2021-07-09BLAIR FIRE & RESCUE VOLUNTEERS' SERVICE AWARD PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING 07/29/202111:00 A.M. A copy of the "Open Meeting Act" is posted. Meeting called to order. This meeting will be conducted in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meeting Act. Committee members present: Dave Aten, Carl Rennerfeldt, Ernie Brenneis, Rod Storm, and Jessica Mavis. 1) Rod Storm called the meeting to order at 11:00 A.M. Storm makes a motion to approve minutes, second by Aten. All vote aye. Craig Heuton from Edward Jones was present to review the portfolio. Heuton praised the numbers as the COVID-19 pandemic caused a drop but the portfolio rebounded. The current split is 80% in stocks and 20% in conservative growth. There was a discussion about moving money to be more conservative. Craig suggested leaving things as is. Group decided to stay as is currently and will review again in December. 2) Group discussed watchlist funds. Heuton discussed the New World Fund. There is currently $80,000 in fund which is 6%. He suggests 10%. 3) Brenneis questioned why the members were notable to take money out until 65. Storm discussed that it was determined by statute and would have to be change my legislature. 4) The committee will meet December 16, 2021 at 11:30 A.M. for their bi-annual meeting to review investments, qualifying list and allocation of funds. Meeting adjourned at 11:41 AM. Jessica Mavis Recording Secretary