03-27-1941qv # ¢ mm vm Nm-nhumnldamweab NewmmerPlant~""T""=&"-T'""""''f ~~Q '`l\».»0fficid News rMore Local Newspnctures ~_~»,,;;;\»~»f"" The Ciry of BlairAnaThan ?$`¥<f¥,'§f.`ilV°°""'x~1°'°"_- 'WashingtonCounty Twa\ty-0nolunlC¢nspondentaF'rmn;lQurh:ndCoun¢! sunamlfirlonrmcnrmnmnnuBLAIR,NEBRASKA.MARCHzz,1941VOLUMExLvNUMBER12 l1 ggs ~Assert BindweedSituation r Blair ~Should Have Attention Now tage SetFor CntyElection April 1,'4l -Posts Have Candi- dates. Old Officers Ask RElection v ARD TWO HAS THREE CANDIDATES in another place in this luue aopyoftheballvbsisbeingruninpreparationfortheelection which will be held next Tuesday. ll.will be noticed um in mmWardC. M. Chrismennen the presentencumbentundMsrtinKuhr on opponents in the race.Both men have had experience as coun cllmen. In Second Ward three men areoutforthejob.Two oi them Emmett Rounds and John Moore have served as councilmen.The third man Peter Stricklett Jr. has never asked for Lhe honors be fore.He is well qudifid for the place and would undoubtedly serve the wand very satidacbodfy. In the Third Wnd Schmidt is running with no oppo lnltion. ln the Fourth Ward K.P.Hun dahl who was defeated last springandreappointedtofillavaeancyisrunningagainst Clarence Kuhr proprietor of the Bur¢.Washing DANA VARSITY SHOW IS TONIGHT l 0 Plpelm Head| Ne.Line Will Sioux Falls kota,At WILL SHIP CARLO Tho SottonypanyolTopekabusyfor some ti :mins luul ~1 of 3.vine line Sioux mm Sm line passes thru Bw a painfur the shippingmgahasbeen ing base for the coniingly sevent Pllle and five material are to from chiwg =April nach A piece of lui lying south olhubeenl..Mmcke.The for the work wi Heading directlyminewiilbeun]or coated and pIandwillfromh along the line nate at Sioux FwherearefineTheQlpeswill .,by tha "D" Club, will be pxusntad this evmlng (Thursday):in ¢11l1¥ol the anunulnment usHomerNkllell.Ethan Svmdsm Nelson Boo Tod Raplholdt and Condi Rufus Ollm. A phy BMI Salim written by club manben.will \» :aged by the club.Gther muial and :hge pertomumcaa nm also planned. SIERSBECKELECTED N.A.C.C.PRESIDENT President Lawrence Slerlbeck ol Dana College was eleewd praidentof the Nabrnlu Association of Church Ovallages nt.ux umuxl meeting held nt Nebruka WalleynnUniverdtyMarch21md22 Reglstmr P. V.Hnnlen was upla urer of the name organization dur ing Lhe past year. Mn.J.E. Campbeh was uhm to Immanuel Hospital in Omahn, Sunday,where lhe is :pendingthis week under madlcal obaervs Linn. Set NewDate ForCountywide SpellingContest Will Be On Saturday, April 5,In Blair, um _§.|l:....< ':§':°~1-:.ff' .2.1 »||~lg | »_~c6I\~Q30~ |tulle a f 470Farmers Acknowledge Bindweed .fi ~1 .a fp fn .~. .|..l 5%.in .171-F .fc ri if I 1 I 6 lin Believe There Are 3,600 Acres Of Bindweed In County.Is Spreading fiaopreauntedauumherofinlily mental numbqrs. N75 50 lCOUN'I'Y-WIDE DIS- TRICT IS NEEDEDhim1~».es"fvev'"x2112!RIVERPAVING There may be lx much an 3649 acres ol bindweed in Wuhingtancounty, Authorities heHeve, md if allnwd bu spread throughout tha summer the number wm Incensestillfurther. A survey made by the countyasaessonlatfallrevealedthat there are 470 farms in the countyinfestedwithLhe vldnnn hlnrlwlmd u;5f=:.~11 <;a:fi.:~f=r v~..~f |~P ~~~.~I ~I |._l¢|L |f . ~..\~»»=~.\~\+s »f~l l l R |Q|.f.d ......Q........|.. C.C.J 3 ¢J. an |..:~:w nf ~_.1.qp.¢]|¢ma |.»i¢r al i ul o1|o¢ofrof ~H l s alf ~..:if i?i¢1l 5 if»ui|oo1 6 ~Ye1 L||.axumn Q |._.: L&=+5._|Q mb lu I 1 |BL.n||i ~IM \P I ll.n.Al I_~. f lips from Ge§v"l¢h¢¥1"`§nw"f'J§S"13iv¢r.'i`€'hnlen as a Worx mmpany and urfiveculndaol lends of costin! ae shipped ham iving here abom 400 by 600 feet he river bridin l hom Henryileased is saw a spur railroad 0 lt..Here theuded uxd painbeuparedforhyinsebedistributed ldch will termi ls South Dakota is to be builtlcarrycrudeoil..__.fu L parked. |TheriverhubeenverylowthhspringmaanleeKI¥e fameu just at am poim md ie unthoughtthepavingvuunder mined which is the muon smi butd for washing. RebekahsHolrl Dinner,Surprise DoubleProgram Forty~Year Jewels Were Presented Two 1 jg! gif PlansComplete For BHSAnnual AmateurConlest Gast's Tumblers Voted First In The Local Preliminaries The annual Amateur Nightpro-gram of the Blmlr High School Commercial Club will be heldav. the school auditorium on Fridayevening, April 4, it wumnounced f ........... O gm~.z s ez._~f 2 3 ~1_.»f}"€:¢f5; r~'s Q ¢» ¢f¢afu n V ~1 {..an w.0 CC ~}~ 1 I;1_.r ___ L ...f. P I ¢i|;if waive o »ifQ¢¢j .lf \ 1;_O _ I _;__~_.|.§|9:0 ..5:...5@.:;~. ~4 gguqfu _.._.D _ofrg .__;. ~CoMMENcEMEN'r EXERCISES PLANNED Rural eighth and tenth gradepupilswilltakepartinaccuntywide commencemem program.tn be held at ihe Blair High School auditorium on Saturday momingMayl7.The principal speakerwillbeBessGerhnrtMommnnotedlecturer.At the conclusion of the exercis es diplomas will be presented by County Superintendent Ralph E. Fairchild. During the Afternoon a softball gune will provide entertainment and varimm other games are also plmned.A picnic lunch at the o 0 1 fli§;riQ ns.*»f¢i 2i=~~~15 . .0 .** ..._.i 4 »1.~;.»_l JL!0 »a.»;»i1 10ll¢g§¢l|¢|l|.|.§|f__p 2._L_I¢__f_;»_¢__»_1a__i_g__|__\ ._.!.. rogueI| alen | uma .va¢¢¢rq| fs :<. \ \\ Q $11r;EQ n. ll I l nl O l ~\ r.; .v mo 1l.!¢;»¢u~ .i :~°°I:°:: f~c!~ ll Cl |geI~.. lv 0~comaaInh ...J .J.Q ¢ Each dot in the map above tmns ha\itg no bindweed how nf a county bindweed district to indicates a farm on which the ever are all subject to it by get united actionon its control. presence of bindweed has been washing or carriage which bears acknowledged.The white see out.the need for due formation Enterpme Sngradny BlairC.C.C. CampInvites PublicSunday Educational Activities Of Camp Will Be Dis- played |With activities,buildings mdspecial displays open m thepubklc'during the hours of 10:00 Lum.land 4:00 p. In-. Sunday, March80,the Blair CCC Camp has made its '-21° f.sf-1'=' ~l 0 o.1;. ..q .| ~:\.»" :f < l|l~|il which has been fought by agricul,turnlisfs for many yaan.Whilemakingtheirrounds of 1415fnrmninthe county, tha lueasors each uked the farmer vegnxding bind~Wed.The lmwer wus voluntarymd|recheck hu shown that only Unethlxd of Lhe (um:in~fasted with bindweed were reported.In a number of cases thefarmers dd not know of the presence 01 the weed on their farms. In other instances the presence of bindweed was ignored for fear thnt an acknowledgement would have an effect on land values. As the situation becomes moreacute, the matter of eradicating bindweed has coma to the lure- ground.ln the south part ol Washing ton county is the Dale bi dweed district.a small pomonl the county comprising only fifteen sections.The annual meeting of the group is being held tomorrvw night at which time the programfor the year will be outlined.The succeSS of the district has not been 100%largely due to the small dze of the dintrict.Nevertheless the district has pointed out the value of a countywide district which is now recommended an the most e!» fectivc unit.Since the formntion of the Ddz district Cuming county hu formed e district.Dodge county is in theprocessolhavingoneandthere wlll doubtless be more an time Jnir ... _V\~..qn;\ln.»= and has proven his busil n<hillary and if the people of than \\.ml .l fit to elect him they nl |n.\k.» no mistake. nm in~.:Wil board Dr.w.F ii.»mn.1|and Dr.Morris Nielsennnmmdingfor a reelection with :..»»|»|»~sitinn. A . _Spring Music Q Festival ls Q InReadiness All Schools in County Arel Invited To Participate March 30 High School The annual connty»wlde spellingcontestoriginallyscheduledforWednesday of this week. has beensrdAls ¥§??,I$'é"';n'§aJ\f§°i=§`1s'f'"The work here wlll require approximately100menfromApril15 to July 15 and these men manyof them with families will look topostponed until atu ay.pn Blair for housing marines andThe change was necessitated by the food Some may be employed lofactthatDr.Roy lil.Eaton ol callybut the majority of them willOmahawhoistopronounceumibeoutsidmenwhofollowthiswordsfor the contest was unable to be present on the earlier date. elwork. The contest will bc conducted ati the Blair ni h School as in nstgpyearsand will include student representativesfrom each of Wash ington countys town and rural schools.The winner will be awarded a prize and will also be eligible to enter the WorldHerald Interstate and State Fair contests. SUSPECTED ROBBER IN COUNTY JAIL DISTRICT COURT SESSION,MONDAY An interesting case was heard in district court last Monday be fore a regularly empanelled jurywithDistrictJudgeHenryBealpresiding.Ihe case arose out ol n grand larceny charge.One WilliamClarkstoleabmehoftoolsfrnmeh.Ann Dnumnlnan (Arm. Members A double surprise program wasinstoreforRebekshsandtheir husbands when they gathered at the I. O. 0.F.Hall eighty strong.Tuesday evening for the annual family dinner. The first unexpected honor Wu the presentation of 40year jewelstoMrs.J.P.Jensen and Mrs. James Mullin both of Blair;the presentation was made by Mrs. l§lullins sister Mrs.Retta Gray ol Fremont who is s Past Noble Grand ol the Blair lodge and npastdistrictofficer.A 50yearjewelwasalsomailedthisweekto Mrs.L.A.Williams of Califor nia former Blairite who was nnsbleto be present.The highlight of the eveningalso a surprise was a mock wed I t al.~.$..f?.iTi...§f.i§.f agelvcouni Several weeks ago Nels Soren ~bcen ~»»»»f=~f\;»=1s:...s..t:..;:t;:.;.:::.:;.. b h ld t th D c 1f$li...$...§:ext §....1i§§Y.fS§?~»his home late Bt mgln after noon. March 30 beginning at 2:30 business hours.The wouldbe oclo<k The countys school men f~e=!=f had stationed lurnself in are sponsoring the event.|hiding and when Nels arrived or Illair Arlington Kcnnard.mi.»E.i..2f.§l.l.§§.i..§§I.§.i.. Fort Calhoun high schools will en man wok fright and ran.The ter vocal or instrument.ndgroup;imbbery was rewned but nothingwith15minutesalloweac~ul 151 Sat daschool.Three nrral schools *23§.i..}wiZ..Si...i of Polic:Ro; also announced their intention fiSpanwn picked up wmim Stone1ntcrmg rhythm bands in the Feeiwbom he had suspected as the u\al.guilty party.Stone is repoéteg fc have been employed aroun erI.C.ELLER ON man for some time. Following the attempted rub~~Hlbery he left town it is reported d s ton I I hil.C.Eller accompanying his 31%ggnremnzs Zygnguomené daughter yrs .Ein J.~fiover to the authorities and is now IJ?v;:;.§;E2..2T1:;a.;.. ~to Illinois.He was arrested ...l returned to Blair.He plead guilty.He was also charged with cattle stealing and in order to save hlm self turned states evidence and implicated Glenn Stoddard.lt apthat Clark delivered the two of cattle to the Stoddard where they were held and sold.Stoddard declared he nothing about the theft and the case went to the jury he was acquittedClarkwasgiven a penitentlarysentence of one year. head farm later knew when SCOUT FUNDS INTACT FOR TWO YEARS The Blair Boy Scouts have su! ficient funds to nm them for the pears i...\\44n ding ceremony which commemoratedthefiftysixthweddinganniversaryofMr.and Mrs.C.B. Hansen.Due attention was paidtothemorehumorousaspectsof marriage and the result was a hiladous 45 minutes of entertain ment.The Madsen twins grandsonsofMr.and Mrs.Hansen Ago.The wedding guests.Mrs.Eliza Warrick Mrs.Elizabeth Baer Mrs.Nettie Skinner Misa Ger trude Mead and Miss Eva Smithfiledin and were ushered to their seats by Mrs.Esther Jensen.Mrs. Etta Jensen as the jilted sweet heart appeared with s large spongeful of mock tears to recite her grievances amidst gales of lsughter. his week by Miss Anna L..uenrg| the clubs faculty adviser.The event has been held for several years with increasing sooceaa and popularity. Local preliminaries with four teen Blair students competing washeldlastFriday.Goach Carol Gxsts Tumblers received a botal body to win first place;the sr\1i>. composed entirely of juniorhighboysincludes Ted Meri deth Ray English James Arm strong Csrl Cooper and Marsh all Turner.Second place went to the Hickey brothers Michael 8. and Larry 6 who staged a bodng match with Marshall Gilbert reftreeing.Barbara and EngmieMcConaughywonthirdplace. Those three acts will be included .openedtheskitbyBinsinsLongLongof 119 votes from the student Mrs. _Qeorge Kuhr the played nn oi..Amman Night orozram. ..................__.._.the event. Coach R.Olson HeadsEnterprise SportSection College Coach Will Superior SportsService Dana Give Intent upon giving its readers the best coverage possible announcementismadethatbegin ning next week April 8rd Coach Rufus Olson of Dana College will have charge of the sports section Open House celebration ln commemorationof the eighth anniver sary of the CCC. Trained eumllee guides will be avdlable to explain to the visit ;»..and guests camp PwcedlihiactivitiesthedifferentdepartsmentsandingmernlCCC life at first hand._Displays and demem strations of First Aid safety.work procedure educational and recreationsl activities will givethemanideaof the routine andtrainingof two hundred men. The defense training prognsuthathubearput up st the ampinconjunctionwithnationaldefenseworkwillbeinpracticeto |show the public the training and experience gnlvenenrollees. All tedmical personnel and working equipment will be on the of this newspaper.Coach 0lson|w show the working fl H2(the 1hmm. goes on.The cost of operating the district in Cumlng county ran about Kc per acre according to available figures and s very good job 1|bo ing doneWorkof eradicating the weed is done by the land operator Snp~plies and methods are handled through the office of the county agent who already has gone overtheinformationwithmanyfam ers.The formation of a county~wi¢lebindweeddistrictmerely makes it possible to enforce the cleaning upofblndweedoneveryfarm.It has been pointed out that a mal) patch.unattended can wash or be carried about to spread overhundredsof acres ki but a short time and due to that fact the dis trld is needed.The law under Wm.1. um .minist nuances makes i r> | lv 0~comaaInh ll\|l 4 .I I .;~Sf?.. ll Cl |0IIllchu. Q.:gmac o.soIL. ll f on if-Q °1_l $|.»a ~u o3 4 » F r .;... ll.0;s 5U family of Des Moines iowa nut this wee trip New make Tour. l|.r. from streethaute and BLaira buainan aurtion. celebrated his s1v.h birthdly in January.He enjoys the beat of health and as soon as he return: he plamtomrtagudmaudarlngfor his large lawn. Orleans:the party plana to we annual Gxxdm Club KllohvlhowlWdi¥W\¢3 hixhomeon Went Chmt nearlyamiletnthaeumrt MakePlans ForRural FieldDay Softball Tourney,Track Meet To Be Held At Rose Hill An all-day rural field day,in- cluding n softbabll wumamentand track meet, ls the topic ofea-cited conversation in theschoolsof the county, this week.Accord-ing to present. plans, themeetingwillbe held at Role Hill Schoolon Friday May 2. Approved high schools will take part in the softball tournament and games and races for lower k for a twoweek vacation to Natchez Miaailsippl and| ln jail.I[is preliminary hemngwasheldincountycourtWednes dny morning and he was bound over to district court.He inti mated that he would plead guilty. ENTER FREHONT CONTESTTODAY Several. dramatic students from Blair High School will participate in the ~declamatory meet at the Fremont City auditorium w<iif<Ilnd=y)Entries include Barbara Pound in the dramatic section with a reading entitled The Burgomalter;Eunice Carl sen humorous Her First Foot ball Gamo;Arthur Pedersen extemporaneom;Marvin Stork originaloratoryDeat.h on the High ways.The Oneact play Tha Loxds Will will also be entered. .nmGrNG TEAM 7TH AT MEET Members ul the judging team of the Blair Baby Bee! Club camein 'lth in a judging contest atColum»bu.: yesterday. The boyscompeted in a field of28.At Columbus the knual Nebras ka Aberdeen Angus show was be ing held andthe local mm nppearod aa one of the feature ot the entertainment of the show.Those gmlng from Bwr wereGlenn Sorensen Ralph Kufhr and Roland Wilkins. glide pupils have been nhsduled BLAIR LUTHERANS as (allows:1 ~ ~GIRLSRacesgrades ons to ten:pn Rev.Harold C.Jorgensen andliminarieaonlyforseventhtaPfaidentl..Sleuheck of Dana hath grades with first Ilvo od olwhsntnln College are viaidng congregations Field events:mmln¢hmad ol Lutheran dmmhu lu the Iowa district this month appearing un w......g .wo e......t .....W.......nounced.A total of $575 was col lected last week by a committee of men from the Blair Rotary Club and the Blair Ch.er ol Com merce.The $575 was pdd by Blair Minus men.Of the amount $300 goal to the Scouts .lor the axpezssa this yur.$150 gum for paying up indebted ness and the remaklder will be kept on hand for next year. ANNOUNCECCC ENROLLMENTDATES The next C.C.C.enrollment data la April 3rd it was announced this week.All applicants areurged to see H.Lyle Guyer Coun ty Assistance Director aa soon as possible WildGeese PlentifulOn aRiver Bottoms Farm Work Starting I.n Different Sections of County Spring weather has brought its first recruits of geese from the southland and for several nightsflightsof these migratory binds have been heard as they wingedtheirwaynorthward.Farmers onthe Iowa side of the river reported;t:1sgsflo¢J¢s el them covenng the The weather hu also started the farmers in their preparation fortheinfluxvmandamandI the wedding march and the maasen twins sang I Love You Truly. Finally the bride ln the personolMrs.Ads Reid arrived;she was clad in a white dotted dimity gown of a ltyle whose death hull was sounded more than thirtyyeanagoand ahs arriedahogobouquet of celery onions and arrots.She was graeiouuly givenlnmarriagebyherfather(Mrs.Elie McBride)as the minister (Mrs.Adell Schlflldt)held the marriage lines.Mrs. J.I..Pounds was the rldegroorn Christiansen best man;Mrs.J0 sie Van Deusen Mrs.Dora Peck and Misa Edna Thompson brides maids.Mrs.Selma Madsen and Mrs.Mary Andreason played the parts of the brldes parents.At.the time of tha Hansens marriage the best man was not w be found and a substitute wal secured at the last minuteii this was brought w light at the mock wedding and was enacted in a manner which was doubtlasmuch more humorous than the aetuslh=puenl\\z~Up w this pointthe Hansens were unaware of the significance of the mock weddingbut ss their daughter Mn.Mad sen exelaimed Hem we are with no heat man they realized that their own wedding was again tak ing place.In closing the Past Noble Grand Club presented Mrs.Han sen with a P. N.G.vstmrrs plnandMr.Hansen with a pair of hooaallppersA nate ol lnterest may be added concerning the oldfashioned cloth ing inwhlc.h mernbers ol the wed ding nlrty were garbod.The brldea gown.the property ol Mn.Lutia MeKay was a veryprettyDoor~langth affair uljnniod Attendzints were Mrs.Hild The people of Blair and Wuh\gwn wnnty are invited to atmndheaffairmdgpendthednsaa.Lhe camp. nm-LAD BANQUETsuper-:ss The annual Father ~quet of the Hennnn .1¢¢;¢¢ chunh was held Fridny ~»1==¢ith an attendance v! 299 men in _ Themninlttrlctionoliheqvqgmfsxmsnm.which vu held in the H ?;=;L53 Hnll wu tbl by MEX..}&.Univ of Nebru nthletle depsrtmllt Lan .Ji§.;~of dhsinner speakers.Rev. Johnson $5 Teknmnh givs the invocation;0.D.Johnson led community inr ing;Henry Truhhen muted the dads and Raymond Sulllvnn the it pondhle fn go onto the farms of those who neglect or 1due w .Lutailthe weed and when the farmer fails to uct ua do the work for hlm adding the out to hi!hd zu.ne :eensen uf the dltridl dm mnbs it len)far the wmgyndmggnygqgengaNgatmlabor sm aadkadan mrightofways.The same in :me of nil Hghbcfways.The Dodge coxmty blndveed dis trln mee&n¢ was held at Fnmont Much 1901 with 1 number d Washington county larmeaji in at tendance.According to word receivedthisweek from Agrlcrdhm ll Agent E. D.Pnhrney a almlhr meeting Will be held in Washington county swh ln nn effort to gettheendicatlonworkintomotionbefore another salon rolls ~Announcement ol the moefingwillhe made in tha neu (white. McClellanNew of Fred Rnbertwn L.D.Long 0.T\llllbl€lS LOCal Ch0iC€Fm C0llt€StD~Johnsonand Jamel Pmhm. 5 ~s sang twg selections md inconelu~ sion Reir A.w.Clarke Methodllt puwrl said a benedlction. BLA-In BOYS JOIN MARINE FORCES Bill (lultuog md Ray Pnullmhave jenlned Uncle SAms marlne forces and wm leave Friday for San Diego Cnlilornla tn bqgin \vSecrgtaryOfFalr F1113 Vacancles In Secre~ taryshxp And Board Of Directors At a meaning held Wedneadnyeveningofthisweekthelair board ucepmd the resigmdun af Howud Rhea who has serw# very elficlently in that capacityforyumand appointed II. C.Mc dldl.A msfs qlmtteiie wmpoled training in A fouryeu enrnllximnt...;.|mu_____ _.n ._. | Clellan ol Arlington In fill the va "Wi mm:uulrulon ||\.---------zlr.ma|u=|.1\.n.|Illi¢ll0naneQunto:thhina¢u-me hmm u u..nu m*"¢ ~Nell pndnn ~0 ff manned ms nmmuon.ne wzfn ue.|.1...¢by dl whurzero achvaly engageclinfairwu uhavumMAN~1an untiring worker.iurnp. high jump.BOYS Luther League.Thu topic ol the checkup.Th \5Ram,grades one hu mn:from tour, an :num\l avant, il Christhm is But whim;SKZZI $25 M13 filth slide up prellminuiu will\eduudon,with special emphnin d:m;g¢d by the early freeze,d,~~»..».mM ¢.........._____ der the auspices of the Dixtrict nuw:s an Elfing mir umunl with bands of orgundy mzrunti Musa Smnth \brldelmaid worea 60~yeu~old gnwn also the propertyofHrs.McK.|y md mother.\_._|_.....|a...n...~..s~\bu SPONSOR DANCE On the baud of directnn Chrence King of Blair was l9x>°U¢¢ifto!i\l 1 vuancy.Other budnsus.I be nm with nm tive places or on num.|».W.....each hut competing in dfernoon hops that the rstum of winnermmDishnesvmvuyan zo Rvv Long University ol Ne~ wwher my bring is out in fmthn 9|.i¢_bnlh buhmm lpent th!wah »h»v~All lane th.;the nmfmHeldmann:running bmad and with hi:PU ill lr.md ln.during U16 (lil and vdnwr hu Jmnhilh y¢¢¢¢¢W¢_g Fred Dw=s~.putdm lilln»rimeeumm<m umm N..W W.».._».Mn.Mehr was entirely hnnd mnde of wool with row upon rowof:bind mills and wu illhli ed vm hindpainfnd paul hub uma.|P loNd 1 dnnco at the LednnHullSahmdny evening.The avantTheseboysunderthedime.!into Lhe umunl Amateur Conf was wellstranded with muldc¢ionnlCou:hC\mlGaltvdl1 tutwhiehhlsboenlPOP\1l8¥!\xmh.hedbyJoeFldn\ndhila1~be Bhh High Sdxoo\|qmy (umm here for muy yan.¢h|q;_ .\\ sum ns xppoxnung CUDIIDILIAGI mln making tentative plum for fim coming (sir were taken up.A full)report of the moeting will be givennextwack. I nn: f "-e:1 '\. B `v'§"§¢hBm'{*1 am: g~ng'»F 1;e ;-;g-~..;1;=;¢§*§ ~"%£F¢" 55~F O N T A N E L L E N E W S 1 m i . Ro y Sig ma n.J oe '?¥'*.?':*er * ' * = " " " ' ~`N e h b o n a n d ' f r i e n d s mth a mf n r t.J ames S¢hn .gid¢1'm d H n .n m ;Tu r n e r entertained a t e Da lto n Su -c an t:ho me ¢\us....._.-A |I\-....&Lln.Dvnllmf M l m ?8YGi¥1|lll'.1 : 0 ~u .I o » a l -r n ERPRIS *# " " .._ _ __ . THE ENT ERPRISE ~-Luadinl Nnrpaper Snbadiytion Prlu Por Yaar,$1-50 h m n d u n e m d d a l m a n u w d u d n a d d m n p e l d l a n h 1170, at tha wiwfliv at Blak, Nebraska.PUBLISHED L VERY 'rx-lunsvn JOHN A. RHOADES, Editor and Pnbllaher J. HILTON RHOADES, Agdntant Ediwr; Advetkllilll MARY-Bm"H IMQUARRIE, mal Editor \ROY F. B;:»P,1S, Pressman and Compoaltnr 1 mss VANOLA J. BRUNTON, ]_jnutyp6 Operator MARIE RASMUSSEN, Linotype Opsrltvr GAROLD FRAIN, Apprantia _" ;.....1 , f f ~" l a :.-"!S.?'»~"~' ""ff..;:*i t ' f E ~ Hrs. Jamm Thomvwn and Mn.hmm lllullln helped at the Catho- lie Ladies' Club covered dibh din- nar in Blair. Monday evaxinz.Thn nlccu-dxy Progrecdva Cl\xb\ In meednx wday. mndgg- withlin. James Thomgison.n. J\x~dlth Ammon and ra. Bert Coop-: are on the serving committee. l r .and Hn. Jams Thompsonent Monday evenlnk at the JohnarhoodhomehelpingMrs.Nearhood celebrate her birthday.Ray Noarhood of Omaha npentTuesday at the parental home.Kr. and Mn. Ed Natter spentSunday m Omaha with relatives and Irlendz.Hin! IIAFKINI. Thompson,whoin employed at the Austin Ranshawhqme wuth of Blair. spent Sunday mth her parents.Mr.and Mrs. James Thomason.Measm. and Meadaxnes HowardThomnwn.Earl Thompson,and~an Thompson and Grace visiwd lows: president. Mn. Leon Hind- ley; secretary-trmaunr, Hrs. Wu-ton lang; leader A. Mn. HowardThompson; leader B. Mn. RnaaellM¢:Donald; mudc ludar. Mrs. Huh lin; and heahh leader, Mrs. EarlThompson.Plans ware made to hold an Aehievexnent Day programatthehome ol Mn.Howard Thompson.nut Thurnday ahnr- noon.Mann. and lhsdamea WeatfmLong,Loon Blndlay,and Ne llChmtennndrovetoCherokee,Iowa.S\xndaY to ? end the daywith the Lawrence amen iamlly, fonner McCarthy ruidentn.H i n Doris Wilklnn o f m wspent Sundav with Norma Long.Mr. and Mn. Leonard Nelson ofArlington ment Tuesday at theFloydHg-= Nhixme.Dgfgy tha ev g a e sons an r. anMn. Hlnz vidusd Mr. and Mra- Fred Jensen.Rudoluh Kuhl of Kennard gpmtSunday nvenlnz with Mr. and Mn. Wlllxam Wulbem.Mr.and M d Earl Thompsonweredinner zuesfa, Sunday,o l .-.I Dos ~A. lof - = sv¢ ~ENT .'r2»}'3§E ~ m i n d A . H . S t r e n i f b r c o l eHn . He r -bra te be lated bi rth d| Y !»Pinochii " "'°|-\._.|....s..4¢i1\rnnn{..P1113ldr'lLudlin¢N¢nps»er S\lIllG'ly\wn»-w---. ___, .h m n d u n e m d d n l m n n u w d u d n n d d m n p e l d l n n h L1|79»M-fhnwiwffiu st 8\Ak,Nehnak|.PUBLISHED L VERY 'rx-lunsvn nf. N... ...... ..._Don s.:Chrke of Linwlu wereSuny | r u n ¢ l o f R e v . m d ) l n . A. w. my-ke.Mn. Wxlllnm Adnan md NcrmnChnmbéglninweresupperuests»-\...._¢.....Rar- "I;° my T. velilut scorn»o and .f mp. mln Ayvlebg. were nmwnt.mec-tlon o of mera and the lesson,"Disdpline md Guidance",werehe\d.Game! for enterhlnment atwhich Mrs. Herman Appleby, Mrs.Julian Junghluth md Mrs. Chlford . =_.,\._ ...,... .\au»\_Alter A lunch Iunnlmsu uw-u.........._,__ _for hizh more were awarded toMn. Fred Nieblum and Ray John-son. md low tn Mrs. Albert Otw ml n and Winifned Schurman.Giltl were presented m the honor-ees,md hmch Eroughl. by the wma- ;;=--~ "_ i. 1 "a;='a..'.2;'"...i'"" "0. i». ~ f*=:.==:.'&f e!s'!'=e.;'*'..°",!°':£'..E... ..: Emi.' wjB.GBBQL-5|I0{ LHB mxluma vuuau lu ally | ¢| 4»-oi ' Mn . C h r i s Ku n h o j.Mm. K o r - ahoj se rve d s lun c h.Hn . A n n a . J oh nso n o f B lai r wa an vis ito r.1ur_...1:1 U Rvnunf :f u l Mr s . lhher I Mrs. Deo Unlmwrmm -... -na o ms s . Ed i wr " F r ub °nm .JOHN A.3 sunt jghwr- Advettllilll b a r n . ~ o l o m " Hn"qli.F`§2<?E|.:nI1ARRIE. Lo¢$lEd"»°!.§ $ '§ ,..Ply!!Jong °.€.1E"?'.'§'f.'Jr.LJUBCUU wuu |.n\¢»--_wg s s e r v e d z h e y a d i o u n m d to m e e t m e mth Mrs . Pn ul J one s ne xt time.El.ln1;r¢l w m m n a o f Mgorpgy d, W e: 'SU W B!Lines D¢ K m§ r an d .Do rothynaman-Ni vlmtcd af.the I-'red nm- :ru -ni h o me on _ Th u r s d a yBAM!-unmn m\.~-I-»---~.ROY F. B;:»P,1S, Pressman md Compoeltnr 1 mss VANOLA J. BRUNTON, Linotype Opexnwr MARIE RASMUSSEN, Linotype Operntor GAROLD FRAIN, Apprentia _...i f f ~",@'.," f ain ~i~ ~"'"ff..;:*i t ' f E ~ Hrs. James Thommwn end Mn.hmm lllullln helped at the Catho- lie Lndles' Club cgrend dibh din- nar in Blnir. Mon y ev nr.The M¢C|.r¢.\1 Prngreedve Cl\xb\ yIn meednx wdny. mndgg- withlin. Junea Thomgison.ra. J\x~ilth Ammon and n. Bert Coop-nr ue on the uervlnx committee. lows: president. Mn. Leon Hind ley; necretsry-treuunr, Hrs, Wu- Thnmpson; leader B. Mn. Russell M¢:D<m»ld; muah: leader. Mrs. Mu! lin; and heshh lender, Mrs. EnrlThompson.Plum were made ur hold nn Aehievexnent Dey programntthehome ol Mn.Howud Thompson.next Thurndly uhm'- noon.Ma nn. md llesdnmes WewmLonLn*/l'l Hlndley,m d Ne llso- .-..lm-mkm ton Dong; xwm- A. Mn. Howerd M nl W; ~ ¥°-i: and md dam were nll dey gums, weunew-:.of Mrs. Sarah Swan at the Mn. lmxie Fitch home.Mr. and Mn. Elmer Sheets andlon moved 'l`\xesdl fr0m the Fred Ranrt home infn rn. Dells Div- il' home Frldny.Mr. md Mn. D. 0. Sheets andMr. And Hx-I. Rslnh §c\rlett mdLeon were Sundli dmnar guestsgMr. and Mn.ale Jensen of Mn. Petra Clxrintlmsen of Fre-mcmt is xmendinx n few days nt the J. A. Jane:-sen home.Both loell chuxeha will observe -H--A-- Mm. -fmrhl Axe m x Willi suqpthen lon.Mv/eel Mblrtl Tex14.Bref frm Dee Jes! h umd. n i 1 | ; |l l A ) | . | ¢ u \u n ¢ »a n. . . M Q f n t v i f *n f O m n h n I fx. ham baM\|2;';..E":;.:.'»:; ;a;.T.;.u. mothsr. llrs. Mlnhlll Jack- ra.Lsum Hays mem,the &-end ln Scn'bner st the Henry* menhnnren home.n .Hnrold Brewster.whose adny was Mu-ch 19. and 5,53 , whose Mrthdly wassharedhonors st the J. M.wster home,Mundny.Themn lncluded Mears. and Mee-lel Lynn Amltronz sud Bos!u of Blslr; Hamid Johnsen andle Webster md childxu of Te-mh: Huold Brewster. Janine Terry; J. M. Brewster, ForL Brswsiar md childen. Hsrleyme md Trnble. hwy Justleq. Curlv rnumu,.....,.._ _- w g t r e g t r n s n u f f ; mm- d ; = sc or,rin ,r s u.turned wJL..§Iy.