works at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be re- quired to fumish bond i n an amount equal to 100% of his con- tract.As an evidence of good faith in submitting a proposal for this work or for any portion thereof as provided in the bidding blank, the bidder shall file, with his pro- posd, a certified check made pay- able to the Department of Public Works and ln an amount not less than the total amount, determined from the following list,for any group of items or collection of groups of items for whlsb the bid is submitted. Grading Items Seven Hundred moo) Dollars Sand Gravel Surfacing Items One Hundred Fifty 6150) Dollars Culvert Items Ten (510) Dollars Viaduct Items Ono Thousand ($l000) Doilars Roadway Culvert Pipe Items Ten (310) DolllraThis work must be started pre- wous to Juno 1, 1931 and be com- pleted by September 1, 1981. The right is reserved to waive all technicalitiea and reject ani or all blds.DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC _ _WORKS 150,000 Cu.Yds.Unclassified Excavation95,000 Cu. Yds. Stas. Overhaul 800 Cu. Yds. Unclassified Exca- vation for Culverts8 Cu. Yds. Class "A" Concrete for Box Culvert.; and Ht-ndwulls 1,212 lbs. Reinforced Steel for Box Culvc-:ts and Headwulls 88 Lin. Ft. 24" Culvert Pipe 168 Lin. Ft. 30" Culvert Pipe 72 Lin. Ft.6" Cuivert Pipe |76 Lin.Ft.24"Culvert Pipe for Driveways/ 30 Lin. Ft. 48" Culvert Pipe for Driveways BRIDGE AT STA. 70 2-21' Spans Untreated Timber Trestle BridgeBRIDGE AT STA. 75 1-40' Span, Deck Steel Girder Bridge BRIDGE AT STA. zss 1--40" Span, Deck Steel Glrder Bridge BRIDGE AT STA. 537 3 -l0 0 '6:1-80'Spans,Pony Tnzss Bridge. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and infomationsecured at the office of the County Clerk at Blair, Nebraska, or at the office of the Department of Pub- lic Works at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be re- quired to fumish bond in an amount equal to 100% of his con- tract._As an evidence of good faith in submitting a proposal for this work or for any portion thereof as provided in the bidding blank,the bidder shall file, with his pro- posal, a certified check made pay- able to the Department of Publlo Works and in an amount not less than the total amount, determined from the following list,for any group of items or collection of groups of items for which the bid is submitted. Grading Items Fifteen Hundred ($l500) dollars Culvert Items 'lyventy-five (525) dollars Roadway and Driveway Culvert Items Seventy-five ($'l5) dollarsBridgeItemsFifteen Hundred ($l500)dollars. This work must be started pre- vious to June 1, 1931 and he com- pleted by December 1, 1931. The right is reserved to waive all teéhnicalities and reject uny or nl bids.,DEPRQTMENT OF PUBLIC W o n k s / R.L.Cochran, State Engineer. George C. McQuarrie, County Clerk, Washington County. W. E. Ban, County (Jerk, Dodge County. 12-30 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECUON Notice ls hereby given that more than fifty resident 1`reehold~ ers of the City of Blair, Nebraska, having petitioned the Mayor and City Council of said Gty to call u special election for the purpose of submitting to the electors ol said Gty for their approval or rejection the proposition hereinafter set forth and having given bond as required by statute to pay the cost of said election in ease said proposition does not carry bythe required majority, and, said poti- tlon and bond having been found sufficient by said Mayor and City Council, Now therefore,the electors of the City ol Blair, Nebraska, will take notice that the Mayor and City Council of said City havecalied a special election o l the electors ol said City to be held at the usual polling places in said City between the hours ol nine o'c.lock,a.rn.,and seven o'clock p. rn., on May 12, 1981, at which election the electors of Bald City shall vote for or against the fol- lowing proposition, to-wit: "Shall the City of Blair,Neb~ raska, borrow money and piedge the property and credlt of said City by issuing its negotiable bonds in tha totad amount ol $25,0W.00,said bonds to be known as 'Park Bonds', to be ls~ sued i n denominations o f $1,000.00 each,to be dated April 1, 1981, and to be payable not less than ten years from their date and not more than twenty years from their date, to bear in- famkt at the rate olnottoexceed four and onehal! per centum per annum,payable semi-annually, and shall a tax be levied an- nnnlly upon all the ine pro- perty ln Md City for the pay- ment ol the interest on said bonds as the same becomes due and for the payment of the principal of said bonds when the some becomes due, the proceeds from the Balls of said bonds to be used for the purpose ol pur- chasing lmd by add City for parks and public grounds andtba lmprowlug of the uma by erecting a swimming pool and HERMAN NEWS Mrs. D. E. Hayes spent Thurs- day in Omaha assisting her daugh~ ter Mrs. D. B. Smith entertain hergroup ol' the Parent>~Teuchera As-sedation. A committee of four of the members of the American Legionserved a banquet to the membersut the hull Monday evening. Ed Rann of Ulm., was n Herman calicr Friday.The guild hold their meeting onThursday with Mrs.Wm.adams for quilting. E. C. Burdic und Henry Trulilsen drove over to Schuyler on businesslast Friday.Harold Swanson taught Miss Raver's room Thursday and FH- day while Miss Rave: gave the 7thand 8th grade examinations in the grammar room.Geo. Smith has returned from Omaha for the summer and is liv- ing ln his homo in the south part of town.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jen-sen have moved into rooms at the 0. A. Johnson home. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Cameron en- joyed Easter services at the Pres-byterian church at Tekamah atwhich time their little granddaugh-ter,Mary Kathryn Sldner was christened. F. E. Young went to Holdregc,Neb. for n few days visit, retum~ing home Sunday.The junior senior sewing club was entertained lust week by Mrs.Forrest Brewster.Wm. Lowe was busy the fore-puxt of last week painting the in- terior of the post office.L. A. Parrish of Omaha, enjoyed a visit at the parental, S. M. Par- rish home Saturday and Sunday.A few of the men enjoyed a stagparty over the hardware store on Friday evening. Potadle Bros. are having the in- terior of their store painted whichaddstotheappearance.Wm.Lowe, assisted by Ivan HeGms, is doing the work. The M.E.Aid are invited to the country home of Miss Flor- ence Wllliamsen for their meetingtlusweek.Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gardner re turned to their home at Detroit,Michigan last Wednesday after a couple ol' weeks visit with rela-tives here.Mrs. F. B. Shrsder and children spent a few days last week with relatives at Pawnee City, The work of remodeling the Fern West home is nearly cum-pleted.Mr. and Mrs. Evcret Millerhaverentedthe place and will move ln about two weeks. The rx. E. Ladies' Aid has se- cured the brick hall where, after next week _they will hold theirweekly meetings.Here they haveplonty of room for quilting.Mr. and Mrs. John Sidner and Mary of Teknmah, enjoyed Sun- ......o....~.e ...U ..... ...,..., ....-for an lndlvidual but for our Lord. The better our church takes caro of itself the more useful it is in His kingdom.Next Sunday mor# ning you will be asked to make n pledge to Locsi Expense and to Missions.If you are not present it will cause the committee to seo you during.the week. The people of the United States spend yearly for soft drlnks, over $750,000,000.They give to the church $469,000,000.I am sure that no Christian who really thinks would give less to his church than he spends at the sda fountain. CI-mIs'r1.AN' cuuncn A. J. Hallett. Pastor Again good audiences were pres- ent both morning and evening.In the evening Miss Margaret Badge- row gave un interesting reading, entitled No. 6.This reading des- cribes an art.ist's labors in finding persons to represent characters in the "Last Supper". Next Sunday evening a picture, the "Last Supper", by Bnxnazetti will be given as a pdze to the per- son bringing to the evening ser- vice the largest number of persons not present last Sunday evening. The number must be at least five. Sunday, .April 26,we beg-in a prepentecostal meeting with home forces.The meeting will continue two weeks.Every member of the see Mrs. Henry Richter.Mr.and Mrs. Herman Meyer and family were guests at the Wm Brandert home Monday evening.Mr. and Mrs.Robert Will and Bert drove down from Norfolk on Sunday and visited until Monday at the John Will home.Miss Bernice Morrison, who hasspent two weeks with her sister,Mrs. James Herrington in Omaha, returned home last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Hopkins en-tertained a number of relativesSundayinhonorof their 84th wedding anniversary just passed. and S. M. Parrish's 83rd birthday which occurred April 7.Guestswere Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Parrishand Mary,Mrs. Geo.<Vodica of Omaha,Geo.Parrish and family of Rosalie, Mr.and Mrs.FredMichael of Tekamah.A dcul was closed last weekwherebyElvin Andersen purchased the Hover property of James Har-rison, who bought the place at thoauction sale nt Blair recently.Mr. and Mrs. Andersen will take pos- session this week.Mr.»AndersenQ.; l ac ed a g e n t f o r t h e S t a n d a r d O i l o . Andy Michael and family, who have been at .the Frank Harris home at Lake Quinncbaugh sev-duy dinner at the Dr. A. J. Cam-[eral weeks, moved last week to eron home.Mrs.W. H.Hughes returnedhome Monday from Omaha where she spent several days with a bnhe r, '_§*=,r\== ill. _ r. an rs. John FarnberChlwgo, and Mrs. Louie .=...§.§'§ °f Blair, were Pleasant callers atthe J. M. West home Wednesday.Mr._ and Mrs.Bert Lowe andheatnceandEvdynRichter vis- ted Mrs.Henry Richter at the ~ ° . ; ~ = ~ ~ ~rs.ford Owmoved Friday from the late M53 Sheets home into the Mrs. Harvey W l l h s property vacated by Mr, and /Mrs. Pete Dischner.Mr.and Mrs.Joseph C"""inK€r moved in-to the Sheets P\'0P€rty from rooms a.t the Josie Hart home. thThe DeK¥0e of Honor lodge held elr regular monthly meeting at ,ee Bert Cooper home at Tekamah riday evening vgnth fifteen pres~ git.A nice soual time followed M s , ~ ' : .dfr..~°;;;°°-The Joln 'lxlelfoldt home,d at the ea , ce and Evelyn Richter areiasfinswith their Zfandrnother, rs.Bertha Lowe whlle theirmother in the ~ Lister hospital.The annual spnng eteetion la lt Tuesday ljhlsed quietly with only thirty vot\ng_ _There was no issueand the °"'-K°1l1g members of thebolrd of trustees: C.R. .Gfly and Henry Truhlsen,were reeleeted, as were Fred Robertson and G. 0_Yowell on the board of education.Gerald \R.eld was over from Hooper on business Friday. Mrs. Joe Morrison spent Sunday 8ht in Omaha mth her daughter 'Sif"""" Herrington and family a g a i n ~ h a i i a b l e t o b e o u t Ww i g o n n a ,0 w e e k s t u u s l e .u r d l el r o m O m a h a s $ ' i . ' 3 ' ° " ' ° w e r e " P t h e E .w . s u m s y . v i d t l n g a t M d M e i n m e . r .a n r s ..W .R g le n t e r t a i n e d a t d i n n e r 5 . 1 2 . 2 3 5 3 e v e n i n g f o r ~ a n d M r s . W a l l a c e M i l l e r o f C i n c u m a t t l , O h i o a n d M r . d M n .H .C .C o o p e r .M r .a n d r s . W m . R u t l e d g e a n d a d m . , M r . a n d M r s .R o y R u t l e d g e a n d c a n - d r e n s p e n t t h e e v e n i n g t h e r e . T h s r o w e r e n o c h u r c h s e r vi c e s l t t h e M .E . a n d - e r .S u n d a y .D r . c .c .W i l s o n o f O m a h a ,d i s t r i c t l u p e r l n t e n d e n t ,p r e a c h e d a t R o s e H s u .R e v .N o r l m a o o o m p m l e d Hn. G. F. Lowe and Mn. Bertha L o w e v m la ( ha ha Friday oo Blair.They stayed here overnight at tha Chas. Sheets home. Mr. and Mrs. leo Hager drove over from Ames,Neb.Saturday and were over Sunday guests ofMr. and Mrs. Ivan He ms.Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Cameron and Charlene were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cameron.They are to be lo- cated at Fremont and had beenthere looking for a place vo llve.Mrs. Henry 'lkuhlsen and Mrs. E. C. Burdlc attended the Womans Club Convention at Springfield. Neb. Frid and Saturday, as del-egates ol e local Club.Mr. and Mrs.Chris Tnxhlsen en» tertalned four tables of bridge at gtheir home Friday evening. "Theguests were Messrs. and MosdarnesJas. Van Horn, Clyde Fitch, Ben Wachter, Claude Clements, H. L. Swan, Chas. Horn, J. A. Jespersen and Miss Maggie Lowe.First prlzes went to Mrs.Chas.Hornand H. L. Swan, and Jas. Van Hom took low. The fire department was calledto the E. P. Hansen home Mondayevening about 7 p. rn. to put out aplazewhich destroyed a smallbuilding ln the yand,before the blaze could spread./ For the Plaaure ol Mrs. E. P.Harrison and Mrs. Wm. Rasmussen who were €n.l°YilJ8 their birthdaysMr. and Mrs. H. O. Cooper enter- tained at dinner Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rasmussen, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Harrison and 'children and Mr. and Mrs. H. C.Cooper. Miss Elaine Katt spent the week end with Miss Bessie Wiiltamsonat Hooper.Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Andersen olArlington, accompanied by Mr.andMrs.Fred R°K¢rl=. drove to Te- kamsh Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Webster.A surpnso birthday party washeldat_the 'Chester Hovendlckhome Fnday evening, in honor of his birthday.The time was spent in the usual way followed by a teliilriln lunch. s ude Hancock, who wonfirst in the sub-dlatrlct contest at Blair rooently,took part in the district contest nt Plnttnnouth on Aprn 10.She was placed thlrd lntha humorous dass,giving "GoodBye.Sister".She was uncom- gcby her mother, Mrs. Waldok Ind brother, Paul,M l u der ll Frances Kwsmm and Supt. Sh i i i I I r I IHome Theatre BLAIR, NEBRASKA April 22 and 23 Wednesday and Thursday Thursday Matinee at 4 o'clock |A PICTURE YOU WILL NEVER roacm' IS rr FUNNY !lT'S A SCREAM North Slde Store U. s. Peelas Lowasr U. s. Pee:-las z9x4.4o $4.98 P=;g=S Truck 30x4.50 $5.69 nlsromr 30x5 $19.95 2sx4.75 $6.65 @ 10 ply30x3-50 $4.39 `32X6 $33-00 Front Room lox16x8 with six doors -and windows PER ROOM $3.00 Sinclair Products ,Exide Batteries and Accessories Blair Service Station cARl. Boris, Prop.PnoNE zlz Bed Ro om loxl2x9 with four doom and windows PER ROOM sz.-so , NOTE: The prices quoted above are average.We have papers which we sell at prices less than quoted and others higher. n We have a complete stock of var nis h, Ins ide and Dut sid e h mm Floor Paint, Brushes, Alabastine, Glass, W ax, Etc. Let Us Figure W ith You on REFINISHING YOUR HOME THE STEWART 4 P H A R M A C Y 1931` WALL PAPER Now is the time for your sel- ections of the New 1931 Wall Papers.New stock in latest designs just arrived last week. NOTICE OUR PRICES BELOW AND COME IN AND EXAMINE OURSTOCKBEFOREBUYING III|||||||l|III|||I|||||||I||||||||||I|||||||IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|||||||||l|II| .Q `~..~ 1 \v'°~\, c-f ||| .1 -"~/\ ' 'fo,~ I ~1 \ . 4 9f,-f»Q I ~. f \_._l1"lf")3.`.| ' i ~ w c A n o w N E ~ s ~» cm TAKE A 'rgP FROM cm BUILDERS WHEN BUYING TlRE§ In 1930-and nguin for 1931--the buildas nfAmedoa'n ina: mwmvbilef, in »-»==f=-1_3 every Einoe chu, uleczed more U.S.'I'l:¢ a uo n;i i nde q p m m t !evcfbefore. Nonther tins shaved su mn h bl e p i n: ln mmu fl c 1 u r ¢ n ' a l a . . . . n ll em:uct L a l :e ou to the tattimvaluu :mon a nbuy-more xgilug than you've ever knowninuatn ~ of slfety, benuty lurmony with the final, Bats! urs. Inllwrt, t¢k¢ntiPfmma¢bu|ildd||ndjoin¢heBigSmixz°:U.S/fire. We ,,.,.,|,f°f y°.,,z¢1,mmp|¢¢..¢.,¢g,,f,,|,du factory-md the Iowa: Dx-ice; ever placed on U.S. quality. Living Room 10xl4x9 with four doors and windows PER ROOM $2.70 Kitc hen 811218 with four doors and windows P E R R O O M $2.10 | \ ' r f M Bun, Nebnokn, April 1s, 1981 Q. u h h ~. . , o l o » ¢ ¢ i 1 m g m x » ° m N ~ w Y ° r k w ; > ; d n ¢ . » m m 4 a u » d o n g t h o Seattle.I t c a r r i e ;m y l l i e n s b e -wa y .A t t h e u m a ti me m o t h e r ~w u m m m E A R L Y ' n - 1 Z h b to l nmlll Hrs.G¢0 He B t l d s £ l i n l f f»l~E N T E R P R I S E m . , , . M . Z . ."f;°Zi »§ ,d,-m.. ¢ .m¢ 1 m°¢ » z:°w.n.c .m¢ ¢ an¢ m A. nuoums.m m m |P|~:rEassN I I nucmms Ind moron l|ssnvxcz I|Auto Renal:-has 1 upedllty l : |:':»|":~|:L»|:~ Y ;$1- 5| See m; out ~ of to~toex a nd ::.| : |lIT. H. Wright, Prop. l Independent Gull Enya I of BUSINESS l)lREC'l'0RY trunteea and ~ne~aaiduaeu umm. m EARLY AND MODERN -mms seuonwithult, vinegaranduny . .¢ Llmolnthiaweek. m » . m a 1 g n . n . a vi n m m d sonsweredinnergues tsiutBun~ u w . nu |;a ..aupper gu es ts a t th e Osc ar Pa d ~y at the home ~f Mr. and Hrs. boAniuor0¢eanilmd picks up ment u by hw prescribed.m d bureau innpecton my have slqru; Otleanuwithpenonstobedlpvn 1 l l b f u ||l l 1. a n dropped at Marian border ..' H o A. nuoums.m m m |P|~:rEassN I I nucmms Ind moron l|ssnvxcz I|Auto Renal:-has 1 upedllty l : |:':»|":~|:L»|:~ Y ;$1- 5| See m; out ~ of to~toex a nd ::.| : |lIT. H. Wright, Prop. l Independent Gull Enya I of BUSINESS l)lREC'l'0RY trunteea and ~ne~aaiduaeu umm. m EARLY AND MODERN -mms seuonwithult, vinegaranduny . .¢ Llmolnthiaweek. m » . m a 1 g n . n . a vi n m m d sonsweredinnergues tsiutBun~ u w . nu |;a ..aupper gu es ts a t th e Osc ar Pa d ~y at the home ~f Mr. and Hrs. boAniuor0¢eanilmd picks up ment u by hw prescribed.m d bureau innpecton my have slqru; Otleanuwithpenonstobedlpvn 1 l l b f u ||l l 1. a n dropped at Marian border ..' H o A. nuoums.m m m |P|~:rEassN I I nucmms Ind moron l|ssnvxcz I|Auto Renal:-has 1 upedllty l : |:':»|":~|:L»|:~ Y ;$1- 5| See m; out ~ of to~toex a nd ::.| : |lIT. H. Wright, Prop. l Independent Gull Enya I of BUSINESS l)lREC'l'0RY trunteea and ~ne~aaiduaeu umm. m EARLY AND MODERN -mms seuonwithult, vinegaranduny . .¢ Llmolnthiaweek. m » . m a 1 g n . n . a vi n m m d sonsweredinnergues tsiutBun~ u w . nu |;a ..aupper gu es ts a t th e Osc ar Pa d ~y at the home ~f Mr. and Hrs. boAniuor0¢eanilmd picks up ment u by hw prescribed.m d bureau innpecton my have slqru; Otleanuwithpenonstobedlpvn 1 l l b f u ||l l 1. a n dropped at Marian border ..' H o b a r r i n g l g r r n r l l a sons were dinnerguestslutsun- day at tha hnme ol Mr. and Mrs. FloydEv ln|0!C0\mdl Bluffs. Mn. Huis Pedersen and son, to Asia or Oeeanin md picks up any mdditiond ones immigntion bureau innpecton my have along ther route.Be1_:" _' it brings ~ :upper guests at the Oscar P n enen home, north of Blair. Curtil ' md Hu v l d Bugeon of Klnlas City,Mo.made n br l d trip to Blair ¢o ahead the lunenl of c. o. K!