2022-04-13 Blair Park Board Meeting Minutes for April 13, 2022 Call to Order: The Blair Park Board meeting was called to order by Board Member Joe Burns at 7 p.m. Present: Joe Burns, Sarah Boeka, Betsy Anderson, Todd Wick (via phone), and Park Superintendent Pat Long. Approval of Minutes: The March 9, 2022 minutes were approved by Sarah Boeka and seconded by Joe Burns. Approval of Bills: No bills were submitted. Old Business:  Arbor Day celebration at Rhodes Park at 1:00 p.m. on 4-29-2022 The Arbor Day celebration will be held at Rhodes Park. In honor of the day second graders from South School will be present to plant three trees. The trees to be planted will be a Tulip tree, Magnolia tree and a Japanese Lilac tree. Each student participating will be given a seedling to take home and plant – seedlings will be provided by the NRD. New Business:  Request from Brent Fulmer to appear before the park board about possible pump track in one of the City’s parks. Brent Fulmer presented the 2022 mountain bike trail improvement proposal for a jump line at Black Elk Neihardt Park. The new flow/jump line will be a loop on the Prairie Downhill segment of the trail. This improvement will include four table tops and a descending berm curve. The optional loop is considered a skill feature and enhances the mountain bike trail for more advanced bikers. Construction could begin as early as May with completion in early summer. As an additional feature Mr. Fulmer proposed a pump track to be used by children age 2-12. The pump track is described as a “bicycle playground” where small children master speed and balance technique by the use of upward and downward pumping movements. He proposes the pump track be located at a site close to the existing city trail system thus allowing easy access and use for the younger children. The proposed preformed concrete sectional pump track can have various shapes depending on the area selected – the smallest functional size is 20 by 50 feet. Additional skill set features could later be added to enhance this track. Fundraising for the track would begin this year with construction to take place in 2023. Sarah Boeka moved construction of a pump track be approved and forwarded to the city administration and council for their review and approval. The motion was seconded by Joe Burns. The motion was approved. Adjournment: Joe Burn’s motion to adjourn the meeting was seconded by Sarah Boeka. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted By Betsy Anderson April 29, 2022