2015-12-14BLAIR FIRE & RESCUE VOLUNTEERS' SERVICE AWARD PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING 12/14/2015 11:30 A.M. A copy of the "Open Meeting Act" is posted. Meeting called to order by Chairman Carl Lorenzen. This meeting will be conducted in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meeting Act. Committee members present: Carl Lorenzen, Heath Reyzlik, Kent Nicholson, Peggy Frahm 1) Minutes from previous meeting were presented. Motion by Kent, second by Carl to approve and placed on file. All present voted aye. 2) Kirk Hutton was not present, however he asked Carl to note that he was recommending no change in investments. 3) Motion by Kent, second by Carl to add $25,000 to the CD for squad replacement. 4) A discussion was held regarding expenses. 5) Kent suggested $2,400.00 per qualifying member. We will receive an official letter from the Fire & Rescue Department stating their commitment. 6) Heath asked for a list of people qualifying and the amount per qualifying person for previous years. Motion by Kent, second by Carl to adjourned at 12:00 pm. Peggy Frahm Recording Secretary