~ :mme Kruse spent.samrdsvand sunday st thu M. F. Wsskvii home ln Omshn.Hr. a nd Mn. Hmm Nelwn o f Omnhl were Sunday sftem°°!lvidwrs of the 0. F. Hu-riwn (sm- i x v m w w~=g-y f m n A m ; wa .»m Paz km., Clunmc s Smith. Jack Coburn md Donsld Swadd- d Omlhl-" ' i n .and Mrs.Slevsn sutu- uma the bri dge dnb.'rnudnvvminxPrizeswereswsrdad hm Pi uli ne Nu m and \ and Mn. Raymond Dlxun andP. Rhea.Election of ollicsrs was The Colbv Corner Club metl Thursday nfternnon with Mrs. J held and the followillk ottlaennamed:Mrs.Grover Wilkinspdent; Mrs. Cwriil Cook, vice- Dresldsntz Mrs.Nesl Andresseu, secretary:Mrs.Arthur Harlantnesgurer;Mrs. Ray Rosenbaummum: leadar: Mrs. Lloyd McCannrenderleader;Mrs.Elmer Andzusul, hsslth lssder: Mrs. HuelCruellsnd Mrs. Huwlnd RheaDmject lenders and Mrs. .Isp Ros-enbaum, news reporter.The nextclnh masking will be Anrll 8nd at the hams of Mn. C. S. Wsy.Sundhy evening vislton U! Mr --..,_ m-\..» n...|. .0 Minnésom. was s week-end vmwrwith Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jungbluth.Mrs. Howard Chxinexlsen, Mrs.Preswn Nickels md Mrs. PaulJun-w;gg s s ty le o vue held sir.y 'inlirs. J. 0. Msrshsll stumdsd tha Whse.-So~Ever Club st Hrs.Ed Mr. sud Mrs.m d qunxblvrh atbendedxhe silver weddxnlt dmeeheld ln heuor of Mr. md Mrs. FndKsmpke, of Osmnnd. Nebrsdnl. xtthe Eur ciw lull ssmrdsy nixht-u r .md Mrs.lismnke gurmsrly llvsd north ol Elk Ciw-Kr. and Mn. A- H. Slbbsrnnnsnzlppm we re allers st Fwd ""5 §bl3I\f3 Sa °"'{lE» .... o f ~ Renu<il. Thursday sftamoon. we eval celda: A.Ev: | p snco nina:and Sunday altemoon DALE Nlsws Fhose helning Penny Tgilor eb:-ate her 2nd birthday on-y evening were Mr. md Mtn. C.Hineline and Loi: and Mrs. nm; Tsglur and Chnrles.Mr. an Mrs.Austin Beale;ent the week-end visiting Mr. g_ Mrs. L J. Willinml of Lin- Ami., m ru. Ehtervrin Home~ M Bm- Bltwn, Sun| wr ve u .'.Hu - : h o n p u 'gu e s t! . r . m d M n .f a mi ly o l u r . I n u mr s ,u n u nu.,-..... ._!u n i l{ :° Mr . n nd b i n . A . J . F o wle r an d i l an d M i n Ms t ti a J une Pe ar s on .Mr .m d Mr s .A .N .Andqnvan _.».........|1»...m-R u m h v d u r mnxwu, v.»..-- -. ... _d liff. and Mn. Henry Chrlntanndnol Blai r md Mr. md Mn. Fxe dJungbluth alled on Dunne Lund--»_-....»wh\m1u Senn Hospitd lnll ol hrlect Tulkilg Picture: o0nro \n'Am.E AND COOL AIILCON DITIONED mar~ v=.z~a=*el!1°!!.=°;__.l»vsa== =»e==ez_'1":.a°.w.,.,.. érl ?."1£I¢'\Z'&\f"' b¢mue`i"\1T' ¥~°1\W"| ..::.&.;".':.m'"i`r."i'£Zl"i:§Tia:.'b. ,J lv -Iuziorh vm unter- Bnturdly dnlmmm- Sunday ll! DF- gg;-qu Thou wer,dimming, of M nby mdHr .and u r s .hm L u n e : S p u nSundayi n Omaha.wi th relatives and friends. Mi s s llg n mwet Th o mp s o n ,wh oin employ ed at the Austin Renahnw home south of Blair. spent Sunday wi th her parents.Mr .an d Mr s . mr. ma. mn. l.$Ul.\Blu .......--A r li n g to n me n t Tu es da y at Flo y d Hi n z home.Durinir even ing : the Nelson n a nd Mr.Mr s .Hi n x vi s ite d Mr. an d B Fre d J oennenRu d o lp h K u h l o f K e mu r d s i C'- -A ». ¢» nn un inn ~ Mr. md 1 ua;th e m d d n . L last 'I'1:eendsy evenimr.Mr . a n d Mr s .I va n H e lm s a n d Lo is o f Oma h a m e n t Saturday n i h t an d Sunday wi th Ha man nrefativea. nm ..-_...\.... -¢»¢1§nu» nf Q13 H¢g. i<`Zf¢i"`££i»a`" ta i n ed a tand Mrs. C The dinnemRe i d q u h ilra. Willito visitCQ*-*fig ~d Y t e r-a. n- n. u n O |-s t r o m s t N i c h o l a s S e r i n H o s p i t a l i n O m x l u ,S u n d a y .M i n a n d M n .J .0 .M n r s h n l l a n d .g i d i y w e r e s h o p p i n g i n O m a h a . yJ .P .S u n d l a n d W a y n e c a l l e d o n M o r t o n S u n d s ,n e a r C a s e y . I o w a ,S u n d a y ,M r .a n d M r s .J .0 .M a r s h a l l , J e a n n e ,B e v e r l y a n d J i m m y s n . - t e n d e d a c o m m u n i t y p r o g r a m a t t h e W h i t f o d s c h o o l ,F r i d a y n i g h t . M r .a n d M r s .A n d y S c h a e f e r o f B e n s o n v i s i t e d w i t h M r .a n d M r s . L a w r e n c e H a n s e n ,S u n d a y . M r s .F r e d R a m s e r a n d B e r t h a a n d M r s .G .F .P a u l s e n a n d L o n r a i n e w e r e M o n d a y d i n n e r g u e s t s o f M r s .L e n s D o d s o n i n O m a h a . M r s .J .P .S a n d s .H a r r i e t a n d A l v i n t r a n s a c t e d b u s i n e s s i n B l a i r Monday .Mr. and Mrs. Paul J ones visite~ Otto P fei ffe r!! ne ar Elk hor n. Sun day af ternoon.Misa Dor othy Hei er.a.atuden o f Mi d la n d College.spentweek-end wi th h e r pa re nts, Mr and Mrs . L , C. He ie r.Mr .a n d hire.Pa ul Jones anKe ith.Mr .an d Mr s .L . c .Ho ie Do ro th y an d Me lvi n atten de d th silver wedd ing anniversary p e r t held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. JmyAndersoninth e W ashingi~ Ha ll, S a tn r d ly n ig h t.Mr . a n d Mr s.Paul J ones c ali on Mr . an d Mr s . Hu gh Rhe a . day eveni ng . ,_=_._._..-1 T H U R S D A Y Mi tc h 2 8 A d mk d vn 1 0 - 3 0 C u . I IIT!~s .Nelson ho me.Mr s.Sam W ri ght an d Mr s .Ro yNelsonwereguests.Mr s .Cly de .Rosenbaum wo n hi g h prige, SUNDAY-MONDAY March 30-31Sunday Malineu, Adm.10-Bllcln |-»lands Bust-Sells! F R I D A Y - S A T U R D A Y Mar c h 28-29 Sat. Matinee, Adm. 10-Zilc ts. Re tu r n nf Fr a nk J a me s W i th He nr y Fonda-Gene Tiernery Als o- »Mnr c h o f Time.Even ing Ad m.I0 3Uc ta Edw a r d S m a ll pmonh TMSON of M O N T E C R I S T O |-Ian-il;LOUIS HAYWARD JOAN B ENNE TT ho-WhenWifey Is Away C edy. u n Sieven ~ ~ w _0 Iilra.Ctrl at the J. A. Burgess home.divho in ill-.Mr. and Hrs. Ed Lautrup an-\.......s..A Inu ..1.:l.I...".M1 and MIB.ChlflGlJ e n ' |I D B r e g u l a r | . . | n : v\ n g x t T "\ _1 .\ |H u n t . a n n m r s .r l u y u . r \ \ u . A » u u u - 'Hn. gonc lOn AW':vm-Her- :lamFredld- mI-\hrRK1%W C vu o a n W omsn 's c lub wi ll oe ns iuriday afternoon. March 28. at the mme o! Mrs. J. H. Johnson: Mn..C.Johnson and Mrs.Alfr ed ramer will be assisting hostels-|.A music al ur oxrmm wi ll b e iven by Dana College.Mi ss B e ss ie Imm we n t to Si ou x ity .Saturday .to s e e h er fa the r 'ho is a hosp ital na tient.Mrs . Haro ld W eb ste r a nd J oy c e f Te k a mah we r e Sunday eveninguunerguests od Mr . a n d Mr s . #red Rogert.Mr s ,Mar c us Kr og er an d d u l - lren and Mrs. J oe Crutsinger were )maha visitors, Thursday . Mr .and Mr s .A .W .Ba rg e o l Fekamah and Mr. and Mrs . J amesIonety were enter taine d at d inner it the Ned 'l`YB0n home. W ednes- lay . hon or in g the f our th b irthd ay sf Susan Ty son.Mon day . Mrs . A . W . Cla rk e wastakentoUleMethod ist hospital [or medical oaie.Mr. and Mrs. J . M. Brewster and Mr .an d Mr s .Ha r le y Ro g e r t a n d Truhi e wer e Su nday alte moon vis- itors a t th e Jesse Webster ho me in Te ka ma h.Ole Hn ns in g le f t Wednesday fo r Ni o b r ar a alte r a wee k ' s vis it at the Clara . C arl an d F red Olson home.A. O. Stok es metered to Omaha. W ednesd ay . fo r Mrs.Stok es, who ha d sp e n t th e we e k wi th Mr . a n d Mr s . E mi l Unma c k. Dr. a nd Mrs . W a lter Mas on e n- tertained Sunday evening f o r D r . and Mrs. Mason of Omaha. Messrs. and Mesdames G.O.Potadle,T .R. Swanso n. J ames Press Q.D . were wee k-e nd g uests o f re lati ves a t S ih n er ,a t th e Ra y Johnson and E mi l J oh ns on ho me s,Oth ers pre se nt we re S fmt. an d Mrs H. E. Alexande r of Fr iend. Ne braska. Fo llo wi n g a mo n th ' s va e ltlo ntr io a lo ng th e we st c o as t Mr . an d Mrs.H .C.Hansen an d Ho wa r d arr ived horns Saturday night. Th e y wer e ac c omoanie d on their trip by Mrs. Hans en's pare nts. Mr.an d Mr s . J o hn Ba ile y of Mc Co ok . Neb ra sk a. vlsi ti nz Br itis h Co lu m- bia.Vanc ouver.W ashington,SanDiego,California.N e w Mexic o, and Old Mexi c o.Mr . a n d Mr s J . C . J e n se n ne n t the week -end at lma o Ci ty visiting their s on-in-law and daughte r, Mr. and Mr s. Blane E rns t.Mr . a n d Mr s .Alto n J ens en and La rr y we re Su nd ay d in n er g ue sts of Mr. and Mrs. Nels M. J ens en in Oma ha.Mr s. He nr y W ubben horst. Mrs. Ray mo nd K as tle.Mrs. Ly le L ee. Mr s . A lto n J e n s en a nd Mis s Emi lFa llen atte nd e d th e s ty le s h ow i n Blai r.Frid ay .Af t e r a week's vi s i t wi th rela- tives.Mr s. Be r th a Neider krnger le f t Saturday fo r Gr a n d Island. He r s on , E lme r . wh o wa s i nju r e d n week ag o in a n auto aeeident. su ff er in g n ba c k inju ry a nd ! rsc ~ tured ribs.is in ~ th e hospital a t Gran d I slan d:-Fri day evening.a birthday gr ou p me t wi th Mr s .Mar c us Kroge r in c lud ing Mrs. C. R. Gray .Mr s .A . L .Sulli van.Mrs. Ch ris Korsh oj a nd d augh ters . Mr s. 0 . H. Go ds ey a n d No rma Kruse. Mesdames G.F. h owe . Ole e n F r a n k ierupanev oeieunw... .....birthd ay . Sa turda y sven ixm. e nter- taini ng fr iends and neigh bors.Din ner guests.Sunday ,o f ' Mr . an d Mr s . E d wa r d Lnrenzon a n d f a mi ly we re Messrs.an d Mase da me ; W i llia m S lay er nl Flor e nc ean d He n r y I o r e u z o n o l B la i r . Messrs.and Meadames 0 .F . Har ris on.He r ma n Anderson an d Gr a n t I n s . .we re mea ts o r Mr . nnd Mrs. G. V. Be adle, Fd day evo- !\.l¢`| l§rs.I-leflrlf Fisher, Mrs. william Ti e tg e n a n d Mrs . J o h n D a hl we r evi s i to rs a t the h o me o l Mr s. P a u l Krus e. Mond ay afte rno on.Th e Green Va lle v C lu b me t wi th Mr s .He n r y Fisher,Wednesdayafternoon.wi th seven memb ers ni-esem.Mr s .Ha r o ld D e y o f Om- aha wa s a vis ito r.Mr .an d Mr s .I-'red 1-liese cele- bra ted th ei r 11 th we dd in g anni~ versary .Sunday .Guests du r in g th e afternoon an d eve ni ng we reMr s .A n n a Hie se a nd E m m a of Benson,Messrs.a n d Mes dsmes W .K .Johanson o f Ir vin g to n ;Ha r old L a rs o n a nd Ro n ald o f Omf sho ; Gif fo rd Ne ls on an d r amil ofBlai r ; Mrs .Pa ul Me lo t z a n d 5 . . . id o f Florenc e an d Messrs.an dMesd ames Hu g o Kru se an d f u m- ily a n d J . J .Sierlt.Atten d in g a c ard pa rty a t th e Ed.L u n d h o me a t SorerLson's Daxrv i n Omah a, W ed nesday . wereMesd ames Ama n d a Suveritrubbe, W alter Die n. T.L Mi tc h e ll, W i l~ li a m Suverkrubbe.A r th u r Kr ar n. bec k and A r th u r Clausen. Mr s .An d re w Ne ve y an d d a ug h - ters . Glady s ar d 91 21. 01 F lore nc e en.....e..,........._--._B a te s a n d Mi s s e s L e n a B ltu a n d Chris tine Chris tense n he lped Mrs. He n r y L a s h - u n o b s e r ve h o r MM- day . Monda y eve ning.Mrs. Emil E. Matz en and dau zh-ters attended a shower i n Ben- nington. Sunday . given in honor ol Miss Lorena Christensen..Mrs . S tella Miller ol Blair wa s sFrid ay even ing vi sito r a t th e J ohr Rev. and Mrs. P . C. J ense n, EL le n or a an d I n g ri d vi s ite d Mr . a mMr s .An sg a r J en se n i n Oma h a Wednesday .Mr s . My r tle Mc C an n s p en t S a t " r g " n i g h t w i t h Mr s .Ru th Ro s e n a u mTh e L a d i e s C a r d C lub me t F r i day a fter noo n at the ho me o f MnRo y Sigman.Mr s .Otto Gottsc l Miss es S tella a nd B uela h Co lle o f F r e mo n t vi s i te d Mr .an d M n A. Courtwriizht. Sunday .Mr . an d Mrs . P au l E. No el a nf a m i l y o l Te k u n a h we re Sunds vi si to rs a t th e S. P ettlt an d Ha n Noel homes.T .W .Bates o f Oma h a sue*sever al d ay s th e p as t we ek a t tl Charles Bates home.Mr s .l-lettie Mc Ca nn an d Fic ence a n d To m C la r k o f Omal we r e g u es ts o l Mr s .Ru th Rose ba um,Saturday evening.Mr .an d Mr s .L .E.Peters(Mr s. Ne ls P ete rs o n. Mr . a n d M Ro llon d Ho lmes a nd Ted P eter s we n t to Kear ney .Nebra ska,F ' d a y .to atten d w e fun er al of relative..The Br ews ter Club met Tu escaf te r n o on wi th Mr s . E mi l E . M n."S u n d a y d i n n e r g u e s ts a t_ th e .Tama Th omas on .Q||.ll?§.| g1§|blllnllnmrrnm d Meadames H o w n d \ W m " m ' W P F ~ . - . _ _ .rm.. T1 D ae *L I a. cn- h U '""E'.a§i Thompson.an d M r l.lld MTB.b l r l }.lluu4|meson..an Tho mps on md Gr a c e visited we re dinner nmesta.Sunday . t r t f th e M r a . n d Mr s "'Frenc hwere! times the la ter pa o ..ram.\I .ee k i n Ar li ng to n,wi th Mru.| W edn esday they vidted Mr s. I urrenee Cook, who is ill.'re nee Cook o f Arlington. ac cThe Mc Carthy Pr0.ie~c t Club met panie d by Cly d e Fre nc h a nd 1 ith Mr s. J ames Mu lli n. Thu rsd ayfternoon.wh en officers f o r th e omim!y ea r we re elec ted an fo l- ber t W e nd t.Mr .an d Hr s .Gi i f o r d Nig attended as snstherinnc at the Heise ho me in _F1gxenc£..§}lr N G \ _ . _BENDORF FUNERAL HOME Phone 40 AMBULAN CE SE RV ICE Modern Funeral Service Cnnsiderake in Cust » mmo moves: "@ '¢~ ~¢»~~/é'39?~ 5 QMARCH29th ~~I"a n ~in :~ : .b r a t e t h e i r e l e v e n t h w e d d m g a n n : \ c r 8 & 2 '} '. I ¢ - n n - -Sund.ay evening Mr .an d Mr s . Ro s a Lo ve a nd Mr .an d Mr s. J oe I. we e nter ta in ed f or Mrs . He rmanRahlfs an d I.»aVe rn, Mr. and Mrs. Ha r old Christensen.Glo ria and onnie and Mr . an d Mr s. C ha rles uve.Eldri d Ke mpke ntte nded a D art?at the J oe J ensen home . Saturday cvemmz.Mr s .01:10 Mc D ona ld of Hoo pe ris visiting with Mr . an d Mr s. A us» Lin Beales. I mynt- E. and een hi l- an d iris, i. J . ne r, Mi s s I n n a Bates sec on u fun n uman d th e tra ve li ng Drize we n t toMiss Le na Bates.Th e ne xt me et- ing will be An ril uh at the Char les Bates ho me with Miss D en a B ates as hostess.Sunday vi si tor s a t th e He n r yUtter-mann ho me wer e Mr .an d Mr s ,Roy Bu tter fi eld of Fr emon t, Mr .an d Mr s .W nlter Rosenbaum and children o f W ashi ngton an dMr .an d Mr s .W alter Ph.-nge and . children.u .__.| nz...v lr n.»|»»-mn vin- Gingar ROGERS," DENNIS MORGANJAMES CRAIG[KO IADXO A l h o - B i g Ga me Fi»l\ing Sport Reel an d F ly i n g Slu dvnls a nd Ne ws Reel,Eve ni ng Ad m.10- 35c ls.Y Long.Ed"8YU SWBIIBUII,u|.¢:n|::uaW est;Mi ss D a m mi t Olson and Ke rmit Goi l of Tek amah . I n the second semester uromo-tio ni an d as sig nmen ts in the Un i- versity R. 0. T. C. briizude, Stanley M. Tmh ls e n of He r ma n was pro- moted to c adet c aptain.Mrs.G. F .Lo we enter taine d at n dessert bridge luncheon.Satur- day ; R1lests were Mesdarnes Nellie Hoover of Ba ttle Creek.Nebras- ka :He nr y Wnbbebnhorst.J amesVan Horn . J ohn H. J ohnso n. C. S. Ho r n , A .H.Lowe.:J ohanna O1- son.An n a Pedclie.Claude Clem- ents. J . A. J esuersen. Henry Truhl- sen, I. W . Nelson, and Miss Map;- RT sen A .H.Lo we ,Johanna U'5°"-'were c allers. swmmy ll»lLe| .uuuu, unHi n t Lo we .Alto n Jensen,Ray - mi ss Daisy Slader. mo n d Sullivan and Be rt Lo we Mr s.Ric hard Sievers enter- we re F ri da y s un oe r gu es ts at the ltai ne d the W oma n's Clu b, Th ur s-A.H.Lcrwe home;the evening dev a ftern oo n.Mi ss Ka ti e 1lriehr~ was spent at c ards.I M J Tri 1MesdamesJ oe Bandar.1'w1 -?§€ ¢£§. i.m { ; , k ° § ; d A31 ~ Hanc ock.Leo Fnusett.E mi l Fol- Ien,J ennings West,Ray Tri p- lett.Ver non Clements. J .A.Jes- per:ien and W i lli a m ChristensentooktheirsummerstotheClaude Clements home.Friday .After- wards thev play ed Dinochle. sang n so lo ___....._............_-.-...P` T { l ° "_ } 3 # »S e m n l - = f * = . 7 3 Mr .and Mr s.E d Christensen were Tuesday evenine visitors a t f " ' q y 1 g " " "'=""" r f the E lme r Bratts h;;_,'r;;.-in Ills irr :h ( H E g Mr .and rs.1 : s m oennz R C ~nnd Bily , daGeo;fRe and Gertshld .5 \ll:. .'z <1 spent un y ternoon a t e.\..'....i§11{....Zi i§...\f.§$ 'ii ...§`.i`$Her be rt K°§!m §f °" '" ' "1 i° ¢ "" '. i i. on he r blrthd nlr. Frid ay . nt Marc h Mr . a n d rs.rsuncis 0 e n ic school and Loss Jenn :md Duline wereA i ms Mi lle r wa s h o ste s s to the l" i8 i "° " 'a t the Gilb ert Johnson Paruo Club Thu rsd av nfte:n oon .'l"°" "'f " S E"" "dy F.5 Dlli ri hn nd l Mr s.§°;:§;fd Jensen,.s f f ` ° 3 f i . .'I.'.§'§.."wii'ii""h§§'°T='£.§'{`.` oro y ..th ... 'were s..».d.1`i`."'i..'.§'.1...- n.3Si§ <»i"ii3'.L:n":;.":P'f..E,'¢..S*Catherunp hospi- E.Ms tze n ho me we re mr .1Mrs.Rudo lph Ma tz n and E i l and Mike Chis tens en o f Blair. Mr s.Ne a l Vir ge nhi ll an d c dr en o f Omah a vi si te d Mr . Mr s .He nr y La u tr u p an d Dc Sunday .mx..: Mu n Glnhmidt and Mrsl 0."H1¥a1;}T:their air Mrs. Park Smith,in Omaha. E day.Mr. and Mrs.Soren Wolsn ,.::;=-:,.--#- '" " "/ , 1 1 1 -"' - r - g e #Z.""'T,»¢I '~l ~» \~-- <>, /_.. ey cvenimr 'I`l'ESl)AY April \Admission 10-20cls. y #4" »-;,»~¢;t3¢ "',v*'~F nv " " & . ; " £ l A n °""§'. no :Amo ra¢ ~ u f *....L ~ f msmr <3 2 >u mr .d a m n n S u n d n Z of/* <; ' » ~A REPO I|.¢\] 1 l 0 . I ___ Q Y o u Iu l i c u n ' l u n t i l f o 1 . \ v» t r u vt l u d t h i : m i a - ~ » u a t h o m q q o d n n a Y o u h a f o t o n o th o a p p i a c o u n t r y a n d t h a qbc pp ru d utc lh u hr msa n 1n q. PI a nloh nr u ln | : no w Nubmalln.Visit h u buuutlhd stats park::md rocnuiian grounds d u m ;weak-ondn ¢ndvo:aa1\ona.Thon»'nu\hnI11n!J:|FEII£.c dy ou:homou\c rhl SEND r o n r m :NEBRASKA TOUR-O-GRAPE A n u r .~I ~ -ko mpmi nd p d du o sto i bo n tu wsr u c umi c mq mun d nmu ia n u in p az k a \ n m- u | 1 a b 1 | - 8 ¢ a d i o u y wn \ o d n y a n d a u : : 1 ¢ li ° 1 l' i l !¢BlH.QBI.l»l r m .n a a : u a n » n m \ m A a mu » 1 w c ¢ mu » 1 u n . | n u u ¢ n » . 1 m ¢ » h . WEDNESDAY'I`I{lRSIL\Y April 2-3.'. ' xl mion I0-30¢:I.a. t n o n i nmr ubricating Oils ~ Direct To You! > .Lubri cati ng 0 119 For Every Pur pose Autom obiles - - Tractors - - Household Uses e e 0 >ln Past Years A l..argf5§6a >nageOf H o l l y V a c u u m C u t D i s m i i a M o t o r 0 1 l s H a s B e e n U s e d I n T h e B l a i r V i c i n i t y At Present W e Have No Local Dealer To Care For Th e Req ui rem en t:of Ol d and New Customers.W e W i l l S h i p T o Y o u D i r e c t - » - -.»A n d S a v e T h e D e a l e r - ' s P r o f i t " V ' I "| ' = :m 1=~T e l I U e Y e u r R e q u l n m s n u B y M n l l F u l l D e t a i l s U p o n R e q u e s t ~ ~me South shvinit Us When ln L=...,J'f?°°"" Nelaruk L u b~Spring Work ll At Hand!Your ubrlee on Pro lemeShould Be Cum! For At Once , A'k\=ii`i§i2°`"HOLLY o1L co an p |1 g v " ' 01\\¥ ""L|nnA nannm BASIL RATHBOHE Aho-Action on lee Sporf lie;-I, and Carman. ulu||u||||m|\\|m|||||\mnnmumllll\ an d Mr s.I..E.Larsen.um \Au.\\. """""r entMr . a n d Mr s.M g Hansen and ~ w i t h h ; : r e ; l ; n t 5 g g v m daugh ters spen t Pm as ' at the A r» | Mm D. Kn ight and sister, Mrs. nolni Hansen home.Mr and . Mrs . willi am Smith.Mr .WesterfraardChn s Han se n wer e Sun da y d in ner -was a caller a t th e Emest.Fer- sruests there.and Mr .and M m 'Igugen home th at day .A H ll Idaaymsvengirenwerecae m Sun Mr .an d Mrs .Ha rr y J a hn el an d W alter J ahnei o f Tek ama h.M r Mr .and Mr s.J ames Andersen .c eleb rated thei r silver weddin g an- "f'd " a . * $ . " " J £ t; e l0 md L { § D l £ . : § niversary i n W ashington,s w f - ,g W alwr YChR;"i 5ensen ""{1f"".'&1E'"M..Mi lto n Carlb%1`iI`Miss Marararet Fo le v *"'f*"" the week-end in Oma h a sh0DD1lJiL andand Gene and Mr . a n d Mr s .Ea r l.. i tin wi th he r sister Doro thyJensen were guests at ghe Haruld| ':1f' Qr (1nfhnrine'n IIosbitnl.n to America The Ford Motor Com§any's business has a lwa y s be e n to serve the needs of the American peo ple. In prov idi ng the m wi th low-cos t transporta tion for the pa s t 3 8 y a n, we ha v e de v e l- oped one of the oountry's larg- nt a nd mo s t us e ful i nd us tri a l units . During at national e mer- gency, we feel that these facili- ti a sho uld be de vo te d wi tho ut raerve to our count.ry's needs. To w a r d t h a t e n d w e started rolli ng months ago , wi th the se reads: _ 1 A $21,006,000 Ford nirplnne en-gine factory, sand only 6 monthsego, in narly completed. Production will mn wi th nn initid order for 4,236 eighteen cylinder,air-oooled, doublerow, ndid en§ne|. 2 We ue building n new $800,000 Ford magnuinm nlloy foundry, one of the few in the country. It isshadyproducinglightweightnit- plme mgine ustinp. 3 Amy renonnxlssnnce can -mili- tnry vehicles oi nn endrely newty pe --ue ro lli ng o i specind Ford nnembly lines at the nee of more than 600 a month. We have produned Army mE an and bomber service trucks. 4 'Due gnvemmem hu given the "go-nhend"Ind wo rk in now under f the fu!'wry or conetrucuonol nn $11,000,000 lord plantno produce bomber mlrlnnn nnanblia by mn: produc- dnn mahodn- L 5 Several months ago work vu mrwd. on our own initintive, onnn entirely new 1500 horsepowe' ek-pllne engine specially duigned fa mm production. This engine is now i nthe ue s tmge mdplnns nre bdnx developed for producing it in lun quantities when md if needed. 5 A Fond siren!! np tice schoolhu been es¢nbl.lshe§,';`¢r\ln 2000 nudems et n time. That is a report of progress to date. The experience and facilitia of this company can be used to do much of the job which America now needs to get done in a hurry . Our way of'woi-king, which avoids all possible red tape, eu- abla us to get results and get the m fast.Thi s benefits --vers of our products and workers who produce them. We are ready to make any- thi ng we kno w h o w no ma k e , to .ma k e i t t o the li mi t o f o ur capacity if need be, no make it a s i s s ta s w e c a n go ,a n dn>s ta rt the ne x t j o b whe ne v e r o u r c o \mtry ns k .1 u .1 t o .Andt o th i .t end, we know we ha ve the full co nfi de nc e a n d lo y a l suppo n of the wo rkme n througho ut o ur plants. Jensen home. Sunday afternoon.Mn a n d Mr s .An d re w Svend- word and c hildren helned Esther Hansen c elebrate her birthday Sat- urda.;evening; at the A xe l Ha ro sen ome.hir.and Mr s .Lillarwd Jensenwer e in Omah a S aturd ay e ven in g. Su nd a y gu e sts o f Mr. an d Mrs . Ra y mon d Fr en c h wer e Mr s. C . E. Frenc h and dau ghter, Ethel.Glen Savage o f Oma h a and Irene Fr en c h o f Fr e mo n t spent Sunday eve n i n g wi th Mr s,C.E. Frenc h.Mr s .Cassie Hanesen,Ha rvey and Haz el, an d Mr. a nd Mrs . Har- old Sto rk a n d Pe g gy we re s u persmearso f Mr .and Mr s.Gi t o r d Frenc h.Sunday . ~ ~F5 a Mr s .Pete J ones attended the Sty le show in B la ir . F ri da y n ite! - noon.M n .Jennie Wallac e Of Bla ir sp e n t th e we e k e nd wi th h e r s o n . nci a d ciniciren and He r ma n Ha ve n ic k attended the 25th wedding nmvor sa ry pa rty n t the Georgehwe r h o me ,Sunday even inx. Mr s.W i lli n m Koenisr spent Mo nd a y af ter no o n with Mrs . J oh : Quinlan.Mr .and Mr s .E d Chnstenseuvis ite d a t the Mik e B ron dum ho m' on W ednesdav eveninflRusselandDu n Western!!!-rspen t S unda y a fter noo n wi th W a! ly a n d A lvi n V o s .Ven da Christensen returned 1 Dana.o n Thur sday af ter s eve n davs' illn ess with the ifiu. Misa Ver nie Honrururscn rturnedto h e r teac hing at Ma ne school on Thu rnd av af te r n tv weeks illness. Mr s.F52 W esteritalrd wa sguesta t o rthd av lunchetvn f her moth er.Mr s . A . D . K n i g h t Ir vi ng to n on Saturday . °"M`i'-f §"ii{-§."1=§-eineia Hovendicli n " Ro r ga". l Y l j§.,;.p ,f.**»;'-as U ~ " " "; 1r~T J; Russ Wallace.Mrs. G°°f»s° Michelson, who hasbeenvervill,is somewhat im-proved althuumh alll bedfant.Mr.and Mrs.Henry Halstesdl and children of Sioux City, Mrs.Lgonard Van Wlnkle of gmg u.Virgil Hineline 01 Bellevue.andm a Gnzun wen Sunday dimerxuests at the Chlrles 0. Hinallne hmnaMr. md Mrs, B0ll»nd__SmiLh en- ~ iéxiinf Theltrs Pnrty I OmahaThe senior class ol Kennard llinenjoyed a theatnc party, Manda evening, in Fremont.. Homemnken Elect Offleen At Meeting The Homemaken Club met llThursday afbernomi at the home \Mm. Georze Menlnim!~Elocgiqnj hitdnldat 5-"ui"umm:mr Ijggn 'nl hdd mn um :cumln. Vind Smith Ind dlnlh|Ar.m chosen:Illmum.lin. »-I Eh:_ssynunlr %'f§f¢~°x-f°'\ie»°»'=-"ra E E E :ons were sunny vmwr ,,.,.A=-gf' >_g»\g- Mgf-n v r. An N.nw Paulwnmd non vlslled.Sunday. lt theGeo:-xo Nolnon home:M; Nallon hm bsen nl for some time.Mr. md Mrs. L|Vern¢Smmnmd emldnn attended me funenl of n relltlvs at Elkhorn, Nehru- h.Sundny. Advu¢l»in'\'heEnv.¢r|s|d|¢ Chula Bala W u Blrtlully CelebnntThosehelplmzChnrlee Batescelebratehisblnhdny,Fridny.evanlmr. wen Me nu. and Mu-damel H. C. Blnco, E. O. FakthlldmdBen.Clyde E.Rosenbaum,Glen Rnunbmm. Helen und Jndltnbaum. .hu RowKay. Roscoe Rnlananblum md Enid.Kelvin Rnwm I<`0RD MOTOR c0M1>ANY H a p ¢ l l l r ~ ma n l nests Attend M.A.c. P|.y. The Mondly Afmernoon C'\ub'|~md phy dny was hdd at theairHighSchoolnudiwrlum,21, mn Mrs. w. J. Knop-- directing the two producdom. 5 W~ R. C- Kuuingtm To m u A ! a mA meeting of the Wm\m'| Ro-n a m m h m n g m v m b e w e Frldny dtsmovn,lhmh 23, nz Sd1dfl¢r'n mu.On the su'Vil\¢oommitioe a n Mn . G.A. Endl-mum.Mn. Wayne Pntnun,md Hn. Harry Sqapsnlield.A abort ~ ( T - 4 o . r . a x ¢ - a n n o ; T' h c 0 . E .g_:.. mt c t a l n e d b y l n . T u n h y d u r m m . i n h e r d u d u l s h ~R-.J.Kurdo chlnd Feer. H.G.I.». SHOWER HONORS uns JOHN BIFFAR ln. Don Fast, Hines lnxjorla Smwm and lam Lund wan eo- hmnua A! the Fm home, FYWY evening,wmplimsntsry to H n . John Bilhr, A rwunt bride.The e v e n t w u l n t b e f o r m d n l i n m shower, lolluwed by s hmnheon. Spring flowars provided L mosttimely theme for the deoox-1s8un|, wmooxfn u m m m n m k d .In the a m v m li n. B. E. lldlv y - no \ d| , Hn . um llu dne h,u n .c ml G m , u n w . F . B mp u n , Hn . V.F. Bellovn,Mn. Barry Shadla, ln. mm C. K-law. lin. Rdph Vinton, nmi ln. John Sut- icn.Tha Girl Scout! and Bwwn- ie troop mx oelaetlonn between the phyl.llembcn of the Girl Scouts, who in npomored by tha Club, sho lervsd u unherl. ' Hn. Curl Pieper will be hostel! t was Hn .F`ndI.Km¢h md\|'_y-|. | & u D ¢ h m m ¢W d n | y h " l * h ' ¢ \ * ° ' 0 m l h . |'wereN.rl. [ r l Al l n d arhlna da t Vinton, Tuesday at tha Dxvld Noni: home, we re Mr. nadHtl.Hurry Kzlly ol Phnaoe.' Dr.W .l!.Di vo llltte mdedxre - l l n h n n e u d a n m u m d l n RUURBUI ul s In Gn n | | r . Imn ,n t m1 d n ¢m Bhlr o nlo a dny l l r a n d l n . E d A r h l l m d l r |ndln|.Jo\:nSut.\urhndntundod the lhrrlngn Cl\lbP¥°l¥`\m inOmahgs ntmdly av mi nxmwhi ch L\xaSutherlmdlt.ookp\rt. Hn n h d Kx | . F n n k Hlghtree md dxlldren :p mt Sunday with ..._, y m n k t m tha~*<`:.f *;.a n d CS h o p, | p mt t b v n d ¢ -a n d xmiun luncheon :nd meaning l t t h e m e ~ Kr. and ln. Dlvid Norris vb- lfsd at Cute: Inks, Snhmhy Sundxy, wi th Hn. No rth' Ugg, H n .Ben l e n u d ;l n .l a n d hu bsen ill but il rvporfad to bl hnpmving. M k t Elvsrll Andes-um gp g;from Friday undl Srmdny at th parental, Pete K. Andehm yum, At Hamm.Sha vldted vim au.md Mrs . P a m! J d lu- In ul ll. ma Mn. Raymond Linden of 'Do-hmnh, Wadnudny xlkrnoon. < been invited for the event., memo-ing members of the Harman Wm man's Club.Both playa, "Thin Ice" nnd "Sal- ly Gets Married", were well en- acted, and sm most enmeruining af- an the club, next Monday.Ae umt| time Mrs. Fsmh-I-U1 will dimma "Hy Impressions of SupremeCourt", and Mrs. F. II. McVicker will give a history of the court. mu um gee-», upon ue. ........,wu presenled with n our-nge of spring blossoms.The d u h a d been urelully hidden before Mrs. Bltfsrs srrlvnl, and fo find themshe followed instructions whleh, ln turn, were hidden in s my balloon. The guest list lnelmied Mrs.Bemml Penlsm of Omaha, Mn. Wslter E. Goehrlng, vm; sanodc. Norma Lund,Mildred Henle!! Mm..lack Petersen of Og-nlnlls, Irene Jensen,Selmn Leng, MnHarold Jolumeon, Mrs. Hu-lm Nel Kuhr,Cleo Paulsen,Mrs.RayJohnson, Mrs.Hownrd Fairehild Jeanette Hedelund,Betty Krogh RuLh Jensen,Enid Jensen, Irene Winehell,Lavonne Hansen,Ruth Lund, Elaine Jasoereen. Mary Jean lpnuwue ,..\.,.._- .. .-- Clhrlls Jahmel InmrdulayClehrmt Chris Jdmel of Kanmnrd ede- bnted his hlrthdxy Tuesday ev!-nmg, entenalning for Munn. ~Mesdlmes Willnm Jnhnel,FritzJahnelElmer Hiller, Bob Ander- sen Torvel Andersen. John Kum-nemsn, Clam Schneider. Ben Voss.a my K n d p wnlmm Jew. Wjd- uer Japp Fm.: 11419 and families. Frank Hmdrlekxen and Wilbert a.rds,a.ndl.\term:J-ieeveninzl Wrench Maney Club Holds Luncheon w a s for me H.cf 1..Clnh, Thursday when prima wereawarded Mrs. Floyd Hnlstesd end Mrs. Gear Pdersen.A dessert luncheon concluded the event. Brewster Club The Brewster Club met Mxmh 18 at the home d Mrs. Emil Mab- zen.The business meeting wasfollowed by an obnervnnce of ln. Mltzexfs birthday.The nextmeeting will be with Mrs. William Hlppy Harmony Club Mrs.Edwerd Quint enlerudned eleven members ol the HLPPY Harmony Club,Thursday amer- son,Laverne Paulsen, Mnrdelle Voss.The time was spent ax W\xlbern,Aprll 30. 1 lunch was served sr...m. - .r.~..\....M u Henry nnon: nne iz/nest. Mrs. Orva Metz- ene Bllcuwne nuwi m umnua,Sunday. Coach md Mn.m o l G u t spent the weekend in Pierce, Ne~ bmah, with Hn. Gut's peru!!