03-26-1931JTERPRISEEb | wAsnmc1~ou oovrrrn rnnrrs -ms NEWS-n¢¢mlu¢|| . .m m n u l 5 * § r u n L I c : A 1 ~ | ¢ » s '|. GENERAL NEWS OF WASHINGTONBLA|R's LEADING NEWSPAPER :IAL PAPER OF WASHINQTON coUN'rY,_NEnnAsKATHE OFFIC l*rll\ hG¢ldll8l0¢ ¢fNll fld»-NUMBER 10BLAIR, NEBRASKA. MARCH 26. 1931-P n m n e a w x1 » , y J n n . A. mma uV O L U M E X X X V Szibsczriptianelirige, SLS per Year.Sin le CMU. Sc Wlilllkl Clusty. lair Home Declamatory Contest ls Very .Close SIXTY DAYS IN JAIL John Dunkel of Herman,who 'as arrcgtod some time buck on he charge of receiving ur buying~tolen chickens,had 'his hearing ask. Monday.He p'lead guilty to he charge and was smrbemnd tto ~ixty days in jail. Dunkel operated a chicken buy- ing station in Herrnan, :md it ap- pears that for some the a. gang nnd 20th in Declnmatory Work. Te n Contestantn i n ,Dr smatic Class.Awa rd to V e rn e r Cl rl s e n m m u n - 2 I N l{ l. ! \ 10 ROUS C O N T E S T ~rine Glaa gowe W ins i n Hu mo r - ous Class.W inners En te r S ub - Distric t Content He ld Mar c h 27 Th e ho me cleclnmabory contest hic h was held i n the J un ior Hi gh ditor iur n on Thur sday a ml Fr i - ~y evenings,Mar c h 19 an d 20, ove d to b e u ve ry c lo se an d i n resting c ontest i n ai l three usecs.Th e dra matic class wa s eld Thu rsd ay evening.I n th is asp there were te n contestants. he results o f this class we re as llnws:Esthe r Car ls en wh o g a ve e s elec tio n "Th e W hi te Hand s of e lh a m"wa s awa rd ed fi rs t p la c e , d Harriet.Alle n,wh o ga ve th e le eti on " The F o rg o tten W i tn e ss " as awarded sec ond plac e. On Fr iday even ing the o rator ic al nd humo rous classes were held. the orotori eal c la ss the c ontest towed to be very clore between ~yj Christensen and Verne: Carl- Easter Time M. A. c. HOLDS SPECIAL PROGRAM The Monday Afternoon Club met ut the home o l Mn. E. G. Pierce on March 28 with 1 large attendance. borh ood lmrol1 114 ! Hamm in tar ot. Arr es ts we r e mad e a n d i t : w w fou nd th a t D u n ke l h a d be e n b u y - in g th e s tole n ¢ 1 g ¢ g m This imv- plic ated h i m and b mu g h t h i m ' b o grief. a I I ' .as totaled Ve rn er Carlsen wa s wo rd e d f ir st pla c e b y a sc or e o f 3% an d Ro y wa s awar de d se c o nd la c e b y n sc or e of 9 1% .Ve r né r ave th e o ra tio n " T h e Menac e o f ~wlessness" and Roy gow the or- Lio n " Antoni o Mani c ". Th e hu mo ro us c la ss ln wh ic h 12 ontes ta nts too k pa rt p roved to be no o f th e be st an d closest con- ts o f the series.F i r s t plone nt to Mis s D ori ne Gln sgo we who ~ve "The W edding of 'Miss Bray ". he rec eived a sc ore of 96%.SGC' nd pla c e we nt to Margvaret Maher ho r ea d " Pi nk I oe Cr ea m" .Mi s s laher rec e ived n sc o re of 94%. As a r e su lt o f the ho me c o ntes t he f o llo wi n g B la i r Hi g h s tu d e n ts ill represent th e h i g h sc hool i n he mb~dist1ic t dec lomntory c o m st. whic h will be held in the Blair DISTRICT Music CONTEST 1The State District Music contest fordistrlct nugnber two,will be held in Omaha Friday and Satur- day, April 3 and 4.This contest has grown to be one of the great- est in the state nf Nebraska. Practically every county in eas- tem Nebraska is represented from Richardson on the south to Thur- stmi on the north.'Then will probably he about 50 schools and 1000 .gngligltlnta in this great mrxlimvfegh - The solo events will be held at Benséu high on I-'rldny and the gmnp events will be hdd at South High an Saturday.Ins t yeu for firstlime lnthe his to ryo f the usocintlon the students frvm Bllif High won we oonhest.Bldr will be entered again this year and S l : I 1 | | 0 ....qu e s ti o n mi g ht. go e ve n as f ar a s the Supr eme Cour t b efor e u settle- me n t couid be ma d e an d i t wa s th o ug h t be st to ar b itr ate wh ic h was ver y sa ti sf ac to ri iy d on e. w GARRISON SALE CLOSED The J. D. Garrison sale which has been going on fo r the put three weeks closed lut Sxhaxdxy night.Business was good through out the entire sale and the r»r°pri~ |:::s . ing joke s.Miss Luc ille Ke mp h ad. ah g rg e o f th e p ro g ra m wh ic h c o m siated o f music al n u mb e r s a n d read ings in whi c h d ie was unda ted b y Misses Mad eli ng Nie ls en I n d Margaret Ba dgerow, Dor othy 'Sher ma n a n d B e tty B e aty . Th e C lu b me e ts Mar c h 3 0 wi th Mrs. 0. Hopewell. mo o n a n d evening,Ma r c h 27: ratoric al,Vex-ner Carlsen;dr a- stic ,Es th er Ca rlse n; lmmo ro us , orine Glnsg owe; extemporan eous, lic e Beek man.Th e sub-distric t lec lnmntory contest "promises to c o n e o f th e la r g e st a nd b e st i n he his tor y of the as so c ia tio n,11 cols and 140 c ontestants .repre- ntin g all se c tio ns o f ea stc m Ne- rnska. will take part.Th e f ollow- n g schools wi ll b e here on n e xt '1-inlay:Oma ha,Central Hi g h , Vinn eba go, W dthill, Rosa lie , Her- mn ,Oak lan d,Te k a n mh ,Arling-1 on, Cra ig and Ly o ns. NEWTON GAINES GIVESTALK BEFORE HIGH scuoox. Lnsv. Friday morning ProfessorNewtonGaines of the Extandvfl Division of the University of Ne- braska,zlve a very interesting talk before the students of the usunl exn:e\lent showing.Blmir will be entered in band, orchestra, mixed chorus,boys double quu~ tem: and five solo events. Ag a climax of the work of the phased with the total result. On Saturday night at ten-thirty o'clock a suit was given away. Alfred C. Kramer U! Herman, was the recipient. BIRTHDAY SURPBISF along the line of pmpmhg for ll1e's work, ¢he opportunities of the pm as eompued to the oP- ponunltiea of the present.The ntudentu of the high school gx~u¢1Y enjoyud this fine talk of Prof. Gslnu._. school befvra entering the dist:-lst wntslt which il in be held ln tha near future, a prognm has bean planned which will be held in tha high school audiwrlum on m e 'hzeuday evening, starting atelglat 0'c.lod¢. which lu the m the public who are cordially urged to be present. arranged and carried out on Miss Thelma McCormick last Saturdal' night.The event wu on meeount ut her birth mmtvenmry.The usuzl good time was enjoyed and the evening cloned with a very db' Udou.|_ lunch. CELEBRATES BIRTH ANNIVERSARY About twenty frisndn and rela- um gnthered nt the horns uf Hr- md Mrs .Otto lmc ke on Tue s- dxy evening, lhich 17 md undat- ed in oelnhnting Mn. llnnnkvn w m a y .v ma n g n n d w a . v m p i ~ t ~ .A WORK SEASON IS NEABING 'With .the ndvsnt of spring the hnn work is beg*innin8 in esmest.Fumemare now busy in the fields preparing the ground for the planting of the 1981 crop.As the John M¢Kay, for years 'the _pnr primar of the Mn-.Kay :ind mme,suffered a"stmke last Zllueaday moming.He was mx Zhln wvqy to his place of bulinen .and had reaéhed the H.A. Baxdk earner on Grant md Walks' Amannewihm he idll.Louie Famherg, who wu also an his way to wumk, happened along at the same time and im- meiiddly we nt la li: aaiintnnm. lack of the fsxmefs visits to Blairand soon the only time we will see him will be on Saturday nights. This opens up a question thatis of great importance to Blair mer- chants and that is the keeping open _of the diferent business houses on Wednesday evening. Other towns are doing this and are meeting with a good run of busindss in repay for their ef- forts.Last summer on several occasions we happened to be in ad- joining towns on Wednesday eve- ning and found them filled with fnrmers doing thelr~ mid-week shopping.Blair merchants have never made a concerted effort to bdng this business to Blair and it has therefore drifted to neighbor- ing towns who are awnke to the opportunity. A campaign should it seems to us be made to bring this bus» lneu to Blair.lt can be done if an effort ll mnda to do so.Farm- ers will not leave thdr work i n order to mme w Bla ir i n tlw wvrldnz ho un llld l! Blni r hus- iness houses are closed to them lt is hut a few minutes utn driv- ing to go to towns where the mer- cha nts a re "ldv to serve them. DANA CQLLEGE News Dana college was admitted as a member of the Nebnlka Assoc# ation ol Church Colleges at their annual meeting held at York Col- lese.snurday..Although Dana College has bf-in serving the peo- ple of Neb s a for Iony-seven years, it has nly been during thepast ten yenrd that full four years of college w `k has been offeredand for thutoteason, Dana has not been enrolled las a member of the Nebraska .Church College Associ- ation during urevious years. The world renowned Welsh lm- perial singer; from Great Britain will present u concert at the. Dana College auditorium Thursday eve-ning.This z¥°\\P of male singers under the direction of R. Peatyn Davies have rome w the Statesafterfive year§`of singing in Europe and and made their first Amerl n aranee at the Rotary International Convention in Chicago, last'J\me.This British Male Ensemble will conclude the Dana College lecture and lyeeum course for this year. Mr. George Strandvold, edlbor of Decorah Posten at Decorah, Iowa, District Court Holds Session Amlcable Settlement Made Over .Nebraska Land on East Side of Ml ouri River.Lund Patented ha l89'l¢in Dispute CLAIMED MADE BY EVULSION What promised m be a battle to the finish,earne to amicable settlement last Monday when the case of Geo. and David Wlltse va E.E.McFerrin was brought to an amicable settlement.The case in question involved one hundred and sixty acres of land lying ontheeastsideoftheMissouri river but within the bounds of Nebrpskm The land is m a have been placed on the lowssi e by the process o! evulsion.This land was patented by E. F. Bevel- helmer in 1897 and was later add to a msn by the name of Csley and later to George and Dayld Wiltae_The question ol adverse passio- sion entered into the oontzonmy I-l\dE.E.McFerrln,whoha»d\lved on aportion ol the land lv: angie time claimed his ri ght on th a n grounds.When the matter was brought into court it was found that both Report Fake Bank Robbe ' Officer: Prepare For Warm Recep u m of s w a m w h o F m ¢~ Appur.All Plans Mule Bu Do Not Mater-iallze STRANGER WARNS OFFICIAL The offiduls of the city we warned Wednesday of lut wee~'by a stranger who came here, he claimed for that purpose, tha four bandits had laid plans w ro one of the banks ol Blair on las Friday night..Hin story was 1 plausible and he outlined the pl~ of the robbery so xnphicly tha the officers immediately got bu in preparation for their receptio~ They went ta (hnaha where . official was secured and with hi~ a machine mm-Tw o mm o f fdals were°also present when th HUBP5Cio\L§ moment came, but th bandits failed to appear. Whether they heard ol the parotionn or had their nxspid~ aroused in some way is notkno~ or perhaps the informer was working for s hit of reward mon~ ln advana.Ac any rate the offi ers took no chance in the ms and should be complimented f f-hd: desire and deterrnination ~..m _\;\Yilaung :cv Sb°1Fwr~~ nw wvv mss .ms ~~ CAR - wrme mon Ar| we Na mans,'fu ze mms- I~~ avr 4-wr §'gffaf vou lu rms 'weak ~ pm' mvem am-ea me ww WILL ,..=' :~~__appears tote improving.His gem 'Hue gnvemofg announcement ml heal!/h for some time hu mn lvavflvi 1 »1mn1`erenee between the bnn go od ull he ha s been mdm die!allnttivn,officials o l the i n !from high blood Pmnw e . ." "" °4¢\P&'\I!>€nt of trade nnd 'hint is thon§:t to have been the vvvnneme. md' Attorney General r.a.uae of the trouble.. C. A. Swa nn. The gwemo r minud out that l :u .. . ||Wu 'Ellen fn hi t ho me i lllun 3 ~danwumimnmediahlf aihil. Hin condition has been oonnid- endquiieaeriougmdastmdhnanl' the left side is reported.The 1an re p o ru fmmhi a be dd da u e hf a e ...pa I N m e s G O NE B Y Few peode remembered that dghoea y ; ago lan Monday a terrible cyclone villted Omaha and vicinity wining out great areas of Yhe thicldy settled portion of that dty and fiiedtroylng many lives and hundreds 'uf thousands o! dollars in proparty. .1..,rmuming of that date was wnnn and balmy.lt being Sunday many :people were taking advan- !:iszufo'!'the mink day lor outings.In the dfternoon the sky became u yéllovHah color and a quiet seemed 'to fall over Blair.The next was the news ol the cyclone. Monday of this week opened muéh the same but instead of tho ~yulone we had a sudden drop in .temperature and a cloudy sky with frequent showers. Dana Collegd, Friday, one dn 'The Bama of the Races", one on the famous "J. P. Jacobsen" and oneon "Current *Dhnlnh Li\.ent\1n". Speck]midy of the Bible was emphasized he Dana College, me week, when the Rev. CL ll. Vide- bedl, Luthenn pastor o!E!kHorn (Continued on page eight) W». R. c. MEMBERS ENJ OY B xn mnn P AR TY Mrs. J. v. Hi ndmriz mmm an the members sl the Womefs Re- lic! Corps tn her hom; Wednasdxy afternoon, March 25, in humor of her birth u»nivefmry~ Needless ho nu. th! ummy :aa eauld, responded to the invitdiinn as the Hinckmnn lmme is mmad for its hospltdiw and wdcome to University of Nebraska, last week won a debaie on the federal farm board issue at the college of agri- culture where elaases are held.~ Christensen and his colleagues upheld the allimxative of the sub- ject,"Resolved, that the federal farm board shall nomimae w be of benefit to the American farmer." BLAIR BOY MENTIONED Menon Kuhr of Blair, was one of seventeen. shxdmtn attending the farm operal.6n"éhar1', course at the umv ma ry " "mmpgka no be graduated at §.li`f'€ndol the su- elan last week." Mllle than 1 0 0 w e I d g y w the course this winter at the col- kx, af ngrlculturc and evm more mrs expected m be enrolled next season, wmrding to H. K. Douthit, short course dlrecmr. B L A I R B O Y W I N S D E B A T E E1-iv Chd stena en o f Blai r,wi th tw o othe r stu den ts ta k i n g th e f a r m operator s' shor t c ourse at the ..s .H . = n.<,..~-»,v"~,~ ~,~. ,. bnea, much improved ma hoping to get home in the neu future. He hu been down ther; for some time and his lxentment been very utillscwry and his eandi~ tion 1| much improved. VISIT VET HOSPITAL Tha Misses Cora Stdcklett and Vmola Brunton,nncompmled by Mr. md Mm D. C. Van Deuaen, drvve down w Lincoh last Sunday when they visited the :tate cap- i\o\building and hi m'the new veterufs hospital.At ite haspihl they found Mr. C. C. Vm Deusen, luncheon was aarvaél :to s:ru'cmjI fifty guests. M n .J. H. Bvlmmn,jpreéident of the W. R. C., in behdlfdf the ladies, presented! the hostess with rn iine electric toaster.She wasthe recipient of many rather gi1l.B, potted plants and flowers which she greatly appmciated. 'When the guests dqparted .fortheir homes,iff! lleit :many ex- pressions of good will and wishes for many more hmm? 'hirthdays. :tome MCKAY md gardens of wghbors.Keep your chickens and ducks cooped up. The dty ordinance in regard to ~ running at large will be imposed if further compllint. u w chickens running at large is made. L. W. um, Chief of Police.10-n NOTICE Considerable complaint has been made within the pant fuw days : | |I |r n . l o ;Ll °:; cured notes ter tlie bank for the reCollege mmpus finient to pmvlde payment of the amount due the bank might deduct one-third of the payment from insurplusandunaswdeaprofitao~ count.Under this plan the direc- wn md stockholders of the bank WILL BUIL D uomanN HOME Pmf. J. P. Nielsen of the Dann College Inculty,h n l recently bought a lot north of Dann and plans to. soon begin the erection ~y.The Continental Oil Co. hu contracted to erect un oil sma- Bon at this point. WILL BUILD NEW OIL STATION Work of wmuéz the old Rlth- mann building jult m o n thestreet out of the Mnrnthon fill- due. The action of the pupnemn court upholding the gugnnty law will do a great deal toward restoring fl!!! confidence of the public inthe banki ot the mu and 'hqve s bm- éfidal pfnwara nil linen of bun- WILL BUILD MODERN nous Fnd Sim, contractor md build- er, cloud n deal W°¢P¢5¢|ly oi this mek whereby he bewmuthe owner of Qhe lot just ~ of the Lundt property on`Sogaf-h atredj.. Ha in tg guna a. mqkiem lxomd on Jr. and ln. Nellie Anderson. A number of the Ray!! Neigh- bon of this dty, drove ln Sioux City,Iowa thu (Thursday) mom- ing, 00 attend A Royal Neighbar convention which la being held t°~ day.Among those going from Blair were Hn. Fnnk Brass, Hn. ~» -.. . . .~'. .... rmcmv zs SAD NEWS Julius Petersen reedved word Wdneldxy o l this week,of the death of his only :hier in Den- mlrk. :he having puaed sway an 'hleldAy, lhnh Nth. :~»=:~nounc ed Tu e s da y th a t lette rs ha d been mailed to 582 Nebraska stat.-e ba n k s c a llin g u p on th em f o r p a y - me n t o f the ir gu ar a nty f u n d as- i-\|r ~t.du e f o r 1928,1929 an d 1930.Pa y me nts o f these assess- me n ts wa s wi th h e ld b y th e b a n k s pend ing a.f i n d deciaion o f the Un i te d Sta tes supr eme c ourt i n ti lml b a n k l i tlg a tlo n . |r e d ~ i t s - ~ d e c i d o n n w . n ~t y o . { t h e o l d N ¢ ~ FIND a r ~ I I W . IBrg1m d apprc rximat-sly three ..~|l u :n s v d t h h e l d b y ~ ilnnika t h a n m a e - da i q n i n ' th a u g b r o u g h t b y th e vi . .U .u .. . 72 1 " 1- 7 m . . 2g . J .E ; £ §: ? " ; J ;uL.. . . . . . . , .xf J §" *" : " I ": .Z ; r ~ " g f . . :__ _....a ,1 5 5 , : '= f " " "L 1 3 " * "~»f ,» ~=~2 ; . » § i . "i s = = ? = - " ; "1-"s "4~f t b f g n i i~E - ~~' H 4 ~I 1 N[,1J€'~;!"~ ':§|,\'-\..| 5 -»Z n \ { ~ . I Q Q D':'f',.>~ ~ " ' W '~L....:» | F . . F *(n x g V?=?-s i g '1 )1 _ O ' - ~ ~ J r~ 1 _ ,1~ ..~ 7 / f l ..i t .- . ff\<, . . . _ ' ~ _ .~ \ . ..-JJi , = = a »I F ~ . S a g 3 ; ~- 3 .; .1 1 r ..' - nummn au 21 -it f 3 /3 f _ ,* /~f y ' r _ , g ; ! | f ,/ / .; .1 f f ...ggSQ' sr 5-2 ;. f 1" ir?- at payment.Thsy follow: First Tha t the mdn la m due the guaranty (und hmn the hunk be chnrged against hs surplus and undlvidd prolita and Uwe items accordingly rédueed. Second-Ths.t il the surplus and asveral m u banks had failed:Inca 'iw Benn vwilhholdingfunds and that no lsammnta vmuldbe collected ham then, He uid that upon each of tha bank: ltill hx mmm might dm!!-A would be issued far dn mount of uch individual oblhmdoa. Banks Asked To Pay Assessments ssz Blnks wimhlwamg About ss.- 000,000 Will Be Asked to Pay to Glnranly Fund for 1928, |929 .and 1930 WILL HAVE A GOOD EFF:-:cr Govemor Charles W. Bryan an- "=3551§<5 5;=f,;f§Q L§,,L` 5 Bank Guaranty LawI| o | o . 0 lo s l o »lo 'o o ¢ a ¢ » » O u We hen! a great deal these dlYs about spending n vast amount of money ln public improvements in order no re lieve the unemployment sit- uation.When one amps m really study this question when will such u program lead?It ls true that at this particular time we new n. road improvement program and it in also true that as it happens there is n vast amount of unemployed menwho need money.The build- ing of roads is commend- able but is it wise to mort- gage the future yénrs in order to give employment at the nresent time?Sunnona o s o O o o o s o n o a o s o z 1 z ~a n To Stand Unchahged BL AlR' S ro n rri e u . POT One week from next Tuesday, Blair will hold her spring election at which time each of the four wards will elect a councilman to for the coming two years.Two members of the school board will also be elected fo serve for nterln ol three years. On the school board,Messrs. C. A. Robeson and H.H. Brown are asking for a return to the office while a third pany,Ray represent the people of the ward Rehearing of Able Bank e ls Refused.u. S. Supreme Court Dedslon Makes Guornnly Law Vlli d ASSESSMENTS COLLECTIBLE Atty.General Sorensen to Order Collection Unpaid Assessments. High Coun bets Ruling Stand Th e * u m m States nupreme court refused to review ltsfrecent decision sustaining the validity of si... \|..|.....\». |..~.\.- M."-une" Inu/this condition continues and men continue to find no sat~ isfactary way in which to gain a livelihood?What then will hnppenl Will the govemrnent go on endlessly spending the people's tax money to give this nnny ol men employment?Thislms happened in nations of olden um.. .Ml i.. ..».».. :...,»....... 1 a 1 a s Oo a s 4 n Hitehman of the Farmers Su m Bank, ls also asking that he be~allowed to supplant either Robeson' or Brown.| In First Ward Elmer Frdn 3.nd U. G. Gune r wi ll go to bat for the place of councilman.Mr. Garner has served in that capacity for a number of years and made good in the position. In Second Ward June!Roberts uw .w......... ........ ,.....,._...,according to nn. Assozizied Press dispatch Monday.The decision held state banks must pay guaran- ty fund usessments.Attorney General C.A.Soren- sen said Monday that as a result of the supreme court's refusal to hear the Ahie bank cue again. he would order the state banking de~ pnrtment to collect unpnld usew __._ .__ .L_ ______.._ ._._.»u u u i s u n l l u l u i v i n a uillhllnni l u f l amy or an mum um ° '""'*"''!'f;}'?'1?."',_"..°__ Ln- mn.¢m_ m e g u | . r u u . y l u u u . 3.000.000 remains uniaaid.an unnadd as o a e a a u s a o s l followed the practice.It places a burden of taxes mounting higher and higher on the thrifty in order that others should be led and we wish to call nttentian to the flirt that the thrifty citizen is the bone and sinew ol the nation.Will we continually penalize the bone and duew and build a false prosperity, that is the question. e s e s c e e o o u e e o o s nmnrrmzn snr:' o o e o s 0 a e o 0 a a o ent encumoenn ana L! uumng mnelection on the flat that he hnshsd experience./Bbth are good menandthe city will be well served with either in office.In Third Wsrd., John McKay is aski ngthathebere izurne dto the ofiica and Nick Thuile is also an aepirant for the place.Both mem are well known as both have been ln business hene,McKay in the feed stare and Thane in the hud- wue hudness. Over in Fourth Ward, J. P. Jen- sen is asking for a re-election and I unssments under the old g n u - nnty lllnd law,which wne ne- penled by the spednl legislative sewone of 19%.Nearly all of this,he added,was i n special assessments.All questions concerning the constitutionality of the guaranty law.he added,hnve naw been settled. Leonard Flannburg, an attorney for the Able bank, commented he wu unable w say just now what further action might be taken on behalf of his dlmtl. 4 Y.u .Sorensen la also nry mz l0! '\I Rnmitune Sale at Aye Bron. 'bldldhlg Saturday, March 28, 1981 at 1 o'c1pek P. M.All of my lur-lniture comnlew viz 1 Conk Smve. the place.Both men have had a wide agrpedence in city work.Mr. Sorensen has served seven! yearn on tim council and lim on'.he rm Ame ana owner sum DlllKlw h i c h : m a m a Y-he vdidlty o l the law urged the court fa permit them w argue orally the provi- donn o l the a n of March 18. ~a 1 Heater,Book Case,Dresser, Tables. also Forks.Shovels, Gar- den Tools, and many other articles. Mrs. Hans Thompson. Henry Chris- tensen, Clerk;Jensen and Brass, Auctioneers.10-lt Four Year Term For State Offices Would Pass Bill Changing Term of State Officials From¢T\vo to Four Years Stsninz in Year school mmm ana nas proven l\lll|°self w be s capable and eltident official. There is but little discusdon as there sams to be 'no issue.The light question is some times spoken of on the streets and many feel that the light plant question wodd have been settled in a more satis~ factory manner had the plant been sold rather than to buy alrrent as the city fs now doing.Others ue of the opinion that the city should be making the electric mm-ent for use rather than buying it of the high line and thus leave the money st home. The location of the swimming -.-u \.r. _ ---eu ...___ ....... .....».. 1930, which modified the old law by providing a depositors'final settlement fund. They ukedtobehea rdi n chal- lenzinz the constitutionality of the new lsw, on the ground thatit takes assessments from one class of banks to pay depositors in an- other and deprives operatlngbanks ol assets which should be held for gh, benefit of their .depodtors and stockholders. They also declsred they could show that the new act imposed ss- sessments which are aicesalve, hur- densone and corisutory. OMAHA PASTOR ¢» L .£ n n O neu.K SUPERINTENDENT is 4 YEARS Election ul the governor and all other state executive officers for a term of four years in lieu of the present two year term that ap~ plies,in the form of a constitu- tional amendment, is to he placed before the moe senate to do with it as it pleases.'1'he commltwe ln- stnxcted Chairman Allen 'tuesday evening to report S.F. 230,by Schepmnn, for general file;This proposed eomtitutiouul amlmd- ment would have the state execu~ tive officers elected in 1934 and theredter for A ferry of four years.The constitutional con- pour .eu s gow nl-ny ww s wr..many feeling that the Pnlrlc Park Addition dw which could have been purchased at a reduced price should have been taken instead of the one chosen.On this question the council was decidedly divided but the high pdced site wan out, All these questions may have u bearing on the election and if street talk is any criterion,we would judge that they make quite a difference. PINOCHLE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Petersen en- tertained seven fables of their friends at pinochle at the Brock home nn lan Memdnv avenimr lnl. COMING To IE '.'. On Wednesday evening,Rev. Geo. D. White ol Omaha,began Pre-Easter Evangelistic meetings with the Blair Baptist church. Thene services will be held each evening at 7:30.Rev. White is a very Mhung knlnister and has proved his ability as a preacher and lead~ er in his successful psstorabe i n Omaha.His church only recently went through a seria of meetings with 'nearly eighty sddiions. The public is invited m come and hear this eamest capable young preacher. GOES 'm OOZAD _.. pvenuon 01 nm: gave me supenn-wndent ol publin instruction a term of ian: yum, but no othen. I-'AREWELL PAR'l'y. Herbert Brown entertained the Sunday School :lun to which he and Malcolm Curley belongs,on last Thursdny evedng at dinner, ln lwnor of Malcolm. who moves with his family to Iowa.Rev. A. F. Newell, teacher of the clans, and M"yron Brock, fonner teacher, wus lowing l splendid seven o'|:.|ock dlnmr whic h tha n ladia pnpued md se rve d wi th the ua iltma d their mm falkl. Al ll the and ma to m. nz this hospitable home, the gums ntaymi until ine small wee hours Mting and playin!V-he nodal game of plnochle. When scores were counted at the close of the evemlug,it was found that Mrs. James Klrb and Pr. R. '7 ;."E"°$" hdd hi gll md Chris Struve, who waded lan num for Hmry Ohhe n md Son, ewan-mann,u m p w c a s a . Neb.,when the same Exm will build a school heme.Tlrh i n c u same firm thlt bui lt the Blnir schoolhoule. Mn. L. D. Warrlck, Mn, Wat- son Tyson,M n .E.w.Schmidt md Mrs. hunk Bxvss lpem: s very pleasant dtex-noun lnlt Tues- day with Mm John W. Newell, d ex .nil "|"|LA14 iu nl ln *A n n u \a c . .. ' n1 r l 15. HH.~I n d ~A» I W B U I EH I U CS l » 0 \||I l l *' e s t o x u n a c i t y . 4 1~ .5...