°Kh lm Sundcy. Mr. and Mn. Dean Snow of Cnlg, wen List Saturdny evening vlhtnrs at the home al Mr.md Mrs. E. S. Pdersen of this city. Alice Virginia Axwll of Omahn, spent several ¢lys last. week at the home of her uncle md aunt, Dr. md Mrs. W. M. Halier ot this city. dinner guest at the Paul Ba ir' home south of Bldr.In the t- arnoon, Mr. and Mrs. Chu. Barry md little daughter and Mr. md Mrs. J. McNamara and daughter, Josephine, all ol Omaha, were vis- itors. Advertise in The Enntax-prim L e a n in g b y Mh h h s . Instruction d o a not pr ev mt n m a t t i me o r m ll ia k o l; m d mu t n k n themlelvel a n often tha but buchen of all.-Froudo. . 1 '¢-. /_N ~»,A :'.'3 \~ ,§\-p-1 #v u ~.1 ."" " ;r` .~' x t ',< 1 zz C' -_~\.»~> . .~~<.;,».-dx \. \ l 'o . ,\N -.1 .'L "1 , _f a , ~j f '~.~l ` l ~ s.:3 /~1 ,x ~j» ,~\\"s F » » ¢ ~ \ » u » ¢ » A A A > . ' ;. 5 g .. Vt §\ \\ f,::~a .,'\~ ~ ~:"1<f ~ ff'" ~~T~;I l ~»». 4 I \ 1 ¢7''\¢I/» ~/. . v w ~ ~ ~ "p f , ) \ |i \_: _~f ' \I /, l b ;» (.WW; g _f ¢>. ! ` '»»? -. 1 /_ a ~~j q t ' 9 " 4.» ~"'.¢?'i.a ~~\ \ \ SERVICE \»,<»." \ ! \ \ \.\.\~,~§¢!@wuu. 7 ;, , ,'\,;\' \ I \Copqraqlhk bq;,'.' \. mum 'W '~\`'Irvine D»><.u||»»~ ~COLONIAL New England, peopled by stern divines, mettlesome adven- turers, earnest statesman, stout-beamed farmers, patient mothers and demure maids, with now and then a sparkling little lady to shock the anaterity of the times, wild yeutlx to belio lnw's sover- eignty, and the red brethren lurking like bewildered ghosts to murder or befriend. SIJOWLY SLIPPING AWAY (Harrison County News) The re i s no us e try ln gt/o di s ~ guise or apoiogize for the fact that traffic lernss lows on the famous Lincoln Highway is slowlybut sllrely slipping away.There are good roads saoss the state w the north of us and to the south of us, and what is of more impor- tance there are powerful interests at work to see that traffic arising away in the hlnterland to the east and west, crosses Iowa over those routes.- Towns Along the Lincoln High- way should come to life over This.0!f~hand it might look like that did not make much difference to such towns as Cedar Rapids, Mar- shalltown, Boone or Denison, but it does,And for the simple rea- son that trnflic from the west, foliowing the Lincoln Highway and Number $0 to Fremont, and then continuing on Number 80 to Oma- ha,stands about a two to one ohnnce for diversion at Council Bluffs to Number 82 and Number 34-both good roads across the state.Once that happens they are lost to the towns on ¢he Lincoln Highway between Missouri Valley and Clinton. It is -known that Omaha and Council Bluffs are spending much money in sn advertising campaign in the east, the object of which is to bring tourists into Iowa on one or the other of those two roads to the south of us, and when this hap- pens lown towns on the Lincoln Highway get no glimpse of them. The situation seems to be ens Orlemu with persons to be depoxv ted through vuious ports.Some n o dropped a t Hma n b o r d e points and some at Galveston. A CANDLE ;|NT|1£ w I LDE R N ESS bu IRVING BACHELLER sons were dinnerguestslutsun- day at tha hnme ol Mr. and Mrs. FloydEv ln|0!C0\mdl Bluffs. Mn. Huis Pedersen and son, to Asia or Oeeanin md picks up any mdditiond ones immigntion bureau innpecton my have along ther route.Be1_:" _' it brings ~ :upper guests at the Oscar P n enen home, north of Blair. Curtil ' md Hu v l d Bugeon of Klnlas City,Mo.made n br l d trip to Blair ¢o ahead the lunenl of c. o. K!°Kh lm Sundcy. Mr. and Mn. Dean Snow of Cnlg, wen List Saturdny evening vlhtnrs at the home al Mr.md Mrs. E. S. Pdersen of this city. Alice Virginia Axwll of Omahn, spent several ¢lys last. week at the home of her uncle md aunt, Dr. md Mrs. W. M. Halier ot this city. dinner guest at the Paul Ba ir' home south of Bldr.In the t- arnoon, Mr. and Mrs. Chu. Barry md little daughter and Mr. md Mrs. J. McNamara and daughter, Josephine, all ol Omaha, were vis- itors. Advertise in The Enntax-prim L e a n in g b y Mh h h s . Instruction d o a not pr ev mt n m a t t i me o r m ll ia k o l; m d mu t n k n themlelvel a n often tha but buchen of all.-Froudo. . 1 '¢-. /_N ~»,A :'.'3 \~ ,§\-p-1 #v u ~.1 ."" " ;r` ..~' x t ',< 1 zz C' -_~\.»~`> ' ! `r ' ~ € 7 ,v ,1 f ':~ ~~<.;,».-dx \. \ l J »o . ,\N -.1 .'L "1 , _f a , ~j f '~.~l ` l ~ s.:3 /~1 ,x ~j» ,~\\"s F » » ¢ ~ \ » u » ¢ » A A A > . ' ;. 5 g .. Vt §\ \\ f,::~a .,'\~ ~ ~:"1<f ~ ff'" ~~T~;I l ~»». 4 I \ 1 ¢7''\¢I/» ~/. . v w ~ ~ ~ "p f , ) \ |i \_: _~f ' \I /, l b ;» (.WW; g _f ¢>. ! ` '»»? -. 1 /_ a ~~j q t ' 9 " 4.» ~"'.¢?'i.a ~~\ \ \ SERVICE \»,<»." \ ! \ \ \.\.\~,~§¢!@wuu. 7 ;, , ,'\,;\' \ I \Copqraqlhk bq;,'.' \. mum 'W '~\`'Irvine D»><.u||»»~ ~COLONIAL New England, peopled by stern divines, mettlesome adven- turers, earnest statesman, stout-beamed farmers, patient mothers and demure maids, with now and then a sparkling little lady to shock the anaterity of the times, wild yeutlx to belio lnw's sover- eignty, and the red brethren lurking like bewildered ghosts to murder or befriend. SIJOWLY SLIPPING AWAY (Harrison County News) The re i s no us e try ln gt/o di s ~ guise or apoiogize for the fact that traffic lernss lows on the famous Lincoln Highway is slowlybut sllrely slipping away.There are good roads saoss the state w the north of us and to the south of us, and what is of more impor- tance there are powerful interests at work to see that traffic arising away in the hlnterland to the east and west, crosses Iowa over those routes.- Towns Along the Lincoln High- way should come to life over This.0!f~hand it might look like that did not make much difference to such towns as Cedar Rapids, Mar- shalltown, Boone or Denison, but it does,And for the simple rea- son that trnflic from the west, foliowing the Lincoln Highway and Number $0 to Fremont, and then continuing on Number 80 to Oma- ha,stands about a two to one ohnnce for diversion at Council Bluffs to Number 82 and Number 34-both good roads across the state.Once that happens they are lost to the towns on ¢he Lincoln Highway between Missouri Valley and Clinton. It is -known that Omaha and Council Bluffs are spending much money in sn advertising campaign in the east, the object of which is to bring tourists into Iowa on one or the other of those two roads to the south of us, and when this hap- pens lown towns on the Lincoln Highway get no glimpse of them. The situation seems to be ens Orlemu with persons to be depoxv ted through vuious ports.Some n o dropped a t Hma n b o r d e points and some at Galveston. A CANDLE ;|NT|1£ w I LDE R N ESS bu IRVING BACHELLER ASSU h-lee *fun a i l nn i fn l nlnl uvln mnli lm 'l i ' M mmm n § .h e Az tdC on¢ x ¢ |cl\Thililaeookedzrosun¢mx\-,soeu8,1871 ' n o t n l l l c r e n w h l t u .M k t o - getha 1 cup lzrown ww. % éup ry nb¢ e1 lpt| nu| || ¢ g¢ dodo £whi tes uga .ra nd§ (cupemd\o ! maeemmt.' r u n a ma n !buuermdboilingwnuer.u t m o k Ilbcn v l l l b e h t f l i u l g l i t zu n i i l t h e n y r u p l o r ma zs o l t h s l l our when teswdinoold water.Ad d %e n u m 1 u:§°;_m > ; § °w m n w ,n m m m » . ver th; uma to the collector lald town.| Sth,I t a h d l b e l - b e d u t y o ! | Collector m collect all "g d l u m bv law oresalbed l n d l o B L A I R n o u n m u . The Home of MAINT l r n m m lIo r n o u n | l - 1 n:.~|1 ~\ | .. nl n .. \.l CAI mm. Heb- | - - o _ . 0 PARRELUS !FE and ROOMS I ;|NT|1£ w I LDE R N ESS bu IRVING BACHELLER ..9.~ the treasumrofsaidtown. » » » - - A » ¢ 4 ; . 4 AA ;.. ,/r \",> \.'.;'m '." ' _:J _~t .(f - -.r v ~~ / H 5 »"~"1 '\ »_/ ~X <\*<-'Q -'~ ¢..`Q \»'J '.~J J ~1 '`\' f_f f ~~ ,~ _f (» i | , ) ,... ¥ i f ` ;~I ~~\ ~\s-\ . l ' f " /f ' ' ~_- J C J .g |\`'.~A V ,~f m .~I f ;' , - v ) \ 5'f / ~/» .\/~; »~~ .9 6 9 9 * 4 ' ,Q . I / "0~`,, `\ \ _0 y ' _u ,L'~\!'.| 0 w r w . 1 ;wr 1;\. \seqzyuce ..~ ~ _ "\>- . s f . - w a n , COLONIAL New Englanil, peupled liy stem divines, mettlesome adven- turers, earnest statesmen, nout-hearted fnrmen, pntient mothm and demure maids, willi now and tlien | sparkling little lady to ehoei the materity of :hd times, wild y§u¢;, to belio hw's sover- dgnty, and the red brethren lurking like ¢¢1 .|.»|:».¢»|||u a un lug upon the dutles of iheir of- fice eadzenter inbo a bond with said town, the ammmt fn be fixed and approved by said tnzstees, formance ol their duties.And the treasumr, ccllwtar, assessor, oan» :table md uftorney dull helom enuring upon the duties ol their office, fake md subscribe an oath, for the faithful performmce ol the duties of did: aeveralotfices. 7th,The tnlieen of this town shall meat at tha county trensurefs otiioe of Wuhi ngum county, in said wwn, on fha Iirst Monday of emch month, at seven o'c1ock p. m. 8th,The shove by lnws md ordinances fa take efievrt from and stun' their publication, on the 2nd my of September, 1869. - ..... was~signed this mn day of August,1869. J . H .P OS T , C h a i r ma n M. V. W ilson , Se c ' y . I ;.Q ceriee;M.C.Huyett,clothing; H.W. McBride,dry goods and groceries; Haller Bros., dry goods and groceries;William Maher, dry goods and groceries;R.w. Dawson, photographer;Wm.Mc- Cormick,groceries;E.Frcdedck, dry goods and groceries;H.C. Riordan--then Riordan & Kenney, and later Kenney & Stewart, hard- ware;Gus.Lundt,hardware; Graves &F...:derick,agricultural implements; Chas. Shurig, bakery; J. Nextel, bakery; A. Casper, hak~ ery; M. Johnson, R. Waldo & Son, John Miller,IAM8, Valentine Ganz, boots and shoes; M. C. Huy ett & Co., Denney Jr Wild, Elem Clark .Si Son, James Foley, Kenney .~..~1 ear ly da y , were W es t & L ewis, d ry goods; Rosa do Mc Bride, dry goods; J . . I I. Po vt, dn lgi i Ha lle r 8: L an e , dm8`B3 .Iohn Ze h n m g - a f t e r w a r d s Peters on & Zehr ung --d rug s;S mi th & D e xte r , d r y g o o d s ; Mi k e Ga i la - C \ lished in Blair wu that of Herman Bros dry goods,md the next that of Cluk & Donovan, dealers i n gmeerles m d hardware,who afterwards sold out to John J. Adams.Among other business i W e ~ e x ~ w h a t H u m | |P. C. Samuel, Prop.|and Bu Depot 204 Walker Ave. 9 Dr. No rmm K. ~-- o r m m m u s r Ont the Blair Drug Co.Phone Bhek tl Ewming-| by Appolntznmt I BLAIR TOP AND TIRE co.I |212 Wen Washington sz.1 I Goodyear Tire llld Auto Glu: | [Tire npuiring n npedllty | us SCHEDULE »Bal s=§| A. M. 11:00 A. M. B u §:00 A. M. 12:00 Noon Gain! South . 5:00 P. M a=xs_P. M Goh|| Nonh 81W P. M 6:15 P. No. No. TRAIN AND: c. s ¢ . p, u. & olllhl Southbound 1 11:40 A. M. daily 8'1:40 P. M. daily (except Sunday)Northbound No. 4 6:55 A. M. dlily No. 2 2:00 P. M. dlily (ucepf Sunday) Chi nn & No nhwoulc rn Westbound No. 111 8:86 A. M. daily Eutbolmd No. 122 6:80 P. M. daily n.n .nA s u Us s EN Inl ur ln ¢ e nl Al lK i n d| OlficeOver Flrmelél Slate Buk 6: Slewart, A. M. Crowdy,C. H. Eggleson, Foley & Lippincott and E.M. Denny, agrimxltural imple- ments;Mrs. W. C. Wnlton,Mrs." McKay, Mrs.Hilton,Mrs.Sarah'E. Hlgley, and Mrs. R. W. Daw~! mn, millinery.Hotels were estab-[ lished and kept by the followingnnmedpersons: Keiley Bron., Mar-Q tin Kloos, Wm. Maher, Wm. Car-i son,Mrs. A. M. Quimby,Mrs.~ E. E. Sketchley, George Seih, and Henry Siert.Levy & Chapin, Helnzeriing, and John Connell were-engaged i n dealing in harness! Butcher shops were kept by Shee-4 ley dz Ervy,Wm.O'Ha ra , Wm! nnue r, J. c. Hart, M. v. vlnlm, ns. EDWIN T. IIPPDmalnX-RAY SERVICE Omen idscm sux Bidg.Phone 298 Blah, Nuhr. x c n n s c m m n -h u m a n l a n l l h t z t e m d l a a l:Dfflea i n sun Bmk Bldg. I I I HARCUB ma norman' Ansmmcfma Otdee in um- nm. na . w. F. HEMPHILI. DENTIST ba ud i n ne w Ho me The atre BlllldlllgBk l r, Ne b ru h ohn Connell,Bowden &Par 1 . G. Smith and John Parka. Grai enlerz: Elam Clark & Son, C. rovgell and the Blair City Mil ~. Blacksmiths: John Tow, F : tanfield, Ed. Cochrane and Joh . Smith.Physicians: F. H. Lon~ ey, S, B. Taylor,S. H. Fawcd . Emerson Tennant,Mchea~.H.0"Linn,Wm.H.Palme ~Wyers: Davis & Carrigan-late arrigan & Osborne-W. C. Wal on,B.F.Hilton,J.S.Bowe~ .Ballard,A.D.Brainard an . W. Tucker.Real estate agents lex.Reed,Alonzo Perkins, astetter.Banker: A. Castettzr. (To be Continued Next Week) B L A I R m n f m & T I T L E COMPANY Bo nded Ablltldlr PHONE 15 n m B l d g .Blllr, Nebraska x vmfuas subscription vm xemam Two cups flour, 1 cup butter, 1'ln loreaatthsdswlitnlbbd mb-\ on rise.Eva mh w d h fma n m a h - s d a i u . . . c o n d - ttom are made a part of the ova- u u t ~ ~ -the publisher and subscriber. History Can Repeat Itself last Deeember the Treasury es- timated A deficit of $180,000,000 at the end of this fiscal year, June 80.The estimate has been raised to $500,000,000 or more.| There seemstobethrawaysto, mast this deficit:First,lna eue in Federal income tax; second, sus# pension olsinking fund payments for redudion of the national war debt;third, a slashing of pulidc expenditures. The seventy-first Congress ap» propriated $10,200,000,000 of pub~ lic money during the greatest de- presdon in nearly 40 years.Many states have followed the lead of Congress in appropriation expense records. Minority hlocs of voters and pub- lic officials have for the past do- cads sought to put the government into business at the expense of the taxpayer and private enterprise who must fumiah the taxes to carry on government Only in de- gree is the policy different from the Russian system which confis- cates wedth and then finds itsel! without capital to carry on its act'lvlties. In nn editorial entitled "Enemies of the People", the Saturday Eve ning Post of March 28 says: "ln our opinion, the real enemies of the peopie are those who try to folst upon them added burdens of debt and inflation.We do not be- lieve there is any opposition be- tween sound finance and humanity. This does not mean that every banker or captain of industry who opposes extravagant legislation looking to an enormous inrrease ln debt and taxation, is necessarily a. wise man in all respects.There ua short-sighted bankers and fi- nanciers . . .But the banker or NINE prominent business man who has the courage to say 'No' when ir- responsible headline seekers de- mand that the government appro- priate large sums of money for whatever form of relief or job promotion happens to be on the front page at the moment, is per- forming n real public service which should he recognized and Com# monrlnrl beaten egg,z teaspoons ~powder, 2 tablespoons sugar.yux\ and sue haldll powder. ilour ma salt, and cut in butter.Add egg, and sniildant milk to males a soft dough, usudly about 95 of a. cup. mm so one~ha1£ ind! thickness, mu with a small cutter.brush tops 'mi mi lk .sprinkle vans coarse sugar, and bake in a hot oven. Salmon Pattiea 0ne~pound can salmon, 1% copsmilk, a tbsp. flour, 1 tsp. sldt, '16 tsp. pepper, rieh pastry, 1 cuplul diced celery, cooked fmder, 8 tbsp. butter, dash paprika.Prepare rich pastry and bake in hot oven on lnvextd gem pans.Prick inde and bottom to avoid shnnkage.Cool. Drain llqnor from salmon and re serve for sauce.Remove bono and flake salmon.Melt butter, stir in flour and when Mended add gradu- ally stirring ennstantly, the milkmixed with the' salmon liquor and lt cup water in which celery was cooked.Add salmon,celery and seasoning.Reneat the paltry shells and pour the salmon nik- ture in them.Serve at once.I t desired,green peas may also be added. Casserole Rice with Salmon Line the bottom and sides of a moid with oold boiled rice 5% inch thick, iill the cavity with creamed pink or churn salmon and cover wllh rice.Steam 45 minutes, turn out on hot platter. pour either s white sauce or a hollandaise sauce over and around it.Serve hot.If a mold is not used, it can be put into a. bowl and brown paper tied over the top. Shoe Sale-Fashion Ce nte r- Values tn $6 Womens and Misses, $2.65 and $3-65: values to $8.50 Chlldren's, $1.29, $1.59 and $1.98. Get your pair while sizes are com- plete.13-lt Bargains for Thursday,Friday, Saturday, Monday-Fashion Center 'Jilk Stockings,50c quality-3 pair $1: Kotex, 45c package-19c; Wash Dresses,$2 values-~$l.29; Bloomers and Sfeplns, $1 vniues- 47c.Shop early--Fashion Center. mel.. The Druscilla Guild held a very successful bake sale last Saturday. House for rent.Inquire of Ray Our public men and public sen- vnnts should be racking their brains In find ways and means w bring taxation,'legislation and regulation back ba normal along with commoditv nrices. nmduction He we tt.13- if Th e Thu rsd ay eve ni ng bri dge c lu b me ets at th e ho me of Mr. a nd Mr s .G. L .Di xo n th is e ve ni ng . Th e Coffee Club mee ts th is "r1l11f§{!\\!`nfrnvnnnn nf *ha '|»w\|vln n - » . .. . . - » . . . - - ~- \ n . . . . - . .- v n u u atir ely overlook ed , a nd in man y r e~ spec ts it is one o f the mos t. impor- ta n t propositions before th e c o m- me r c i d ciubs a n d c ivic organ iza- tions alon g th e Linc olln Hi g h wa y nrrnnn Town. Romance df Brave Young Ameriea to be Printed Serially in The ENTERPRISE Starting Ne x t W e e k BLUE RIBBON TANKAGE $2.40 ANOTHER DROP IN T AMGH §§:;'§%,9 F# § E 'PE aer/2 B Open smraéy Nights until 9P. M, Phone 9 8 The rnP E' 5'ggE- jg Grinding-Oat Huuing-Fwd mm;~ANY TIME ~'Q v-4so cu: cs K. w. Growing Mash A well balanced Feed that carries , Vitamilk KracoCod Iiiver Oil Dry Laseo Meat Scraps--Bone Meal-Mill Feds $2.15 PER SACK E Ern rn5EO a ~Keep your Hogé in Healthy condition by Feeding M u r p h y s Mineral $5.40PER SACK S H:P1B1U va! °coa Do n ' t W a it Un t il Yo ur CAR BREAKS DOWN Avoid delay and additional expense by overhauling your car now. We have one of the best equipped shops in eastern Nebraska and com- petent workmen who know how to use their tools. Bring your car in for estimates.No obligations . . . of course. P H O N E 2 1 9 Vinton-Evans Chevrolet Co0 BLAIR, NEBRASKA -\ \i 7~// 5 ¢ -`~\'5>`€1/ c ~~ ~PJ - ~Q '\I '»\~ ~g \ . ~I ; |1 :a \I r L of Mi s. W m. K u hr on W e s t s tr e et. A n eleven po u n d g i r l wa s h o m to Mr. a nd . Mr s. P au l Ti mm, no rth of Arlington, last Tuesday nighti Mother and baby are doing nicely. The Pythian Sisters met at the K .P.ha ll la s t Tuesday eve ni ng wi t h a good attend anc es A c o m- OPEN FORBUSINESS WE HAVE purchased and refurnished the hamburger shop located in the old Home Theatre building and we are now ready for business. We specialize on qdck lunches plate dinners,hamburgers, sandwiches and coffee. I N S T A N T SERVICE REMEMBER §3,e§;f~ J. W- Whshburn, Proprletor Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Meats vis~ ited last Sunday at the home ofhis parents,Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Meats at Blencoe, Iowa. A baby bom to Mrs. Joe Ried- miller, died shortly after birth Sun-day night And Mrs. Riedmillex' has been in a prearloux condition. She was taken to the Covenant hospital in Omaha on Wednesday. MANY ALIENS SENT HOME The lnbor department is running special trains across the continent in its effort bo rid the Unimed Stafes of aliens here illegally.A been underway severhi months. Sinve mid»January it has centered to a large extent in New York City and Los Angeles.The dc- partment did not have exact fig~ urea on deportable aliens rounded up at those cities.Assistant Sec- retary Husband said, howeverthe number for New York probably was more thnn one thousand. 