-I, Mr. md hire Richard Hits. Kenneth Pound hu been quite i llthls we e hmdls e o n fhe dwhi l home on East Colfax llleet. Dr. md Mu. Norman K. Rath- msnn and Joan moved this week from East Lincoln street to theirnew home in the Paulsen addition.: Mr. and Mn. Henry Jensen en- teruined lt anis ,Int evening (Wednesday),101'the members of *he Pinochle Club. Mm. Glen Nieholson is able tolbe up :gain this week. after luv-\ lim: sulfemd a severe stuck of thal l al e a 1II i i i A ( :nut u me m g n mn no un muln. Bight:-ee'| male, E. A. BUW~ xrmm ol Omnlm. Mina Jann Hemphill, Univeuky »! Nebruh freshman, :pant dm meek-end w'E1.h~her p u m a ,Dr. md Mn.w. F. Hemphill m nlemphlllv u n u mt l y initiated nto the Pl Bm. Phi sorority. Gnettl at tha Rev. C. E. HnxmltuuMme, fmm Sunday undl Neaday morning,v m Mn. Hnmilwrfl hmthsr-ln~l$w and Aster, Mr. md Mrs. A. J. Hlyeu. ul Corydon, Ima. Vidtnru during the week to lee Mn. Cul F. Koltermm were Rev.H. C, Jul Frese. Min M;rl|.n Nel- lon,Mrs.Catherine Siart,Mins Qhrgnret Von_Lnnk1m, Mrs. Hayes Guests at ihe home of llr. ul M n .Hu-old Rlhbut,Blmdlr. were Mr.and llrs.W ll li l l' Schwlntk,ll r.m d Mn.A.w.Knaater, Min Winnie Bethko, mil Min Alma Rllzbasa ol Wat Point The ooctllon wu A eelebnBxm nl the hows bxrmmy. Mr,m d Mn.Carl KolharmmanwrhlnedSnndxy for llr. md Mrs.Frederick Koltermnn mdtwin sons, Runnin and Donnk, nlWahoo.Herbert Koltemlnn mi l Misa Mlmlle Prater of Humbolél, Nebraska.Hrs. Al Collins and thme chil- dren of Yankwn, South Dnknh. and her brother, Erwin Strlcklett at Minneapolis,Mirmembn.nr-1-iwd mrlv this week w rpmd d, Marjorystew- liss Alma Soren-elwin Dunlap of N CLUB S ELECTED ion clubs of they elected officers f the week.Waldron, assisted ir-s. Alfred Baker, Idyll Hour Club. |,when officersfollows: president, .nsonl leader A, orskov; leader B,lmuelson;reading m McM|.hon; sec-Mrs. J. B. Hall; Irs.Walter Krug- Mrs. Ernest John- :o Club met with Iruger,Thursday. xggq- acting as as-to we fifteen four guests,Fol-non,"Problems o! ol",the followingamed: Mm. Alben secretary-treasurer .| '| m m dolls ........., ........ . . . .Suverkrubbe and Mrs.George Heuermann entertained members of the Wranch-Maney Women's Club at a one o'clock luncheon at the Heuermann home, ThursdAY- Ollicers for the coming yearwereelected,with Mrs. Arthur Nelson chosen as president; Mrs. Harold Morht,vlce-president: i;;T;l.s';.'.;..¢;t lThe table decorations followed al Ieaon of the praent series, en-titled "Discipline or Guidance". w8Bpresented for discussion.Present were Meadames Arthur Hansen. William Voss,William Koenig. Robert Foley,Lawrence Robes. and hed Westergaard.At an election of officers, Mrs. Foley was re»elected president and Mrs Rabea and Mrs. Hansen were re-tained as leaderil. R. G. Wiese,Kennard, Celebrates Birthday R. G.Wieae of Kennard ob- served his 76th birthday. SundaY- entertaining during the afternoonand evening for Messrs. and Mes- dmnes Will Japp and Rudolph. Walter Japp and family,Paul Wulf and family, Clarence Wiese,Feninand Wleee. Fritz Japp andfamily,Mrs. Catherine Jspp and Ed,Hans and Henry Wiese. George Boock, Arthur and HEDYY Wieso of Kennard;Messrs.and Mrs. James Metzler. secretary; and Mrs. Neil McClan|.ha.n, treasurer,the Easter theme.Later, the fin~i l r. A. c.Mrs. Ed Akell was chosen preai~ dent of the Peaceful A!ternoonClub at the annual election of ot- ficers,when the club met Last 'Thursday with Mrs. Floyd Strick- lett.Mrs.John Sutherland was named secretary-treasurer,Lesd~ ers are as follows:project lead- ers, Mm. Arkell and Mrs. Floyd Marshall;social leader,Mrs.'Charles Hurdt; and music leader, Mrs. John Jensen.Miss Ruth Wolfe, home demon- stration agent, will teach the club how to make cakes without anoven,next Thursday.Mm.Ed Arkell will be hostess. DeSoto (Slab Mrs.Charles H l n e l i n o wasnamedpresident of the DeSoto Women's Club,Thursday,when the annual election was conducted at the home of Mrs. Joe gully. _ .________, \ flu. John Carter spent Friday inPlattamouth,where he was an ovemight guest at the home of his brother, Claude Carter. Mr. and Mrs.Kenneth Balmer spent Sunday in Omahl. visiting among friends, and returning that evening to Blair, Mn. N. T, Lund WAS ,hostess tx,imembers of the Lutheran Guild at the regular meeting,Wenesday afternoon. Deputy Sheri!! and Mrs. Carl F.Olson entertained at dinner, Sat- urday evening, for Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Jensen and children, Sharon and Billy, ol Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. Hy Rabbsss and M.and Mrs.R.Rnbbass anddaughter, Fayne, of Wisner were guests Monday of Mr.and Mrs. Harold Rabbaaa- Mr. and Mrs. Joe DeVinney en tertained,Saturday evening,foi Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siert.The De Vlnneys were afternoon callers Monday, at the Will Reeh home. Mr.and Mrs. Solen McDonal< and children visited in BensonSunday, with Mrs. McDonald's sis ter.Mrs.Lawrence Pettit am Rosenbaum,Mi s s Be ulah Robarts o f Bla ir ;Frederic k Ko i ts r mn n o f W ahoo; Mrs. L y le Dexter an d Mrs. E .B. Cha mb erlain o f Omah a. To The Voters Of Ward Two City Of Blair As my name has been entered an a candidate for City Council, I am asking yo u r suoport. lf elected, I will strive to merit your trust by giving you honest,clean service I favor rigid economy as far as it is in my power. Having served as councilman for a nu m be r of yearn I feel that I c a n represent you and the city at large in a manner that will please you. Your Support Will Be Appreciated JOHN MOORE I City Election Next Tuesday,Aprii Int several ~dws ~th their mother, Mrs.Lyle Stricklett,and otha: relatives. Pieper, Luna Lun art, Mrs. Feer, L sen and Mrs.D Denver, Colorado ARLINGTO] OFFICERJ Several arwnsArlington vicjnit the latter part oMrs. Kennethby her mother, D cnLerhi.\1ed Lhe Friday after-noorwere elected as . Mrs.Arlyn Joh Mrs. Clarence N Mrs.Emory Saleader,Mrs.To: r.-mrwtraasumr. $4 1 A . sz .» .. D¢-nomdnliuna D n u n~ , M. .na mu-¢a¢¢ .rl nan-1...lu .nd./1 .|u-.sudQquummz.Tu/wnonnluon,Ill!!And hal run,r .ny . n u su ,wr De usdumInf -ny oudpr mms.rf:-=»¢|uaJ¢¢f co ¢n»nlu :annul nurlu. .rt's Auto Parts n Bla i r,Ne br a s k a mmer; san'IMn Mn sis! melhmYamoff Mu Mr Mr u . "- - -_sic leader.M and pianist, 'he Busy Be 5.F r a n k H 5.Albe rt K m an t hostess nbers and 1 in g the less rental Co ntr icera were n Intgomery ,i s.Ed na S~ ~s.Ha r r y Gie e 'PA n;H¢ chmidt,le ad er A ;I C h g ;VQ53,ULLO Uther ouxcera are YI'-1='w\=="'\'=""»" " .sselman. leade r B: 1059 A g g m é i l i e ,Misa Alic e | Mrs.Clinton App leb y ;secretary ,fami ly .M Gre emu -=.»1m»n.nlta ma te . '. _. _- .. .w:.,.._nr Rln ir:AulMrs. Roland Srmth; and tr® 58'-U'@I»Mr .an d mt __S \ STEWARTS DRUG SPECIALS Prescription Filling Is Our Specialty.Phone Us Your W ants W e W ill Mail Them To You The Stewa~ P~macy PABLUM 251: Size ..19c 50c Size 390: Super D Cod Liver Oil I5 oz.45c 8 oz. S96 16 oz. $1.39 60c Murine .....49c Mineral Oil Pints 49c Quarts S5c N h ! Epson Salts, 5 lbs.29c l1 Star RazorBlades ..254: 1-3 offPrep Sale 3ZSc Tubes .__..... ..2.3¢ 350 Jars ._......231: $1 Giant Jars ._.,.,.79c Best Grad~ pint - asc Milk Magnesia, PL 391: PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES All Kinds-A\I Siu: we w $1.35 Formaldehyde 1 lh. Bottles _..,25c Sodium Fluoride 1 Ib. Cans .__...25c W r i g h t ' s Sm o ke 65c Size ..591: $1.00 Size 89c I - I A M P I C K L E 50c~$1.00 Smoke With Meat Snlt andSugar Cure _10 lbs.$1.20 A S P I R I N 100-5 gr. Tablets ......29c Wall 35c Bromu Quinine 27c Can 1012, 3 for ...25c 60c Alkaseltzer ..-....49c 35c Vicks Vapo Rub 29c 100 Hinkle Pills .19c L e e ' |P o u l t r y R E M E D I E S GE RM OZONE 40c 75c $1.50 $2.50 VA PO S PRAY 501:75¢$1.25 ACIDOX 50c-$1.00 u o Us E P OW DE R 25C PICK P MJ TE 25c 60C LE E M ULS IONS 501:$1.00 No. l Liquid S T O C K D I P P e r G a l .85c D R Y D I P 3 lbs. 250;10 lbs. 75c . . . , .- - ,_. . - -. . _trader:Mrs.Henry To-ebben,mu - sic leader;M m .W i lli a m Fran ke. hea din g lead er; an d Mrs. E. W . C. \3tork,news reporter.5 Mra.Robert Kelly and Mr s . qlilanche Woods Keller were co~ hostesses at a me e ti n g of the So and So Club.a t the Ke lly home, Thursday Mr s.Ke ller gave a brief review of the book, "Nebras-ka Co as t", a nd the g ro up studied " C a m of Children".A t the an- nual elec tion of officers,Mr s. Ha r r y Ha m ms n g was chosen president; Mrs. M. E. W inset, vic e president;Mr s.Robert Utte rba c k, ,sec retary -treasurer;Mr s.Gordon uz I v F a e c eI I ( I Il 321 1 v§ ; ; " o f i s } " § ; ` i i r f n d Mr s . Mtg Nei l W es t. fordinsnd Puls an d Dorothy Mrs. W . C. Linde n. repre senting W C h te at B la ir , pm-Viese of Oma ha.the . R .. c a n rLuncheonsweresen 'ed by Mr s is en te d the c lu b with a flag .Th e L G.W ies e d uri ng the &IU>1'l\0Ull|ext»ension lesson was then present- nd evezning.A be auti ful. dec orat- ml by Mr s.Sully an d Mr s.P o w cl birthday cake,bearing '76 Jones.Th e c lub wi ll me e t a t the nndles,wa s p r es e n ted th e hun-Charles Hine line home,Ap r i l 3, free by Mr s.As mu s Wiese o f lwi th Mr s .Ralph Hins li ne as h os t- ilsir.I ess. hptlst Ili isni tm Cir c le lhf er imy x Projec t Club Assisted by Mr s.Charles Mc - J omb and Mr s .Ma r y Pate.Mrs. Henry Christensen wi ll entertsin nembers o f the Baptist Mlsmon ' 'Tinl¢=.this (Thur sday )afternoon. Me mb e rs o f th e Me r i my x P r o j-| ec t mst at f- he h ome of Mr s. C hris W1-ich,Thur sday af te mo on ,to elec t Mrs. John Stork as president; Mr s.Ha r old Stork, vic e-presidgrlt; visi a t par ers I s n :ent o f i n er, o rdi: lm He a n n u. . ted i n Au a nu c ,ww a ,:gunnath e ho me o f Mr .Gregersen ents, Mr . a nd Mr s. W a lt GTE: en.dr.and Mr s .W ay ne Dudgel l b aby a nd Mr s. Du dge tn fu Pi s, Mr . a n d M m .I m Miller, 1 Audubon,Io wa ,spent Mcmd: Blai r wi th Mr . D ud g eo n 'a fa t Roy E. Du dge on, an d f ami ly . John Hic key , educ ational advi a t the CCC c amp, a ttended strict educational c onference hx I t we e k i n M a n h a tt a n , K l u m a returned to Blnir, F&'lday . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . » - . - - . » »| n | \ z 1n w ¢-"= STEWARTS DRUG SPECIALS PABLUM 251: Size ..19c 50c Size 390: W r i g h t ' s Sm o ke 65c Size ..591: $1.00 Size 89c Super D Cod Liver Oil I5 oz.45c 8 oz. S96 16 oz. $1.39 Wall 60c Alkaseltzer ...-....491: I - I A M P I C K L E 50c~$1.00 Smoke With Meat Snlt andSugar Cure _10 lbs.$1.20 Mineral Oil Pints 49c Quarts S5c Can 1012, 3 for ...25c 100 Hinkle Pills .19c A S P I R I N 100-5 gr. Tablets ......29c 60c Murine .....49c l1 Star RazorBlades ..254: 35c Bromu Quinine 27c :~:1 _R u b b i n A l c o h o l Best Grade, pint _39c Epson Salts, 5 lbs.29c L e e ' |P o u l t r y R E M E D I E S GE RM OZONE 40c 75c $1.50 $2.50 VA PO S PRAY 501:75¢$1.25 ACIDOX 50c-$1.00 u o Us E P OW DE R 25C PICK P MJ TE 25c 60C LE E M ULS IONS 501:$1.00 35c Vicks Vapo Rub 29c 1-3 offPrep Sale 3ZSc Tubes .__..... ..2.3¢ 350 Jars ._......231: $1 Giant Jars ._.,.,.79c Milk Magnesia, PL 391: No. l Liquid S T O C K D I P P e r G a l .85c PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES All Kinds-A\I Siu: we w $1.35 So d iu m Fl u o ri d e n a y n u ' 1 Ib. Cans ~3lbs.250<.10lbS. 75c Formaldehyde 1 lh. Bottles ....._..,25c ~HANDLED BY u. S. BANKS= " ~ » ~u.=~\ No other its :nc;f":' hand" :Y : any\." On: 1enjoyed by ~00 Paying by check il the American way, and R il made poedbll by the cum- bined facilitin oiiho 15,000 odd members of our sydam ol hd# pendant, loc... !:'-\--. ;\.sz in the woxld-even hz 212 days ofpoaeo-CN! ..cn ohscksinaysnr, or 11:2 number... :sl valuable pdviloqnl 5.21: average citizon in thh L U T H E R A N C H U R C H Ken na rd and W u h i n g to lh Nebr. P.C.J P 120ensen,as rAt Ke nnnrd : Sun day S c hool and Bible Class at 10 A.M. and c hurc h servic e a t 7:45 R M .You ng Xeo pllfa meetinir Fr ldli f evening,uri]4,a t th e ho me o f J ames Andreasen. 1 . ..-~~_».-._~~di e l y . q wc kl y , c o n v e n i e n tl y , md ! " " 'low cod. WASHINGTON County Bank mith will have charge of the pro-' g t g ,.:.:~ru.R o y T . d i i r l c p a t r i c k w i l l l e a d ' .d e vo t i o n s a n d M i s s F r a n c e s Mrs Ed Gnuee, secretary;Mrs. Gifford French,treasurer;M m I-Liulend Nelson,leader A;Mrs. cou le were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred MISS GRAVES WED L. E. Larsen, leader B; Mrs. l:low~» nerd Jensen, reading loader; Mrs. .ee liansen, music leader; and AT PL ATTs 1 v l 0 UTH~; ,,; ;. L ll la r d J 1 heme r~ On .I M Geo KohMies Joyce Graves, daughter ofJr 3 "n VEB r' .,presenMr.and Mrs.Wayne Graves °f\Plans were made for the annul! M .issoun Valley, Iowa,and P~€*|achievement proerwi zo be held Sanders, son of Mr. and Lira. Wil- at the Legion Hal;in A1nnggm, liarn Sanders of Missouri Valley, April 27_M1,,Harllnd Nelson were married Sunday afternoon, will be hostess o the club on Merch 23, at Plnttamouth, Nebrae- Thursday. lm.the weddin taking place atfiveo'clock.ccompanying theC-Dlby Club Mrs.J.P Rhea entertainedpEnger of Blair. The bride, who will be remern~bered by many friends in this M- cinity,resided in Blair for fiveyears while attending Blair High School.The family moved to Missouri Valley in 1938. twenty members of the Colby Cor-ner Community Club,Thursday afternoon, when the annual elec-tion of officers wls held.Mn. Grover Wilkins was reelected to the presidency.A most interesting Nebraska ing a short. nsvisw of a Nebras-kan's book, or ielling of Lhe lilo of a Nebruka Author. The Club will meet with M n Chwrwy Way, Thursday, Apri\8 Advaftian in The &xtervrlle I§é={é§fs1é`n1&§1Qg,`Eéaaef B WRITES SPORTS FOR BXILY NEBRAsKAN\ Chris Petersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Petemen of Blair, wasnamed recently as sports editnr ofthe "Daily Nebrasksn", university campus psper ol more than 7,000 students.Petersen will carry his new duties in addition to the newseditor position which he already hulds,Continuing w appear daily, as of the past two years, will be his column, "Scrap irony". Listed among his other actisdties are membership on the StudentCouncil, secretary of the lnterfra- temity Council.membership lnCorn Cobs, editor of the Prater- nity Digest, and president ol the Progressive faction, campus poli- tical party.He is a member ol Kappa Sigma, social fraternity. and is registered in Arts and Science college sa a junior. COUNTY TEACHERS' PICNIC PLANNED Town snd rural fnqulty membersof this county will be entertained ......_.=.____ _._\. \'1-"'SER1 A |M\11\\t=5S 031 uw ,w vi aw P.f;.¢ Sw,4,»¢i°'f» nw" Nw M.,»f<»~> . . .A n g L A F T E R M A R C H m n P u s h B u t t o n R a d l o s M u s t B e C h a n g e d ! 90%Of All Sta tio n!Change Th e i r Places O n Th e Dial On That DateL E T U s M A K E T H I S C H A N G E r o n Y O U W t r n A u t o A s s o c i a t e S t o r e e s eExpert Service Home Ownod, Jack Bark"Rllaonabla Prlc u PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES All Kinds-A\I Siu: we w $1.35 Formaldehyde 1 lh. Bottles ....._..,25c Sodium Fluoride 1 Ib. Cans .__...25c J. Harold Stewart, Manager on May 6, it was armo~nced this week;members ~the county hosts.Softball, races, and other contests will provide as pleasant recreational hour, and later a pic nic lunch will be enioyei A si.mi- lar event was held last spring, also under the auspices of the school- men. uoUsE POWDER 25C PICK PMJTE 25c 60C LEE MULSIONS 501:$1.00 Mrs. Clsnence Miller of Council Bluffs, Iowa, visited Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bruce. Mr.and hQr=s.Jack Bruce re- No. l Liquid S T O C K D I P P e r G a l .85c ~|21 U:weeks huninesa trip to Denver Colorado. M r s .R e e d 0 ' " H n n l Q ¢ 1 J r . , a n d i n - 0... D R Y D I P 3 lbs. 250;10 lbs. 75c :I :I 1t u r n e d M o n d a y f r o m t h e B i a i r Ho lpi tnl. Mr .and Mr s .Ve rn on F .BeI~ lows an d c hild ren sp ent the we ek- en d in Pen de r wi th Mr s .Bellows' father,Cec il Boughn,and fa mi ly . Prescription Filling Is Our Specialty.Phone Us Your W ants W e W ill Mail Them To You IIII I | Advnrtiu in The hmternrln ll Brings Baum A F T E R M A R C H m n P u s h B u t t o n R a d l o s M u s t B e C h a n g e d ! 90%Of All Sta tio n!Change Th e i r Places O n Th e Dial On That DateL E T U s M A K E T H I S C H A N G E r o n Y O U W t r n A u t o A s s o c i a t e S t o r e e s eExpert Service Home Ownod, Jack Bark"Rllaonabla Prlc u PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES All Kinds-A\I Siu: we w $1.35 Formaldehyde 1 lh. Bottles ....._..,25c Sodium Fluoride 1 Ib. Cans .__...25c J. Harold Stewart, Manager on May 6, it was armo~nced this week;members ~the county hosts.Softball, races, and other contests will provide as pleasant recreational hour, and later a pic nic lunch will be enioyei A si.mi- lar event was held last spring, also under the auspices of the school- men. uoUsE POWDER 25C PICK PMJTE 25c 60C LEE MULSIONS 501:$1.00 Mrs. Clsnence Miller of Council Bluffs, Iowa, visited Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bruce. Mr.and hQr=s.Jack Bruce re- No. l Liquid S T O C K D I P P e r G a l .85c ~|21 U:weeks huninesa trip to Denver Colorado. M r s .R e e d 0 ' " H n n l Q ¢ 1 J r . , a n d i n - 0... D R Y D I P 3 lbs. 250;10 lbs. 75c :I :I 1t u r n e d M o n d a y f r o m t h e B i a i r Ho lpi tnl. Mr .and Mr s .Ve rn on F .BeI~ lows an d c hild ren sp ent the we ek- en d in Pen de r wi th Mr s .Bellows' father,Cec il Boughn,and fa mi ly . Prescription Filling Is Our Specialty.Phone Us Your W ants W e W ill Mail Them To You IIII I | Advnrtiu in The hmternrln ll Brings Baum IAe r l t vt e l n n n l * IU F T L E S S S U I F R C E 0 Il'| | real vdue odebrnuoxxxThe oppsftunity of your life to get n 'rurnnu mu-rruss in a stunning new Regency design lt a unumiond nvingl 0md.i~ mrily yon'd pay many dollnrl more for the mperb sleeping qunlidel of |S o u Tuldeu mmm-un. n ndvuliled in dm Indie? Hama Iaurnd. AnJl¢uvvn»u|¢v\M|B¢=1Ff~v-uw ms .¢~.:.~you '"'""f maGsudunlaluhinl/amr¢|~ c.-»u».»»mins. at .aww um udqy.y ;;.;:,x.; I.;;1;a'.;.";.;.;»», zulu 1° aamb mf»n¢.\'w -uw.» . nmmib. um \¢n»l°n mmw. sznxs nmlzzn |IU$|\|\'|lllB: csv-man u¢.|\u.n l'0li"ullpon plm wmfun uhm my adm mu- xnu muck! s nus zr nc n| :xln='ru linkin; um in [thu md odor repel-lrnl.. .unlxuy md nn:inp\i:. sian nunnumzs cv mmnmu u.uvn's llliun : CCI.:Tau :vw-7!¢:¢ »..;. .f nf q...:n, and ulhincxinn. 0 ..§T :_` ~.\> ; 4 Wolff Furmture Store A F T E R M A R C H m n P u s h B u t t o n R a d l o s M u s t B e C h a n g e d ! 90%Of All Sta tio n!Change Th e i r Places O n Th e Dial On That DateL E T U s M A K E T H I S C H A N G E r o n Y O U W t r n A u t o A s s o c i a t e S t o r e e s eExpert Service Home Ownod, Jack Bark"Rllaonabla Prlc u PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES All Kinds-A\I Siu: we w $1.35 Formaldehyde 1 lh. Bottles ....._..,25c Sodium Fluoride 1 Ib. Cans .__...25c J. Harold Stewart, Manager on May 6, it was armo~nced this week;members ~the county hosts.Softball, races, and other contests will provide as pleasant recreational hour, and later a pic nic lunch will be enioyei A si.mi- lar event was held last spring, also under the auspices of the school- men. uoUsE POWDER 25C PICK PMJTE 25c 60C LEE MULSIONS 501:$1.00 Mrs. Clsnence Miller of Council Bluffs, Iowa, visited Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bruce. Mr.and hQr=s.Jack Bruce re- No. l Liquid S T O C K D I P P e r G a l .85c ~|21 U:weeks huninesa trip to Denver Colorado. M r s .R e e d 0 ' " H n n l Q ¢ 1 J r . , a n d i n - 0... D R Y D I P 3 lbs. 250;10 lbs. 75c :I :I 1t u r n e d M o n d a y f r o m t h e B i a i r Ho lpi tnl. Mr .and Mr s .Ve rn on F .BeI~ lows an d c hild ren sp ent the we ek- en d in Pen de r wi th Mr s .Bellows' father,Cec il Boughn,and fa mi ly . Prescription Filling Is Our Specialty.Phone Us Your W ants W e W ill Mail Them To You IIII I | Advnrtiu in The hmternrln ll Brings Baum Blair, NebraskaEd Wolff, Prop. " |......... .........................----~--~--------~-------------------------~~---| c 1 T : ° x " m d " m ~ ° : . : f : : . " . * S T U ] ) E N T 3 \ E N T E R u |Yc um s ma o n.~A C S m n cams Gray °! Tehml-\>`Aunmm lentured ul. activitiesuncle:-vent n mnjor apex-ldon MI" Midland College thls week, md _.- .._.._.m-.x.....|.., .¢¢m.;_u..,4.\-. .mann wan nn nxclm-ree V/inning Essays Chosen dr iv e¢ r , th ld o ct o r ,t iu " llr . Bmlt h i n W u h i n ¢ t o n , t h e b o y and gir ».z t.ho Stat¢U. ,:h¢lm<:b-1| girl.a n d th e groc er a n a ll f o o n e - - o n e f c r r n ll.W a a n n o t . .d a v u d u i n t h e d s y z o f k o m g ~ I~th the ~petua ~van py mdhinnlof hands m u m me lndivfniblo. I !our Lsbors us unified nm Min Florence Holstein o'F Atl-I Bl!if HQKPIIII,l'¥UU\wl\\»:v"'~|:r|u::5wu'W SL i11¥~'tion.' DOW-Mrs. Fred I. Krogh, assisted by Margimt Wen and Melba llc- Mrs. Ruth Murdoch und Hrs. Al- Clellm were member; ol the col- Hurdt had Feet, entertained the 0. E. lege's (i n t intercollegiate girls' xmem-S. Kensington.Cut prize went bnxanaketboll team ln Midland hin- Wed-Mrs. Fred sau.ry,IA I l\edMr.md M m.John ;l°th§l'luld\M §1§'§u"...d». SCQMXE' bauvziqet. me °f o f Bla ir "PP"-""\on nveu '1'l-mmday, with 21 uther nuanmu er u\d'll~l¢Q\urrie Mgrrlage Club px-o~ athletes.Spangler earned his 1-1 J cram at the city wdlwrlmn inlirst varsity letter al. the collage l l éy Holl\einhome_ Mr. and Mrs.Charlesmlschool,¢1§»`fk{§ `a uyig whatT¢\\n f\n l.n.u .tuc ~=~" '"r""'_ ',f and ngurc, »=»--rs-f-'--- uw ->-»--v ---~--- ~: f h a V . F . W . A u x l l l a f y ~ of the }wds¢-P°dir¢ of """"§;*°'bow and hqf ive- of emotrgnu,rf tidealg 3;_~=~~»g ~°g§ 335 _g 11 ba funda rev f°'I : o m t h e t l l l o e ea »1 1°. ¢ . . " § £ 2 " ' ; ' § " Z ' ;t h r e e o w i n n i n g e n »c o m e ,m i r a c u l o u s l l h o n e s p l e n d i d i d e a i s i n a i l t h e .._ ... . . - n a n !a m n n -n n i i A f f é f 0118 ~ F l d ~.. " -I U Stands? c allers a t the hm mm me Plfww """' qui nte t ms J umur """ "" "" ""M. md' Mrs. LeRoy BYes. wa are free to'\..:\w ¢~.lnos-en honor athlete ill? 1115 ~_ ur..-..A u:uct sa anv v i S4s q ' I 1as n 2 I1 1 l1 1 1 4 \4 y |m me =....,,-,..___rad by The Enterprise and the . F. W. Auxiliary.The winners are Harriet Sunds ol the Marten chool who wok tint ww; Betty tlmpson,Blair,:ml Anne Mc- ruarrle, Blair. Flrai Place Wlxmer We Us the Amerlan people. 'HE people-A penplel What xworlddsymbolismliesbehindhit term.Nvt the PEOPLES a t ONE people.hillllqm and millions of us each dxynbep uplmnlder to shoulder to our kbs hom all the four quarters ol the world we hav¢come-hom Eng-and,(mm lmly,from Afrlox, from China. from Germany, homSouth Amerim.We vary m phy- . n .4 ty-ai: bomb Amex I 2 tern pm 4ual l #Hisily. desi;Weol u Ame I-Amd Gen nelgEm; trac I-ms nunby \ We ma:ull not seek on other shores, in other med living has come-The millions of mils or mammallaugh to love, to work to play, rn to live and enjoy liberty. and in so e»§i'ae¥§1>! the "D" club, duringKyears of combined toll,How my neunumns W ........-..W _,______. _'. ''.hisrican People.w ma join me with n l me anrm only u small hit_of a W"-known people in our land who are ."' ." l"' .' "°.. i '5 i § ' ~ ~ dl l o n l y l a t h e a r t l "gy a wonde r ypca o on|_.'th lan hl waves abitsMy design fits '"" °i il:r'ightetlli's4a; ofwuniflcation fi-oml m of my mother's farm fam- city to city.Bu; most of all whatom- family o a part of del. slvry in my bean. ls the symbol rn of the County, Ol the 5°"°'\of one hope,one ideal,one dg g ; r g ,la \=fg,y*;~§= mocracy.One Nation indivdsrbla n nz v mgw a e -nm-1 t s dr.zricln People.e un iok t us, please.My father S,,,,,m| pl W1mozherar,off Danish and ace nner man descent.We are farm-\We are as one.We cannot be ;hbors of men and women of devidsd nor interposed upon.We lish, French and Swedish ex-lure not lorty»eight separate and tion..We speak a common individual states utterly independ'ent of each other, we arg forty-.edght United S tates. bound togetli. 'e r b y th e h a n d o l Go d to s u r vi ve ' o r perish wg e th e d w a y a s s \ q n e _ guage.We till our soil in thelemanner,aided and abetted tho same educational agencies. contour our hill sides;werket our com.The labor is one great physical effort ln- isible and not to be broken u- der.'h very rain my father con-ves on the slopes beyond ournfortablehomenourishesthe ~n which presently amidst the lr of giant truck wheels will be me to eastem markets.Ourghborsare likewise engaged. rough the efforts of my father,x friends, and a nation like em, untold numbers willbe (edin ew York's East Side, in Ala-I ma,in Colorado,in Mexico. Nothing can destroy our unionwhich is guarded and protected by [the Constitution, no fifth column-|ists or un-Amedoan activities will be able to sever the bonds that hold us, no foreign invaders. nor i-noefnal upheavals can change us many small. separate units. [ell in shame before the barbarian onslaught because her people 'among the lower classes were en-slaved by the wealthy,because .. _r_.......... from one nation indivisible into' i Nations rise and fall due to' ,economic clrcomstances.Rome doing find divine marinus. When men are free, they naed.h ' elands, for any new form Ol gov ernment.And we are freel l When someone doddes to dlvlde our United States into distinct and separatg units, let him nm step up on any one of the millions of American youth, like rnysd!whobelieves in the American wiv od living and as to whether or not it iran be done.When he hes-ri our answer, let him try, if he dares, disaever the bonds that hold usto.1iA.s one, ws rise and cry, "We' Us satisfied with a unified na-l tioul Too much is given uain theway oi life and freedom under thepresent system.To fight one of ua means to tight ua all.We know that together we stand; di-_ vided we fall,and to quote tba; words of a famous American, we know that "We must hang to- gather,or we shall all hang alonel"-Bette Anne Stimpson. Third Place Winner la ng ago the Ponca Indian chiefs told their youthful warrior sons a beautiful legend.Once, they add,when the world was young and hatred amongst the--.._1...-rr...n..s..» junior year. The following members of the aslietball squad were recommend- ed rar awards:Bob Hogzstt, Em- rson, Iowa; Nelson Boo, Paul and Bud Peterson and Ernie Hansen. Portland,Maine;Homer Nielsen,Racine, Wisconsin;Donald Han-sen,Sidney,Montana;Russell Lund, Blair; Gene Megrue, Tekaf- mah:managers award:Kenneth Larsen and Alfred Terr Creti. COUNTY MEN MAKE CONFERENCE TEAM The memben of the East Cen- trol Nebraska conference held their annual basketball banquet at Kennard last week.One hundred and sixteen comms, players and fans from Kennard,Herman,Craig, Fort Calhoun, and Bennington be- ing present.The program con-sisted of musical numbers by agroup of Kennard students under the direction of Miss Anita Niel- ol Dana College and the presenta- tion ol the coaches' all-conference team by Supt.Dankle,Benning- ton, president ol the East Central econferenc .Those honored by being chosen lor the Fackler _n all-conference team were A w Pm-kann of and Hansen ol. Benning~l aulluren were uxr.um mrs..-.Johns ol Omaha.Mrs. Irvin Iarenzen of Tekamahi spent Thursday and Friday i nBlair with F. L. Brown and sons, Willus and Everett.Mrs.Guy Cook spent Tuesday and Wednesday ln Omaha withher son and dau\ghtex-ln-law, Mr.i and Mrs, Kirby Cook and children. Mrs. Martin Kuhr entertained a few friends and relatives at an open house celebration of her hirthday, lan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eomburg and Mr and Mrs. Rolland Robinson of Omaha yidted Sunday at theOllie Msréluli home. Friday afternoon visitors at the home ol Mrs. John G. Jensen wereMrs. Minnie Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. George Maynard. Mr. and Mrs. William Steaven- son re callers Sunday at the AllenAllen.Mr. and Mrs. Ed Arkell enter- Zim oe:, e sa pe WI iekr'la olfc B4 ovi'I b v'l s wehome of Mr. and Mrs.S. Pierce (and daughters and Clyde r l and Mrs. John Sutherland, Charles 1 Hammer, and Ed Redding ol Mis~ souri Valley, iowa.Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hellwinkle 1 had as weekend guests their son-` sen?talk by Coach Rufus O\so uined at dinner, Sunday, for Mr. 1 in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Thompson and daughter, Ra- mona, oi Omaha. --- --._L a- -_ mlm lslt Saturday evening. W. J. su, who lalt Blair De--nber 9th to spsnd the winter m| lilomia with his son-in-law andughar, Mr. and Mn. Einar ,,,,.\ n at Blue Jay, California, is °*'\ coed to return home early nm eek.Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Swuuell ab- nded the Canferace of Nebras-I Church Colleges in Lincoln, at week-and;they were gneatsI Prof. and Mrs. J. E. Bartley, mnsr Blah residents. Min Mnadne Reeves entertained evsntan members of the Degreef Honor Drill wun. at a back- mrd party,Thursday evening.'he guests were thdr docking ackwards, and upar their anrlvsl were served lunch immediately. The evening was spent at playing it. P|\tr'lck's games. Mr. and Mrs. Chrla Annhrust ofZhlcago, Illinois, spent last week nnong relatives and friends ln Blair and Teksmsh, renaming w ;heir home on Sunday; Mrs. Ann-orust will be better nmembered here as the former Pearl Timm Before leaving,they dropped in at The Enterprise office to sub- ....»a\..»ohne Lhev mizht receive a Vernon Mederhsnry was one of o leading scorers in the ¢ollege's lntrunnrsl langue. despite the fmt thlt he played only about mehal!of the lntramnrsl season. His play in that lenuga was so§°°<l thx: he 'wus promoted to the Midland varsity sound. in éroek Inst sprhm. th Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Arndt spentSunday in Syracuse vdth relatives. Mr.and Mrs.Philip 01-lanlon entertained Wednndny Evening Bridge Club memben at dinner at `Koopmxn Inn, last nlght, followed by elrds. Visitors, Wsdneadny, st the JohnSchmidt home were Messrs.and Meadames Wllllsm Schmidt of Om- shs, J, P. Anderson, Robert Chris- tensen,Miss Helen Anderson, Mrs. Clifford Metzler and son ofTekarnsh.Arthur N. Andersen of Herman was their guest on 'l`hurs» day.Misa Lola Allen of Blair and Robert L. Gillett of Wahoo were married at 2:30, Saturday after- noon,.st the Baptist parannage, 'with Rev. C. E. Hamilton officiat- |ing.Mr.and Mrs.Gillett willlmakctheirhomeinBlair.Mr. New Shipment of 1p g m e s H A T S $1.95 Latent Styles ln1.,\m1~:s'SILK ORSPUNRAYON D R E s S E S $1.95 to $4.95 NEW SLACKS Uvau lif ul Colors $1.00 to $1.95 PHOENIX HOSE - ~ - Always Top: Von Lanken Apparel Shoppe %.