2021-12-16BLAIR FIRE & RESCUE VOLUNTEERS' SERVICE AWARD PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING 12/16/2021 11:30 A.M. A copy of the "Open Meeting Act" is posted. Meeting called to order. This meeting will be conducted in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meeting Act. Committee members present: Dave Aten, Randy Backman, Carl Rennerfeldt, Ernie Brenneis, Jessica Mavis and Rod Storm. 1) Jessica Mavis called the meeting to order at 11:43 A.M. Craig Heuton from Edward Jones was present to review the portfolio. He said from February to March, there was a 30% drop but it recovered, and then dropped again in September due to the COVID-19 Delta variant. It did recover but has seen a dip again in November due to the Omicron variant. They are optimistic for the future. Committee said based on the needs of the department and prospective withdrawals and payouts, they do not see any retirements coming soon. Since they have none, Craig suggests staying with a growth focus. 2021 saw about a 14.21% rate of return on the and Fire and Rescue investments. Edwards Jones fee comes out to about .25%. American Mutual has about a quarter of the money in it and Craig suggest further diversifying if we add more money. In looking at the investments, all are 3 stars with a medallion. If any new funds are added, Craig suggests being more conservative. There is about 10-15% in bonds and he would love to see that at 20%. The committee wants to leave the investments as they are currently are. 2) Members reviewed qualifying list and determined 25 members were eligible for the Service Award Program. 3) Discussion was held regarding finances. Total Rescue Squad Fund balance is $178,000 as of October 1, 2021. Aten makes a motion to contribute $75,000 to the Service Award program. Backman Second. All members present vote Aye. 4) Craig suggests putting $45,000 in a money market and $30,000 in short term bond funds. Aten makes a motion to invest the money as suggested. Backman seconds. All members present vote aye. 5) The committee will review dates for next year for their bi-annual meeting to review investments and allocation of funds. Meeting adjourned at 12:28 P.M. Jessica Mavis Recording Secretary