=........mv vw.. ._..,,..mt.Rhonda, low and all wen record- Following the dinner, 'the boys i¥\8ly awtrded prius.BUSINESS AND AL 1-onsc.4s1~wF ant. ontsiae in play games ~' Fnrhnrt.'nnfnrt\n'u1hlv.xfumed FAREWELL PARTY BUUI. ...-,-._,__.__,,__,rr__into a hole,turning his ankle in such s way,that he fractured n Tha ofdoen of the Roynl Neigh- bone in his Ankle.He in unnble b°:.orglnizatinn entert-mined in m 8° io school this vnek but il honor 61 Mn. Si Johnson on lui getting dung very well. BUYS ANOTHER OIL oo. The Nebraska-low:Oil Com- pany,with heaajlquarfen ntBlnlr, closed n ded last week by which f-he company become: the owner of the Ne b n s h Oil Compmy of Schuyler, Neh.This givea than a m-lng of oil :tations from Schuy- Kondny awning at the home of M n . F u n k B mu . Tha Johnsons ue lnving soon for Schuyler, Neb. when they will nm n lmmburger md short order llwv as they dxf here when they nm came tg Blair.Mn. Johnson hu been 1 hith-fud officer of the Royal Nelghbor lodge for the pant twb years and 1 |93u .I 5 1 5 2 2...an I.. ....»|v mined bv hem' nib-I 29 1na29 x c 2 55 0 u3 I 0 \ 1 2 4 5 | , F | ' \ r , a r c ni n4 u l a 2 5 U \»5 I 2I 92 6 l 193|u n-6 7l 5 ' l 42 0 2 12 1 2 sIr --ww w ..-...., ....--._ _,l a Nab. to Dennison lawn.u r lficers-sh, wu pmwnud " " " ",.wnlthon pucticnl gm an n memento 5; ;g;g<»-=~ M;-3 goufn cALu=:ns mon nas uomns of the umm- in which m vu ____,mgg9°gm a ' Mr. and Mn. Arthur Wilsonmd Betty and Mr. nnd Mrs. Kendrick Wilson,all of Du Moines, Iowa, mr, Sunday nllan at th homo of lh-I. Con Badprow md npent the1ndghtltt.\xebomeo!Mn.E.C. Plidzer, rdufning home Wind!!- Thc J.Cwnniom hmily havemuvedintotheKm.Lillie f m ; \'=li¢\°1l°% no 9116 hoina vhs!! \h°Y formerly mld°~Lh4A bw; gold 89 held by un. Rdrelhmenta closed |very ple lllnt evenil\¥ of games m d dng. ll w n mt Ndl e b - P r i zm n u mi - e d md contest dons Satuniny ,|3||¢,,Ap r i l m> - u n M y before E a u :sunday John uw b m w ervvldl-mmegnd no your Manda Mn thlse beautiful prizes.Only 8 mo n days#-get i n mu'uvwds. m l "zv`l51`i2§i§; D¢=llnl¢°1'! lest at BlairConHeh. 27-Dann 5-Zuno :ecilal Heh. Mah. Heh.Apr. Avr- Am'- Apr. Apr. l h y 28-Catholic bake sale. 28 -Hn. Hun Tho mpoa n nk 28-Da me at Klnfs pui li anN - n u n - m e H i l d e m m 4-Fuhion Ctnlcr ale ends 5-Enter Swin- 24-mlh Sduwl D11 24-'m -vuiey 'm a umsE C. N. A. A. :ru me J Lguhlvn Qqgtsr--Binh-.10-n lhy1 1 " ' P " v' v \ min,Nebrnh, numb za, nm-THEU u » ¢ ' | " u . n In the evening~les of pinochle Moeller hold- August Klu- en,seconds, NEEKASW BLLSCATIERED |mlgh¢ on bod! hlnukd up to na m s UGAn .mm $ 1 - W a mn .|Growing beeh hu bewme one Nebrukms who think of me of Nsbnakrs lmpoxhnt industries upper Platte valley u mgulnnd The nnk of the ante in augur intrntion w u n u n e d te a c h e n c ollege,| . 01 dI zthe r, c ha .i rmnn ~ me n t o f h i s to r y ,W u i n g d e a n o f th e c o ll e ~ A _..; '. x, _ .o I ~\ ~_ ) - 1 o '" Q ,f | . ¢oI. ¢ . \ A - _ HERMAN NEWS Mr.and Mrn Edgar Skinner And Vera Mm were dinner guestsol Mn, A. L. Sullivan Thursday.Hr. and Mrs. Hult Lowe lpentl Friday at the Wm. Aduns home. Mrs. Joe Morrison spent 'hues- day and Wednesday in Omaha via- lting her dau hter,Mrs.JamesHerringtonfarriild.Wednes-day evednghMr. and rs. Herring- ton hroug t her home ln thdr car.Mr. and Mrs. c. S. Cameron and Charlene drove down from Sioux City Saturday and vinon over Sunday at the H. B.Cameron homeMr.and Mrs. Rex Huen and ehildren last week mo/ed (rom the Bninoon property into roomsat the 0. A. Johnson liome.Mrs. Taylor Freich spent Fri- day in Blair at the home of Mrs. Wm. Jensen.Mr. und Mrs. Harry Andersen.Wm. Miller and family,Mr.and Mrs.Chan.Chamberlslln.Miss Marjorie Andersen and Mr.and Mrs. Clifford Ray drove out tothe Wilbur Conety home near Omm onFriday evening and spent a pleas- ant evening with them.Mr. and Mrs. Albert Woodward and daughters oi' Omaha;weredinner guests and spent the daySunday at the L. A. Woodward lon drove up from Omahl Thorne time had hy all. day noon, lar a brief visit at the there were th," u L. A. Woodward home.Mr. md Mrs . pr,Mr. and Mrs. John Bogen and mg high scores, K1 children and Mr. -np Mrs . Jo e'"n md Henry 5CruhilngerandEugene,sne mlmd Mr md M,-,_ Sund.ay_ at the I-'red Bogart home. low Sixltable prh Ma.rt\nEafwolsen. S.M.P ed unda ve r;and Mr. and Mrs. P.S. Hopkins W; in Omaha Simday oo see L.}A.arrlsh on hal been oonllnad to his hemelsevenl weeks follow-ing an operation' He is now able to be outside some ol the time. As us w at this season there has been millions ol geese llghtf ing in the fields just east' olimvn.They :Mi n d the attentionol everyoneand field glasses have been brought into uso.Marjorie `Reld,whose eighth birthday oéeurred Monday,Mch. 16, oelebrawd it by Inviting ten ol her little frilmds in her home afterschool.These little people had a happy time'P\lYil\8 games,alter which Ma-s.'Re.ld seryed refresh- ments.'Last ' Tueaday evening Mrs. Anna Peddia and Miss CarolineWachterentertainedatdinner.The guests.were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. F. O.Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. E. P.Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brewster.'The John Skinner and Paul Tighe families are under quann-tine f o r ~ l e v e r .All thecases are very light and all are recovering nlooly./Mr. an Mrs: H. B. Cameron en-tertained ata dinner party at theirhome Monday evening for the fol- |__;._... n..\..._.| ur...A 'r Fam; I had by nll. The Women'| Cl Misses ADD! and Thursday afternoo answered by a g hire ol Medea.I n paper on Soda conditions ol Mex Kruger read a pa ture md Labor, 1 read s. paper on B tlqulties,Educald Playgrounds.A noon was had by Miss Kate Meh Blanche Paulson l afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Mildred and Mr. Mehrens spentHenry Kruse hon The following by Mr. and Mrs. Sunday:Henry Marie Mehrens, husen, Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Wm.Sieve: Mn. Hmry Schm of Bennington, Laura Rothman. Mr. and Mrs. and children of ( urday evening a deanof thel m . c . H . l zv .\»¢ a¢ pmf1y m,m bee nwith namedact- head ol the wllo n o f a rts and edennes for th¢ nm semesternext the University dna 1926.He 'became chairman: o h m m d : e n. mmy de pa r tme nt mms lastweek ofnthaUeetlve' ol ne xt fdl, ion of Dean becomes the ldpal univar- the leave of s o! the lrtl will me h Harvard Unl- mester next v dean of the but 88 yean s elementary. llc schools of lege training Jumble. Prior Jnlverdty 01;had mogm in; ole, Ind been rools, andbad in t h e m Wayne.He 1 university noadministration .n of the de# mr hi s :Hill- l. ! I o w l l l a c t u when Dr. Hleka, than department gh-ff=»»-» betlme dean of the eol~ ege. W IL L An v mms n NEBRASKA Charles E. Hall, editor ol Neb- ra.|ka's Own Magazine md a ap clalist ln community advertldng, was unanimously chosen as execu- tive vloe-president ol the Nebraef ko Progress Association wblehwaa organized here thin afternoon. According bo Colonel F.G. Eager of Lincoln, who wa; elected tempornry cbdnnan,the purpose of the Nebraska Progress Assad- ntion ls to analyze the industrlnl needs of the various sections of the stale and then go after the neded industries, bring energetic young people into the state,at» tract capitol, develop Industrie: and vw "Uh mo o markets ro x Neb-raska produda and with a wi ordl gnnlzed eumliaifn of publicity put Nebraska lflrmly on the map when it belongs as the "food basket" of the nation. 'l'l1irW-six business men,farm~ ers and professional men attended tho meetings,twnn¢Y'|°'°°o i whom were elected emmty dlree~ fora.I t l | p l a n n e d t o h a v e a d 1 rector from each county and vice- preddent i n each Co nKNld°\"| District.Tlwie district vice-pres# idents, the balanw of the county directors ma the pl-qnanc of the organlutlon will be elected a t I meeting to be he d in April. Vice-president wa s i mmw bed to appoint comml on non- zdtudon and by lawn d on or- ganization with further lnstruo- tions to complete the organization as tar as possible at once and pro- ceed to put Y-he plana suggested into operation "Plato" and "Win¢!ov/' Glue The maln dldoraooe betweenDlatoda u a nd wlndaw glaaa l l that plate glue 1| not ln nat aboutanund and polllhtd. whllo wll-.=»2'¢'£.-l l blown in cyllnden to the lhlcknou dadred. and nai-tened by rplltllnr the qllndon andallowing the (lata to llatton Q12 tts own wdgh 1 Named 51 Bngllabman The towns or Hampton and Hampton Ronda derived their pras-enl name: from the earl of South-ampton. ons of the leaden of thaVlnlnla company, and a friend or patron of Shakespeare The naman s probably abbreviated to"Hampton," lllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIlllllllllllllIIllllIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll :es were swam- v good time was lub met with the Ella Rohwer on n.neu eall was eographlcal les- Edith Nwe gave J and Ewnomlo doo.M m . m m rper on Agricul- md Ella Ro hwr dexleo City- ion,Parks pleasant after- all. rens visited with n Omaha Suudsy George Ohrt and and Mrs. Claus Sunday at the le.were entertained Carl Rohwer on Rohwer,Mrs. Mrs.Carl Feld- Kruger, Mr.nnd rs and Mr. and nldt and daughter and John and Thomas .Ma M , spent Sat- t the John Lun- b u m uGn m| o u n1 s no growers grosseu overhung" §"?d'», my Amerlean|\f>¢"°" million dollars.There lsan B , "g n g u eompnny,um;~ b y - p r o d u c t ln feeding tnnsfonnlng beet pulp into sugarum WIP to cattle md Sheen-A long before the dx fa ctorie s lni lU¢° # mbsf M sheep are im- the Scottsbluff retlfm were ever ported from Montana md other thought ol.A large ue; of had sheep nidng states to be httened i n the lower Platte valley,run- on refuse from the hctories. ning from Gnnd Inllnd to Nonhl In 1929 Nebraska rtised 18.7 Pune, is devoted to wear been percent of nl th. been produced tlmt He marketed at Grand Is-'in the United States.Neh Land.Contracts for about 7,000 acres in the Gund Island territory h|VB been mmde lor 1981.By the terms of the contract growers will re- ceive a minimum of $5.W but thru the pmtitfslmrlng provisions of tho contract they m y receive more than thll.depending upon the average sugar content ol all the beets md the market condi- tions at the time of the beet hal: vest. The 8'Nwers will prepare the land,plant and grow the beets. The furnisheswmplny the seed .at 16 cents a pound.Planting is to he done before May 20th.The company also agrees to pay the l [mm mtnle d 1 ,0 54 ,0 00 ....."'§ production ln all the states wn 7,672,000 wus.At an avenge yield of $80.15 nn more ln 1929, be e tfsnne rafo undthe a opto be profitable.Tendlng and harvest- ing the crop gives employment to n large number of people.M1119 foreign groups are engaged lnthis work which does not call for skill~ ed hands. CHANGE IN nxmcmrnvns The two largeit colleges ln the University of Nebraska will have new executives next year.Dr. Frank E. Henzlik, for the past 'I years professor ol school admin- I --e - .. ..U. ...,u....These changes,be the opening of soho Iollowed the resdgnnt w. E. Swlvtk.who new head of the munl rlty st Omaha, and absence of Dean Hiek college.Dean Hiekl American history at l verdty the fxrst se: year. Dr. Heuzllk, the new teachers college, is I old.He received hi dueation in the puhl Missourl and his ool in Missouri and at CGl m wming to n e 1 Nebraska in 1924, he rural and grade soho superlntemlmt of sc!been an instructor tu/:hers college at mme to the state professor of school 1 and became dmlrms partme nt a yur a ll ztion with the school Dr.Oldlather, wh 5 ) home.lrowrng;ums nu ms. n. .. ....... l$\'frr't Hlmes becsme the own-er of \.e Hover property whichwassoldlastMondayntpuhliorv :Lion at Blair to settle the esf t.;e.Mr.I-limes plans to makehis home there and will move in soon.Mrs. A. J. Cameron has been confined tu her home the past week with an attack of grippe.Mr and Mrs Ivan Helms s ent'..pSunday aftemoon and evening atthehome of lvan's parents,Mr.and Mrs.E.H.Helms at Tekamah. Miss Bessie Williamson of Axl- ingtin was a guest of Miss Elaine Knit Monday night,Mrs. James Lippincott of Blair, spent Sunday afternoon at the Gilbert Olson home.John Sutton of Lincoln,spent Sunday with Mrs.Sutton at the J. A. West home.Mrs.Chas.Nelson suffered astrokeSaturdayafternoonand was taken to the Blair hospital when; sho is receiving the best of care.\Ve hope she may recover rapidly.Mr.and Mrs.Ed Mencke and Mr. and Mrs. M. Madsen und sonsoflllair,brought their dinners and spent Sunday at the ChrisKorsliojhome helping them cele- brute thcir ninth wedding anni- versary \\l\ich occurred that day. Anthony and Frances Bowsmnno l Omaha,spent the week-endhero with their mother, Mrs. DodeParrish.Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Parrish took them back tn the city and stopped for ulsrief visit with Dode's brother,L.A. Parrish and' family. There will be no services at the church at Rose Hill next Sunday evening as Rev. Norlin and theEpworthLeagueareinvited to Craig. Geo. Parrish \\:xS dovm from ihe Decatur neighborhood on businessMonday...Member.;of the I Delta flek Mon, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Burdlc, Mr. and Mn. Henry Tmhlsen, Dr.and Mrs.LL W.Onimhaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adams,Mrxand Mrs. E. P. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Reid and Miss Ruth Roberts. Marion Gilliland of the Gilliland Bros.zarsse left Tuesday withothers fromi Omaha on an excur-sion trip sponsored by the Willys- Overland nutomobile company.They will visit the factories atPontiac,Miéhigan where the fs- mous Knights motors are made, and the Willys-Over-'land factories at Toledo.Mr. Gililsnd expectstopurchasea. car and drlvs it home.Miss Be ies Mordson hasgoneto0ahatospendnfewl weeks with er sister, Mrs. James\ Herrington. |_1 Mrs. P. S.. Hopkins spent a fewdays last week at the Geo. Par- rish home ncer Decatur.Mr. and Irs.A.I.. Cooper of Tekamah, mlests athome.Miss Elal Miss Ruth at Winslow day.The guild again this eek with Mrs.ChrisHansen.M s. Anna Peddie, Mrs. Claude Cie onus and Mrs.Alfred Jespersen w ll serve. Mesdamesihmes Brodersen, J.Jensen, Clyde Metzler, Elmer Lar~ son and Mac Cameron -were in~ ininted into>the Lelrion Auxiliary at the regular meeting last Tues- day.There] wa.:a good sttend~ ance.At e close of the hus-mess sesslo refreshments wereserved.Pla s were made for the annual Past Presidents' dinner. The high school deelamstory contest wasjield Tuesday eveningat the\Leglon hall with a largenumber in atiendance.There wereseven contestants and the follow-, were Sunday dinner the 0. L .Hilsingor e Katt was n guest ofobertsat her home uesdny and Wednes- l meet for quilting lair home. Mrs.George Thurm held open house Sunday in honor of her birthday.A number of friends land relatives gathered to help her celebrate and the usual good time was had by all. .Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Sundelland Mr.and Mrs.Hans Sorenson of Florence, were wlera at the Ord Harrison home Sunday evening. Miss Celia Rohwer entertained the wachers at dinner Tuesday evening. LIVED ON LAND 61 YEARS John Malzecher,farmer near Onkdule. has llvcd on his land 61. years.Ho came from Germany wWisconsin nt the nge of 17.In 1869,lured by the promise of cheap land, he came to Nehrnskn i and filed on n tract in Antelope county.He still owns that piece of land.He Inter purchased other adjoining land and erectedfn home ln which he still lives.All his land is_opL'rated as one farm. Malzacher's record can be dupli- cated many times over in tho slate.It is not uncommon to find homesteaders of tho late sixties and early seventies still owning, if not living on, their land.Some land in Nebraska was settled up before 1860 on purchases from the government at $1.25 per acre.But the earlier settlement wn,~x slow beside the activity that resulted with the passage of a homestead act/by Congress in 1860.Thislaw gave eu:h_settler clear title to 60 acres of land by living on it five years.When, at the close of. the war,Union soldiers were Mven p ferential treatment in the dis- t ution of free lands,the'un- occupicd areas that were ofvnluc were quickly taken up by vigorous young men whose home ties had been severed by the call to war and who have become adventure- some and lnnd-hungry. The passage o the homesteadlaw in 1860 an e building of the Union Pad , th.; Iirst transcon- tinental ilroad,in 1869,were two ve important events in the develo ent of Nebraska.They tume d t eyes of the nation on an undeve d region.They were the keys that opened a section of unknown value and unsuspected fertility that was to become in a little over hal! a century s. mm of amazing agricultural achiev ments.The /land has proved all the expectations of the most en- thudaade and eloquent of the early land agents. , Aimo u p h o n o n P lu s h ? Recon! pholozrapbn of the plan- nl :d d ev idenc e to lhe umm that Mm. J up it er an d Ve nus h av e nn atmosphere al the ennh hnl. s~ ¢ " ' r ' CHILDREN CRY FOR |T--- CHlLDRENhA!etu\akomedidll¢ u n rule, but every child lovestheluteaf Culorln. Andthinpure vqsubln pnpuutlnn him! ugood u It mia: just ublnnd md junta hlnnlenulhetedparudn.When Bum cry warm of mlk,I law dmp oncuwru hu him loolhed, nlun»o\h=ln=l\ly-N°°-\\- ing ll mom vnlunbh in diurhu.When coded langue or bad hmthull ul oomtlpnlion, lm/oh lu gmtlodd ua dwm and rquhu a ehRd'|bowek.Inoo1dsu'nhildren'|\'lil°l¥A. youlhauldnuitwhspthnymumhvmdogdng.»Clstorhluoldlnuvu'ydru¢|iuo; the gmulna :buys ban flu. H. F'LeuJmr'| dpntun. 'a -Lo ~I " - . ~ I Card Club enjoy ed :1 pieasant. timeliflR we re elec ted a s wi n n er s ! Fr id ay e ve ni ng n t th e pg 0 Swan~Mi s s Luc ille Hanc oc k,fi r s t an d son home wi th T.R.an d Ha r o ld Miss Gnetc h Ga mme l,sec ond in Swanson,hosts.The re were :live the hu mur ou c las s; in the dra ma- f¢\\\\¢\u ui hrirlna Piruf nritna ufnrn Qi.:h m Hu n n n l: f h ¢ |nY¢|\II. h.n ~ v ~1 ~w ''xr >'!'?,,~ ~'M M ; -" v i ~»- .}'.~:~~ TN.~" ' - \ .1 ........, ... ......, . .. ..-. ,....-.. ....-awarded tn Mrs. A. H. Lowe und lilelvern West, and low prizes toMiss Imm Bm-ge and A. } . Lowe.Hamid Kelley moved last week into the James Harrison propertywhereDudeParrishhasbeenliving. Elaine Jesperscn was ten years old Friday,hiayfh 20 und hermother noted the event hy helpingher entertain a number of little guests at a party at her homeafterschool.They enjoyed the time as only children can and before they le!t Mrs. .lespersenserved u nice lunch which included a big birthday cake.Elaine was the recipient of u number of pretty gifts.|Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jessemovedlast week from the old Souder home southwest of town into gf Brunton property vacated by oRex Huen family..The Burt County Ministerial As- bociation will hold their April meeting in Herman..They meet the first Monday of each month.Dinner will be served by mem-bers of the Ladies' Aid at theMasonic hall.Mr. and'Mrs. Herb Webster were at the University hospltd at Omaha several days last weekwhere Mrs. Webster ls under med-ical care. The Lsdles Aid will meet Wed-nesday at the John Oberat home.Mrs. Herman McGill of Telramsh,will be hostess. Rolland Wachter and GeraldLytle, students at the Wayne S. T. C. were down Thursday for abrlef visit with relatives.The Womans Club will meet on Friday with Mn. Ben Wachter. Mrs. E. W. Burdlc will be lenderin dacusdng Africa.The regdur meeting of the 0. E. S. was held last Thursday evening followed by the usual nodal time.The serving eommltf tee for that evenlmf were Messrs.and Mesdsmes E. C. Burdlc, 0. H.Godsey and H.L.Swan.Plano m m made to entsrtaln the als ftrlct supervisor,Mrs:Sturdevant »o!0maha,wbo v rl ll be h e mf o r uw iirst meeting of the chapter an April. A number of friends were in--vited to the Clyde Huh home onFriday evening.The time was- spent pl ying bddge, there beingfourtables.Misa Maggie Lowe :and Chaz!-es Hom an-'led offflrstgprlneaand Mn. Chris 'Druhlleni l u awarded low.Following s pleasant evening at cards dainty rdruhmeuta were served.Mr. and Mrs. Willey, who mownd their household good! he!¢|l!l? Rutledge, seqmd.Music'wns fur- nished by t e high school girls' quartet.Mi s Harriett Wilson and Vera Mae Skinner played two'pixmo duets. lSupt. John P. Weis- ensee of Tekarnuh, acted asjudge. The winnerslwill compete in the sub»district contest at Blair Mnrch27.All who 'wok part in the con- test are to be given n treat.Supt. Shrader has promised to take them to Lincoln to the state meeting.Mr. and Mrs. 'O. L.Hilsinger had as dinner guests Tuesday eve-ning.Mr.and Mrs Ivan Helms, Mr.and Mrs. 0.H.Godsey andMiss Marjorie Godsey. I°'I'. CALHOUNAND VICINITY March 16 was the birth anniver- sary of Mri Ira Piper and Mrs. Lads Michele ol Omaha. °Mr.axid Mrs. Frank 1Wol!f, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Bolln and Mrs. .Toe Bolln drove down to help them celebrate. The time was spent playing cards. Mrs. Joe Bolln won Ilrst prize,Mrs. Wm. Bolln, secondlnd Mrs. Ira Piper, booby.A vary mjoy- able time was had by all. Miss Edo Slerk and Mrs. Wm. Kruger entertained a number oi friends Wednesday uffemoon in honor of Mrs.Curl Foldhuasn. Mrs. Holcomb of Misa, a cousin of Mrs. Joe Lszure, was also sguest Mrs.Emma Ketehmsrk,Mrs Anna Wrsidt and Mrs.Emma Hanna spent Wedneaduy aftemoon with Mn. Will Ivenan. Mrs. Henry Kruse entertained a few frlendson Wednesday after noon in honor of her Hater,Mrs Gus Timm of Bennington,and Mrs.Carl Feldhusem A level) time was had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Psul Kruger an the proud parents ol a . bah; daughter born March 19 at th< Covenant hospital in Omaha.Mo ther and babe are getting along nicely. Mn. Will. Cook of Omsha, vis ited with Mrs. Knrle llehrena ol Wednesday altemoon. Dr. and Mrs.Geeaaman enter tained the Bridge Club F H M evening.The usual good tlnnewa had by all. Mrs. Emma Hanna Bhhdllnndl number of friends and relatives o Frld a y a tth o hn lne o !lk \.A.nn Wreldt.In the Afternoon t h u wem two tables of plnochle.Mn Inn Rnlln flrat mvhn 'Mia \ "MAKES PERT LITTLE 'PULLETS AND FOXY LITTLE ROOSTERS - A N E W L O W P R I C E a n d a n i m p ro ve d feed. Nut rcn a Chic k Mas h i s t oda y' s b est bu y. You can m ake m oney by start ing your chicks on Nn t re n a Ch ic k M a s h - a t 8 t o 10 weeks yo u w i l l have bro ile rs a vera gin g 2 ponn dsf --th e even-feat h-» ered, wel l-fl eshe d ki nd t he m arke t wa nts. Y O U C A N M A K E M O R E M O N E Y ! Pul le ts s ta rte d on Nut ren a Ch ic k Mas h wi ll l ay th ei r l n a xi m u l n capa city o f eggs a n d b r i n g i n a steady cash incom e every week ln the year.P o u l t ry wi ll he l p p ul l t h ro u gh ha rd ti m es -It is to d ay' s b es t Chick Mash buy--have it on hand to start every chick --»oln' new low price will save you m oney. UTRENA is your best chiek nmsh buy.It has every nutrient a chick needs to live and grow. Two ne\v health makers have been added--Mllk Sugar Feed to help prevent and cure Coccldlosis and a New Vitzunin Control that assures a complete bal- ance of every vitamin,including enou;§h Vitalnin . 4 "D" to help prevent leg weakness and build strong bones. EVERYTHING YOU WANT ll ere' s Gre a te r s af et y (9 0 t o 9 5 % l l va b i l l t y) - - Fa st er g r o w t h ( % p o u n d brol le rs i n S \\ 'e e ks )-- E c o n o m y (t w o l l u n d f u l s ne ed ed t he f irst 3 w ee ks ) N U T R E N A CH IC K MA S H IS SAC KED I N 10,25,5 0 AN D 1oo-Lb.G O L D EN BAGS ~KANs,\s crrv mmsn l i l r f m l a o ,.nuNNEAPou§. MM: SEAL r\.m.LOOK FOR THIS I | \ ( l ,S H C I UI.. \ \ u ¢ \ \ \ u s \ u u n u n u a n cam a d e u n d e r t h e N u l r o n a S y s t e m o f Q u a l - i t y C o n t r o l a n d c a r r i e s t h e N a t r o n a " S e a l o l P u r i t y " f o r y o u r p r o t e c t i o n .I t : s a n t a y o u f r e s h s w e e t . f e e d a n d g u a r a n t e e s t h a t v o u r t e M i n : n a d a r i g h t .B e s u r e t h e :'Sea! of Purity" is on every sack of feed you buy . |''an. | 1..I1 1 .l ' | I ¥` -ia '01 ."£.l. ......*... FOR SALE av Bigelovg ll Unruh x . ,.J . M f r o m I n ure uvms in §°;.'»5§;;.1g"'';:.i ' .,;;' § ;.3 a the Hggnggjg 533 "nk property.Kruse,hooby.A lovely lunc A1 w°.,4 ~m~a ma Mr.L u»vu s erv ed sndamo st ple num ..t h i s ..J 'I |H'H|m|'4 www 51 ~ I |1 ll ll III1 I1 [Hull .ns ~llf a ||| f., Ill \m||\||||\||h xl ¢ °» S I E ! ! !' H u r ~Pa¢n'l'lml-'rms z:N'rEnPR1sE-Bldr. Nebraskn. March 26, 1931 0 1l t. : l l I. l r. r s B ~ Mr .: ba b y , M arid f a J ensen » n Mr .: a n d I gue sts home. M r .: Mr .an~ a mo n g Party a Friday Mr .1 an d M r Fredeeic d a y a t at Dees . Mr . an d so Ha r r y afte rnoo home. Mr .a f a mi ly visi tors home. Sllhd~ J o h n V and M fa mily , Ma r k m~ He n r y Ma r km~ He n r y Mr . a n d di ng a presentMr .: an d f a visi tors home. Th e Mi s ;J those a Mi ss even in g Mr . dersen Christi~ Mr . a n ed c eleLuc ille a n d Mr Mr . visited 'Puesda Mr . and fa. gue sts L i m to sch~ qu ai nt n e xt Mr . f a mi ly V o g t Th u r s d Vi s i h o me l Er ne st Mo ns o oth y Mr s . an d ll and :la Mr . sen an sen wr a t S o Mr . f a mi ly spe ntHi lta h i Mr . Ma n d a bc rn Mr . Sunda Ai f r e d hir. we r eand au pinc ott Mr s . Pec k c son an OTICE OF FINAL REPORT THE COUNTY COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Estate of Olive A.Ward,De- ascd. Notice is hereby given that ~rris E. Ward has filed with ithe dcrsigned,County Judge- of al report as Ad mi ni stra to r o f meestate o f Oli ve A . W a r d , d e - asnd,mid ma de nn applic ation r fi n a l admi nis tration an d dis» nr gc ,an d fo r th e as si gn me nt o f aidue o f estate to suc h oth er so u s n s a r e b y la w e n title d to e s ame, a nd I h ave se t th e 28 th y o f Ma rc h 1931 a t 2 0'cioC& ti me o f the de a th o f s ai d d e » lc nt,th a t h e died intes tate,a ermin ati on o f his heirs,their _c o f kins hip,and th e ri g h t desc ent of th o :veal prope rty of ic h he died seized. o u ar e f u rth e r n oti fi e d th a t s C o ur t ha s by o r de r fi xe d th e th day o f Ma rc h,1931,a t 2 lo c k P . M. i n th e C o un ty C ou r t o m in Bla ir,Neb ras ka,as the c an d plac e o f said hearing, d th at if y ou do not th en app ear d c ontest th e sa me the Cou rt ~y gr a n t the relief pra y ed f o r rein. W itness m y ha nd a n d offi c ial nl thi s 2 nd d a y of Ma rc h, 19 31 . E A L )1. C . E L L E R, t Coun ty J ud ge. petition in msg Court on the au. day of April, 1931,at 2 o'clock P.M. at. which time the Court may grant the relic! prayed for in said petition.~Dated this mm day of March, 1931.\E <sEAL)\>I. c. ELLER, 9-3t \ \4 !Count.y Judge. homc ol their son, Cllfford Truhl- sen and wife. Mr. and Mn. Lars Jeppesen and Bobbl¢ were Sunday dinner guests at the Carl M. Jensen home, south of Blair.Miss Rosalie Foley of Blair, spent the week-end at the J.L. Petersen home.Mr.and Mn.Walter Petersenmoved Saturday on the farm lorrn- erly occupied by Hugh Sutherland. Hans Hansen shelled corn for Frank Linden Monday..Mr.and Mrs.Pete Tmhlsenspent Sunday aftemoon at the ome of their son,Elmer Truhl- sen and wlle. 