'No special trains are run across the continent every month or six r ~~--" " _ " ' - " g 5---I Aan d emp loy men t. .Exc es siw taxatio n res ulting from the c raze for politic al priviiege and power,ha s wre c k ed ma ny indus-» trie s a nd many na tion s, as h istory will prove. Raikoads and Buses The so~called "battle"between railroads and bus lines is not so eerious as some wild statements, from both sides,might make it seem. Buses and rails have the same common purpose-to give the pub- ilc good service,in return for a fair profit.Those who have blam~ ed failing rail business entirely on the buses flnd no support ln fact. According to John F. Deny, vice- preddent of the Pennsylvania Rail- road, the decline ln passenger trai- fic on his line, was pdnclpally due to the use of private automobiles. Compard m the number of people now traveling in their own veh- 'c1es, both the railroads and hupes are very small fry when it comes to short-haul transportation. .What lu needed is wise coopera- tion between buses and nlle-andthis is coming.Demands for mx rates and regulation that would stifle the bus industry are certainly not the 'solution ta the problem.At present the buses,in moat states, are providing a receptive public with fast, we and econom- leal tnnsportation-and the syn- tems an contributing great mms in taxes, moat o! which are used for roads. Both the railroads and the buses fill a necessary plate.Those in~ thrashed in eodld i nd industrial mme: will wish both these great nro tmdv e and eemmtlal lndus- E E N triesweli THE oooxs NOOK (Condnuad hom nm dx) Ing.6 nervingif Hwedoine Salad Two nuns cooked rice. 1 can hens-4 um '"'»z~1' 'é£1ib` ram.: upoonn relish, 3 tablespoons celery, minced,3 tablapoonu grated Wcheese, 1 teaspoon mit, lettuce and tlresdng.Combine theingredients l.lghtly, and chili.Serve on ¢fl2IP Iettuao with French dressing or mayonnaise.smma Tamalo Salad I...__ 1._.-»-..-1 ..._ ....\...1 ..|B l ! w m a w u ,J . su p H w l u w u n . u : , as wr M °=¥°€Y- é s»~1r1=~1»°~»» r r um cneuau, 1. ullu uuucq 'ilr_ - ~; r . ¢. J i X . v -~Q-n= ¢ m ~ -~' T '?rl Immun-'rar:EN'n=:n.vn.mm_Blair, Nebrukn, April m 1981 P n n h n Hn . H. ~Oppm work fo |Drug'Y-tf I Blair tchery. 18-2b - s.ben-» pariah "1~ormerly ng now | re. G. G. Him: is emcavntiug for the new hmu which limwii Build on can Llnoaln street. Baby chick:w r y day,BlairIncubnborCo mp a n y -Hxtdnry. Phone Black 895.18-2t The Sgwing Cirde uf Um First Lutheran church met at the hams of Mrs.D m Greene yesterday, April 16.Mrs. K. P. Bhsen was tha udsting holtaas. Mesdnmel Lou r,¢¢,_G.G. Hines,o . ll .I n l n mf n d Wm. Schendin drove dcrvm no Calbomr Tuesday sfmrnoon ba all an Mr. I Adv udle in Tha mm-pm.. Pohmd Gu i n brood now!for nie.FmdPeck,phona 122on2l. 18-It* Baby chkka every day-Blxk Incubator C o m p n n y Hltehery. Phone Bhd 896.l8~2t En. Louisa. Anderson of Wlmer, n here visiting her dmn, Misses Jisuphing Ind Hzthildx Jnlmnon. Dr. Nonnxn RM-hmmn is attend- ihg the state meeting of optome- trista in Lincoln, today Ind wma!- mvv.` Adv ud le i n 'l 1 nE n¢ nt pd ls 0. A. Phipphn had an operation lo r guifer hat ll mr ll y a t an o mh. l mq n ul a nd i x M M _ a s w d l u a n b e e x p e d e d . Austin and Bill Hnilhr, who are sophomore; at the Nebnah School d'Medldnei no mlhl,enUe rt| |ned fv llrglma tla tnho ua e pa rty we r thsweek-end. Dgrothydi rogh, oldw dmghqn of _. and ll r l .Hxrvay Krogh, was operated on for appendlddn,E ° " ' ° " 'A p r i l 1 4 ,a t t h e M . r . . a . Advertise in The lmterpriu. Mn.Jesse Osborn 1|repo werlnudy ill lt. her home. Mr. and Mn. George llc.BHd spent int Sunday in Omaha, vi [ting at the home of their -. Lyle 'and limily. Mrs. C. R. §;g;=»~ Mrs. Mlrti Bertdsm and Jn-Inu P, Sox- emren visited Im 'hxesday nt th P. S. Kempcke home at Arlingta~ Mn.Ev ¢re¢t'15'$0,Jr.came£ ! mmo ma h lls t yevenin w "*§an. L. H. I.4|.l-lon and W. Schuldt were Omaha 1 last Monday. 'Bring your watch repair w.P.Turner nt ihe Wo! r LO CAL NEWS Store. Baby chicks "e ry da: Incubnbor Co m pa n y EPhone Black 895. The mmm Indi a n hc l :fit bridge pany st themln last Wednadly give! Mn. Walk: M. Ndson, 1 at the Lundt Bml. nate, employed At the Sdmldt s1 Furniture, rugs and floor cove:-Mlatlww R. Bsndor!_21-tl. For Sale-Water lilies,pink, hibe and yellow. R. A. Hooks.10 I-'rank Dudgeon hu been under weather for s few days this ek. Bring your watch repair work to~. P. Turner at the Wolff Drug ture.'I-tl Mrs.Oscar Gilbertwn vldied th her daughter, Agnes in (ma- =yeswrday. Miss Vina I-'dley of Elkhom, -t the weekend st the parental ny Foley home. Baby chicks every day.Bldr ~~babor C o m p a n y Hatchery. ~one Black 895.13-2¢ Henry Linderman and family ~ve moved on the Gus Rathmann ~rm north of town. Misa Edna Newkirk of Orum, ~'ted at the Alfred N. Feer home .Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jefferson of maha, spent last Sunday at the arental, Wm. Linden home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larsen and ~ughter of Omaha, visiwd at the ~ren Larsen home Sunday. c. K. Bendorf, Deemed emlndm- and undertsw, Blair.Ofline ~one, 161; res. phone. 188.8-U Miss Elsie Sorenson of Omaha, ~ent the week-end with her par- ~ts, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sorenson. The Busy Bee Club met at the ome of Mrs. Ed Raver last Frl~ ay ulternnon with s good attend- ~ee. The Danish Reading Grcle met Ula Skov Nielsen home last sturdny evening with a good ab- ndance. I offer for sale my Belgian draft = lion, Marquis 12966; also n fine~digreed Jack.Call John Boll:-i, lair, Neb.50-tf Mr. and him. Harold Brown and ildren of Dunlap, Iowa spent ~t Sunday evening visiting at the . W. Burger home. Dinner guests last Sunday at e Holger Hansen home were Mr. ml Mrs.Hugh Sutherland and urlcy Rngert of Herman. The lndies of the Christian urch will serve a dinner nt the urch on Friday evening,April 7 from 5:30 lo 8 p. m.13-lt Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christensen nd Clarence were in Omaha last ~eek Wednesday to consult a hyslcian for Mrs. Christensen. Wanted-10,000 Dentists-in use & J's-the tires with teeth on llppery roads.28x4.75,$6.88. amble Stores, Fremont, Neb.l t Mrs. Alice Kincaid of Lincoln, ho has,rccenl.ly been visiting rela- ves in Elk City, is visiting at the oorgc Caldwell and E. G. Carson ornes. Archdeacon Gramley of Omaha, 'iii bc ih phnrge of the morning ervice.Sunday April 19 at the ranso m, was me do or e onr- lD8l-lhthew a. Besudorf.21-tl John Sylvia of Omaha, visited at the Elzy King home lut Monday- The Wuleyns Guild will meetFriday dteruoan with Mrs. J. E. Blrfley- Waated-A.ay ldnd o !work. Hrs.Jean'Heinzerllng, east Dolhx Street.s-as Baby chicks every day.Blair Incdbstor C o m p a n y Hatchery. Phone Black 395.) 18-2t Margaret Allen of Omaha, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Allen. Mrs. W.D. Hughes spent the week-end visiting friends and rela~ tives in Ames and Fremont. C. K. Bendorf, licensed emhalnr er md underhker, Blair.Ottloe phone, 181; ru. ohone. 188.8-tl Mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnson and Phyllis ol near Orum, were din- ner guest.-x at the Jack Crowdy home in this city last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sche ` ln and daughter, Lorain of Atl ic. Iowa came Sunday for a lew days visit with Mr.and Mrs.Wm. Scherdin.The gentlemen are ooudns.Their visit was very mx- joyeble. Bargains for Thursday,Friday, Saturday, Monday-Fnahlon Center 'Silk Stockings,501:quality-8 pdr $1; Kotex, 45c package-19c; Wash Dresses,$2 values-$l.29; Bloqmers and Stepins, $1 vsiues- 4'7c.Shop early-Fashion Center. Miss Esther Hughes and herSunday School class enjoyed e plc~ nic and Weiner roan. out on the Ndson hill,south of mwn last Saturday morning.They found many me flowers in bloom and enloyrd the spring day oo the ut- most. Hazel Newkirk, Irene Peterson and Pearl Rasmussen of the Orum neighborhood were among those who took the eighth grade exam~ lnatlons last Thursday and Friday and they spent the remdnder of the time visiting at the J. P. An- derson home. Rev. and Mrs. Durden of Omaha and John Moore and daughters, Misses Bernice and Gladys, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bross of this city last Thursday evening.Rev. Dur- den is pastor of the First Baptist church of Omaha. Mrs.Jens Black Jensen held open house to relatives and friends on last Sunday,in honor ol her birth anniversary.She entertained her children and grandchildren at a family dinner, when about thirty were present and the day was a most enjoyable one. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wllfong of Omaha, visited last Sunday alter- noon at the home of Mrs.Wil- fong's aunt,Mrs.Oscar Guyer. Mrs. Arms Jennings, deter ot Mrs. Guyer, accompanied her daughter and son-in-law home. She hasbeen 4Knhn'| Photos will please yoa. 9U Plodng,$2 per scrs.Phone 212 an 18.11-if , Mrs.Peter Reeh is improved alter an illness the past week. Furniture, rags ma noor eovn- l n s l Mathew n. Bendvrl.21-sf Alex Gamma is reported on the dak list at his home in north east Blair. Baby chicks every day.Blair Incubator Co rn p a n y Hat/ehery. Phone Black 895.13-2t Lyle Guyer and children were last Sunday visitors at the E.~C. Lippincott home on the Bench. Gladioli Budbs lor sale.Fancy named varieties at less than retail prices.C. H. Robertson 12~2t C. K. Bendorl, licensed embsdm- er and undertaker, Bldr.Office phone, 161; res. phone, 188.8~t! Mr. and Mm Ed &ver and fam- ily attznded the funeral of a rola~ tive,Carl Denesky at Scribner, last Monday allernoon.. For Sale-Six head of last fa!l's calves; also a Red Pulled bldl 20 months old Phone 1212 on 88. J. C. Paulan, Blair.12~2t Mr.and Mrs.Harold Pols of Omaha,spent Cast Sunday alter- noon and evening visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gal- lagher. Modem 'I-room Fremont resi- dence to exchange for 5 or 6 room Blair residence,or good acreage. Address A.F.Erwin, Fremont. Neb..\8~3t' Sensational Sale Sllk Dresses- Fashion Center-$10 values, $3.98; $l5 values,$6.76-sizes 14 to 51% Shop early Thursday, Friday, Sat- urday, Monday.13-lt Mrs. Ingrl Brood of White River South Dakota was a guest from last Thursday until Saturday at the home of her sister, Mrs. An-drew Feer of this city. 'WhynothaveaDoartpermane:t that gives a natural wave!A bargalnst $5 audsatisfanlan guar- anteed.Call Mrs. M. Sutherland at 415 for appointment.46-~ Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Parker of Omaha, were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scherdin.Mr-L and Mrs. Parker left Sunday fortheir new home at Cleveland, Ohio. Leonard E. Axtell, general con-tractor and builder.Specializing in mason and carpenter work. Plans and blue prints made,_esti- mates free.Phone Black 325.11-lit Chas.Mortensen entertained sdozen of his friends at a sta§party last Thursday evening.The men enjoyed visiting and cards and Mrs. Mortensen served a substan- tial lunch. Bargains lor Thursday,FHday, Sahirday, Monday--Fashion Center --Silk Stockings,501:quality-3 pair Sl; Kotex, 45c package l9c; Wash Dresses,$2 values-$l.29;Bloomers and Stepins, Sl. values- 47c.Shop early--Fashion Center. km. J. P. Anderson ol west Ne- °~ u r .n o r m a n . n l m m l n n ~ g u m n a g : l u n g u w u l y . Winnebago, visited Saturday dght Ind Stmdny at tho parental, Hx. lhd Mrs. A. W. René home.Other guests at the Role home on Sun- day were Mr.and Mrs.Hamid Hou-and Mr. and Mrs. Bdsil' Rose and daughter, Riia. Mrs.Walter Gntschuw enter- tained 1. number of boys, Wednes- day after school, in honor ol her son, Joseph James, whose seventh birth anniversary oaurred on thlt m e .The lm came um sc ho ol and played games unth dx o'c1uck when Mrs.Guhchow served a rubltantial dinner. A large crowd of lrlendr g~aLh~ ered at the John C.Anderson home in northwest Blair laatTues- day evening in honor of Mx. and Mrs.Frank Johnson who are leaving Blah- in the near future. A pleasant evening was spent and |. nice lunch served.Mr. Johnsonis working at the Dnnlah Puhliah~ ins Home snbndtuling for one of their men who has been away. / bur, Nob. .Relatives here of W. w. Dixon of Lincoln.ha n reoeived word tlmt he rwently suffered a seaond Plrllydc shake and was in A uri- ous condition. A fine baby girl arrived at the home of Mr.and Mrs..W .V.Wright ol east Colfax street .Fri- day, Apx-E 10.Mother and babe an doing nicely. The s °"'°'".Z.f Blah* md their Sneak Day W esdny and sixty- nlne went by mums w Nebnmka City lor the day.h i n .Flack acted an ehnperon. Shoe Sa de-Fnhi o n Ce nte r- Vnlues to $5 Womens :nd Misses, $2.85 and $8-65; vllhes to $3.50 Childx'en's, $1.29, $1.59 ma $1.98. Get your pair whila due; are comd' piete,i s - n Mn. Lao Vanstrom entertained the DoubGe Four bridge club l u t Friday aiwmovn.M n .Harry Wdker won high score.Mrs. Oecll Gish will entemdn next Friday afternoon, April' 24. . . _ , . _ w i l l mm at the home ol Mrs. F u n k Brose,Friday afternoon, April 11.' Regular 87.50 Permanent Wxvu, $5 and $5 NOW.Ether Crogflnole or SHN wma .Phone un.l i n . x. A. Pound.as-ef The ladle; of the Congregation- alc hurchwi ll se rv na di nne ra t the church pu-lore next Tuesday, April 21. The public le lnvlwd.11: Harvey Krogh, Jr.ot Oregon. Ill.wnsenlled w l i l a l r b y the death of hi l grendfnther,C.0 . Krv gh md attended the funeral. Ha returned to his work agnln on Wednesday, April 15. Mra.R.J.Mndee n gavenparty for her little deughter, Betty Ann, last Frldn after sshool ln honorof her elglth birthday. There were eight little frlmde present and she received A number ol nice gifts. Mn. Madsen served e deinty lunch.Those present were ome- vleve Skov,Elaine Warrick, Irie Bax?/er, Shirley Fincher, Viva Mae Christensen, Leia Carlson, Pauline Mntier and Lorraine Byrne. nf-c a ms . /~. , , | ~', / seven! weaka. Shoe Sale-Fashion O m a r - Vnlues to $6 Womens md Misses. :a es m d s m s ; " r m to ;a.so Chlldretfs, $1-291 awe lhd $1.98. Get yum- pulr while Sims lm com- plete.18-it Mrs. Nancy Sylvls returned to Blair last Sunday after gpendjng the winter lt the Sold:/rs' Home at Milford.On Mrmday she movedher houxehold' goods to Fremont, where she plans On nmks her home. The P. N. G. Club held one of their pleasant nfhmoonn Int Fri~ day nt the r. Q o . F. hnll whm tha iolluwihg-cemmittee served nice refreshments, Melita Taylor, Mrs .(ZB2 Hms e na ndMra .A.A. Compwm Mrs. James Kirby entertained four tables of friend;at pinoehle last Mondxy evening at the home of her nisfer, Mrs. Julius Petersen High. prizes were awarded Mrs. J. Petersen and Rasmus Johansen. Niue nhnhments were served. ;A Si I I . H e r e ' s O f ~ g You New 'Thrills in Things of Interest to the Ladies of the Community ORGANDY ruffled trimmings 25c per yard in beautiful white and pastel shades. Ladies' homemade Slipon Iaprons at $1.00 guaranteed fast colors Gossard (iirdles, Corsets,Corsel- lettes and Brassiére at popular prices. 1 ~ff l m ~ ~~ \ ,»-;/Bleached Crash Toweling at l5c Pongette Prints, 36 inches wide Fhursday Ind Frldsy o! this week. m u Mr.and Mrs. James T. Ndson md family were Last Sunday atb- n-noon visitors at the Chris Nelson mme, west of Omm.. Naptha-~Solvent cleans qdckly md safely in your home.Try it! (ou will be pleased with results. Ssrner Oil Gll Servlce.11-se Miss Bean Crowdy nttauled the mn wedding anniversary of Mr.md Mrs. Earl Brnhn at Benning- on last Saturday evening. Mrs.Naam Warrick and Mrs. Esther Overmeyer of Boise, Idnho vent to Lincoln last Tuesday to lee W. W. Dixon, who is ill. The Teachers' Bridge Club met est Monday evening at the Ed i ns homo with Misses Evelyn hrtne r and mm Burr enuztnin- ng.,~Around one\ hundred and fiftymople enlwydl the dance given by he McCarthy Club at the M- W. A. lall nm Friday night.Everyone lad a good time. Sensatiow Sale Silk Dresses-Pashlon Centex $10 dues, $8-98: ;|_5 vdnes,$6.75-alles 14 w 52. ihop early Thursday, Friday, Sat- rrdly, Monday.12-1t Lucille and Raymond Feet wereilnner guests last Sunday at the some of their sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrison, who reside south of Kennard. Ahouti dozen friends and Lives came in on Mrs. Wm. Miliér of east Lincoln street last Satur- day ilterndon ln honor 01 her birth anniversary.Refreshments were served. Mrs.Fred Long entertained a number of tha W. R. C. ladies last Wednesday afternoon when they met with her to cut quilt blocks. Mrs.Long is dhairman of the sewing committee, Friends o f Mm Ma ry Miller, mother of Mrs. Oscar Guyer of this city, will be pleased to learn that she is improving ln health alter n sick spelL She is at the Soldiers Hama at Milford Bargains for Thursday,Frlday, Saturday, Monday-Fashion Center-Si lk Stockings,50:quality-3 palr Sl: Kowx, 45c package-19c; Wash Dresses,$2 valn:.;.'.'l.29; Bloomers and Steplns, $1 values- 47c.Shop early-Fashion Center.nm Adda Bell o f mm, N.flJ., who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Barham McVay and her sis- ter, Mrs. J. H. Bowman of this clty plans to go to Pierce, Neb. in -.a 4_ I fe v} d ay s a n d f r om th a t p o in t to ; fun hnma ni Plrrin M r :Ilu ll a nd Scans Beets 'J£;.3,,'i,.