\a ~ ~_ : g g i " ~ 1 w Buy Your Little Girl sH\RL¥}EMPL DRESS P o l: E A S TE R $1.00 To $1.95 E 8C!.'1~ ,:..."weekly letter from home".Both Gillett is employed by the newMr. and Mrs.Amibrust are em-\bomber plant at Fort Crook.At- ployed at the Cook County Hospi-tcndantri at the wedding; were Mr. tal in Chicago.and Mrs.Harvey E.Iieinzcrling. N GRA PE- F R U I T Large TexasSeedless7 for 25c SOUP CAmph¢l\'s Tomato 3 Cans 251: ROAS T Fancy Corn Fed Lb. 20c Oleomargerine, Red Rose, Lb...~ 100 BOHS STORE Specials for Friday and Saturday 300-PHONE °00 -Open Sunday Mornings- Open for inspection-refrigerated lockers. See how you can have your own fresh meat the year round without any canning or smoking. AP PL ES Fancy Wineups 4 Lbs. 234: STRAW - B E RR IE S Fresh FrozenBox 281: Poiawes, Collblers, Hom egrown, Pk.2lc Prunes, Santa Clara, 3-lb. Cello Bag Zlc C O F F E E y \Cl - IE S P. 8: G.l'1 American Ghana or Cxn l I vCarton L b. 2 1 c l7 c Crackers, Sunray Soda, 2-lb. Box ... Peanut Butter, Raretreat, Qt. . Sardines, Tomato or Mustard, Tall Can Catsup, Yellowstone, 2 Large Bottles Tom atoes, Hand Pack, 3 No. 2 Cans ~ Oxydofl, Large Size, Pkg- l7c _....25c 9c 170 231: 20:2 Bo u ,1 NG B E E F Short Ribs or|'lnlcLb. l5c PORK S TE A K Lean and Mvnty Lb. 200 \le lénowledge my father and his iends have benefits everymexican.He and they are the mericnn People-s design for ring,a unit,a one indivisible. ln my lunch box, even without inking,I draw fonh the com-ned eflorla of a nation.My -an e is a visible si of theggn'lification o l Squth and Wes l ie planter, the trucker, the corn-rission man, the grocer, my fath- J.\ - / 1 \f l e 0V 1 c t o r CHICK FEEDS R i c h I n V i t a m i n s You are putting vitsmins A-B- ll-l-I-G and controlled smounts uf proteins, cxrbohydntes. (sts and minerals to work building poultry and erm profit! for you. when you feed your chicks the scivntilically hslnnerd VICTOR Cl\lCK FEEDS. Begi nni n g now. he sure to feed your flockVICTOR CHICK FEEDS. Blair Flour Mill Flour - Feeds - Cereal - Sail Sorensen Bros. Phone We White 223 Deliver ,they were not alloweu xreeuurngund the necessities of life.The Bourbon throne tuttered in 1789 and plunged into an abyss o l _internal confusion and terrorlwhenMme. Guillotine reared her bloody head and sounded the death \ knell for those who had subjugated the common men and denied them food and water md a decent place to rest their heads.When Ger- lmany lay wounded alter the mv- ,nges of the World War.when worldng and living conditionswereattheirlowest ebb and men's minds were filled with doubts and fean,s "little"man ivamo fonh from the shadowy ranks ol the army and whispered s way out.Thev were down and discouraged.They would try anything to get food and drink. That little man became known tn'the world as Adolf Hitler.Our ,United States does not face ah?;of these simations.Our peoplejnre free and they have food and _shelter enough w live We mayboastofhavingthehighestiuuinrlimdof living ln the entire world.-Today,s United States of ,Europe would be virtually impos- |soble.Each separate nation pos-_sesseg s culture, s heritage all itsown, different from all the mst. Petty jealousies and rivalries hold ,them aloof from each other. I Not so in our United States. we were bam of a common (sith, the belief that in the sight of God.all men were created equalandmustnotbedeniedcertaininalienable rights such nn LIFE. i.mi~7R'r\'snd the Pimsuvr OF HAPPINESS.Each of our Iorty ghv,statesnre interdependent upon each oth~ cr lor their welfare and the com- mon msn is st the fore.The pro- ducer in the Exist.the farmer in tribes was unsnown,me mmsSpirit looking down upon his chil~ dren wished to make them a giltrepresentativeofhislovefor wem.So forth from his lodge he strode and from s vantage point on s high, wind swept mountain top he mst over the land a greatceremonialblanket.Beautiful it ws;-woven with sxquisiw care and dyed with colors whose rich loveliness moved th, heart like s song.Slowly the blanket fell,cover- ing the land and all the children of the Great Spimt.Beneath its shelbering folds they all enjoyed the same protecting love.But as the yous passed great stormscame to whip and tear the blanket. Deluges of rain fell to fade its crimsons and blues.And the bit-ter cold of winter following in thewake of the lung,slow torturing heat M summer bent its might todatroyeventhewarp.The Great Spirit stood one day uponthemountaintop and bent the majesty of his head to view his gift. Behold,the bwdiet was no longer s thing of royal beauty. Old and brown and torn it was.The Great One bent down that he might more closely examine it. il ut once his heart swelled with .loy He stood upright.The oi-ag; around him echoed his gmat shout of rejoicing.The blanket still held its shape,Beautiful tobeholdtheregleamedsrrossits wom surface a delicate tracing.One pattern was there!Theihreads of gold had held.Sym- bolic of the unity of mankind u nzlvry shone reflected from thosethreads.As if His children had spoken the Great Spirit read the message "We are here, a people-bound with the golden thread ofONENESS_" mn;mner ul..... ....,..__..__Craig;R. and E. Suverkrubbe oi! Fon Calhoun; Fausett ol Herman; Dixon, Ward and Cxunberg of Ken- nord. CONTEST OPEN T o COUNTY STUDENTS An essay contest,"More and Better Trees for Nebraska",is naw imderway, with both rursl and city elementary school stu- dents ol the county eligible for en- try.The World-Herald in Omaha is sponsoring the contest. Each school, according to Coun-ty Superintendent R. E. Fairchild, may submit three essays, to besent to his office; there they will be judged and the three top rank- ing essays ln the county will he sent to Omaha judges.The essaywhich must not exceed 500 words. should be submitted as soon as possible.All first prize winning essays 'will he read by the authors overradio KOWH.A beautiful bronzemeritawardmedallion,mounted on s walnut plaque, and a bookwillheawardedthewinnerof first place,together with sframed picture for we school fromwhich he comes.Second and third awards will also be books, with pictures for the schools. ROY nom; IsN.U.FODDER Roy Long, the first Blair High School athlete to make the all- stata football team, is continuing his brilliant work in spring drillsuttheUniversityofNebraska where he is new a student.Ac-cording to reports from Lincoln, Long has shown unusual ability as i --..... ...A as milk. Mr. and mrs. nusseu .wcous sn ltemsinedatdinner,Sunday, for Mr. and Mn. Robert M i n o r , ~ and Mrs. W. 0. Bolling, snd . Hattie wagers.5Mr. and Mn. M. O. Dsvis and family had an their dimer guests, Satunday evening,Mr.and Mn. Albert Lund and son, Cliiford, of near Arlington. Donald Bellows of Norfolk, ae-cnmpanied by his roommate, Mr. Patterson, visited Sunday with his mother, Mrs.Frank Bellows, and sister, Bonnie. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jenkins and son, Wsnen, and Misa Emu Wiebe visited in Kennand,Friday even-ing, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nol- BUYLF. L. Brown, proprietor of the Brown Milling Co., woe a patient at the Clarkson Hospital ln 0ma~hs from Tuaday until Saturdsy. He submiued to medical treat ment and X-rays. Miss Coral Jean Stricklett, sophomore u.Midlsnd College 'w s a n a me dt hi l we e ko nt h e i n vitstions committee for the Pi Epsilon sorority formal party to b held April 25~ at the rwuma e Hotel in Fremont. Mm. Bryce Woodring and Max lens, Mrs. Elmer Jensen and Su dra,and Mrs.John Jensen anRomaRuthspentThursdayi Columbus with Mrs.Woodring daughter,Mrs.John Swingholn Jr., and balry. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Beales ape: the weekend in Lincoln,whom 'they were guests of Mr.Beale son-in-law and daughter, lllr. ax Mrs.L.J.Williams.They r turnedto their home west of Blu on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lou w. Lattatemiincd, Friday. for Mr. und Ml Th 1 1 N .-n-all Iowa and Nebraska, Ch E N ' r ~ I : n i i ~ m s | : I A P s H o ' I ' s W e ar e tha t peo ple.Th e br own blanket i s Our W ay of livin g in the ne w wo r ld Onc e i t was be au tif ul to behold in its strong y outh.Th e crimson.the blue and the gold were quite discernible no t only 4 __- \-- .._L . . .;. .\l oi.......l. 5 r u n n e r B110 p u b B C I uvi n g o s t r o n g b i d f o r a b i r t h o n t h e N e b r a s k o . R o y w a s f e a t u r e d 1| d n y ' S O m a h a W o r l d - H r i L 1 t i n t f l l D l |§ ~ ~C u n i s D i x o n o f F o r t C a l h u u n a n d \ . . . . . _I - -\l".._!..!...M l ' f n l r u r n n h ~ n|1||I|n||Mm||\|u|n||n||n|u|m|m|u||mnn|1n|u|m||n|n|mmn||team.Mrs.Arcnne \,urum U..¢..........n last Sun- Mr. and Mrs. l. C. Garner and chi\~ erald.dren of Courgl Bluffs, Iowa, were -Sunday guns of the Lams. . N Q Dinner xzuests, Saturday, at the GRA PE- F R U I T Large TexasSeedless7 for 25c SOUP CAmph¢l\'s Tomato 3 Cans 251: ROAS T Fancy Corn Fed Lb. 20c Oleomargerine, Red Rose, Lb...~ 100 BOHS STORE Specials for Friday and Saturday 300-PHONE °00 -Open Sunday Mornings- Open for inspection-refrigerated lockers. See how you can have your own fresh meat the year round without any canning or smoking. AP PL ES Fancy Wineups 4 Lbs. 234: STRAW - B E RR IE S Fresh FrozenBox 281: Poiawes, Collblers, Hom egrown, Pk.2lc Prunes, Santa Clara, 3-lb. Cello Bag Zlc C O F F E E y \Cl - IE S P. 8: G.l'1 American Ghana or Cxn l I vCarton L b. 2 1 c l7 c Crackers, Sunray Soda, 2-lb. Box .......... Peanut Butter, Raretreat, Qt. . Sardines, Tomato or Mustard, Tall Can Catsup, Yellowstone, 2 Large Bottles Tom atoes, Hand Pack, 3 No. 2 Cans ~ Oxydofl, Large Size, Pkg- l7c _....25c 9c 170 231: 20:2 Bo u ,1 NG B E E F Short Ribs or|'lnlcLb. l5c PORK S TE A K Lean and Mvnty Lb. 200 wu nu.be Th ey Then ca me no o ur se lves v u ; w a n w e[ Ma n y f o lk c a me to jo i n u a - lo sheltered by th e blanket. loved i ts y ou ng ar mg anc e. the g re at stor ms of c onf li c t Gre at tidal waves f r o m other \-=f\d» begs upon the blanket.Th e bitter winds of dissension among-B; "Ur ¢-vm people beneath its f o ld s wlu pp ei an d tor e a t it as if to d e- stroy its ve r y war p ,Th e be au ty o f nevvnees fhded.W hole pae- tems d is app ear ed as th re ads on e; brave wi th vivid c olo r sve red. L i x u n v u n s u n . . . . ,F R E E M O V I E S Weekly movies,full-leng th fea- tur es , wi ll be s h own i n Fo r t C al- houn th is summe r,i t wa s an-nounc ed last week.Th e movies will be shown in the Calhoun 119-fk each Thur sday evening du r in g J une . J uly an d Au g us t, th e fi rs t being sc heduled (or J une 5. A rnnrringe lic ense wa s issued ..."__.,. . ... A wma Pete Christiansen ho me i n He r - man were Mr. an d Mrs . J a c k J e n- sen a nd P ea rl, Mr. a nd Mrs . Er n- esm Grenier an d fam il y ,Mr ,an d Mrs.To m Mc D ona ld an d Ki eth, Mr s. L iz zi e Ric hter , an d Mr . a n d Mr s .Chester Sp i ke r an d b a b y o f Wisner. Mr s .Geo rge Ma rs ha ll an d dau ghter,Sharon,le lt yesterday for Ly ons, K ansas, wher e they will s p e n d a f e w d a y s wi th relatives. Thev will the n c o ntin ue o n m Long - m m - n \\a Same there wer, who Gfled, "ft Much ls: il old md lnuvm! It ln well nigh $;?2:;xple - n¢°:°=9v€§'~_DI JL ../v\.....\..»-¢ GRA PE- F R U I T Large TexasSeedless7 for 25c SOUP CAmph¢l\'s Tomato 3 Cans 251: ROAS T Fancy Corn Fed Lb. 20c BOHS STORE Specials for Friday and Saturday 300-PHONE °00 -Open Sunday Mornings- Open for inspection-refrigerated lockers. See how you can have your own fresh meat the year round without any canning or smoking. AP PL ES Fancy Wineups 4 Lbs. 234: STRAW - B E RR IE S Fresh FrozenBox 281: Poiawes, Collblers, Hom egrown, Pk.2lc Prunes, Santa Clara, 3-lb. Cello Bag Zlc C O F F E E y \Cl - IE S P. 8: G.l'1 American Ghana or Cxn l I vCarton L b. 2 1 c l7 c Crackers, Sunray Soda, 2-lb. Box ... Peanut Butter, Raretreat, Qt. . Sardines, Tomato or Mustard, Tall Can Catsup, Yellowstone, 2 Large Bottles Tom atoes, Hand Pack, 3 No. 2 Cans ~ Oxydofl, Large Size, Pkg- l7c _....25c 9c 170 231: 20:2 Bo u ,1 NG B E E F Short Ribs or|'lnlcLb. l5c PORK S TE A K Lean and Mvnty Lb. 200 Oleomargerine, Red Rose, Lb...~ 100 I Bu t,th an x Goa,there are mi l-. . - . .w J A | \ . n - . J f n d n u I A I n . . | . »- Lnum,ww mam Wu"w .wh M, of living.Alter all the years ofhardusagethe blanket bears the inspection of !.h°Be earncah.|nearching eyes.There it is, grill'holding tn shapa The warp ol' democracv is intact.Brave colors t.he old brown blanket of our my -nl When you have w make or answer a wlephonc call, it's a real advantage w have an extension phone right on the kitchen cabinet or at the bedside.This handy "e xt ra "elcphone costs only a fe\v cents a8ay. §\iand dramatic pattems aredimmed, it is true.Over some of Lhem is n nxsty hmwn slain-the|sl.ain uf our blood spilled as wc fought to remodel one small pan.of the whole. Here and there and,i yes.over \.\'\em are knotted and broken and mknntwd threads.We' as a people have ourselves torn` and frayed dm blanket but it still holds in sham.'1'h¢ warp is we, Then closer bend the examiners and searching,appraising eyasl ugm vmh Jw-Svmething else *Slthere.Across mlm hx-own and faded whole from center to edge, from North w South. from Eur. to West,run slender Koldenm m m .We know what t.\\osc\ threads are.Each thread of gold. in an individual life--my lilq nr.your life or the life of an unlmowh m m m Amsriiza.The wmndasan dl wov en together into g r sturdy wnrp vt the bluxket of e- mocncy.The mmm l o n n | mg. wrn thnt has held stronger mdnronger an the years have paund, l'I'he Lhxudl luv; made e Pattern Fou One Om Thx Tw~ Ons Om Affords Greater Privacy . . . - v -- . _ _ .Th i ho s leu o r h o u uwllc wh o u u ok ln g u d ulld -oun nur dunen \ha\ Ln not rich of asdmy would d o wa ll l o la h a l e d o u t o i P 0 9 1 1 - C o ld s n a vH a id ld ily Rodfno Booklet. and n r v o th!pvlno- Uwo nh nrb sl ll ully mod ab vv o. To ur n lix un o n s two lve oun oo bo nls c ola bovera gs. 2 cups sh re dd ed d na ap gh .1 c u p va lo r . l c u p q n mu -\.¢..¢ ...nm \ un I n m a n a d m i n d i n wl vd | n _ \ / .-t i o m e r o m f e e l t h e y m m m "|- v ¢ l l n n l l n ! 1 [ g i gIIIIOFKIl l I ¢ » ~ n , . .___- J " n n '\`="Ir a n i a n I r l c ky...........,__nt me number at uw annntnlion would me mnuyn a wa ue mn yawn mums m n I n u m mm par day for nn u- union, Telephone Co.I ~lulln f wr . ~ w v r r m--Unooln Bomlum. arm d tht \ot\v Guam Bofqlum.,mlp¢¢¢ who dlod March Gth. glmolookinq nura boukicl an dw Imam Ml. R rn momodmlIn du Block Hllh el S. Dakota ltinnon. Ltnobln and Thoadorl Roounlt an xholm. cup ual; vu\sr. Z uxblnpocns lumen ~ sousugar and Wann Bn minuln, add dino nd gala- an and other Lnqrodhnu. Cool. Pour into lnodnqtray. Frn oophs M "dw boouu may bt ob-ldnd \=»{_'f\»»g tha company mnntlonod abuvom 1 3 5 mmm nv. N. Y.z a _ _ - 1 'which unnot bs broken,or mm | _|iulunder, or deltmyed.The pn- lmrn is ounelvu hdivldble.The pattsrn in m y - I n z i l i b i _ ||m|n|nm|||u||n|||||u\|m||||\n|mm|n||n|uulmmunn||n|u|n|n|m1|u|n|\ nU .22n..Z1!°m u h ....__ -HOME GUESTS HOLDANNUAL PARTY Cmwell Home mme; enjayed their mmul birthday party,Fr!~ dl¥»Much Zllt, at which dmc every gueae. md dl nm!! membenwere honored.A mix o'c\ock din~ - |\|ig|\t ities Here Shoppe, Pen- Couple Wed In Formal Ceremony A very pratty wedding vu nox-emniud at ¢-he First Lutheran;I V.F.W. AUXILIARYFETESMEMBERS Follvwing t.he.r9g\1ln mnLinof uw v. F. W. .mum-y, '1`w- dw evming, a fuewell party washeld comp\imen\.\ry to Mn. D0r~ who in mm puunted their mod- sll.ln. Chelan Whitlvnd pro-vmm phmo musk thmughout the Revue.'f followed, with Mm Jann pounng;the ¢nen~md~ white docnnied tu table vu pm pared by Lbs Pewdul Afiemoon Club. MSM Margant Van Lankan sm; Siyté'fi§§vu¢lg Ha, OF Week-end Activ B. And C. Shop, Von Lankan Apparel 4-H Prqgrnm Hem s..»a.y An Achievement Day pfognmvm; held xt the Perry Toebben Iineehh :m b iinxhm mdinx. Delmn' froohbsn;wuz.Duknc Knechfl; readings by Ludllimd Violet Knecht; md report nn *hz club'| urgmixadon, Adm Dunkhu.Present were Mlm Ruth Wo\!o ol Bldr;Messrs. und MendamnEviDunklau.Glm Giesulmm,home, Sunday, by mexnben ot Lhel Blue Ribbon Trimzle Club, Axl- ingwn 4-H urganixatlen.Llier, gift were presented the club lenders by Miss Bernice Wahmey- er, And A luncheon was served. The program included a mono- logue by Genldne Wehmeyer; pllylet by Lucille m d Violet Art Whitman, Louis Dunwufamily,Pmal Kneeht and fa! Waller Wehmeyer and familyA. Stork and Mqvln, Henry 'Iben and family, and Perry 'l bm. Vldtnn, Tuesday, at the I Norris home, were Mr. And Harry Kelly ef Florence. andmuy, Ed Pueb-Eoeb- hviml Mrs. ny's Show Latest In Women's Wear Under Au- spices Of Washington County's Extension Clubs MISS RUTH WOLFE, HOME DEMSJNSTRATION AGENT, WAS IN CHARGE OF EVENT "To wear, or not w wear-that ls the question," paraphrase thou-' brought to the Revue a dusty rose Romxlne crepe_ju;keV,d1-en, with mntenlng felt Int,beige glovesand purse, modeled by Min; Mxry Wrkh;a sea nhdl rose cr¢P°dress with flowered lmt to mntph. modeled by Miss Florence Buroon; a rcse flannel skirt with white georgeite blouse,rose but mdxmall!ootbll_pur~;e,ind clloy lud li l ry mo mma xor wv v l fly u m;she and Mr.Nelson willleave soon for Denver, Colundn, where they will retiide. Lunch wasserved at txhles decorated in ESM/- er style, and | gilt ln the fo rm of a beautiful pin was presented the honor guest.Hoetessel wereMrs,Helen Arkall,Mrs.AHB, r/clock,wuen m u vxvn m nChristiansen. only daughter of Mr. and Mn. C. W. Christiansen, and Carl Sorensm,svn of Mr.md M m Hans Sorensen, were mlibed m marriage.Rev. Harold Jorgen- sen oiflclaud. l 4 Mlm Elaine Jelplraen ~pl,|yed Loheng'ri:n's Wedding Mnreh nl Burcharn, and Mrs. lily Blxtter.'th bride Nd th o ieenteme armhm- (mnhrr Mn J. .T. Jensen nam! mo m,u ramen c m w m q m msp ri ng c ut lluwe rs ;A a n d h n t eac h plu, n dd ad w the f es ti ve n b- mosphers. Re v.A .D .B u n e m ,superin- tendent o f th e Ho me ,pre dd ed o v a r t h e v ~ f f = m whic h tollcvwed. A Dana Co lege violin group, \ed by A rth ur Tin g le y . p lay ed s e ve ra l selections.an d Re v.J o hn P. 'Y'A \'.hulnv¢vnlvAv~ ONE CENT Wa||paperSa|¢ €22.!¥w.r NEW 19 sTocK! Tested And Guaranteed Wa||pap¢r s.|. ls On sidewall Only Border To Match This In The Place To Buy P a i n t a n d V a r n i s h You Know How Good lt Is U" ArntN|':|f=\rdw pnwrs,each apolne an wvnd.In- usrspersing their brief ulks wen m vocal duet by Lyla Guyer undMaryJean Pieper aocnmpanlod byBins. Lyl, Guyer and cs solo by Mildred Jones, n duet by Mist Jones and James Sommer: nccom- Misa Mlldnd Janes,: d u e t by Miss Jrmm and James SbmmenacompzniedbyMn.J.L.Ed~wards.Rav.Elmer Dly, ntird Msthodin mldster now rddlngnv. the Home,wddreeud tho as» sembly, sho, ONE CENT Wa||paperSa|¢ €22.!¥w.r NEW 19 sTocK! Tested And Guaranteed Wa||pap¢r s.|. ls On sidewall Only Border To Match quibe ill at her hnme,f.hia week, suffering from s severe cue °f| sinus trouble. LeRoy Johnson,Tommy and Clarence Modlin were Friday uve- ning visitors at the home of Ed- ward Tinkey. Members of a Dunn hisboficlnsssmadeatriptoOmaha, \'l'huradny, m visit the Oma-ha li-brary. William Welker report; the_ sale This In The Place To Buy P a i n t a n d V a r n i s h You Know How Good lt Is ;E ~Q1 :f I 2:a "'»s ~:.' rf M,,..€>.f f§Z.., §,:,§.;._*__¢;;, U" ArntN|':|f=\rdw Mr s.H.J .Han sen s n d Mr s . Sk ov Ni else n vis i te d S un da y with Mr s.Otto Han se n, who ha d been ill with th e f lu . .. .;' i"At Dawning"8nd " I Love Yo\]|;'I`m1y".i ~B 0 I I ; .;1 |.t a e l f : m e e a g a i n .W h e t h e r i t i n b e t t e r t o w e a r a I n s t y e a r ' s s t y l e a n d o o k o u r b e s t o r w e a r a t h i s n f s " l i t t l e n u m b e r " a n d l o o k t o o d e - GILBERTSON'S A ¥§"i',S2 ~y,as around ninety womenadxeredntSchefflefs Hall to ~itness the showing nl sprlns tyles,la presented under the ponsorship of the lou! Extension ubs; coopenting in the venwrvre the B. und C. Shop vid Von~nkcn Apparel Shoppe of Blalr, and J. C. Pem\y's of Omnhn.Mins Ruth WoKe,hom demonzh-ation agent, was in chuge of dl ar~ mngements. Mm.Paullonea, ehnimxln ol the county axwndon clubs,ann M-iss Walla presided,intmdudng representatives vi' the three stores, i n e d h i ma m. Ha n s e n:1 u m a d i y m u l - gre snpdntlrllke npedxe nv if-|\E;m rBurrulu!'!'*\"°'°"°°Ej'F"*;:"'L !..'°'1'f'[°n w .m a l n . A . mue crepe umm. wxux wmle vu-nee oolhr,modded by Auld: Ames.Her childneni styles waremodeled by 'l'w'yla Lutz md Mu- tha Crowell David City, l former M1 ~\mmm\in» Burress iene Ko-eph Also shown we re ""*'"'""'"°" "'"""""" '"_services. That afternoon the Bur-aeveral summer w w reuse:were honor gueéu at an From B. and C.:'pr hg mer~ open house celebration attended chmdise,the following "better dd,, were uhown: I. navy blue by some forty former frien and print redingota with navy'M Mn. Gremurxlt In'.1"?f...?'.'1df'i'f.?f;:. 'f'°»f§i'.i5' ,..'i,¥..,._.'l vmmr in Bm: [with while num trim, Mm pm°\IdaI1}§1§£er,'}i=Lnie, former Bl§irros black acceaaorie§,aliown bl izmparing to i5I\1QffKKE FLOUR Jemey Cream, 10-lb. Bag ._ PANCAKE FLOUR, Vita Rich, 5~lb. Pkg.~CAKE FLOUR. Omega, 4-lb. Bag ._..._.....2.5c uw, red glwées, modeled br! §r§§éHééf £L§dyLig a Hmf Andreasen: and a navy] sailor dress with nauticd Mrs. A. C. Hansen worn with Mr s .A .C.Han sen celebritfed ._I¥s4|n|¢\f '1"1m¢rInv ente!Ul1I1-M .";mfE h d uc t uuu.u.u.n;|.-n u . vg l -wa s ressea ng du ri ng the a fte rn oo n fo r Me s- k N l , H. J . Hansen.w w i n s 1»e1=f»»~¥1"I.'i`.° " 5 .- .Z' £. .. § f "E m Soil,D m . 1.and acces-|<:+»:..b|.n+Plif fnrd K r a u s e . A ma n m m m . F L O U R L S w a l i s D o w n ~|;ggW,§f;°{_§j§f"w~ BAK LNG POW DER,Calumet, 2%Pmny's models, sl lh-Can ._~ . . . 3 9 c dresses,coats,hats Ted `0li11&é»2-.1§§"?=T§f.UL `"£2I{I."`r>.It'I~§£@nf Walterné-"Rr~r.fi:Q .: ppApQ in Qva-nn were MrsGe m -s n Ruhr. J r.. lin. ~ ~<"?ul5 {=I`k i=i'1 Chris - h!!'! _Mm _van Ligden,inaf tenlam Mi ne !Roma. S9\°\'°"?Blair, Nebrnla To The Voters And Taxpayers Of The Secondward I am a candidate for the council from the Second Ward of the City of Blair and I solicit the support of the voters in my behalf. I am a property owner and I conduct my business in the Second Ward and am thereby doubly interested in the general welfare of that section of the city.I also realize that in serving our ward well, I will be serving the city as a whole equally well. I believe in conservative spending, a con- stant lowering of the city's indebtedness and at the same time a continued policy of a well-kept, orderly city.If elected, I pledge my best efforts in your behalf. Peter Stricklett 2% A l ' l i . l L , U 1 b a u u r n n u n u o , n u . . u r Can ... r ~ m = z n n m Q np.-1 Pi tmd- No . 1 0 Ca n ~5 5 1 : Anne Daze. ana m.;.r_|une ""°f"""mzs. c,mL SORENSI:N .E\'€niJ|€ callers t0 see Mrs.an A lovely picture of the tradi-sen were her sister.F '3".'Y Hnnnl 1»"4a».Hina Christiansen Blair, Nebrnla To The Voters And Taxpayers Of The Secondward I am a candidate for the council from the Second Ward of the City of Blair and I solicit the support of the voters in my behalf. I am a property owner and I conduct my business in the Second Ward and am thereby doubly interested in the general welfare of that section of the city.I also realize that in serving our ward well, I will be serving the city as a whole equally well. I believe in conservative spending, a con- stant lowering of the city's indebtedness and at the same time a continued policy of a well-kept, orderly city.If elected, I pledge my best efforts in your behalf. Peter Stricklett §`h§,5£`E"L§§ kamnh deli\ Inu Jl lll usn puu uva Q . . .-wr r e n c e P h i n n a o i 'T e Blair, Nebrnla To The Voters And Taxpayers Of The Secondward I am a candidate for the council from the Second Ward of the City of Blair and I solicit the support of the voters in my behalf. I am a property owner and I conduct my business in the Second Ward and am thereby doubly interested in the general welfare of that section of the city.I also realize that in serving our ward well, I will be serving the city as a whole equally well. I believe in conservative spending, a con- stant lowering of the city's indebtedness and at the same time a continued policy of a well-kept, orderly city.If elected, I pledge my best efforts in your behalf. Peter Stricklett M f g ,D i r e o 1 f Sierbec kg Conyers an d Mr .and Mrs.J ann - ° ° " ' . . . . ' i : ; " ', Q Q ma r i a h ?w; a ; ; ; . ¢ § §~~r _ warg f yxndMm .Carl T¥¥nHnvnnu Conyers Bhd Nan c y Lee,Of Fr e her mof.]l¢l";U10 8W¢¢t.h¢8l'|.|iECk"M r :Fr a n k Stric k lett.MTBf`i'§I{»fi`I&T}.".Tl§`F~"u'\`133nf5tit Nw Il mm ._ . . . .- - - . .. . _ - .. . - J v - - q . . .rs.Le na Ellswo rth Dale L were overn ight guesi Y»o f Rev.an d Mr s.L m Siersbeck.Mr s.Da le is ;}`mont.un;and fingertip . veil were """`' " " `" " '''.aa,trimmed with satin pleating and Mary Pail and Miss Eva Phillxpa _were Mon ay afternuon guests oxWnet. and her bouquet. was of deep Mrs Gwrze Christensen.A ( ` I . . | - .N h f é t pink \°0seB and chizanthua.Miss '....Mr und Mm. I-Ienrv Monks of 'f=";;e;;;1<0.2 Cami. 3 For~ No. 2CaI{s, 3 For SODA CRACKERS, 2-lb. BOX m:~<<:ER SN APS, 3 Lbs. MILK, Richwhip, 4 Tall Cans ~......._.. 250 .Loc2 5 c 2 5 c 10 c .44c 25c .41c 25c 231: !!orrner music instnxcwr of Dana' ;Colleee.having taught there at, the time Mr.Hjortsvang was n-gS*"d'="*» ,LeCrone Teacher Hold; Sr. Patrick;Observance A St. PatHck'g party was givenFridayevening,Marvh 2m_ an IeCrone school. with Lhe instruc- tor. Mila Leia Peek, presiding ashosieas.The evening wan spent in games mud contests, and a mov-inx:picture Wu shown.Laber anlunchwasserved.g \ l \ | v P. E. o. The P. E. 0. uhapzer met at the home of Ms. Lola Hemphill, Wed- nesday aftemoon.Mrs.Pema Lundt was in charge of me pro- gnm. A.L. Kensington The American Legion auxiliary kennington will meet next Tues- day afternoon,April 1.at 'the home of Mrs. W. J. Bluter. Alma Sorensen.sister or megroom,served as maid of honor, wearing a floor-length gown of aqua blue and carrying pink car-nations.'I'he bridesmaids, dressed alike in pink floor-length dressesand carrying whim carnations andpink ehiaamhus. wer.,Misa Ruth Hansen of Blair and Miss Joan Camberon of Herman.Mr.Sbiensen was ma-ided by the bride's brother. Eugene Cl\rls» tiansen.Lyle Skov and Leo So!- eneen were ushers.The church was decorated in Q .___.|...e=.-...<.\.....\......nn Fontanelle were dinner guests, Thursday, at the W. J.Blatwr home. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Cooke at-tended a banquet given at the Hotel Fontenelle in Omaha, Sun-day, fm- Kelvinnbor dealers of this district. Mr.and Mrs.Howard Long were dinner guests,Sunday,at the Earl Caldwell home; evening visigors were Mr. and Mrs.Fred lang.Misa Peggy Pound; of Lhe Oma- P A Y D Y R/\ RR_ 3 F o r imk3§`Lh6'1§;`EE5F"Fi2i=;, 1 Lb. Free with Purchase of 2 Lbs. (`OF'Fl~`lE, Butter-Nut,Lb. COFFEE. Paxton Gas Roasted, ')..|h F a n¢ | ' l l ) |\l | | \G R A I ' E F R m' l ` , M e d i u m S i z e , D o z e n C H E R R I E S , R o y a l An n e , W i n d mi l l Brand, No. 2% Can ._... .....0. E. S. Mrs. W. F. Guistiluvr A regular meeting of the Order Compliments Cousin nr r m 'Fhmfpm Star Mclilnlex :;:.fmr§_: .1.":'§j\.§'T»`,.ff1'u".§,752g_;" '§f_;' _;;v,,, _"°',= ;;';_g "" 'T.. "& eme.u m» " ° § ' f € t~ " ' d [ r ' l! n d ? : ¢ ; n d e d r | ; e i § ' , ; 'p l n n u ,H r .an d M n . J .1 .L OLEO, 2 Lbs.~:~=.mLOIN STEAK, Lb. _..,,_.-...