'haesday evening vlsdiors at LheLars Jeppesen home were Mr. and Mrs. Jens Juul and fsmlly and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Blsndum and family,M m Sam Cheely and Mrs. EdMazthiesen of Blair, were Tuesday afternoon visltors nt the Jens Clausen home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ervcy, FsycGrandma Campwn and Mrs. Nell Bowles of Callfomla,were Mon- dcvlsea, legatess, creditors und in any others interested in said mat~ ter:YOU AB Ha rms ! NOTIFIED That. an futnxment pqrponing tobe the Inst Will and Teaument of Claus Bolln deceud. in on tile in mid Court, and AIM a petition praying for the Probate of said imtmrnsnt,and for the appoint- ment ol Marla Bolln as Executrix That on the 27th day of March. 1931,at I0 o'clock A.M.,said pditlon and the proal ol the 'ax- eculion al said instrument will be heard, and that if you do not then appear and contest,said Court may Probate and record the same, and grant admininralinn of the entate to Maria Bolln,This notice shull be published for thrcb' weeks successively in The Enterprise pdor to said hear- ing.Witness my hand and official seal this 20th day oi' February, 1931.I(SEAL)I. c. ELLER, 7--it ~ unty Judge. GARDNER DISTRICT Mr.and,Mrs. Petg Truhlaen Kms!-zn, 'rmj DYNAMITER COMING T9 WASH. COUNTY Word has ju been received by County Agent o. Batenfthat Mr. T. M. Keyser,professional blas- lner,will be iq Nebraska duzlng April;and Ivqn D. Wand of tho Perch Compton home in Blair.Mrs. Jens Clausen ntbendoll uqullting party at the Mrs. KrugerNelson home in Blair Wednesday afternoon. Lars Jeppesen had cattle on the South Omaha market. Thursday.Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Petersen andRobert spent Sunday evening at the A. Clyde Alle ome in Blair. Mr.and Mrs.bert Rasmus-sen and fumil ent. Sunday atthe M. A. B tz home, near Elk- horn. Frank den,Margaret andBertrand an Edu. Anderson wereSunday dinn guests at the JensKrogh home, ne`ar Omm. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Petersen and Robert were Sunday dinner guestsat the Fred Anderson home, near Herman. Sunday visitors at the HarryErveyhomewereMr.and Mrs, Max Claus of Omaha,Mrs.Nell NOTICE OF rnéuxrs OF WILL J. ll. Barry, Attnrncy. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA. NOTICE:On'I`hursday, ¢he2nd day of April,1931 at 2 o'clock P. M.; at the county court roomsin Blair, Washington County, Ne- braska,Fred Mnstmm will offer for probutc, a written instrument x=urv°r1ins tn be the lust will and testament of Edward Siegrist dc- ceased, lub: of Washington County, at which time md place all per- suns coneernedlmay appear and conwkt the probate thereof. Dated March fllh, 1981.(SEAL)J 1. c .E"» 'R, 8»4t County Judge, Mrs.Henry Tegt and family of Fremont.. Lars Jeppesen enjoyed a visit from his brother of Omaha, sev-eral days last week. Saturday dinner guests at theHarry Ervey home were Mr. and Mrs.Ed Ehninger and nan, Earland Mr. and Mrs. Max Claus, all of Omaha, and in the evening to- gether with Mr. and Mrs.Harry Ervey and Faye, all drove over toFremont And spent the evening atthe Henry Tegt home. NOTICE ~ A. C. Debel, Attorney. STATE OF NEHRASKA I .A l ss Washlngwn 'County I County Couit,ln Probate. ln the Maller of the Estate of Anders Lanen, Decennd. A11 persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that on the 17th day of March,1931, Karen M.Boiltnd filed her peti- tion in this Cqun praying for a ROSE HILL ITEMS The members of the EpworthLeague were invited to the home of James agd Hazel Wulf Wed- determining whb were the children and devisecs bf Anders Larsen, deceased,and pssigning said es- tate to them.§ y B ~af i n e t i m e .O n S u n d a y e v e n i n g t h e y w e r e e n t e r t a i n e d a t a . s u p - p e r p a r t y a t C r a i b y t h e C r a i gL e a g u e .T h e f o f l o w i n g y o u n g f o l k s w e n t :M a m a n a n d R i c h a r d N e l s o n ,C l i f f o r d T a y l o r ,J a m e s a n d H a z e l W u l f ,M y r o n a n d L o i s T o f t c ,R u s s e l ,P e r r y a n d C l a r i c e R y a n ,D o r o t h y S a p p e n f i e l d ,D u r - ~¢;m\ ~1||c~§ .9 :a ::C Gan d Rev. C . Nor lin . Mr. a nd Mr s. J ame s Sa ppe nf ie ld we re Sunday eve ni ng vis ito rs a t the Babe Ry a n home,near Ke n - nard. Mr .an d Mr s .J o hn Petersen, J ac k an d Do ro th y Petersen we re Fr id a y e ve n in g vi si tor s u t No r r i s W ard's. M; s. Gus C a rlse n wa s a S un da y EWSTER lsrrs : . and Mrs. Albert Nelson :ly visited at the Albert imc Sunday evening.d Mrs. Soren W o lmnm nily were Sunday dinner it the Hurley CIemena nd Hrs.Ansel Taft and ; Mrs. Roland smith wew more w attend a pinochle d Mrs. Alfred Svngersoni and M n .Fred Nelson,\lL and Lyle spent Wednes» Ime Ferdinnnd Wiese home l lr.I and Hans Svogeraom:nd Mrs. Ernest Monson ind Alma spent Sunday' |at the John Monson d Mrs. Blll Wulbern and 1wereThursdayeveninB , at the Henry Larnrners f supper guests nt the gt, Jr. home were Messrs. .domes Elmer Olson andWilliamMarkmann,Ed in and family, Hans Vogt, arnmers and family, Wm. in,Jr.and family and rnbbc.The occasion wasMrs. Vogt'a fifteenth wc-d» niverxary d they were i with sev al nice gifts. \d Mrs.William Wulhernily were Sunday evening ut the Hans Jorgensen Mntzen 'young folks and ma Nic sen were amongn birthday party given byrelynWulflastFriday nd Mrs.Christoffer An- ml family,Mr. and Mrs.\ 1 Andersen and family and Mrs. Pele Andersen help- rute the eighth blrthdny of \nderaen. daughter of Mr.. Hans Andersen.nd Mrs. Delbert Fowleri t t h e_ J.W . N i e l s e n h o m e e v e n i n g . nd Mrs.A.A.KronbcrgLilvwereSundavdinner ann. mya Jacobsand g 1 I I the Bill Compton home 'rening.: Mrs. Clarkson Hunk.Alargenum-:er of neighbors and inanda were present and the main entertain-nent of the evening was a mock nodding, after which vidtilw and games were enjoyed.Lunch was served and alter having spent a pleasant evening together all fle- pnrwd for the r homes wislvns Mr. and Mrs.Husk much happi- ness and prosperity in their new home. Mrs.Dora Sumner and Leon visited at the Ted Olinger home Sunday evening._ Mr. and Mrs. chris Jmsen eele~ hrated their wedding anniversarySaturday night by inviting the fol- lowing friends in for the evening:Mr. and Mrs. George Fallen and son, Mr. and Mrs.Louie Mencks and children, Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Clements and children. a large number of relatives and lrlmda spent Wwnesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. bode Mencke and family.helping Mr. Menckecelebrate his birthday. Mr. and Mrs.Clark Lippincott and Virginia Ann were supper guests and visitors on Sunday eve-ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.George Hinrichs of Nickerson. Mr. and Mrs. llargry Smith and Mr.and Mrs.Floyd Smith spent Sunday afternoon in Omaha vis-iting; Mr. and Mrs. Earl, Smith. B r. and Mrs. Sherman Lockling, Mrs. Ptxlmirn Hammer, Miss Mabel Obie and Miss Edith Rotherberg, all of _lVloda1e, Iowa and Ira Bax- ter visited nl. the Ted Ollngcrhome Sunday afternoon. Many friends and relatives spent Thursday aftomoon with Mrs.Ches Sutton helping her celebrate her _bm.hday. Dick Lippincott is now at home after has-ing finished taking an ngncultural course at Lincoln._Mrs.Clark Lippincott and Vir- ggqle Ann spent all day Tuesday visiting with Mrs. Sumner.Mrs. John Trowbridge and twochildren visited at the Jonas Blom-berg home Tuesday afternoon. NEW ENGLAND NEWS Mrs.Freeman Loftis and How- ard snent a few na... |,.=+ mana so I I help Freeman celebrate his hlrth-day.The evening was spent at games and cards altar which a de- lidous lunch was served.| Sunday evening vddtors at thsArthur Anderson home were Mr.and Mrs.Raymond Donnelly I-"dl Dudley and Helen Jseohsen.\ Sunday visitors at the I-`loyd'Mngill home to see the new girl were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ma.- gill and family,Mrs. John Jack-son and daughters, Lura,RolandandRobert Hovendick and Mrs. Art Magill.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson and Ardith were Sunday afternoon vldtors at the Lars Peterson home.Estella Montgomery was aweek- end guest at the George Lottie home and attended the party at the home ol her sister, Mrs. Free-man Loftis Friday evening.Jackie Weber of Page.Neb., spent Tuesday and Wednesday ab the John B. Erlksen home. Mr.and Mrs.Eddie Fletcher, and Delbert attended a birthday, party at the home of Mr.and Mrs.Pete Larsen Thursray eve- ning..The Willing Workers Club met at the home of Mrs. John Jacksonlast Wednesday aftemoon.Saturday afternoon Mrs. Russell Wells, formerly Miss Lillie Kuhl- man, was given a surpdse whenthe following came to spend theafternoon with her:Mrs. George Heinsen. Mrs. Albert Sprick, Mrs. Wm. Wiese,Evelyn Katt,Lora Meier,Evelyn Gosker,ThelmaFlake, Viola Gosker, Violet Grabbe and Phyllis Rogert.The after- noon was spent at playing bunco. The guests presented Mrs. Wells with a beautiful picture for her new home.Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Loftis and fumlly of Blair, were Sunday din- ner guests at the George Loltishome.Annie,Earl and MetaThompsonwereSundayeveningvisitors. leolaad Sagas The Flateyjarbok la a collectionofsagaa.once preserved ln the ls land of Flatey. Iceland, but now in the Royal library ln Copenhagen.n was wr4xren_ln _l880-}8§5 by twg hm r smutNmxm nn And 8398:valnei tn $10 go at $4.98 llld $5-93: values w sx2,'15 zo at 3 6,86 md 8735; was to $15 go at 8885: value: in $19.75 go at $11.85.Sizes 14 to 52 and 14%m 28%--prints md plain colon-crepe: and chiffon.Paxhl ian Ceuta.10-1s Spring Costs-vllues to $15 go at 5835; values to $19.75 gc at $1L86;values n t S25 go at suns; vnlnes to $35 go at xmas. Sizes 14 fo 46--black, mvy, |Hp~ per, green, tan-fur and sell trim. Fnshlzm Center.10-It 50,000 Ext-'Ii Vows Free with every Silk Dress or Spring Coat PUBLIC SERVICE / TRUST SHARES ,- - - - -- - - 1 - u h - - . _ - » - - » - . _ - - » you buy at the Fashion; Center the per.son`~with the most vote Wins the $200 Bedroo ST*.~dflpiay ut J.. E. Campi;ll' Extra votes free on a items you need shop or utone md sfo for your; 1 bargains pm out each .1 .1 thing in the store mux-5. L:,' April 4th.Fashion Conner:m-1 Shoe!-Chil§iren'a,sizes 2 to » and 5%ms - 4 1 2 9 and $1.59 sizes a n to 11 and 11%no $1.98; 'Women'a and Misses reduc ed to $2.65, $8.65 and $4.88.I-In ettick, $4.45.Fashion Center,I t To the heirs at law, next o! kill, dnvisees.leimteea.creditorsSix-`'méreim in nm m- u m.Yo\|,u\dn|:ho!yo.\|,uehan- by nutme d um: o n dn mm du of Much, 1931, Norris. E. Ward filed hll duly verified petition in th il Ste ancCon o f si rr intl c le to C01 au:hai N o ti o est s mOli th t fi It th tor llei c r: Cu q u mcSir a n %4 72.9%increase in net i ncome OI lhs B3 eomlrmdu nrpnsealod in Public Sonia TnmShlrefpordoo the 32 oompualn whom record: no ¢vli|~lbln :how the {o\|c\fln|: A '.4 » a . » » c l l u l n n G n u mo 1927l m1929 N02.°|¢~°00461,693,00056|M5.000ms,ss4.ooo |2,9'12.94'l,000s,1o9.a19.ooo3,591 _g90_0004,os1,sos,ooo For Lho periodsGROSS lNCO | gy-1=-~ hmraue for the alenrie li|\:l and pawn:amy u A whale ..21.51 Appmxhnlo for lh nbov I2 and Iomapldel nl i»'$°u2'§.m 11m Sine:.'§I§"t NET INCOME: Appmdmau inasn for the nbqva 32eompushl.......'HSS Thvl. the hduu-y'| gmnh, nsmnrknble u it hu been. lanrpauad by dm underlying eompmln of Public Service Trust Shu-el. 'Tlauu oompnlu an loaned in prosperous. growing In-rhorlu, and nn in excellent nnleglo positions ln :lun hl\y In the l.ndulxy'| Iunllar expansion. li l y m to ll y v n ho w ~QcrvlosTnm Shu-e lend they Court,barring all claims against 1-_-_ .1 §unu|||u||u||||||||||||||||||lmnm||||||nunuu||||||||m|||||||||n||uuunlg E ,E 1 =I ~-'~|~.4 ~ = the Fred Anderson home.Mrs. Henry Hovendick and Mrs.Raymond Mngill and children were Tuesday visitors at the John Jack- son home.Mr. and Mrs. August Pegpmiller |l l ;I |I I 1 I the Norneman disc overed Americ a the George Hindley home. Mrs. William Olsen was a vis- itor at the George Loftis home on Tuesday allernoon.Mr. and Mrs.Floyd Mngill are the pmud parents of n bnby girl born Friday, March 21.Mrs. Ed Hovendick of Blair, is caring formother and babe.Mr.and Mrs.John B.Eriksen and family were Sunday visiwrs at the Lars Weber home at Lyons.Mrs. Fred Gosker, Emmet Skov and Lyle Skinner and Nellie'Splker were Sunday visitors at the Herman Roger! home. Mr.and Mrs. Andrew Nelsonmdfamily were Sunday eveningvisitors at the Mrs. Carrie Jacob- sen home.. A very pleasant time was spentat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frce~ mnn Lnftls, Friday evening whenabout forty of their friends and neighbors came to surprise und ~A n O ~;'. /m"€f gy Haveléur rsnc s Q4 na n ~ B A N ~- \~ \ ; 3 \ / / ~ » » »' ' ~1 "' laxile Ra°¢,~Id funoun vn>b°\°zi¢:\ positively read your tdea¢.|»Vif¥\l°l'md faulu in the drnwgnzl. wnfdundwha non that you scribble when l m'uw he". .mSm§Eyouf"lCl'ib\'|iIl!l"°f ugnahme rm- may-m 1-fl-;_f_=1§_;rg;"- °l;::_''*$'{:'¢é§¢' f " ° ° "|m|»¢m¢~=.m=d » EAGLE nwcn. co.. NEW YORK an' Silk Dresses-over IWO w close out.Values to $7.95 go at $3,118 If N. P. Larsen's.\William Wulbem sf.nm2d` »l last Monday to get ac-with his schoolmates for nr.nd Mrs. Albert Nelson and and Mr. and Mrs. Hans R b U been in ummm dwg-5 che hu um ;°-=°y°'"° have re-mrnndmnvofqounn yleldd 825 An howmhaalmc- dye "1-W-°g' pin wvulé Lavanude | |1000 lnveamvm naw uw $11,117sited at the Bill Vogt home y evening. rs at the Alfred Svogerson st week were Mr. and Mrs. Henson and Johnnie, AlbertNels Sorenson, Mrs. Der- Jck and Howmd, Mr. and nrtin Sunds and Darlene . and Mrs. Henry Tietgen ghters. .nd Mrs.Christian Ander-family and Walter Ander- e Sunday evening visitors 1 Wolsmann'!.. nd Mrs. J. W.fNielsen andandMrs.Kate Nielsenundny afternoon at the Joeel home, near Irvington. md Mrs.Bill Vogt spent evening at the Bill Wul- me.nd Mrs. Hans Mamcke were The 4 ,H a n s o n c r M e h r e n s C°=\x»\\PILOT BUILDING wllll1rl|\|Bllir, Nebraska. g||||||||¢"" " " ' ° ° " ' " ' " " " " " " ' " " " ' ° '" ' ~ " ' " ' " " " ' * ° ° ' ° * ' " ° " |inhrth nlion C. M. CHYAN & CO., Il1C»| """" ' r : » » » - - a n n tu x rnl»t»1»»'1|.......am.1 M a i l i t | my lluwy to »T..'...°'I1¢L. Burris Trmllhnru."J' I I Pm I t o d a y !| Nun.,_...I I .¢u~».....na | visitors at the Mrs. Carrie Jacob- sen home.. A very pleasant time was spentat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frea- man Loftis, Friday evening whenabout forty of their friends and neighbors came to surprise and §unu|||u||u||||||||||||||||||lmnm||||||nunuu||||||||m|||||||||n||uuunlg WhatAreYou Doing _ can positively read y our tdcntl, virtual' and faults in the dflWil1!l» words lidwhat norm that you scribble when "lost in thought". Saad ymn"»cribblingu"o»r signaturefor lnalyis. Enclo\e!h¢pictua1eo(\lae Mikadohell, c utfroml box of llihdo pencils. and'\mc¢nu.AddraaLou.i|eR!c1e.clr¢ol EAGLE PENCIL c o.. Nnw YORK ern' supper guests at thePaulsen home. ENCH Nom e. mri Mr s .E .W .Sc hmidt hind!!!nflavn nnn n¢»f'¢\¢»|the Babe ~yan ho~, ne~r ~en- nard. Mr.and Mrs.John Petersen,Jack and Dorothy Petersen wereFriday evening visitors ut NorrisWard's. Mrs. Gus Carlsen was a Sunday visitor at the Harold Taylor home. Mr.and Mrs.Will Hart and Alfred were Sunday afternoon vis-itors at Wdter Appleby's.Mr. and Mrs. Detlef Wulf, Mr.and Mr 4 W1s11 Ryan and GenewereSunday evening visitors stthe John Petersen home.Mrs.Will Ryan s ent Fridayafternoon at pw Rudlolph Mencke home.e Mrs. John Petersen visited Mrs.Walter Appleby Wednesday. Hay Springs-New slr service inaugixrated here by Western Union Telegraph Compnny. and supper guests at the E. C. Lip~pincott home._Mrs. Gene David :md Mrs. Fred Peck culled on Mrs. Randall lver~ son und Mrs. James Paulson Wed- nesday nfle oonMr. und ill.. flust Nelson and son anl l\l<r. Carlson of Vnllcy,spent Sunday aficrnoon at theJonas Blomberg home. Dick and Ruth Lippincott,Mr. nnrl Mrs. Clarkson Husk, Vern Mc-Gowan and Lloyd Husk were din- ner guests at the A.E.Dixonhome Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and daughter,Mr.Emmett Bolt and daughters of Blair, spent Sunday sfwmoon visiting Mr.and Mrs. Chris Jensen and family.' sponsored party Friday e~nim! which was held at the Pleasant View school in honor of 1\Ir.~'and n l s w r n l o o s ~"» e r f I; u n ulal, Ulu l cuuw = the Babe ~yan ho~, ne~r ~en- nard. Mr.and Mrs.John Petersen,Jack and Dorothy Petersen wereFriday evening visitors ut NorrisWard's. Mrs. Gus Carlsen was a Sunday visitor at the Harold Taylor home. Mr.and Mrs.Will Hart and Alfred were Sunday afternoon vis-itors at Wdter Appleby's.Mr. and Mrs. Detlef Wulf, Mr.and Mr 4 W1s11 Ryan and GenewereSunday evening visitors stthe John Petersen home.Mrs.Will Ryan s ent Fridayafternoon at pw Rudlolph Mencke home.e Mrs. John Petersen visited Mrs.Walter Appleby Wednesday. Hay Springs-New slr service inaugixrated here by Western Union Telegraph Compnny. and supper guests at the E. C. Lip~pincott home._Mrs. Gene David :md Mrs. Fred Peck culled on Mrs. Randall lver~ son und Mrs. James Paulson Wed- nesday nfle oonMr. und ill.. flust Nelson and son anl l\l<r. Carlson of Vnllcy,spent Sunday aficrnoon at theJonas Blomberg home. Dick and Ruth Lippincott,Mr. nnrl Mrs. Clarkson Husk, Vern Mc-Gowan and Lloyd Husk were din- ner guests at the A.E.Dixonhome Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and daughter,Mr.Emmett Bolt and daughters of Blair, spent Sunday sfwmoon visiting Mr.and Mrs. Chris Jensen and family.' sponsored party Friday e~nim! which was held at the Pleasant View school in honor of 1\Ir.~'and n l s w r n l o o s ~"» e r f I; E E W ashington County Farm Sells '7P. M., ut. _my officefor the héaring th# the Babe ~yan ho~, ne~r ~en- nard. Mr.and Mrs.John Petersen,Jack and Dorothy Petersen wereFriday evening visitors ut NorrisWard's. Mrs. Gus Carlsen was a Sunday visitor at the Harold Taylor home. Mr.and Mrs.Will Hart and Alfred were Sunday afternoon vis-itors at Wdter Appleby's.Mr. and Mrs. Detlef Wulf, Mr.and Mr 4 W1s11 Ryan and GenewereSunday evening visitors stthe John Petersen home.Mrs.Will Ryan s ent Fridayafternoon at pw Rudlolph Mencke home.e Mrs. John Petersen visited Mrs.Walter Appleby Wednesday. Hay Springs-New slr service inaugixrated here by Western Union Telegraph Compnny. and supper guests at the E. C. Lip~pincott home._Mrs. Gene David :md Mrs. Fred Peck culled on Mrs. Randall lver~ son und Mrs. James Paulson Wed- nesday nfle oonMr. und ill.. flust Nelson and son anl l\l<r. Carlson of Vnllcy,spent Sunday aficrnoon at theJonas Blomberg home. Dick and Ruth Lippincott,Mr. nnrl Mrs. Clarkson Husk, Vern Mc-Gowan and Lloyd Husk were din- ner guests at the A.E.Dixonhome Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and daughter,Mr.Emmett Bolt and daughters of Blair, spent Sunday sfwmoon visiting Mr.and Mrs. Chris Jensen and family.' sponsored party Friday e~nim! which was held at the Pleasant View school in honor of 1\Ir.~'and n l s w r n l o o s ~"» e r f I; :d C0 t;§o§="un Y c ounty A p n l 17th,f o r a de mo n ml,1g31_stration.~ ||»\|lL'\l Ull Asy nc ; | u\u Ilau| uu5vua -A1 l)u|.e~d March 3 réucnnu(SEAL)I. c. ELLER, 7-49.County Judge.NOTICE 0|-` HEARING PROBATE OF WILL STATE OF NEBRASKA, I Farmers wmmng zo eo-opernnein lenming how to safely and suc-cessfully use iiymunlte, who havu objeetionnl stunps and are willing to buy the dynamiw actually used in blowing of ya successful demon- 0 The "old fellow"to whom we rpfer is yourself,ten, twenty, thirty or forty years hence. If you don't look after the "old fellow" who is yourself when you become an old man,he will be cared for by the county, or by charity. | ss strntion, are asked to get in touch Washington County.|with your County Agent at Blair, In the County Court.Nebraska. In the Ma r of the Estate of Cluus Bolln. Deceased:Rua he d -O ro w de d -P a c k d-TUESDAYSTATE OP' NEBRASK.A[-Inmmed with Pevvle helpingthem-s To the heirs at law. next of kin.|selves to our flossesf-only B rnore| neu 31, 1931 un c ulu Le uuw is a ppe aling E0 you right now to save money for him so he won't have to worry about his job, about his rent, or his bills. A building and loan is the best help of saving that man has yet invented.You can put $10, $20 or $30 in a Building.a.nd Loan Association any time and i t starts work immediately.You don't have to wait until you get $500 or $1000 and you don't have to unravel any red tape.The Building and Loan plan stimu- lates saving. FAMILY DOCTOR I N ~\ » :J.~ .-~3-~at §.NW% of Sec. 3, Twp. 17, Range 12 in Wash- ;ington County, Nebraska. §This farm is one that produces well, having §rich silt loam soil.Lies level to rolling.85 5 acres in high state of cultivation, 25 acres g in timber and pasture. jane lu zen yean old today. Lu! night she uked Motherfor A "birthday party"and Mother quickly Aged. jane wanted little HelenAdams them. Bu! Mother found that :he Adamshome had no'I`elephone. So Helen mined xhe lee ;f°q'"» the cake and the un E The improvements are adequate and in fair §condition §This is an excellent stock and grain farm. §Positively sells m the high bidder on excep- §:tionally easy terms.Immediate possession. g For further infomation write or call the xDR. w. F. IIEMPHILL I .DENTIST lLocated ln new Home Tliellrel Building _1 Blnlr, Nehrukl - _ -xBLAIB ABSTFTACT & TITLE COMPANY Bondsl Ahutneter ' Fifteen ears after his gradua-tion, Dr. galglwell became famous for a single prescription,whichnow,after iforty years,is still making friends.Today Dr.Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the world's most popular laxative.Millions of people neverthink of using anything else when lhey're consupated,h c a d a c h y , lmiliolis, _feyeqish or weak;y h m sales agents or auctioneers. SA VE for the OL D F E L L O W I - u ~ UDE no THADENu m r o u c u n n v z o n r o | A n w m m A m r | PHONE 1sQ Hldz.Blnlr, Nebnsh §| DR. EDWIN T. nn I breath ls nag,tongue cualea,or|the{'re suffenang from nausea, gas,or ack of nppeliie or energy. Dr. Ca!dw¢ll's Syrup Pepsln is made today adeordin to the original formula,fran her s and other pure\ ingfedimts.It ls gleasam-tasking;thorough in e moltl obstinlte cue: g=""Y effective for:womm md ¢hi| my Abghv; all, *g I o I ee ow¢ ls nfeiim- the bovwdl. . L Q;OWNER § 5 sh &c<»,Enum rrzmnous conmrw §°"§1`1i-»15`I2»'§.'?"»5S,2»IT'"'§ § .E LOCAL AND |.oNG ms'rANcE snnvlcz =FORKE BROS., The Auctioneers, 132 No. 12th SL, Lincoln, Neb. |lllmmlnmnmm|||||||\|||||m||||nnnunumm|umm|mmmn|uu|E - -= :. - Blair Building cr Loan AssociationDmthlx-lu? smivxcn Omen: ln Sith Bunk Bl'hum 298 B l d r . ~ ,A 'BHi;,"No\:vruh, March 26, mx .Arm 1f`°\&1; Bt;Poo 40.00gust$6»85tndS7.85 vl\U¢liotouoetheHomeSundny p e d t o vh i t h e rl xi m d l vl b i ffer15$8335 '4"°°°\7*1"'5 knwnenndllln Tx-ue~ wny hams ,-,gm-nmguundny alb- m m m . m m am s° -= s -.ltxgenld Lsbor 10,00 we ep zsyg-pfmu ml mldn ma Kam of 'rumah vim um wrxgm md niecegggnld, hbor we colon-crepe.; and chitfcns.|'§l\}j them lut Sunday.Q Mrs. H111 SundAy mmmd.nnsz|nz 1s.oo s sv :'.-~.» 11.85 Bins 14 w 531114 b 'very glad w have Mr. arnoon. a n on ¢I-n~unammn:nvnIsl:|M...ui tha m m wsen 1 |9fPef:"2!°'=!'*":"P"¥n n a a i h q m e e d n s v v r e r v e a d m d a p p a r n - r a d .| r 1 » w w n n ;i n 6 l »I H A !an » | r l f f n \n v i r n l n i f l n n n f P n n l J .l l l l . l » l A 1 ¢| | u n | u v | »- - _ mm A. :Hmmm E ISSUED mmf 'rnunsn§|~i f i f d i n _Qi u nan len ll:u mm I ll u ad n l l l l h t h t Q | ¢ ' g _| = §M Chl ~ u m m u m : n u .flu Q |n|\||i$\'I .'.'?'.'I';.f..°E..'..;'1".£'{"H I ~ ~ m u s v L u v l T h o r n ,1..'T1`§i'L..T.`1..`.'T`1Ta'i1`.I antha :§;;.;;I inffrié| " " ° " i ; " " "' u s a ' - " Q i Tb e p i c a I l h a f t h .fnllnur inv é l d m l Inn id»D m Fima Fit: G l q n lm i n g Mm u heiheld out hh u-mi.Be felt l cn1|d'n drenched turm.Thar mme choking vol-dl hllf 1 `"a"m§G"`?.'§E§¢f`é'J{E`Eh]" £521 ...ww nmmhmwl an n..nu r nf m |\elmed with poon of nm. mm-plclom dm appoand to ldmtlfyhim, but the pcovln wen uleep. He found his cabin with me doord o l e d u l t w o u l d h n v o b e e n , , \ h . . | . » | .w . lvwed 1 i n t a c t funds i' alma. Liedndi Ca » v . - v . . - n o - - . - . . . _ .- _, _l th e Co u n ty C le r k b e to c tr aw wa r r an ts o nth e a t e d b e l o w f o pay 'the! fried. llnlnr lv Qnnnin | "'.n . ¢ D o n n 1 u . s u m 1w.uu100.00 1so.4'1 49.00 48.08 xon water.-10-1:Mn, Mahon has been nbsezft __,r of OmnfSpring Com-vduu to $15 ¢° g,,.,,,, our hom¢ nearly | week. She ,__";_n-51~ |£=¥,°M1-A. Mud at sans; vnlues w $19.15 sv aulw~nf= fo Iowa m attend A golden Mondxy.Mr. mmm and wish$ll.85;vnlun at $25 K0 nl wedding of har friends.Sho 'wr ter also wind on her that day.suse; vnlnss w sas gn nt sums. |_, sim 14 to 4s-xgmk, FW; "'?P': Eiéi c. A. Pope on co.. ou Hum Beck, Labormm Hghanndd. Lnbm Prleupe-Yu: \ l . . . . L I 1 A . » ¢ ¢ . . » . u u I _ ¢ | n u u H» .muw .» .=w ....- .....\l t a n p u t o l f i n I t n m = . N- m mdar m m d w n l a t ll!¢.\\8,1879. | ¢uluu»w wmv -.wuy ..-....=.....,_,_____,_norm: "I gm Wood Plnon. 1 nnawayfrom Chmumo than daysnm.I hd; come to ml you sn- ver Heel: Il dead."Lightning nuhel which |coom~ could fed her Drama when hsentored.Bu! me was not than.Hs made a light cautlounly andscreenedItno that eyu outsidecould not nee. Tho noor. the nlu, I...ww-»~ ».....,.... ....,.,., w.- . - - -~ - - . _ _ _ ._._..70 Pa d J . mamma , L a bo r 8.00| Zi u mpnirs s '11on Im & Industries, Sup-John J. Fitzgerdd, Dngglng 13.05 'LW James Fltzgenld, Labor 8.00plus. .f~A mm¢l\um_ vm,mm Hallo Allan. IAhm°a2.oo Fashion Center.10-It Important Notio.Prizes award- ed and contest doses Saturday night,ApHl Oth-the day before Ente r Sundly.Jdln the lnppy ctvwds-oomélnd see ynuririenda wln these beautiful mixes.Chuly 8 more days-get in ohm-crowds, Fashion Center-Blair.10-It I E I JusrR E C I E V E D 100 Sacks GenuineRed River Irish Cobbler: NON-IRRIGATED U. s. NO. I The Beckman Store CBOWELL HOME Rev,Mann conducted the ser- vices at the Home Sunday dtex'-noon.Many members from theBaptist church also at¢ended_the services, Mr. and Mrs. Porter of Omaha,brought Mr, Porter! mother dawn Fashion Center.10-It Important Notio.Prizes award- ed and contest doses Saturday night,ApHl Oth-the day before Ente r Sundly.Jdln the lnppy ctvwds-oomélnd see ynuririenda wln these beautiful mixes.Chuly 8 more days-get in ohm-crowds, Fashion Center-Blair.10-It I E I JusrR E C I E V E D 100 Sacks GenuineRed River Irish Cobbler: NON-IRRIGATED U. s. NO. I The Beckman Store CBOWELL HOME Rev,Mann conducted the ser- vices at the Home Sunday dtex'-noon.Many members from theBaptist church also at¢ended_the services, Mr. and Mrs. Porter of Omaha,brought Mr, Porter! mother dawn B v a u n h e r l n d v u h n s l i l i uupenneeonnt.Th!m m s a !Iublwrlburl v lllbs hlhnt-ly |0- m. , f ' ° ~ . , ° a . " = f. & - " ' * ~, : , " = onm m b u m m u n m t m a l g m b v ln a t be mbn a i pti o n wi llx nu ln In I n t u l t t h o d u d g u l t o d m b la dpdo npfln.