§'<'3';..9¢: No.2 c a nl il~ se~eral \ee . Charles Lamb and Mrs.John Sutherland drove down to Omahalast' Surlday to meet Mrs. Charles Lamb, who returned at that time from seveml weeks visit with her brother, Will Sutherland and fam- ily down at San Antonio, Texas. While there she also called on the H. Ollerman family who lived in Blair for many years, prior to going south. TED LATHROp SPECIALS f0f~/Friday tr Saturday f l r a n g e s ?63'%'.,. Sllnldat 3 3 C Tomatoes §";.?."°'29c Beets 'J£;.3,,'i,.§'<'3';..9¢: No.2 c a nl 2-pound Clddy 0le»o 3'2;.'.§..§i"'29c u t t e r §::°a.m"°"304: C 0 ¢ 0 3 ¥3'..'I.nl=x~~ .IQQY :f";,. `"39c ~::l l days visiting in Omaha. A t t h e Lad ie s So c i al Uni on o f th e Co ng re ga ti on al c hu rc h he ld a t th e h o me o f Mr s .W . F . H e mp h i ll A p r i l 7,Mr s .Geraldine Ste wa r t rendered a pieaaing voc al solo, ac - c ompanied b y Mr s .Ph i li p 0'Hai1~ lo n a t the piano.I n me nti on in g the pr og ram lo st wee k ,their :names were unintentionally omitted which Th e Ente rpr ise regrets. About twenty-four young people' of the Methodist church attended the lipworth League rally at Te- k n m n h I n s t S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n a n d evening. Mrs, Margaret Iverson and fam- ily attended the funeral of Mrs. Rosa Sears at Tekarnnh last Thurs- day afternoon.Mrs. Sears was n cousin of Mrs. Iverson. Prof. K. C. DeGroff went to Des Moines,Iowa last Sunday wherei he will spenl the week attending' a. music convention for supervisors He plans to return Friday. Frank McBride'a grandson, Gif~ ford Seyholm of Missouri Valley, who is known on several Blair people, is reported to he at the Lord Lister hospital in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ray. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Iverson and children and Martin Johnson of this countyspent last Saturday evening at thehomeof Mrs.Margaret lverson and family.Mrs.Rluda Gemots ot Omaha, was also a guest that evenings Around twenty-eight relatives and friends from Omaha. surprised W. J. Koopman last Sunday,the occasion being his birth anniver- sary.'They brought well filled baskets of dinner whlch all enjoyed together after greetings were ex- changed. Mrs.D.A.Compton has beenvisiting over the week-end in Lin- coln at the W.W.Dixon home. She also visited her nephew, Ted M. Anderson who is in the Vet- eron'a hospital.Sho thinks she can see a little improvement i n Mr.Anderson's condition since former visits. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caldwell en- tertained a number of relative! and friends at diiher East Sunday ln honor of Ear b i r t h " s i n g _The lollo g were prasen :~ and Mrs Glen RW and chil- dren of Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lowe and daughter, Mr. md Mrs. Fred Long,Howard,Roy and Arthur,Gretchen Mancha a n d Irene Haatingi of Omaha. Mrs. G. H. Nob entertained at a shower for Mrs. John Leahy. nee Charlotte Maher on last Monday evening.Several game; were en-joyed and prlnes awarded.Them were live tables of bridge at which Alice Bedaaan o m high prize, Erna Metdnger,cot prime and Mrs.R. Burr,consolation.Nico refreshments were served.Mrs. Leahy received many lovdy Km-'~ Mr. and Mrs. 'Leahy have moved to a farm eight -:alles south ol South Omaha. I | I I ...........,, ....c..., ................. ..... .......the en- ond Mrs. Mr. and anniversary last Sunday when following fdends and relatives joyed dinner at her home: Mr. Mrs. Pete Anderson, Mr. and Alfred Anderson and Helen, and Mrs. Arthur Anderson Nels Petersen. Edward Feer,son of Mr. Mrs.Alfred Feer,celebrated thirteenth birth anniversary w fell on Saturday,on Sunday eve- ning when his mother entertained a few relatives and served nies re- freshments during the evening. Those present were Mrs Helen Phelps and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Feet. The Blair and Ft. Calhoun par-1 ishes of St. Francis Borgla church held a farewell reception for Father Joseph Sieberiich at the Catholic parsonage on last Sunday evening where a large crowd congregated for a social evening and w extend beat wishes.Father Sleberllch leaves in a few days for Stanton, Neb. where he will serve the Stan- ton church and also St.Henry's pariah near Howells, Nab. Mrs. John Leahy of near Omaha, formerly Miss Charlotte Maher of this city, was honored at a kitchen shower on last Saturday afternoon at the home of Misses Vina and Rosalie Foley.About thirty girl friends enjoyed a pleasant after- noon and partook of n dallaious two-course luncheon.Mrs. leahy received many lovdy gifts which will be useful in her new home and a lasting remembrance of har many friends. Eleanor Dixon of B§a.lr, a sopho- more student in home economics at the Unlverdty of Nebruikn, last week was eledzed vioe preaident ofthe Home Economics club, which is composed of all ooeds taking courses in the college of agricul- ture.Miss Dixon also was one of !iv¢girls chosen to membership in Phi Updlon Omlaon, national honorary homa eeonomic| society. Membership la based on scholar- ahlp and character. Mr. and Mrs. Skov Nielsen and grandson,Mrs. James Lund and children, Mr.and Mrs.H. J. Han- sen, Mrs. Soren Larsen and Misses Anna and Dorothea Jensen, all of this city, were among the friends and tlves who gathered at tha home of Mrs. Martkl Paulsonon the Bench last Sunday to extend greetings and ben wishes to her, on the ooosslon of her birth anni- versary.Har neighbors came in on har, on Saturday so that she was doubly honored.The hostess served tovsly refreshment; and his hich g g . ; D I y y ! !6 l ¢ » \ \ _. . . . . . . . . . . . ;. .. l . . . _. . . _ Q' f l r a n g e s ?63'%'.,. Sllnldat 3 3 C Tomatoes §";.?."°'29c l C 0 ¢ 0 3 ¥3'..'I.nl=x~~ Corn §'°.i;'.""'°291:W J ~ ° § 3 [ ' ( ) R E 0 0 "THE OLD RELIABLE" Sugar 10 lbs. 5§E,,. 3.9" lbs. $s.1§ :.-'l i ~C ll. all uric a ~camnb'5 ° u P 5 s » r I 5' [J 4 ~1 ~- . . ~ 2 H . ?""r '=' --n n :mm- , Ne br uh, Apri l 1 6 , mxnam am KENNARD NEWST H E a ~,_.Q |.1 i |"~ 1~I 51.-,~~.»=%~~=;;f 5 2 _ I Mr.and Mrs.Sam Hall and Florence and Dr. and Mn. B. H. Denwn of Omaha, enjoyed a tripto Shenandoah Sunday.Mrs.Bert Hansen and Gladys Christensen, Alben, Siberson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Junghluthattended a 6:80 dinner at RobertaCale in Blair after which they re- turned tu Arlington where the evenin~ was =~ ntatbri~atthe ces Kranberg and Rosie Wulbern az Kemmrd;Christine Svogerson at Washington, where she was sguest at the Hurry Swnnson home; Gwrge Ma and Harold Jhxisl WOMAN xs noNom=:D BY KENNARD CLUB The Ladies' Aid society met atthe hom¢ of Mrs. Chriatem Miller RosenbaumThe annual spring election lorvillage trustees and members ofthe school board was held Tues~day.G. E K1-onberg and Ndi| 0. Blair, were Sunday visitors at U1H. C. Blaco home. There will be an Epvw League rdly at the church bw Christensen, Alben Siberson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Junghluthattended a 6:80 dinner at RobertaCale in Blair after which they re-turned tu Arlington where theevening was spent at bridge It tha uhome of Mr. nad H n .Waits: E¢hi-¢l1klmP- Mr.and Mrs.Sam Hall and Florence and Dr. and Mn. B. H. Denwn of Omaha, enjoyed a tripto Shenandoah Sunday.Mrs.Bert Hansen and Gladys Rosenbaum were Blair visitors on Wednesday.C. B. Hansen return-ed with them for a few days visitwith his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mn. Bert Hansen. Mr. and Mrs.Alvin Hanthome RosenbaumThe annual spring election lorvillage trustees and members ofthe school board was held Tues~ day.G. E K1-onberg and Ndi| 0. Hansen were re-elected aa mem- bers of the village board while0. W. Marshdl was chosen w succeed Charles Berry whose termhasexpired._Glenn Rosenbaum = .-|» ces Kranberg and Rosie Wulbern az Kemmrd;Christine Svogerson at Washington, where she was sguest at the Hurry Swnnson home; Gwrge Ma and Harold Chris# tensen at Bkir. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Taft were among those to attend a pinochle Q..|..> Blair, were Sunday visitors at thH. 0. Bluco home. There will be an Epwo League nlly at the church base ment Friday evening.The Ladle Aid will nerve Supper-Evaryon is invited to attend. Mr. A. Hahlbeck of Ar :l l was a business caller in Ke~Tuesday..pa y ~wednesday °v°1=inS~ Christensen, Alben Siberson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Junghluthattended a 6:80 dinner at RobertaCale in Blair after which they re-turned tu Arlington where theevening was spent at bridge It tha uhome of Mr. nad H n .Waits: E¢hi-¢l1klmP- Mr.and Mrs.Sam Hall and Florence and Dr. and Mn. B. H. Denwn of Omaha, enjoyed a tripto Shenandoah Sunday.Mrs.Bert Hansen and Gladys Rosenbaum were Blair visitors on Wednesday.C. B. Hansen return-ed with them for a few days visitwith his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mn. Bert Hansen. Mr. and Mrs.Alvin Hanthome RosenbaumThe annual spring election lorvillage trustees and members ofthe school board was held Tues~ day.G. E K1-onberg and Ndi| 0. Hansen were re-elected aa mem- bers of the village board while0. W. Marshdl was chosen w succeed Charles Berry whose termhasexpired._Glenn Rosenbaum = .-|» ces Kr o n b e r g a n d Rosie W u l b e m a t K e n n a r d ;Chr istine Svogeroon a t W as hi ng to n,wh er e she wa s n gu es t at th e Ha r ry S wa ns o n ho me ; G w r m M a a n d H a r o ld JIuis-f te ns en a t B la ir . Mr .a n d Mr s .An s e l Ta f t we r e amo n g th o s e to a tte n d a p i n o c h le LI I al a n ; Blair, were Sunday visitors at thH. 0. Bluco home. There will be an Epwo League nlly at the church base ment Friday evening.The Ladle Aid will nerve Supper-Evaryon is invited to attend. Mr. A. Hahlbeck of Ar :l l was a business caller in Ke~Tuesday..pa y ~wednesday °v°1=inS~ r ~i * l "' g g .=>'°-n ~'i'.'!||-:i ~i n SIS FOR SPRING---ANI) SALADS narrow strip of qanned pimientoaroundthe cen€m°'of each roll. 1.1 befc .m n u n u u y m w r u u u u Lwuuuy Lu:ers and ten vidtora were press ar th e bus iness sessio n and ke n g to n . I t m u unanimouady vo te d Wednesday evening. Ray Peck vidted lf the Roland Smith home Sunday ailernoon.Friday evening visitors lt the Alfred Svogeraon home were Ben Tietgen and William Slender. Mr. and Mrs.Soren Wdismann m d a i u a mi i mma Mrs.m yFollen celebraw\ her birth anni- versary lan Saturday evening. _ Mr. n.nd Mrs. Christoffer Ander- sen and family were Sunday eve< ning visitors at the Andrew An- dersen home. Sunday afternoon visdbonx at the John Frazier home were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nelson and fnmily and Mr. und Mrs. Claude Englert and family. The Dorcas Sewing Club was cn- wmined by Mrs. Fred Nelson last Saturday afternoon.The next meeting wlli be held at the Luth~ eran church basement Saturday afternoon, Aprll 25th. Mr.und Mr.Alfred Svogerson and Christine spent Saturday eve~ ning at the Chris Jalmel home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jensen and Ella, Mr. and Mrs.Lloyd Jacobs and Joan,Mr.and Mrs.Nels Swanson,and Alma and Albert Swanson helped Harry Swanson celebrate his birthday last Sunday. Mr.and Mrs.Soren Walsmunn and family visited at the John Wolsmunn home Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Holmes of ~'-... .1 was a business caller in KeTuesday. ws pu,re[>re¢/SEE ; I'\\ {»'|| ..I | and aKieth Nelson of Omaha, vis- ited at the Al Kronberg home on Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. William Wulbem 1 .4<N 'If~ ~ 1 " \ ~ , , ~~my .~;,.;..~ A..."~ f~='~1'~/ ~ ~~ . »1 =»g»,~ f »...»w,.. l ' I ,;¢a ~/ gy.; ,~ w i ~ -¢|i~ ~Bezur $¢edafor Bazar Gardena L<><>|< for the FERl2y SEED BOX Tunis a Ferry Seed Box near you, in your neighborhood store.Look for ii when you plant your garden, for Ferry'| purebred Seeds have been teamed from generntione nd generations of mother plants forvigor and aturdiueaa of growth. It is not the price of seeda which ia ex- peulive in your garden-it ia the labor and time and investment in the ground. Yet the quality in your seeds may mean lhediiforeneehotweenaloeaoiellthia time and iuvaetsmeut. md a complete meeeaa. ~~, g l ~~ ~ ~~ ~=.,;wm;n@g§i¥v . ' a v ~ K u x g g ; .so "_ FERRY' ~ZF. ~ ~Iaok for the name "Ferry'a" on the needs you buy for your garden. Thi: mourn that you are buying taxed seed:- All Ferry'| purebred Seeds come from generations of planu which have proved their ability to transmit their superior quality hy yearn of careful growing and seeding. The evidence of the harvest lia with l"erry'| purebred Seeds.Look for Ferry'a Seedn if you are looking for a auoeeesful garden; Ferry-Morse Seed C0-¢ Detroit, Michigan. ./' .:;;: ' ~/ `~\'v \.1 ~ ( Q J " s ; § * ' .' ' i n~=;~ A " . ; » , - _ - nMr .and Mr s .W i ll Th u r b e r a n d da ug h te r o f Oma h a ,spe nt th e week-end a t th e par ental,Ro be rt Andr ease n ho me. Mi s s He le n Be rr y o f Benson, .\... visitors at the Louis Lauritsen home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Christensen and family spent Sunday at the Will Hansen home in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Svogerson and Christine were Sunday dinner guests at the Chr-is Chrisloffersen home, near .I-Iennan. Messrs.and Mesdames Soren Wolsmann, Albert Nelson and Al- fred Svogerson and family at¢end~ ed the Baptism services at the Lutheran church in Kennard Sun- day evening. Olin, Herman and Rudolph Mat- zen were Sunday visitors at the August Matzen, Jr. home. The Brewster school patrons are pianning on nn enjoyable visit. fmm their old schoolmaster, New- ton G. Gaines at the school house Thursday evening, April 16th. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Nelson spent Monday aftemoon at the Albert Nelson home. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Toft were among those to help little Elaine Rasmussen,daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Bob Rasmussen celebrate her second birthday Monday evening. gigs P E c | A, ; £ $ l 1 or f T im 'allA$O :. D O t h e y harass you b y day and k e e p yo u awake at night? Don't negiect them.They'lIruin your charm and beauty,alienate your friends, interferewith your success.When you're nervous,take Dr.Miles'Nervine.It's the grrescription of a successfulerve Specialist, put up in con- venient form._Dr. Miles'Nervine is now made in two forms-»-Liquid andEffervescent Tablet.Both havethe same soothing effect on the nerves. $1.00 at your drug store O .; " " ' Y "~D R .1 _ l L E S " ~~1°u i d ~"Nerve§' l m e x p i ~ .Glenn ~ b ~ u m ond I.. D. Laudtsen were reelectedas members of the school board. Mr. and Mrs. C.L.Rosenbaumvisitedrelatives and friends here on Monday evening. The pupils of the third, fourth and fifth grades under the direc- tion of Misa Fae Dornacker, gave an Easter program at the schoolhouse Ttlesday afternoon.A num-ber of visitors were present to enjoy the songs and recitations. The oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Lars Frandsen suffered a painful accident last Monday aft- ernoon when she feli on the side- walk at school and broke her arm.L. E. Ward and his son, Homerwere called to Omaha Tuesday, asthe oldest daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Leland Ward was seriously ill.Howard Lautrup of Harlan, l0\1.:l visited with his mother, Mrs. Mnry Lautrup on Saturday.Gus Kronberg has returned tohis work ns bookkeeper at the Farmers Grain and Lumber Co. after an enforced vacation of sev-eral weeks.It i s still necessaryfor Mr. Kronberg to go about with cmtches. Rev. and Mrs. E. P. Booher nt-tended zz missionary meeting inOmaha Inst Wednesday, Mrs. Sam Hall was on the sick list the forepart g this week.The Modern W dmen held their regular monthly meeting' Tuesday evening. Judge and Mrs.A. C. Debei of Mr. and Mrs.Alvin Hanthome and children who for the past few years have been living at Dlx, Neb.recently returned in m m s .Mr.and Mrs. Hanthorne own property here and were former residents. Mr. and Mrs. C les Andersonof Omaha, were week-end visitors at the Bert Swihnrt home. Sunday visitors at the Henry Kempeke home were: Mr. and Mrs.Gus Kronberg and Twyla, Mr.and Mrs. Gus Kempcke and children. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rosenbaum and children.Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jensen and daughter visited at Art Jensen's Monday evening.Mrs. Fred Nelsen entertained the Dorcas Club at her home Saturday aftemoon. Bliss Irma Jeppesen has been re-elected as a teacher in the schools at Washington for next year, this being the third your forher in this school. Friends of Rollin W. Butts willbe glad to Ceum that he has beenchosen as one ol the soloists when a Lincoln symphony orchestra broadcasts over station KFAB at Lincoln Sunday evening.The pro-gram will begin at 7:30. Mr. Butts formerly taught the Colby Corner school.He now resides in Fremontundforthepast few years has been prominent in musical circles there. Mrs. Herman Knuse of Benning- ton,spent Tuesday at the homeof her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. B. W s p a r Varnish E F I E I I H C I NOT a smple can, but a full-snzed 301: can- :md it costs you only 10c if you bring the coupon at the bottom of this ad. Choose either clear Waren- Spar Vamish to give n rich, bnilliant varnish Enish m shab- by floors, furniture or wood- work, or make your choice from the wonderful hue, shades, and stunning color: of W_;;=;§»»=< Qdck-Dryiizllg Col~ o orEven boiling water cannot harm :lea Waterfgnr Var- nish. Colared Wan ar Van nish comes in scv natural wood colors -=<g,_-=»=~~g `a 'ut e apense oremoving them.Colored Wm ~ ~ ~an es smoor epractical,pur-ir-on,:youne1f finish dm puu daee:-ing color into your home. Cliplllc coupon novl Come in foryour ly!!-sind JW qw-lar 4 lun-ud nm: vnlr. nvalable u 10¢. . . _ . . . . . . . _ _ _GO OD F OR 3 0 : -~».,.»4 rx.. pun.. ..1 .30:si W»l¢fSpa Yanni-hEnamel, du,eoland Nnl¢_.. Man............,_..._-. - - | 1 m c '|| : BAYER ASPIRIN n i iI relieves: Headac hes N e w i t i l Colds Ne u mlg i z Son: Throat Lurn bago ~Rh eu matimn Too tha c he a 1 :1fJ: ~ 3 " 1 .2 :~<;§ ~"*sf. . ~~i f : f 4 : ¢ .';..g. = < : / 2: : § : : /...fA~ H f .~ f »»¢f > ~ § 5 9 ~fl /T "\a v * .. .":§}4 I f f Lf: .a ... H ~ 4 » . ~ ,,.r"~1 RULES 'aighelp fo BOWELS hat n oy to have the bowels move ..; Lluil ork, every dayl Il.'a easy . y ou min d thes e sunple rule s of a muus old doc tor: Drin k u bi g tumb ler ful of wa ter before breakfast,an d ,several times a day . '.Go t plen ty o f ou td oo r exer c i se wn hout un duly fa tiguing y our-» sc.Tr y fo r a b o we l mo ve me n t a t exac tly the some hour every day . '|EZvcronc's bowels need he lp a t lI!