2011-12-16BLAIR FIRE & RESCUE VOLUNTEERS' SERVICE AWARD PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING 12/16/11 A copy of the "Open Meeting Act" is posted. Meeting called to order by Chairman Carl Lorenzen. This meeting will be conducted in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meeting Act. Committee members present: Carl Lorenzen, Peggy Frahm, Steve Rounds, Rod Storm Others present: Kirk Hutton 1) Minutes from previous meeting were presented. Motion by Rod, second by Steve to approve and placed on file. All present voted aye. 2) Kirk Hutton gave a report on the retention fund. EAFE is down 17.48%. These are international stocks. We have a total portfolio of $116,110 down over $13,000 from last report. Kirk is recommending that we change to more domestic instead of international. Motion by Steve, second by Rod to move from Fundamental Investors to American Mutual (new fund) and the new contributions be divided 50% to American Mutual, 25% to Cap Income and 25% to Income Fund of America. All present voted aye. 3) Rod asked that the department give Peg the new investment amount by December 22, 2011. 4) Motion by Steve, second by Rod to reallocate back to the plan the funds allocated to Chris Schnick who is no longer on the department and was not vested. All present voted aye. 5) Rod reminded the committee that the max allocation per qualifying individual is $3,000. Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm. Peggy Frahm Recording Secretary