-_.......,....._..271: l Mrs. Walter F. Gutschow entertainedFridayafternoon,compliz ments;-y to her cousin,Mrs.El~dred C.Larsen of Gund Island.Gnests were Mrs. Larsen, Mrs JP.Jensen,Mrs.Louis Murdoch Mrs. Jxmes Maher, Jr., and mmf Philip 0'Ha.nlon.Mrs. Larsen re- turned to her home on Saturday,.following a 'WBek'3 visit with her |}%imn`ff.2§. '";§"`é¢2i=eE\}i.3=£1 Im zhilu; ~ e v e n i n g ._ De mee of Ho no r Misses E m u an d Ed n a Good wi ll be hostesses a t the regular| mee ting o f the Degree o f Hon or »lpdp;e,to be held Friday evelting ;nt. Sohefflefa Hall. Qi.. s. U. ceremony .A reception at the bl-;d¢*s home!Th e second nn a eenes o f f o u r followed immediategsrr,Wititl l'iTr3.|]§:ni5h §'°Jl'§.1`1»§°'§§"'°»F'mS'§"° dlzsgd Sk I I l yAJnvandrsar mu f e l,wi th Dr.J .P.Nielsen i n Christiansen o f Herrnan ta ki ngcharge.Th i r ty guests were prea-,'fh°"S° ent.'I'l1e plac e of honor on the Mr .and Mr s.Cur tis Di xo n o f refreshment table woo held by a F o n Calhoun entertained several three-tie r wedding cake baked by , Blair friends a t cards,last eve- Mre.J ohn Ha r t of A r lin g to n, a n d ni ng ; i t was a re gu lar me etin g o f n , i n n f M1'a Skov.Pi nk an d lth e i r pinoc hle club. NFLCK BONES, 6 Lbs.,._.....__...,....25C SAVE YOUR GREEN STAMPS DEFINITELY!Imother,Mrs. Jensen T h C011€N%"°¢i0I\&l Ladies So» "h*F""M ~~ {v'hit,e c andlenl M .d M . L l y d B ly a n d Mr .Th omas Hitchc qc k cial ' i m wi ll be t r u ed b lf"1 t ¢ n u t cups an I r an rs 0 lo n en e m Y k h ld c r combined wi tn c l him.Fr ed L on g a tten de d theR * " h ° H m n Birthday Mr s.W .F.He mp hi ll,ne xt Tues- lTm.1l'"$i.k 'i n to f o r m a \ ll° 5 ti ; ? r th d a y pa rty given Saturday I n obse f drvanc e 0 his 'asm bal a v after noon;Mr p Ray Krogh seasonal and appropriate SBUIEHBlevening by Mr .an d Mr s .Rosa dev.Tho mas Hif.ch¢Mk nf ¥n n-and Mr s.E a r l Srmth wnll MBIS!M r and Mr s Sorensen l e f t l n n m m nf He r ma n /f\K § @ r ° f , 'y?'i:»""D R E S S E S 5 0 SILK PRINTS ~ .0 ROMAINE sn eaks ~0 RE DI NG OTES ''~}unI¢t 511011-17 Rq\|||n12|a»50 ,x $ 3 . 9 8 $ 5 . 9 8 $ 1 . 9 8 Ge t Yo u r Easter Permanent No w! P u R s E s ".l;i';'§;'Pnlcnu And Lullmu$ 1 . 1 9 -$ 1 . 9 8 $rdd|¢Tln THE B. & C. SHOP 1 .1.__i»__\.. I_1,f\' HANSEN GLOVES MILLINERY O Bonnet:rO Tai lomd Sai lors a ~' 4 ~ I Se mi -Bre to n!~Wm',/ $ 1 . 1 9 $ 1 . 9 8 ~ ` ~ `\ \_\ \1\|"~="~ '_\anX \(1 s\.¢\¢, Nm .114 Pulll \' I Z Colon $1 and $2 ,.g (1 ~ \ \ \\ You (an SAVE Up Io 20% on Your Fuel Bill Now--If You Inslall a nord en ter tane d a nu mber of re la- tives and friends,Sunday after- noon and evening Mr .Hitc h- 'th e hostess.Q Mrs . Ge or ge Ku hr .Jr..wi ll ro- vi ew the " G m o f Go d "pageant. c o c k wa s bo m in De Soto , in 1862, held last year near Sc ottsbluff. and has spent m a n y a ll his 1sf¢|. in W ashington c ounty .Papua Thursda y Club Guests of Mr. IIitc h c oc k a nd his daughter. F ern, were Mr. and Mrs. C 0 .Hu r dt.Mr .and Mr s.H .0 . Hu r d and Dorothy ,and Mr .and Mrs.Ste wa rt Hu r d o f Omaha.; Mrs.Renard La d d and children and Miss Pauline Hitc hc oc k of Bla ir:and Mr .and Mr s .J ohn Johnson and fa mily of Konn srd. I n h o n o r of_t.ho occasion.Mr s. Th e Papio Thur sday Afternoon Club me t wi th Miss Alin a Miller. lhia rc h 20, with si x me mber s pr os- ien r.One guest,Mr s.An dr ew .Svennlgsard,wa s present,also. Fo llo win g lunch,the group ad- journed until Ap r i l 3 when Mr s. Fr ed Dornnc ker,Jr.,wi ll be the hostess. nhl§}~liy Fliiie ilie for Lincoln." " " `"Mrs.Sorensen!goingmway °"'*!rn§E¢.?.""A"E"fif.i'2i'.§.§"ri'l' was of French beige with blicik Mrs H m ;Iilaco clled on Mr accessories.Thev returned W - '.nesday evening for the chariv ari ~ Albe rt J ense n of Milla rd, dance held in their honor.2 sf-After April 17,the Sorensen»|~ membenriof the senior class;;-=\;,k'=-= at their own hol|1g on West .gt uumiglg y l fgew .g;=~=~=»»;g 1;t.;W1 eva3 ree |Ues Moines,Iowa;George Padle~ Dana Students Attend 18811 to Rutland and Humbolt, Choir Concerts Ilowa;and Anker Jensen,Sidney |..Fifty Dann students attended and Edrnore,Michigan. the concert of the Concordia C01-|Attorney and Mrs.'Walter Hu- lege choir of Moorhead, Minneso- ber were guests last.SaturdayLs, presented 'in Omaha, Wedn levming of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hllbvnidayevening.011 Sunday, a. ge lkhoades at their home on West |ond group of Danians attended a|Cclta.x street.Bridge Was theconcert given at \Ko1:ntze Mernor_Same of the eveninit followed bi' a ia] church of Omlhg by the Auguluncheon served by Mrs. Rhonda. burg Cullege choir of Minneapolis.Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brokaw of Craig, Mr and Mrs. Ernest Har-DCC Selects tis and son and Charles Riley of Plays This Week .Tekamah visited Sunday after- FUEI. sun TRY a "Fuel Saver" In Your Own Home and CONVINCE Yourself uowr 4th yr/ard VOTERS! O .I O I am a candidate for the post of Council- man in the Fourth Ward and I seek the office because I believe I can serve the city well. I believe in conservative spending.I be- lieve in keeping the city abreast with others of similar size but I do not favor going further in debt to do so. I own property and do business in Fourth Ward.I expect to stay in Blair for many years and am therefore vitally interested in the welfare of Blair and the Fourth Ward. Your Vote Will Be Appreciated. Qlarence Kuhr, Ladd, A granddaughter of M m Mm George Nelson is a patientHitchcockma,baked n huge in lmmanual Hospital in Om .birthday mm, bedecked with '19 where |he was taken early this candlm.week Ior X~x-ay treatment. 9 _Ll..n - - -1\.....~¢.H»u1 nnnn urhh fha Pwntnn Tihkév fllllI'l 8 l 1 B 101'LH B M a n u |.. !l ¢\| u| \u\ .o n v v u nu.. . -. ...... - . . _ ____C l L \ b 's s e c c n d a n n u a l " e v e n i n g c f i i l y . M r s . T i n k e y s p e n t F r i d a y w i t h '§'W ""§""'";,H g , u n d z e r wa hy ,w i t h | M r s .F r e d A n d e r s o n . . e n e s s y ,a y 8 ,a s t e t e n t s -T h I I n C i r t l e C l u b e m . L1 . ve d a t e .T w o p l a y s ," T h e T ° " l b e r a -3 5 5 a.s o c i a l m e e t i x g a J " b l e M e e d 'a n d " E l m e r "h a v e t h e h o m e o f M r s .J a m e s K i n g b m n c h o s e n ;P r o f .N f * l 5 ° "P " ° " " | W e d n e s d a y .T h e t i m e w a s s p e n t a n d E d w a n d H a n s e n w i l l d s r e e t ._ e t g a m e s g u d l a t e r s c o ve r e d d i s h [ 1 A D t l T , l u n c h e o n w a s s e r ve d .' I ` w e n t y - o n e G 1 :g s 2 ;,Q ' m e m b e r s w e r e p r e s e n t ,a n d t h r e e , o o e w o r g u e s t s . .M r s .R u s s e l l H a t h a w a y . . F r i e n d s o f M r .: m d If r i r s . P . A .M r s .F r g n h M o r r i s o n ,a n d M r s . D l e s t e l ( 0 d e l l s I t e e h l W I "b e i n n - I S u n d a y d i n n e r g u e s t s o f M r . t o r e s t e d i n k n o v . m g t h a t t h e f a m -a n d M r s . J e n s L .P e t e r s e n o f B e n v I l y h a s b e e n t r a n s f e r r e d f r o m ._D a l l a s T e x a s t o N e w Y o r k C i ;n m g t o n w e r e M a s s E l \ e l : 3 A n d e r 'I F _M r s .D i e s t e l a n d t h h i l d r n a r e s e n o f B l a u " ,M r .~M r s .S . h 1 r 8 I 2 B f _s n e n d i n g t w o w e e k s i n M i l l a r d l f § ' n P ' § .' f , f ' §d " " f h ;" ' Q f § _g g g g m t h h e r s i s t e r ,M r s .F 1 - e e." ° " °s n < i P a u l o f s e d o a k ,I o w a ,M r . a n d ° t ' h ° "r e l s t w e s .M r .a n d M } "| s n d M r s .P e t e K .A n d e r s e n a n d H e n r y V o s s w i l l e n t e r t a i n a t d m ' | A l \ a n o f H e r m a n .a n d M r .u n d ' n e r ,S u n d a y .f o r t h e V o s s e s M r s R b e r t P e t e r s a n d b a h o f ' a n d M r s .D i e s t e l s u d c h i l d r e n .i 0 m d h a . 0 e n x r g D. A. R_Dana commercial students et- fph N k 1 gh, ts f D_A tended a district, conference of the e 1 urn p r 0 '._Il met .with Mrs. Henry M.....,.M~=;=q;° gur e d i t ~ last Friday,at which time Hrs cu'e Y Y-|W. w.Winkinson.Regent,~ " . . i ' ~ " § . f § I , f , . f f . ; § ` , ; ll~~ * "Fuel Suu' ll an Au!o~ mule GAS WAIER Hum: K ~salla Ol course you would like io 'WC a mb- arlantlal percentage oi yo.. A b i l l thls winter, and you can do il. wo. alm- ply and economically Just lns wl l "Fuel Saver" aulamntlc gas water heu- er nnd remove that wasteful furnace coll..You'1l notice \ difference aknoxt lmmedlately.And what l blessing lt will be to live wlth the assurance that Lhere will always be PLENTY OF HOT WATER.day or night.winter and SUMMER!Ge! full details on our ab tractive offer AT ONC Don't wal! mutha- day b TRY A SAVER nz YOUR OWN HOME AND CON- VINCE Younszmx A "Fund Saver" sllxnlnain \h¢ wmldul hmmc s co ll a nd lm- prov n thu :K i d n e y d y o u r : m m - n e c A n D r . : s s oi the TYPE OP rm YQU mu: NOW nm-an 1 L-|I | \ | | II r I I »» » r » | charge oi a progrnrn on the retur-utlon of historic :pda in thaSouth.Several articles ware readPertaining to the work llong thltline being done by the nationalMm. c. R. Mend will be homersto Nikumi chlpler, April 18. Mn.J.Hilton Rhonda!ents# !-ained wma tables xt a bridge llunchsan,Thundny afternoon.lhonoring Mn.Eldrel Larson ol |Gnnd lllnnd.Mrs. Arthur John son, Mn,Lomn Klo pp, md Mn,limba lhhsr received ilu px-lun. uuuw-U...... ..._.__,which the studanu have used u utext.ln the group were Prof. nad Mrs.Hurry Sludle,Rhoda Han- sen.Helen Nineglr,Roma Sand-vold, Evelyn Winthar, Ame Digs, Edwud Sorensen.James Som~ mera nd Gene Mem-ue. ST. M.ARY'S Erlscornl.CHURCHIChnrlesJohnsonwill read the services, March 80. Adverfile ln The lhmrprlnel u s u m B u m s " - . . - F " u f " \ _ f Aa Advndhament ol thu Your Vote Will Be Appreciated. Clarence Kuhr, Proprlelor of Bur! Chlmly Co-Op Oil Sllllol\ (HEAPESI and BEST KNOWN Melhod ~WA-NEBRASKA IGHT & POWER co.a u | l » ~ 1 | | l n - | | u | | | l I n n u n - l u ~5 m»~1~ n ~ ,.a..- 1 n . s . s u v u Ar l l l l -. ' . f a . . " , . . " H r l . E d h l r J u : k l u u o l o m l l \ l . -~|u 1 : | n ' l|m ° o £ t h o 0 |. E . 8 . . b y H n .I s l a m ! ms Dlckmsysr.lhdell-N YR*- md b a r l s n a t n n h - . . . _ -0nrm°lM¢.K!b\| mdFr¢ I\°!*~| qn o f Hn.B.1. lc mbbe a o fArlington,l d t nondsv.1631 n gmun o! (our other yuun| menfromDodn co unty Oo nam in J _ : . . l m z?0uv 3 f r i e n d s a n d !*1|dv¢ |h5 lt|l¢l'0d au.5»~.w==-15; V C rim. a nd Hn. J . 1. ."§§ 3'£» »¢n o n their d i v e r we d di n r »=»1';;,=;~ ....I " » Hr . a n d Mn . F u n k J n l ma l a n d Norma.S u e J n h n e l, ll r l . A m ln d l Svo ge n on .H r .m d Hr s .BYIUUllc b o ul-I d and sons we re Sundati d i n n e r : u m a a t th e D a ve K r u xe rhome,helpi ng Me lvi n celebrate his b irth day . |.._- . . . . - | _ - I - m n g - _ u u - dsy . . .g n d l i ~ w i t a M r . w o a k o f t h o l l l l v u l l l l n l l ~.~T . W . . P n ' H n a : fS t . P z d , l1 ' o r n l » e r r m in h t e r o f this vines.B n . P n r k i n l s n o w confined i n th eMcthoditt hospital in Omaha, and h i s n m . To m , M C h i o mv h u g i v- en th e blo od fo r l a v e n l trann-f u d u m .I t is hoped h ,wi ll b v able to rub mi t to an op era ti on. A I |.I 2 1..u vm..x.;-.J Mr . md Mn . G u s A n d : a n d ll r .and Hrs. Ben Auc h and Bo bby vis- i t e d H r . m d Hn . H o n Pa te n e n a t Gr a vity ,Io wa ,ed ms d ar - Mrs. Petersen has bean in tha hos- pi ta l fo r s o me ti me . n ~ ,.a..- 1 n . s . s u v u Ar l l l l -. ' . f a . . " , . . " H r l . E d h l r J u : k l u u o l o m l l \ l . -~|u 1 : | n ' l|m ° o £ t h o 0 |. E . 8 . . b y H n .I s l a m ! ms Dlckmsysr.lhdell-N YR*- md b a r l s n a t n n h - . . . _ -0nrm°lM¢.K!b\| mdFr¢ I\°!*~| qn o f Hn.B.1. lc mbbe a o fArlington,l d t nondsv.1631 n gmun o! (our other yuun| menfromDodn co unty Oo nam in J _ : . . l m z?0uv 3 f r i e n d s a n d !*1|dv¢ |h5 lt|l¢l'0d au.5»~.w==-15; V C rim. a nd Hn. J . 1. ."§§ 3'£» »¢n o n their d i v e r we d di n r »=»1';;,=;~ ....I " » Hr . a n d Mn . F u n k J n l ma l a n d Norma.S u e J n h n e l, ll r l . A m ln d l Svo ge n on .H r .m d Hr s .BYIUUllc b o ul-I d and sons we re Sundati d i n n e r : u m a a t th e D a ve K r u xe rhome,helpi ng Me lvi n celebrate his b irth day . |.._- . . . . - | _ - I - m n g - _ u u - dsy . . .g n d l i ~ w i t a M r . w o a k o f t h o l l l l v u l l l l n l l ~.~T . W . . P n ' H n a : fS t . P z d , l1 ' o r n l » e r r m in h t e r o f this vines.B n . P n r k i n l s n o w confined i n th eMcthoditt hospital in Omaha, and h i s n m . To m , M C h i o mv h u g i v- en th e blo od fo r l a v e n l trann-f u d u m .I t is hoped h ,wi ll b v able to rub mi t to an op era ti on. A I |.I 2 1..u vm..x.;-.J Mr . md Mn . G u s A n d : a n d ll r .and Hrs. Ben Auc h and Bo bby vis- i t e d H r . m d Hn . H o n Pa te n e n a t Gr a vity ,Io wa ,ed ms d ar - Mrs. Petersen has bean in tha hos- pi ta l fo r s o me ti me . I[ l ¢ h »W n h v n n k n " m u h 2 7 1 5 1 1 1 _./ a m z m¢ Hr . mdl l n- m d lm wo o o r u - - . 9 ||, _ " ` " " °| m g¢.inax-|6t\f4\¢=°=*°'*""`H\rv¢vl=°d . m d iln . Hn ' 0 ld were Mr. md Mn. lnvnlhl hh Sw,-k .nd Peggy nm Sunda y lf- nnd hmm. mg nn. Lmn Munk. umoo n md suppe r gue sts o f Hr. w,h,.,.¢,y aveninl n n "were wi Mn . G u a m w w w .w A m , l h t u n and Mnnhah Those halnlnz Albert KuhrC,,§_',,,,_,,,,l i n .Ha lma ¢-.ual ulebnte ni. birthday l u t w u -..§ u...Andnnr Bah: on Mon~v\Y nzsdm: were Mr. usd Mrs, HF" mnmul lcner AI s nv- H|u. l l i sn. ulo ns m nr IDie noo'Inw(AvGuHHFnGnLeDilSrllin mesuMx anSn soxlla ; { " " ° "J ""*.§,,,",f2,';,", 3 , ; l i ' > " " " " i 3 ¥ " i ~ f n - 1 » ~ | uhool of instruction.hi dny noon (or the local chwtnr. dinner wu served in the hall30 o'clo¢k,lollawad by the :lar aesdon. stones inre Mrs. Tom Dow-ln. leo Weber. xml Mrs. Rod- Peim-non. lll Shower Hanan Mn. Allred Dlcllmeyer ln. Allred Diclaneyer. who be-> har recent mnrrllge was Annlnnfer. wn the guest o! hon-xt 1 shows: |rivsnP:d e Hurry lnneyer ome.,y r n.'here gg; A nugber olitgt- ;| nn mms rorlterecipesforthebride.esta were Masdames Walter nkamv.J.H.Hilgnnkamp. .Smith, H. Hackbarth. Sknonuse.Wllllnm Pope.A.Pullep.Roy Bisbee.Paulsen,Erwinzkmeyer. William Dickmeyer, R.hlawfer.Leonnrd Nelson. Ade- Gnuse. Anna Gmue. John Dick- vyer.Chris Petenon.August>rk.Chris Hansen.Howard mlhall.Fred Dickmeyer, Leon-i Wulf,John Stork,Martinurk. Ehvald Dunklau. Pew Nel- n, An Plusge.John Echten-. M Alvin att.Oscar seheqr. in Em L. M. Pgtpnvn and Mn. A. H. Hnhlbeek were honeuu at theConan-usvionnl ehumh,Wednes- day nftemooon.anterta-l DK the l.A.dlesMC¥lrc. wAmun|¥m a h wen n ...e.Simak.MncKm1d¢.I-hmnnh. Shambmd.McGill md Rovpert. Mr. and Mrs.Williun G. Chy- um und bnhv daughter.NnncyAnn, of Grand lslmd, were week~und guests of Mrs. Clnytocfn oar-entu,Mr. and Mrs. Vernon I h rahlll.Mhz Mnadno M u l h l l l o i Omnhn mam. Monday sho mx the panamal home.Byron Mdv ud o l sm La keCsff- n tomar Arllnxwn ruidmt.vuted Monday with his brother, Mn. Henry Pemn.Mr. md Mn. Wxlmx- A. Brown,Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hnmml-ng. and Mn. Helen Menkinz drove wWaterloo on Sunday where theyattended a dinner given in honorof their relative, Mrs. Amy Sham,who hu been living in Chicago,and is now on her way bo Idaho to make her home with A son.Relatives and friends here areglld w hear that Harvey W. Mar- shsll,a lonner resident of thisplace, who submitted to A major nbleMH. .the tion D001in"Qand nxl twi nc . .¢dnati\.h\Ch fo m<clKi uba il ne vl l ( R i c h x n d M e l v n r d .a n d n n u n x t .° in operntlon in Sl.. Vincent's hospi-. . ,'__.......|...ruxzlnmin in | £0 ruhmi! w an overauuu.ra L. M. Peterson and Mrs. A.Hlhlhock were hoetessel forLsdis Cirvle of the CongrervAchurch, Welhxaday alter-n.Guests included Mrs. J. W. mail. sxambaum' mom and men.ncudxbents Ge0X`K¢Schoettgerl Dr. D. M. Bloch were nomi-zd w fill three-year terms ofo exuirinz on the school board a caucus held at the city hall.Mr. and Mrs.H. C. McClellan.companied by Mrs. F. E. Webb, :ve to Lincoln on Thursday toLend the Founders' Day held ataHotelCornhusker.Mr. Mc- sllan amended several meeunpr the men, and the \a4:liea&tte11d- l s lal meetin (or e wo-»»,"°»'5». high liglft ol the oc- lalon was the wa for womenven by Mn. Dwight Griswold at me |zuvernor's mansion,and s mqust for both men and women\ the ev nz at the hotel.The main address was given by Gov- rnor Carr ol Colorado.Nancy Lee Mr:Kibben of Frnontspenttheweek-end heregithhgr grandmother, Mrs. H. L. cK1b en.About s dozen members of the ase Misses Simek MacKenzie neulay. ocal Rebekah lodge attended the :elebration held in Fremont ui ob-servation _ of the olden anniver- pltal for wma time.5Mr. and Mrs, Henry Kroger and l children visited,Saturday,withthe Peter Kmger tamlly.Mrs.Peter Mondhunt alled there. Wed- Glen Holstein and Johnny Mord-horst visited.Monday evening,with Chester Aueh.l Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kruse andsons visited Sunday with Mr. andMrs. Chris Kruse and daughters.Mr.and Mrs,Emest Krogerwere Sunday dinner guests ut Mr.and Mrs. Peter Kroger and fam-ily;altemoun callers were Her-§=='-Johnny and Harry Mord- orst.Mr. and Mrs.Chris Kruse and daughters and Peter Petersen vla-ma. Wednesday evenlnx. with Mr.and Mrs. Henry Kruse and sons of Omaha.Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mordhorstand Harry visited Sunday eveninwith Mr. and Mrs. Gus Aueb ...fl Chester.Mr.and Mrs. Martin Paulsenand son vddwd Tuesday eveningwith Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Johnson:Friday evening supper :nests werehir. and Mrs. Matiuss Johnsen.lllrs.Anna Melton celebrated her birthday.Sunday.enlertaim ing in the afternoon and even- un lin. and Mrs. Raymond Schuldt attended a pinochle party at theu........ sl.-...nv home. Thursday. an their mver wsuuaur ..........aan.A ummm w a s u na f o l - lowed hi' daneinx.Mr. and Mrs.Andersen redved a chat ol sil-verware as s zl!t from the cem- Mr.and Mrs.Bemard Thomp- son and Mrs. Amanda Svonnenwere runner melts at the Hmry'Hagen home, Monday. Mr.andlllrs.C.V.SchnmakerwereshonvinsinOmaha,Tues- day.Mrs. Eric Kmdsen,Mrs. NelsKnudsen ma Mrs. Geanre Mlefeldt attended a style revue at Blur, Friday.Mr. and Mrs. Earl lamb visitedat the w. T. Ndsen home. Sunday.Elmer Padsm of Omaha calledatthe narental.G. F.Paulsen home. Saturday evening.Mr . a n d ~ C ha rl m Misfeldt.Alice. Jeanine and Ivan attended s birthday partv at the Chr-ls Jansm homd Sin-lduv.Mrs. William Voss snent severalgthehunst week at the Hairy etren omeMrs. J. A. Johnson spent Wed- nesday in Qrnaha.Mrs.William Wiese,FrancesandLillianandMrs.Chris en lome. Sunday afternoon.Av i a Andersen has a m uChevroletandClausKuehlhas.L-_..,x .D\.m.~\n. m\ml¢7. \~ vi s ite d a t the He nrv Ti e tg-\ his birthday.Bll!! Al-geda Persson gg* Bob afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. 3.1 nard Thompson.Friday eveninkvisitorswere Jim Mencke,GlenThompson. Hans. Alma and Harry Svugerson.Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wal! were§;g-g;v afternoon visitors of R. G. Clark .lahnel has flu; Mrs. EmilMauen is also ill.Ross Wwlburn snent Friday at U.. ...... ..._.-aftunoon..Su-Hg evening vlaltnn at theM a a adsen heme were Llnyd um and Albert l-Ianam. Jr.Mrs.James Ryan and Ruben£orm¢n'lY o! Rose Bid. calld hateWednudaaftemoon.Miss Clar-lue Byanlxaa zone in Moline. llli- nois to work._Mrs.Walter Sapuenlield MisaMnrlsn Nelson and Ceume Nnlam werg Susnday ng-;= Kvestsinof) the Janna D e Y the Hans Vogt home.a n .,Misa Nora Col h u ...ml Misa Lms Tolbe_ol LhrcolnWent emvloyed ior the third year to w Bfffggef school.r. an rs.Plunge spentSunday at the Clark Jahnel home_Mr. and Mrs. Nels Sorensen andDick and John Lund Wm! .Wed-nnad-BY evening at the Hana Svof¢~ exson home Mrs.Emil Matzau entertaind' the project club.Tuaday after- .man S Q,"°§l'}¢A asWednesday eveningvluedflhnxsdsy at the Babe Ryan home.Mrs. Johanna Persson of Oma- .._n reasen spent Fri gn evenunz at the Elmer Monsoni n _ 1 .. . the week-end with Mrs.h u n Tuite and Myron.Mr.and Mrs.Raymond RuweandlamllywereSmdsydinner Fiesta of Mr.and Mrs.Georgeuhr.Thursday afterneoon visit-ors at the Rnwe home were Mrs.Geo;-|dKud1r and Mrs. Om Ruwe, and a g evening gusts wereMr. and rs. Gustave Kalxnk and lamllv of near Kennard.Mrs.Will Hansm,Elizabeth,|Edna and Bobbie mlled on Mrs.bb-nma Ruwa on Friday aftefmoon.Mrs.Clarence Hansen and Ke.iw»Mrs.Will Hansen and Elizabeth'ham-ldMrs,JohannsS anno d'M da '".-nam avant Sunday wmth"n'fnl:,§f§ M3 Ray1n`<l m€;lllet w n S"§f°"°"°~l Mr and Mrs Earl Jensenu.."A?.'.iT'. AM51-sin Fa mbe f umlle i un Mr.dna Mrs.Archie Kuhr and daulzhter. I-'riday evun~ing.Wednesday eveninz guestsof Lhe Jensens were Mr.._snd Mrs. I I ll Arn. who wen dinner and alter-n a o n ~Evminlr guestswereeasn. md Mesdames Ben nard Wulf.Detle!Wulf.GeorgeMeneks and daulz'N#l'» Chris Ras-mussen. Harold E. Rasmussen andShirley,Lwie Dornacker.and Otto Arp and family-Mr. and Mrs. 1.-arsRolland an-tenained. Thursday.in honor ofMr. and Mrs. Louis Johnson andson ut Eagle Grove. Iowa.Those yreaent besides the Johnsons werer. and Mrs. Chris Larsen. Han~nah and Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hansen. and walter and Nxna An- dex-sun.Thursday eveninz dinner Rnestaof Mr. and Mrs.Harland NelsonwereMrs. Delsrln Dunlan and Miss Alma Sorensen of Denver, and Mr. and .Mn. Hurry Surensw.Sundlv evening :nests were Mr.and Mrs.Bemard Paulsen ofOmaha, Mr.and Mrs. Paul Paul-sen and LaVerna and Miss llelen Nelson.Thursda eveninsr lruests of Mr.and Mrs.ohn Stork were Mr. andMrs. Rudolph !~\1chs and Mr. and Mn. Harold Stork and Peazsy.Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rasmus-sen and daughters :died on Mr.and Mrs.Harold Stork and Pew gy. Sunday evanmg.M r .an d Mr s .Lawren c e Du nk - ln u we re Sunday eve ni n g vis i mr e Q u a d : o aL1 I 11 ur 1 1 I I I \ L l r 4 d Ha nse n n f Ames, Mi nme =-r an d d augh ter . Mi ns Leon a. Lee ~y K u hl, He nr y P lu me a nd Mr . lunge,a ll o f Fr e mon t;Missesli n e r Ha ll,Ma rjo ri e Gnune.E r -or A .~ara ~~ lec ti on Not ic e! Copy Of O F F I C I A L B A L L O T Q CITY ELEc'r1 §lLA1R, NEBRASKA »m ~g s a t i n ! ~improve- ment, and is now able to be up in a wheel chair. sary of the 0l1Z8D12.auuu.Th e condition of Mr s .BelieClnspmon. who i m b e e n confined to e Fr emo nt hos pital for th e p ast week, is rewarded as very serious. Mr s.J u di th Shreeves received wo r d o f th ei de ath of h e r son -im la w,Alexa nder J eff ry .Sundny even i ng . a t hi s h ome i n Phoenix.Ariz ona, followi ng a n illnes s of a. numb er of y ea rs.Mr . J e f f r y wa sn f or me r r e si d e nt o f Omah a .Be» sides his wife.Mr s.Eliza beth Park er J éffr y . h e i s also s urvi ved by a d aug hte r, Mi ss Ele ano r.Mr s.Duane L .Cady an d son.Bobbie,spent.the week-end in "\-~-.a *ka 'hn\\1F\of MT. Bdld s u n n y L u a u ' p . . -M r .a n d M r s .R a y m o n d J o h n s o n v i s i t e d S u n d a y w i t h M r .a n d M r s . Peter J ohnson.Mr .an d Lire.Ru th Mordh orst were Tuesday even ing vis ito rs at Elm.Ap pleb ;Mr .and Mr s. Ralph Rey nol . J ean and Dunne of Ie rmnn wer e Fr id a y ni gh t. g ue sts |ere. IDurtnubuu cs Al; ni uuv".Mr .an d Li m. C .v Sc humakerattende d n silver wed ding c e lebra- tio n at the E lk C ity h ell Sa tu rd ay evenirlicg in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W i ll er np keMr . an d Mr s. E ri c Kn ud se n an d Ma r y Be th visited at the Nels: iinudsen home.Sunday .Mr .an d Mr s .He nr y 'I'i¢f,g¢ni Mr . a n d Mr s . E lz a A wle b y a n d .Mr. a nd Mr s . H e n r y mm m a n a lr - n d Delores an d Mr s .w i l l VossIr vin vi s ite d W ednesday evening Yiellteci wi th M m Chris Sends mu h Ra y mon d sc holars.Tue sd sv eveni ng |Gr eta Bernic e an d Ar th u r A larg e numbe r f rom this V ic i n- Dornsc ker an d Georgia.Ma rs ha ll ity attended the danrge ot.Ben- were Thursday evening c allers at 1?IllS10n.Saturday evennnr.honor-th e E lm A m a l e b ? me e fu 1 l ing Mr. an d Mrs. Har old Ne uha us. nn ff v Stoddard o f ne ar E lk .l l ~ and Mrs.Chris J nh nel.Mr . and Mrs. B erna rd Th orng son, Mrs. A ma n d a Svosreraen a n Delb ert Baller . s pen t Thur sda y e ven ing at th e Bi ll W u ib ur n ho me .Delb ert Bo ller le f t fo r Ansley , Saturday .af te r spending:fi ve gg gj g a t the Bern ard Tho mps on Qu i te e nu mb er attended th e Lu th er a b d c h c kDer in e...?;.°;.'i'S";'2.....;». en sno- us Los Amzeies, California.S u n d a y d i n n e r g u e s t ;o f M r . a n d M r s . J o e L o ve w e r e M i s s E l i z - a b e t h L o v e a n d C l i f f o r d M o n t g g m . I .| . L . .. . r ; . . . . . . . . . . . . __ ,r u " _ A i°'i:;] wa l Te d ha. Sian d 'la nd Mr s S1 and nerElk] M m |G . H a l n n r i kson Husk md nmuy.rs.Laura Tofu.and Mrs.wr Sanpenfield visited Mrs.Simansen and baby in Om Friday dtemoon. mdsy evening m e m ofMrs. Bernal-Wulf wereMrs. Detlef ulf. and Mr. . Earl Jensen.xmday dinner guest;ofMm Pete Iverson were Ver~ : - Mr.Mr.and Mr. 1 Sox and Iola Shageman of' ham,Nebrnska.and Mrs. -y Hansen of Herman. ms Wulf home were Means of Mr. and nuns.r.wm\.».v w.-and family.Mrs. Hans Wulf wasn Monday afternoon caller.Mr. and Mrs.Bud Croudy mdson called on Mr. and Mrs.Wlll Wulf on Thursday nfterrmoon.Sunday eveninz guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Dickmeyer.Mr.and Mrs.Albert Bensonandsons wen Sunda afternoonand suvver mmm of in. Ade lll Gnuae.Mr.B-Fld Mrs. Chris Rasmlor or after Mrs "REFcalledonMrs.Emma TaySunday altemonn.MondaynoonKueslsu(Mr,anduestsduring the week at thel Mesdaxnes .Inv Stokes. Alben erson. Everett Stork Mid fam-Junior, Earl, and Jim Swkes. MrsLanRasmussenwen Mr.andLouisJnhnsunmdMrs Rollnhd.senMnup u mol mu nerhonhanRl: Hel 1 1und\'i|IlwnAKa* d nFluI wgMrMxIAFil1-'lg B5 Pa !\'1P: u{vu ha IDIIBI' Bl.mu:nu....-_D H rmtc hL. W..e .|I lr. and Mrs. R. H. Hanc oc k and b v lgzhters,Ma rjor ie an d Rosa-th(ui, and son, R. I-I., Jr., of Her-1 rm,were Sunday eve nmg sup-su1gu es ts at th e Dr.P.I... Cady Ch1 no.Othe r guests a t the Cady EV1 me over the we e k e n d wereCadyandMi ss Betty E :hardmatch of Oma ha .zu. DI' `s M 'Ykw f.nql<.}§_l.§_§w¢».I he Mr.mi':»m.Wllham Sr=If=°=1=T.@ 1 Billie were Thursday evenmsr afwr-s a t the Gordon An d e r s o n ' vi ir .and Mrs.Ea r l Fic EI, v h ee and Razer wer e W ednes-hc afvernoon visitol5 B l E d ar K. ne.mhe r, tCller's.'diss Harriet,Rogert.of Oma h a erenl. the week-end at home.| Wednesday ovenimr gues ts;of . S1 .and Mrs.E d I-iovenclic k were Q,. a nd Mr s . D . w. mule dz e n m . | uie Finc h, Mr. and Lira. Wa1\ac e M g Mrs.Sarah Swan and Joe d LMr .and Mrs.A .I .Ma g i ll an d Ir bb w,Mr .an d Mr s.D wi g h t M .tric k and1§.enneLh were Sunday IJoninrrvisatoraa t the pa re n ta l,| M e d Eng er, ho me | Mr. an d Mrs. Ch ri s L . A nde rso n' sl ci Do na ld wer e Mo nd ay eveninm tg mo r e a t the George IIindley te meM r an d Ivins.Fr ed Pec k an d mllv spent 'I'hursda.y even in g at rthur Weatherbys.M r and Mr s Alf r eg C . K r ame r. d M r s .L a w r e n m H a r r i s o n w e r e 't l " " " ' - -» : n { ¢ A 9 u ~~ I I A I I "" ' " ' |* - - - -- . .. T E ' i 1 ' f | ; , ; ', § ' = § 3 ' . , " $ ¢ ' s ` 5 J 1 ` . " , ? " I ¢C i t v m e n t t h e w e e k - e n d a f .t h e e r y -m ' " ' =l . \ | » u n w u |;E |A |b h l G ¢ » n ¢H g g f g h 5 ~~C U I H H I a n d -a h " - I ~ ; . . a = ' 3 ' ~t h e J .P .S u n s ;.L ° . 'I I ¢W a h a l e d m u m o t h e r .° f O m l h »-m e u a w e r e w q r s l y , _.t n l e l l m m o f m m m n e n t o c u -° " { - , _ __ _ _ _' l r 1 .. I | _ Gozélg lb WHITE OATS P h o n e ~?fi1:zw:f 5 7 ~ See Us Before You Buy Or Sell BEN REEH For Councllmal Vote For ONE E ]C. M. CHRISTENSEN By Petition E 1 M A R TI N K U H R ~ P e t i t i o n s For Councilman Second Ward Vote For ONE I I ]E . A . R O U N D S ~ P e t i t i o n I I I P E T E R S TR I C K L E TT , J R . ~ P e t i t i o nIUA. J. MOORE ...,..............,.-._....,_.........By Petition [ 1 ... . . .. .. -. .... ........_..».....-.---»....---»-..............---~-~.......»......»-.... |I .o w e r f o r M i s s L o r r a i n e C h r i s - n s e n ,i n B e n n i n g t o n .S u n d a y a f m o o n . HERMAN NEWS The W oma.n's Society for Chris- an S ervic e ni et with Mr s. Ber tha ~we for quilting. W ednesday aft- oon.Mies Li llia n Hansen.a pati entttheBla ir hospital, ia reported ot no well.Miss Min nie F i n k o f O ma h a is ~ending;a f e w day s wi th Mr s. una Peddie.Membe rs of the He r ma n W o-an's Clu b attend ing the M. A . C. ro g rn m i n Blai r we re Mes da me s ohn H. J o hns on , W illi am Ad ams.envy Truhlsen,E.Hay es,Paul ancock.Mar c us Krufrer,G.F . ~we.Sarah Swan.Lau ie Fitc h J rsen.d J .A .caveEdward Gr eni er, so n M Mr . a n~ rs.E.L .Grenier,has ente -he Uni ve rsi ty o f Oma h a an d i ~inn a n n i r p lme emrine courseSa m Belville returned to He r an Sunday f r o m Lo s Angeles~lifornia. where he had spent th nter with re la ti ve s.Th e Bir thd ay Card Club me ~ith Mr s .A n n a Peddie.Tu e s d l :ternocm,honoring her bir th dn s¢ilB Mi nn ie F i n k 01' Omaha : :visitor.A dessert lunc heon w~ ~erved.d M iH r s Ra y 'Pn ple tt am .Ma r i a h THp le tt we r e Om ah a vi itoru.'I\1esdny. day evenink.Th e second gro up of the co~ mu n i tv gatherimc entertainme c ommittee,he ld a Da n y a tschool,Satu rduv even inm 'L.ent were Messrs.an d Mead u He nr y J ac kson. Marian and = eron;Au gu st J or da n,Ma r vi n Dwa i n W i llia m Sc helstede °McCon:nahs,Fmnc ig an d Ba tt Lester Curley ;L\~o:nad¢an Ot Ma r k McCunns.ha;E t t a K r o h Leland an d August.Ruwe. h'Ir.