\P4 u t th e thi n g to u s e is D r .\1..'»I~\cil'5 S rup Pe pein. You'| l get| 12. »rnugh c leaning-out,andit\\on't ~ -Pour insides weak and. wgtery . f : | -:nnily doctofs prc sc r1pt1on1.s~: fl 1;ah lnxahve herbs. pqre pcpsm. other helpful gréfgredaenls th o t ~ n't hurt a chrl .Bu l. h o w l t .. \' s u p tho se laz y b owe ls!Elojur I y o u fc elw1th y o ur sy stem n d l _ $ n _ BEWARE OF IMITATION -\Q\$g a ° '1 ° \ ' ( \~p , s 9 \ \ \` 1 ' 9 f 1 \7 . _\., ; » 0 \ 1 // .,¢ UNLTSS you see the name Ba and the word genuine on we pa ~ ~ ' lured above ever ~aspxc y o u a nnsure lhatyouuetzkin thegen '~Bayer Aspirin that 5 m w d .- physigiann pxmcribe in their - pracuce. The name Bayer mans -ABP"l r fa". mm ls your guaxan .punty-'ynur protection against . unirationa.Mdliona of users hapmyed that it in sale. -» Da. w. B. C/\u>w¢u.'sgwwv PEPSIN ADoclork Fami[y Laxalive lake Mn. Miller s life member of he society she being the only one HH in the uodety who was a char- er member at its orgadzatrlon in B99 when the nm me eti ng vu eld at her home.Mrs. Miller was hosen as president at this first; meeting and has held this oflice at arious times since.Mrs.Miller banked the ladies for the honor estowed upon her and then told bout the organization of the sod- ty and who the first few mem- erg wen, she being the only one f those few ladies still residing ere. ;ENN,\nu SCHOOLHAPPENlNG5 Miss Helen Ellingsen of Wausa, ms in Kenrmrd lust Thursday to wet tho members of the Kennard chool board and to visit the school noms.Miss Ehlingsen has been hosen as teacher of the Interme- iate grades for next year. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Knudsen mo-tored to Blair Saturday..Mr. and Mn. Glen JdiersonmdMrs. Ida Kerstetter ol Omaha, vis-ited relatives here Sunday. Ben Tietgen spent Friday eve~ d u g at the Alfred Svogersen M . E. Kerstetter was on thesickist several days last week.Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sunds andMr. and Mrs. Martin Srnds paid a short visit at the Abert Sunds home Friday evening.A number of Wasl|ington's youngfolks took in the show at the Or- pheum Sunday evening. Mrs. Nels /Knudsen entertainedthc Danish Lutheran Aid last Wed ncsday afternoon..Miss Dngmsr Petersen motored~ to Bennington Wednesday,l Mr. und Mrs. Joe Wardell leftThursdaymorningfor Newport.:Nah. where they will mnke theirl home.~Mrs. W. A. Kerswtter and MissfDagmnr Petersen visited at the F. Hoffennan home one day last \ hom ` Add Substance uw uns Dish Salad! 'With Energy-Food "Spring's ln the air, girls, aingl For Winter passes like a dream-." So ran the old ballad that formed a feature of every local glee club'a repertoire.And now that i t is Spring, by the calendar aa well as by the Easter hats, it's time we get a little Spring into our menus- meaning no pun on spdngy sponge cake or watery gravy either. The most Spring-like, in looks, taste and effect, of all the menu- coursea is the we that begins with the same letter S-salad! Theer are any number of sound dietetic reasons why we shouid eat largely of salads.But lf there is a grain of truth in the old idea that what our bodies crave,wc need, then no argument "for the defense" are necessary.Salad it isl Main dish salads, those that may bo combined with a hit of bread and butter, a simple dessert and u beverage to form an entire meal, are "just the ticket"for Spring luncheon menus.This type oi' salad,however,must boast an abundance of nutriment and "en- crgy"not usually found in the simple fruit or vegetable salad.To add these "alphabetical necessities" we cali vitamins, and to "fortify" this main course, wise cooks are adding pasteurized dates to the adad ingredients, plain or stuffed with cheese or nutmeats.It's abit of art worth knowing for both health andtaste reasons,as youwill very soon discover by trying the tested recipes which follow. 'Diploma Salad One :up cottage cheese, 'é pkxr. pasteurized dates, */2 cup nutmeats salt, mayonnaise, lettuce, pimicnto. Mix cheese, sliced dates, and chop- II Place three rolls on a salad plate and serve with additional dressing. 4 to 6 servings.Special Waldorf Salad Two large apples,'A cup nut- meats,as cup céery, lettuce,% pkg.pasteurized dates,2 tbaps. T..em.h dressing, mayonnaise.Ii' apples have tender, red lldn, do not remove.Otherwise,peel the apples cut into quarters,removecores, then cut fruit into one~hal! inch dice.Cover with French dressing to prevent discoloration. Add broken nutmeats, diced celery, and quartered dates, using addi- tional dressing if necessary to rnoisten.Pile in mounds in cup- ahaped lettuce leaves and garnish with rnayonwse or any favorite dressing.6 servings. Two-in-One Salad One No. 1 can grapefruit, 2cups (No. 2 can)salad fruits,l c up celery, 1 cup mayonnaise, EQ pkg. pasteurized dates, UQ' ups heavy cream,1 cup almon s.Drain canned fruits thorough y,cut ln small pieces, combine ruits, diced celery and aimonds.Whip cream and add to mayonnaise.Add the cream and mayonnaise to fruits. Pack in trays of mechanical re- frigerator or in tightly sealed mold in a mixture of ice and salt until frozen (3 to 4 hours).Unmold. Serve on a lettuce lea! and garnish with cream mayonnaise.Yields 1% qts.(12-14 servings). Four Fruits Circle Six slices pineapple, 1 No. 2 can grapefruit,2 seedless oranges, lettuce, 8 pasteurized dates, '/S pkg cream cheese, salad dressing.Place siice of pineapple on bed of lettuce leaves.Cover round with alter- nate whole segments of gnpdxdi and orange.Fill cavity xn center ped nuts with enough mayonnaise 'of round with a date stuffed with to form a paste which can be'creamed cheese moistened to aspread.Add salt if necessary.|paste with juices from the canned Spread small leaves of lettuce with fruits.Serve with cream mayon~ thick Cayer of filling.Starting at naise or French fruit salad dress- base oi leaf, roll tightly.Slip al (Continued on page four) 1 II I I ntl |I t4 1 h c n ve h a eh oh li \\ n BI YIcl d s S4 el tl B4 b F s s u F 0 O tl It Burkholder, members of the high school faculty this year, have signf ed contracts to return next year. Miss Lcola Nelsen ls to teaw the primary grades in the Kennard schools next year. A music supervisor has not yet been selected. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jensen and Ella, Mr. and Mrs.Lloyd Jacobs and Joan,Mr.and Mrs.Nels Swanson,and Alma and Albert Swanson helped Harry Swanson celebrate his birthday last Sunday. Mr.and Mrs.Soren Walsmann and family visited at the John Wolsrnann home Sunday afbernoon Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Holmes of ~'-... .1 \.l I I : ::| \ton University and from there motored to Glenwood, Iowa on nn inspection tour of the instituion ¢.. . |, DALE DOINGS Mr .and Mr s .Pa ul Jones and f a mi ly were vi si ti n g Th u rs da y a t th e h o me o f Mr . a n d Mr s . L i lia r d J ensen, near Kennard. Mr .and Mr s .F .J .Emerson ..»~.| ;; FORMER KENNARD MANTO BESIDE IN OHIO Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Parker of Omaha, are leaving for Cleveland, Ohio where they arg to reside in the future.Mr. and Mfs. Parker were former residents of Kennnrd. Sensational Sade Silk Dresses- Fnshion-Centev T10 values, $3.98; $15 values,$6.75»-sizes 14 to 52.Shop early Thursday, Friday, Sat- urday, Monday.13-It ..I | and aKieth Nelson of Omaha, vis- ited at the Al Kronberg home on Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. William Wulbem Ask Carl Sonderegger ed.Mr. Ed Renard. a local breeder of purebred Holstein Friesian cattle at Dale, is one of the seven in Neb, and of 734 in the nationthat has been nominated as candi~ :late for election as delegate to represent the black and white breed nt the 46th annual convention nl the Holstein Friesian Associationof America, at Syracuse, N. Y. on June 3.The Dale Cal! Club held theirreguiar meeting Saturday at Bud Misfeldvfs home. They voted Albert Siberson manager; Dick Jungbluth pres., Gus Paulsun treaa.The fol-lowing are mbers» Bud Mlsleldl.,Dick and ER Jungbluth,Elmer Paulson,Alvin Sunds,Oliver J »a1 U 1 \ 4 : |...|. .St. Ed wan ls . Mr .and Mr s .Pa ul Jones,Mr . an d Mr s .Elmer J e n se n attended th e f u n e r a l o f Ma r y K lu tz F d d a y at K e nn a r d . Mr .an d Mr s .He ster received a le tte r f r o m the i r s o n, Gle n s a y i n g hc arri ved safely a t Ca n eg a do r , Philippines an d is i n Compa ny B &D 6 0 . Dr .an d Mr s .1\IcCrann o f Oma ha , an no un c e the a rr ival o f a baby gi r l o n Mo nd ay ,A p r i l 6th. Mrs. Z\ Ic Crann was fo rmerly Violet Ha ll o f D a le . Rolan d Ormsb y jus t pu rc h as ed a ne w Har dy Hi gh pr e ss ur e Orc h ar d Spray to be used i n hi s e i gh ty ac re app le orc hard.I t ma i nta in s a p re ss ur e of si x hu nd red p ou nd s. Th e ta nk h o ld s th re e h un dr ed g al- lon of /sp ray mi xtu re and is tr ac tor driven. Mi s s Ma u d Ma ster s drove .to Oma h a la s t W e d n es d a y wh e re s h e - _ - nMr .and Mr s .W i ll Th u r b e r a n d da ug h te r o f Oma h a ,spe nt th e week-end a t th e par ental,Ro be rt Andr ease n ho me. Mi s s He le n Be rr y o f Benson, .\... visitors at the Louis Lauritsen home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Christensen and family spent Sunday at the Will Hansen home in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Svogerson and Christine were Sunday dinner guests at the Chr-is Chrisloffersen home, near .I-Iennan. Messrs.and Mesdames Soren Wolsmann, Albert Nelson and Al- fred Svogerson and family at¢end~ ed the Baptism services at the Lutheran church in Kennard Sun- day evening. Olin, Herman and Rudolph Mat- zen were Sunday visitors at the August Matzen, Jr. home. The Brewster school patrons are pianning on nn enjoyable visit. fmm their old schoolmaster, New- ton G. Gaines at the school house Thursday evening, April 16th. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Nelson spent Monday aftemoon at the Albert Nelson home. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Toft were among those to help little Elaine Rasmussen,daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Bob Rasmussen celebrate her second birthday Monday evening. %.,".,'E Bezur $¢edafor Bazar Gardena L<><>|< for the FERl2y SEED BOX Tunis a Ferry Seed Box near you, in your neighborhood store.Look for ii when you plant your garden, for Ferry'| purebred Seeds have been teamed from generntione nd generations of mother plants forvigor and aturdiueaa of growth. It is not the price of seeda which ia ex- peulive in your garden-it ia the labor and time and investment in the ground. Yet the quality in your seeds may mean lhediiforeneehotweenaloeaoiellthia time and iuvaetsmeut. md a complete meeeaa. ;aQ\§f[_ éuw§§5$¢F`~ p FERRY.5*f§/ I iig;@£@!E§_v ,nur~~¥ ` W ? "; L s ~ | FERRY"I ,u B; ~.1 - ~ \UJB'r ,- / Iaok for the name "Ferry'a" on the needs you buy for your garden. Thi: mourn that you are buying taxed seed:- All Ferry'| purebred Seeds come from generations of planu which have proved their ability to transmit their superior quality hy yearn of careful growing and seeding. The evidence of the harvest lia with l"erry'| purebred Seeds.Look for Ferry'a Seedn if you are looking for a auoeeesful garden; Ferry-Morse Seed C0-¢ Detroit, Michigan. \~;§,,"§ .~i ! ~/ `~\'v \.1 ~ ( Q J " s ; § * ' »$' i n -v~;~ > " . ; » , ---New um chnlda | woe.A number of friends and rein-tives gathered at the 0. G, Liesche home last Monday afternoon to help Mrs. Liesche celeb te her birthday.Mr. and Mrs. Hans Braesch and Bill Stender spent Thursday eve- ning as the Albert Sunds horne. Mr. and Mrs.~ B. Jefferson Lincoln Sunday evening.The pro- gram wiil begin at 7:30. Mr. Butts :formerly taught the Colby Comer school.He now resides in Fremontandforthepast few years has been prominent in musical circles there. Mrs. Herman Kruse of Benning- ton,spent Tuesday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. M r s .F r a n k G a s s e ~a n d R e i n h a r t visi ted a t th e Lo u i s * Go r e h a m home S und ay eve nin g. of Lars Fransen had the misfor- tune to break her arm last Mon- day, while at school.Misses Esther Woods and AnnaHansen took in the play at the Wmnch school lust Friday eve- mng. i te d a t th e He n r y K n i e p h o me o n Sun day eveni ng. Mi ss E lle n Mi s f eld t o f Bla ir , sp e nt Sa tur d ay wi th h ome f o lk s . Mr. and Mrs. Chr is Sbender c ele- brated the ir 49 th we d di n g anni~ versary Fr i da y b y en te rtai ni ng th e ir fa mily . Mis ses E mma Sten der an d Agn es Be r te i se n a n d H. E .Ly o n s mo to r - ed go Oma h a Sunday . ....} week.Clarence Lee of Iowa was call~ inp: on friends here Monday.Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gottsch are the proud parents of a baby boy. BAYER ASPIRIN BREWSTER BITS Sunday visitors at the E. E. Matzen home were Elmer Monson and Mr. and Mrs.Herman Crist and family of Telbasta. Those who helped little Fred~erick Nelson, sun of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nelson, celebrate hls fourth birthday Tuesday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chtlswnsen and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. George Christen-1 sen and family, Mr. and Mn. Al- fred Svogerson md hmlly. The seventh and eighth graders o l Brewster wok their exnmlna- tions ln the following places: Fran- KENNARD RURAL JOTTINGS Mr. and Mrs. Herman KuhrwereSunday afternoon visitors of Mrs. Geo. Naeve and family. Mr.and Mrs.Geo. Kuhr spentSaturdayat the Raymond Kuhr home. Mr.and Mrs. Orville Allison spent several days at the JensChdstensen home.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham and family were Sunday aftcmeon visitors at Torvai Andemm's.Mr. and Mrs. A. C.Andersonand Raymond were Sunday after- noon visitors with Mrs.Martin Rasmussen in Blair.Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frank visitedat the Charles Mideldt home onSunday evening. Mr.and Mrs.Wm.Kuhr and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth George andBillyvisited at the Babe Ryan I relieves: Headac hes N e w i t i l Colds Ne u mlg i z Son: Throat Lurn bago ~Rh eu matimn Too tha c he a 1 4 }4 1 I ~ .==f;f -'+ . il P ¢ . .5 4 . 5 » :f =f . 4: ;...¢ 1)» "1* .i f . .an RULES 'Jighelp fo BOWELS hat Slay to have the bolrell mm.c LI - work every duly! lt'| mr.you mind \|'1e.se :map mles ol a -mulll old doctor: Drink I big turnbledul of interlrelorobreakfast,end roverd tunes a day. '.Get plenty ol outdoor aerdae'\\'houI. unduly fluluinl youn- me I.Try lo re bo we lma v e me nta texactly thellmehoureveryday. Evertonds bowels need help atinn-s.ut the thing to use n Dr.|.I..'-iwcll°l S rup Poplin. You'll get| li. \rnugh c¥e|ning-out,andit1ron't -=.. -r fm" insides weak lnd wgtery.Ii=|-emily dgetofs prescnpuongs.~: fl 1;sh I f xalwe herbs. pgne pepsm.: '||l|l¢l' helpful i|:Fedlenl.s thqt .-In't hurt n ehil . But how at~ th up thole_lazy hoirelll Hoyl you foe] mth your system nd l _ $ n _ BEWARE OF IMITATION -\Q\$g a ° '1 ° \ ' ( \~p , s 9 \ \ \` 1 ' 9 f 1 \7 . _\., ; » 0 \ 1 // .,¢ UNLTSS you see the name Ba and the word genuine on we pa ~ ~ ' lured above ever ~aspxc y o u a nnsure lhatyouuetzkin thegen '~Bayer Aspirin that 5 m w d .- physigiann pxmcribe in their - pracuce. The name Bayer mans -ABP"l r fa". mm ls your guaxan .punty-'ynur protection against . unirationa.Mdliona of users hapmyed that it in sale. o o n o o l m GRAPE v n m s pp P i n u s a l l t hg l l u n atn a i n n " E : e r r . . = = ' - f ' - : ' - -.= ' - ' ~ '.: . . : "= = - ~ "w h a .1 - F E M a t h ;about t ni n k s m i n d l lg l i n r n d k i n n .l r l l a n h eH i l l . A N D U P BARGAINS inC.hi nele Elml s u n c a u a a n nl a d h n n e w 1 0 0 5 . 0 1 | o u r n l t a l l u mm m n u m m . Supremo I c m m m r 2' 'mms 3013 J A N D U n /WA. ' m o v s m n s a r n m s s n ¢_gS'1§urg_s ~ 'Y I ml _am nn ar \ " lm : . ° a ' . . ' ? . w.:~...m""',ff . .'-:z» u-/3 ff* . .f-},S o m n m m c c m L-»~1{»._»?"~ A s n ".»--*N ::a4'| M o crutches. Rev. and Mrs. E. P. Bucher nt-tended za missionary meeting inOmaha last Wednesday, Mrs. Sam Hall was on the sick (ist the forepart 3 this week. The Modern W dmen held theirregular monthly meeting Tuesday evening. Judge and Mrs. A. C. Debel ol -» Da. w. B. C/\u>w¢u.'sgwwv PEPSIN ADoclork Fami[y Laxalive tr u i t m d orna.monta.1 tries,flower in glh r u b q , n u ll f r u i t! a n d n a p a vln n , a ls o no d ! o t a ll k i nd a .Ge t th e b a n d i t o f n u 45 n u r expo;lanc e I n the nu rsery m dand business.Q u u l t y m u : l o v p r i u l . \r | || 1~1 ~s- I s v . - s a - nw A CANDLE ;%CIl£' ;. d h ~ ~1 ~+ . . é n.y u ve.. , ,..I n u T I - I F w|L|>~E|;>NEsf -Q - | l A . . ) " :|n ~\".1 r ~4 a ~~~~~ c r &~' \ _.f ;1 s § '1 " . . . f x \< 9 ~s 0 q T 1 7 ?J . . . . . . . . . . 1 i n l r Ti rl:um nn# Am*.H +L- 'snunni there. Mrs. Herman Knxse of Benning- ton,spent Tuesday at the homeof her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. B. BAYER ASPIRIN IEWARE OF IMITATION K 92-'Q e :w "QR ` \S Q \\r v ~u f f "' \ \ .;` ¢ A " '.> t f \ " ~ 1 _ \9 2 / f m / l d ! *Q UNL ' ::: y o u -Q um um: B.. nndlhewnld dne onthe~ upmchnad youonneverm m & t m '.an _ ~plchee. 1`l|emm¢Bayerman|~ 'Aapirim ltiuyourgulnntee ~ ~ ~ ~;- ~nf regular ~onthly ~eet~ng' ~ed~y evening. Judge and Mrs. A. C. Debel of .,n I fyv ryq ~ :-'..~'. '443.2 Y ' v4Q ' I 3 RULES 'vighelp lo BOWELS 'h|ll:=Loy\nl||v\th=|||n.m||v|`§-fu ...|3"&..."'!§Y.3..|.°2¢"2 '"'"|$'.4I';"f'5§"&..»»f..|.¢.... -:'¢:;L::y'°a ua m an 'gg-= uau|y°'Lup|»| rm- -L'..:.':;.f'." bunk mul hdp ll.ll DI.'m"~§1|l': un |.||l||| ua 'unn pf. :r _ In .-;:;~,.§° ' " a . ., I ` 1 F o r m l ...| COLONIAL New Englanli, peopled liy stern dilvines, mettlesome adven-Qiurers, earnest statesman, stout-heaned farmers, patient mothers and demure maids, with now and then a sparkling little lady to shock the austerity of the times, wild youth to belie law's sover- eignty, and the red brethren lm-king like bewildered ghosts to murder prhefriend. wwm-ww-w-----\~"M5`°'w w w w w v w \ » Romance of Brave Young Amaioa .to be Printed Sefially in The ENTERPRISE there. Mrs. Herman Knxse of Benning- ton,spent Tuesday at the homeof her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. B. BAYER ASPIRIN IEWARE OF IMITATION K 92-'Q e :w "QR ` \S Q \\r v ~u f f "' \ \ .;` ¢ A " '.