~ pmled and norm o u r ml m ro-a n mmmaa faintly." " " " ' ~ ° " " " " " ' " '5 5 5 , § ; ;; . _ " " "' ° {| " 5 5 j c u i ; . } 1 3 2 2 4 . . '.f'.""2!..'.!..." '. htnrnrd ~ E . ° . . '.3."..!'.'i'.. ':?;." '.22 S h rt Phlrllleir. Poor 18.40 Wm. Si¢'|Ill'l. swim 6.90 I-'red Guyer, Ca. Treas,, Pav- ing Assessment 181.49 Fred Gnyer, Co. Tren.. Psv- Ing Assessment 405.00 Omaha Sc]-mol Supply C0-, Supplies 9.94 plles 1.05 Chu.Busch, Labor 2.25 Ornalm School Supply Co., Supplies 28.20 Unlverudty Publ.Co.,Sup- plies 6.20 K-B Printing Co., Supplies 6.11 Iester E. Belford, Freight 1.18 I. C. Eller, Co. Judge, Court Costa 115.20 C. Holler, Agt., Poor 10.00 o. M. Campbell co.. Audib- ins 450.00 Crowell Memorlal Home, Poor 90.00 . - `1: | :. ¢ . .,~..:._. .,r.......l_.» _ . `_2 Q.~u . ' : 3 |,§3\||=||c ~ Theo. Larsen, Poor 10.00 Furnberg Hardware, Supplies 99.28 Blue Goose, Poor 28.70 s. W. Chambers, AKC-» Poor 10.00 Pilot-Tdbune, Supplies 59.95 Nye lt Jenlu Grain Co., Pbor 11.00 Grant L. Fox, Supplies s4o.oo Sale Positively ends Saturday night 9 P. M., .April dth.Fashion Cenhar.10-ll Silk Dresses-over 1000 to clone ont.Values In $7.95 go at $8.48 and 3838;values w $10 gv at $4.98 and $5.98; value! w $12.75 Nebr. Iowa 01| Co., Gas 88.69 Vhwon-Evan: Chev. Co., Re- pdrs '7.10J. E. Miller, Repairs 115 Nebr. Iowa Oil Co., Gas 22.11 Nebr. Iowa Oil Co., Gas 22.11 (Continued on vm dght) L E. Cluen, Repairs 1.00 L. M. Menking, Lnbor so.oo lntentate Mndmy. & Supply c o . , mp un wa s John Hall, Labor 20.00 s m mu , L a b o r a4.oo Ben Gotinch, [Ab0f 6.00 Geol'X° Ohrt, hbor 2.25 Ernst Schmidt, labor 1.18 James Evans, Labor 6.63 G. A. Pope on co.. ou 128.81 J. E. Junghluth, Dragging 43.00 Ed Chrlnennen, Labor s.oo Louie Jensen, Labor 6.00 Axel Hansen. Dragging 18.50 ctvwds-oomé . wln these hem~ more days-get Fashion Cenbe RE C! 100 Sa .Red R Co NON-IRRIGA The Bec : | ~ " Rev, Mannvices at the Hanoon.Many mBaptist church services, Mr. and Mrs. brought Mr, Po e pleased with ithemm \\m4h|'¢|udll|¢\&|xl-Iwmnuu qnruuea n ner '1u.. ln m a . we nf eu em -.°:L';':e::.'f1mL°e5'.:'mi.....:.H e n o u g n t a s n m a a s ,f o r n u p l a n w a s t o k i l l h i m fi r s t . l f l h n n B ; n r n n h i P II I | | " | l l n ¢ r l R h l n .service we give youand with our goods and prices. We takas great care in filling ordelz b u t h o t w a n ~ p o h l l n h s r an d mbsaihor. The Plains ..¢,......... ».......,, ...... ..-. ------was so u> | ¢x th at lt hid fr om him th e to mms d fa c e s o f h l| wlle md his blind uncle n l they bec koned hlm to va g e n n e e .Even vmgennc e seemed tu llle an d In nd eq un lv. Ho pe d id n ot me in his br eas t. He hld ho ped wh en n e k n n r h h m o th e r wa s a u d i ha d hoped as ho sought for e _ mmm n m m m -n f n~,.n¢mr ...W hu -~...... -... -....,,.. .......d n :y u no t l n h l l tepee.Th e pla c e wu e mp ty a n d h i s wea p o n : were zone,evid en c e th at h e w u :way o n n jo urney .For A few mo» m e n u utter Lhls dlnc overy, J eemn stood in th e sha dow o t l n oa k loo kin g at Tla oz a'| d wdllng p lac e. Th e u r n to destroy wa s no t you would your self if you of Abrdham ly . lu na r O llvn Cu rw us l Q by Douhlsau Dana ru.hu-_ -.-W...-,~--...-.~.- - - » ~ --manor,he¢hnr1 never quits given np h o pe th a t h is un d o was sllve . Bu t n owi t; wu s lmp o lllble tor hlm to an d th at savi ng g rac e wlth lnhis mentnllreac h,Ll h e we n t a u , he wa s s lq wly | lls p olt&led or th e l`»0wer tn hate. though every slnew In h ls body wu s bon:wi th lm- plnc nhle rexnvnnnn i n n s mission, ,._,_.,.,__ - - n .....»»-....... strong In hlm.Th e g e ntle w perlng amo ng th e trees an d I e u n p o t water tr a m their tolin e combined In a melody o t peace wh ic h stru gg le d to tu rn h im f ro m the :bought o f death,lc ml g m ha ve won lf n ta ll ngu re h ad n otc ome ou t o f th e ta me h e wa s wnlc hlng.J ee ms kne w n wu s Tis-Th n .~|.|»mnn Jnrnll m. serve you. PHO 113 or 114 North Side Store smeut 181.49 , Co. Tren.. Pnv- = ~ment 405.00 ~ol Supply C0-. 9.94 evslot, Ybor 58.00 ,, Poor 10.00 ardwue, Supplies 99.28 , Poor 26.70 bers, Agt., Poor 10.00 e, Supplies 59.95 Grain Co., Pbor 11.00 ox, Supplies 840.00 pdrs '7.10J. E. Miller, Repairs 115 Nebr. Iowa Oil Co., Gas 22.11 Nebr. Iowa Oil Co., Gas 22.11 (Continued on vm dght) JusrR E C I E V E D 100 Sacks GenuineRed River Irish Cobbler: NON-IRRIGATED U. s. NO. I The Beckman Store Sale Positively ends Saturday night 9 P. M., April dth.Fashion Cenhar.10-ll Silk Dresses-over 1000 to clone ont.Values In $7.95 go at $8.48 and 3838;values w $10 gv at $4.98 and $5.98; values to $12.75 ILI-1-~ wwu B u-vlc t. l | |u v u u l | l l :w v l u u l u n A . | u u 5 u . I le wou ld kltl B ln d n s .Therewouldb e i o n l y .1 tice and n o grutlllc ntlon of the Gelh or th e splrlt lu b l !ac t.A greater and Jiiila ni; £I`}]:"»iH i.5ii»i`é" :Jie were leading him to his exec ution. Then he panned.Th e moon was uright.It llt up 131| teaturieqthirty If lric] aplr upm iit the unclean one \\ho had R d lhem,the girl whole ovll It hld come to brinl dllhouor n them und w desecraze the more eneorhpmmlng thing than the impulse which had sem hlm from Mntozeda vlllngs begun to choke him with |` form that wus sicken- yards away nl no gazed into amylK€U of dlmnce which his era could not penetrate.What had wrought him, what he wu think-'ng. what the night held for hlm,Yun nganug,tpay | Ing.It Wil his alononosn.The r ..:tz o l n x o f m a l n e d t o h l m .W i t h n o r e a s o n son wlly Ith i m t h e w w a s d e a d . t i n e d f r o m THE HACK SAW ly .Nothin Tlnogu an cause n r lwhic h lny Ho nrlvn wnuld lu n nlhor tlsno.:in orcplnn gslllmrwl In wns 2111112 I alfrnlnwnmc 'l`nInoll|~ nullumv.A t with hor 11 r s ¢n4 |a U -\ - . a \ ~s\-t ~Eag a :4 1 Inz~~ \ 5.,=~1ag } 5 '~ ri n " \ i nu l :l u n I Q - H mm m ' a n u l 'f a $ - n uu i § u | |||a-u q . | \~ I ' I J* ~v A rs .Jl n In:°3 1'~ ' é \ z ( I ,,_`: f r ____ffI 9 . -' 1 . a , . :._. .,f_>,.~;;I_. Sp ri n g i n friend goats th~ along b~ cleaner . appearin shops. No w, th ~ o f thin~ c ould su~ help alon i n g u p o y ard.A f o r in s .~is alwa~ d o th a t reac h fro an d y ou reac h i c ha ir. Th a step~ : VOLUME 5 Blnir, Nebraska, March 26, 1931 NUMBER 39 A Blair 1 led in o the Qlhe it looks =trun¢his bo w and a m d o n a r mv.Th en he called '1'lno¢a's *lalllld I n n lo w voice to le t h i m no w that retribution had come. "he how*twnmged and a slenderImftspedthroughthamoonlight .sith th e wi ng e d so un d o f a hu m (Continued next week) he one wh o had re- mq ke I t habitable for ~ut Tninette there was ~r 8 existence, no ren~ H~ um c ontinue to give rmtll of IMP.Tnlnotte I t wan a tate predes the beginning,some- _ . `_2 Q.~u . ' : 3 |,§3\||=||c ~ COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Cpunty Commissioners Room Blair, Nebraska, Mch. 23, 1931 The Board of County Commis- sioners met pursuant to adjourn- ment taken March 9, 1931. Present:Chas.Nelson,H.C Blaco and Chris Hinz. The minutes of the preceding | .|. I . c ou nte d n ow:to k lll Shlndas wou ld not t In the hopclesmness hem! of lllm. ed with a speed whic h exlnnusited hlm at any As the hours passed, tion for this hastehis consciousness.I l e nmv.'Thnt In all of its was the c nhln ln whlc h I he had lived.Th ei r lllls: lhnt had not gone Yr ml. sez wus a Dart Devoe Marble Floor Finish is n Vamish made for use on floors, and will re- slst the hardest kind of wear.It ls ex» tremely elastic and does not chip or cmck when it is banged or pounded. We also have a Var- nish made specially for Llnoleums.Iti s very pale and leaves the Linoleum its or- iginal color and will stand the d wear here!A n d 1' ours sug- t W e help it tr y i n g f o r n d b e tt e r * y ar ds and ig a lo t =th a t we gu st fo r to the c lean- ho lu e an d step ladder ce,there :wo r k £0 ou c a n no t the floor* c an't even f r o m a is where of Blue Grass and White Clover for re- seeding lawns.We also hav:a good ~y Sllggesf r pr ese nc e d a y th a t per pound. ave l .chosen in B l l i f | Ne b r " ha blind-fold test. so me as th e Flo o r Var nis h. enum "J oh n, i s e ve ry th in g sh u t u p f o r th e n i g h t? " " A l l b u t y ou,da r- li n g ! " I t' s 9.case o f tr ue lo ve i f h e resents th e f a c t th a t h e r knees sho w. -. W e a r e s e lli n g a lo i Pfffnsfu HARDWARE r ..:tz o l n x o f m a l n e d t o h l m .W i t h n o r e a s o n son wlly Ith i m t h e w w a s d e a d . t i n e d f r o m THE HACK SAW ly .Nothin Tlnogu an cause n r lwhic h lny Ho nrlvn wnuld lu n nlhor tlsno.:in orcplnn gslllmrwl In wns 2111112 I alfrnlnwnmc 'l`nInoll|~ nullumv.A t with hor 11 r s ¢n4 |a U -\ - . a \ ~s\-t ~Eag a :4 1 Inz~~ \ 5.,=~1ag } 5 '~ ri n " \ i nu l :l u n I Q - H mm m ' a n u l 'f a $ - n uu i § u | |||a-u q . | \~ I ' I J* ~v A rs .Jl n In:°3 1'~ ' é \ z ( I ,_`,~| . -'1 . a ,~.. ::1 r1f.w~.~:L L Sp ri n g i n friend goats th~ along b~ cleaner . appearin shops. No w, th ~ o f thin~ c ould su~ help alon i n g u p o y ard.A f o r in s .~is alwa~ d o th a t reac h fro an d y ou reac h i c ha ir. Th a step~ : VOLUME 5 Blnir, Nebraska, March 26, 1931 NUMBER 39 A Blair 1 led in o the Qlhe it looks =trun¢his bo w and a m d o n a r mv.Th en he called '1'lno¢a's *lalllld I n n lo w voice to le t h i m no w that retribution had come. "he how*twnmged and a slenderImftspedthroughthamoonlight .sith th e wi ng e d so un d o f a hu m (Continued next week) he one wh o had re- mq ke I t habitable for ~ut Tninette there was ~r 8 existence, no ren~ H~ um c ontinue to give rmtll of IMP.Tnlnotte I t wan a tate predes the beginning,some- _ . `_2 Q.~u . ' : 3 |,§3\||=||c ~ COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Cpunty Commissioners Room Blair, Nebraska, Mch. 23, 1931 The Board of County Commis- sioners met pursuant to adjourn- ment taken March 9, 1931. Present:Chas.Nelson,H.C Blaco and Chris Hinz. The minutes of the preceding | .|. I . c ou nte d n ow:to k lll Shlndas wou ld not t In the hopclesmness hem! of lllm. ed with a speed whic h exlnnusited hlm at any As the hours passed, tion for this hastehis consciousness.I l e nmv.'Thnt In all of its was the c nhln ln whlc h I he had lived.Th ei r lllls: lhnt had not gone Yr ml. sez wus a Dart Devoe Marble Floor Finish is n Vamish made for use on floors, and will re- slst the hardest kind of wear.It ls ex» tremely elastic and does not chip or cmck when it is banged or pounded. We also have a Var- nish made specially for Llnoleums.Iti s very pale and leaves the Linoleum its or- iginal color and will stand the d wear here!A n d 1' ours sug- t W e help it tr y i n g f o r n d b e tt e r * y ar ds and ig a lo t =th a t we gu st fo r to the c lean- ho lu e an d step ladder ce,there :wo r k £0 ou c a n no t the floor* c an't even f r o m a is where of Blue Grass and White Clover for re- seeding lawns.We also hav:a good ~y Sllggesf r pr ese nc e d a y th a t per pound. ave l .chosen in B l l i f | Ne b r " ha blind-fold test. so me as th e Flo o r Var nis h. enum "J oh n, i s e ve ry th in g sh u t u p f o r th e n i g h t? " " A l l b u t y ou,da r- li n g ! " I t' s 9.case o f tr ue lo ve i f h e resents th e f a c t th a t h e r knees sho w. -. W e a r e s e lli n g a lo i Pfffnsfu HARDWARE blac k when they caught he r tha th e could see only death.for he heard his daughter?voice cry ing to h im f or venge anc e S o h e h a d killed the treucllerous one.I le had ki lle d h er at the c o mma nd of Silver Heels,whose a n i m was lln glng to hi m.He had ki lle d the white gir l with h is own h ands andhadflungherbodytodisappear with th at of the b lin d ma n. Suddenly 'I'ino;,m drew from its hiding place next his breast a thing whic h brought a gasp to the lips of tlms e nh out hlm.All 1ec~ sf.-f ~n lnuf Churchoog`0 EASTER /Q; yluffr. ~ ~ O YOUR heart good to again hear the hope- inspiring, -|~ '~glorious Easter message.\a It will kindle your faith anew to '~"1 listen to the story of the Resur- >"1~ .f ~ ~1 ~4 4 V ~| 1 "">.:*¢ ,.". ~`,J 2 *~ L rection . . . that story WhlCl1y for the faithful,brushes aside all fears for the future. I\s F \s / 'a i ~Y e s ,y o u ' l l f e e l b e t t e r f o r h a v i n g g o n e e v e n \ i f o n l y f o r t h e w o n d e r - ful Easter music of the Masters. T h e members of the church »'»choirs of Blair are faithful. Show them you appreciate their music by your attendance on Easter Sunday. V '` 5 \35 o J " 1 \5 ,: ` 4 '".u 1 '>..` |~ '. '/-~,~ 'rf/.»'»' ~ `n ,%§;`11_».1 =v ~ "L Stranger or friend, a smile and |a sincere Welcome awaits you 'at any of these churches on Easter Sunday! Church ll, Pastor s will be .Sermon, y".Bpedal on of Mrs. Eastermorn :people aty by ywnz -= Quest of ¢ 1 Church ., Pastor English. ll. E. Church Bev. w. B. Prim Psslor Sermon at It a. in., "Resur-rectlon".Special music under direction K. C. DeGroff.In theevening, s untsts by the chorus choir. Church ol God Elder Adams of Omaha, will be present at an all day meeb- ins-Baslret dinner an noon. Special mnsle and program in afternoon. St. Francis Borgir Church Father Sleberllclr, Pastor Early mornin:hlxh mass. Special Easter service and music. Christian Church rm. A. J. lla rntt. Pastor Sermon at ll a. m., "X Am the Resurrection and the Light" Special Bashar choir mnslc. "Easter Mom" will be drama- uud by the ywnz people as-sisted by the junior choir ln the eve\'Ih\8'- Ba tist Church` rm. B 1. Moran, Pastor Spedsl Easter sermon and music ln morning.Baptismal servloe in evening. lim Lutheran Church Bev. Janna LIIM. Pastor s sl Eosie Sepecir message.r- viess ln English. Special Easter mudc. lé i s c o p a l C h u r c h Fa er Gnmley. mir deacon ol Omaha, will speak at 11 a.m. psis of Easter church services was made possible through the courtesy of the following business firms:_ dgers,Florist - N. T. Lund Re al Estate Com pany -Clrfton Hotel, C~ A. . Mill er Mu nk Bla cksm i thi ng -Marathon Service Station, Alfred Enger The Enterprise ) YOUR heart good to again U h e a r the hope-inspiring, glorious Easter message. It will kindle vour faith anew to listen to the story of the Resur IstoryWhiChy for"§i¢§§T§|" ¢Bé"`é1¢Li§"§.`1TQ the faithful,brushes aside allDanced About thu Stake. ognlzed lt ns Tolnelte's beuuzlful brnld of hnlr slrenmlng from the bleeding scalp the savage held above hls lueml. Tlnogu beenlhe more than ever 1 Be nd I n the flesh as he dnuc ed abou t the sta ke.Flec k: of bl/:md fr o m the red sc alp struc k hlnfac e.A t the helzh:o t hls mud- nes s h e ilu mz n in to th e h ea rt at the pllc hwood dre. fears for the future Yes, you'll feel better for having gone even\if only for the. wonder- ful Easter music of the Masters. T h e members of the church I Sol Yun Makwun was avenged and tha demand of hu people an- lwered.I of Blair are faithful. Show 1:- a -w . -- . Q.: ~... u 31 Eif I. Q ¢.4 _|»° ' L Z '1¢~v»S. . . . J ||||||||||||||n|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| House Cleaning Hints v v v A L A B A s T I.N E W A L L P A P E R VA R N I S H E S PAuNTs GLASS v Let us help you plan the re- finishing of your home.Come in and see our stock and get il our prioea before buying. .Phone ul your wants .-.|We send them to'you THE §i'*"i:'€?»fAnr PH A R MAC Y l~ HAR OL D S T E W A R R M a n g a ==E=EE~=E=§E=E ~21 §! §.§ gl E 4 " F i l flnggfl . _ w i ~ 1 ; : .. ~i i i,=~ ~`. r 0 1 g g AT NO ON o t th e s ec on d da y of hls journey Jeems came to the vlllsge o l Kanesllo,wholef chlet was Llatozee.or Yellow Bear.He land traveled U18 seven-'ty mllea ln thirty hours, and was 'determined to retum ss quickly, for he wus troubled deeply by the,thoushz that Tolnalte was :lone n r n time when the sentlment of the Indians w s lt u r n ln g sgalnst'¢h\m.Why he and not s tribal `runn¢r hsd been lent to Yellow B u r puzzled hlna,snd th e h c lms t he bore s ma la g a ot lms ll lmportanes lncnealed hls uneul- »neg|_ B e h l d scarcely reached K.sn» u t l o when hls wmp on s,a kni fe'md h n tc h e t, we re u k e n f mm n lm fu nd he was brought to Mstoz ee | '1'hls lndlvldunl, who was kllled sl I A M George the follo wlng yesr .md wh o wa s l bo y ln a pp ea ra nc e' \ h o u lh th s Frenc h held hlih 'gmo ng the bra ves t d khte rs of the} s lx Na tlo n l.lnlormed J eenis Ula! l! wu A p r ls o u o r .H e m l d '.l'ls»'h p ha d d eh nlte d ln s pa y me nt o r|....... mn ..,.. ....-. - . . - - _ _ _ _ , them you appreciate their music Ibyyduraliendance on Easter I Stranger or friend, a smile and a sincere Welcome awaits you at any of these churches on Easter Sunday! Collzrmtional Church ¢n » R e f A I-'. Newell, Putm- wlll be Sermon, Spednl Knight Templars e w w at 11 a.DL "A Hint of Eternity". mudc under direction at Mrs. G¢"|d|De Stewart.Easter morn '"'°°1=f-¢bv :mms p°°1>1°nt 8 a. rn.Euler play by young ' People. 1 p. m. "Tha Quest of the Gnd". Trinitl Lutheran Church "SLI c. ll, 'f'f"';'flfi°' Bev. w. B. Plfflull. Pulm- Sennon at I1 n. ln., "Resur- rectlon".Special mud: under direction K. C. DeGroff.ln the awning, n untsh by the chorua Church of God Elder Adam: of Omllm, will be pruent at an all day meeb- ins-Baslcet dinner an noon. Special mnsle md program in nlhrnmnn choir. ..um .,..........., ._....Early mornin:hlxh ma n. Special E a mr service and music. Christian Church Rev . A. J . lhrntt. Putor Sermon At ll 1 . m-. "X Am the Remn-addon and the Light" Speclnl Bashar choir mule . "Ente r Mo m" wi ll be dnmn- tined by the young people u- dlted by tha junior cholr ln the evening'- Bpednl Easter sermon :nd music in morning.Baptllmal service in evening. lim Lutheran Church Bev. Janna Lund. Putor Special Easter message.Ser- vinu ln English. Special Enter mudc. w w C h u r c h Fa er Gnmley, mb deacon ol Omaha, will speak at 11 n.m. W .. W .. mu , uw, mm .menu s W ugc o n t p a n a t th e obllgnuon, |m m tersely explained the' q r u ma n t b e twe e n th e e h le h .I f' h e m attempted to escape and { w u c aught hy h h warriors,h e ,wou ld b e ki lled : i t by any c ha nc e ' h a fuc ceeded ln getting bac k to Oh mn h i o ,th en ha wo uld answer f b T h u g !wld :nu lif e .A dead -""',; ,;;,;,'T nlaé"'i;:.-::-'"-°-.a'z'.¢-.'- sum =~-~ m a n o b y m m m o r ~ i n a _ g g e m u |»¢h»m¢'°§ I mm mi .':°.:°'='dlnmm Dlpllle d 'LQ fun-wNd| £ 3 Qpseoma lmbeanhle, he vu ddenw w m - ' ~ . . ". : . " r m ' - =-Jlumnmq dun m n m n g u 1 I n .; - ~¢ mums Mild 10.133 | n m - = ; L . ; ' ° z s m s m : ma n c when Ill. § . | n d l l n e n e d ' . % " u . . ~ wu abo ut to Hn to hll un. .g¢|\n_1hl_§.\° Ill!! lvllll ln- I 1 ch services wns made possible through the courtesy of the following business firms:__Thissynopsis of Easter Qhur Clifton Hotel, C. A.W , J ,K o u g e r l ,r u u n u . - n ... .........- - - _ ._-__._-____R o b e s o n - M i l l e r M u n k B l a c k l m i t _l § n g _ -M a r t h o n S e r vi c e S t a t i o n , A l f r e d E n g e r xA . .`)(.||| C 4 \. _ -l " 1:- a -w . -- . Q.: ~... u 31 Eif I. Q ¢.4 _|»° ' L Z '1¢~v»S. . . . J ||||||||||||||n|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| House Cleaning Hints v v v A L A B A s T I.N E W A L L P A P E R VA R N I S H E S PAQINTS GLASS v Let us help you plan the re- finishing of your home.Come in and see our stock and get il our prioea before buying. .Phone ul your wants .-.|We send them to'you THE §i'*"i:'€?»fAnr PH A R MAC Y l~ HAR OL D S T E W A R R M a n g a ==E=EE~=E=§E=E ~21 §! §.gi gl E 4 p i ~ l t f ! - I Q1 ~ ~ ~.1~~\~C ,T`` ) K ' & m n ,w¢bruh. Much 26,4031 -up ~~1.~¢m.S\m»-m-hd \ms und» y.H| 1'l¢' dry. nn- .ma mm.E r. l l |I I I I J m n g m ¢ n ¢ » . M r u . A aBe \n| i LQCAL NEWS ~|n n . £ ; a r ¢ d ¢ r » ¢ = _ » n ¢ n r » . s i |l{ r . |n ¢ E H m. J o h t - S i lo ! - P e m - .Su b l§ 1 ibe fo r ' I'lie E u t lflfia e .-IL- lZ'} .V in l* .o n; nt i1 lo on !h :e dt a u h l r ¢ p u i J o h n m n . u u m h u | & m u ~ m H a m a t d , ,, m , i ¢ . g n ¢ w i ¢ h g , ; g i n f ; } n F'1~cd|K!noginant'1vaa=ut1"'Wiufiqion H s h o m e t r r i n c w p u l l o u z f r o m mm o f t h i l \ S c h u , V l e r l m M o n d a y .| B l. a i r , a f e w d a n m m u b u i l d i n g n m m m m a n a g g n v n t m l u s e o f m e n n . I ur...n...| .:- n-mr... \\| .l ..In ¢ u\ l|mr..__..| ir... 'nr n .-l n U L ti;-¢ \f..\ nJlu|:.......» v|\....._1_..\| ..._....»\»..n n I n Q ..\ Sioux City. Sale Posiiivsly ends f u t i lt y night 9 R K-. Avrwnh..l'|.|ldon m m .1o~1s $8,000 stock remdnr ta be dosed nu ti n¢ hs n e x tS dk y s - o mlo ui s your ga i n--a lum a di -F u l l ! ! ! Cenwr.xo-1: Mr. and Mn. S. O. llcChllolxgh hnvn taken light housekeeping rooms st die liunm of Iooepiiiim Johnson on can Colhx lkreet. m n m s u h . . w a h : a w w w entemined the Tuesday Wnlnw bridge club on Inst Gvenilits (oh lowing dhmer nt seven o'|:\ock at Him- home. C. H. Chfllo smm md mn. Chr enca and daughter, Mrs. Nels Bob enson of neu- Arlinfton, drove to Qmnha Inn lhi ne sdny to bl-tag Mrs. C. M. Christensen home from the Swedish Immsnuel hospihl, Wlmb s ho ha be en whfilld for the Int eonple weeks.They me- poma he r getti ng do ng as v dl as can bs expected. g.4/~~'~ ~ ~Q - @ / ~ Earl St ud s u! Glenwood, Iowa, mum a t the R. E. Vlnwn ho m Int Sunhy .' Mr. ind Mrs. George Brodenon of Fremont,wer dlnner g u u ul-lat Sunday at "3 Mr. and Mn. L. P. Pewrson home, who llve wut of Bldr. The M. E. Ladies'd met at '-he homo of Mn.W.Eder# henry. 610 west Washington sheet last Wednésdly nfternoon, with u l l r n attendmee.A commltwe composed o l Mrs.Melerhenry,ehdmmn, Mrs. Ann; Martin, Mrs. m m w - - * w - ~ ~ughes, served nice refreshments. Mn. E. J. Hmcock received word recently from her slam, Mrs. R< g g f w n at Des Molne|,~~Iowa she is able to be up m d around Agxln.Mrs. Hancock was called to the 'Kluimnnn home be# tore Chrlxunu to a re fo r hex'Idxter who_lmd béen in an uddmt ,ma had her llmb broken.She had lt ln A cut three mcnths and laterlin A lance. W. J. Sas STORE Meat is the one food necessary to continued health.Sas meats are healthy meats, be- cause they are always fresh and pure.Se- lect cuts only are sold here.Service is prompt and courteous,whether you tele- phone or call in person f¢"W" V W/wi ll f :~' e \ _\~ .@, '» QL~/ \l : / s ' | JUICY BEEFROASTS The finest of cuts, allrrlgat, velw little bone and fat.Makes a de- lightful dinner when served with brown gravy, vegetables and browned potatoes. 171 c . n m n p m w x Oml hl. v i !- pn Kal. Emedzhmdtvignl Manila,nm.. J.. H. Burdamn:uuliliinan W! on '°'¥» #rw ""° '5Y."¥"T"°""'lx.\u¢ Gutichow were Omslweall- When u'n r m MPKuhn'sPho¢onwillplenseyou.9|.f\M m ¢ m h ' n ¢ m m m d » ~[___~_gg try.__ When you're hungry,ata n o t 3 1 5 1 -n l l u n p u n s .l Y ' . » u g n n g g ;g t g I E W 1 1 l y !l - \ .u n :| : 1 . u . n u l . u u | | . u . w 4 5 u u n u n . .u p ~F " " " P " ' ! ° »m s n .l n )a n . . |n r i n n r n . . . . . . - . . §Q n l . » _ ¢ | ¢ ¢I .!. . _ - _ . e _ _ .I l l -. . . J u r .\ n _ _ . ¢ 1 n ~ | . _ _ \ . . . . . __l i m l u t T u n d l y . Walt): plnce.10-It Misa Mildred Bunn wu |hop~ plug in Omaha Satunlny. Fumiture, mga um door cave# Mr. md Mn. H. H. Brown drove ungl.ll.|thewB.mnavrl-u - u |n. xx.\,. ww |nn». .uuuwnnDrycottonwood,81,50 cord, March 28, at the S4-.hdller lull. M, mag, ,ug Bnnn'|Luke.B-0*Furnwure, run md flo or wm-Mrs.A_ E_Ha nna hu g m,ings.)lathe1rR.Bendox-L 21-tf. busy caring lor her mother. who 1|For Sale or R¢n¢»-5-mom,: BMlR.mdorl.21-uBgm this week.modern dwelling, c. J. sehmxan n _... J u . .A 11 w-..~.. ......|> ......-.\ vnu ls \mPWVU|K~mr. um. mrn-wxu. uuuu: lu.B m w . x x n n g m u m m h m - T e k l m n . h , w e m v m m n x t t h r l . provod after having tnahnmts H. Bo wman humn Int Frldly- Mr.md Mn. Anniim Shun! ot Mm A1 i h will enfntain theDoubleFourbridget1n\$i t he r hnme Fddny dluuoom C.M. Hitchmnn has been con-iv rmuzr txo nble . 'rue py f mm Shters ma their Calhoun, was dinner gumta ntdze.3_3_pede h L u;d _finedto hi h lmlnav dt\i ,dia »pn| -F W F mf ' ° " ¥ ~ t h c K . R " _-_ .' ? f§ZT1 . .__§g§_°f,,,_,,,,,,,, n.nd'si!m| tnuhie. to Scribner, Neb. last Monday. Mrs. W.J.Sas and daughmr, Kltherlne were in Omaha Satur- day. Wanted-Any kmd of work. u - -~-_ u-x....._.\:.... -..Q n..u.. Bring your wm-.h repur won: wW. P. Turner at the Wold Drug Smn-.'I-cf For a wwf hanger, call Huris and Son, Phvne 414_ Rel., 109 No. Cellkr SL 9-zv mm.n .v. L.-Wu q»~=u~ ww...days lun week in Omlha whiting friends. Bring your watch repair we w W. P. Turner at the Wolf! Stare.-ef lll®'I\==»hrms h=}-'"-M-1-===»~»===f=s==---U-~Mr.nndMxs .By rv nMc DonI-\d°m-'hi v e n l la d a n d n , u ¢ m ,Mrs .Anns Bea rd;who hnbe e n were 'hwbdlr evening vhiwrs at Sam Halle: homn last Sunday db-seriously ill for the put wat with the Jack McDon|\d home.ernoon.Blu trouble, n improving slowly. A Cl de Allen is reportedwbe n m, E l ma : W i l d s M mmm.Mr.And Mrs. Hun Wrlch and yv dt i nr uma mi c e !! hd a w h ' § § p H \ d i n z _ ¢ . h i s w e a k s t t h a G . A . | M r s . ~ S n m m s : - --->»-- _....u.... -¢n.-n n .m n s . d e a n n e u l z c a u u g , c u m » %J V l 4 ¢ AS t r e e t . .6 - t f M r s .D e l m b :F e a r ,w n r . a n d M n . c .H .K o e p k e v u -f o r B e ve r g z . q q y s u y g g W1 11 in Ed cm a -=----»-----SL, is im-|ing the "£~§2.1 "r'1~»»E°" fi 'ESL t° be UP at short inbervah. 1=°==1= of town, this week... mf?-.':'2°=:."'Pf?2.":"..£32 Hullnll1lIJ.\fI.h n m a .T L B l l d l e g g | Q l q | , y e v u n u q ;v l m w s n u n u m v u v u s i s t e r s .K u h r h o m e ; F o r S l l u - - A : m r m a r e ,f i v e G e o .B c h r i e f e r o f e a s t S o u t h .... . - - A ...;..........A. I.. ¢Ll 6 'I n n " _ ¢ n r a i n : f i n i|........a.... ul em. wnumt.md relauves av. mummy, Acwu un ,..»...., ... .....__lm Sunday.Mrs. u-mm Iv erso n and hmi Far Silo-Bd!Orpingmnn hmh~me "° ' "" me p un N* W - ~ - -Mra. Harley Wilcox and children ily spent la!! Sunday aftemoon at Ins ¢!¥l- Plume 1122 on 28. Hana n lmprvving at thls ting. o! south of town, spent qu, week-the Lloyd izhmon '~°f;;~|H. Sorensen.3 4 9 M,-_ md Mrs. A_ Q Debel =;;;~ and at the Ed Olsen home.Mr. and rs. A. R.ill mms of M _d M _th¢ Pinodxle Club at r]--q..-4-.. ..u.»»~m ,"..ff' .,-.I~§_§"e_;i"home last Wednesday evenlng.I yearnold and wqxgnmg abou; low ulnew nu ww w W "V -am.. ...Mpounds.Phnm212o.n8D.Cs r i k l n e g i y lam*months in had with Humen.urn- spina! tmuhfe. Rudmph rick hm m operation A m m m o f u m h a d M e h - at the Immamd hrspltal in Omg- hors held s quilting pnrty at the nf.:ue '1'|...»..