= and Mr s .F w d Peak = fa mily atte nded the WeddingMi s ;Glady u Peterson and R01~ L a m m a t Hooper,Sunday eve mg ,Mr . md Mr s E d Ho vu n d i c k w supper szuasts 'I'hursdsY.o f ~an d M n .w i x i i m Hovendxc k : sons, near Suilc er. 5 .~._.;~~@ < = * P ' °7 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hineline and Lois help ed Lilli e Marie Thompsoncelebratehersecondbirthdaya t the h ome o f h er pa re nts . Mr. a nd Mrs.Joe Thomp son.Wednesday. M r and Mr s.Be r t Hea th s pe n tgeveral day s last wee k at th e :mr- emtal,E.V .He a th home.They spent the wi n te r i n W u h i n k w n , D.C.and ar e no w on th e i r wa y Lec `1<me.| .Mr. and Mrs. John Becklun and o n e 1 ~.:'rg-Y Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nzelsen en~amil we Sunda afternoon andulrtainedandinner.Sunday.for £..,,,é§J i m o£yMr.and Mm! har. and Mrg. Hans Bertelsen.lgene Ryan in Omaha.~Wllham Voss and -705"Sunday dinner guests of Mr. andvasltedattheLorenChrstensenMrs. Otto Ruwe and Dorothy werehome, Wednesday.|Mr. and Mrs.Milo Jemreaon and Mrs.Da\.e R1char<§ls\spent fh€!a.m.ily.|vmek-emi wlth relative; at Nor-Sunday afternoon Inlasts of Dun-fvlk \mm n i 1~.ald Rasmussen were aIna Dean and Mila Ann. d1|.u|.£h-| French.Bemnnl and Shermantc-rs of Mr.:yard Mm L®s}i¢Gosker,Robert and Clifford De»Frgnch sums; Frlday nuzht.W*th.vine. John Forsberg. Hgwa;-d Pct-tlmelr unclg and aunt. Mr. and M11 erson and Bud Corne!iua !_ Harold Mnsfeldt.Saturday dinner guests of Mr.;||o f ~~-|| ~r. and Mrs. Chris L. AndersonDonaldwereSaturdaveven-mresta at William Andersom.~r and Mrs Fred Peck and ~uié ¢u,¢nde<1 a Sr.P¢m¢k'» Drive a new Nui jul iftau ninlda--sud you,too, Iill be telling :mi a l i k d a m! K.D. K., an Inline nkuun, prius:"I could hudly beliavn it when Idiscovered the int 918 mila cost$5.70 in my new Nuh. Tl-m'a nven"mg dmc!! 80 miles per gallon!" P. A. S. Sn Fmndaw.soya:"Gentlemm. mia Nuh in | honey-aka the rnountah mrves like ynu were onm-:ight r0¢d Nuh hu apedll coil zpringhag on /our whuh.) Mileage-26.6 n gxllang PGM*-v¢ff#4{" -undue Cl' u ru cw" K.G.M.,Anln|,N.Y.,nyt:"I4:hole Nah (or more ~ md luxury--on m a n .~...ily were Mr. an d Mr s. He nry K uhr. I.aVe me Ra hlfu was rs S unday af- ternoon visitor. |Mr .an d Mr s.E d Mencken an d the Mads en b roth ers were Sun day afternoon and supper guests of Mr .and Mr s .Alb er t Mo ds en a nd fa mily of ne a r He rman .Mr .a n d Mr s.An a r e w Bohs,Mr s.A m m W arr ic k and Beverly were Su nd ay d i nn er g ue s ts a t th e V e w o n Hitc hc oc k home.M m . Warric k an d E'evenly spent.Sun- TI .1 Delivered in Bi n h / / )1 ,an ~~J I ~ ,..\s.1 .4 ~ ..---. ""-1 'vig f ja," .'L 1*-E*<:-~. =<w¢~',,Q»-¢""°-"/ .~HQ 4 . ¢ " f , ~ 1. \ > .»" """3 . »". .» _ , , . r ° \.--» 'u s " H. \! \..s i. .'~r ' x §m ¢ s z\4 / ~» . ;~ aN .' r g w ~ f - - . . . . . _ _ _ . , 9 01. 4 @ 2 / " - " ~ - : . . . . .\ .'* ~ - - v * " - u _ .e 'A. "%=f f n n y u r a ve r mr n ~s,&r .,m.»¢ »p» H»,n ¢m: "0n ana triwh en wo u nd the Co nvuti hlu wi f md |1'era,¢0d 26.4 mile! 1 glllou, om' Nah saved ua $25»" Tak e a . tig ir om the thou un dn on th o u s ln wh o a r e e h m d n z t n th e n e w Na s h e ac h we b .D r i v e th i s w o n d e r f u l n e w k i n d o f a r before you dec ide! | | \, 1 N . " " "a . ;_ '_Q , A r " l ~ l | n » .{~"*z K 'J " " ' * " " " * ~ ' - ' \ a .\\ f . . _I i : lQ" " ""* " "5 l . g 1 ...~* B U Y S A B I G , B E A U TI F U L N A S H --»i1.hm,;;u:.:u»g ¢g| .h ;£:h, "°.3'a"<T'»fa'.'I'.'§2§,°$'a'°"§§".°.1'.'l ~ nad. o\\,éirmdm°<§§r Wquur Bn E3¢m.».4 .l.h'...C¢u1¥ti!>\lBll|-Drinlt nr For the Sane lim! You\VolldPayfor|Jne dtha3lul-P|'iceBl$ You Gan Now Buy | L BEN REEH Fo r C o x mc i l ma n - - - Tl1 i r d W a r d Vo t e F o r O NE [ I E. W. SCHMIDT _._,....._...,. _._ B y P e t i t i o n I ]... ... ..»_..._._F ._. m " . . » .... Vote For ON E | 3 1 K. P. HUNDAI-IL »------»--»-~BY Petition I ]CL A RE NCE K UHR ~»~»-~-----BY Petition Election Notice! Copy Of OFFICIAL BALLGT For Members of Board of Education School District No. One Yom For TWO I I I W. F. HEMPHILL Py Petition C' U MORRIS NIELSEN -~-~~----BY Petition vmmm Huw... ..........,.,.Miss Mi ld re d Lar se n s pe nt th egeek -end a t th e Ed g a r Lars en' ome.Mr .an d Mr s .J o hn B .E r l k s m. Mr s .Ma r y Weber.an d Mr s .B y -ron Ba ttli n g were Fr emon t vis it- ors.Wednesday.Spending Monday evening Atth e Ra y an d Ma r k Mc Cunnaha home.helpi ng Ray celebrate hi s birthday we re Messrs.an d Mes- dsmes Bert Thomnson an d Ric h- a r d Lee and Le ster Cu rle y . Mr s .Chu-les K m h n an d E l m . Mr s .He n na m Spr ic k vi sited Mr s .Min nie B lu m,Wednesday af te r- D01 p>1 JH [ul FIC:S .rt'Ir n.Mr s.B i u m in mDor1Led zo impr c mng ,but,sti ll confined 1er bed.lr.and Mr s . Os c a r B lu m were mdav eveninn:visitors a t Clar- a Hiebent.hel's. tu o f theunudayeven mg gunahm-w Anderson fa mily wane mx nnuumnsuuIIIruand°§";, Clarellace d v u m aan.r. an rs.V Paulson and Mrs.Chxies nlson.um; and Birdie Flea-.her ment,dnadny xt the Warren Wxke-_ld home and were Thundly lf-noon visiwrs of Mn.Chuics[son un mba Marsh.I Kiss Ada ¢ n was a weak-l zu m o f . md Mrs. ClydeAh at Berman.I Kr. and Mrs. John B. Eriluen:I hmily entertained az Sundaymerfor Mr. and Mm.Clyde:tk and dauzhben.Mrs.Maryaber and Joe and Mr. md Mn.vin Clements.Affemuon andanim;wsiwrs were Mrs.M. izler. Louise and Marguexite. of Fr; J.§`¢.»'¢Z£»£ ~ m kind of car is the talk of automobile __ua: A. an ...;|.. nn1| anlhmnfmxoline".. ."Most comfortableGUY"-N Ldwav-nun-..-,._._.-, ,_ ,car I ever dnu". .."Biggat mln olfered il the lowest-price Eeld' \ Blair.Wednesdnv aitemoon visltmsof Mrs. Lester Curley were Mrs. Charles Kmhn and Miss Etta,Mrs.Herman Sprick, Mrs,BenThompson a.v§ Richard he.Mr.and rs_Warren Wake- field md Wilbur were Sundav din»negiuesté of Alma and Birdie Fl er.Phyllis Roxen spent Ssmrday Afternoon with Lucille Andaman.M m Lnwrence Harrison was I nl\m.+.;I. an ml.Illill (31:ek Sawim:m r 1 '- r f " 1 " " v m T » " " " ' Hud lme l Ed Hovendick Al h u lcKramer.Gum n lmf la v .A1- be r t l l d l l l l -Rd ml hmc n t li r l n I] The polls of said dection will open at 8 o'clock A. M. and close at 8 o°'clock P. M.Following are the polling places for said election: FIRST WARD--In Oscar Gilbertson St/ore Building. urvad at Lb. close.F r m Hovendlck ufM i n cesWayncspent the week-end M.home.Mr.and Mn.Hovaudlcktxok hu- bank zo Wlyne. Sundaynfnemoon.Mlm Fumes hu beenamazed no mach tha Plenum Hill school ln Bun.county for nnxtschoo l nu.M Bert ThompsonMr.and ra.visited Mrs,Emm;_.Rnsenbamn5 "hible elusea meet at 10:80 And n'clock.Young Peov\e'| meetingrmominu worship bednl nt 11:00 I in lt 6:30 v. m. md evening ser-vice are held at 7:80. FREE m¢ ' r B o ms ' r c mmc nDivinawonhip at 1:30 every Sumhy dseraoon.rr a n n s m n um :v m mu I - - - - I Ind M Rnd l h Th orWlnsidgr Thllrgdgy .-'I1"=T=. Mr.md Mrs.Hn-mm Sm-id: were Wodnemhy evminx viniwranz the Chula; Kmhn hams and,ggggg Smdn lt the Erwin Sndek nurMr. md Hn. Rlymrmd lllirill SECOND W ARD-In the Ben Franklin Store. m vnvsn m A nn 1- t'm1nf~§\ Hhnmhnr in Citv Hall wi|_L|A|v| WELTER'1.lI11I$U vvnnn ,un vvwwu v........,... ... v..._, -... FOURTH W ARD-In Municipal Ice Plant Building. HENRY CHBISTENSEN,( s u m City Clerk. Blair. Nobrukn ~"".Aamdnmnnznrmx-m I -m EN'I'ER}'RISE-u m P¢».. Rm; Geena Kuhr, Jr., gathand nt the hall on Hxreh IB.On Wednesday, lhmh 1 9 , Hi n Wo lfe i nnnmnd the Kmmxd leaders, and wdnv m il mating with laden of clubs In the Herman Ara. From This District Pro- poses 15 Separate Bills Semwr Rmhud Johnson,acted from this datrkt tn ut in . . . LEGISLATIVE BILIS OF INTEREST The !ollowk\g list of bills now before the legislature an of in- Mrut to everyone: amended ch,Irma:-al of FloydBohnmiTeSundn .H x . $ 3 l n . N m r m m m i n " g d Doris Jan 5nd F°f;_¢-f lee l w n twi t h M n. Gun c mmi ills Proposed By Senate: Jehnsnn ¢ - - - '~.don of water works, lu works, W m Plush. halting or wwnyuwmfor any other purposemmr w r w .gxmndom, nddi-wm unls s m m " m thvrlwl by s majority vm. | Calendar or The Week Ahea ' I ~ llffereii F. (J. I. C. Help This Spring Armistice -IE S t o r m Probably Responsible For Wheat Damages -....~1- over-nizht gum GI Hin Darlene Vindenlev int week. l i n .Shmrmm Carlson i nd dauzhter.Daria Jem.have beenadck am the mrentai, Loren Lay-man home.Hr.and Linz.Ed Manchu andthe Madman brother; W¢'la Sunday 227,403 MI. COVERED BY STATE PATROL >Shte hls#1w\y patrol olilw-ntrlvded WM03 miles while on(my during February.A report Week of March27-Apm 3 Tlmrldzy,Munch 27 "Km" PARKER D~IN LINCOLN Wurdwune¢ivedbyAr\!.n¢wnrelativgaalthedatholwilliamPu-kn,|ono!¢hel.\rk¢Mn.lhry PLAN oPEN HOUSE `WEEK FOR PATRONS An cpen-hmue week for thebandit of the Blah' school lyl»~ w. s. Hmxey. Mr. Plrlre r wu n lo mer :s i - dmz uf Arlingto n md will be n-membtred nm "Kid"Puker,the fnme r light w d d n plan boxer of the middle wat-A nghe with Jos Gm. hs we held from April 21-25, it hu been mnonneed by school dtidnln.As in former yum,dirpdlyu repro- lentntive of the wud wuz done in the Blxh' Centnl, North and Welt Wlrda will be exhibited in the High School audiwrium, The week will be climlled wifhmme d me followi ng nun to be acted upon: L . B. a a . To direct capitol cuawdinn i n procure and displny an Amexianflag dnily on the state hmm. L. B. 44-To require the leglslaturek ur- geam an arms m obtain and dil- plny the olficinl sure burner on lop of the capitol each dly thele-giolatixre is in aeuion.1 . a s s -, To provide for conveyance! of real or personal property to one'anel! and others as joins eennnu with right of survivonhip and provide for iuwtinn of right o ieurvivorshipwheninaccruesin lieu of inheritance taxes. l.. B. is a- To establish preference in insol-vent estates for certain wage rlmims.L. B. 144-To repeal law relatinll to real csuibe instruments in line with bar association plan. n u , u s -To enact uniform partnershiplaw advocated by bar association. L B. 1 6 0 -Tu require any person doingbusinessinNebraskaundern n:mn .-ihcr Lhan his own to first re;,;|~ni such name with secretary'of >l.n.together with names of nll nn.rested with him and exact exwm. or their inéerent.L. li.2 l 8 -l'ro\idcs for regulation and li- cehxiug of frozen food and locket service plants by ngricultural de- pnnment and fixes fees for set-1 ying; povides for reporis also, that 17,815 noun were :pcmonpauol;8,148 drivers lioenu application: were wceowd;1,789 :violation axon were inmedi 1,748.5 houn were WSI! exmmininz: Q37 arrest:were made;BU. w|.rn1\\8eandswere honed;3° i a lc e gn were invest-is\£ed an WW Pand1stolen our was recovered.1 In their e n u m to make the highways oder,potrolmen r e !moved 753 obatmaionn from the highways and dded 1.542 mooor~isbn.'Ihey also gave 107 safety talks in various Nebraska ochools and at other public gnthenngil. OL487 canes,372 eonvxmms were made and $8,414.87 in fine; was collected. the money ua aeenxeito cormrnon school iundl.An nn- ialysn of court proceedings shows _thas 143 nrresw were made on n .charge ol no 1941 license plates: '79,sP°¢dif\K:66,overweight oncapacity; 8S» no operator's license; 34,reckless driving;31,driving while intoxicated; 27, improper ll-cense: 17, overload;18, stop sign violation;and others on n\iscel~ lanenus charges. |B65 violation cards wem issuedfor no 1941 licenBe plates, 476 for improper lights, and 193 on no op- erator's licmse. Nebraska drivers paid (een in the amount of $20,262 for 1941 ii~cense plates, during February, and 'mick drivers and trniler owners;nn n ~ m . s i n g c a p a c i t y p a l d $ 4 , 8 1 7 i n e e s . Out of state truck nzerawrs not complying with exis ng recipro- city agreements in licmsed truck and trailer capacities were re- I | Ii mrs.Ame n ml»d.l€!l was nKU!!! at the hvme of Mn. LAW-nnce Harrison,Thundly d w ! - noon.Albert Mldsen Ind um. Bod, AY.- eended the futher and non bmqutin Herman, Frldxy evening. bleredith Ivenon ment theweekaxd in Omllu an 1 zum ofBob Iverson And Dde Shultz. Csllen on Mn. Hattie CameronSundayafternoonwereMrs.§ mn ¢ .= "§ "" '€" ' % °12°"°""ii r. an rs.mr y neMarion and Cameron,Mrmonkgy Broderscm and Larry.Mrs, J.C.Bfodersen nm!Mrs.Malcolm Brodersen and Susan. Mrs.U.C.Brodex-sen wma a Saturday afternoon caller of Mrs.Riley Brodersen. Mr.and Mrs.Riley BrodersehMdl1arfy»were Cralz viniion. Sunday. Mr.and Mn.Ril Brodexseand La-rry and Mr. .ii Mn. im? colm Broderaen Ind Bunn wonSundaydinnerRhesteatiheJ.C. Brodersen home. Mr, and Mm. George McQuarrieof Blair were Saturday afternooncallersatLhe home of Mr.andMrss.Malcolm Brodersen. Mm.Louise Pilcher.who hasbeen spending the Duc two weekswith her! seg- Mrs) Hatie Cam- eron.re urn 'Blair. Tuesday.no er ome in Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thielfoldtand Lyle ond Donald sucnt Sat-urdsv evemmz in Hemian at the home nf Mr.and Mrs,LouieMencke.Misses Elsie and Harriet Wil»son were Fremont shoppers.Sat-urday.Joe and Gene Cameron calleagg-_ "Lyle ond Donald Thlelloldt, lI neg inma te ma:mewinterwheat crop his been oe- verely damaged by winteokill Over 700 when gxowm however.hxvo their what crops imured !°r 'm%a dun- normnl yl»Jd» with the Federal Cx-op Insurance Cor-porntion,md thus Q-be finnndll lo u to the county will not be grant. Three crop insurance adjuster: are making inspections of field! on which dnmnge bla been re-ported no thu, il the farmer dv sires to thicken up a stand ofwheatwith barley or oats,the county oommittee, acting for the Fedeml C p Insnnnoe C0rp0n~tion, can afprove the request. Farmers are warned not to pehformseedingoperationsother than needing spring wheat or lguinea in their insured fields until a release has been approved bythe county committee, acting for .the Fedenl Crop Insurance Cor» ivration.All needing operations must be made by surface drillinSin such a manner chat my remain- ing w t in not further damages: by such operation. OFFICERS' BONDS ARE APPROVED The bonds of Precinct Assessors E. V. Newkirk, Lincoln Township, Thorvnld Hansen,Herman Town-ship, and Glenn Rosenbaum, llich- land Township, were approved atthe regular meeting of the County Bom-d,Monday.The bond of S. H.Lockman,constable for Arl- ington Township,was also np- :oommercinl md odenee d u i p~commercial and ncimce pro- gnm, Frldny evening, April 25. C A M P B E L L O N F E E D E R S 'D A Y J o hn Co mpbe ll,well~known market observer from Clxiongo, will appear as one of the chiefspeakers on the mnunl Feeders' Dny prog:-nm at the UnivenityofNebrasknCollege ol Agricul- ture on April 18, County Agricul- tural Agent E.D.Fnhrney was notified this week.Csmpbell i | well-known among Wubington county livatoclr men. The Chicago man is with the Agricultual Marketing 'Service of the U. S. Department ul Agricul- ture and has spent yeun ohserv~ing market el; and conditions. He will probably discuss the fu- ture outlook ol prices when he appears on the program at Lin-coln in April. Meanwhile other plans lor tbe big day are shaping UP nicely.There will be anoLher big barbc» cue and sepnmte session for the w o m e n . |PEDESTRIANS: g Do You Alwnyo-T Do you cross streets only at in- tersectimsi'`.Do you cross wir.h the green light? Do you make cenain you have a .......» n neon mm which tamed mm toretire from the ring. For n number of years he hu made bln homo Lincoln whenhe died last week. SPOKANE DEFEATS PUBLIC OWNERSHIP Ont nt Spokane, Wlahington n $6,500,000 municipal power venture w u dsfwed by n vote ol threeto two. The venture w u backed by Secretary Ickea and a tell cam- Ingim wxs arried on by b maides.The P¢°Ple out in Spokane[evidmtly dldn't want govemmen- Ita! intervention in their didn as won nhown by the decisive vote. FEEDER PIG \ l PRICES HIGH Feeder nie prifflés are rising. with parker buyers paying betterthan river market prices for ship- per hogs, heavy butchers and Bows.At n recent Taylor-Wells iauction in Fremont J. L. Jorgen-sen,Arlington,sold 15 head of 'Piss at $9.15. 1 At the same sale,Chnrle= Gel\rk, Blair, sold a young Holnteinbullfor$95;Fritz Jahnel,Blair, sold two yearling Hereford bulls for $80 and 840: and Harry iLa.rsen»Kennazd, Jsold a nicelylmamhedteamof8ryenr»old roan 'gddings for $150 and a mam of my cults for $120. E l m v u n p A g f | \ l ' . n A N § | l bI lx I p l L 1ll i z ed I. oI c n pI1 I c o aI ln 0.b I f t i B. 8 6 - To fix last Thursday ln Novem- er as Thanksgiving day.B. n a - To pemxit graduatea of night aw lchoola to take :tale bar ex- minatlom and to qualify forractin same aa other graduates.Senator John Adams, Jr. B. 22 7- Pmvides for deduction from ees due juror: any personal tax- | owing by them; orders immo- iate delivery of juror's warrants. B. 441- To prevent sale of beer between a. m. and 6 a. m. Sunday; pro-.iblts Bale of alcoholic liquors be- ween 6 a. m.Sunday and 12 'clock midnight.B. 488- To provide clerks at the distdct ourts dial]give bond not leasl han five thousand dollars nor more than 150 thousand dollars; mesent limit is 10 thousand dol- a m Sellalor Tony AslmusB. B1 - To fix hunting and fishing ll-ense fees at $1 for both inatead' if $1 for one and $1.50 for both .s in 1939 law. B. 212- To reduce from $10 to $3 tow lar fee roquimd to be paid coun- y treaaurera for towing automo- »iles On highways.Senator Geo. W. Bevlns .. s . 41 - To enact a "little Wagner aut" or collective bargaining of Ne- rraska employes engaged in intra- utate business exzlusive of agri- "ai gifs:~ Hillside Club-Mrs. Peter Tmhl- MnBlair Pick-Up-Mrs, Roy Pgqla nonDomu Club-Mrs. Arthur Jen~ senKennard Methodist Aid-Mrs. H. B. Pluggu Lutheran Brotherhood m a y ,March 2a Herman Woman's Club-Mrs. J. H.Johnson (Program by Dana Music Department) Lucky Parkers-Rolland Richter home Degree ol Honor-Edna and Er- na Good W. R. C. Kensington Saturday, March 29 Washington County Pinochla Pals-Mrs.Fred Masters,M n . Leonard Axtell Monday, March 81 Lutheran Daughters-Ebhe Ras- muuen Tuesday, April l Bench Community Club-Mrs. E. C. Lippincott Teachers'Group Meetkxg- March School IX S L ~ W . KI - '. He mph i l l ..uxi ia ensln n -Mm.W. J.Blattl;KW Wednesday, April 2 Hernrhn Wesleyan-Mm. JamesPresba Thursday, April 3 March .Mixers-Mrs.Raymond French :Gndred Club--Mrs. George Li- le I b culture. Senator A .J.Brod ahl 1... B. 381- To pe r mi t ru ra l landowners whose fa r ms lie wi thi n to wn sc hool distric ts to transfer their la nd s to nxral s ohool distric ts but send their c hildren to town sc hoois upo n th e p ay me nt of tuitio n. L .B.3B3 -- To require any one finding stray livestoc k to no ti fy county nher lff wi th i n thme d a y s . Se na to r J o hn C allm I. . . B . a s -o To in c re as e f ro m 1 0 per c ent w 30 per cent munic ipalities' share of gasoline taxes alloc ated to c oun- tie s a nd to li lo t 2 0 per cent to towns hip road s in c ou ntie s ha ving to wn s h i p f o r m o f g o ve mme n t. S e n a to r A r th u r C a r md y L . B . 1 9 1 - Constitutional ame ndment re~ hating to c o un ty a nd to wn sh ip o f- fic ers;empo wers legislature to pro vid e f or the ir ele c ti on or the ir appointme nt, at the option of eac h c oun ty e xpre ssed at a re fere ndum on the q uestion, Senator Louis M.Jeppesen L .B. 3l9--- Baby Bee! Club-~enry Sorensen home McCarthy Club Achievement Day-Mrs, Howard ThompsonP. A. C.-Mrs. Ed Arkell c DeS0£o Club-Mrs. Ralph Hine- l no Colby Club-Mrs.Chauncey Way Tn levy a graduated income on personal and corporate incomesturn the rvenue so derived into state property mx relle! fund fu reduction of real property taxes Proposed n u sales:Penona starts at $1,500 for married all~ dngle persons with 2 per cent tax runs to 15 per cent on lncom~ over m m t1\o\ma.nd dollars year; corporate, shris at two thousand dollars wlth 4 per cent an~ runs to 15 per cent on 15 thousanddollarsorover.Nonpmfi wrpontinns exempt. L . a 3 1 5 - To require school boards fo pn~ llah proceeding:o l thdr mee ing in legal newspapers. Senator Hurry E. Gmlz \ 1 ( ( i i 1 I f 1 1 II [I c f __|5 23{|_|qu|re<1 (0 pay xees Bl1|uunu|||5 |.u1 l' mh lbn ~ilu diversion by c ities $?.,9T1.40 Iif the f1r\t \|2|.3B ha vi n g f r o m 5.- 'OU t o 2f. |+ || ||p o p u l a t i o n o p e r a t i n g \.\.Llur .marks1,p o w e r p l a n t s ,h e a t - m r u l i g h t i n g s s t e m e ,o f e a r n5 Hgh t~any other purposes thanho.;Expenses,improvements, rntension zuldltioris,deprecia- 2 I ~~ ~I 1 hi m.Fra nk Brodersen has been a vic tirn of flu. Th e Hi ll Creek W omen's Club'me t at th e home of Mr s. L awr en c e ion; unlf ~~ :iuiho rized to do so by Hawison. h e m a j o r i t y o f e l e c t o r s v o t i n g o n l M i s s H a t t i e C a m e r o n ,t e a c h e r o f h u n .( 1op r o !1 l |n a f .a g e n e r a l O f l t h e B i s b e e s c h o o l ,r e t u r n e c l t o b e r ==pec:ul | . e ¢ l l 11.E m e r g e n c y .w o r k a f t e r h a v i n g b e e n s i c k w i t h A B 2 3 7 i t h e f l u . To esl.m2l~h unif orm tru st re_!Mr .an d Mrs.Orville Hansen ei p ts law.and Ron nie of Oma h a s oe n t Sun- .¢.o . 2 9 8 -dav a t the Mac Ca me ro n h ome. |M r and Mr s W alter Wac hterTo req uir e r eta il de ale mof ga s-o f Ifosslie Bpeflt Sunday at the iline to display signs setting 0'iT».holf11e o f H r .a mi Mr s.M o m s separately the price and the ¥»2\¥'Chi-istensen." u l on...'noni .|n».\n.n I lliu n na va l Fhrininninn in #inv 'Puesdsy evening callers on Mr . and Mr s.Einer Hansen were Mr . and Mrs.Fred Kubie,Mr .and Mr s.Th or va ld Hansen and Fran- ces Ma e and Mr .and Mr s PeteWeber.The oc c asion wa s to h e lp the I§iner Hansens c elebrate their weddznsr anniversary . M r and Mr s.Th or va ld Hansen an d Mr .and Mr s .Fr ed Ku hi ecalledonMr .and Mrs . Pe te La r- sen.Wednesdav eveninnz,Th e occasion wa s to heln Pete Larsen celebrate his birthday .Mr .and Mrs.Th o r va ld Hansen were c allers on Mi ss Anmes Ha n - ,Bfn in Oma ha,Wednesday. CAUCUS NOMINATES BOARD INCUMBENTS m...........A n u » . n »u n n . . .L . . i .l - L n l proved. BLAIR GIRIS RE- ELECTED To POSTS Announcement has been made this vmek of the reelection at Misses Frances Mullin and Evelyn Mosts to their positions in the Norfolk public schools with m~ereases in salary.Miss Mullin teaches 6th grade work while Miss Meats teaches English in the High School. ENCOURAGES TREE PLANTIING The 1941 farm program encour-sges tree planting and Countb' Agent E, D. Fahrney this week called attention to special payments which can be eamed under the AAA.Many farm tamilies book ad- vantage of the special treo plant- ing payment of the AAA last yeartoget a wlndbresk started near the farm huildlmzs and more mn nnw W moss;Do you face ttsnffic when walk- ing on a highway'!, Do you carry something white, walking on highways?|Do you slay out of streets ex- cept when necessary? Do you regard jay~wslking with contempt? Do you keep alert crossing tn!- fic lanes! Do you think of danger of mov- ing vehicles? Ask yoursel! the above ques- tions, compiled by Captain R. T. Schrein of the Nebraska Safety Patrol,and then determine your score as follows:NINE "yes" answers, perfect. you should live to a ripe old age; EIGHT "yes" answerajgood,but don'f. he wo sure-some day you may miss; SIX "yes"answers, hir,Lady \Luck may help you live until you learn better:FOUR "yes"an-lswer-s. bad, see to it at once that your will is in good order; TWO "yea" terrible, unless you improve voor wxlkinv vnu nm in dsmmv- "°s6'§Aie¥6 rssAND SEED LOANS I R. J. Zelinek, Field Supervisor for the Emergency Crop snd Feed Loan Office of the Farm Credit Administration announced today that the fact that silanner has mr paid feed or seed loans from prior years is not n bhr to a loan of the same type this year, provided the failure to pay was due to causes beyond his control,such asdrought, hall, etc.Field Super- visor Jelinek emphasized that losh checks are non-nally being deliv- ered to the farmer in s week or less Irom the time appllestlon in made at his office in the Louie Struve office at Blair, Nebraska. Field Supervisor Jelinek said he wished to correct a mistaken impression in the minds of some farmem regarding this matter. The govemment is interested in seeing that no farmer ll denied an ,opportunity to farm thin year be- d the total charge H S l l - To pmvid e th at all reve nue; of he s tate sha ll g o i nto the gene ral und,provides f o r appmpHa\t.ions erect and disposition o f unex- nded balances. . B. 374- cssion or transportution of ma- hine guns. or sawedoff shot. guns ~y any one except law enforce-ent officers and militia shall be ~resumptivo of unlawful intent. B. 47i-~ To submit constitutional amend- ent that in lieu of all propertytes, maxes may be levied upon he production and income of public power districts,municipal ~wer plants,privately owned oner plants and all corporations.~ublic or private, fumishing light. ~ower,gas and water,railroad I ponies,telephone companies, ~n whale 01 in pil!! in the sta~.lLila.Mr.~MTB. .Andrew Old-fg.n5_ba.ch and farmly. Cecil Brandt and.*Human Bonner mum on FloydTo "°9"'"ft cma of the 5¢°'°"d.Jnhnson.Sunday.to hell!him lass and vlliageg frum using i¥\¥icelebra.te his birthday.~minga arising from the DINSFR-I Mr. and Mrs. 'Charlel Laughlin inn~ing :mndidates w fin the three-year terms of two Board ofEducationmembers.The incum~ bentfs, George Schoettger nad Dr.D. M Bloch, were named. Stag at the h o me 0 1' Mr . an d Mr s. Clanton Smith,Mr s Smi th has been sic k.Mi ss Le la Rosa Christensen of Oma h a s p e n t th e we e k e n d a t th e paraxtal.W i lli a m Christensen home.Miss Dorothy W i llia ms and e .~.. SNAPSHGDTS FACULTY To BE AT JOINT CONFERENCE .........................» Supt. J. R. Vinckel plans to at- tend a joint conference of the N. S.T.A.,Friday,in Lincoln;a- mong those who plan to be at theconference on Saturday are Nile Bourne,Miss Betty Eberhart,Glen Monow, and J. C. Thompson, all faculty members. Dr Morris Nielsen, member ofthe Blair Board of Education, will lead a discussion on the subject of health education and the commondefense, Friday afternoon. a t the Willia1n¢Christ4ensen home. Mr .an d Mr s.George Hansen and fa mily called on the Alf re d Hansen fa mi ly .llfonday evening. Mr .an d Mr s.Op al Osborn and family were Sunda v inl&B£S a t the George Hansen ho . Mr . wq Mr s . H a d Ma xi !! a nd fa mi ly .r. a nd Mf g T e d Ivorson and family ,Mr .an Mrs.E lme r Thong and family ,Mr .and Mr s.Soren Jensen,Mr .and M m .W il- riarn Jenaen,_ Merle J=»3;»<=»and Miss Inez Vxndendev llod on Floy d Johnson Suturdav niirht toh e ;him c eleb rate his birth day . onnld Bea rd a nd Emin a Le on - ar d of Oma ha,Mr s .Olena H o m Miss No r ma De c h , wh o f or th e past four years has ser ved as eig hth grade instruc tor in the He r ma n school,tendered her res- ignation this week. 1 1 . ~mn:s a w u mm .,°<¢ do it this year.The progrim of-fers a special $15 tree planting practice payment.This is in ad-dition to the regular farm allow- ance and is available only for tree planting. Better moisture conditions lo-cally shnuld mike this a good year for planting trees and appli- cations for Clark-McNnry seed-lings And transplants are still be~ ing taken at the County Agenfs office in the Coun House. GEO. JIPP snows IMPROVEMENT Gevrge Jipp of Fort Calhuun,who has been a patient in an Oma-ha hospital for more than seven weeks,following sn ue idmt inwhich both legs were broken, is re-\por¢ed to be improving.Twu ,blood transfusions have been ne- cessary.Jipp suffered several sbroken bones and intemsl injuries 'when he wu pinned to the wall of a Calhoun oil station by a large truck. MRS. U. S. RENNE SERVICES SUNDAY I-Nmeral services for Mrs. U. S. Renne.former DeSoto resident, were held at Syracuse, Nebraska, at 2 o'clock,Sunday nibemoon. She had passed away on Tuesday evening, March 18, miter 1 shortilhesa from flu,which later de~ veloped Kntn pneumonia.The Rennes resided on a funn north of Fort Calhoun until ` About two years ago when they moved toSyracuse. FARM CLEANUP WEEK PLANNED Nebrukn l a m m will observe n|»ticmn1 "farm tleump week" starting April 1,with a 20 PU' cem reduction in xivmmk lossesan the gon! of this yeah cleamn-fol bl-ma |.ndflrm lot; "An l e m f m- M u i , a w a r # annul loss of blby pigs,wves.md other livestock could be nved if svery firmer in I-he mm would Join Sn #hh ation. md thvrouxhiy clean and dmnlect his livestock murten and nun lou befvre the lvrins work xe no n s tun," ny !YJ°d»lY'|cleanup eu-npalgn an-nomcammt issued hexvb by iheAmeriem Fmmdadon for AnimalHulmb, |ponl0l1 of tha annul drivaAmong tha msjor objective: in thin yur'|csmpl|g\a n Clem and dininfmt All building! und by llvaawck fence or fm olamudholuIndwdlowl,burn olal t n w m m bo nd up mln a nd Coach ma l n .a m o ne | p¢ n¢ f.