> t f \ " ~ 1 _ \w w w *Q UNL ' ::: y o u -Q um um: B.. nndlhewnld dne onthe~ upmchnad youonneverm m & t m '.an _ ~plchee. 1`l|emm¢Bayerman|~ 'Aapirim ltiuyourgulnntee ~ ~ ~ ~;- ~nf regular ~onthly ~eet~ng' ~ed~y evening. Judge and Mrs. A. C. Debel of y 14'H~=| 3 R u |. E s signup n aowsms $2 --.u-:=: -_E'_;...-L-:.-.»=..,1as-.¢:.-L.-'.=,-.: .-me | - u p:hh . . = » : . = 1 : C5 n `T'-1 1 x. ; I I .qv 1| r \ .m n \ l . . l . . . . . _ » | » n i n t l "I R ~-'nm 'mrrsnPn1ss-Para Rnvnn noon nt Tehmsh,of Mn. Boa: Sean.Mr. md Mn. A. W.Cl\rl¢e accompanied Mx. and Hhs.R. M. Iverson, also ltwndlng the funeral Mrs. F. Muller md Leland dn- ited Snndny nftemoon with Mn. Bymn Beard md Mn. Henry Bend and Mr. Mule:joined them as supper guests of Miss Cora Bend. Mr. Muller drove to omm to nee Clyde Metxler at the M. E. hoa- pltnl. Misa Anna Paulsen attended the Junior Sewing Club meeting at the home of Mu. Forest Brewster of Herman.In two week;M n . Joseph Crutainger will be hostess. Mr.m d Mrs.lh nh dl Ty s o n md son ol Omshn, were Sunday afternoon vidtox-n with Mrs. Fnnk Pliner md Francis Mehrens. Mrs.A.R. Beale:spent Wed- nesday, Thursday and I-'rldny with her mother, Mrs.C. B.Bunn, helping with lwuseelemlng. . .'A . te d b y t h e C it y fo r t he Cit y ter wor ks,f o r th e a p p r o va l o f Ma y o r an d C ou nc il. es tima te th at the c o s t o f sa i d bi n e p u mp a n d e q d p me n t, mm- te installed,to be th a s u m o f ~0.00. ¢l o n I April 8,1981 An adjourned mating ot the r City Council wus called to ~er at 7:80 P.M. by Mxyor ~wart,the following Cound- n answering w roll call, Hun- . ,Jensen,Moon,Schmidt, etje and Roberta.Absent, Mo- y .~e lollowing was submitted by C\ty Engineer: the Mayar and Coundl ~I the City ol Blair, Nebnnkx. ntlemanzherewith submit plum and wfications for the turbine ~p and incidental equipment Mn. Lan Pnulun and Anna,. Mn. June:Putman and son :pm Monday dternoon with Mn. Ru- dolph Hansen, south 04' Dldr. The Bum Kelley fxmily were Sundly visitors at the pnnnw, Harvey Bolling home, near Teh- Mlues Rally McCoy and Helen Huwelh Hllvold Hennlg md How- nrd Vmlder of Tekamnh,spent Sunday evening mn Min Ernes- tine McCoy. Mr. and Mn. Frank Kelley and childrm ,lmvaanoved from this vddnity td near Tehmah. Naam Wurlel:xcelved word Friday nf the iilnes of his hm~ ther-in-hw, w. W. Dixon at Lin- Ioln,who suffered a stroke of pudy da . Miss Helen and John ndreuon of Blair,spent Friday night and Saturday at the Robert Widener home. Ma. Ellen I4ymm md lon, Geo al Arizona,were Sunday dinner west nl Hex-mm, were Thursday evening visitor:with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tyson.Mr.and Mn.R. M.Iverson spent Tuesday evening at the Lonn Layman home.. FEEDERS' DAY APRIL 11 Wnehington County l u m e n md feeders are urged to remember that next Friday,April 17,is Feeders' Day at the Agricultural ~er eh y i ~ ~ed , ~ ~ h eld~o ~the 1 2 th d a y o f Ma y ,1931,a t t h a usual p olling plac es in said City , between the hours of nine o'c loc k, a.rn.,an d seven o'c 1oc k p .rn., ..H :.|| al Arizona,were Sunday dinner md dternoon guests of the I... L. Layman !lmilY» Mr. and Mrs. Opni Reeves and children were Sunday evening vu- ibom at the Roy Anderson home, near De Soto. Joseph Flynn, of Benson, was m Sunday dinner goat of hh sunt, Mn. J. S. Conety. - Mn. George Fueklefs uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mn. Henry Schnei- der of Plntumnnth,and B.A. Wilson of Omnha, were Sunday visitors nt the Fnckler home.Mrs. Wllmr Sdmddbr of Ithua, came on help this week, caring for Mrs. J. J. Schneider, who is recovering from 9. broken um. bond, NOW THEREFORE.BE r r r mSOLVED. BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BLAIR, NEBRASKA; 1.That ma petition ma bond be and the same hereby ln found to be in due d legal form andin full wmli¢K:v.'e with the Hh- tuies a t the State of Nebmh in meh cases made and provided ma thlt said petitirm and wma La signed by more thm Hfty nw ident freeholdera at slid City. 2.Be it further ra o lv a d tht pursuant to add petiticm and m accordance with the Statute: in such cues made amd provided, a special election o! the elector; at (hrtis and Miss Irena Huck 01 m m . Sunday liternoon M i n Rabi' McCoy and Hamid Heunig of Te- kamlh,cxlled on fdenda ln thin vicinity.Her sister,Ementine 1 munhoie a n d cover 95.00Soil pipe and Fit- rmss 1oaa.41 Perkins fitting 37.00 Grating 9.00 ma.n,wlllbeinchugeo1thepro- gum which begins at one forty- tive o'c.lock.Mrs. my Rasenhmmuf the Colby Corner Club, udmd by Mn. John Hooks of the Sun- lhlne Woden, will lead ul¢ com- munity dnglng.A reading will be given by Mn. Nl ts Ravur, vocal adm by Chn Kro gh;Pto- gresa Report by Mn. hon Bindley while the exhlblu showing the ac- complishment; ol the yur will be ln charge of the Self Improvement duh. Tha County Clndnnzn and Pro- ject Laden tlke this °vP°r'm1i¢Y of exiending L general invitation and to wdooms those who wlah m atmzd. Comminlonen. Blair, Nebraska. Gentlamm: In accordance with the px-ovldom of the contact between the City ol Blalr and the A. F. Cuswenu Plnmblng and Hating Co.,enu- tncwra, lar the installation o! dn plumbing ln connection with the Swimming Pool,we rmdet l i r n monthly ezlimnta of work donemd mnterinl furnlahad on the ground by the nld A. F. Clnwm Plum.b~ Lug and Heating Co., under their oontrut for Sections 2 md 8, np to and including Much Sl, 1981, ls follows, 120 it. 8"sewer to street \nn fn ALONG THE BOTTOM ROAD The Kindred.l(erry Makers Club met with Mrs.Lars Paudnenlut Thursday dtemoon with six other members ard one tor,Mrs. Wm.Rasmussen being present- The Ammon was spent piecing quilt bloch and the bones: served n delidoua lunch.April 28. M11 Tom Wnkdield, Jr. wil be hoaten. Mr. and Mrs, Hugo Hanck of Blur, were Sunday dinner guests of their daughter,Mrs.Bymn Bunn and family.In the eveninB ether guests were Mr. and Mrs. Cl u---_.1.1- u . F l I Bl $ m ¢ n D th- To Ge a vlou DLI w tm p u tm ph ¢9~ I Respectfully submitted, E. M. Beaty, City Engineer.Moved and Seconded,that the plana, speeiGcation.s and estimate of coat as submitted by the City Engineer,for the turbine pump and equipment for the water plant be accepted. All Councilman pres» ent voting 'AYE', the motion oar- ried.Moved and C.;'.fnded, that bids for the furnishing of pump and equipment be received until April 28. 1931, 7:30 o'clock P. M.and that the City Clerk be instructed to give notice to bidders by pub- lication of the same.All Coun- eilmen present voting 'AYE', the motion carried. The following petition was read: PETITION:TO THE MAYOR AND COUN~ CIL OF THE CITY OF BLAIR. NEBRASKA: Gentlemen:_We,the undersigned,resident free holders of the City of Blair, Nebraska,do hereby respectfully petition your 'onorabla body no call n special election of the elec- tors of said City lor the purpose of submitting w said electors fortheirapprovalorrejectionthe following proposition, to-wit: "Shall the City of Blair, Neb- raska, borrow money and pledge the property and credit of _said City by issuing its negotiable bonds in the total sum of $25r 000.430, said bonds to be known ns 'Park l)onda', to bo issued in denominations of $1,000.00 each, w be dated April 1, 1981, and to be payable not less than wg regular election boards of the various wards in said City shall serve, and at which election the following proposition as petition- ed for, shall be submitted to the electors of said City for their approval or rejection, to-wit: "Shall the City of Blair, Neb- raska,borrow money a n d pledge the property and credt of said City by issuing its ne~ gotiable bonds in the total amount o !$25,000.00,said bonds to be known aa 'Park »Bonds', fn be issued in denom- ination of $1,000.00 each, to be dazed April 1. 1931, and to be payable |qt Less than tenyeara (rom the r.]dalae and not more than twenty years from their date, to bear interest at the rate of not to exceed four and oaehal! per centum per an- num,payable semi-annually, and shall a tax be lavded an- nually upon all the taxable property in said City for the payment ot the interest on add bonds as the same becomes due and for the paymentof the principal of said bonds when the same becomes due,the proceeds from the sale ot' said bonds to be used for the pur- pose of purchasing land hy said City lor parks and public gmunds and improving of the same by erecting awwlmmlng pool and accasories thereon." Said eieetion shall be held and governed by the usual election laws of the State of Nebraska pertaining thereto. 3.Be it further resolved that the City Clerk of said City shall forthwith shall cause due and lnonl nntinn nf tha time and nlam uray Sewer Labor Plumbing Labor Extra work on ~ 10 ft.8"Sewer over 120 ft. 1 8 " Y to r main sewer in street Labor for lnltall- ing new Y lass 20% reserved until final ea- timate Balance now 4 We hereby certl estimate ia corre Perkins La Rohrbough By H. 0. P Moved and Sec mate No. 1 ol th Plumbing and H1 amount of $14301 that a warrant lc ment ol the sam l-lundahl, Jensen, Thietje and Robe Maliay being ab carried. The lim ol the tories - HlohrbbuglCompany in the 1was read.Move this bill be allov warrant be draw the same.On r Jensen,Moore, and Roberts votil being absent, the Moved and Se City Clerk be i tract with the Chi B E N E A T . . . for c L E A N I N G PHONE \Vhite 183 `A d v a n c e C l e a n e r s BLAIR, NEBRASKA | _ u College in Lincoln where manyqueltionsregardingcattlefeeds, grinding, redone,nge: of aieers, purebred;v.s.grades, abeen vs. heilerl, etc., will be answered from the winwr feeding experiments. Reports of the sheep und hog feeding experiments arried an last winter will also be sivwz be- sides interesting speakers of nga- re p(hx ld M11 T M :q - A. F. Cuswenu ating Co.,enu-- ~Ldhdon o! dn un with the we rmdet t i m of work donemd ~on the ground Clnwm Plum.b~ Co~, under their ons 2 md 8, np Much 31, 1981, s 120.00 95.00 1oaa.4122-r.oo9.00ao.oo \209.00 ;1os.2s $1836.72 Sewer 10.00 1.75 2.00 s 18.75 $1850.78 a7o.os ~ue $1480.88 ly that the above z. boratm-ies. Engineering Co. cnet. ~ded, that Esti- A. F. Cars#/ens ~ting Cb. in the :: be allawed and e drawn in pay- e.On roll mi l, Moore,Schmidt, rta voting 'AYE', sent,the motion Perkins Labora- h Engineering ~mount of $275.00 -and Seconded, wed and that n in payment ol ~ll call, Hundahl, Schmidt,Thietje ng 'AYE', McKay motion carried. onded,that the nstnzcted to esm- |1tinnnl mniltntlan will talk in f.h3|F10S'd LEOnB.l'd Of COIJBCU BII.l.ff3|1A"| nvnninar vrlnitnrn nt the Rnbertl livestock industry and livestock problems,Since Washington county is lo< cated in the intensive meat. produc- ing ax u of Nebraska,County Agent George Bates urges all who mn possibly atwnd ta do so al this is probably the bed method of nbtalning vital, dmdiy iniarmntion Lhnt all feeders are battling with some time during the yeais open- ations.' FERTILIZER MAY BE GIVEN ANOTHER TRIAL w sl a1 PIn m v ex 01 B1 J ere cn1lers. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tyson pent Tuesday evening with Mr. nd Mrs. Wm. Brntt, neu' Herman. Miss Helen Fackler came (rom e m fn Omaha Saturday when nr father,George Fnckler met nd brought her home for Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hain md 'irginix spent Sunday at Y-he par- ntal, C. H. Gehringer home, south r Omaha. Mrs.Clyde Metzler hu been \.., -..~......, ~-~_---.-_ -_ -~~~Widener homn. Mr. and Mn. John Miller and children of Blair, were Sunday eye- ning visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Sam SV/eele.Mr.and Mrs.Wallace Fawn called alm- Mr. and Mrs. Lara Hansen of Blnlr, were Sunday dinner guests of their daughter, Mrs. J. w. Si- monun and Iamlly. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schumann on Bennington,spent Sxmdny after- noon a.nd evtllillk with the lstier's AND POWER COMPANY IOWA-NEBRASKA |.|cHT B E N E A T . . . for c L E A N I N G PHONE \Vhite 183 `A d v a n c e C l e a n e r s BLAIR, NEBRASKA Y¢mCaz\B1¢yOnlyQoodAppliancaH¢r¢ Ho§r1e1;|;q§atrz | _ u WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY APRIL 22 and 23 uA'r1Nlm AT 4 0'UlDCK APRIL as A Connecticut Yankee Wi th W m R°d¢ ¢ f1 -"Bi z s pmxr'-o o unnv TUESDAY APRIL 21Glassware Night Under Suspicion With .L Harold Murny and Lois Moran COMEDY-Blimp Mystery THURSDAY APRIL 16 Oh! for a Man With Jeanette Mu:Don||d and Reginald Denny COMEDY-have 1 la Mode FRI DAY a n d S AT URD AY APRIL 17 and 18 Saturday Matinee The Gang Buster With Ink Omkif and Jem Arthur COMEDY-Mi¢key'| Musketeers SUNDAY and MONDAY APRIL 19 and 20 Sunday Matinee CIMARRONWith Richard Dix and Irma Dunn TOY TOWN TALE--Fable LOVETHAT KILI 'I Vagabond Jacobsen home in Omaha m be near l1er.husband at the Methodist hospital.Mr.Metzler is getting along nicely following a serious operation. Mr. and Mrs. George Reid of near Tekameh, were Sunday eve- ning visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T.§;;;-- Mr. and . R. M. Iverson spentFriday forenoon at the Morris Christensen home,west of Her- man.Beulah and Opal Wanrick, Mary Tucker,Benjamin Beard,Robert King, James Dixon, Delbert Giarke Willard Iverson and Evelyn Smith of the Bono school and Elmer Bolte. Meryl Lyons, Juanita Lay- man and Paul Tyson of the Kin- dred school, went to Blair Thurs- day and Friday to take seventh and eighth grade examinations. Edith Rutledge spent Suhday with her grandparents,Mr.and Mrs; Dave Rutledge at Herman. I Mr. and Mrs. Aifred Hansen and two daughters were Monday eve- ning visitors of Mr. and Mm R- Widener..James Kehoe and A.E. Dixon drove to Fremont Saturday after- noon where the latin:bought 31 stock pigs of about 120 pounds each, for feeding. Walter Pepk visited Friday and Saturday with his sister,Mrs. Neum Warmck.Mr. and Mm. Lars Paulsen and daughter, Anna, and Wallace Rusk were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.James Paulsen on n h Bench.Mrs, 1-'rank Pike and Mrs. John Sdlemer of Blair and Mrs.Ben Pike and Bobby of Tekamah. were Friday guests of Mrs.Byron Beard.Mrs.Ben Pike and son stayed over night also. Mr.and Mrs.Byron Beard, Henry and Miss Cora Beard at- tended the funeral Thursday after- \.;~ _- I A ; Y<u'll Enjoy-~ CASH SAVINGS Every Day---Every Year ;="AR ;;§IIN*/ B \ ! ' 3 \ r '~AS Owner o a I r 0E l e c t r l c fa ~ ~ R e f r l g e r a t o r /{- ! mrWritten Guarantee ~y \ for Period of3 Years '» _L f : Put a General Electric Refriger- ator in your klwnen and keep a food-budget like thousands ot G. E. owners do.Then you'll under- stand how this won'y-proof refrlg- eratcr pays for Itself and later actually earns money lor you. Here's a typical diary ol' a General Electric user: Saturday-To market and bought week-end foods in larger quautltles at lower prices, saved 87c. Monday-Used Sunday's "left-overs"for noon meal, were kept fresh and good Saved 65c. Tuesday-Used bottle of Ssturday's milk which wasleft-over.Saved 12c.sun using meat and head lettuce purchased Saturday.Everything ln perfect condition.Saved Gsc. You need not go one day longer with out the con- venience, comfort and health protection of a Gen- eral Electric for It can do the same tor you as itis doing tor hundreds ol thousands of others, pay- lng for itself. Remember, too, G.E.'s written guarantee insures you against ALL service chnrga for a 8 year period. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TODAY 5 A v | ~'-"»=¢E g g !> - f " :£ 'Q§fg Lately there have been n few re- quests made to County Agent Geo. Bates by farmers wishing to try a fe w hundred pounds ol phosphate fertiliz er on co m an d alfalfa dur~ ing 1931. The resulis obtained in t he e x- perimental lests last year proved sli g h tly b o th g o o d a n d b i d i n d i f - fe r e n t a r e a s o l W ash ing ton c o un- ty , a nd q u ite a n umb er o f f ar mer s f e e l t h a t w i t h a n o r ma l y e a r o l rain fall advantage ous res ui ts wi ll fo llo w.Th e p r ob lem of ma i nta in i ng so i l fe r ti lity in equ ally as impo rtan t to o u r f a r me r s a s i t i s lo r a h u s - inesa man uv maintain c redi t at his b a n k o r th e ra ilro ad s to maintain u ma , ma n n a d a - a n a i f we are te ;_ u Friday forenoon at the Morris Christensen home,west of Her- man.Beulah and Opal Wanrick, Mary Tucker,Benjamin Beard,Robert King, James Dixon, Delbert Garke Willard Iverson and Evelyn Smith of the Bono school and Elmer Bolle. Meryl Lyons, Juanita Lay- man and Paul Tysnn of the Kim dred school, went to Blair Thurs- day and Friday to take seventh and eighth grade examinations. Edith Rutledge spent Sunday with her grandparents,Mr.and Mrs; Dave Rutledge at Herman. B E N E A T . . . f o r c L E A N I N G PHONE \Vhite 183 s _»» Saturday with his sister,Mrs. Neum Warick.Mr. and Mrs. Lars Paulsen and daughter, Anna, and Wallace Rusk were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.James Paulsen on n h Bench.Mrs, 1-'rank Pike and Mrs. John Schex-ner of Blair and Mrs.Ben Pike and Bobby of Tekamah, were Friday guests of Mrs.Byron Beard.Mrs.Ben Pike and son stayed over night also. Mr.and Mrs.Byron Beard, Henry and Misa Cora Beard av.- tended the funeral Thursday after- l ~' occeasories thereto Attest: C..E. Krause,carried.lewtheroon."City Clerk.Attest: C. E. Krause,P n <13-It This petition is made and filed J. Harold Stewart,City Clerk..Ma or J H ld S Marvelous Jaw Powernder the provisions of Section 19-y ._amn n . ». \ . -r|_........:lAA Q i M " h m n !f S E A L \» . . § ? 2 '. 'f" "n.. A l i g h t i n g H o n c a u g l n t m n n o l l 3 e " "\. __ _' ~ - -4 \ u -.