|..,...A i .mmm, home of Mn. Nick Thone on lasiF r e m o n t e n t .o m m n y H . l U I ; | u v v u a n a m r s .n u l g e r n u n s e u w a l l :mT h e C a t h o l i c ~w i l l ~a l - ;; \ . -F :2 u t l w v h i ' \ h l " I " l l L \ f \ i v n \ ¢a n I \ \ n u h \ . | n |" M l f I T h e ~~union Circle memf t e x - n o o n a z b t h e ~`N r n "Mondny.A nice lunch was served nles M¢Com ''nm D d n ;,md ¢ W D Mr.and Mrs.Ed Jensen and;AmNA' rl o Ns -ru G me e s - f u n n y m a m l m m m s t m f da t the lmmb of| nz Court Home "Y ,n....\ ».._|.:....1... ...:.|. M. hams of Mn. .Ymun's mister. Mn bake sale Saturday, March Z8 at " " "° V' "' "' "° " "" ""lv '" °- "- " M -- -- - -- -- -- ~» the Wdfl Drag Swra 10-It Chu. Byrne and John Barfyab-c_ K_ Bendoff,used embahn-Mr.and Mrs.K_ c_ DeGmft tended the funeral oMMxcnae le ,and undartaker, Bldr.Omoo have moved into the Frank Curley Kslly at Florence, last day.phone, 161; rea. phorne, 138,8-tl ..--..-.».. .... .av :mn-\. ¢m>a\_For Sale-White Pgkill __d\1¢¥Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caldwell and this (Thursday) 1 home ol Mn. Chl TEACHERS El All auhjecta, April Blair.Lester E,ééifééd. Count? I §'§1°»$§I.'l.L l u s l v l q " u v A v : c l u e v u ~ _1\fLsonand family of Roae| 10-21:Mn. Frank Jenkins has so far mu. ;_§;;"' Mn. sg; improved (mm s recent illness nm peut lm Monday ;»g;M»g~ is able to be up md fnmi pwpeny V.. ...... ....,-... -..__..C. K. Bendod, licensed embdln~ er and \ma.¢mm¢, sur.Olflm plume, 161; ru. uharn. 188.8-tf Dorothy Jensen of I.inealn,u'penb the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jen- een. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mont: and Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin of Omaha, were Sunday daiwre at the Elzy King home. 9885, $1.00 per dozen. Mu. Henry Jack Singleton were dinner guests C. Jensen, nf-== 1221 on 21.9~3t last Snndny nt me land lang home Soren Lnreen,who suffered .Q For Snle-1928 Whippet sedan slight stroke n couple of w a h in AI condition.Cm be seen atago, is reported to be improving.|200 E.Col!ax St. Phone 'whim 267. C_ x_ Beudorl. llemud °m|,,|m.|Miss Myrtle Short came home er ,nd underhku, g||_\,_omg, from Wayne lor a. week~end vldk phone, 161; ras. phone. 1g3_341 at the parental, Ru. Shorthome. M m Ernen Tomblnd lun not'Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mardi of been feeling well the past few Spiker, were vhdtore Int Sunday weeks end ie under the ure of |;{*f{"°g" a t the nmhhl. Elme r _m . Snp't. Mrs Cheely Mrs. ( in Om Mrs Irene at the Axtlm M n eddu ' . Annu Pet '| Mn- cuz Sun Lundt s .|r. and Mn. Albert Hansen and ly of Oxfum, and Mn. Genrge r of Bm r,was but Sunday d u ._ . Alike Rowe and dmgbter, s p e n t ~ d w l m s w a n a home o Mrs. Rowe's son, r and fu-nily. L. Rachael McDonald, whore in th.; Dong Creek neighbor- spent Inst Wednesday at the McDondd home. Mr. and Mn. Max Bain have movd from the Lundt apartment into the D o n Black cottage on Lincoln street. Mn. J .H. Grimm and Miss Mary Cook are going w Lincoln afternoon,visitors at the Hans Wrlch home. Mrs.Chas.Nelson of Herman, ll i n u» mm- ho splul suffering from a pxnlytie stroke.Sho is 'Ju mother of Miss Mabel Marsh Friday fn spend \ few days wlth`°f this ¢i¢Y~ relatives and friends.Little Burt Edwnrd Nob cele~..___....,_____ ____\b»-ma ms num mm. anniveruryf SPECIALS Gold Bond Cane and Maple Syrup 5-lb. pail..-,..-.........._...............-....._75c P a x t o n C o c o a , 2 ~ Annoupcement |.. _- e ;\.n . fact thit we have opened a shooting gallery in the Guy Mead building just across the street from The Enterprise office.Hours of business from I1 A. M. to 12 midnight. M. F. Gregoire .J.Sas STORE Meat is the one food necessary to continued health.Sas meats are healthy meats, be- cause they are always fresh and pure.Se- lect cuts only are sold here.Service is prompt and courteous,whether you tele- phone or call in person JUICY BEEFROASTS f rW'/VW7/w i l l »~ ' ' 'Th e f i n e s t o f c ut s , a l lg r rrl ga t , v e lw li ttl e b o ne a n d f a t .M a k e s a d e - lightful dinner when served with brown gravy, vegetables and browned potatoes. . Nm, ~ ~o U . /~ Round or Sirloin Ste ak, per ~ Spare Ribs, lean and meaty, per Ib.-- Cheese, FullCream, per lb . Rib Boiling Beef, per lb.........-.._....__.... c .29c ,15c 33c 12%c GROCERIES Frost King Flour, 48-Ib. sack..,.,.............f$1.29 Frost King Flour, 24-Ib. sack......--.,_-.69 Gold Dust Scouring Powder, ca\1....,...._.05 Electric Spark or Swifts Quick Naphtha Soap, 10 bars..,,-....--,...--...........,...-.....,._..39 Figaro Preserves (Liquid Smoke) $1.50 b o t t l e , ~ 1 . 2 5 Sugar, Great Western, 10-Ib. sack....,....63 Purina Starter Mash, 100-lb. bag..-..4.00 Purina Starter Mash,25-lb. bag....-. 1.00 Purina Chick Chow, 100-Ib. baz .~ 2.90 Purina Chick Chow,25-lb. bag...-,,......85 Kamo Com Flakes, 2 large..-...._................25 I v o r y S n o w , ~.15 Crystal Coffee, 2-Ib. pkg. (1 glass free)- 1 |u -..-f~»~»»~-5 * ~r -»<-~=;,.,| rw*\~y\Q ~ F( ,flif f w ~ 2 1 ~ ~~M Q U I C K s E n v 1 c E Those many little service needs which so frequently arise can be quickly and efficiently cared for in our Shop. A spedalty 0a - - - G1-easing Brake SerdeeWashingValve Grinding PHONE Black 129 WALTER LARSEN Avro. snnvlcn W. J. QAS ~.|||||\ll1|\\\l\LIl\&\1\\§¢<m¢;~ ii una Glabron barle y need A nn'l.¢dlk: bushel: gilt bushel;physician.A ____use Comb For Sde--Valley battery chlrg-.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hooks drove j;°°"-Pl._.1_ §¢-|__,_ack'----- .....ARed hatching eggs, $3.00 per 100. s-tl Glm Wilson Miss Priscilla Rhoades, who is in school at Wayne State Teach- ers College, spent the weekend with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jensen drovedown to Omnhn Sunday to visit their son, Merton, who ls attend- ing the ngricultuml college. Mm.Ada Ducker,nec Adn Schenk,is teaching at the Mc- Carthy school,substituting for Mrs. l.. G. Stewan. who is ill. C».ln Thul- er,for charging radio batteries. Prloe $52 cost $20 new. W. J. Sn- 6-tf Mr.and Mrs. Albert Foer and family drove out to Argo, Neb. on Sunday aftemoon for s short visit with relatives. I offer for sale my Belgian draft stallion, Marquis 12968; also a fine pedlgreed Jack.Call John Bolln, Blair, Neh.so-tr Mrs. W. D. Smith of Tekamah, spent the day last Thursday at the home of her brother,Frank Dudgeon of this city. up no brllg mummy mwrrwon -muvisitedMrs.Hook's brother, Wea Sutherland. " M r .and Mrs.Chris Anderson and family were visitors at the John Jensen home, west ol Bldr, last Sunday.' Sdts and Overcoats.First dna. Reasonable prlees.Theo.Wahl- mom with A. M. Lundgord, Coun- dl Bluffs. Iowa.80-26t John Fear of Winnebago, came _last Friday and visited until Mon~ day with his parents,Mr.and Mrs. Andrew Feer. We rent. Electric Floor Dresser and Wax Polisher at 851: per hour. Jphnson Floor Wax,a spedalty. The Arndt Hardvvare.10-1%. Mr. and Mrs.Roy Johnson of Omaha,were dinner guests last Sunday at the home of their br ther, Sl Johnson and fsmlly. Mr.and Mrs.Carl Anderson,who have been visiting relatives around Blair, returned last Wed- nesday to their home in Chicago. Miss Agnes Gilbertson of Oma- ha, who is in nurse'.»: training at the M. E. hospital, spent Sunday m n .: n u m m m p s u u , been confined in bod with a. soige of the [lu the past week, is able to be up and around again. Mrs.Frank Jensen entertained at dnner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs.Merrill Reeh.Mr.Heeh is attending college in Qmaha. Mr.and Mrs.Huriey Simpson and baby of Tekamah, were lost Monday evening visitors at the parental, Frank Simpson home. Mr. and Mrs. llermnn Petersen and family of Arlington,spent Sunday wiih Hcrm:xn's brother, by attending the birthday party ol Mrs. J. V. Hinchman lut Wednes- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. bon Lotta. enter- tained three tables of bridge last Friday evening for Mr. and Mn. Frank Curley, who have recently moved in Iowa. Mrs Lou Bullock of Atlantic, Iowa, Mrs. Addie Graco of Harlan, Iowa and Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Brewster of Herman,dslted at the Ross Deets home last Thurs- day aflemoon. Miss Barbara Bowman surprlsal !to ry Radio ~F o r an y th in g i n Rad io Servic e eall Verne J . Gus tason , Blac k 252. 9-if a . . . - lllr. an d Mr s . E . G. Ha n se n a n d bab y we re d in ne r g ue sts la st S un day n t Hlencoe,I o wa vi si ti ng a t th e B u r t Sc itzinger home.Th e lad ie s a re sisters. Mr s .Lo i s Ly n c h , wh o fo r mer ly ma de he r ho me wi th Mr s .C.C. V a n Deusen,ha s mo ve d to th e Mr s . A J W .Fees home. Mrs . | Hen ry Bornherding an d Mr s .Aug ust S c he nze ll an d son, J ames Pa u l spe nt th e da y .last Th u r s d a y a t th e E lz y K i n g h o me . Regular $7 .50 P ennan ent W aves, $5 a nd $ 6 NOW .Either C rog ino le or S pi ra l W i nd .Phone 197.Mr s . K .A .Pound.28-ti' S . A . V a n W i n k le , wh o li ve s i n th e Mc Ca rthy distric t,ha s his ho me und er quaran tine,hi s ehil dren havi ng sc arie r fever. t l 1 \ _ _ _r | . . __|_. \ . . - . . _. L. . . . . . . ~ at th e 0 s c a r Gi lb e r ts o n h o me . Mr . an d Mrs . H. W . Ilie ie r he nr y an d d a u g hte r , Ha tti e we r e Th u r s - day even in g vis ito rs a t the F r e d Me i e rh e n ry h ome in A rli n gto n . Mr . an d Mr s . No r ma n Ra th mz mn ente rtai ned a t din ner lo st Satur» da y e ve n i n g f o r . Mi s s Vi vi a n F o s s W a lte r a n d f a mi ly i n th i s c i ty . Ar o un d fif te en Ea ster n Sta r membe rs en joy e d a ke n s i n g wn a t the Masonic hall Tuesda y afternoon Miss Cora Beard was elec ted p res- ident and Mrs . Ch ris B endo rf, sec - retary and tre asurer. Refres hments egg re served._ h e r pare nts,Mr .an d Mr s .J .H . Bo wma n b y c o mi n g u p o n the b u s last Tues day .She has been spend- ing'th e pa s t seven mo n th s i n Mus ko gee , Ok lah oma. Miss Madeline McKay of Lo.» Angeles,Calif.,will ardve in a few da y s ,hs .vi n_ g b ee n n oti fi ed of \h The 'Wesleyan Guild met.last mms ness browuy urvvu """'" and Andmy Craft, both of ummm.For Sale-One in_K".'1f'f''., 1i'fi;..i°_'1 Fridav Rmb Mrs. K. L. Meredith. to Bermingtofl lest Pjriday .§f§¢1'-IIsnrv Hellwinckel of Ornnhil, emrine 1% Horse Pmemational gas the concuuan or ner xamer, .Jannower; one John McKay, who suffered a stroke of 6 Horse Power. paralyds last Monday morning. Mrs. Wm V n n vlle t,mr s .uou ruu xngnun ur Oma ha ,and Mr s .Reno o f Des Moines,were Fr i da y visitors a t the W .J .Koo pman h ome. 'W hy not have a Duart permanent th at gi ve s a na tu r al wa ve ?A r ea l A good attendanc e.a plea sant time me a fin e lunc h a re rep orted. For S ale -- Bu ff Or pin gton ha tc h- ing eggs, heavy laying strain, $2.50 per 100.Rou en duc k eggs,'!5c. Phone 211 on 16.Mr s. G. J . W u lf . noon to spe nd a fe w da y s mum ner si ster , Mrs . Ha ns Le bb en . J o hn Jensen wa s ta ke n to th e veteran's hosp ital i n Lin c o ln la s t we ek whe re he i s re c e i vi ng tre at~ me nt f or stomac h tro ub le . wa§`§"M0 }I£1£y eeening vis itor ai: th e ho me o f M r .and Mr s .C a r l Kolterman.He remained ova;ni g h t.1 Mr . a nd Mr s. C . B . Han se n wen t J.. f\»~».|»n lnel Cnhlrrluuv anrl llnniit Deere gas engine 1! These engines are 1 be b o u g h t a t h a lf ; used powe r washer. Ha r d wa r e , B la i r , N The C off ee Club "°}"'Y "'"- can Shoe:'7hildren's,sizes 2 m umee.Asc one and sae w S-$129 and $1.59-.C`°" F"'°'°?§U sizes sv. so 11 and 1115 m z- eb.10-zr.$1.98; W omen me t las t Thu r s -pd tn $265 - 1: Us and Misses reduc- s.6s and $4.88.Erma;; ha".,¥s1;a. 3' " 'mstnltdu send -nm Indian c bar galanteed at 4 15 Mr . n nt Sb ann sausxacuuu gun:-n.ca n Mrs. M Sutherland for nppoim.mcnL 46-Lf Carl and Mrs. Henry Voss drove lf °l "" .9-4s M n . h m u B e n n e t t a n d u n i o l W ' " " ° " ' f " ~ d l "\'|W\;l| it tlFrederickandHerbert Sioux City.ment the week-end f..°f'"»'§ll°n 1-x_ wmm :na `I.'. . . . ! n w , W mh .'rh-Fashion Center.11 I )f the Connezationnl I inn ma Louie Armltwl with M''-........ ....._-_-*° °'*"""'"* Sllnda yto lt- Hr; ....»'i .'i.~f."é'f'f1~§.Z.f»}"».Tl°"and mi a .'" _ ` " "n1=u"nn¢»:\m¢nu.Th e r e w a s l e h\ ' § : _ _ ' " `ri -I5 `-le a. an 'dihte | t dn | d s ° ° a " "' " d '" ° ° 'Th ° "° " °m° ° '" ' a t t h ¢ c h ur e h ~ 1 lhow at the Panmount-H r .a n d H n .A l f r e d A n d e n o n H n .B e n !I- ' r e n c..1 .0 1 I __ - . L _ J B C I I .~ b e , r l .n t l u t s v f o r M r . ~ - » . . . . = - . . . * ' l ' . ' f f . ' . . E ' ~ £ f ~ 3 : o n d d z a d e r o w d .I....C|.......!n"; . .. . : . : |\.'\vu l d r o v eI 0 Ulnilllll Dulluuy bu Ilau iusuoPeterDic atgl an d b a b y a t m¢| }g»}§ Methodist hospital.They alter- wnrds drove to Millard,Nab.to visit John Voss. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hansen eh- tertninud Mrs. Andrew Hmsenand Miss Petersen,both ol Council vu......,|\f»¢r lnnd ma n t .Mr- and Mrs.Clem.Jensen of lowab spent Saturday night and Sunda with Mr. and Mrs. Wglter M.Nelson.They also calle on relatives. M ..ma Mm. T~'. E. Flack drove uno uaugnwr,nenen ur were urHerman,spent Sunday afternoon nt the J. P. Anderson home. Mr.and Mrs. Ed Michecls of Omaha,were Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the John T. Cnllnvhvr hnmp. Phill nf Blair. Mrs. Clark Drowning of this city, who recently moved to Blair from near Herman. Mrs. Lyle Guyer was taken to Klrksville,Mo.on last Saturday where she underwent an operation. P l A u l u u n ,lu wu ,u n .uuu n u n Lun\a .... ....,, -..-... _. _______o_______.____________of Oma h a , a n d An n a a n d D o n h e a to Atlantic ,I o wa la st Sunday to S She is re , te d to be etti npoggJ ens en of Bla ir, las t S und ay .br i n g ho me th ei r so b,Bi lly ,wh o m" ' §§ " 'E > '*e ' » §; § § ;gg gg gd along nic ely . h iM i s s B e r t h a B u r t o n ,d a u g h t e r o i 'M a b g ? "= ; " = 1 ; _ j . \ » §f_=_E t h e h o m e o f i n g a d i s t r i c t m e e t i n g o f t h e c o u n -M r s .G u y l e y d e n ,M r s .N e t t i e , l a a n as ..._. _ ; _ . _ . l . . . . . ; ._ ». u . r . .. . . - u _ . .q f n n l r f n n a n d M I K E .~~ Ossic Burton, who resides south of *'""' * """" " °""""town, has just returned from the Mrs.Chauncey 'Wright and Immanuel hospital in Omaha where baby have left the Blair hospital she was under the care of a phys-and are staying at the homo of ician.She is getting along nicely.her mother, Mrs. Rachael McDon-* L y SIIP B H IIE C H G E IIL B O I I R I S B e c u i m .u w w n w a a In m v n u . ,-. . .. . .. . ._ . _ _ _M r .a n d M r s .N e i l B m - d i e o f t o n d r o v e o v e r f r o m S c h u y l e r S u n - O m a h a ,d r o v e u p t o B l a h -l a s t d a y a f t e r n o o n f o r a s h o r t vi s i t S u n d a y a n d c a l l e d o n M r s .B u r -w i t h r e l a t i ve s . ~»»~»=»\==-M r .a n d M r s . . H .A .C a . "1 < ° ' * ° . " ° # 2 , f i t f e f 1 »JE ; 1I Mrs. cmimcqmb, Mrs. ma Long :md Mrs. Nick Thane enter- tained the Royal Neighbors ken- singwn at the McComb residence I n f wean nlmmnmn.A mood ald since last Sunday.'Haacln Mr.and Mrs. John Krelser oi, Kansas City, wmq n l a s t T h u r . - 1 : ~day fm' a week's vunt at the D. A. 'md xo Seventh e ' Frida 2 Compton home.Mrs. Kreiser and Ama 1},`u m " n t n.~.f¢..~\~ spent a. couple ox nays nun.at Seward, Neh., visiting Mr. termalfs bro!-hat, Fred.They stopped atrschuyler w gree 1'on'ner§Uj;Zboy, Carl Bolt. N l i v l Ko!- also :t a .._..-...._,__________crowd was present and a line lunch was served. Miss Margaret Von Lanken, Mrs.Curl lKolt4:rmnn,Mrs,Ed Wilson, Mr, und Mrs. Pete Hsgge and Evelyn helped Mrs.Anna Hagge celeb;-ale her birth anniver- sery Monday, March 16.Vidtlng and refreshments wervenjoycd. Mr. and Mrs. I-'rank Stewart and Billy, and Miss Lucille Kemp were guests at the home o l Mr . md Mrs. Dave Dessaeur in Omaha, and -| --...,.-,.z....»m.A.m.-.-ne Han Mx-a.Compton are sisters. Dltlof Wolsman who was uken\.to an Omaha hospltal lust week where he was operated on for ap-pendicitis, is improvlng nlcely and expects to get home soon. Two savings.A garden saves you money;you save on garden tools at Gambler.Hoe 561:-Rake $1.00. Double Double Kose 8%c per loot.Fremont, Neb.10-It Mr.j and Mrs.George Caldwell droveiup to Lyons last Sunday U0 .._. \.,_f--|.|...-n».. ....»|.....sa.. r~~.,_....__, ______, ,__|sup¢.10-at Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jensen drové |10 Wayne and spent the weekend at the home ol Mrs. Jensen's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whor- yw- |Marlon Nelson of Blalr, |.\tte*nd~ .ed a birthday party at the Wm. Wul! home st Orum in honor of I-Nelyn's birthday last Friday evening. f Miss Frances Mullin,daughter Dr.aQ§3'a'lvIrs.Earl Meats and Betty driwe to Kirksvllle, Mo. last vmlqend to v im thei r dmzhuranddster, Mildred,who is in nurse's training at the Klrksville Rev. J. W. Williams and Rev. 0. J.Allard of Gladbrook.lawnheld services at the Churéh of God last Monday evenln~and were guests st the M. D. Newell home over night. ospltal. of Mr.and Mrs.James Mullin,Mr. and Mrs. James T. Nelson and lamllv rlrrna in Omahl Sun-'g i ; ~nu m FII. "' } "' ff`1 I.§ "i' \I»` §. ' " '° "l l l l N E B ° " = ' ; = ° ' = "3 4 5 ,t i _',¢,m., bfqtlgfl 'l`°=1\H U 'l n o t n l k n d l l z w n h u m n .3 " ! ' " " " "r D i tlo f W o llml- n n .w h o i l =° = '° 1 ' ' °.'Z'f1' in fa . n . . ¢ . n n h u r tli n ld n t _ - . ' ° ' § "- .1°.# d n s n t a n o m i h * | 1 9 ' P " " | m uHig_h schoof at thé school .,»---=- -»~ ~~ --" '"""'-"' *L Miss Luaule Kemp reoexved an an appendlcitis operaticn_Glen Wnlson one of the eountys dinner last Sunday for Mr.um §'mg 1 M _ A gu g B rg-»f°f=="= f °"'°° °°";';: Mm . m e m m a n d ~ ~ » ' - m b 1 -'3~ . ':L'.:..,, ;§°u';::";s:f ms: last Fnday and bought n. x -Patty Lon md Dr. Derby, all o given by his 11lece,,Jean Borglnm and friend of Mina I-'nnces Our John Deere traetnr and a three- nmn. and Mins Lucille Kemn of ._.__,,_,__~..___..._.Abottomplow.When he found what he wanted, lt didn't take him five minutes w make up his mind to buy.. Funeral services were held Sun-day ulternoon. for Wm. Kuhn at the home of his sister,Mrs. Maggie Staben.Rev. Hnrgett of the Christian church led in prayer at the homo and n short sermon atthegrave.Interment wna made in the Blair cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhr, Jr. drove 00 Lincoln last Sunday and were dlnner guests at the Wm. Schroeder home.Their son, Mer- ton, who han completed his course at the.Agr'lculturnl College at Lln~ coln,retumed home with them. Eric Christensen, who was taking the same course, returned also. The ladles of the Social Union ol( the Congregational church held -..- .n.|-,\.|......\.-... .0 eh. ~ ""''',on ruesony evenmg, mann as nn'the Aquilln Court Art Btudlo ln Little Eugene Bunn son of Mr |QmB},,_ and Mn.Byron Bunn who was |lnjured lut week hy th explo s i o n Infi s fmg mn up efdby M M to the Immanuel hospital ln Oma ha, la at present staying at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A Huck ol this dty.He ls getting along nloely Mr and Mrs John R. Weherand family of Plge, Neh., lpent new eral days last week with his mother, Mrs John Weber nnd Iam lly og this elty.Mr Weber came the goodn were completely de- ntloyed by heat and smoke Mr Halbert wufo rme rly connected with lhe Blair Drug Co ol thle clty |Rev L . J Moran mcompnnled by E M Fletcher,Mrs Wntson \TY¥°f* and M n Ernest Tornhlad motored to Omnlu Monday morn d o w n ~ ° ° " . * i 3 " ' f f 3 ' 5 @ ° : ° ~ : . ; . . a : ' ; . § : , * e . ; : PUW 'w on n whllallln.n acco uniod Mrs.Council Bluff; on Tuesday -yi re- Tornblnd on n vidt H... doctor. newnncqumntmoes with hh 'bud-'she i s b d "treated for a very when 'eerlons sinus trouhle. MrL and Mrs.Nenm Wnndfknndg Friends in Blnlr have recelved Mn. D. A. Compton, l¢¢°mPl¥\|°d_wond from Mr. Ind Mn. Trnney ley nt luncheon lt the Brown home last Fflday noon.Them wen fi!- teen children present.All ere sorry'to lee Frenoen leave Blnlr. Mr.C.M.Christensen of the Farmers Elevator, spent last Sun- day in Omaha vladtlng with his wlla who la at present taking Y-roxtrnent ln l. holpltal.She ls lmproving and hopes to get home the ladar part of the week. Misses Mary Anderson and Sena Bertehen give |mlsallnneoua shower for Mrs. Bernard Wulf on Slturdly evening, Mareh 14. at the Theo. Anderson homeon College hill.There were about twentyl pme nt.lw mn mmu me e x - v - E ed Mn. Wulf reoelmd lome nice sm .Mr. and Mn, Fred Hour and daughter, Betty of Wnlthill, spent sa ..of A lo a de d she ll ma wa s um_ 0m,,,J f n f h e ma nd y by Mn. Esther Ovenneyerol Boise Bah. ,nd auto Derby who drove 7,0 Saturday night and SundaY with uma.. ...».u»...\.| --.l |,.....n.. o.. nu m is~ "°"° '°"'°''"""""'" "'""flIdal\o. and Mrs. John Krelner of Colorado recently tint they had achurch P""l°"kl"€| 'f"'"'l.§`°Il.`l§. Kansa City, drove to Lincoln nnniee txlp out than and left Mon~ing M": "bf r "l" a fum Sunday when ihw vmm nt the day io: Lingle, Wyoming no vim her f';"'>a xve 'gm Mn. cur- w. w. Dixon home um while there nm Clyde Bllhr,tvrmerly ;;°;'Wm°be° ;:;u';w:"ed from elllbi on T651 Anderson who is in_Blsncho Hudlnon.The lem! the activities of the ehurch as wm §§'?._"'°""'"°'P"*''°"'°'.°"E"{ "QE '1! ?"° f°°¥f"¥ llnemd - - - .' v w n u u m m n n u m :Wgetacquaintedwiththeirnew gnndson.They nlno vldted Mrs.HMP: parents, Mr. md Mrs. A. w. Rose.Mr. Hour and dmghtnx retumed to Wnlthlll Sunday eveningwhile Mn. Hou remained 1 l u th Blah. Nebruh, Much 26. 1931 T H E K E N N A R D WS very dered a. beuutild nlectlon,"'l'he Mr, and Mrs. Pete; Nielmnwere when thek |l in Lfzrd ls My Sheprd".Aftir t.ha|s;mrdqy °"='='"§w guelts at 51-° t4 an end. ,ceremony n reoep on wu ddatjohn Dxckmeyer me and Sun ay 33,000 sxMmm wh.hnme nf the In-idc's nan\n¢_n'¢¢nr»nnn masts at tha Axel Han-_....L_ :ig sale and c ontest c omo sto re an d see fo r y o u r se lf o N i b im..Fashion .Cc nben.1 0 - i t bar ga in s pu t o ut e ac h da *W m re o Ver de ] r oa d to be Y-~evwery-pro ve d thi s y ea r.buc k remanns to be closed th i ng ln th e sto re mu s t b e old b p i __u -.n next 8 day s-»-our loss is Avr i l A th .Paul:Inn I".....a...s . , . I _atls mo u th Chuck 5 Ca fer o n baktball !,eam.NbAaka Schol recdved word dmtsheiK E N N A R D N E W S lm: SK..n.»f_w ehnnma n¢Dn|uick at Sv..Elizabeth hangs l The operetta "The Torendors",presented by' the Kennard high lchool last Thursday dghf., provedto bc n fine success.The youngsewn were greeted by a full houve Considerable credit should lo QA banquet and dande at the aahw Friday night,Among those sv att/ended were: Walter and Bert Jlbnel Bhd Fnnk Llienriehaen. F lowing the dune#Frank .ln.l'mwho is captain and center of I M ]Linc oln.` .l i n :Yjnmrl Runnurn mu l phi i n n " °" ' " v f . T " ' E l i ; " ' ' ; f ' i . § ' . ; """ E `n ¥ . ; = a . ; i f a f ' " : ; ~ : . , . " " ' ; . ""'"--==- me1Pulls Aid will meet Thurl-your F i lh=L nd| l1 'l.Rly Hl|te ni n Freman£§| erndtoabont|i ¢hty| u|| |t| .'1'1 |¢st. In ml 'a¢. f e v m - . a p f u z - e f u e c a r l m m .a z- : i m ° . s .#°'*:'.. ,. :" :, "a . "" u mm " °° '..:...,a 'm ' - .= : m r m I no 'e n m m n I o Ru m n a n me.he ,Mr. a nd a n - » . N q u s » ¢ m ¢ = p g a , ~'r u g u u gu " rf a _ ~ n g m Y O R K __ _,__....,..._... wuwr.ul-u South Sixth street, renovnwd andl .F hion '¢d_op ear y "an NEBRASKA WEEKLY redccora Greenwood-Telephone company,,}1NnLs'rmAL nlzvmw will rebuild mpin tmnk line thru. C R E E K m w b _ Miss Madge Gaines, music super-visor, for the fine work :ho hasdone.The following students took the part of the principal charactenAlfred Wetm, Cleo French, HelenLeonard,Leonard Miller.Hal-vay Knudnen, Melvin I§9»enpn.u1:h,- »~1-'i1?6hilH;""Nm-m*¢i Maxine Pritchard, Margaret Ihench Inez Dempsey and Bernice Miller. Mrs. Elmer Wright was ho.st/casat a St. Patrick's luncheon at her home Tuesday afternoon.The tables were very prettily doeorat-ed with green candles, ahamrocks mul place cards to correspond. The following ladies onioyed tho after- noon:Mesdames E.O.Fairchlld, Elizabeth Berry,w.E.Wright, George Nelson,W.E.Kimrdon,l . I l n o .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t . . . - I 1 " " | g . - N Deaf team, came homo to spend the weekend.He returned to school Sunday evening after being royally emertained at the. Pete Peterson and Leonard Mangold my wBe nn i ng tmi ;~ - ' ' KENNARD RURALJorrnvcs Hy Misleldt and daughter, Helenvisitednt the Charles Misfeldf. homg Thursday. Mr.and Mrs.lauis Geqehum, Leonard and Darlene visitedxt theFrank Gssser home Wed sdayevening.3 Mr. and Mrs.th Whitcd vis~ ited nt the Frnnk Gasser home on Mr. and Mrs.Lloyd Brown,Mr. :md Mrs._Wm. Kahlnsh of Omaha.d ve to Blair Sunday evening m.JE. ut the home of Mr. and Mrs.l Svendgnrd. r. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown andchildren drove to Omaha Tuesday to attend the basketball game and vidt at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. I Mrs.S. R. Batson and Averycalled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Jungbluth Monday. Mrs. Julian Qlungbluth and mo-her,Mrs. Williams, and Mrs. F.Kastrup drove to Omaha Saturdayaftemoon to attend a party at the'home oi' Mrs. Harry Johnson given' in honor of Mrs.Williarns"binh anniversary. u -_-J "__¢..»=__v._U...L Strleklett. corswd with smilax, bouqneta of roses s.nd eamations, and a hugo wedding cake centered each one.In tha evening lalidtationa werereceivedfrom a host of friends and relatives of the young couple Luther Larson's band of Fremont, ahcertdned the char-ivan crowd and wedding guests with popularsongs and vocal selections.At s»late hour the guests departed for their homes leaving many beauti- ful and useful gifts.Tue couple' l go to housekeeping on the om's futher's farm seven miles no h of Arhngwn. Sale Positively ends Saturday night 9 P. M., April Ath.Fashion Center.10-lt John Taylor, Jr.home were Mr.:md Mrs. John Taylor, Jr., How- ard Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Nielsen.Rev.P. J. Reinertsen was nSunday dinner guest at the Ed Hansen home. Mr.and Mrs.Chris Benson spent Friday evening .at the Joe Jessen home."Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson and Edna were Sunchy dinner guests at the Chris Benson home.Mr.and Mrs.Joe Jessen and ehlldren, Mr. and Mrs. Harry _Nel- son and Edna,Miss Lennetta Gnuse, Mr.and Mrs.Chris Ben-son and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pet- ersen were among 32 guests who helped Albert Jensen,near Arl~:mann ~»lah»-me hx.