\uv \a k ~m¢ di nPlnuN°| > m u , w i a = n n . u u e » » = ¢ w , i:6"'§€§'7`l§s&S»¥,"§§¢£if "fmlust case, rigor mortis may set in before you read any farther. SEVERAL RURAL TEACHERS ELECTED Several tural school boards have already selected hen for the naming year.According to Co\m~ ty Superintendent R. E. Fairchiid, the following have been named: Cruickshnnk school,Laura Nohr- enberg;Whitford,Florence Hol- stein; Kindred. Dorothy Williams; Thane,Erdine Wulf; New Eng~ land,Bernadean Otto and Ruth Bmdersen; Wx-anch, Mary Fedda; Colby,Norma Wild; Maney, Mar- ion Jahnel;Belle Center,lela Peck;Bisbee,Senor:Andel-sw; Hartung,Marcella Laudenkloe; Broderaen.Ada Rogan;Gardner, Eileen Thompson; Fontanelle, EI- sie Wilson; 0rum_ Ma:gnmt Wulf. 61 AMENDED RE~ UPHOISTERY CLASS Miss Rizpah Dougllaa, of the University'n extension depnrtment, assisted by Miss Ruth Wolfe, lo~ cal home demonstration agent., Hrunducted A reupholstery clinic in the city council rooms,Tuesday and Wednesday.|Smy-one ladies, in all, attend- ed tfle clinic, bringing with them cushions.footstools,and other larger pieces of furniture for re- furbishing.Misa Douglass was A moat able instructor, and the fin-ished products we;e on the level of professional work. CALTON, SHEETS IN WASHINGTON Claus Cslton and Kenneth Sheets of = Herman reported in Omaha, Mondxy, for mm guard service.They left that evening for the stake of Washington where they will begin U1i1>h\x~ I I I PU mmug, piles, which Ire mnjor source;of pnnlite infection;su-ob m a boxes and w m f y l'°°¢I¢| with hot lye nur: endi-an 'lf-I, mine, Pfliwnn and Imr- NWZ disinfect ponltry hmm: andne m.Du. an hlghar hug pricesthis Year, farmer: an sho bein; U f t e d w u n u t n u n m p m w e n tMy Pi( loans at !\!'rovI£n¢ dm: " Ni m l u n p i g immmknd ani m c ho le ra u e a rly la non-nb1,nn,4,¢ ,,¢ ,,,Ng, gn fp -h u n y rum u of otl,in Alla bdng urgqj by authorities. "'l'h. mum u» bdn( mlm v m tn imma; its llvuwek pmductionf°r national ddann,md f u m chi mp "ek un be A kits futo n-;-; P wv mu n. ¢ °l' J y u w lo ne Ill farms: wi ll e oopau, in itnm W l- he F\'l lDdlHs n '| lml. I I bvlnmn M L Q ,buildings; llr md li n. Rlchud Hi tt.Mon deehru. cause of A lack of credit.A sound national defense program requires that none of our resources. ascri- cultural or industrial. remain un- used.These loans bear interest at 4%. The Ioan funds are turned over to the farmer who hmdlea his own purchmes.The security for these loans is a mortgage an the crops to be produced or the livenlock to be fed which permits the farmer to keep other resoumen free and available for ernergmdea. PREDICP INCREASE I N H O P P E R S Making dlownnce for the weather and other "nnbmdicta-blea"here's how the Nebraska .grssshopper situation in expectedtn Shane up this summer.In general,Nebraska fnrrnln can expect less trouble fromgrauhoppersthisyear accanting Un Don B.Whelan,mule :mse- hopper control leader at the Nebraakn College of Agriculture. Little or no dmuze is expectedin 4 southeast Nebraska counties,in s strip of Missouri river coun- ties from Sarpy north through Dakota, and in scattered counties across the nonhem part o!the state. However, in 20 counties of cen- tral and southwest Nebraska, thenumberofgfasahoppereggs shawn an incmue over Int year. The moot severe outbreaks are ih- diated in¢Red Willow md Kear- ney bounties.But note that gf-year them are no counties in esolid black or "very severe" area, Count) Qxtendon ajents will have complete information on all development;in the gnaahopper aituaion throughout the year, md nn plans for grauhopper controlwork.- MILLER HEADS STATE FAIR DEPAMMENT A. H. Miller of Blair has been named nxperlnfandent of the Chas A horse depnrtment for the Ne~ bnnka State Fair nent full.Hin Appnkxtmmt, together with sever- nl other department muperintend- enden,wu announced this week lollawing A meeting of the lute hir bond. PROJECT LEADERS ARE 1Ns'mUc'rED Laden of Wuhlngwn county's pmjaet clubs han been meeting with Min Ruth Walla, hom: dem~ ommzm ngsnt, duri ng the Pm week, ¢o ltndy the cumnt project Ianon," c md Gnidsnen".The Arlingwn lander! met nn Tuoldny, l h n h l l .The Blair gmnp hand- ed by Hn. Will Lindam met at Bdnodlds lml|~an lhmh 18, mdthe local group h u d d b y Hrs I Amateur Night CONTEST Blair High School Auditorium Friday, Aprii 4t|1 Sum Aa a O'cloc|< P. M. Reservation OF Sat: Af J. L. Pounds All Reserved Seats 30c Ofh ers A ( 2 0c Have You A Push-Button RADIO! If So, After Saturday, March 29, the Stop; Mun! All BeRe-Set Duc To Station Changes.FREE CHECK-UP OF YOUR.RADl0 If You Bdng It In Td-Have The Push- Buttons ReSet Res eti ng ls Not E xpensi ve fl x. ,;~See The New ~' ~' ~1941 ,With A $7 50 . ; ~ t Sesanon Electric I °' " " 'I clock FREE Herman Appliance Co. Blair, Nebraska EA Toclli eller her hrst solo Ihghl ls gresponded lo by Mrs Iohn i n o d iIQnd°f above. named on the tail oi|her new Aaronou at tho Cmcmnc m Airport M n Fnedlcmdar 1| obout todrinkIron:o n e d tho new :aven ounce beer bottles-0 gloss ol bear \ g 1fl h m! ! Shaw Glabol §/gf? l ~, !» . ~ 51 ~"§ »< ~3 1-=~ . ~ :i ¢ ~~., Q .x E < ~5 ;32. _Q ;5 1~é;»\»~'i =» ~ ~~Blua Rlb~n brew as boulcd aa fm -#"' .vf Q . J 1 ,. ~. ~e .:~4 ~. / °""*ha d th~ x o ~ln ~c t ~ c tame of tho invc uloroi than British Mn by Caesar. The bottles oi ooloreihquldwhic h lor c an turies have been Sy m- boln ol the <=n=°U1»<=¢=rr.shop or d w g atom.Above,L u m C h m m . lunmd tnodll,pours mth u modomized vor-mon o i t h e g l o b u \ f~ .. ~~?_/ The bottles oi ooloreihquldwhic h lor c an turies have been Sy m- boln ol the <=n=°U1»<=¢=rr.shop or d w g atom.Above,L u m C h m m . lunmd tnodll,pours mth u modomized vor-mon o i t h e g l o b u whmch are said to havehad thulr origin at the tame of tho invasionoi than British Mn by Caesar. _|Dhv'a|>°mmmlo he cam `l l man vlu two lids wincmn or vmhlhy|.»¢5~yomy-oldn1aro\vn.|H¢l{;`nmnod\oam1o|1l|\hnn|vD¢8¢wl6¢\ CulbmC0|xnr¢|bl| 'loodlmosi VUL GubCoup¢Theo\|plwi\hroumlwlh l\ddn.\x1nd.ma|t"|'h¢SlB¢H»<l1'd|{mfg_od.°nv°-pa um a oé nnnibhpinnoa bna nm dulmlv sdmnm na u nflnhlv mwah.'Bm :gg an la em. nav can nl. n Blgir. Nebraska. March 27. 194;-:'IXHE_EN'I'ERPRI3E-.!?.°_¥L§£!ia ~@ \/ c H i R<<§: WCEv|/ cH1\71'i?5m2T /ERSiWOULD YOU AS AN AUTOMOBILE DRIVER' LIKE CHEVROLET-TRAI NED n m c m m c s cHEv1zor.s'r-DESIGN:-:ii SPECIAL TOOLS CHEVROLET-DESIGNED smcm. 1ooLs GENUINE CHEVROLET PARTS GENUINE cunv nourr PARTS 1 4 . CHEVROLET Low SERVICE PRICES CHEVROLET SQUARE DEAL POLICIES CHEVROLET LOW SERVICE PRICES CHEVROLET SQUARE DEAL POLICIES l\ v . ,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \\ i \ 1 5 ° /\ .A ' v MAKE sum: YOU'BE crrrms TOP PERFORMANCE We Can'y A Large Stock Of Genuine Chefvrolet ~Parts To Properly Service Your Car.Hundreds Of Small Special Tools Are Necessary To Properly Service Your Car.~FROM YOUR rnnn nun m~nn\|A\!|'r Io In 'lioooannru That "Ie |-IQVQ 'l'llAlN`lEl'\ \|li'.|T l'-IAWICSW e h i l l y Rgalizg,T h a t F o r l o u 'lu uct nur Khlhrvlssvulnvn lslu A1\v\¢\¢sl~._,-....."_ __..- ..________ _,________________M t h o d s ' l 'P m 1 n 'A n aAnd The Righ t Eq uipm ent.The Modern Car ls Precision Bwlt And Needs Precision e o p er y epaxr Adjust For Top Eificiency. n U n VALVE REFACBRSUN M oron ANAL Y Z EIQUICKWAY momma BAR: n u r n u n l t e r i n h l ' l ' l ' £ ' l " l ! l lU U A !\ ¢ l : A v n u w u | n v ¢ vw n h S u n C o m b u s t i o n T e s t e r L e s i s a m b l e d i f y o u r w i n e e d s a c o § n p } e t e m o t o r " " P f " ° " l W i t h M o t o r A n a l y z e r h g s t e r L e e a n o t h e r o f ';w e a r e e q u i p p e d t o d o x t n g h t .W a l t M m c h e l l ,t a i n e d m e c h a m c s ,1 s a b l e f o p r o p e r i y * P c o r f e c t l y * E y g u r " '" ' ? F f ! ' f i " f . " l ' l _ ' l ' i '. l m e c h a n i c .h a s h a d a w i d e e x p e r i e n c e a l s o o n g } ' : ; ¢ k r e l e c t r i c a l s y s t e m a n d _m a k e c o g r e c t Valves should be properly ground and reseat- ed to give mp performance We use B & D Valve Refacer and Sioux Reseater. fol'm8l\Ce-8nd, u neeueu, Leu wnal. repzuns " ' " 'farm tractors ndiuntments.Ha ve your vudtam regulatorig rep§ir bili later.are ne ces sary.E1{éEl}é}l; it may savé a b In our Lubrication Department only highest grade of oil and grease used.Moons BODY 'l`00LS# r g m z s m x B R AK E T E ST E R Good BRAKES spell SAFETY. With Brake Teslerlaisabletooorrectl t b ' -y se takes, m sul-'mg added safety and longer lining wear. n m m x W H E E L A u c u z n 4 Correct Wheel Alignment adds thouqands of miles w tire wear and easy steenng. Our Body Department is well equipped and Harry Beck can repx§ir_a\}Q paint body and Car Washing A Specialty fenders w look like new. g In And Give Us A Trial We Pledge Our Best Erfdeavors To SeeThat You Get Courteous Treatment - Good Work A Materials at Honest Prices. oun MACHINE SHOP T it ROM ! or CIIIVBOLIT nz wAslm1a 'roN COUNT Y COCHEVRCLET KeithVINTON Cliff BrewerI - l a r r y l a kHarvey Sill\P'°" Pm. & Awworinwana- MitchellL a m - u e Lubrication Department All Photos And Eumvinn By Thi Enurpriu 23 ~ r m =. !n u v u n v u l n l . . .In$1 _ ,__ ___-..-_A ~<»>r>§~(f-1 ,.~ .Imkia Bunn md Max ReeveTm Saturday nnd Smndny withe k gn ndnue nb, l r. md Mn.C. B.mm.sunday onllan nt theBunn home were Dr. md Mn. C. R . mm o f n m.Roberfa enMr. and Mn.Roy -»..».:....a .f .n".»-Rundnv.for ¢pmt'l1xm1dsv|.!\arnoo n|t¢\|l m m no ni n n u n d m hameof ~u z f l r n .w g H e h n \ » n v e n H r . m d l l n . J Hs innenmdnon.l l !u u l l l n .h u m m t h n n nw¢mWedneadny vlsiwrs hx Fru- ""'3'&§und mn .' h m w m m m . Jr..Mrs. Roy Wdeneld, md Mn.Wxnun Wakefield ind Wilbur Church Notes o o n n u m m z c s u n c n s m v l c s s Servlntl nt Glmdals School av-afy Sand!muh: at B o'c.\ock:Bmdny si~»1 nt 8 o'clock.t i S E V E N T H ~ , e , ' > " N " S ' f wr w i l l b s l l l d w h a l r a f d x l l d x ngf mum tur hs n thm -ni ne nr- .r:¢. FIRST m r m o m s w c n u n c nJam: P. Brwkll. Ministers o g w w for Sunday.Mnrvh 10 n. m.. Church School.11 1.rn..vronhln nerdoe lorWoman Day at tho chuxch.Mn.John P.Brooks, Drenldem ol the m-_-_»- ....¢..».. mm ". . . u -. . . nm mam. an am du n Am-n. 1941 a an Nofncn or mumnos rom a :u¢n'»°m»-m&»cs¢v menus: hh' w Cvmty, Nehmm Le *"° °'~'°°" ff m "' A1§','L¢'f`f°»>..,'f..."'$'¢n;'E|";%"'f»'!Z wmoon °f ma uv. 9"°Imndernzned aw mm of the deymtmr will be heard md wnqid-|,,f Bldr,_Nubrgi§.b§|_|ny\§alt.Io!_\ \|-nn |__mu un-ann oo. oomnssIoNER8'PnoCEEmNGsfor/u-wa County Comminsionarh mm._ argl-, H=\1f-~.»1»»e1- ?.':_}2ffi NOTICE To CREDITOBS Walter G. Huber, Attorney cmmy court. wuhinzwn County, Ne hna h.`ESTATE OF Chrlndne Hngel- mm, deceased.....n.- _mm.. ared, w-viz: Tu, Pstltian at wu-tar Scott Allan, paying lor thoappoinmmtofWillhmUvyd Allen as Admiuhtnwr U!the as- \_;¢~of uid Chmnwy Scott Allen. ecelnd.slhwd this 12th dny ol Much, 1 1.: s mu g Jo hn A. c mi zm. lor an 'On and 011 Sale License"in accordance with dm nrorvininn olOrdlnxnee No. 504 of uid diy mdunc uid uvvllcation will he heard,considered md :cud upon .lt themeetink of Lhe_¢-.i council of laidcity w be held m e council cham-ber; in the aty hall at mid city onApril 2. 1941. at 7:30 n. m.Thepine of ~ of |pid nqpl§<>\}11¢ _The Bond 01 canary \¢0|um»-uonen met vursuxnt to lddourn- ment mken Much 10. 1941.Present: L. D. lang, H. C. Blancand J. E. Cunvbelll ,The minutes of the nrecedmlmeeting were nad and approved-Aitsr | eudul examination ofthe following bills on the dilferentipnda, ir. ~ "'9"°d 'P'?_P1"2l"'$d M rs, BoydGeorm 0mn.\'u Omnhx home, iz;uv ""i}`»iiéi~s.`HiT»§"J£¢ié of Garrrowen and Hn..e Fairs and Mr.Fairs of a.Mrs. Bw Hiamtower ofa was u guest at e Roberts "T'1n \\r¢| lltr ~}&§Eé iii Omaha. Tuesdny.uuunuu "Ulu208 East Grant St:out g m ,n .'-'Q Services every Bahndxy.tf ce-1,O n u m .' V l n w a 1 use..._ ._......:;s'r. Fmnczs noncu.Abou»--_ _1.cm-moms cmmcn , j f I by Mrs. William Koournmpresident.The pastor wllf as his theme."Cumbered t Mitch Serving".0 D. m. the youth will leanthe c!;urc.l; fog. ghqir gurimzand Mn. G. A. Rathmmmnainedlt ninochle,SundaymnlorMaura. and Me r>E.B.Rediield,Henryre,Oscar Gnberuon.mdR. J. Murdoch.Mrs. Rm-served a m1 §h: luncheon.md Mrs . M Swihxrt of, Nebnlkn visi hd ThundlMr. Swihlrfa Billet. Mn.sthmxnn.Thgy_ yere_ gogopgf<5\ M n .Louis Johnson oz La naGrav e, Iowa. md Mn. Un RM-lmd were Frldny dmmoon xuuta1 M u m m I Aon .rum.Tha Ball Creek Club met Thun-day altemoon xt the John Echwn- kxmn home with amen membersmd five vimitors ureumt.Mrs.Na h Pl u ll m And Mn.FredDickmeY°1'usisted in nervink.'§'le"nu§__t hnlbeal will be Mn. Sixth md CoKnx StrataRav. Thomas Cnrmody. Putox'Sundly Mun in Blair ldternltesbetwoen 9 md 10:80 un.M x='ms'r LUTHERAN caunca Harold C. Jorgensen, Putm-Sxmdny,Muc h 80:S u n d x yschool st 9130;lim services atl0:45; vuner me ae nt 7:80-thenm." rw lm Andersen of '1'rin~ . mun n v2 :80.s fc h uTuLentR4men'» u w No um u van w uw -.»=w»~..- - - .to appear begun ma at the County Court room in Blair, Nahu onthe lst day of Aprll, 1941,onthe 2nd day of July,941, f°g the purposa o l on,Iment and allowance ol clmlmn.All ehims not filed on onbefore the m day of July. 1941, vm be f°r~ ever barnd.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .....LEGAL NOTICE wnghe sr wngm, Attorneys900 Pint National Bank Bldg. Onmlu, Nehrukn \1o4¢m m Juan. In the County Caurt nf Wuhhg- mn County, Nebnskx. ... mf"- uurnmn no 'Finn rm. iand fur wmeh neeme xx nDD|\cu zur ___qi, 59 West W _3 Ithn the 1n|low\n¢:nuns usnxwntmet.|lowed and tha Ccunty Clerk isDated M'"}' 27. 1941,he nb'oni end tn draw nn-mixHenry Chrll!-en|en.9l¢y Clark-on +L, fund!lndlated. to DIY nmc .Cnrrled all memb°fS ura- NOTICE OF APPLICATION mn mt vodngLICENSEC. J. Beekmann, supplies § 36.48Ruth Bnmer, cledal `f 60.00 Notice is hereby xlven that J. E, Cqmnbzll, Com, work mn nn m McGuire has filed vim _lgd L"!°E'€?._~ Mr. enberteveninduneMenclMn. mumMr. Cxrol,Wi*-11 3 ; t o a k l n . n d w h . l c . h b e i 1 n i u turday .1 n.m .th a n aa to f u lt the c hu rc h. a u ln v nftpi mhnnn . it 9 ta.m.an ¢iu=T§f"éiii££"ié1-'ini liéuéil :member ma r t S nn d sv in wo - l d n y u t o u r c h m t h .W a n n da d 1 0 0 wo me n . 1_. _. . . . . . . . . . .4 » ¢4 w :n w v e s u n l n Dr. W. F. Hemphill DENTlST Home Theatre Bulldlng Blair, Nebraska ~++4+++-»++++++4» l lourfl: 9 to 125 2 I0 TICE OF' ADMLNBTRATION 'lou &0'H.mlo»n,Attorneysthe County (kvurt of Washing- wn County, Nebrnkn.ESTATE of Henry H. Golken, easel.Noéce is hereby given that one Sth day of April, 1941. at the~unzy Judge'e office in the Citi' Bhir, Wuhingwn County, Ne =~, at tern o'clock in the fon- --of sid da y,the lnlluwlngutter will be heard md mudd- ~. to-wit: The Petition of Bar -=Gosker praying for the ap-~intment of Wann H. Gasket as»istntor of the nam, of mid enry H, Gosker, deceued. awa um mn d a y o f u mh . 1.SEAL)John A. Cnrrigan, 0-40.County Judge. I~C a h v. OTICE OF ADMINISTRATION A. C, Debel, Attorney n the County Court of Washing- wn County, Nehnskn..z:.nA'rx~: OF w m v scar: llen, deceased. Novice is hereby given that an Dated thi! 288: day of Febrn-|A n A n nU l f i o f E l i n b e t h F a b e r ,d r a sA l l p e n o n n i n t e n d e d i n u i d :tier are hereby noiified Lhatou a mb d l! 0 1 K a t h . 1 9 4 1 , W i l - the \mdex-ai gmed c ity c lerk of thec i ty o f B la i r . Ne b r u h . h i s a n vi l- u t i u n t o r a n " O n And O i !S d n L l e u u e "i n accordance vdvlx th e = » f ; g \ = ; ~ = ~ ° 'a ° u' § " 2 ' 1 ` l f § ~ ~ ~ m ° ' l l 1:n n I l u v a o nT. § " ') ~ i 'I_ ff"2 _ " _. § , ,', 2 f; , " H , ' § ' 2 3 ? ' , 1 " § | w m \ > ¢ § m a . c o n s i d e r e d m d . m d I l'\._.___.¢_..-0 n..-. a m rc. rg.,,W . .-. .-F .,:,:" § x:. .? °r; a °,° eFrya MIK. Co., srmnllssHnmmciind& Stephens CG.. 21.342.50 wmv es 388 R. J. Jelinek, rent 15.00:Ln Panum co.. nmnliea 5§.§§ A. inDaniaylho 1ln BlaSulI. MoGillinand{ CH UR CH U 1-u u r u a n '. A. Lind enme y er. Hini uter mda y . Ma rc h 8 0:10:00 n. m., h y School.Mr s .P u r i J ohn- lunsrlnb endent:11:00 n.. rn...¢...... nmrnhin mm mn n l n n m i tl by Mr. and Mm. nunleaat =w=»=g- u---»»........-.. .,,.__, _.___.. r.Dickmeyer vm honured at » bfid-The L u u mm Bwumhwa wi n s¢'lday supper xneatu of the S. si shower at the Henry Di¢=\1U°¥°f mast on Thunday evmlnsr.March Sumn m w a n M 1 - . " | n d M r s . I . . o u i s \ h o ; n a F i f t y x u e l f - I w e r e r g g vf g l l f -2 7 , i n t h u m m f h = = : * f . ' ° : ' ~ ' 1 ; h e m n o n - * --nr l . - | .... en L . .M m ;n.a A n u ........... ar( E9- N1 9 4 | l .4 | c I §§.=;e;;.~;...-Am°|n|nma_'fsslorggn ~ wiii be at 7:30 p. m.Your pu- ed of Lent. The Lutlmran Dnulhters will muet in the View:Rmnuue ngg==== on Mondny evening. Much ' r m n m mi Ladies'.ua v m meet on Wednesday xlumoon,April 1 KENNARD M. E. c mmc a Dnvld Simnon. PastorThe service on Sunday morninglt. 9:45 will be conducted by Dr.Gilbert of Omnha.On Pnlm Sundav ilu service sermon,"Chrlninn Unity".6:80 u. m. Younx Peoples mowlnx. llinl Alien Thompson l s d s r7:30 p.m.evening wml n n md sennon,"What ls Your Relldon Doinz Fo r Ynul"Choir urnctice ThundlY N Much 27, at 7:30 o'clock. Vmo ll Bnmzon,directorlike to lnva n good ammimes of old md new memben to n u tpractice on our Enter mulin.Yo u no invited m ntumd our reirulnr nrvlea Advertile in The Entnrprln mm, w...»...,..., _..., ..._ _...sdmlnlutnton Amount as Ex-'ulor under the Last Will and uhment of sold deceued. filod urein, be settled md nllcwod; mt px-ooh of hdnhlp be taken 1d decreo rendared thereon; that me Court Ex und determlno jhe mount of inheritance tu oo be old; thot a decree diahlbudng Id aulrnlnz ul.. nddue of all nate oo uid petitioner, the ro-lduory legatee named in the LastVillmdTestamentofnld de-emed, be entered; and Nd pe-ltioner be discharged as such Ex-cutor;and that such other and urther orders be made and pro- ../lamn |» hm in the nmnlsea upon nr mo mwungc o u n c i l o f : a i d d i y t o _ b e h e l d l n t h e c o u n c i l c h u n b e n m t h e c l t y m n o f m d d t v o n A m - l l 2 ,m u l t 1 : 3 0 n .m .T h e w h e n o f b u d - n e u o f u i d a n p l l u n t m d f o r w h i c h l i c e n s e i n m u l l e d f o r l s 8 2 W a t W u h l n m o n S t r e e t D a t d M a r c h 2 7 , 1 9 4 1 . Henry Chrlxlalsen. City Clerk. N O T I C E O F A P P L I C A T I O N m a LICENSE Notice is hex-el»y_given thntNelBridwellh u flled with U18\.~nderxllrned city clerk of the cityof Blair, Nebraska, her applicationfor an "On and 0If_ Sale 14°#"=°'1 Klorp Printing Co., mvpllu 118.80Wa ter Lamson. rent 25.00H. J. Mndnen, wma. ew.5.88 Wm. D. McDonAld. mileageetc.s u e Carl F. Olson, mllelm. ng.9.80 Omnhu Printing Co.. mmnlxes 24.85 Omaha School Suunlv Co.,lupplien _22.68 J. 9, Rldnrmr Co.. surrpheo 109.44Irvxlln M. Smith. ole ml 80.00M. L. Stmve. clerical 9-40N. E. Tlldon. xurveylnK_132.05 Tho Todd Slles Co.. Enum-Um. of Neb. Law College, Equip.Waahinpzwn Bulk. clumzen John Andex-sam. labor..u...».... nu r-...yn and 66.64 zs.so19.8143.00 Mr.md Mn.R4And children o l K moved into the tenthe J. Merwn KuhrMr. md Mn. TuMr. and Mrs. J. ll:lznded tha Mnrrltzvm Omaha, Saturday er they vllitod Mnand umt,Mr.nndPetersen.helnincelebrate his ln daA meetinz of thewas held nt the horMrs.R.J.LluviMrs. Ted Ollnnr leon "Gxlld Guidmce" Mr.and Mm.1...._=_ ._.-..¢ >y Bme nbaum Loud ; John son. Mr. u m mn.nnntrd have R o llmd , Mr . n n d Mn .H. C.m r Baum on mu na n nmd M r.m d H n .John T '_,__,iolixi gex-md M i n l mn n ldne Hmmm o l rwn uh: nt- Wayne Tu c h m College mentClub prog-run Lan week st the vu-enul. Quia uvininsc.Llt- Huumdlhoma.uhr'n uncle)Mon y dte rnmn guaau o lMrs.1-I;rvey|Mx-s.Peter Nielsen were Mn. Mr.Petersen Chris Peterson. Mn. Clllia Hm--g~lngn, Mn. Ed Huma n. Mm mr-. M. K. Club tm Lu-sen. md Miha Ninn Ander-n 01 Mr And'mzotn Su.1d§y.|"n'1;hursda °a¢arr\oon guests at;d s qincunuon the Lm num Mme were Mr..\m1a Mrs.H.c . Ima m. p h. md x._.......a 1..-nn Mn,Ed Hansen md Nma md ~~JW'I U W D A H ; . | l l u \ v u .--. _a s a t p i n o c h l e ,W a l t e r A n d a m a n . M r .a n d M m .M r .a n d M r s .M o . : a n d M r s .H e r -u n e m S u n d a y e v e n i m z : M r .a n d M r s .T a o r h o m e . m d N o r m a .~ _r s ;E n x x g a T a y l o r 1 tin Larsen at the John and _Ed \i \ . » u . n ° u H . . .-____.I 8 m a y b e v e q u n r e d b y Q 1 6 m m m ;i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e p r o v i s i o n o r } A n u u g w n v u W . .. . . . . ...A \_u _: n a . J - - I A n i h r a n d O i l 52.97 30.0026.00 nauS811Edu ma;1-. a a L n t u r |r:ul:mLn- :l ay e v e m n g , a r L a r s e n .M r .Q P e t e r s e n ,a n d m m . If N n l n n n n n auc h c ase: made and pr¥Jv1ded,lUn1ma.nce nw. uv| uf; Blll\I ..., .......th d th a t said estate and that said auulic ation will be heard,H. C. Blac o, rentHChblas tingtoeennnthinm: 'mu-mirmiusr thereto may ic ornsidered and ac ted upon s t th e Ray .use..- .; ._....-:1 .J .mhl Pnvwnnrn Gr. & Lb\"..be settled and allowed, and thgf gl meeting ot me cny Cvunuu UA ......hearing will be had on said peti city to be held in the council chainLion before said Court on the nm bers in the city hall of md city on April 2 1941 at 730 p rn Theanf A 1,1941 a n m i f ~.-.mi 'L n 'SF nnnéal; Tefom mal '3L";=f=.2£ b.1i:§':,€"%=?.$.°..':.'".""l',Et;':§2,§ ° "l1i}§{BEr"éE "37.61 ~»"=~=Farnberg Hdwe., repairs .79 a g G. A. Pepa Oil. oil 193.38 Mr:J. E. Jungbluth, llb0!'82.00 Fee I n Inna Fnm. work n ~ 1.»\:o1;e'"P;ofs§n attended_Mrs.J ohn Rxsmusaen me m:au n-mower von Friday evening for dmv evening at the Clammoc nm W il- sos. John Bif fa r,by Mr s.Dc mllr un so n ho me near Cnlsr. \Sunday mo v e r : r o a m a t th e -r.lr . an d Mr s .Pau l P aulsen s ,nd .Gi ffo ni Frenc h ho me we re M m .some visited Sunday evmin| ; ;Casuie Hma e n , Ha r ve y a n d I la z r l I1 Mr. and Mrs. Harland Nelson ,ggq i n i n d Mr s.Ha1"0\d Sto rk I Jrvu umu -" r r ' - -Court on the said 11th day o f Ap r il,1941,a t 9:00 o'c loc k A.M. and contest said petition,the Court ma y gr an t the p my e r of said petition, enter a dec ree of heir- ship, fist and determine the amountl of in he ri ta nc e ta x to b e pa id en-ter a decree dis tri bu tin g a nd as-\ sig nin g the residue of said estate to sai d p etiti one r and ma ke su c h other and furth er a llowa nc es amd dec rees as to th e Court may seemproper, to the end th at all matters pertaining to said estate :nay be | uf, I 1 \ I1i I finally settled and determined..1 1941 Dated this m n day of Mar c ln ; ¥ ' i . ' § § 2 w x ; i f f s g a f m n c t Dated Marc h 2':. 1941Henry Christensen, City Clerk. ~zo'rIc 1=:. OF APPLICATION ron L I C E N S E Notic e is herebv afiven . thatHur!Fo rk er has filed wi th the mdc ra igme d c i ty c lerk of the c ity if B lair . Ne bmal&| his applic ationFor an "On and f Sale L ic ense" |n ac cordance with the provision of Ordinanc e No. 504 of said c ity and that said applic ation will be heard. considered and a c ted upon a t th e meeting of the c ity c ounc il of said city to be held in the counc il c ham- bers in the c ity hall of said c ity onApri l 2. 194 1. a t 7: 30 D rn.Th e "|.nn Ar hnainsma nf' amid 8.DDllC8lli. u .u. u v. .» ...-.......-_and miléaize 120.00Edgar Masters. labor 24.00 Nebr. Trac tor & Equip . Co..repairs, etc .159.82 40.49 93.95 x 1.86 48.00 48.0011 .1 5 18.59 Oma ha Gea r & Pa rts, r c - pairsPetersen Mac h.&. Steel, re- pairs .Phillips Petroleum Co.. gas an d o ilH. B. Plun ge, labor C.E.Rosenbaum, labor . Earwood Motor Co., repairsFambernr Hdwe., repairs Interstate Mac h. & Supply . re-32.76 c a n sPhillips 66. can and oil 50.60 Dale Str ic klc tt. labor 25.50 The A le mi te Co ., o il 28.60 H1-Q Co. Coop Oil. gas and 154.30 L31 wi t a t1 me onsMo 1 in sta J ulab; s.F r ch. anM1 cn Onan.rdrs.A.E.Dixon attended aeting of the County Home Dem-l xtratlon Council, held in Blair,lmday afternoon.Hrs. A. E. Dixon spent TuesdayOmaha;Mrs. A.E.Dixonlyedwith her two auxhters.dy .lo and Linda Joy, during her i£l\C€_ 1Mr.and Mrs.Ed Ha mm. _and Rita Hamm and Mr. Mm. A. E. Dixon attended a w.\ C. S. one o'clock luncheon, heldidayat the Blair Methodist unch.Sunday evening guests of Mr.I d Mrs. Gugignond Sor9nsgn.viere_ nnu nfxxy.Sundav aitemoon visitmi nttheMartinlmromhamsincludedRev. G. A. Carlsen of Omlhl; RoyRahlls, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Larsenl and dauxhbera. I-Inmuh md Lnuisel and~Carl Rumunen and Vii- Eli n.Mm-.,l guna Human of msn la wsihnz her brother Iverson.Mrs, Louis Johnson and M n . Inrs Rolland were last 'I\\esday' g-ftgfnvql :mem ar the Carl """'| Her- . .Tens ¢@..;@MQ Q4n i ColdsScinlirxNeurilisLumhagollendncliesRheumaliumAppendic ilia \ \ Constipation 'Sinus,Liver.Stomac h, Kidney and Bladder Trnublee.Ha y Fever. Female Disorders,Ne w vuurmens,lli g h Blood Pr ua u re .ln f l u e n n m d many other d i e u u re- spond lo Chiroprac tic a d ju s tme n t; DR. D. C. KNEE ~ ;5~':=:.'a."°"" visa; 254 O E* O 'C cz : - o cs , l . ~;,~< -i-1- l'LJ 'JOHN A. CARKIUAN,|( S E A L )County .ludge. ll-M. NOTICE To BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the City of Blair, Nebraska, will rc-ceive bids for the furnishing ofapproximately14 tons of rein-forcing steel f.0.b,Blair. Nebras-ka, estimated by the city aigineerto cost $l000.00. and 275 tnns of, sand-gravel delivered on job es-,timuted to cost $275.00, and said,bids wi ll be received n t the of -` Lic e ol th e c ity c lerk of sai d c ityup to 7:30 o`c loc k, p. m., ui' April ' 4, l9~ll, and said bids will then bepublic ly opened. Certified c hec k of 5 %of hid mu s t areompany all i i -44+-r+~»o-»+~s-++++++++++4»+q ,»++~:-+++++~M-<-++++++~r-i-++++ i ~< m~:>:T\s'r Rooms in Mayle Building bids.All bids must be made onfonns to be fiirnished by said cityclerk. The city reserves the rightto reject any and all bids Saidmaterials are bo be firminhed inconnection with the roofing ofthe old water reservoir of said city.¢HENRY CllRlS'l`ENSl']N_ 1 DR. L. R. MEAD i g Blair,Nebraska +4-+-i~+~:-+4-++++++~i-4-4-+4--a»++~x-++4-++-|»~n-+++4»+4»e~++-1-T# T H E E A T S H O P i - M e a l s -! M,\i.'rsn MILKS-BEER ll - 3 t Ci ty Clerk. To RelieveMisery ul' LIQUIDT.ui|,x-:TsSALVE24-Hour Service ~None Dropsn»~e-|»+-i-+-n-++|»|»+-|»-r»+-i»++++-|-i-|..._._Cmlgh Dflly lrry\iu\»\l>"i'lm n »\..mx.rnl e s a m . a n d M e a d a m e s n e n r y p m -l us e n a n d C a r l S o r e n s e n .h i l l t o n ] A I) : e ¢ 1 \ r l \~ une" nv".-=._Wednesday evening visxwrs all \¢ Peter Nielsen hom.. were Mnnlhristcna Hansen of Herman ""l r. and Mrs. Jan Iverson,Mr. and Mrs. Lars Rolland and\eir muests.Mr. and Mrs. LouisnhnewnandHarolddrovetolurdock,Wednesday.to visitev. Peter Krey and Mr. and Mrs.[ubert Stray. IMMANUEL LUTHERANCHURCH I4 Miles Northwest. of Telhasta)E. Fckhardt, Pnstm'Sundn School at 9:30 n.m.Enklis Services at 10:80 a.m,Welcome.~,...»,-.1 my .U-rn f m n n m : I Jiomcstood 'Views I l I III I | I Ii I 2|Dated March 27, 1941. I I I p 1: ul. uu.»».....-_ ___alia" for which lic ense is applied for is 2 11 W est W as hing ton Street. Dated lldarch 27. 19111Henry Christensen. City Clerk. NO T I C E O F A P P L I C A T I O N n o s L I C E N S E Notic e is hereby gi ve n th at W illia m J . I lolln has fi led wi th theunde rsi gned c i ty c ler k o f th e c ity of Blair. Nebraska, his applic ation for a n "On an d Off S ale Li c e ns e" in accordance wi th the provision of Ordi nanc e No. 504 of sai d c ityandth at said applic ation wi ll be heard.considered and ac ted upon at the mee tin g o f the c ity c oun c il of said c ity to be held in the coun-cil c hambers in the c ity hall of said citv on April 2. 