\ .. .n . | , . \ . ( ' 9 Q' 4 luz 01 me ulrnpneu noutmea v.Nebraska. for 1929.The signers hereto jointly and severaily each hereby bind them- selves and undertake unto said City of Blair, Nebraska, that said peti- tioners will pay all the expenses oi said election in the event that the said proposition shall fail to re- ceive n two-thirds msjodty at md election as by the statutes in auch cases made and provided. Dated nt Blair, Nebraska,this 8th day of April, l93l_ This petition was signed by Phillip 0 'lla nl'i and Sixty-one (61) others.Moved and Seconded, this peti- tion be received and placed on file. ASI Councilmen present voting 'AYE', the motion carried. Councilmen Jensen introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION WHERESAS, there has been filed with the (ity Clerk of the City of Blair, Nebraska, and now pre sented w the Mayor and Council of said City, a petition signed by more than fifty fmeholders, reo- idcntza of the City ol Blair. Nel:~ raska, petitioning for the calling of a special election of the elec- tors of said City to vote on the proposition of issuing park bonds of snid_City in the sum of $25,- 000.00,to bear interest at the rate of not to exceed four and one-half per centum per annum, said bonds to be dated April I, 1931, and to become due in not less than ten years nor morethantwentyyearsfromtheir date, and to ievy o. tax annually upon all the taxable property in said City to pay the hterest on said bonds and to pay the prln-\ clpal thereof as the ni ne be- comes due, the proceeds ol said b°nd-I. when ialued, to bo used for the purpose of paying for land to be used by said City for parks and public grounds and for paying the cost of improving the same by enacting thereon a swimming pool ~and accessories thereto, and, WHEREAS, said petitioners have also executed an undertaking and bond for the payment of the expense of mid dection in tho event the propodtion shall fall to receive a two-thirds majorityof the v o tuc uta to a ldde do n. and, the Mayor and Council hav-i m /ea by Jensen,Seconded by Roberts}that this resolution be adopted as read.On roll call, Hundahl, Jensen, Moore, Schmidt, Thietje and Roberts voting 'AYE', McKay being absent,the motion carried. The foilowing estimate was read: First monthly estimate for Sec- tion One, Blair Swimming Pool. To the Honorable Mayor and City Conunisaioners. Blair, Nebraska. Gentlemen: ln accordance with the contract between the City of Blair and Frank H. Bellows Construction Co, contractor for Semen 1 of the Blair Swimming Pool, we render first monthly estimate of work done and material fum-lnhed on ground by the said Frank H. Bellows Construction Co.under his contract for Section 1, up to and including March 31, 1981, as follows,' 4667 cu. ydst grading and excavation $1038.34 Footings for fiiter plant and pool Cement on ground Common brick on ground . Pressed brick on ground Gravel on ground Lumber for fo and part of the bui g Shed Reinforced steel on ground Labor to April 1Hauling Bond Compensation Insurance 247.62 a4a.z0289.85 2 L50198.00 1198.40 151.80781.00 244/zo _12o.on218.15 129:12 ;4s'1z.2sLess20%relervcd until final estimate 994,45 Amount duo thin date $3977.88 We hereby certify that the above estimate is convex* Perkins Laboratories. Rohrbough Engineering Co. By H. 0. Porter. Movd and Seconded, that Enti- ma ta No .1 o !tha I~`nn.kH.Be l~ lows Construction Co,in the moat of $8977.88 be dlowed and t h a t a w a mn t b e d n w n i n p a y - ment otthas ame.Onrnlle a ll, Hundahl, Jensen, Moore, Schmidt, Thiutje and Roberta vodng 'AYE1 McKay being absent,the modal: carried The following estimate lor Sec- E ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAM Annngements have been madefa hold the Achievement program ol the 1981 farm women's clubs of Washington county at the Metho- dist church in Blair, Nebraska. on Wednesday afternoon, April 29. Last yea: over -four hundred Ho§r1e1;|;q§atrz .ug r a m o f " Ma k i n g th e Homes Mo r e Con ven ien t"an d th is y e a r s wo r k o f " M a k i n g the Ho me Ma r g A t - trac tive" has be en stu die d thro ugh WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY APRIL 22 and 23 uA'r1Nlm AT 4 0'UlDCK APRIL as A Connecticut Yankee Wi th W m R°d¢ ¢ f1 -"Bi z s pmxr'-o o unnv TUESDAY APRIL 21Glassware Night Under Suspicion With .L Harold Murny and Lois Moran COMEDY-Blimp Mystery THURSDAY APRIL 16 Oh! for a Man With Jeanette Mu:Don||d and Reginald Denny COMEDY-have 1 la Mode Don't Won'y About Your Car I 0 0 HAVE IT msunlsn ~fig" 2 ;f . .-' :"\~5 ~i i ' Y ~ i"* `~ ~ r \"f¢ ~ -"1_\»f ;.-~%2 5 Dun'¢ (ed free of worry about your automobile, nloy when you are lu it. and then fmt your held off About Ill being stolen, when you Dirk lt.The remed thyat put: this worry entirely lu our hand: u lo simple, so inexpensive,that every wise automobile owner would not drive one block be- fore he hu lm! bil cu- insured.Insu ly of your ear and your Dune of mlud. J S C H M I D00 T STATE BANK BLDG.PHONE BLACK 20 re (he safe# l FRI DAY a n d S AT URD AY APRIL 17 and 18 Saturday Matinee The Gang Buster With Ink Omkif and Jem Arthur COMEDY-Mi¢key'| Musketeers SUNDAY and MONDAY APRIL 19 and 20 Sunday Matinee CIMARRONWith Richard Dix and Irma Dunn TOY TOWN TALE--Fable LOVETHAT KILI 'I Vagabond W hales have b een kn own to c rush l h e a vy b o n ( i n Ita jaws.An In- furiated tiger blt c lean through theshoutder or a man, c mahlng all the bon es to lptln te n.The hy e na has the mo nt po werfu l J aw musc les or any war mh lo od ed cre~ture.A hy erm can bite through the thlS\1 hon e o! an o x.ln or der to extra c t the ma rro w. Sensational Sale Silk Dresses-~ Fashion Center-410 values, $3.9B; $15 values,$6.75 sizes 14 to 52. Shop early Thursday, Friday, Sat- urday, Monday.13-lt groups of women.Subscribe for The Enterprise. f L ..`',__."_~,- a .....__,.__. I OLOCAIS Mrs. Harry Seltz calledd Mrs. A. C, Allen m my aim-noon. enon and wife spent ~d at the parental, Will Mn. Dave Gustin had dhmer guests, Jim U,son ~By of Ktnnnrdp Robert d Iun il y,Wnlter Gus- 1-.and wife of Cad- Sunday evening wlen r¥'Se'Ltz home. rs. Pred_Gust.in and max, me so sean, s month: me 28 days. Ke in mrvived by his two sans md their wives, nine gnndchildren one mister, Cupara Lund n! Gim- dnle, Calif. and a host af nephews md nietea He hu been A patient sufferer, never really free from pain,for over 20 years, during which time his thought has been to hdp others and 'nat to be a burden U0 any one. He beet-me A member ol the Church of God in 1916,having been immersed by Elder Almus Adams.His faithfulness ta his NEBRASKA WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL .REVIEW Sc r i b n e r -Mi n s o u r i Va lle y Pipe Li n e C o mp a n y ln sta r t p i p i n g g a s to th is to wn i n ne a r f utu r e . D a y l d n - E . N. N i c h o la s d S e n - eva.rec eived $7,866 c o n tr a n f o r gr a ve li n g ni n e mi le s o f Gr a i n Gr ower s Hi g h w a y thr ou gh th i s c ity . B e a n i e s - $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 booster m tio n fo ur mile s no rth ol he re , or n- plated. C x- d g h w n - L a r g e safe ins talled lion at the .Lloyd Johnson lmma. _Mn and Mn.Howard Wllliun-sen were vidtnn at the ErnestMunson home, near Kmmnrd, lastTuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chrlstian- sen spent Sunday vlslhngfmlltivesin Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Compton mdMr. and Mrs. Clyde Compton and chiidren were Sunday dinner guests at the Jolm Reeh home. Raymond Iluraen was n Sunday dinner guest at the Howard Wil-linmsen home.Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wachter and childmh were Thursday ev M n : n i " g Louie Knndsen. Mr. ind rl. Jena Kmgh, Mr.and Mrs. Emerdd Van Beak o lBlair, Hr. and Mn. Hana Matthie- men, Jr. and Vernon, also Mr. and Mrs. Fred Christiansen were Sun- dny guests at the home of MnandMrs. Paul Broderson. The seventh and eightlm grade pupils of our school were in BlairThursdny and I-Yldny,taking ex- nminationn.Albert Marsh has finished hisschooi course in the Omaha schooland returned home md lx helping his father on the farm. Mr.and Mrs. Paul Brodemm \ E ers at the Mertvn Winchel home..lamina and Ra ond Schneideralso spent the .¢'$m.. there. Mr.and M n .William Arm-ltmng were Sunday evening vis~if/on at the home ol Mr. and Mm John Aronson.Kerwood Ammon spent Sundnrat Tekamah with friends.Mr.and Mrs.Roy Neax-hood' called Sunday at the parental,-John Nearhood ~home. .Mrs.riPet¢r Jehfen was victim of, a surp se y ut Sat y eve-ning when a .numbe of friendsggthered at her hom;The eve- HISTORICAL DATA Mx u a n d n Mr .n Bl ua u asJ1 P. u h. at lair. Sun Plu\Je\e week-4 lnden ha Mr. and x Sunday r. 8-hd In eterson | n and fe Ernest sun went the HnMr,anssons were Sunday wdsdwrs ut her xmrem-='. Mr. and llra .lim Olson, Sr., neu |Kenn.u~d.Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sully and sons spent Sunday with her parents,Mr. and Mrs. L. Schank in Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stanley were I'lermn.n cnllen 'I\\adxy. Mrs.Laura Bennett is visiting this pant week in Omaln. operanve Auoanuon.| Red Cloud-Mr. and Mn. Clyde Smalley opened 5 photognphlc studio in Kriegmnnn building. Teknmnh-Pima for new munic- ipal swimming pool prograsing rapidly.` lebanon-Lehanon Oil Company erectednt their bulk plant south Mask: has been an unmple wor thy emulation by all. H34 bereaved people moum deep~ ly his sudden death, but _their mourning is greatly eonsoled by the fad ol his ever deepening hope i n the soon coming of the Lord unw Salvation.Thus passes intomemory n hther who was the perl...G'°'.Hl"°u{'° 594 wife Fefe Yl"'»°f railroad tracks, 8ddi|if°nB~| UW!" lsonlfication of love and kindness. sa " ws" ".=. . ' " # : . ° < = b y ~ gee an :ming gmclwarded A prix st the end of nf; evening.Vunity night wi ll be a vepw.snappy evening of!gow,wholesome enléfhinment of a type never before witnessed in Blur. The enlarged picture of the Dann Winter Students together with_a very lnterestlng article xe~ ln .me chruum- Lmiené..: ;:. _f'€`es'éT~i§f~==@_Sumllrlsuuta e r"\J*;§Ich\-¢*t\;1;The guests de-days in Iowa this weelr. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Anderson and Nels Petersen were Sunday eye-ning visitors at the Moms Clms~ tiansen, home. Carl Erickson shelled corn forLouie Hansen Friday aftemoon. Shoe Sale-Fashion Center-1 Values oo $6 Womens and Misses, $2.65 and $8.65; values to $3.50 Children's, $1.29, $1.59 and $1.98. Get your pair while sizes are com- plele.13-is _. . ~ . . ,eu.w e n u n s M I D -rhiesen, J r. home. Sh oe S a l e - - F a s h i o n C e n t e r - Valuel to $6 Womens -nd Misses $2.65 .and $865: values zo $3.50 Children's, $1.29, $1.59 and $1.98. Get your pair while sizesare com~ plete.13-10 Bargains for Thursday,Friday, Saturday, Monday-Fashion Center: -S i l k Stockings,5D¢quality-CL palr Sl: Kotex, 45c package-19c;|WnshDresses.$2 value~\Fl.29;l parted wishing Mrs. J manymore l1nDPY birthday. Mrs. Theresa Yale ahd daughter, who reside in Califomla and Mn. Estep of Fremont, vidled several days the past week.at the OrvilleHumstonhome.The ladies are sisters of Mrs. Humston. The dance held lust Fddny eve-ning at the M. W. A. hail in Blair,sponsored by the McCarthy Ladies'Club, was well attended and n. jolly time reponed. Mr. and Mrs. John Aronson and daugl r,Miss Emyle were Sun- SARA. r1 uu_ a N B A 1 . n w m Above ls shown Sara Mullin Bal- dwin, Hebron attorney, who is as- sisting in the preparation of his~ tax-iw data for the new num-m.. lung tnexr aaugnmr ana xamuy, use tank ol 12000~gnllnn capacity.Funerni services were held atMrs.Michadson of Weepink the Church of God on west Wash- Water, Sunday.Bargains lor Thursday,Friday, Sngton street and were conducted Paul 'Wagner spent the W¢€l¢>€nd Saturday, Monday-Fashion Center by Rev. F. L. Austin af Omgon, at the Sallie Hlnelme home._ Si m Stockings,501:quality-3 |m_assizned ww, prayer at the Kenneth Beawer of Florence, ,...=- n. v-.-...___.._I 'garamg the Dana College wintersemester appeared ln 7-he Llncoin Stale Journal of last Sunday.Plc- tures and articles regarding the various activities nf'Dana College sm....|..,. ......,....._.» _-_.._.,_.L : m u l u l a H n o n l H a n 1 ¥ u n |H " " " |9 | I I\.Ul»|5I., HUC P - H C l ' l l 2 8 - - I U C grave by Elder .Minus Adams of O m a h a .~ ' r ' \ | \ 2 l n vn a n n l fu m n n *. . I | A \ \ r n l nd m u m o d . n | v e r : ' u " : ; i ¢ : m g m W ; -° " Z ° ' " " " ' D d l y p l p e n ,t h e G l l l l d I n l a n d ,e e r u e v . l n , l m p e n a m , t h e L i n c o l n s m , a n d ¢ ° ' ; ; g ' g _ p s ; ; ~ s ; ° = f - » » » - g - -s h " I n d o l e m _ o f w e e k l y p l p e u .T h l l ' a m " L t N g n g m , ; g ° ; " P : ' P " ° E L i ' ! 9 x n ° r : ' - ° e " = s -1 » v » , , u \ . . . . . . E . . . . . . . -~ nf reis md SPIKER HAPPENING Mt Heljry A. Rasmussen r ulaomers and Stepins, $1 v8;,,es,_ day dinner guests at the. Chester S 47c.Shop early-Fashion Center.? §`,'Z,'Z?§'..,,"§.@§.'l" »§'§§°.»ZT"Z£ e - M C C A R T H Y A N D ~ I ;~CREEK|!hePeh:r Jensen home to ext/.-nd 5 " i " " 1 ; " " " . v l l n u u I l l l l l u Q l u n !~$ 2 ~~°m .~~ C h u . A .H l n e l i n e B l o o m e n I n d t U D i l l | . s 1 # l i m e l - gna_Ci8;Iéi.lt&-*1;re;("§11;Li1}; | \ E l| 4 7 5 Shop ear ly -: -Fae hon Eéri ier. gu e s ts a t the Fr a n k and Cli f f o r d !Sensational Sale S i lk D r e s s e s - Hi n e li e homes.Fash ion Ce to 10 - I -Mznnand Mr s.Chester Ben nef t $ 15 va l u e s , " ¢ £ F f ? . ' ; . . ; l 3 . " § § ' ~ vis ited S un day with Mr s. Be nn etts Sho p ea rly Th ur sd ay , Fr id ay Sat- moth er, Mr s. J . Sully .urd ay . Mo nda v.1 u _ n A a a v a u | u . S u v . u u A a u u u u b U A v u w n we re :Ha r v e y K r o g h J r .o f 0r e» mm ,Ill. ,S.T.C h tianson,son Oli ve r a n d Mr. a n d ra. Ola n Soi- hu r g o f Otto ae n , I o , °CurtiB\and Ha r o ld Bu g eo n o f Ke l' I na sC i ty , between the homes of his suns,Harvey and Raymond,the lam! having moved hom Canada that he might be near his father.\He died at the home of his son, Harvey Wednesday night, April 8,BETTER PLUMBING I THE HACK SAW r Means Greater Home Satisfaction The summer season is the ideal time to install new .plumbing fixturel. Enjoy your home to the utmostwith sur- roundings of modern plumb- ing fixtures. Call Us For Estimates John Moore Plumbing Co. BLAIR, NEBRASKA vonumm s num, Nebraska, April ns, 1931 Number 40 Humybodyin Blair been finhln' yet this year-Joe Marks andCharlie Robinson. U m your ganden ahead by using good timely tools.They ma h the work a pleasure.We have a full llne of nkes and hom' of all de- ncHptions.ASM: the ben Garden Plow an the market. Thln Didlfl Adnnlly lhnven Teacher:"W lut is Bolwn nofed for?" shoes." Teacher:"Correct And Chicago?" Johnny: "8hootllnd booze." 3 3 n n E l ~ i n ~ A newspaper clipping from De- corah, Iowa is a splendid musical criticism of the choir in which the choir is ieporoed bo have overgone all expectations. Appreciative audi- ences are reporbed in the various mower;smooth work ing and easy run- nlng. Use DeVoe Pslnt and Varnlshes for t o u c h i n g u p , a thouse cleaning time. A Tyneselm-'| Revenge!"She wal married ln Evansville,Indiana, to Walter John Jar# rett,and 1.0 thls onion was born ihres childwan 1"inc.lnnati, Ohio, Pon. Wa have all kinds of chick wawrers and feeders,brood PETEHSEII HAHUWAHE lllllr. Nebrqh ooops at $1.85 each. A hypocrim,awar- ding Ya a small boy of our acquaintance, in a boy who arrives at school with a smile on»his face. We have a s\|gges~ tion from a neigh- bor that the na w prohibition lgentbe calied. the Suk Fire Water marshall. We have A couple o f \ md Ranges in first dun shape for sale a t 1 blrkairu ..;| |\| ;r attr ac ti ve pric es o n n e w Ru n g a . Th e o ld la wn mo we r p u n h e s j l u t u h a d th i ;y e ar as i t dfd y o ~ ? ..|publldty 'zivsn Dun College by the newspapers throughout the middle west ls, ol' course, always accompanied by the fact that all of the ex ordinary accomplish- ments all place in die beauti- ful city of Bl 'r. The Dannebrog Declamatory Contest will be held at the College May 9.As usual,admission is frne to the entire community. Further publicity for Dana Col-lege and alan- is giveil every other Thursday from 4 to 4:30 over rsdia station WOW,Omaha.The pro- ~e-c e ived wor d th at hi s br othe r, Mar - ti n o f Fr e mon t.i s i n a c ritic al c ond iti on with d iab eti c c oma . Mn?- ti n tr avels f or Mar sh alls Nu rs er ie s and ha d s to ppe d f or di nne r at Alli- anc e Tu es da y an d a bo ut two h ou rs Ca ter wa s f o un d unc oncious alo n g th e ms d .I-le ha d dr i ve n to th e side o f t h e ro a d an d stopped hi s c ar.He wa s ta k en to the h os p ita l ~t Alli anc e b y th e p a r ty th a t fo u n d h i m an d la te r b r o u g h t to Fr e mo n t Th u rs d a y a f te r n oo n .O n Su n da y h e n lli e d s li ttle u nd kn e w th e f a mi ly , c alli n g th e m b y n a me . H e i s b e i n g t r e a te d wi th In su li n, he only k noW `n` help f or dia betes. Mr s . Har r y Nell s p en t F r id a y a t he Lou is Ras mus sen ho me. Mr s .Oli ve r Tho ms e n s pe n t F r i - ~ny afternoon with her sister, Mrs. ed Bu e h ar d t a n d f a mily . Mr . a n d Mr s . E lme r E n f le i d a n d ~aby we re vi si ti n an d sh op pi ng n Fr emo nt Sa tur r y . Th e i n f a n t s o n o f Mr . a n d Mr s . 'ly de La r so n i s i n th e Nic h olas n h o sp i tal whe r e h e vms op e r - ted o n f o r ru ptur e.I t wi ll be eecsasry to pe r f o r m u second pe r s ti o n a s so o n a s he i s stro ng no ug h. Mr .an d Mr s .Lou is Ras mus sen ml c h i ldr e n we r e i n Bla i r S a tu r - s y an d we re di nn er gu es ts o f rs . Vo id I re la nd . M r .an d Mr s .P a u l Broderson d M r .an d Mr s .Ha n s Ma tthi e - en,J r .sp en t Fr i d a y eve n i n g a t he h o me o f M r .an d Mr s .J ens mg h , a t B l a i r . Mr . a nd Mr s . He n r y A . Ras mu s - e n we r e i n F r e m o n t a t t h e bed- ide o f hi s brother,Ma r ti n ,lust atu rda y . Mr . a n d Mr s. Ge o rg e Ch r is t a n d =ily of C r a i g ,a n d Mr s .Sophie 1 sc h he lp ed the ir brother n m! 3.Han s c elebr ate h is bi rthd ay vnd ay . Mr . a n d Mr s . E mi l K n u i s e n a n d mi ly o f T e k a ma h 'spent Sunday t t h e par ental,M r s .R.Ras mu s- n h ome an d Sun day even ing wi th 1 I i ic do N bi andMMwi IoRo Anweu h e f a th~B a n a nI o BETTER PLUMBING I SHE'S HAPPY will; a Qwzk Jim! ND u will be. zoo, onA .°°Z°..gm-11 gggg u mCookE...il A four burner -ggy wlshdgf gf"coo mp I noy i e r ¢ . . i : D a r e n - b u r n e r nova. Tronblmfne Lonlnlumenemwentnnthe haswhen It should be-rightbenud: dn ummlll. You pgmaximum ha! hum l »°-ggBumaffarilhounonnxgluofkeooenel Allmbdehlrtuq can-/wid mdune:huuup|.h¢Hu:h¢a.$eu¢hem¢odxy. o I L S T o V E The Coleman Pressure gas stoves have just arrived.Comein and let us show them to yn. 