\.r»\..a...,_ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Thone and children were dinner guests Sun-day at the Arnie Molufl' home inOmaha. Mrs.Clemens Williamsen spentTuesdaywithhermother,Mrs.John Taylor, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Morris Christinn~ sen and children visited st the Wm. Behrendt homo Sunday after- noon.Mr. and Mrs. Clark Browning and son,Francis of Blair,were supper guests at the Howard Wil-lismsen home Wednesday eve ning. Gus Reeh is visiting at thehome of his son, John and family. Qllbert Williarnsen was an over Y Qrchard-H.S. Beal erecting a filling station. Qenter-Verdigre State Highway being grsveled. 'Lincoln Highway from Clarks _lo Central City to be paved this lS\ll\'|!!lE|_ Hay Springs--Comrnunity build- ing conddered for this place. Wisner-Earl nnd Erwin Breit» 'kreutz purchased 129-acre farm from O. R. Ringer for considera- tion of $230 per acre. .Tekamnh-Novel gilt shop open- ed in Latto. Pantorium. Deshler - George Englehrecht purchased furniture and mortuaryi business here. town.\ West Poin P'red Klotls sequin ed Wndter's Sweet Shop. Stringtown-Wuber main may be laid in north part ot village. Creighton-Baker ice ms ina refngeration unit installed i City Meat Market. Subscribe for The Enterprise. BETT Y BARcLAY's H EL PF U L lllN'I`S zrnT'av~Ts_'*r\n u n s d u r g c u s l c l l ,I l l l I u u l l n n l l n , George Hedeiund,Ii a r r y lilaeo. Hor ner W a rd ,S a m Ha ll,E .P. Booher,Charles Berry ,J oe Ko n- valin,I d a W r i gh t,Fr a n k B y er s , Mis ses Op al Jeppesen,Ma r y Ma r - gar et I r Fa e De ma e ke r andMadgff1.Se ve ra l men wer e invited :H |'firmer in the e ven in g. Mr .;='\:i " f m I' r an k By ers vn- tertaine d a t fi ve tables o f p inoc hle a t th e i r h o mo Fri da y eve ni ng fe * the foliowin;;:Messrs.and Me m fla mes Ha rry Bi nc o , W . E . W rig ht, Charles Ber ry ,George Hedelund. Th u r s d a y e \ e r £ i n § i """ M m Hun.;Jenden and c hildren an d Ray mo n d K u h r vi s i te d a t th e par ental, Ge org e Kuh n h ome W e d- nesday evening.: Mr . a nd Mr s. B a be Ry an vi si te d i n th e W i ll Ry a n lh o me Thu rsd ay evening.A r i J eff ers ofEC oun c il Bluf fs , visited a t th e Fr an k Ga ss e r h ome 1'Iuesday.Mr s. F r an k Gas ie r, Aman d a an d Tr ac y and Ma ri e i 'stensen a t- end ed a sho y ver n onor _of Mr s . una unu HITS.J u u u n . lu n g u lu mdro ve to F r e mo n t Saturd ay ni g h t to a tte nd a 6: 30 d inn er a t the Odri Fellows ha! ! a nd also atten de d the basketball game. iI.e Roy Brown is si c k with tens il- it s. Mr . a n d Mr s. Fr a nc i s J i mg b lu th an d da ug hter o f Omah a, s pe nt the we e k - e nd a t th e h o me o f Mr . a n d Mr s.I-'red J ungbluth. Mr . a nd Mr s . Her man J u n gb i uth an d B e rn a r d d ro ve to Oma ha Sa t- urd ay to spend the day wi th Sy lvia. Out, and away Prices all over the store-it must be emptied by Saturday night, April 4th-thnt is when the big sale and contest come to an end.Fashion Center.10-n Rushed -~ Crowded -~ Ppeked - Jammed with people helping them- selves to our losses-only 8 more days and $8,000 stock remains to be closed out completely-get in our crowds now.Fashion Center. ington celebrate his birthday on Sunday afternoon. The Young People's Pinochle Club met Friday evening at thcJohn Dickmeycr home. High scoreswen- won by Miss Helen Ncwklrk and Harry Andersen and low by Albert Bensqn. hrec children were Sunday after- oon g uest s at the H . C .Hansen ome.Iv an Larsen and'GusLav¢Rol- and were Su ndny`guests of Ma l- e m : md A lto n L a r s e n .. '~< GOQQYE 5;M19 "wiii buy <>~1|>'14r¢ff# leading make of Tire" . A GOOD REIOL(/7'/ON 4 : f - . I E E T H R O U G H '1 zur: _/v , ¢~=1Lf...,,Q4:<.,~. ~1 , : j ."1"*`° _._" 1 ,.E1U~T 5T M _~~1gy ,R_~ w "" ' _4 ;"f '~,W 4 ~~~~'1, '' d,Ulf:k ' r / f e "/f Q 4 :_ S,»1\'\nw f` H s ..L51h|D /.2 pnvenud Good-N G ysar Supmwin Cond Cm-;~:au is superior In vitdity and long / lih. Under comimmd Hadng or sudden 5 road-shock, when ordinary cords fariqun o me lh famoun Goodyour 1 4 ~AllWoarhnr Trsadis napa 1 1Q "rio: in nocfion. Nah how thu dup~_ _ Q-km oinhf-ofivpina blocks are plead In rho .0 nnhr ul tho trsué, when they belong. Pun ~»r 4 Uha palm oi your hand upon lhix trsod and feel ¢ \P,l oxfrealesfic Supmwin rofdx match and' \how the bled; grip and dnch Ibn huh This lllw-: .~rpwur, like Nbbar bands. Axkv lo :ho #ruin Ihn Allwouthor Trvodfl holéfuxl anion on ~ ovv|mudovrood .............-. . .psdwlufrwdovvrdvobeslsrmxdpgqcod R 0o s e n b a u m S e r v l c e S t a t i o n £ 1 1 2 3 1 x 3 1|w you an ovr :"" .~ cord-luring muchhl IM uma muh . . . snormously '` qnotu ol Si: ORUM BRYEFS The Ladies Aid of the Danish .vangellcd Lutheran 'church of |um will meet at the home of ris Benson next Wedn sday aft-moon, April 1. _Prof. N. W. Gaines gave an in- ~resting mlk Thursday evening at he Bisbee community meeting eld at the school house.A :ho n rogramwss also given by anom- r of home folks.After the pro ram lunch was served. Thursday evening the officers of t.Pauls: church held a budnesseetingat the N. J.Andersen orne.Friday afternoon, the followingadies spent the afternoon atthe arl Rasmussen home tying two uilts for the St. Pauls Aid bazaar: iesdamea Martin Larsen,L.E. ~rsen, Ed Hansen, Lars Rnllnndd H. C. Larsen.Mr. and Mrs.L. E. Larsen and hildren were Thursdnv evening'sitors at the Hans Wulf homeTuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. E. Larsen and children and Mr. ~nd Mrs. Martin Larsen and son elping Mr. and Mrs. Lars Rollnndelebrate their 17th wedding anni- ersary. oem Bierman. Miss Madeline Katt entertained her schoolmates Sunday afternoon in honor of her birthday.Altertheparty a dainty luncheon was enjoyed by the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Peterson and family were Saturday evening supper guests at the Jim Larsenhome in Blair. Miss Evelyn Wulf entertained a number of young folks at her home Friday evening.. Marie were Thursday afternoon guests at the Fred Dickmeyerhome.Sunday evening guests at theHenryScheer home wen, Mr. und Mrs.Chris Peterson and family, P | HEADACHES < NEURITIS NEURALGIA, CO LDS "hcncver you have some nn|;ginache or pain, take some tablets oBayer Aspirin. Relief is immediate! Thene'a smmely ever an ache orpain that Bayer Aspirin won't relieve-and never a time when you can'ttake it. The mblem with the Bayer cronare always sale. They don`t deprmthe heart, or otherwise harm you. Use them just an often as they canppare you any pain or discomfort.unt be sure to buy the genuine.'ne the package.Beware ollmimtions. Aspirin in the trade-mark of Bayermanufacture of monoaeetimcidelmrof nlicylimdd._ ' " /\°\¢\5" E 1 2 % \ f > " " .¢ ,~ \/~f \ \¢ ~ e v ° ' AFE and 5%to 'I 'EL 9 and $1.59- sizes 8%bo 11 and 11% to Z - $i.98; Women'a and Misses reduc- ed Io $2.65, $3.65 and $4.88.Erma Jettick, $4.45.Fashion Center.l t Rushed - Crowded - Packed - Jammed with people helping them- selves to our losses-only 8 more days and $8,000 stock remains to be closed o_ut completely-get in our crowds now.Fashion Center. Out and away Prices all over the store-it must be emptied by Saturday night, April 4th-that is n i g h t gue st a t th e Clemens W i l- liamson ho me Satur day . Mr .a n d Mr s .J o h n Ro g e r t a n d c hildren we re di nn er g ue sts Sun- da y di n ne r g ue sts a t the F r ed R0 g o r t h o me i n He r ma n . Mi s s Lo la Be hr e nd t i s a t h o me a f te r s p e n d i n g th o wi n te r wo r k i n g in F r emo n t. ...* business here. Contr ac ts le t f o r sur fac ing <-I Hi g h wa y No . 1 o r Re d B a ll Hi g h » wa y f r o m Muzjrny we s t to E l m wood. Mc Cook--{11estc r Car ter Upencd tire u m butte ry shop i n re ar vf Car te r Mac hi ne Shop. W n un eta -- Imp er ia l C u mmu n i t; Shoe:"hildren's,sizes 2 to 5 and 5%to a_;1.29 and $1.59-~ -»..=barber shop .md bnuuty parlor in newly remodlflerl quarters known sizes 8%to l l and 11%to 2 -as Wnlter's Sweet Shop. $1.98; Women's and Misses reduc~f ed no $2.65. $3.65 and $4.88.EHH3 Jettick. $4.45.Fashion Center.11. 50,000 ExQra Votes F.;.;with every Silk Dress or Spring Coat you buy at the Fashion ¢enwr-- the person with the most votes wins thé $200 Bedroom Suite on display at J. E. Campbell's store. Extra votes free on a lot nl' items you heed-shop around the Humboldt-Building & Loan As- sociation reorganized. Stua n-L a rge irrigation well completed on llntcnhorsf farm southwest of here. Fremon work to stan soon on $42,000 Veazie home building on Masonic-Eastern Star home ground north of this plnce. Arnold-New hospital building completed.. ... ..=eornltlrch Grnted rlud 1 I uhlespoons flour lemon sm dry lngrodlenls.Add water sud cook ln double holler unlllthick(15 minutes.)Add slightly ha ul o u Ulli l ha d no o k a nm ua \l l s 'Uf » n n u a h mm y u m and grated rind. (Xml u n h h hsked ple shell.Cover wllh mo- rlnzua made by heating egg while:until irolhy-adding 4 tablespoons gugnrand *A louwon hnklng pow-der and oomlmls boating untll md.Pnl, into moderate oven (325 do- grsen) lor 15 minutes lu brown. 'in I ' ~ - 1:10~ 1|»~. le l \`qp ¢|r 2¢;_._; ' ~ - "v '-rr=f a : » | ~ . - q i - n n l" x 15 5 , ' J. I ~ .g , 'spent Sunday evening at the Earl Petersen home, west of Herman. |Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blehrendt and }Lo!a were visitors in Fremont on }Ss1turdsw Mine r>m.»1 ml..Charles Gottsch,Elmer Wright. Homer Ward,E.O.Fairchild,Harry Helmsing,Misses Helen Berry, lllary Cook,Mrs.ChelseaWhitfond and Mrs. Cook.Prizes were awarded Mrs. E. o. Fairchildand Charles Berry for hl§h scores,and w Dr. and Mrs. W.. Wrightfor consolalions.At a late hour adelicious lunch was served After y/hich the guesgs deperwd for their ftbmcs expressing ihelr npprecl- mueller aunpay af ternoonuttheMrs.Aug.Schumacherhome.\Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Cunningham nnd family and lMr.ad Mrs. Oscar Lundt vlslldi Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Cunningham Sunday. Henry and levi Stork visitedSunday nt the Frank Gasser home. Mr. and Mrs. Pele Knudsen and Mrs. Ahna Carlson visited ln Ben- Ilillghln Sunday at the Art Dealerihome.~ B E L L C R I The Young \ Society met at Adolph Holtmafternoon.MrandMrs.Ray: leaders.Miss a visitor. Miss So hieWnfa......... P_..».. _ . .- . - . . - - ,- - - - U ¢ \ . | » s | |v v u u L D I J I I I 'p l o y e d t h e r e ,r e t u r n e d h o m e w i t h t h e m t o s p e n d S u n d a y . M r .a n d M r s .J o h n R e e h a n d Mr .an d Mr s .W m .Co mpto n en~ terta ined a t a c ard p a r ty Fr id ay even in g a t th e Co mpto n home. Mr . an d Mrs . Fa y J on es a n d Sh ir - ley W illi ams on we re a mo n g th o s o atte ndi ng. Me r r i ll J ohnson.wh o has been I A|¢|\.|Bl.|.liJlV""l\||l|\. w uusn. .mu | ' \I' ""r '\1| 'I 'I Ion 378 mi les of pi pe lin e f or Nor th T o d a y B e l l y S a y s : B e t I G C . t o 51.G,0000{}0.Linlerlill gz rvg ni nec owi a i n s wy HUND RE D S o r wo me n I n ms lt u lg r ...t k emon§'ZL'l§,f;1d mm: to wn s I n vestvrrz , § ; ; f , _ ° g ° g o ; ° g ; ; g ° § _ o t h e r s |t.hey ha ve tasted.Probably mn r o 0111f1l>=1-N0\""'T»vi¥<|ir1sr ma y b'1"requesf.a for recipes for this aol:- erec tod to house Federal offic es.d o n s dessert are mailed to dieti- Pla tts rno uth --C ozy bar ber shop tilnl an d food experts . than for aI» o f A r n o ld Lillie in Leonard b\1i1d»moa t an y oth er d is h.He r e i s o n e EEK VALLEY Vnmen'x Missionary' the home of Mrs. nan last Thursdays. George Niebaumnond Johnson wereIr e ne Ho l tmn n ~ Water-mun and Ed ' ; Ffh QM Qwetllsh In§mln|]!fi§>|flf1;i ina: qn Main street between Follrth mine tint I feel lun will plane {n Oqzapa for_sev_eral weeks, re~» and Fifth, repapercd and repaint-E Lemon Pla Supremeanon lor a very L-nioyanle evening.Geor Klutz was bmught homefrom3Methodisthospitalin Omaha last Wednesday evening. On Inst Tuesday evening the Ben Goltsrh home was the scene of"much merriment when Miss Roma Gnttsch entcrbulncd at u surprise farewell pany in honor a fdend, Henry (Bud)Pausch, who, will leave shox-ily to make his home on the west. const.The eve- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gasser andAmandavisitedat the M. H. Mueller homo Sunday ovenlng. Mr. and Mra.)llEke Anderson of Kennard" and Mr: and Mrs.An~ drew Anderson of Lyons, visited at the Jens Christensen home on Sunday.I Mr.and Mrs.Kenneth George and Billy and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Kuhr visited at .Le Babe Ryan lxnnie Sunday.1 rmurneu nornc wednes-dpy evening from a visit with teln- uves and friends at FontanThe Garden and Study Clubmetat the home of Mrs. Wm. Wilken- '"g last Wednesday afbernoun._Ir.and Mrs. Adolph Hnltmnn, Anita and Richard were Thursday evening visitors at Wm. Holtman'sMr. and Mrs. Howard Ruwe and Mr.and Mrs. August Kerkhoff and sons attendwn pinochle pany at the home of Mr. MA M.. D...._ lI Lumen home Sundays His manyfriqndsare glad to have him hack cd.1 c up sugar 1,5 teaspoon salt Columbus--The $75,000 Lu th er a n 1% c u ps b oi lin g 2 eggs |r|1n\wh l\nill6n...l...I:,....|...l _-4-...u -..- |..........ag ai n ning was spent at cards and music __ ---"nu ¢u\|:l» ;\u}'Mr. a nd Mr s. Ea ;l Fi tc h and s on mon d J oh ns on Fmi a y e ve n i n g . visited a t the P te Rasmussen Mr . an d Mr s. E mi l Ko c h , Do na ld home Sun day .and Dolores J une,Mr s .He n r y Mr . a n d Mr s .n k Naeve vis»Le h ma n an d dau ghter,Ru b y o f ifpr l ni fha nn...ru...\r....- \ _ _H At a late hour Miss Gottsch served a da in ty two course luncheon. Amon g tho se p r es en t wer e L ou is e Lab s, Ber tha J a hne l, Mab le Knlep, Ro ma Gotts c h , Me lvin Ba y , Hen ry Paush , Alfred Kru se, Elme r Kr use, Fr an k Ilen ri c h se n, L eV eme Plam- beck,li m e s t an d A lvi n Rohwc r. Ra y mo nd Si er t, Mr. a n d Mrs .Ben Gou sc h,J r .an d small dau ghter. Janic e. A far ewe ll pa rty wa s h eld a t thc lll. E . c hu rc h b ase me nt Fr ida y i after noon hono ring Mr s .Ma r y Jac obsen,wh o fo r several y ears ha s li ved o n a f n r m e a s t o f to wn b u t is n o w making:her ho me i n Blai r,Several ladies we re pres- en t to enjoy th e after noon qu ilt- in g nml vis i ti ng . Mr ,an d Mr s .Be r t Ha ns en en- ter ta ine d the f ollowing a t p in oc h loSaturd ay even ing:Messrs.and Illesdumes E lme r W d g h t,H a r r y Bloc h, llnns J orgensen, W . B. Ros-' enbnum, Che ster llosvn lnrum. Fred Andrr-nson, Elmer Andreasen, Geo. Hedelun d, Chas . Berr y , Robe rt An- dreumn, A like Nelson, Mis ses Ruth Ire ne Ahrlrensen,Opal. Jeppesen. H a r r y B la c o a n d Mr s . G e o . li me lu nd held hig h sc or es whi le Mr s . Elmer W r i g ht an d Ro b er t An d re a - sen h eld ln w.Priz es were awa rd- ed ac c ordingly . A lar ge c ro wd vttemled th e St. Pntr lc k' s da nc e a t th e Ke n na r d pa vi lio n lus t Tue sd a y ni g ht.J i m Hovor ka an d hi s Boh emia n orc lms- tr a furnished th e music .Th e y wi ll p la y h e re a ga i n A p r il 4 wh e n th e Baseball Clu b will sp ons or the danc e. Mrs . Cathe dhe J app e nte rtain ed a la r ge g ro u p o f r e tives an d fri en ds lo s t Wednesd even ing, th at d ay be in g he r s on , Ed ' | bi rth anniversary . Mrs. Ch ris .lahn el e nte rta ine d a gr ou p of f r ie n d s a n d r ela ti ve s a t pinoc hle las t W e dn es da y even in g, i n honor o f he r hushand's bi rth ar mi ver s u y . A n u mb e r f r o m here atten ded th e shower an d rec eption o n Mr . an d Mr s .He r ma n Kru se a t B e n - ni n gto n F ri d ay ni g ht. Mr .and Mr s .Cly d e Ro senb aum mo ve d o n to a fa r m n ea r Ca lho u n la st F ri da y .Mrs . Harlan d F ren c h spent th e week-end wi th them, he lp in the m g et settle d.Me s ga mes C . B . Han s e n a nd H J .Madsen and r-hilfh-.-n .».r ms c . r.-. »»uv u n .uumm.u c v .m a u v e II U IU BS u n d n v I W Mr.and Mrs.\matured to Frcmo ernoon.Mrs. Hans Moellthe c. v. Shurnake~ last week. Mr.and Mrs.Mr.and Mrs.Eand Mrs. Ida KernSunday with Mrs. ter.Mr. and Mrs. Lavisited Sunday aft ning witln hlr. Knudsen.w Miss Dagmnr Louis drove to""O evomngMrs. Otto Liesch at the G. F. Paul~ing Grandma Rosa her 80th birthday. Mr. and Mrs.'~ sen and family visChristensen home Mr.and Mrs.I-IeMr. and Mrs. MaSaturdayevening Svogersen home. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs.Ma daugh nf Omah dinner guests at thome.. Miss Dagmar Pmcnds in Fremon Mr. and Mrs. E.business callers in Mr. and Mrs. WMr. and Mrs. A. C a show in Omaha 'Howard Christe gen,Reynold U1Stenderwere * THERE IS NoSUBSTITUTE for G ~ 0 ~~ ~~ T Nic a~§i§5§i§,;'§j§1§'"§§§a5wARE Adolph H ltm v _1~:and Mrs. Martin Larsen and sonwere guesgs atm;pm §`$?€n'I§}f§`°'helping Mr. gud Mrs. Lars Rollnnd wvnmmovrood ..............qnetu...olS(:p|dwld:wdonr0\obes|dm\d9§qcod n mR o s e n b a u m S e r v i c e S t a t i o n ,.;i,,';ska y DALE Domes. Fnedn Marshall returned to herhqme Tuesday Bfler spending rev: eral weeks at the home of her als- ter, Mrs. Adolph on in Elkhorn.! _ John Hoff of Lncoln, was visit~| mg Tuesday at the home of Mr.- nnd Mrs. Hermanjlungbluth.. Relatives of Mfg, S. R. Batson groom and his best man, MartinNiaman,who were uttlred in dark blue suits.The bridal couple took their vow§/beneath a pretty arch.decorated with smilax ferns and camatlons.Just before the ceru~ mlmy Mrs. O.Sehnakenherg rendered a solo "Walk Bedde Me 0My Savior".After the vows hnu been taken the octette, of which the hridegroom is a member, ren- o |\~¢ , `.1\ S A F I q i> ¢ E "wi.ii buy <a"'Y~ Ieadmq ma e o hre .A GOOD REIOL(/7'/ON `\.<»-.ref /1' rf//:ous/f :Hu _/v" `1 ~.>`5m¢='1 ._" ' = = , . " ",.51 N A M E ~~..'n i w ~A f ~ , `I Rw a xG ._.1-»Ef,.. ." ' _vi ~~~ »;,Uri'U ' r .-4 ";.. "" \5 .r "`\ -\(EA\'~" w w ~'J I ~_('|A1\~ ' e ,»1\'\(~""' s TH 5 L 5 . 1h|#1 O/2 pnvenud Good-N G |ysar Supmwin Cond Cm-;~~rio: in nocfion. Nah |\o\;/gif; dur _ _eau is superior In viidity and long / km oinhf-ofivpina blocks are sv In rho .0 eanhr ul thc trsué, when they belong. Pun ~ »ron -s ,nl mm gun4 *|\\\ palm oi your hand upon lhix Irwd and feel §snap, lhu oxfrealesfic Supmwin rofdx match and ' \how the bled; grip and dnch Ibn huh. ~ lllw-" .~rpwur, like Nbbar bands. Axkvno show you an ow famoun Goodyour 1 4 ~All-W|aIh|rTrsadis|upe~, lih. Under comimmd Hadng or sudden 5:I hed wha ond'aordxfaki or I t Sunday aft- , Jr. visited athome one dny len Jefferson,eat Kerstetter ~tter spent last . A, Kerstet- sen of Omaha, oon and eve~nd Mrs.Ncls cterson u n dnhaSuturdayn spént Sunday ~n home. help-ker celebrate ~rd Christen- ed at the Jas.undny. ry Tietgen and n Sunds spent at the Allred lm Jensen andin Marks und were Sunday~e Chris Sunds tersen vidted Sunday.Kernketter were Bennington Un with Frederick Hetrick ~und~y afternoon.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holtrnan were Sunday supper guests at Adolph Iiolt.n1an's. SL Paul's Lutheran chur.oh was `the scene of a very pretty weddingI Mz Sunday, March 22nd at threeo'clock ~I ' versary.Mr. and Mm Lars Rolllnd andthree children were Sunday after- noon guests at the H. .C. Hansenhome.I Ivan Larsen and Gustave Rol-Iand were Sunday`guestB of Mal- vern and Alton Larsen.. .Ma tze n and Su nd s to ok i n un-day evening. en,Be n 'Piet- er and \\f \~ n g o n Pain] rnoon. Q . Out and away Prices all over display at J. E. Campbell's store. north of this plnce.de~and oomlmla bqatlng unt~l md. the sto':it must be emptied by Extra votes free on a lot nf Arnold-New hospital building Put into moderate oven (325 do- Saturday night, April /ith-that is items you heed-shop around the C0mP|Hf»¢d-l'\'°") lor 15 minutes m brown. mon,youngest daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Gottlieb Geisselmun, andWalter Nieman.youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.Henry Niemmiwere united in the holy bonds of mulli- mony by their pastor, Rev. G. W.Wolter.The bridal party enteredthe prettily decorated churchvto (ln: beautiful' strains of the wedding march played by Prof. O. Schhak~ enberg.The procession was led by Mrs.Harry Geisselmnn and Mrs.Martin Nieman,wearing peach and orchid satin.They werefollowed by Miss Ella Glesselman und Miss Hilda Rothe,wearing govjis of coral nhd green satin.They were followed b Miss AliceGiesselnmn and Miss im.. Scheer dressed in yellow and blue satin, each hddesmuid wearing a corsage of sweet peas to match their gown und each carrying a palmleaf to form an'archway for thebride and her maid of honor, her sister, Miss Edna Giesselmnn, who were a gown of shell pink satin and wore a carnage ol roses, sweet peas und fem.The bride's gown was o l brldnl satin trimmed in rhinestone and irldcscent bends. Her veil was of embroidered tullewhich had the cap effect and was trimmed with clusters of flowers and beads to ma kh he! gown.She carried a diower bouquet of sweetheart roses,sweet peas, buby's breath and ferns.The bride wasxnetattheadta -~-~ -~ P~|N ;HEADACHES < NEURITIS NEURALGIA, CO LDS \\l\cne\er you have some nn|;gin ache or pain, take some tablets oBayer Aspirin. Relief is immediate! Thene's smmely ever an ache orpain that Bayer Aspirin won't relxee -and never a time when you can c take it. The tablets with tha Bayer cron are always sale. They don`t deprm the heart, or otherwise harm you. Use them just as allen u_they can opare you any pain or discomfort.unt be sure to buy the genuine.. l . m . . . .the P°¢h¥°-Beware ol lmlmtions.l Aspirin i| the trade-mark of Bays manufacture of monoaeetimcidelmr of nllcyliucld |. .» \°\¢\5e = ' l ° '3 \ ° \ ' < \ " and Mrs. Ra y Casey wer e lunc heon guest.:o f Mr s .Ro b e r t A n d r e u e n o n 'I' uu dn y . Mrs . Fr an k 'lfi mb er la in c ame upf r o m Dave y , Neb. las t W e dnes day evening'fo r a vii st a t th e L .E . W a rd h ome.Mr. Timbe rlai n c a me u p Saturd ay re tu rn in g to Davey Sun da y even in g, bu t Mr s. Timbe r- lain rema ined for a. longe r vi sit. Th e Co lby Co r ne r C lub he ld a n a ll da y se ss io n a t J . F .Mc.Cann's la st F ri da y . Mrs . Ruth Ro se nb au m wa s a g u es t o f the Ci u b th a t d ay . Mr .an d Mr s .Alf r e d Svogerson a n d Chris tine Visited a t Ar th u r J ens en's Tue sday nig ht. Mr .and Mr s .Charles Berry we r e i n Oma h a o n business Mo n da y .L. E. Peterson c lerked at the stor e d ur i ng th ei r pb se n c e . Mi sa E m m a Stoltehberrz came out mam Omaha on Friday withHelenBerry to .spend the week-end at the E. Berry home.Mrs. L. E. Ward and Mn. GlennRosenbaum have been on the sicklistthen u t weak.Mn.Pmnk_ . . .A _- _ - - -__- _ , _ . . -T i m b e r l a i n o f D a v e y ,N a b . ,i s c a r - i n g f o r t h e m . l n .I ) .I I .F a i r d r o v e o u t f r o m Omaha . las t W e dnesd ay to spe nd a f m hours wi t h he r moth e r ,Mr s . E .Bluc ier. H r .a n d Hn . He n r y J e n s e n md E I were Blai r vii i bo ra Sn tmd ny . The Bitte champion Nth ldmol | II |2 an¢@ aéfi allen wen Hr. and Mn. Henry Wdbern and daughter,Margxretand Mr. and. Mrs. Pete Truhlsm.Hr. and Mn. Dwight Patricks! Spike:and Mr.ind Mrs.Al fn d gag" of Blair, ware dinner " - m a m C- Ba. R.,.!'l. &..0mlls ,Northbound No. 4 6:55 A. M. duly m d H r s . M a c C i m n l l . . Mr .a n d ' M r s .J ames La r se n o f Bla ir ,spent.Th u r sd a y wi t h M n . S o p h i e L lr le n . Mr . a n d Mr s .Er e mll C lu iltilllld l |:\ !| ~ mfuturd proclxmta, the pro z rom which stlya in the mmufacturing auummrf.Then loo, Nebrukana mustsendbuke nnfo r thasspro- ducts on which they man pay tha . ....~..~loa- wdbing for naw is the dgnxl.AJ- ready the great mu: o f pe o ple are confident that farm knda die: an inviting field for investment covering A long period.This is | F`fid»y afternoon md evening.The impmvexqentn which Lhl Wuhlngton g g g fv I-'sir Ground Aa|'n.hxvu making in the | II |2 an¢@ aéfi allen wen Hr. and Mn. Henry Wdbern and daughter,Margxretand Mr. and. Mrs. Pete Truhlsm.Hr. and Mn. Dwight Patricks! Spike:and Mr.ind Mrs.Al fn d gag" of Blair, ware dinner " - m a m C- Ba. R.,.!'l. &..0mlls ,Northbound No. 4 6:55 A. M. duly m d H r s . M a c C i m n l l . . Mr .a n d ' M r s .J ames La r se n o f Bla ir ,spent.Th u r sd a y wi t h M n . S o p h i e L lr le n . Mr . a n d Mr s .Er e mll C lu iltilllld l |:\ !| ~ mhcrurd pr¢¢Lu¢q, un pro r from which stlya in the mmufacturing auummrf.Then loo, Nebrukana mustsendbuke nnfo r thasspro- ducts on which they man pay tha . ....~..~loa- wdbing for naw is the dgnxl.AJ- ready the great mu: o f pe o ple are confident that farm knda die: an inviting field for investment covering A long period.This is | F`fid»y afternoon md evening.The impmvexqentn which Lhl Wuhlngton g g g fv I-'sir Ground Aa|'n.hxvu making in theI | I " " "" ~ \ 1 ' s s ¢§f " allen wen Hr. and Mn. Henry Wdbern and daughter,Margxretand Mr. and. Mrs. Pete Truhlsm.Hr. and Mn. Dwight Patricks! Spike:and Mr.ind Mrs.Al fn d gag" of Blair, ware dinner " - m a m C- Ba. R.,.!'l. &..0mlls ,Northbound No. 4 6:55 A. M. duly m d H r s . M a c C i m n l l . . Mr .a n d ' M r s .J ames La r se n o f Bla ir ,spent.Th u r sd a y wi t h M n . S o p h i e L lr le n . Mr . a n d Mr s .Er e mll C lu iltilllld l |:\ !| ~ mfuturd proclxmta, the pro z rom which stlya in the mmufacturing auummrf.Then loo, Nebrukana mustsendbuke nnfo r thasspro- ducts on which they man pay tha . ....~..