2009-11-05GLAIR FIRE & RESCUE VOLUNTEERS' SERVICE AWARD PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING 11/5/09 Committee: Steve Rounds, Carl Lorenzen, Mark Hodson, Rod Storm, Peggy Frahm Chairman: Carl Lorenzen Motion by Rod, second by Steve Recording Secretary: Peggy Frahm Motion by Rod, second by Mark Award program 1. Evaluation dates. From October 1 to September 30 each year, certification must be filed by November 1. 2. Accounts. There will be one investment account, with a separate accounting for each firefighter. Firefighters will decide on their investment profile. (Department would like to have individual accounts) 3. Investment Advisor: Kirk Hutton with Edward Jones presented investment options. 4. Initial Installation & Administrative Services. Benefit Plans Inc (BPI) Motion by Carl, second by Steve. 5. Net profit. $71,000.00 Firefighters will decide how much will be used for the award program and how much will be set aside for purchases. Money will be placed in a money market with Kirk Hutton until Fire Department decides how to invest. Billing for Squad Calls 1. Handled by EMS billing and money collected is deposited directly into the account at Two Rivers Bank. 2. Department is receiving a copy of the reports each month. 3. A complete accounting is given to the Department each month. Next Meeting: December 21, 2009 at 12:00. Peggy Frahm Recording Secretary