'nm ARNDT H A R D W A R E »»»»f _ Else Fresa of Blair,and an ad- dress on Church College Education by President Erland Nelson, MA, .u . :0voc al sq lo s b y Pr of, E . E . Pop c k e, Ph.ID.,voc al sofios b y Pr of .J .E . Ba rtle y ,M. A. ,as duet b y Messrs. r Means Greater Home Satisfaction The summer season is the ideal time to install new .plumbing fixturel. Enjoy your home to the utmostwith sur- roundings of modern plumb- ing fixtures. Call Us For Estimates John Moore \0\'\ representatives and ali other pe:- sons interested in the estate of Francis A. Stroup, real names un- known are defendants I wi ll a n the 18% day of May, 1931. at the west front door of the Washington County Court house in the city of "I~In~|r|11 lean,according iq Government Survey", all in Washington county, Nebraakn.sam real estate in w ba sold b satisfy the amount due said plaim tiff and costs of said acdon and all accruing costs, as by law pro~ vided.Dated this 15th day of April, 1981. Marlon Sutherland, Sheriff of Washlngwn County, Nebraska. 18-Bt. P. M. sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described pro» petty to-wit: "The northeast 56 of Section 16, that part of the north- west lé of section 15, lying north and west of the County Rdod and that part of the southeast M of said section 16,being one acn, lying north and east of the County Road and Tax lot 4 in the south- west % of section 15, all being in Township 19,north,Range 11, East of the 6th P.M.,subject, however, to the rlght of way of the C. St. P, M. h o.Railroad, over a portion of sold land and $25; ' 1 3 . " _ 7 - ' : ' f .;11;.§.§mi f=;@|la:¢;,,= -:1liW#%'n.~% r if ¢."__-_ __ __.. m -..Q El _L ..v . ............ --..._....._._ U4 l -. 1 ~ ¢ * f ~ ; P:I - » - |1t. _a ?= I H Q §' f f g r I f 1 .g : » 3 % < r L * - 1 1 -.Q- l s t * - 0 of the most compkte and authen- tic volumes of its kind in the umm States. "The purpose of Nebraskana il; fo record present day facts con- cerning our leading citizens so that future historians will have rellnble infomation upon which N base their work.I appreciate tre- mendously the cooperation which I am receiving from important men and women over the state, and es- pecially nm I grateful to the lead- ers of Washington county,"said Mrs. Baldwin. 3HERIFF'S SALE NOTICE Finlayson, Burke & Mc¢K.ie, Attys. By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the District Court of Washington County, Nebraska and in pursuance of the Decree of said court in an action therein pending' wherein First Trust Company o i Omaha,a Corporation is plaintiff and Charles A. Stroup and Minnie Stroup, his wife; George W. Stroup and Laura Stroup, his wife; Leon- ard C.Stroup;Ruth Stroup; Esther Stroup;Josephine Stroup; James F. Stroup; and the unknown ;' . .; . ... MnA ..)?":Z=g G!I.i.. . ¢...sfo >g .a. 4 : : ;§ ._~.,f..2,u»* <1 Z .z gf ..." § ¢. . §@ >: ..NR H r . § ,. f) :; , , mm|||||m||||||||||||||u|||n|||umu ~3fQ Q " wr,¢ : m n " l ' ~" ". ..-q w The board of governors is mak- ing rapid progress in prepadngNebraskana, the new state history. This announcement was mrently made by Robert M. Baldwin, above, who is county attorney of Thayer YORK CREEK NEWS Mr. and Mn. John Reel: attend- ed a card puty at the Howard Jensen home near Omm, Wednes- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Skov and Lyle were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. lnd Mrs.Harland C'hrlstinn~ sen.Emil Erickson ls working for Fay Jones.Mr. and Mrs. Soren Jensen and Janet were Saturdny evening vis- the history. "When the board of governors met recently in Lincoln" said Mr. Baldwin, "the members were unan< imous in the opinlon that we were making unusual headway in our work.We are receiving the oo- operation o f practiwny every leader in the state, and many of them are donating a Large amount of time to asdstlng us.We urge that the eligflble persons in Washa ington county return the infomm- tion requested as soon as possible after the questionnaires are mailed out." r ~s . lr and Mrs Wests...n Long en-aimzd at s birthday pany Sun- afternoon for their daughter, ma, who celebrated her sixll\hday.The guests were Mr. Mrs.leon Hindlcy and chil- 1, Barbara and Bobby, Mr. and. Henry Wulbem and daughier garet, and Mr. and Mrs, Lud- Jensen.ks. L. C.McManus of Boone, a, isvisiLing her father, Fentusmbalm,a d brother.f ,Hayeslamily.~ Mclvlagus under- L 1.4...sa..................-..- binhday greetings ¢o Mrs. Jensen.Miss Eileen Thompson has beennt home the past few days on ac-count of her school being closed, caused by several cases of scarletfever. Mrs.Mary Barry was a dinner guest Sunda of Mr. and Mrs. PnuiBarry.. In is afternoon, Mr.and Mrs. McNamara and Mr. and Mrs.Charles Barry and baby of Oma- ha called. Mrgs nd Mrs.Will Thompson,Frances and Edward called Sunday sflemoon st th Tom'1'l\ompson 'w v-, Else Fresa of Blair,and an ad- dress on Church College Education by President Erland Nelson, MA, .u . :0voc al sq lo s b y Pr of, E . E . Pop c k e, Ph.ID.,voc al sofios b y Pr of .J .E . Ba rtle y ,M. A. ,as duet b y Messrs. THE HACK SAW CARL OTTO KROGH Carl Otto Krogh was born to Casper and Anna Kmgh in Krogh- ville, Dane Co., Wls., Oct. 11, 1850 where he grew to manhood. He came to Blalr, Nebr. in 1878. He worked for a while ln Omaha,later returning to Blair where he clcrked in Dan Casbettera Dry Goods store.He was married ¢c Pulaski, Ilfi., Jan. 12, 1852 and was rrmrried to Albert F.Neal,Oct. 20, l8'i3 at. Rockport, Ho. To them,four children wereborn, tvm dying in infancy.She is survived by one son, Owen Neal of Pueblo, Colo. and Mrs. Hanna with whom she has been living. She is aurvived by two sisters. She was a member of the Meth- odist church,the Blair Rebekah lodge and a _e_hm-ter member of the Fairfax, Missouri 0. E. S. BETTER PLUMBING I representatives and all other pe:- sons interested in the estate of Francis A. Stroup, real names un- known are defendants I wi ll o n the 18% day of May, 1931. at the west front door of the Washington County Court house ln the city of Blair, Nebraska at the hour of two P. M. sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described pro» petty to-wit: "The northeast 56 of Section 16, that part of the north- west lé of section 15, lying north and west of the County Rdnd and that part of the southeast M of said section 16,being one acn, lying north and east of the County Road and Tax lot 4 in the south- west 14 of section 15, all being in Township 19,north,Range 11, East of the 6th P.M.,subject, however, to the right of way of the C. St. P, M. h o.Railroad, over a portion of sald land and vonumm s num, Nebraska, April ns, 1931 Number 40 To this union four children were born,Harvey,Raymond,Edwin and Everett.Edwin died in 1896 at Newman Grove,Neb.,age I year,Everett died Dec.31.1924 at the age of 26 years. For several years the deceasedwas in th€»_mercamile businessin Newman Grérye, afterward in Oak- land.He moved to Blair in 1B99 at which time he purchased the farm south of town.He engaged In the hardware bunineva here dur- ing 1902 to 1906, moving to Omn- ha in 1907 where he nm a grocery store for about a year,coming back to Bldr in the spring of 1909,when he built the home where his mn, Raymond now liven. On Nov. 16, 1910 he suffered n fall which left him a cripple for the remainder of his life.After the death of his wife on Oct. 31, r Means Greater Home Satisfaction The summer season is the ideal time to install new .plumbing fixturel. Enjoy your home to the utmostwith sur- roundings of modern plumb- ing fixtures. Call Us For Estimates John Moore Plumbing Co. BLAIR, NEBRASKA lean,according iq Government Survey", all in Washington county, Nebraakn.sam real estate in w ba sold b satisfy the amount due said plaim tiff and costs of said acdon and all accruing costs, as by law pro~ vided.Dated this 15th day of April, 1981. Marlon Sutherland, Sheriff of Washlngwn County, Nebraska. 18-Bt. Humybodyin Blair been finhln' yet this year-Joe Marks andCharlie Robinson. U m your ganden ahead by using good timely tools.They ma h the work a pleasure.We have a full llne of nkes and hom' of all de- ncHptions.ASM: the ben Garden Plow an the market. Thln Didlfl Adnnlly lhnven Teacher:"W lut is Bolwn nofed for?" alone.He went about the house in a wheel chw doing his own house work until Everetfia death dx years ago,when he moved to the home of his son, Harvey. shoes." Teacher:"Correct And Chicago?" Johnny: "8hootllnd booze." between the homes of his suns,Harvey and Raymond,the lam! having moved hom Canada that he might be near his father.\He died at the home of his son, Harvey Wednesday night, April 8, 3 3 n n E l ~ i n ~ Clarenc e an d f a mi ly o f W isner, Mr .an d Mr s .E d r l Fulr ner a n d da u g hte r of C ou nc il Blu ff s ,Mr . a n d M m Lo ui e J ensen an d tw o |;|.. 3HERIFF'S SALE NOTICE Finlayson, Burke & Mc¢K.ie, Attys. By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the District Court of Washington County, Nebraska and in pursuance of the Decree of said court in an action therein pending' wherein First Trust Company o i Omaha,a Corporation is plaintiff and Charles A. Stroup and Minnie Stroup, his wife; George W. Stroup and Laura Stroup, his wife; Leon- ard C.Stroup;Ruth Stroup; Esther Stroup;Josephine Stroup; James F. Stroup; and the unknown ;' . .; . ... MnA ..)?":Z=g G!I.i.. . ¢...sfo >g .a. 4 : : ;§ ._~.,f..2,u»* <1 Z .z gf ..." § ¢. . §@ >: ..NR H r . § ,. f) :; , , CARD OI-' THANKS We desire,in this manner, to express our thanks and appreci- ation 00 the kind friends and neighbors who assisted us during' the illness and following the death bf nur beloved sister, Mary Klutz. 'John, George and Albert Klotz Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rix Mr. and Mrs. Max Klotz. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks m the neighbors and friends who were so kind m us in our recent bereavement.Also to the sinyrs and pianist who so ably assisted at the funeral of our dearffnthef und grandfather. Mr. and Mrs.Harvey Krogh and children Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Krogh and children -....... Th e b o a rd o f g o ve r no r s i s ma k - i n g ra pi d progress i n p r e p a d n g Neb ras kan a, the n ew sta te his tor y . Th i s announ c ement wa s rec e ntly made by Rober t M. Baldwin , ab ove, wh o i s c ou n ty a tto r n e y o f Th a y e r c o u nty , a nd is ac tin g a s e d ito r o f th e history . " W h e n th e board o f gover nors me t r e c e n tly i n Li n c o ln" sa i d Mr . Ba ld win , " the me mb e rs we r e u na m imo us in th e op i ni o n th at we we r e ma k i n g unu su al hea dway i n our wo r k .W e ar e rec ei ving the eo- opera tion o f prac tic ahy every le a d e r i n th e state , an d ma n y of the m ar e do na ti ng ' a la rg e amou nt o f ti me to a s d a ti n g u s .W e ur g e tha t th e e li gi hi e p er so ns in W 8s h4 in g ton c o un ty re tu rn th e i n f or ma - tion re ques ted as soo n a s po ssi ble after the quea tiolmair es ar e ma iled ou t. " MARY KLOTZ Miss Mary Klutz, aged 37 years, passed away lust Wednesday, Apr. 8, at her home, south of Kennnrd, following a short illness with pneu- monia. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Max Klutz,now deceased, but respected old settlers of this Z n t y .She att-ended the Rlspin ool near her home where she grew to womunhood and also ab- tended the Kennard village school. For a number of years she has kept house for her brothers, John, George and Albert who,with s sister, Mrs. Henry Rix and a bro- ther, Max, mourn her passing. She leaves many friends and neighbors 10 admired her for her many maniy qualities. I<\meml sewiees were held Fri- day, April 10, and burial was made in the Kennard cemetery. YORK CREEK NEWS Mr. and Mn. John Reel: attend- ed a card puty at the Howard Jensen home near Omm, Wednes- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Skov and Lyle were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. lnd Mrs.Harland C'hrlstinn~ sen.Emil Erickson ls working for Fay Jones.Mr. and Mrs. Soren Jensen and Janet were Saturdny evening vis- mower;smooth work ing and easy run- nlng. Use DeVoe Pslnt and Varnlshes for t o u c h i n g u p , a thouse cleaning time. A Tyneselm-'| Revenge!"She wal married ln Evansville,Indiana, to Walter John Jar# rett,and 1.0 thls onion was born ihres childwan 1"inc.lnnati, Ohio, Pon. Wa have all kinds of chick wawrers and feeders,brood DANA COLL EGE NOTES The Dana College A Capella Choir reports splendid receptions .,, PETEHSEII HAHUWAHE A newspaper clipping from De- corah, Iowa is a splendid musical criticism of the choir in which the choir is ieporoed bo have overgone all expectations. Appreciative audi- ences are reporbed in the various lllllr. Nebrqh ooops at $1.85 each. A hypocrim,awar- ding Ya a small boy of our acquaintance, in a boy who arrives at school with a smile on»his face. We have a s\|gges~ tion from a neigh- bor that the na w prohibition lgentbe calied. the Suk Fire Water marshall. We have A couple o f \ md Ranges in first dun shape for sale a t 1 blrkairu ..;| |\| ;r attr ac ti ve pric es o n n e w Ru n g a . Th e o ld la wn mo we r p u n h e s j l u t u h a d th i ;y e ar as i t dfd house.How about yours? Sensational Sa!e Silk Dresses-\ Fashion Center-410 values, $3.98 $15 values,$6.75 sizes 14 to 52 Shop early Thursday, Friday, Sat urday, Monday.`13-11 FREMONT w1Ns Mas. Am NEAL Geo. Bolmn and G. o. quam of.'DEc|..mA'roRY com'EsT I-Qneoln. Mr.and Mrs.win Burdic,p l l n l f d l B ¢ l \ \ T { { \ ¢ L ." a i n L A I A ! , . . I M r ~~~~~ M -' " K ° d \ u u u a r l u u a n c l i :I I U I U I U P ~M r a n d M r s F liI n t h e d i s t r i c t d e c l a m a b o r y c o n -r s .a B .N e a l o n l a s t T h u r s -M !d A l b p e It e s t h e l d a t P l a t t s m o u t h l a s t F n -g g y " f § = § = ° ° g »~ _ 9 , M : f r o r n H ;M ;a : l d ° § { m A _C e g 'm e 0 B °f ' f ' : _ ? " f F I ' t " L , f f ? ' " L f ' f ' i ' 1 " ° I ' f . L h " ¥ f , ' : n m n f ' 1 » . = § " E ' . = , . . "~' f f 1 M P . .a n d M f S E H I O F V ~ _..-N...-~ 7 "U \ . ¢ n u m :ausul.:n g m g 'g g u t n gf 1 fEIl Tl i1 1' da g o a n i n s s l g w l y r e g a i n i n g h e a l t h .I v i n s vMid Mrs. Carl M. Jenson amil \"lUL¢AllS5 LA"scuoul won nrsu nunoru m m ID points.Platts mo uth an d A u b u r n tied for sec ond pla c e, eac h with n to ta l o f 5 points,the rest o f th e points we re ver y e ve nly divided among the 18 s c hools repres ented. Vex-ner Carlsen o f Bmnr,wo n A L L . ;. . l . . . . . .. . . . . . l .L . . . . . . _ . . . .. _ -. t _ t u i i§'f,.'lP°i'1'1§'if""i3?T '""°"'"-€~ °E|'a Ellis. who soma thrm n nuns ac ppeuun IIUITIB,WGS!DI H'u n ''f ¢ w " 0 lr.mg .h river 's license re vo ke é, r.an d Mr s ,Ha y e s Rose nbi lrn wa s 3 mc e n tly o n a c h a r g e §.'"@*:*°=;¥» .f b - l m :ff .1'i';¢.f.,:2=f ."~e>:°»»'=.» license: Iowa were Sunday aftemoon callf"ws.finedacco1dingly G e l i h e H q b i ~ f a d e w i man, also won a third place in the humorous division when she gave "Goodbye Sister". Arlene Ekstxand of Oakland took second piece in' the Dramatic class.The following| ia :1 summary of the schools tak-' ing points in this district contestn Oratorical division, Madge Gar- imctt of Piattsrnouth,first place. with "Lest We Forget";Lazier- Knvich of Fmmont,second place with "Why";Verner Carlson ofBlair, third place with "The Men-Iace :f Ia\vlé.mness' Ait c mo o n Pro gr am in n Srhnnl _|Harold Shrider of Fremont, second place;Chlorus Poinber of Shelby, third place, Dramatic ooniest:Edwin Gidly of Fremont, first place with "Thel Finger of God"; Arlene Ekatmnd of Oakland, second place with "The BETTER PLUMBING I r Means Greater Home Satisfaction The summer season is the ideal time to install new .plumbing fixturel. Enjoy your home to the utmostwith sur- roundings of modern plumb- ing fixtures. Call Us For Estimates John Moore Plumbing Co. BLAIR, NEBRASKA ~I 1 rFalls City, third place with The Nebraska Wesieyan Scholar- 1924 and it has grown by leaps and bounds until today it takes in practically all the leading schools of Nebraska.Last year 1400 stu-dents from all sectioy of Nehru- ka took nan in the high school d w nctidtles at Nebraska Wes- leyan.During the pam, six yearsBlair hu been represented.Blair has established a remarkable re- cord in this zontest,during the past six yars Blah' has scored the highest number of points twice and has never fallen below third I mgn m me scnoaansnlp tens unsyear:Agricdture,Mary Muilin, Irene DeVinney and Frederick Nemetz;Art,Grace McCormick; Biology,Elsie Stevens,Dorine Glasgow and Charlotte Armstead; » chews:~lm ed 0 £ lCook-i i m h n f o u n b u r n e r a ww w i th l n e x tr a1-fy cooking mp that in no #yi er t h an n th r u- bu r ne r stove.Troub le-fr ee Lo rainllnrnora conc entrate the hear wh e n I t s h o u ld b l - - r i g h t bena dx the uuc u il.Yo u ga t 1 ¢. "I~In~|r|11 Wed., April 22$25 FREE CONFETTI_HORN'I CAPS Music by D a m o x r s I - l a r m o n i a n s EVERYBODY INVITED GOOD FLOOR GOOD MUSIC GOOD ORDER si1|as .Q1111; -Qlv--:' » :~:_-ve "'F"f'f'l °""'-lr; .- ,1-"' - 7 ' ° ' : . . - € '. : : y n .:Ps.;w ;1 '-I - » -|1af f -l . 5 »f = |1- . ' - i q }f'{|'7 *...J ~/ " " - - - - G - - 2 - - - - ; . . . . . ; _g : % % a . . .n.._If - - i l l '- 1 ---»,\' *QQ . . . 'v p _ - 3 ' - l ' ; 1 ' ~ ¢ Sl-lE'S HAPPY »>zZl¢aQ¢u:¢kJI¢@1 , ND you will be, mo, as Bookkeeping, Helen McMillan, Ma hm Jensen and Elizabeth Grimm Botany, Esther Carlsen, Mary Mul lin and Bertha Jensen; Civic Prob lems,Alice Beckrnnn and Harl Bolln;Engiiall,Alice Beckmsr Roth Tllden and Dorothea Gllberl son; History, Fmdrickn Matthlese Msrjorle Jansen and Vera Nelson Hygiene, Vera Nelson, Elsie Sk vena and Charlotte Armstead Latin, Lydia Newell and Marjorl Kuhr;Latin,Eloise Morris nn Kathryn Sas;Mathematics, Mar Beth Hitehman and Charles Wood Marjorie Kuhr and Dorothy McMiriam:Physics,Charles Wood: Mary Hitchman and Hdenn Simon sen; Typing I, Elisabeth Grimm Marlam Jensen Ind Helen McM.ll Inn; Typing II,Mu l e Bolln, dm Schultz and Roaelln Phlllipa; On tory,Vemer Carlsen;Dramatic Esther Carlsen; Hnmoroul, Dorlm Glugowe;Exuampomoous,Allcf Beekman:Geography,Cluonu Van DeVenter, Beulah Pulmmam Why not get that Lawn Chair painted two coats. J CIIRISTENSEN LUMBER COMPANY Mary Mullin. ° . . : : . - ' - = . - . . ~ ' ~ - m a rI l a sgqpl§_g|'\I||Unlhl M..-Hs