~loa- wdbing for naw is the dgnxl.AJ- ready the great mu: o f pe o ple are confident that farm knda die: an inviting field for investment covering A long period.This is | F`fid»y afternoon md evening.The impmvexqentn which Lhl Wuhlngton g g g fv I-'sir Ground Aa|'n.hxvu making in the h wdbing for naw is the dgnxl.AJ- ready the great mu: o f pe o ple are confident that farm knda die: an inviting field for investment covering A long period.This is | natural aztitude;even under the pre unt level o l farm products ,| |~|'._~»f a S ~~ ~~~¢ s § § ; . . u mmm u mmm, me p r o m mm which stlya in the mmufacturing auummrf.Then loo, Nebrukana mustsendbuke nnfo r thasspro- ducts on which they man pay tha hansporution in addition to loa- i n ~ t h e ~ t ..._b~ u mmm u mmm, me p r o m mm which stsys ln the msnufuturlng sufsmsurf.Then loo, Nebrsakana musts endbukennfor thaso pro- ducts on which they must psy the h-snsportstion ln addition to los- i n s » » § n + ~ Wool is a casa in polnk.Neb- rui xn's p .L large percentage of ¢he to wool usp.This wool is shipped east, when lt ls pro-cessed and eventually ls mods up into clothing which is shipped east, when lt is proassed md eventually is made up into doth- ing which is dipped husk zo Ndl- raska.Some ons else mska the prodlt m d Nebraska pays the (might.I t is recognised that Mother Nature h u blessed Nebrsslrt above the average and we have everything i n the world with which U0 work All we need is the will on do.In addition Nebraska must compete with the other states, many of which have launch- ed elaborate programs of advertis- ing to secure new industries, new citizens and tourists. It is T-he purpose of the Nebras- ka. Progress Assodation ic oper- ate 1 non-profit organization de- voted entirely to the exploitation of the opportunities in Nebraska. The Association shall seek lndus- trlex suitable for the various sec- tions ol Nebraska.It shall also seek to develop markets for Neb- raska. products and secure s well balanced development of the slam as a whole.This Association will a n d - Mr . a r m ,Sophie Mr . c alled day . Mr . au d i . wi th U Mr . Bla ir, evenin~ ~» AR Th e ke tb all Comm I nin g. p r e u nbei ng Bla ir. th e C l fo r th ~ be r t E 933211 I o n th e ersR i solo. #mlmwe re |Cla se me etin A A n tives brabe Mr . an d L Ma nd a Mr . Do ro for epa wdbing for naw is the dgnxl.AJ- ready the great mu: o f pe o ple are confident that farm knda die: an inviting field for investment covering A long period.This is | natural aztitude;even under the pre unt level o l farm products vduas s. 80111 rate ol interest can is added so this the rusonxble mr- pectndon that ln enlnnament oi lu-rn values will be more or less continuous for a oomddenlale per# iod of time. A good many things have hap- pened ln the allies that hnvs caused people tn think soberly md those who have had 1 knowledge of nxnl investment and activities ln- cline to look in that direction an a surer place to make a living, to build s competence md insure its.permanency.We cannot _§g~~=-= the fact that through all the dep on in ng-ricudture the man who owned his farm that was reasonably well stocked, who was out ol debt or nnrly so, had fewer fmandad worries than almost any man in any other line of business. Agriculture endures adversity to sn extent that other industries ml w do,It recovers in surprisingly short periods from times of de- presslon.There are indications ol an awakening in spite of all the adverse conditions discussed in current publications and it ls very clear that a trend exists now to- wud Sgrlwtursl properties as a sale invenrnent. ~Mr. UBL Mm Pole Truhlsua.Kr. md Mrs Dwight PatrlekofikerandMr. ind Mn. Alfred ; »ol Blnlr, were dinnerguests ..»y nt the Hayes Ro_:;.L r Hr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hansen, C. Axelgaard and l.eRoy . ... were Sunday vdxiton nt the .Plulnen home, north of Binh -.and Mrs. J. H. Nearhood~Sunday nltarnoon callers |.zhome of llr. and Mrs. Pe~ e- .Thompson spent Sundaymoon with his amdn, Be -- the Ju. Thompson home. ~. Ind Mrs. John Ammon and »~ Emyde ulled Sunday evening the Fred Long home ln Blair. »»ra. Elmer Tmhlnen and svn, ...and Mr.md Mrs.Pete spent Sunday evening a tHayes Rosenlulm home.~r.and Mn. Henry Wulbem Saturday evening at the Cnr! vrnrd homn. from this vicinity at-ded funeral services for Michael Ily lt Florence Friday morninK» . rn Chauncey Wright andlittle ughber are at the parent-nl..McDonald home for | few YI. mince leaving the hospital -f B.y,Mr.and Mrs. Leslie Thompson .daughter spent Sunday nits# ~n at the parental,Frankompsonhome. Wlll Thompson and non, Edwnzd. ~mpanled by John Aronlon and Aro ns on dr ove o ve r e o ss ou r i Va lle y S un da y a fte rn oo n d w l e d a t th e A .A .Aro ns on m e . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barry spentnday at the James Thompson. me.James Thompson drove to Teka- :M nday morning with hisuglui, Mix: Eileen, who benches ere.Mrs. [ester Ducker is teachingrMrs. Loftln Stewart at the cCnrthy school.We an sorry r M n .Stewart as she had w tum m Lincoln for medioalcareaccount of fallllng health.Mr.and Mrs, Hans Andersentertalned a number oi relative~ their home lust Sunday: - ' m m e c. Sa. n.,.s|. noma- Northbound No. 4 6:55 A. M. dlily No. 2 2:00 P. mL duly (exwvf Sundny) Suulhbaund No. 1\11:49 A. M. dllly No. 8*7:40 P. M. daily (exept Sun ;y) C h i n n &:r1l:lw¢ahr\ W u !un N o . 1 1 1 8 : 8 6 ' \ , . ; ' ? ; d g i l y n No. 122 6:80 P. M.ly B u s y B u n n The daily average of notes madea t the bureau of engraver and printing is 3,860,000 pieces.the money value o r whi c h In $l3,3E0.» mo. .¢r (.~ . £Z ;\" l f . 1 9 n » nrr q . . ¢ }" 1.**?""F - : f . ' 9 ' - i .f : w Q y i .. 3 y . 1 a :m y <. ..»i ?\ . 1 ng ;/ I §s .~ r ~~1.. ~ . ~ ~f ' S m i 1 e ~ ' C i ~e 1 i t t h e .A c h e - ; _ _ . . . I ' D x 'e Ordinary pai ns-head- ache and neuralgia, muscu-lar pains, functional pa ins, the headache and congested fe eli ng o f 81 cold i n the he a dwho w quic kly they di sa ppe arwhe n yo u take a tablet or tum of 'n n . n n . . £ : s ' a a »I a » . ~ Dr.Miles' Asgair-Mint in thenew, stable, mint-flavored tablet that is making people all over the country "Smile nt. the Ache" 15c and 25c at your dmg stora *a o g g _EL¥EI *$~|iam~ .;wa r51o§);;'SE'é;bl~c¥€ h wdbing for naw is the dgnxl.AJ- ready the great mu: o f pe o ple are confident that farm knda die: an inviting field for investment covering A long period.This is | natural aztitude;even under the pre unt level o l farm products ,| |~|'._~»f a S ~~ ~~~¢ s § § ; . . u mmm u mmm, me p r o m mm which stlya in the mmufacturing auummrf.Then loo, Nebrukana mustsendbuke nnfo r thasspro- ducts on which they man pay tha hansporution in addition to loa- i n ~ t h e ~ t ..._b~ h wdbing for naw is the dgnxl.AJ- ready the great mu: o f pe o ple are confident that farm knda die: an inviting field for investment covering A long period.This is | natural aztitude;even under the pre unt level o l farm products ~ if"I §~ |-';;1 |\~ 5 ||;'» _._-,'~~nt \__0' u mmm u mmm, me p r o m mm which stlya in the mmufacturing auummrf.Then loo, Nebrukana mustsendbuke nnfo r thasspro- ducts on which they man pay tha hansporution in addition to loa- i n ~ t h e ~ t ..._b~md Mrs. Hermm Ndsbn ns spent Snndsy dmmoonr. and Mn. Allred Skov.md Mrs. James Larsen ofpen! Sundly saemoonnnd mth Mr. l11 d Mn. Indo n . .m em os N o u s igs school and ~ any mm me sowmg °;g~' s een.A 80-!oot oxwmdon the le! Edd M the ball diamond wasmade by i i lli nglnths ls ke ba nks whlc h-ww the fi e ld.A 6-inch |ly¢l'~ u l b l s c k s o i l w u a l s o p h c d o n ¢-ha diamond md dl low spots in Y-he outfield; filled in.The worstchpledons in the parking groundswere filled md many places were leveled.The dunngs whic h wu done as me agricultural lull by the mogm new sio nn was also I l cI |zJ a| DIFFERENT modgram oveh (870 F.)from 80 no 40 minutes;Yield: 10 aenrinzl. Vary your muffins occasionally _ Every one will appreciate novel~ How 'ro AvlomHu, particularly when they are as 1 "SPRING FEVER" delicious as the lollowing: Date Muffins Two cups special cake flour, sifted; 4 teaspoons baldng powder, yi teaspoon salt,4 tablespoons sugar,%cup milk,1 egg,well beaten;4 tablespoons butter or other shortening, melted; 1 cup od dates, seeded and sliced.sin. flour once, measure, add baking powder, salt,and sugar, and silt again. Combine milk and egg and add to flour, beating until smooth.Addshorteninganddates.Bake in greased muffin pan; in moderate oven (375 F.) 80 minutes.Makes 18 small muffins. Grape-Nuts Orange Muffins Two cups spednl cake flour sift- ed, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 2 tablespoons butter or other shortf ening,%cup sugar,2 eggs well beaten, % cup orange iuuloe, grat- ed rind 1 orange, 1 cup grape~nuts', The onions that "bloom in the' spring tra la!', and |11 the other things that thll delightfully balmy season brings are to quote o popu- lar song, "just around the corner-1 waiting tor you!" But before this joyous season urriires, it wo ld behoove the most of ns to éet teady for if by see- ing that our bodies are function- ing properly, 'and well able to withstand onslaught ot the changing season."Spring fewler," that ancient and time-honored ailment we were wont to dose with the dark brown horror to sul hur and molasses, is not so mythical as we think.It is really an outyward evidence of the depleted stale of our bodily "tone" an outward Bl!" of lack of stored- up vimminea and energy,that sometimes accompanies the inac tive winter months. The wav. (hen. to avoid spring I r l m n w e n l u e i u n m a n e p u n n . £ . * ! E ' 3 l ° 2 . ! ~ ! ° ' : f . * 2 ' ; = ;-w »W m m m m e l a ° ° ! _ ! \' .ne wgn scnwl umm wussdwiththegoldmedal,rlnner in recent tourney in H. W. Schoettger spoke for h and responses were made school team "gf Sept. Gil-htenkamp and or the wvm 7 Clifford Decker.Others program were Rupert Pet-ho gave a rndi ng Ind Cady, who gave a comet)r.Ievlne of Omaha, also m "Nutrltio nh About 60 reseht and the Ladies' Cir- ved a dinner preceding the mtnber of kelatlveo undnmber of friends and rela~ lelped Allie Schmidt cele- is birthday Sunday evening. and Mrs. Vemon Marshall nyd drove to Topeka, Kan.1 for a few days on budneesmgMrs.Herbert Davey and (ew days last week in Norfolkwith her sister, Mrs. A. T. Hutch- inson and Mr. Hutchinson. Mrs. Wm. J. Ludwig entertained a group of neighbors at her home' h w w y afternoon.Mrs.GlenNelson was a guest oi honor and the guests presented her with a number of pretty glltl.The aft- ernoon was spent in vidting overthdr sewing.Gray Bemis of Omaha, was arecent gg-= of his deter,Mrs.Ralph ger. Mrs. Harold Weber, assisted by Mrs. Adrian J, Edgar, were hosv eases tn the Ernanon Club at theWeber home Tuesday evening. The Ladies' Circle held a mon enjoyable afi dr at Q1ne ChapelWednesday evening when they en-tertained their husbands at s 6:30dinner.After dinner a progrmn .__.,__.__._... .. a leJn sI 1:I d} d < I |1 11l1 I 1 I S i f t . f l o u r o n c e ,m e a s u r e ,a d d b a k -f e v e r - - a n d I h e f e f o r e t h e !. .. . _ -. A nn In n n n ¢ |c ; f l n d | | i l |CP PB TH A n z - . -A.".....!..2...L...L n » y J ean gf Ly nc h, visited th a :mu CUHLEMB were emoy ea.500915t o f th e w e e k a t t h e md th ir ty c au p le s we re pr e se n t. . mn home.M H P a n d m a n ¢ ' | l l . f . . . . . . l ~ A ~A w h 1| 13 fi &'é '» ¥¥ 3 ¥& "f`1¥3¥»5E»¥\=>`F `2521 ';uE.;.1 i ; ' . ? 1 ` i " § : ; ? ' ; 7 ; . . , : ; . ; " . , § ° , i g a i J r ;. , ; " ; u ; ; 2 ' ; " . ; 1 ; ' " " ~ sg r a d u a l i y , a n d c r e a m b g e t h e r m l o f t h e m i n e r a l s a n d vi t a m i n e s m o n e y p r o f i t a b l y i s i n T' ""'"put Nebraska firmly on me map HQQEFQulwesg as one of the important units of |R w g°"°_g;,;' aim great Unitefi States.an;f ; F q . bg \buck gf Fremont, 1 ' oreslg Mm ; m n cnnm coonm c w vlmt Freeman r-'rum nnMONs'rRATIONS Dr. P. L m..|.,'. .W... mmuma Anna Hagen-lmve to Carroll>ecker Sunday. 5 parents,Mr. y of David City ~ E n ~ The McCarthy Ladies' Progres- dvg Club met Thursday afhlrnoon livht and flI.lff3/.Ad d e g gs ;tneninn onuuur v fnlh| »nlth.ldBDl°088foll.T116 IBVQl 5n°"r'""'"""t°iY with cringe juice "`E:`§§é§'§éE]§B and fruits chgxnge once it pa§aes and rmd,a smail amount.at " would be Dlentiful in the diet, ofEx-ne.Bcat after each addition until smooth.Fold in grape nuts. Bake in greased muffin pans in hot oven (425 F.) 25 minutes. Makes 12 muffins. \course.An added murce ol en- ergy for v-he last (ew cold wu- Lher months1 may be nicely sup- ,nxpfu Wm an abundance of those L.AST SURWVOR OF ~BI1FAMOUS NAVAL BA'r'rLE Mr. Hoff, the Assistant Exten- Sv t h A cul»_J i m . , H .Mc Ke nz i e. r es i de nt o i I ° n . E . P ' n e e r £ o { n :..er:r.£{i£»..'P Ld Mrs. F. c. Cad ent 'Monday henMiss Evelyn Bla; jspendine the w I 2.with Hrs. Ludwig Jensén.Seven-ckburn of Crete, teen members were present and eek with home three visitors.Mrs Mordtt CfmltI,...-....._....._ __ _ __foods which Dned fm! are extrem supply iron calcium for besides o vitaminea Here a supply the essentials. data in particular, y helpful,for they the teeth and bones, er minerals,and the and B.the excellent spring ecipcs, nll uaranteed good enough to dispel any memories of sulphur uml molas s.Notice that' many of them contain rhubarb, a favor- ite spring imc delicacy. Rlmlxnrh Vnnilv the Dixon county farm at Ponca, is believed bo be the last survivor of the famous naval battle between ,observed his 90th birthday n few dnys ago.Although a Civil war vcteran he served for another msn and has no way of establishing his right to a pension. McKenzie is a native of Scot- land He ew u in the Scottish home at 17 and joined a regiment or the red corpuscles,ho Monitor and Men-imsc.Ha tural college, win ne in "s=.....,,-ton county on Aprll Brd lo assist milk and cream producers, who are desirous of installing a reinforced concrete cooling tank,with xn- formntion regarding the amount of raw material, the most convenient location for the cooling tanks, and other questions ss muy arise. Mr.Hoff will come buck to Washington county on April 30th and May lst to assist with the installing of cooling tanks at the gr pshipynnls.He ran away from uf Scottish Highlanders.lla de-John S. Hooks' farm, seven miles L _ _ .f m,.e- ._ii....:\ unch _Mr-.and Mrs. IrvCity,are visitingMrs. Jake Adams. Mr.and M n .v spent Sunday atthe home of her si Hughes.Mr. Huglill, remains about Dunne Cady,nrcollege clnssmntc, Redfield,S.D.,c day from Ames, there on Tuesday Dr. nnd Mrs.IIasSundnvonmxn iks.of ~ m lvsf N bum n I ''nm m m m '¢i'»¥'» dnfughter, ,,g,;.,,_,,, ~ and -i 1'vn\»u f|1"|n lrnnwr: thxit hut Iem» Id and cold ll beverage 1.moment, tic lemon's Lusted. dingy, putwater with Heat ud- Rinse in uc- as usual. :eyes of the sz made of nice. tics become hem with a juice, then m add three: delxcious lunch served by the enm-Will Reckmeyer mit we.The ne xt me eting will be David Cit y,aluheld at t h e D a n Thompson home s wf , Mr s . A . L .wi t h Mr s .Me r to n W inc hell an dhe s , wh o is ve ry lMrs . Hay e s Rp s e nb u lm o n s ewi n g th e mme .set. :compnnuiwl b y a Mrs . W . G. Hal- Ha an is rep orted E n r l W a lk e r o f a s i mp r o wn g n i c e ly an d seve ral a m n ho me Fr i-friends c alled to see he r Su nd ay . la w n ,re tur n in g A m o n g th e m we re Mr s .W m. .'Th omp son u ni Fx- uxc es , Mrs. J o hn M.Bloc h hn d _A r o ns o n a n d E my le . Mr. a nd Mr s .I. el Bl II l( ; ;» ; J . . . L . .r .-.- on ad e i s go o d fo r a c o lemonade is a n e xc elle: for a ho t sla y . D o n o t th i n k f o r z liowever,th a t th e li t uses SITQ so easily exhe W hen towels be c ome th e m i n n p u n of c o ld aonp : md le mon juic e. uu lly lo boiling point. luke w;1 rm water ond bl To c lean the hi tc k piano,ru b wi t p a s t xarhflening and lemon j' *When a lu mi n u m Ret d u ll or blac k,clean tl c loth dipped i n le mo n ri n s e i n wor m wa te r . W h en whi pp in g er en I n l On e pou 'A pi n k rhubarb,1 c up sugar, 1 c shredded cocolmut,2 s v egg whil/c s W a s h rhub arb a n d ~ c u t wi th o u peeling in to 96 inc h pieces.P li c e rh ub ar b an d su ga r i n tightly f c overed snuc epnn an d c ook over lpw heat un til jui c es be- gi n to f lo w;Un c o ve r an d c o ok to the c onsistdnc v of mnrmnlade_ stir- uI l E s Mr. and M~.Bloch and M r . ~Mrs. Eickhoff of Fremont The members of the Nerry GoRoundClubmotorcdtoFremont on Saturday evening where they enjoyed a dinner served by the Spring 'Things New Spring Hats..........,...$l.00 and $1.39 New fast color Dresses,verypretty, each...-__.__..,--__.,-...._... 1.00 Some nice Girls' Dresses--.,50c and $1.00 Full Fashioned Slk Hose for Spring..-..,....--,,.--._.._75c and $1.00 New Jewelry,.Be1t Slides, Belts, Beads, Handkerehiefs, etc.. New Panels and Curtains.Comein and see them.--...50c, 79c and 1.00 EASTER CANDY AND NOVELTIES B L A I R Acm-:T S'ronE Fwy a}twndeQ the basketlgall game La te r they retu~ried ~th e h ome o f D r .and Mr s . W .I . Ne ls o n f o r bridge.P r imes we re mo n b y Dr .and Mr s . B lo c h a n d Mr . a n d Mr s . C.W .An dr ews. . , Mr . a n d Mr s . Or i n B a tc h e lo r o f B a r 'T ranc h,Me r r i ma n and Mr . a n d Mr s .J o h n Dod son o f Pr i m- ro se , wer e g ue s ts o f Mr. an d Mrs . F .J .Emerson seve ral day s la s t week. Mr .a n d Mr s .W m .Steen,Sr. entertained a t din ner Sun day f o r Mr .an d Mr s .E d Ti m m ,Mr .a n d |:' 1 John Fedde, all of Elkhorn. John H.Keech and Miss Mar garet A. Jgnea of Pithburgh, Pa ernoon,Dr.Raymond C.Swisherperfonningthe ceremony.Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Encrson wenttoLincolnThursdayto visit the latter's sister,Mrs.Ray Batson, who is in thg hospital. The P.T.A.og the Whi§ford |.;:' program at the school house Fri Mr s .Finc h f r o m Blai r. Mi s s Car olotta Tr i tz and Alic e an d Bo b Rasmussen o f Oma ha , we re Su n da y d i nn e r g ue s ts at th e E lme r Tr u h ls e n home.Af ter n oo n \ ANCE _AT K m g ' s a v i l i o n Ia North of Blair on Highway Nu. 5 Sat.,March 28th MUSIC BY DAMON'S H A R M O N I A N S of Omaha, Nebraska GOOD FLOOR GOOD MUSICGOOD ORDER supervisor of the 0.E.S.from Mr. and M~.Bloch and M r . ~Mrs. Eickhoff of Fremont The members of the Nerry GoRoundClubmotorcdtoFremont on Saturday evening where they enjoyed a dinner served by the Spring 'Things New Spring Hats..........,...$l.00 and $1.39 New fast color Dresses,verypretty, each...-__.__..,--__.,-...._... 1.00 Some nice Girls' Dresses--.,50c and $1.00 Full Fashioned Slk Hose for Spxing..-..,....--,,.--._.._75c and $1.00 New Jewelry,.Be1t Slides, Belts, Beads, Handkerehiefs, etc.. New Panels and Curtains.Comein and see them.--...50c, 79c and 1.00 EASTER CANDY AND NOVELTIES B L A I R Acm-:T S'ronE Fwy a}twndeQ the basketlgall game La te r they retu~ried ~th e h ome o f D r .and Mr s . W .I . Ne ls o n f o r bridge.P r imes we re mo n b y Dr .and Mr s . B lo c h a n d Mr . a n d Mr s . C.W .An dr ews. . , Mr . a n d Mr s . Or i n B a tc h e lo r o f B a r 'T ranc h,Me r r i ma n and Mr . a n d Mr s .J o h n Dod son o f Pr i m- ro se , wer e g ue s ts o f Mr. an d Mrs . F .J .Emerson seve ral day s la s t week. Mr .a n d Mr s .W m .Steen,Sr. entertained a t din ner Sun day f o r Mr .an d Mr s .E d Ti m m ,Mr .a n d |:' 1 John Fedde, all of Elkhorn. John H.Keech and Miss Mar garet A. Jgnea of Pithburgh, Pa ernoon,Dr.Raymond C.Swisherperfonningthe ceremony.Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Encrson wenttoLincolnThursdayto visit the latter's sister,Mrs.Ray Batson, who is in thg hospital. The P.T.A.og the Whi§ford |.;:' program at the school house Fri Mr s .Finc h f r o m Blai r. Mi s s Car olotta Tr i tz and Alic e an d Bo b Rasmussen o f Oma ha , we re Su n da y d i nn e r g ue s ts at th e E lme r Tr u h ls e n home.Af ter n oo n \ ANCE _AT K m g ' s a v i l i o n Ia North of Blair on Highway Nu. 5 Sat.,March 28th MUSIC BY DAMON'S H A R M O N I A N S of Omaha, Nebraska GOOD FLOOR GOOD MUSICGOOD ORDER supervisor of the 0.E.S.from Later they returried to ht e homeof Dr. and Mrs. W. I. Nelson forbridge.Prizes were won by Dr.and Mrs. Bloch and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Andrews. .,Mr. and Mrs. Orin Batchelor ofBar 'T ranch,Merriman and Mr.and Mrs.John Dodson of Prim- rose, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.F.J.Emerson several days lastweek.Mr.and Mrs.Wm.Steen,Sr. entertained at dinner Sundn foryMr. and Mrs. Ed Timm, Mr. and New fast color Dresses,very pretty, each...__.__.....,-...._.. 1.00 Some nice Girls' Dresses.,50c and $1.00 Full Fashioned Slk Hose for Spring...,....m,.,._.._75c and $1.00 New Jewelry,.Be1t Slides, Belts, Beads, Handkerchiefs, etc. New Panels and Curtains.Come in and see them.-...50c, 79c and 1.00 EASTER CANDY AND NOVELTIES BLAIR .|~ John Fedde, all of Elkhorn. John H.Keech and Miss Mar garet A. Jgnea of Pithburgh, Pa ernoon,Dr.Raymond C.Swisherperfonningthe ceremony.Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Encrson wenttoLincolnThursdayto visit the latter's sister,Mrs.Ray Batson, who is in thg hospital. The P.T.A.og the Whi§ford |.;:' program at the school house Fri BLUE RIBBON TANKAGE $2.65 K.w.~ ~o C h i c k S t a r t e r e"Q~'LQ czLaE4 F n r s t ~ i f ~,eg 5 E EO 3 :A Second Sack.,.......,...,.,_...$2.90 We use VITAMILK and KRACO in our ~'Chick Starter and Growing Mash.Be sure ~Q that you feed these two milk factors. b.0 gg 'Murphy's Hog Mineral $5.40 per hundred BRING YO UR snmn nw, OAT o 3v-1w rn _IO BS T o us As rr mn "oL5E5 a =a Phone 98 The B l a i r Fe e d M i l l KUHR and wmonfrl Props. gg I-lULuNcANnn::l:nmxmc~ Vinton Ev lfevrolet Co 1 ___qlll'¢ » n h 0 un ¢Q ,0 g g a ¢ A u P ' l i 6 € 8 F . 0 . B . F l i n t , ~ a n d ~ I M . " lohlnlnadiygfalinanunb¢n.lmdood,Hud¢¢»audfa Cbwnzldnvdsdxhqknputuvudysarahm byq n a d m a w m m m m r w q a s W I H N D # bdldlr of dx-qlhdlr mach and soaaorciul can. lN l | 1 l " | l \ | l l N.$Il~l\lvll DANCE AT King's P a v i l i o n 8 Mlla North of Blair on Highway Nu. 5 Sat.,March 28th MUSIC BY DAMON'S H A R M O N I A N S of Omaha, Nebraska GOOD FLOOR GOOD MUSICGOOD ORDER supervisor of the 0.E.S.from Chevrolet is the world's largest builder of six-cylinder trucks '._||5,;§U\ll"'IZ¥L€ll|Illln1 lDllHiHllllll||||m"|"|lé ;§:%f:»;1ni':i,:~_. l=.§=§~;-g.§"'{\.L. L=w i f ; g .|1 ~ ~~u\\\w»~~~ ~ Q ~\\ r ~ ~ Whcnvor you go-on :ity mee! or country mod-you BndChavm|¢f dx-cylinder muck: vary much In eviddlos lngg hull ok Chev-mints an cavodnq *ho mfiw for w f"'~. . . ~ or I o ur ur op s 0 1 lemon J uice Lo u. c u p of c re a m to ma k e i t sti f f a n d f i r m. A tea spo on of lemon juic e add- e d to th e wa te r i n wh i c h la mb o r wml fo r stew is c oo ki n sr will ad d ri n g frequé ntiy .A d d gug31 an d br in g in g th e M£Il'1il01'to c ompie- cool.F o ld cold mi xtu r e and ea tion,Mc K enz ie was a ssi gn ed w c up coc oanilt i n to sti f f ly beaten th a t bo at an d wa s a me mb e r u i e g g wh i ms ;P i le wh i p in to aher»the c r e w wh e n th e Strange loo k- he t glas s es ' sp ri n kle wi th re ma in -in g c ra ft wi th its r evvoi vi n g tu r re tV..... ..... .nrrivnd nf I'lnrnnlnn Dhnnrlnu uhn\'Li §§é¢`§G§nr§" 5521-iimilixniiimd é i e a ml du r i ng th e h o t d a y s a n d n i g h ts o f su mme r .I t Ms n pr even t freez- in g i n wi n te r . Iet's produce what the c o1{sum_er! Q t h é ~a n d = = = = » » = f f » = - » ~a 1 . . : : '. 1 . ° ; f ' ; : , . . : " . : ; '. , : : : : ' : : , = : . " :. ;V ; ~. . . . . . . | . .. . . . . f . . - | | . -- . . . |¢ s n A n u n s ;~ ag: ;;.;a;§g;z °.;;;""';.;;:;;:'§, 'w;»t;= §';°.,; The new arrival cast anchor iw ee o 0 l th e stra nded Min ne so ta ha d been r u n aur nn nd h v ~ another spoke in thanl farm relief. _ . . - - n m u n N O V E L R I C E D I S H E S Ma n y wo me n d o n o t appreciate th e fa c t th a t dozens o f unusual and hea lthf ul dishes ma y b e prc - par ed wi th rice as a b an e.He r e are two recipes th a t are partic u- larly Reasonab le now: Ric h an d C hees e Roll r n \1 Q . . A llmul: .Hung egg youLu unu mu: c upo f mi lk .'Th is recipe wi ll ma k e six genero s servings.Th i s ma y be mad e 'th an y f ru i t wh i c h h a s a ta r t f in or an d d e c i d ed c o lor . S u p B r a n Bre ad One a nd on eh a! f' c u ps d ar k c o rn sy rup,1 ffm soda,1 %c ups sour milk, 1% tups bran, 'Sri c up seeded ivi si n s, 2 tsp s . b ak i ng po wde r ,'fi behinc whi c h th e wh e n to c or th e d i n g t behm. its g er n HAPPENINGS __ _ _ - -_ - - _- , . , - . . _ - - . ." dMer ri ma c .N e x t mo r n i n g th e Me r r i ma n ste amed ou t np le to the d es tru c tio n be gu naybefore,th e Mo n i to r ,f l y - ' Mr-:Hart Marsh has been on he Union jack, darted from §[;1.''§},"é,.e"§,§'§,H a large attend- cl cover and opened fire on ance present.The hostess served iant adversary.The south- a lovely lunch.The next meeting crew,taken by surprise will be held with Mrs. Niels Ras- puy named the Monitor the mussen Ang;S b rt Ra musson kee cheese-lox on a raft.".I M*+""R fn. h°T§ rsdas M m 2 battle winch was the first \1'f'"ff'__° 292 ,'LL ,§';_1.... 1 cheese, l egg, 1 teaspoon salt, 'th cayenne, 1 tbsp. milk, more needed:it cup chopped nuts, 56 p bread crumbs, 2 cups tomato ucc.Mix ingredients in order med,adding enough milk to oisten,Shape and roll in the mbs.Bake in moderate oven minutes or until xx.golden mm in color.Slice and serve `tl\ tomato sauce. Chicken and Rice Souffle One and one-half cups dioed 'cken, llup cooked rice, 56 c\-VP ieken gravy, 2 eggs, beaten. Mix lcken and rice.Season with salt d molsten well with gravy,ndd- g more i !needed.Add well aten yolks and carefully fold in e beaten whites.Bake in a oderatn oven until golden brown top. mmc n BOX TICKLERS Tickle the pnlabes of.the chil-ren and father by plal:ing un- sual titbits in the lunch box. ere are two very unusw and ~rtlculsr recipes that call for eh popular fooch ns dates, eggs, oney and bran: Honey Date Bare Tvvo cups dates,seeded and hopped fine, 1,5 cup nut meats cut ihe, 2 eras beaten light, 56 cup oney,$5 cup flour,1 teaspoon nking powder,55 cup ndl<bran. tix well, bake 20 minutes in mod- rate oven (375 F.).Serve with roam, whipped or plain.May be ~lled in powdered sugar and erved.Yield: 12 servings. Bran Ginger Cake 0ne~!ourth cup shortening,% up sugar, 1 egg, 1 cup all-bran, ss cups flour,56 teaspoon SIR. teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon gin- ~r, 2 teaspoons cinnamon. 'A cup our milk, K cup molasses. Cream ortenlng and sugar together. dd the egg; beet well.Add the ron.Mlx and si ft the dry in- dlents and add them to the rst mixture, alternately with the cep \bran.l Mix liquids, add bran,raisins Ml, dry ingredients/ Bake in oiled loaf pan 45 minutes start- ing at 300 F. for l5 minutes, in- creasing o0 850 F. and 400 F. for the last 30 minutes. la w n S a l a d One-hal! pkg. pasteurized dates, l pkg. cilemn cheese,lettuce,2 tbsps.chopped parsley,2 tbsps.seedless lralsins,salad dressing. Mines parsley by forming the leav- es into alcompact ball and cutting with scistors.Mash cheese with a fork and' add parsley and raisins. Molsten if necessary with cream or salad dressing.Stuff pitted dates with cheese mixture and serve on lettuce with favorite salad dressing.4 servings. §prlug Conlerve One and one-hw ibn. rhubarb, 3 cups QUE".1 pkg. pasteurized dates,ap broken nut meats, 2 tbspl. o ge juice, 1 tbsp. grated orange rind,55. cup broken nut menu.Cook the rhubarb. out in inch pieces,sugar,dates, orange rind and juice until thick, about 45 minutes.Add the nuts.Pour into jelly glasses. Cool, Cover with melted paralfin.Fills aboutfour 8 ounce jelly glasses. Rhubarb Betty Two qups soft bread crumbs,2 tbsps. hitter.8 cups rhubarb,1 cup sugar,ic tsp.dnnamon,'A tsp. nutmeg, 1 pkg. shredded eo- coanut, l orange.Malt butter aidadd crumbs, mix sugar, spice, or- ange rind and cocoanut.Put i t of crunibs in bottom of buttered baking ldsh;then V.rhubarb; sprinkle with V;sugar mixture; add one}quarter ol crumbs and re- mainder of the rhubarb and sugar mklmra Sprinkle orange juice over tlds and put rest of crumbs over top.Cover closely and bake 45 minutes in moderately hot oven .490 F.).Uncover and brown quieklyq Serve plain or with hard orfoamyaauoe-8 e r v e a 6 t o 8 people.'` ny~ T to las rim supbox fig » wa Ind In~ his crolos ~. NE ati at fel ga sl'~L.. re~ muh~ an reaNe shi I l ln fum land u a safe and pro- duble§investment.There a n mnny who regard land naw aa ollering the sspects of a good speaxlmlion who are watching the dhntlon for the flnt definite uf sunnes dnt the upward tum hu some.The minute thll dna div eems ¢hls upward movement they will be agdn lnvustan wlth tha speculqtivg feature uppermost ln their minds.All that ¢-My are \ ll ll Ll latter's sister,Mrs.Ray Batson, who is in thg hospital. The P.T.A.ug the Whi§ford . ... WHEN YOIPRE HUNGRY Walt's Place Coffee Sandwiches Hamburgers Cigarettes Cigars Candy Walter Petersen, Prop At the former Dew Drop Inn Location NEBBASKA PROGRESS ASSOCIATION The Nebraska Progress Associ- ation which wus formed recently at Lincoln, la the answer ta along felt need for a hun-polltical or- ganization to cany on a deflnlm prornm of sta¢e dsvelopment. Business men, professional men and farmers of Nelmuka have realized for A long time that too much of our hard earned money has been going back ia the east and that eastern states have been resplng the greatest proflts from Nebraska agriculture. We raise our crops which sro shipped east to be made into man- |.;:' program at the school house Fri BLUE RIBBON TANKAGE $2.65 K.w.~ ~o C h i c k S t a r t e r e"Q~'LQ czLaE4 Fnrst sack.,..., ....,.,.,.._..$a.oo i f ~,eg 5 E EO 3 :A Second Sack.,.......,...,.,_...$2.90 We use VITAMILK and KRACO in our ~'Chick Starter and Growing Mash.Be sure ~Q that you feed these two milk factors. b.0 gg 'Murphy's Hog Mineral $5.40 per hundred BRING YO UR snmn nw, OAT o 3v-1w rn _IO BS T o us As rr mn "oL5E5 a =a Phone 9 8 T h e B l a i r Fe e d M i l l KUHR and wmonfrl Props. gg I-lULuNcANnn::l:nmxmc~ |1 ~h U 'Rasmussenustedourours before the Mer 'Mor an Resmuo-._.~Mr. and Mrs.gnmac boned to its smaller but sen and baby of Arlington,spenf.supedor adversary.The cheese- Thumb at the nrentah I-Ieniybox had proved to be an e1flciQntl,\_ Rhsnlussen hgme,when Mrs. fighting craft.'RasmAxssen attended Club.McKenzie came west after the Mrs. Dewey Holstein spent last war and was connected with we.Tl\\l1'BdBY aftemoon at the paren- lndian service as butcher for ¢al W- ~ |:°V¢'lf:;ilCk home.ed goIndian agents.He is the last of'rs.°P ie rsen returnhis family and soon the bnve her home Thl""d°y after 59995153 _the wink/er with her daughter, Mr.-J.crew_o!the Monitor will have George Christ and fam]atCraig. lost lts last earthly represents-=Mr.and Mrs. Olivery Thomsen attended the Blsbee School Com-tive. of Omaha, Nebraska Louis Rasmussen delivered twomom Row Crop tractors Frlday.Mr.and Mrs.Paul Bmderson are nicely settled on the Fred Christiansen farm.They are neartheirdaughter,Mrs.Hans. Muffthiesen, Jr. and family and thi!!! other two daughters live ne l! Blair. Miss Thelma Van* DeVenter spent Sunday at the Robert Ru. mussen hm-ne.Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Enfield and baby wer; Sunday vldmrs at thelapis Rasmussen home.ldrs.Rob. Rasmussen and children were alsocallers. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Vicwr Holstein spent Sunday with their cousins, the children of Mr. GOOD FLOOR GOOD MUSICGOOD ORDER supervisor of the 0.E.S.from AWAITING THE SIGNAL There is mlchroney awaiting ilnvestment in (arm lands. WHEN YOIPRE HUNGRY Walt's Place Coffee Sandwiches Hamburgers Cigarettes Cigars Candy Walter Petersen, Prop At the former Dew Drop Inn Location with The Chu£¢1{é§ A8 TOLD BY 'mmm msmns OBIT UARY ' l -\ \ u ~ n n »l u n -» s u - - n - r. - f .'J" 1f n ,~ .-1 recovery.day dtamoon .at 'two o'c1ock, the pastor, Bear. WY. B. Pnrdun, ~ 76 ~ old Slhzrday s o friends.H fommb f n h l l 8\1l1h!G'\mil1¥» breaking .her right um.She was tnk mb y mf lr uln na to t be hnmm- n d hnxpitnl in ~Omaha Monday u l dren, and.hnr.mu;y irimdn whose bent! 30 .nut .in ~pgthy to .tlwla i n the i r ~hpux of bereavement. nerguest.|ofMr.a ndMu.Hen11r Sorensen.In the afternoon Mr. ° "`"n l n ... Hr.andHrs.CarlSoren|»sna§1d ' r . ~m m Grimm *And*'Hill EthylCummings of Hmqm. _ chosen as expert erfdc Judge forthis debate.Ac the end of theIntheStateDistrictDebating ed the negeativ~ and ttamouth ith The Chu£¢h¢§ A8 TOLD BY 'mmm msmns 76 yum old Slhzrday so friendsan especially umcernsd ibmstbsr recovery.Hn. Clifton Anderson and chil- dren dl Téknmxh, wen Sltunlny~Y/ara nt Eze pue nw,Georgelargm: 'home and Carol Anderson itrvlfl fm' a wee'k's visit Miss Birdie Hnrdum went mDmiha Tnesdsy when Mis: Em-mnline HB: ma Dr. Hex-mm Hub dum joined her and went so Un# coin to ttiend the Me trv pdi w open.They had dinner with Miss Myrtle Huxdum and friends of fommb f n h l l 8\1l1h!G'\mil1¥» breaking .her right um.She was tnk mb y mf lr uln na to t be hnmm- n d hnxpitnl in ~Omaha Monday ¢u r 1 I I o feel hav-wily the bur- wo r k o f th e churc h rng eme nt.W e ha d Su nd ay Sc hool an d Sc hool off eri ng ave~ fi vn c en ts p er p up il. Y. P. `U's. 1had.~;.n at- thirty -i'ive.Th e a t- 'll-n-»¢uu~n||nu»»u r - ¥ n - | ¢ _ n _u ¢ s u - - n - f.°.*n J "V -ann' UARY .Nlmy ;Ca\lm~lne Gregory was.-1 ' r . 1 ; ~m m Grimm *And*'Hill EthylCummings of Hmqm. _ the Bam .mmemm~.-» Final Liquidation Price.:i n affect all ova' Bae xwra light now as the hign.\e»ndn.Sahmdaynight 'April 4¢.h.Fashion Cenwr.10-ii No mai nt 'ind ya n ne ed y oul za n b u y i t a x a b i g n s i n g a zt h e Fashion Cenizr in E l k 'during happy,~pxheringf and All mua bgn and di c e - beucn ul the ehurds are mfgvd w be present.f Church School I! Ho olclozi. Theyoungpeoplufgroupme n a t 8:80.' dren, and.hnr.mu;y irimdn whose bent! 30 .nut .in ~p¢ uhy m.um, 1 n1 1 » ¢ n-ua hpur of hefeavement._-P&neml services wore held at day dtamoon .at 'two o'c1ock, the pastor, Bear. WY. B. Pnrdun, ~ 1931 being nz me time ol her death 63 years :nd 22 dly; of lse- She came to Nebraska with her parmts\when six years of nge. The trip here 'Ming made i n a .wvenad 'wagn- She vu uni hd i n ma ndate to Alonzo M.Fuiey, :Sept 10, 1885. Qi Bliim nmnnrvna ulIm ru.;|¢lllr mellt _neld at Fremont lui §`.§"'.."I I.f.'l"'1'$"`2|.Z""L.Z2 T. \ u tvmlmn a z we&>,?;|""%1ivZ,"°§C.'£Lf. were ML and h m .Clnwce simpson.Mr.und | " " ~Clyde Metzler and U.S. Reeves...h Cruts gerMr. a nd "i f JMQPM . nudlirs uf emmn r -m m n mu f . n n i n .and Mrs. Slmrdxy,the Blnir high schooldehaters sux-priied every one by going to the finals of the district champimnhlp.with the exltelltion ol one member of the team every member was new to the debating lqvlld this year,Hence.um " _ -..W - . .Wm U.we ¢n.=»»--=ever judged.He gave the deddon to Plattsrnouth. In the third debate of like dlY| Bldr was pitted against Snydbl' who upheld the negative aide of the question.In`this debate Blair .,.;:_I..Sumrhv 1|m`r`Hé¢'§'w1 de n o f th- mu c h encr ni ne ty th e Sunday D Q N A A n i i l h n..,=.. .......The two Btendanu o wndanca nl e n sexpardclgarly Our churc Crowell H: emoon.\\ the service of kingdom The Stem eampalgncon'es'pond< and we slu monih of A Pre-East beginning each evenixing at 7:30are mnkinx as public e o! *he PHI; x -. wa. we .........,.,, .....rviee was above normal, 5. :f;°.°';2'*""°°'°'s '. ;'us e a rme service in the alt- Ve who had charge o lsnloyed doing this bit | work. wardship and Eudialment will be carried an hyanceuntilafter Easterall then finish lt,in the \pril. er Evangelistic services Wednesday, will beheld fur at our church bulld»' until after Easier. Wor this personal as well vangelism.The success lic services will depend c a n zs r u s c a n n o n s. a. Harem. Pagan Bible School, 10 A. M. Morning Wonhlp, I1 A. M. Christian Endeavor, 8:80 P. K. Preaching, 7:80 P. H. Mid-week meeting we dnuda m7:80 p. m.| 95 in Bible school; goal fornaxt Sunday, mo. A Problem ay,The Talent, will be presented Sunday evening. a will be espdally interestingto young people.P The topic forlthe Sunday eve~ ning sermon is chosen to meet the l"' ':.:'.; if" Tse In? of five years The outer two are Albert B. ol Dandaen, Iowa and Mrs:E.R. Appleby ol Kennard. She made he home at St. Paul, Neb. for over forty years.ln the fall of 1920 she and her husband came to Kennard to bqnmrerthe children.They have practically made their Mme with the daugh~ ter ever since.. She was a patient sufferer for five years but did not take herbed untll Dec. 14, 1980.From this on she was bedfast. Thirty-five years ago she united with the Church of God and was o ..._.\ml "___u ..-_,J Ioo an end real soon.10-lt DE S OTO L OCA IB Will Seltz and family spent lastweek Saturday ln Omaha, vdsdtingWill's mother and sisters.Charles Harman and sun ol Omaha,was calling at his farm Saturday met at the home of Mrs. CliffordHineline.Mrs.Krogh and Mrs Linden gave the program oi' the extension work, maldng old fumi ture new.After the lesson they gave a kitchen shower for GraceSully Bennett.She received lots nl mmfnl villa On Thursday the Wome'n's Clul dam of Lincoln.Min Flrde spentthenight ln Omaha,retuming home Wednesday. Mrs. T. K. Ivenon and childrenhad dinner Friday with Mr.and Mrs.R. M, Iverson.T. K. shelled eorn_.for Harry Tyson Friday and Monday afternoons.The community extends sym- pathy to Mr. and Mrs.W. J. Sl- morisen in the loss of their ten days old son whose funeral was held Saturday afternoon.Mrs. Si- monsen is at the home of Mrs. Anna Simonsen in Blair, and hasbeen very ill with i1u and pneu- monia but is slowly recovering. Mrs.Byron Beard and Miss Cora Beard spent Wednaday withMrs. Fritz Muller of Burt countyand called at the Chas. Ray home' near Tekamah to see Mrs.Rosa Sean, who is qdte low. Mr.and Mrs.W. J. Bolte and two eonn drove io Bennington on Sunday and had dinner with the family of Mm Bolte's sister, Mrs.Emil Schuman.Elmer Bolle spent the day with Paul Tyson. Mr. and Mrs. liars Paulsen oele-brated their 36th wedding anni- versary Sunday.They attended the christening ceremony ol their Sunday dinner guests of the A. E. Piaon farnily were Mr. and| grandson, James »..i..ls Paulsen attheLutheran clumh of Blair i nl ..._ ._ ._ _-f_.=. . . .-... 5"'""""'"=' se ri e; me mmr de ~3 |g " " " " " ' " " " ' " ' " ' "wp drew the negative dde of j os none, Hair won 2, loet 1:the 'questions-Resolved,that the lney von 1. lost two;Snydernaiilmshoulddisarmexceptfo r'l°"'3.. Nfl forces as are needed fo r'm g lshthe siith consecutive poi.P ses.Valle su year n w lah the Blair debalersthe` Bf;t:1ont.ive.Val y 'il'.°.'"'§ have reached me finals in the ~ strong team thi s y e a r. hm, ~ d i s t nc t debating champion- ing won the consolation toum -''ment by defeating Benson in "fel The Blair affirmative team con- nate wide series held at Fremontisifwd of Roy Christensen,Heed about a month ago.This debate,0l-ianlon and Alice Beekman, cap- Proved very close all the way The tam. The Blair negative team con- flnd decision of the .iudzes was 2-slated of Fredrlcku Matthlesen, t o 1 i n f a v o r o f B l a i r .~< ; § = = = \ ~ » = 1 n n a l i c e B e e k - i s c o n e u e s lI n t h e n e x t r o u n d ,B l a i r m e t w o r k f o r t h e s e a s o n .e d c - b n t l n g ve r y lar ge ly o n y o u r _vzsluuon promerns 01 y o ui n |sI.auncn a n a llr m.neuever anaan d p o r s o ml contac ts.Re me mb er Easter wi ll be ob served with ser-work er in the c hu rc h fro m th en on. K n o wi n g he r c ondi tion she,a t ti me s ma de a r eq u es f o f wh at sh e wo u ld li k e to ha ve done.E ve r y detail was c arr ic d out, of he r wish- 1 . . ._ . . . . . . : | _ | . .f - - J . . . . . \ . - _ . \ . . -v li c f h n tfwitnnettl spIg==§"'i"~""»~ -vices appropfiatef for the day. e are hr una an ee 111se-§§g §" ff" ,§ f*";"<*;;"";;h*t*;@ gg;m n s w L U ' m l = i R A N C H U R C H o ev.to r o f th e Henson Baptist Cfuu-c h,J a mes N. q un d , P a sto r \ l |H u w ; Mr s .Op a l Rec Sc henk attend ed sh ower Thu rs da y . J enn ie W allac e he r d a u g h te r , Mn Ch as . 0 .I-IineliAI. 1 . _ . . . d M L Mrs Clarkson Husk Misses Veraves an rs.' Medownn and Rufh Ll incott] ppcl b and th e L l fd Husk and gick Lippincott.' - - -rs. Annu An reason d fam-§'"X.°§`wZf"""" ily and Bert Edward Nohagf Blair, were Sunday afternoon and su rne 'mi E'9"' Will .,~..¢~¢f. .n mllmff wm.....»»."5.°. I use mu n u u g .n u m :umnen m m (supper guests wer; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christensen nf Blair, Mr. and Mrs.Rudolph Hansen, ChrisAxelguurd and nephew, Roy Chris-tensen of near Kennard,Wallace Husk and Mr. and Mrs. James SPECIALS Lnufrrf Hr. |§n`5f`iff?§ iff-T1lé= `§§|`{1l'§§l§'na j".;f : P*.=:':°'3_:°§.;°'=-..|O m a h a .T h e L o r d w 1 l I u s e h z m".I.. .i.» l...u J.._.......|.I c s ua nur an pouululu. uuvlng nanua 'were Umana Snopfar mI for ha r nlwnvl. lna f n nnlrl An Mr . n m! M m Jr Blair called in the afternoon also. Visitors at the Hugo Hu c khome m see Eugene Bunn who isunder Dr. Burr's care for his in- jured hand,Saturday afbgrnoon were Mrs. J. S. Conety, Miss Mc~Coy, Mrs. Bunn, Mrs. Reeva andchildren and Mrs. Beales. Misa Irma Barge ~ of Herman, =~.eyv lsx~e e -erans' hospital to call on .Claude Van Deusen,Ted Anderson and John Jessen.Mr. and Mrs. Bymn Beard and sons spent Sunday afternoon withMr, and Mrs. Frank Pike of Bl.sir.| Mrs.Whit Wallace and Mn. Opal Reevlén attended f-he shower|Thursday afternoon given by theDe Soto Woman's Club for Mrs. Chester Bennett at the home of Mrs. Clifford Hineline. Sunday dinner guesu of the HJTucker family were Mr. and Mm' w. Dixon vm. whom lin~ mai Sturm dnughter of the Warrick:|| -1-:lim wuz.taking medial ;C o n e t y h o m e .~"v M r .a n d M r s .W m .R u t l e d g y o n d d a u g h t e r ,E d i t h s p e n t S u n d a y g v g v e - n i n g i n T e k a m a h ." i i Mr .and Mr s : - N e u m W arr ic k, Mr s. J oh n Kr ei so r of K an sa s Ci ty , Mr s .D . A .Co mp to n o f B la i r a n d a.,sister o f Mr s .W a n i c k f r o m Boise,Id ah o dr ove to Lin c o ln o n I t I s R e a l E c o n o m y To have your clothes Kept Clean . Do IT now BEl"0RE EASIER .»-»|, Fl ou r $1.15 visitors at the F. Muller home inBurtcountywheretheirson, Floyd is working.Mr. and Mrs. R.M.Iverson were al-lo. callers there,and at the Ctlarles Rayhome near Tekamah. The Bridge View Projegt Club PENMANSHIP REPORT Additional penmanship repoml ave been received at the Superin- ~ndenifn oflice from the A. N. ~almer Co. of Chicago.The re- --~ this week covers the work of ~e primary grade under Miss elen Severance.In this grade 'of the 26 children received tho rirnary silver :ner butwn for p:o icimey in primary hand writing. is is considered a very superior l III reelecfed as teacher of thinEiinf dred school with am increase ofsalary, maidng her sixth success- ful year in this smhool. Enoch Moore,where Mrs.DanMoore was hostess.The lesson onfurniture finish was given.Mrs. Willard Gustin of Bll i !will be hostess April 9. Byron Bunn has been nick..sincSaturday night and unable to ~ out of bed fox: several days. Rolled 0ats 1 9c Navy Beans 2.5¢ ! Prunfs 2.5¢ 2.5¢r 2.2¢904: c n m § r s n »s r 0 R "A GOOD PLACE To 1 RAD|:"PHONE 84 WE DEL J( Bu t t e r - N u t COFF EE l POUND 42: 3 POUNDS$1.19 1 I : . ..\ ,..u.i.,;1."'~:far 5; QE .;;, ...warg Bw n and dingh-wom :mmf unless an ma- hr, H11-L L. P¢f!§in_s :pd SES'CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH A.R Newrll.Pulm- Palrn Sunday is to be a ro ripppnbely noled Su dn ay morning at 11~fclock."The Palms" will be nn- ~red;a musical opening service ~'ll be given by two groups of ~oung people;the rite ot child ."?°'FE""E'°'* from Pee one) u, conducted u series of Bible Services at 10:P5. Eyenihg aervic at 7:30.Thursday eversng,April Znd, Communion.gc m F r i d a y qt xoxo,Danish &l'V|293,; On Sundqy our§chair, under the leadership og(Prdf.M l l d n ,sup- plemenled by voces fmm Dunn Choir,will give ;a special Palm Sunday numier-y Ray Fallen, Labor U. H, Katt, Labor E fnuae, Labor s. H. Neff, !-\b°r Ch a s . mu m N. A. Rogert, Ia~ I' r ~4.80 4.80 18.00 8.00 3.75 C ocoamu-and ldndneli' uf lui iéirl gg"Alwlyl dems w=°*H!\¢ *Q wr mf 12.c friend! whenever she wus.|'»"i\T1 !!!?'¢ B|||eh'|..-§".f.1f:'L'E.' E12:E!1= 'res mehr- "'§.'%.*§"%;.¥5'5f' :u m uu.|UaIlU,ClBl.lgnE8I;BOD,Ull'B8 gi " TU' Tf! i é; d ~ ~Imp ortant No tic e-- Pri zes award-Har ry Thi elf old t., La bor 8.0D grandc h ildren,one si ste r an d two ggnngg :,?t;.,¢;,,-,I-Iinnlino and wifo Pd nn d rnninnt olnana Qui1\w\¢n¢f1l....:...¢-.. ff_\_;_!..I1 I - - -°"- _-_w . u - w » . u u a v v w a u s w u a u n yn i g h t ,A p r i l 4 t h - - t h e d a y b e f o r e Ea s te r Sunday .J oin th e happy crov.ds»-c omo and see y our friends win these beau tiful prizes.On ly 8 mo r e d a y ;ge t i n ou r c rowds. Fashion Center--~Blair.1 0 - i t $8,000 stoc k remains to be closed out i n the ne xt 8 da y s- -o ur lo ss ia y o u r g a i n - s h o p early .Fqsh ion Center.10 - i t uururlutn n0| lw|.| ,a|L»aDolJ. J. Jensen, Labor Jns.Sa p pe n fi e ld , la bo r Lloyd E. Spiker, IAN# Stanley Marsh, Labor J. Bean, Labor g Howard I-Io ier, Labor A x e l Hans en,L l b b r Perry Ry a n, Labor] Russeli Ry pn ,La b p r J ohn Ho ok s,La bo rRus he d - C ro wd ed -»Packed __ I1o........ n r ............1r -\_-. liUU 2.25 2.63 14.00 2.25 3.00 12.00 29.00 2.63 2.63 6.75 I,m........I ¢~__Q~.~1 n J B4db< DI niQ, thanldngeach one for their thought fulness and kindness in our time ol trouble.Especially do we thank than who brought so runny flow- ers and plants 'to help brighten111| dnl of our dear wife and mother while she was still with us. Also those who sent the beautiful flowers and halpd us sa much in nur timn nf ...au Chas. OL Hlnelihe home. There was quite a crowd from here attending the Mill Creek Clutf dance Saturday night.l Important Notice-Prizes award- ed and contest closes Saturday dght,April 4th-the day before Easter Sunday.Join the happy crowds-come and see your lriends "` " `n`i § =f,;l win these beautiful prizes Only 8-r Far ey °more days--get in our crow .~ gg f»-B,Farley Fashion Center-Blair.< in, t I..n. Appleby.Final I.lnuidnti».n Prirna anin les ..f¢-» .n ,.-m- n.,. Mun-_ ...x..\.»¢M1 Ea #ff ...-.. .... vu.. .-.¢ "mg u5m. uvvELLA SAGER VAUGHN so the big sale ends Saturday nigfub April 4th.Fashion Center.10-It Ella 3553! was bam in Cedar NQ Y¥\°f¢¢\~ Y °\- \Yl 9 ¢ d you ~---.f VY °°'1°°""'-*'"t"°*""";1;Isrve Ahlefneyer, Labor'»¥£°''UiLchBiblesessmnwasdeeplyElmer Sw,.k"¢La}m 90 idtual and ill, w beligs-c,l1e}p Fred Ah!emevei°.L».bor 37,25 £ 3 '° °"""" we ""* of studentbody QJ. E, .1ungb1Gu»,"1,ébo:46.00 Rapids, ma, May 30, 1858,and can buy n. az a big saving at theand fa€u\¢Y~.zu w we.x¢.=" Lnhnf 68.40 passed sway at the homd v! he! §`"'!""3'?¢9"!°' in Blair during*f ha s um ia l Jn m a ll c an d hu m o r- ~13_90|ion in Blaif, Nabn;ka March 25 um: Liquidation Sale which ¢omen4 s months and |w an end real soon.10-17.ous college decinmaitory contest: IELHLQJ `és§J\§§§J."§|=}0f 41951931, aged 72eveningand Znaflw Johnson, Lhbor afessar Cari-Victor Johnson, I.a§or ffs, Iowa and H_ J_ Jungblnth, Ihbur North High,G.F.Paulsen, Labor aoo 2.70 6.00 4.50 BLAIR, NEBRASKA ~'.a'~~ K| 3 E v T . '. <_0~ §~~f : 0B l j g l g g Y o u r C a r For Spring Drlvlng 0UR SlloP, 'l'0lll.S All) NE'l'lloDS ARE THE LATEST AND ARE APPRUVEI) BY THE CIIEVRDLET l'AC'l'0Ry PUT YOUR CAR ON r r s FEET AGAIN"There's been a big in- crease in our service department the past few months. lt's partly due to the awakening of the driving public to the need of more and better service, but largely to the fact that we have established a reputation for good service. Our service anticipates the needs of a customer and we make it as easy as\ possible for you to have the work done- lf you haven't been in our service department you should come in, in justice to your- self and to your car.You are always W ELCOME. PHONE 219 Vi n t o n »Eva n s °"°`m;§; Co. \ H ome T heat re " °Home of Pe(/'eel Talking Prcluru .THURSDAY MARCH 26 "SEA LEGS" With .Ink Ollsie and Ullim Ruth COMEDY-Royal Bluff, with Slim Summarvllle FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 27 md 2s Saturday Matinee U p THE RIVER With (lain Luce and Spence Truy The Hamne d Ship--Aao pa nm. Spluhlng Through-Sponllght SUNDAY and MONDAY MARCH 29 Ind 80 Sunday Matinee O NLY SAPS WORK Wilh Ihr: Brian, Leon Errol md Richard Arlen COMEDY-In Anim Out Again Ol' King Codon-Act TUESDAY MARCH 81 Glassware Night FAST and LOOSE W i t h C l r m l L o mb a r d a n d F r a n k Mo r g a n COMEDY-UQ A 'rm c o u m c A m - H ~ S h e e t W ith Gun n B --wg a nd Kn y Fn ld! A ll ! wa s 6 - C l a n B n i n N o u m WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY APRIL 1 and 2 SUNNY With Marilyn Miller md Lnwrena Guy Flower Gudm»-Colortom 28 dayl. In the fall of 1884,she was united in marriage w Louis Vaughn in Cedar Rapids,and to- gether the young couple came to Blair where they established their perrnanent residence. To this union two children were born,one of whom died in infancy. Mr. Vaughn preceded her in death January 6. 1928. Mrs.Vaughn was for many years n member of the Flrat Meth- odist ,Church of Blair,also an active and enthusiptlc member ol the Eastern Star,Mr.Vaughnhaving helped to found the Mason- ic Lodge here, and of the Womens Relief Corps. For mufy years px-lor on her death Mn.Vuuglm lnd been in falling health,but always maln- talned A cheerful outlook on Llle. As the Nsult of her cheerfulness and kindly mnnner she made friends eudly and w u lo v d by lnhny.' She leaves lo mourn her pus- ing her son, Burl B. Vaughn and his wife,her two little grandchlk - _ _ . . BLAIR, NEBRASKA 0I.0VER SEED M VERY loW PRICES For a beautiful lawn use our seed town lawn grass. Vigoro a plant food for lawns gardens, shrubs and trees.A great help. Bulk garden seeds. See the ne dw gar en tools wehave at lower prices. REDCLOVER fancy per bu. $13.85 SW EET CLOVER per bu.5.20 ALSYKE CLOVER pe; bu.16.00 me qglmggware \ H ome T heat re " °Home of Pe(/'eel Talking Prcluru .THURSDAY MARCH 26 "SEA LEGS" With .Ink Ollsie and Ullim Ruth COMEDY-Royal Bluff, with Slim Summarvllle FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 27 md 2s Saturday Matinee U p THE RIVER With (lain Luce and Spence Truy The Hamne d Ship--Aao pa nm. Spluhlng Through-Sponllght SUNDAY and MONDAY MARCH 29 Ind 80 Sunday Matinee O NLY SAPS WORK Wilh Ihr: Brian, Leon Errol md Richard Arlen COMEDY-In Anim Out Again Ol' King Codon-Act TUESDAY MARCH 81 Glassware Night FAST and LOOSE W i t h C l r m l L o mb a r d a n d F r a n k Mo r g a n COMEDY-UQ A 'rm coumc Aprn 84-Sclndxl Sheet W ith Gun n B --wg a nd Kn y Fn ld! A ll ! wa s 6 - C l a n B n i n N o u m WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY APRIL 1 and 2 SUNNY With Marilyn Miller md Lnwrena Guy Flower Gudm»-Colortom ALONG THE Bo'1'roM nom Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDaniels,Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDaniels and children of Omaha,were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tyson.Mrs. Dan Hauler and dau|;h1:sr» Virginia spent Sunday with her father, Mr.Henle in Blair.Mr.and Mrs.eh:Elliott and children o 'Burt county were Sun-day dum*md afternoon guests ufthe fama i bf Mrs.Elliown bro# ther,[Aran Layman.Saturdayevening wsitors there were Mr.and Mrs.J. S. Conety and Miss Ernsstine McCoy..Mr. and Mn. Ben Pike and son ol Teknmmh, called Friday at the Byron Beard home. Misa Maxine Mathews spent theweek-end In Omahs at the homoof her bmther, Davld Mathews.Mr. and Mrs. George Hain md Virginia were dinner guests Sun- day of Mr.and Mrs.Walter Appleby. Mrs. J. J. Schneider, who ll vis- iting BL the home of her daughter,Mn. George Fnckler, had the mis- weré judged by 1311 wright nf Council Blu Mi s s Robmaon o f 'n|.u.||.nl Duuuu,u n 1.LuauVi o la Ha n se n o f B lai r , an d i n th e Fr e d Sc heer La b e 'LST1 humo rous by Mr .E a r l Simonsen A A_W q k i 'L a g 15_0¢)o f I I a mn to n . Na b . Th e i a n lh u a o n \¢L..\.-\»I~¢¢fg:2-..t o f u "m n n mOratorléal Contest wé held it Wa lter A, ;| ;;;=' ~~ Dann. Monday evening, first place A_ A_ Wilkins, ,mr 1290 WIS f""'~!v M'- Amee Jensen Marshall Wilkins, Labor xsm of Racine, Wisconsin.The Dana A Capella Choir pre~ sented a Sunday evening concert at Neola, Iowa. The local chapter of Alphn Sigma Phi,national forensic eo- eiety, held a business meeting on 'hxesday evening.This society of debaters and public spenkers which was founded on the Dana Oollege campus in 1927, is rapidly spread# ing to- notional proportions.Sav- ersl additional colleges and unl- nrsitles have spplled for mem- bership, this spring. Piano students who have been studying under Professor Dorothy Bmnn Mmlmin will be preseniedin public recital Friday evening. The Hesperian Life ruy Socl# ety presents a program Saturdny evening. Mid-semester exsminudons sro being given, this week, to nil IGI- ulnr second semester smudentland the flnal snminatlons (0 winter A. A. Wilkins, Labor M. P. Hansen, Labor Alben sshyodz, labor Geo.w.Ryan, Tnmking A. A. Wilkins, labor Joe DeVirmey, Labor Marshall Wilkins, Lsbor A. A. Wilkins, LaborAug. Echfenkamp, Labor Aug. Echlenklmp, Dragging Raymond Echtenkamp, Labor Dsn Greeno, Dragging 16.00 8.00 1.50 6.00 24.00 2.50 7.20 17.00 27.20 19.00 ws u 6.00 Marshall Wilkins, Dragging 16.80 A. A- Wilkins, Dragging 36.90 Fulton s mmm, Grading 1219.10Howard Christensen, Labor 1.5o\ Fm 'r. Pull, L lbo r a.ooElze Appleby. Labor 1.50 Bene] Bertelsen, Labor 18.75 1.50 8.00 3.00 e.so 3,00 3.00 Elmer Nielsen, Labor Wm. Wiese, hbop Fred Cornelius, Labor Fred T1 Puls, Drngglng J. L. Anderson, Lhbor Rlchard Lsmp, Libor Bertel Bertaelsen, Dragging 12.60 l!l\1B5!8f nuoenm.wmler semes-ter students will conclude their work at Dann College I-'rldny luv- ing then completed elghieeu weeks of school work for academy and college credit.Most of those win- ter smudentl will now return to naive work on the hr-ma. w con- struction work md other voesdona P. F. Leahy, Labor Ed Rin, Hasdlng Frank Zaeptlel, Llbor Guy McDonald, Islbor Louis C. Innch, Dnggln o m Mmv lle n. L tbo r Arthur hunch, LlborEmu Imwh. L abor John B\\rmeiater,`L\bor g 3.75 4.00 1 .so7.88 24.00 11.51 9.88 s.sa 2.63which have opened "P WWI the ld-vent of snrhm- MMlSSloNERS'co PROCEEDINGS(Condnued from mm four) Henry Schroeder; Labor 1.18 Leon Hindley, Hnulinz, etc.2100 _ On motion duly nude md cu- Her a Resolutipn was adopkd whereby The Arlington State Bulk wu permimd to' withdraw certainIIg m C_ Poulsmi labor smilsecurideu held i asctow w secure n £3 hn('tin_ I.a;)or 5.25|qeP°'"'s of thin County snd .the John Barry, Labor 4~50 Henry Beermnn, DNSKWK 7.20 D. o. Sheen, Sahry 10°~W s. H. Neil, labor s.oo cunwn smiul,Drazzins szo chu Rose n. Drnszlnz 9.80 chu. Rogert, Drawing 2.50 Tygnn Long Co., Trucking 1.43 Jennie Boling, Rent 80.00 Human Bmllns. Labor 8.00 Wm. Kruse, Labor 2-00 WTIIB Beermui. Labor 2.00 County Treasurer be instructed to reduae the amonht of Deposits .nc- mrdingly. On motion duly mule Ind car- ried the bond of Sain Slcvens, Constable was uppmvved. By order of Bw /County Court, Renewal of Moduen Pemlon wu grunted Mrs. Ann; Boock, lmmmt 320.66 per mmrh for n period of dx mauuu bqnanng Apr. 1. max. On motion the Board ldjmlrned xaJoo;e»mmApfus,1m.