1941, at 7:30 p. sn. The p lac e of busi ness of said sp- plic ant and for which license is ap- plied for is 205 No r th W alker Avenue.Dated Marc h 27,1941.llenry Christensen. City Clerk. NOT I C E OF A I ' P l . l( . - \ I lo N F OR L I C E N S E Notic e is herebv given that lla-ns C. Paulsen has filed with the under sign ed c ity c lerk of the c ity of Blair. Nebraska. his applic ation f o r a n " O n a n d Of Sale Lic ense" in ac c ordanc e with the provision of Ordinanc e No. 504 of said c ity andthat sdd applic ati on will b e heard. considered and ac ted up o n a t th e meeting of the c ity c ounc il of said city to be held in the counc il c ham-bers in the city hall ot said city on Ap ri l 2 ,1941. at 7:30 p.m.Th e plac e of business of said applic antand for which license is applied for is 203 So uth W alke r Avenue. Henry Christensen. City Cleric . NOT I C E OF A P P L I C A TI ON F OR L I C E N S E ~ Co. Coop Oil, gas andoil 310.02 Jens Kr o gh ,aa a an d oi l 6.48 Ty son-Lenz Co.,repairs Walter Petersen. laborW illi am C. J ensen, labor Henr y Ti etge n, labor Drs. Allen & Te nnan t, p oor C. J . Bc ekmann, poor Blair Lbr. & C oal, poor Bohs Store, poorEd Cac helin, poor Christensen Lbr. Co.. poorDodgeCo.Hospi tal,poor Fair way Oil Co.poor Farn bc rg Hdwe., poor Dr. E. S. B. Geesaman. poor Oscar Gilbertson, poorW alter E . Goc hri ng, M. U.. poorGreitersen Drop; Store.poor H. L y le Gu y e r,poor llamma ng D a ir y , p oo r llo lmqu ist E le va tor , po orDr. C. D. Howard. poor Henning Larson poor Mansfield Groc ery . poorMarr Groc ery C o., poor Neh r. Io wa Oil C o.. po or J ames Paulson, poorMrs. Charles Salsbury . poor Al Sic k. Postmaster, poor Stewart Pharmac y . poor Carroll Thornberiz, poor Trnhlsen Bros., poorUnd erwood Ellio tt Fis her Eleanor Unz ic ker, poor Dorena W alker, poor ll.I). W eber. poorRWeldon. Door 118.45 6.005.25 5.25 35.00 4.20S4.% 6.00 15.00 2 1.4026.00 32.94 2.75 33.00 29.50 5.50 1.59 11.75 2.637.50 22.00 10.00 2.502.97 13.03 2.50 2.00 0.50 9.2025.00 00.00 15.0016.05 10.45 13.00 20.00 W olffs Chec kerboardStore, poor 17.30 On motion du ly rnade and c ar- ried the followin g; bonds were sp-proved:Prec inc t Assessors:E . V . Ne wk ir k ,Linc oln precinc t,'Thor- va ld Hansen,He r ma n precinctandGlennRosenbaum,Ric hland precinc t.The b ond o f S . H.L oc k- m a n .C o n s t a b l e f o r A r l i n g t o n t o w n s h i p w a s a l s o a p p o v e d . O n m o t i o n t h e B o a r d a d j o u r n e d ».1 . u n 1 n . ¢ i l l I I I J l . \ U D ¢ \ l ] | |M r s .H a r r y T y s o n c a l l e d i n T e - k a m a h ,M o n d a y r n o r n i n i z ,a t t h e K e n n e t h B a k e r h o m e . M r s .M a r g a r e t W i l l i a m s ,R i t a a n d J o y c e ,w e r e s u p p e r g u e s t s S u n d a y o f M r .a n d M r s .K e n n e t h T y s o n a n d B a r b a r a .M r .a n d M r s G e o r g e R e i d a n d K a r l s e n w e r e e v e n i n g 'v i s i t o r s . M i s s E t h e l S i m o n s e n i s h e l p i n g a t t h e h o m e o f M r s .R a l p h L o n g - w e l l .t h i s w e e k . M r .a n d M r s .T e d S i m o n s e n a n d b a b y o f O m a h a w e r e S a t u r d a y s u p p e r g u e s t s o f M r s .C a r n e S i - m o n s e n .M i s s A g n e s S i m o n s e n , a l s o o f O m a h a .s p e n t t h e w e e k - e n d a t h o m e .r e t u r n i n g S u n d a y e v e n - ing.Mr s.Cly de Metz ler entertained Saturday afternoon.complime.n~tary to h er d augh ter, Ethe l Ma rie, who o bse rved he r n in th birthdaylastweek.Guests were Mr s. George I-leinssen and children. Mrs.Fr an k Soil and Pearl,Mrs.Fr ed Mu lle r and Ma n ly n ,an d Ma ry An n a nd J a c k B u nn .Mr .and Mrs.Fr a n k Soll and Pearl,an d Chris Sta rk called inGr etna a t the J .Sc hran home, Monday .M r an d Mrs . H. C . K uh r s p en t Sunday afternoon a t the Th omas Kniep home near Bennington. Ine z Ra y of Te ka ma h s pe nt the we e k e n d wi th Betty Cox.Chester Nelson attended a hy brid seed c orn meeting a t Pre mon t, Mo nda y .Mr .an d Mr s.Ar th u r Metals: and fami ly of S c hu y ler sp ent Sundayaf te rn o on with Mr . a n d Mr s Or va M e ttle rGeorgeChamberlain and tim sons attend ed the Fath er and Sol banquet a t the Leg ion Ha ll i1 CM"NR H in your individual leg lengtb O Slociings, us indhiduuny yours. as | vmddinq ring. For | xmooihnr, mon fldhring GO, buy Mcfluds in your own leg-hngth -short medium or long.You'll bc ~as clurmsd by Hum as if fhay ~aa~¢l.1L into made io you' order.~ ' W ¢s n1. H .C .J u l F r e s e ,P a s t o r Sunday Sc ho ol at 9:45 a.m. Servicer!a t 10:30 a.m. Go rman servic es every fir st Su nd a y in th e mon th . Religious instruc tion Saturday s a t 1:30 p.rn. Th e Lu th er an Hou r over s ta ti onK F A B Sun da y s at 12:30 noon.Lf Adve rti ag i n The Erlb emr ise lt, Brinsrg Results Wh 15 Ou Farmers Having Choose The ' Those Farmer The Enterpris It Is The Paper The Paper They Have S bors'Homes And The Paper Which ertising Beat. .Ask The Farmers THEY'LL Tell Y~ ls The Place To ' Built More Cir There's More Ne TERPRISE. A Staff Of 20 Paid Ru 79c » $1.00KOLTERM/\N'SI'aff BEN FRANKLIN sronfs i l Did +-M-++4»+++++-1-4»-a»»M+¢~ LEONARD AXTELL General Congraclor nnd Builder Power Equipment MASON md CARPENTERWORK Blue Prints Phone-Blick 325 1004 South Wxlker Avena: ry 1 .Lluil ne nt \ !DISE ES OF TH E C TU M Dr. J. Tilton Young 1150 North Brand St. Fremont, Nebruh + + + + + + + » + 4 ~ Of 22 ales This Winter»1 10 l11E.'CB ADT!,1 .N o t i c e i s h e r e b v g i v e n t h a t H |K _ % ' \ ¢ f ' E ° ¢r C l k .H e r m a n ,F r i d a y e v e m n g ."~. \ _ 'e e n o ' m l e r I M r s .E d w s r d Q u i n t u g d N o r m :Enterprise?_ _ .. _ aN e b r .C e r t i f i e d H y b r i d Seed Corn NEBRASKA 4 63 -The ne we st and be st y i elding corn in Nebraska, according to Experimental Station records.|OV/A 93 9--Nebras l<a 's o ld stand-by. The demand for good home»grown,hand-picked andcan-fullygraderl ~ C o r n is especially heavy this your.Phone or vrnte your order immediately. Ho wa rd D . Tho mp s o n Ea r l J .l l m m p s o n r-mms znz on 32 Pnorm 22 on ao _AGENTSlulmer Anderson, Blair Burt County Co-Op. Oil Fred Hayman. ljorr Calhoun Station, Hermanl,4.|\.D2r.IortCalhm.m \Vrighl'|Pool llall, KennardllrllWeber. Arlington Washinyzlon Co. Hatchery, Blair in IM.C.Hg h u men with meundersizncity clerk of the citygf BlsiroNebrial6 his Iapixlcatiori zil:?i°"°is*"2.": of°»fYv§i>'il°i=§ nance o.o aai 'tthat said application will r.°§ilL."£1. cnnsderedf d sited uuqn at "rg$55 ¢2'i»e°h¢\aei§'¢ile°`i §ar°frf.'.i.i. bers in the city han ol' saidcity onApril 2. 1941, at 7:30 D. m.Theplace of business of said applicant and for which license is applied for iis ?)l0e§ot.l\ "if"i'§°'1»'.§l"""" at are ,_i Henry Christensen. City Clerk. NOTICE OF APPLICATION mn LICENSE ,Notice is hereby given that1Clarence King has filed with thefundesizned city clerk of the cityof Blair. Nebraska, his application Hor an "On and Of! Sale License"| in apcordsnce with the provision of,Ordinance No 504 of said city and| : o x o : | o lo r:| o n $ o r : | o = l H a said application win be heard,.......:,|....| ana n.~u¢l umm at the Walter G. Huber, Attorney ln the County Court of Washing- ton County. Nebraska-NOTICE: On the 18th day ofApril, 1941, at two u/clock P. ng., at the County Court Rooms mBlair,Wuhington County-Ne- braska. Rexina Hirst will offer for probate, a written instrumentpurporting to be the last Wlll andTestamentofMaryPunt,de~ ceased. at which time and place all persons concerned may swearand contest probate thereof.19-a this zsm dw of March, <sEAL)John A. cm-lszsn.12-4:County Judrze. FOMFANELLE NEWS M .d M . A tKerkho!fWJ high! tonthe mxochls Club, Sunday eveninz.Mr. and Mrs.Adolph Moeller and Mr. and Mrs. ing with Mrs. Quistl parents, Mr.and Mrs.Joe Frymsn,west ol Blair,Mr. and Mn. Frank Nelson vis-ited Saturdi' in Council Bluffs, Iowa, with rs. Nelson's mother, Mrs. M. P. Christensen.Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Gamesand family were Sunday dimer guests at the Wallace Fitdl hom-e.Mr. and Mn.cmr Fry s pe nt Sunday at the Jap Vaughn home in Herman,Mrs.George Heinsson and sonattended the sims and Cha rmClub at the Stanley lllarsh homenear Spiker, Thursday afternoon.Mrs. Lloyd Knox and daughter spent Thursday with Mrs. Thomas Wakefield, Jr.Miss Phyllis Jessie was a Sut-urday evening iruest of Phyllis and Delma Jensen.Mr. and Mrs. Rav Fowler nM family ol Craig spent Sunday at l.he Elsa King home.Several ladies of the Herman N(Yl`lCE OF PRDBATE OF WlLL nd Elaine spent Saturday even- Hnnrv Moeller of Hooper yen?anna held a. Galloplng_Tea_at_theE I] T A Y L O R & W E L L SiL I V E S T O C K A U C T I O N ~ r \ 1 1 r \ n \ I n n : ~ n 1 \ 1 D Q n ) \ V M nuu cham-dty onn.The!e|a"f'.£'§ w h , ' § I '.;",...{';;, m..~=:.: gi-Q2 ~ <=»»g¢» °""":°'~= oben Run: low. Mn. Rl! mm- nm Jn. Mnlnrn Wm. ln. Ot-mud/mlnh Moeller: Mn. Emil ur smnum un. sum u m .1-*l"E!!'!'-_!"{'.Yf'Tf HH§¢},,m",,; lQ|§|._1'ed gguuon. and EI. Har uno on |:.v LK I vv |:.unc...wun .A l r ( '0 \ \ d l !l 0 l l e d P l vl l l u n FREMONT, NEBRASKA Hop Sell Fln1 lt 11:00 0'¢l»ek wHOGSCATTLEHORSESSHEEP:ooo lb :wo lmdu nm ma uhh, m hop und anlt. amd .nw ofull kinds. sheep nd nu nmxn al bonu sell nach wut. mnlrnad hy mmm \n our xerflmry.B u y e r s a n d Se lle rs I n v i t e d -_._- . . n l e n v nrr? rl0 N u l o on o gmd for which lloense ns unpuuu wrln 110 East Wuhlngzton Street.Dnbed March 27. 1941.Henry Chrlstenaen, Clly Clark. NOTICE Ol-' APPLICATION ron LICENSE Notlca ls hereby given LhntHana Q. Paulsen hu filed with thewdemgmrd elty clerk of the cltyof Blur. Nehrukn. hu In licallonfor nn "ll a nn"On und Oi! Sale cln accordance with the uruvigion og buena an. uw vv. .». _-_home Sunday, were Henry Nei-baum ol Sidney. Mr. and Mrs. JohuNlebnum of Fremont, und Mr. nndMrs.Luther Monke and fnmlly.The pccanion honored Ed Nxebaum on hm birthdny.Mins Pauline Blatler.Rl'llld»dauxhber of Mr. and Mrs.H. S.Monks. hu been elected w teachthe Brain-lrd school .north of Tel- b u n .Tha (um nie nt. the home ofMing Hnlliq Cook. 'l\xeldlY. draw n old Brewner.` Mr. and Mn.Clyde Russell of| Te kunxh é fixw, Monday with Mr. and Mn.Kim:-Mlas Ellzabetll Grimm of OmahaspentMondayeveningnl.lhome. Mr. and Mrs.C\1:LF'ry and dnughur were Sam y dinnerwma at the Robert Fw homa. .M.r. mul Mn. Funk Jonah; weredmnerlgueets. Sunday. at tha Fre- mont enaen home.Mn.Wnnen Wnhfleld gnd I _ LterpriseWu have me bat rnxun mn.......--_SERVICE l l Nebnnkl.Call or :ae an for dates.Phono IDB. ` A Y l D R & W E L L S A U c ' r x o N C1 couuunrrt su.:-:my hmrday u 1:00 nu. iWi\i§1§r spent Mondly with Mrs n l u u u m m .G r i m m m e n t ' T u e s d a y i n c a l l i n :a t t h e H n n h a l ll.»ZUO INUI H5 l v l a p u l au - -E m b e d M a r c h 2 7 .1 9 4 1 ,H u n r y C h r i s t e n s e n , C i t y C l e r k . -._ qs?W l u r | \ | | n z \ \ » " n t I 1 : n n - | 1 1 ¢ C.ofC. Makes Plans For 1941 Good Crowd Shows Much x m REAL Es'rA'1'|§" ' ' f r y § 5 v°f.;"' "N G .CREAGE dons ln. me ~P. 0. Bax 460.83 ug- uwfber place Ln ¢g;haueUkgangswhichFOR RENT Mr. Ralph vmnm nndson, mm,., nmwr.~ ,.\~|~m ....... :*:'_Pi°e="°,.-;f:.I -'"" ~lair Invites High Sdml Student; ~uipped To Give College ' vgmaratory Courses. ide Curriculum "Bldr High School la equippedto handle sround my more nu-dmf-8," salad Supl.. J. R. Vinckel in A wk before the Blair Cham- ber of Commerce, und he sdded, "It an be dons with but ll¢tle.ex- tn cost." Thla should mraly be an lnvd- tation to ninl students who lnve:ached the hlglz uchool stage to come to Blair.There a n mmyadvantagesincomingtoBlair. Pint, I large selection of coursesto choose from which wlll fit the dedrea of my student in the pn- pua tnry na zi ;second,Blalr l l the lxrgeart wvm ln tha countymd tha nzturnl tndlng polnt for the gum]districts;third,room and board mxy be obtained withpleasant,comfortable surround- ings;fourth, good churches hold out n wdcome U0 high school stu- dents.Blnir, with All her advan- ugea,is nn l d w place !or L young man or womnn to take the college/_preparatory work. mi. Clarence Miller of Counc Bluffs, Iowa, visited Sunday wi Mr; and Mrs. Jack Bruce. Fo rt Ca lho u n, fi r st; Mu ga r et An n Nelson, Kennard, sec ond;Franc es Han sen , Her man , thir d. 7.Or a l spelling:Ma rg a re t A n n Nelson,Kennard,fi r s t;Pl.- trlc ia Boodle,Fort Ca lho un,sec- on d;Ha mi d Ta y lo r , C r a i g, thi r d . Kenn ard an d C raig exc h had 14 .|\; poiutl.The contest wanjupervised by Prof. H. L. Shxdle with the assis- tance at the Dann College students who an mnjoring in commerce. wry Dm Moore entenadned at cards, !ox- the H.G. L..Club, Thundly when prizen were Ann,_ _ - IN E. C. N. C. CONTEST Kmnard and Cut; High 8dl00\l Bed for (Int. and uoond plloo, in t-he flveachool commercial oontut held I-'rldey nftomoon at DenaCollege.Fifty students and soc~ond lnmlrucoors from thu school: compiling the Balt Central Ne- brnlg Activities Conlaenoo par- ticipated. Seven events were held, and tho folluwlng ue tha winners: 1. Novice typing speed:Halen Johnson,Kennaxd,li nt ;BettyWllllaml, Hennan, second;Cath-erine Brodonon, Herman, "timid 2.Novice typing nccuracy:Elizabeth Clark, Crain: and Sylvia Paulsen, Bdmington, tie for fh-atandnecond;Norma lmmgwell, Crdz. third. 4.Champion typing accuracy:Marjorie Whimsy,Cni g,fi ni ; Alberta Appleby, Bennington. sec-ond;Mildred Nelson,Herman, third. 5.Novice anmmnd:Betty Wlllilml, Henuan, first.'''.-=~ : A m e n ~ 'PHONE CALL FROM CANADA Believed Longest DistanceCall To Be Received Q There Mn. Doane L.cms , who hubeen vldtlng lt the P.L Cadyhomo in Arlingtml llna Captain Cady wal tranllened m St. Johns,Newfoundland, had the thrlll of g a telephone a l l from r husband, oevonl day| ago. The wl mme through about5'clock in the Aftemoon, and al- tierqultenlltt-loredtapelhevrnnble to speak to Captain Cady. The call mme through Nova Sw-th, Candi. md New York; oper- af/on at each plwe gave Mrs. Cady inatttlctlana, ond one of theforelgn opernton mad A long list of subjects which nre censored. When the ilnal contact was mode, the wi camo through clearlv.Captain Cady has been able w secure living qwirten,and his family will lonvo w join him about April 1. C. H. CARL NOWATTENDS SCHOOL l l n .Chauncey Carl,former Blntr reddont, new o!Hodgm- vllle, Kentucky, vnrlta The Entam- prllo that Hr. Carl, former (Bly Attomey,in now Attending u "school" lt nm Knox; lt will be nmanbered that Hr.Carl re-l i tmd hla post some weeh ago ua tnka an army poddan, Mrs. Carl'| letter follows: Hodgenvillo, Kentucky,'Mnrcb 24, 1941 The Ehmerprise, Blair, Nobr.Dear Hr. RhoadeazI wonder U you would send The Enterprise w ua at the address given on tho enveopef We er\I°y vary much reading about Blair and su mma - tanm.Fort Knox in an interestingpleco to neo-|00 big to eom- prohend. Chaunco in going to school at pruext, learning to opera!-o tanks, armored cars, em,everything that goes with the nrrnomd fume. The comitrysido is beauti- \ fuh~d~it ~oo~ ~uit Hvrirls might be hem to stay-the lawns and ahrubbery are quite green.Give our regnd: to all, and ma i li n g ~ M 6 8 8 Since:-ny, °Mr s .Chnunc ey Carl 1 Scwgm /A W/INT-ADI F o n SALE FOR SALE:Baby chicks lexedw e b m d , u m a ¢m&».An ° poultry equipment. Waking?/OnCounty Hxtchery. Phna 8'i2.1¢ s.u.1»m WESTERN pnlria m y md btled allnlh.Soo us,Ndson Produce Station.11-St Bennlnxtnn.Nebr. CANE BAY lor alle.n o m 2. Rudolph Fnhm.10-Bt' ALFALFA md sorgo hnv (or we.12-It ~ T. L und. FOR SALE:Sputon bsrlay at .50¢ md winter om nt 40cBperhu.Ame n Spri c k, W m ¢»~mm 5596.11-ti ~,Fon SALE:Seed corn.SN-\1ld~I ani Iowa 960.$4.00 ner bu.12-It'Blair Feed mu. _FOR SALE:Ouuida mlm.inwwf! condition. First $5.00 takesit.12-lt Al fa Auto Pnm. "FOR SALE:Bus. Raed as trailerfhouse.Has mood Buick motm,and B good th-es.Runs 0. K. f All for $85.00.12-n Al'L'B Auto Puts. FOR SALE; Ye\low, sweet cluwr need.9»4t'Otto Want. I[FOR SALE: Columbia white win-ter oats.l>Iaro\d Taft,Teka~=|mah, Nebr.11-2t' I | .r I1 v n ~f......--_... f ; & on 58.l-'nd Hurdnm. n a s - l00M 1 r rent. -Phone 194. 10-St xnurwwrnvwg ~>.»~\m nnuunent wav -..w....-¢.»=..».Fo r y e a n th i s pa ge hu hd an very finely °\x\=I9P¢d npdr alum which il run in conjunction withthe isle of nutomobila and neces-noxia.Not only is the equipment. unto the minutabutcue hnbe e n 'Enthudasnm Outlook Promising A good crowd uf inhexweawed business m d profeudorynl m m greeted the new president, Mg. Vernon Bellown,in his initiu meeting as preddmt ol the Blair Chamber of Cornmene,Tuadny '? .; ;" a c " § 1 0 '¢ f; e ' "" é "S ¢ . . Phone Whife 874._12-n KODERN FURNISHED ROOMwith privlie blth. Black 98 mi-n' APARTMENT FOR RENT.sn o m .Private blth.PhmaeBlack267.12-lt' taken in selecting Um but po r sible woxkman zo Luka cue M all rapdr work. In this udvertium bc seen picturerot the 'ous pi of equipment I used in the NPN: budnm usd he is invllingthepublic to take sdvnnuge ol his fine nervica ROOMS for rent.Ne l s mmsan. 201 E. Juhom 12-1 'BIRTHS c/mn OF THANKS l WE WISH fn ernnu our thxnklforthe many kind words uid ded! tendered ul at the timeof the death ol our dear one,Eleanor Snicer Smwnrt.Wewishtoeepednlly Lhxnk R v .R.W. Hastings for his kmd words of sympathy.We appre-ciated the beautiful floral gf-ferlnxe. those who assisted with the senrlces and the efforts ol' those who tumilhed the music.Your kindnesaes will long bo rememberedDonald Swwart.The Stewxrt mdSpdcer Fnmlllea. BETTER STICK TOMARRIAGES, HAVEN The sharpeara of some of the members ol the Elm Chamber of Common: who were at their 'v.- ening posts" (nn ASCAP coi e) sinled and burned last Sat ay|night when Haven MacQdnMe, conducting his Mnrriage Club gm- gfarn from the city auditoriud in Omaha announced ,that he was"broadcasting trvmL.0nmha,etc., etc., on the Lincolnjiighway, etc. etc."' JORGENSEN.A non,wdghinglb|., 7 oz., waaborn at 5:16 nun.Tuesday morning, so Rev. .na Mfg. Huold C.Jorgensen of§;;=»~Mn. -Yvraenen and theYue mmi nz on nicelnt Blair Hospital.1 Y LAMB.To M.r._nnd Mm. EverettLnmb of Blair, u baby daugh-ter was born Monday,March24, at Methodist Hospital. The Lambs have two other children, both girls.HOWARD.Dr.and MTB;c.D.Howard are the oarenm of abasson, James Kent. hom atBlrHospital.Sunday night;he weighed 6 lbs. 4 oz., at birth.The Hawnxdg lmve |lmxll daughter, Shall-I Kny, RADIOS CHANGEDIALINGS SUNDAY An than plai next Sundaymorning,mont of the ndio nts- Lions ln the United Stabw, Cann- da, Ouba and Mexico will chmge movement tov/u~d.better distribu- tion of um radio ways.All sta- tion:bx°ld¢8-iflinir between 700 and 1600 kilocycles will ebanzff, according to word sent out. Several le a !radio eshblllh- 'their kilocycle ratings in a. mass e rural districts;~ ,roomd board my be obtained with | leuant,comfortable surround- ngi;fourth, good churches hold ~ut n welcome in high school atu~ ~ents.Blair, with all her sdvan~ c o ~4 L |.r .s 0 c ouraging indu stry to c o me to Blair: one on the bea utific a tion of the c i ty ,espec ially the entranc es to the c ity ; one on en ter tai nme nt, includiI1S Chamber of Commerc e dinners,po ultr y shows,c o r n shwrs , an d var io us oth er line s of :interr.aimne11t.I n fac t,he plans to h i v e c ommi ttees enough to h x vu m v me mb e r o n s o me c o m - mitte e,Th e me mb er sh ip d ri ve , it i s re- shin m p .gre atly exceed th a t o f labs y u ;and,tak en a ll in ali, ¢vggyt1;{11§poi nts to a y e a r o f muc h adlivjty . ..r gea,is nn id w place !or L oungmanurwomnntotakethe ollege preparatory work. /~ W H E N Citrus Fruits are m e ls ur e d by "weight: and not by "count," hnmemakers un nsuertnin values more lcruntely.'I'l\err~ lore, SAFEWAY in pricing these foods by the "pound."Two Oranges of exactly the :mme size may lppnr the same in quality,but differ in weight due lo their iuice content. When buying them by weight you Actually get what you Ply (or.Another udvnntage this methad of pricing offers you in the ellminltlnn of pur- chasing mare than you need.Purchases do not VALUE/ 'N Q f&%2. rv" el°"T' O DAIRY CALVES" AVAILABLE About 50 rogistered,dniry_calvea will be offered for sale to Nebras- ka 4-H club members in Lincoln on April 12, according to an ax;-nouncement reéeived this week by County Agent E. D. Fahrney.An inter-breed dairy committee has been appointed by the various breed associations to outline plan!for the Hilo.The following breed ers are members of this commit.- tee: 0. H. Liebera, Lincoln; H. C. Noyes, Waterloo;H. H.Burkett, Lincoln;Vern Stinnette,Lincoln; E. W. Frost, Lincoln; and R. M. Bell,Lincoln.Extension dairy men at the College of agriculto and field representatives of th~ breed associations ure workin~ will1 this committee ..t |t price.You can select just the exact number " - you need-5, 12, I9 or whatever it is-:nd just the size you prefer. 0 Californin.NueI r ~Assorted Stnes _§-_-___---_-...-._-____ Grapefruit §£§;f:;~..§',:2i2"1§i1*;-_____-___ ~ Jotuthut Vnriety -.._-- ~ California-grotm _..-.._...... . .......... New Potatoes £:*;";~ .. __ . . . _ . . . . . . . ~ q - - ¢. . - - - - . . _ _ _ 2 6 LB. 51/2E -_-..LB. SC LBS. ISC Las. 254: ~ 7eRhubarb §:1.'f.°:~2:;'?.,'::.f,.....__,_.. - - - From This;He arty S ¢|¢c ti on O6 1~ Sprmg Patterns 0 TWEEDS I 0 TWISTS 0 WORSTEDS Single md Double BrcutedCund Slyla Thlt Wlll Rally Sul: Yop. SQ 500 s s u m A l ww A l 5 1 1 . 5 0 Chocolate §ffZ§'f3L___"nf-° 106 C!'BCl£€l'8 '§`§f{»,.%§'a»¢.-_236 Crackers ffi§°»i:§°'1'I=`2_'I'__.iif»T 19¢ Salad Dressing 3§§§'»"?.,--_15C Salad Dressing 3Y{2f'§{'ff'f§§32¢ Clo udSalad Dressing Quart ;~_,___l9c Beans 1'2::;'¢:~'s'::m-_--3;.": 1S¢ Macaroni or sm\Gm;'n'1 _.iii ISC 'Peanut Butter x l'i'£'i_.l9c Oleo Towle nma..__.___.2 é£.."I 19C Soap Pxllno\lve-_.......--._.4 'S2".¥ 17C 'l`oilet'l`issue sm._.»3 mn- 10C Tobacco Bnokln¢-__.__2 "'°'T|§ff l9c Prince Albert, Velvet, Kentucky Club F Those Who Winln | Mldb.33¢...m Sui! We Hnve TwoF m WhichBeluhfulLineamTo Choose. I. ~ .!i°xa"'S fui, ~4 in looks as if Hvrirls might be hem to stay-the lawns and ahrubbery are quite green.Give our regnd: to all, and poiutl.The contest wanjupervised by Prof. H. L. Shxdle with the assis- tance at the Dann College students who an mnjoring in commerce. Hn .nance -er o ~unc ,=»\,-...Bluffs, Iowa, visited Sunday with was fo um with. 11 n°i{=f-H:and Mrs. Omar Pedersen.A dessert Advartisn in The jgn g-p;-1"Mr.and Mrs. Jack Bruce.Fort Calhoun, flfth,mth eight luncheon concluded the event.It Bring! Results ma i li n g ~ M 6 8 8 Since:-ny, °Mr s .Chnunc ey Carl wry Dm Moore entenadned at cards, !ox- the H.G. L..Club, Thundly when prizen were |:|1 .|HNelson, Kennard, sec ond;Franc es Han sen , Her man , thir d. 7.Or a l spelling:Ma rg a re t A n n Nelson,Kennard,fi r s t;Pl.- trlc ia Beadle,Fort Ca lho un,sec- on d;Ha ro ld Ta y lo r, Cr ai g , th i rd . Kenn ard an d C raig exc h had 14 PERCJRS Wnler-pack. _.-.-._- Juice Eau?-€sa"5a_.---_,.2 Grape Juice c. & I-L Juice {~"3'»'i§'%u._.____..__ Red Beans m§ff_-__-.4 No. 10._Can 46-oz.Cans QuartHome 46.01.Cen No. 2 Cans No. 2%To m a t o e s Kitchenetle..._------CU* . ;Gnrdenside 4 No. 2 34c z7c 19C I9c ISC 10C 25c ..1 " " " ".~ ' f :4 . .f s f .~." " f "i ~f " ;. f . ¢ : . $ , "~- " . : . ~r :~c :.f ; ' § f ¥ -~~~31 2 '.5 ..-" - \ \~~r [ = | ' 0 [ \ E 1 ERE'S how Safeway does ir.Nor by guess. Nor by making some prices low _;- :' to attract you and others high to make an If ~:~ . extra profit. Nor by having them fow for a * x few days and high the others.Safeway -.g "I ~é5<e ~prices every item at the lowest point thatf~ .~~ ~"g ccsis wiil permit. . . at a ' '1 |_: ~our custo , 1 'b 41~~d f - f price that givesrnersthe benfif of all th `~we make. That'Q e savingss why Safeway prices arelaw on every ifem every day.No tricks. Just an honest eiiarf to give you the lowestP~prices possible on the finest Foods ovoilabfe.4 9 ~ ,~ ~~E;""~ z u .,er N| ;| . 2!»~( g 5 | . l C C r f e l -_ _ _ 2 c m sO l d M m ,C i d e r P e a c h e s l g h o l g g gigé ilc - _ -1 9 0 n o r °a t 'P 1 n ¢ a P P K n e w n C 6 f ; c f * - - _ _ , f % l § ~l n e g c z u u r 'BcF l o l l r ~~~~s e F l o a r ~" N o . 2 ~Aire,C 113i t i§§="y '1___---3 a('\F° D¢.>D'*""G r a p e l ' l l Te d) W if zh""1 13 l o g f gg-5 I S C R¢ u" 'lin Lv*r ...--"-2.JU L 0 f T C - - ' B r e a d 1-lb.n Let Us . Suit Y - 5 .1 ~ q \ ~I ~:#3 ! ¥ , ?j f *" .x . A.,."d r g n~f~=% ( ' \¢ 1"Q ! "~ .W a we W »¢ " D ~\. ax 'x T 1 :. x .fz l , * i .;~ . u = ¢ .I ~ ~ .'"~ .\ ' !§»I I * Y *i .~~:?:.:.=.¥..2 , .. .{ Y 5.r i a . In .€ P ,:'~r ~ mf#~J W é fl fl s s s ,x ~~~f m f r'.L.~.Lag !"~: f f . . » § . , ? . ; l .v » ~4 2 , y ~ .r: § !* f 5 ~ L .\. Coffee £};"g,l3c Coffee §',,,';-g'_;_2lc.___ C ~Folgm. utler-Nui.o CC mu..,-1 n».cuns< §_"; 37c "m 414: .312 47: Ivory Soap YNP 5-»»»`3;,.'£»€_ L s ;I2C . § . f ~O a t !B u c k e y e . . : - - . . . . . . - _ . _ . . . s '=°'° s 'f~§1§~:43¢ _'SE 371:Medium °"" "Honey Strained.--...-------..... .2221 2lc G r e e n B e a n s ~ 2 " ° ' ' l i c P C B !§1L'L?;'J"&'..»».,__-__.3 £ 1 3 ~ Spinach §."}f'15'1m ---2 "Eli 25: Sllrimp~ \¥ZI"2L" »'1'?f;--_--2 'é'I.1 35C Corned Beef Anw».._-fa: l9¢ Ketchup nau._.._-__-.2 éifit. 3Sc s»|r:If;-'°a:':'".J:?§________!%l'.'1sc Cereals |'5.1"Z.'§I§'¢'.-"Z'§L'I'_.m IOC Corn Meal Mummy um .____'5."? 1.2¢ '.| 1 Emu ~-n». me s A r E w A Y ' s qwnfwd-ow/111/MEATS Smoked Picnics Na, 1 I-'int Gnde. Tender-l5c LB.protested, 6~ to 8-lb. Each, Cello-vu-lpped_.._.________,__ nailing Beef §:a"::~ ~ ~ Cenler Rib Cuts_--_--~La l9c kG r u n d M e a t , L ; : ° , , §'?:S,:",'2,§§"eu -......._,_-Ln l5c La loc Beef Roast B¢s¢C|\u»:kCuL|-_--__..___--'---LB.20c Sliced Bacon 55233_§'§§,'*;,&,,_La 22: Cod Fillets ,2;'£.°§,.'*,;,, -....._....._...._..__1.B.19: S A F E ~ A Y i i i ?_' H`éliry` Henricksen 6 TONS loose wild hay, about 5*tons oats hay.Louis Schenk. 60 :West. Nebraska St.12~1tf FOR SALE:Home-irrmvn yellowblossomsweetclover'seed.$3bu. J. P. Rhea, Arlington. 12»2t I:EAR L M ATS lawn turo $1gardencollectionpackageandLbulk seeds; onion sets; bug dust; |Pioneer Hybrid com. Roy DP,l"R'| All other facts went blank to " ``r i bthe Blairibos exceptthzt one P°§"*;'§m¢tfaf§fn;'d§e "'§§f§`n1 'Zn "on the Lincoln Highway" wluchiycsur radio to fit tg" new readings. ' r o o A Y ' s M A n K E ' 1 f s GrainsNo. 1 wheat __--___....__'i6c has caused furor, no end. Like a flash the old scrap of getting (and keeping)highway US 30 running through Blair was brought to mind.And with it goesthefact of which the locals are No.2 yellow tnl.!1 ____53¢ duly proud that the real U. S. 30 Burley _____ [also known as the Lincoln High-1Ryc __________-we ___....3T¢: iz-1: way) goes thrtugh Blair and mat' Halo, per 100 lbs.._.h.;Omaha is merely located on "U.|Prudllce |F0R SEALS:Sbadrtuéx y==Ie qc S.30 Alternate"The Lincoln Eggs _____________.___171gggmuNi i i m """°'"&z-£l¥Highway, which is the old foren.1n»Cream _____.__________.-3u<: I ner of U. S. 30 has no §1ltcrn§a.tea Heavy hens ______...15c ~~n g ;K e r -u u b g u c a 0 \ s ¢ . | | B u v s a l v u a u u n g I e g " U r " II C H !Q n e l s .R _ ]L i p p i m m .1 1 - 2 1 °B e t t e r S u c k t o M a m a g e ,I - I a v» | Y o u n g r u o s t e r a Ctr..F Q R S A L E :G o o d d r y w a l n u t O l d m o b i n m . _ f e n c e pcga tq._l s o s q r p e £0_Qfi ; u \,10c | ] ( i c o r p u s S A 5 s Parfoction BlendFrelhly Ground 1 lb" l8c 2 lbs 35c ES-SHOES 98-$2.79-$2.98 .9s.$z.s9.$3_zs SAS Q I I u. ,'f < . r n r I !".A H . M - w w w ax Beans "é';..'8c ~kies Mixed ,,,,,. loc ilet Tissue Roll 41: h$,,'E€..'}';2'l,dies 15 oz. Pkg. 9c ards Each Sc °.lb l9c . . . . ,lb 40c ESE lb 17c tx-as"that you get e.We are pleased to e and our delivery ~e the privilege,we - convenience of pay- th.These services- : hould be considered ping. a .~_w ,=v "=~~°: ~~~ -E R w o u n s n e ~ ERE'S how Safeway does it.Not by guess, Not by making some prices low' to attract you and others high to make anf ' extra profit.Nor by having them low for afew days cnd high the others.Safeway.f.. 1 ~prices every item ot the lowest point that ~~.~~casts will perm it._ . at a price that gives~~our customers fha henfit of all the savings.~ ~we make. Thot's why Safeway prices are ~low on eve item every da . No tricks. ry y ~Jusf an honest eliort to give you the lowest/~p r i c e s p o s s i b l e o n f h e f i n e s t F o o d s a v a i l a b l e . ,5 ! ~ .I cott..11-2V.' A 6-ROOM HOUSE completely modem and in "wwf shape, cx- cdlant location,00.00.12-lt N. T.und & Co. COWS AND HEIFERS Lhree fresh noon.c., D. Nidwlson.1mi.south McCarthy School. 12-lt' CHINESE m m s .6-12 ft.inh e i g h t , s t a t e ~Cheap.Lawn or wind relk.Phone 29835.E h ;Rubens, 11~4t'Tekxmnh, Ncbr. N OTICES ""`1 BAKE SALE.Saturday,March29, me office. Golden Rule Cir~cle. benefit Chrinthn °""""h 1: FEAM WORK and garden plow» 5418.328 E.Stats,Fr!-nk H. Stricklett.Blue sas.11-ev ma THE HEAVY corn mlka thisyear gy" will need n vary shup disc.e :vu them shun on qurpowedulpnsarvllsr.Bnngthem in now. You will mn llsrtHeld work Miller Mmk. 10~8t° LOST:I-»ldy'|lvlsckvf-\rl|»,°°°'Lrinlnlt bill fold th dnvar'|license.Calll Enle lvdw 12-It ONLY $73 nays entire ce on smnl ginno which an seenin B . Priced tn mlldk gx1e_Buy terms. wma Omaha Pumoc¢.. su. South mn Sc.. Om-1=-. Nehr.12-n \ .W E ~S A V E y o u m ¢ ! l ¢ Y o n - - - From This;He arty S ¢|¢c ti on O6 1~ Sprmg Patterns 0 TWEEDS I 0 TWISTS 0 WORSTEDS Single md Double BrcutedCund Slyla Thlt Wlll Rally Sul: Yop. SQ 500 s s u m A l ww A l 5 1 1 . 5 0 'xo-11 'FARM uomqs,Privaw funds, m r v w e .e ' f § Y u °s e N .T .L u n a a c o . \EBEKAH BAKE SALE dishRxwwels and anmns for Eaawrlnd Mothefs Day gills. Gan O!-fice, sacurday. Av s,12-zz \PIES,baked w order.Phone whine 2 20. Mrs. num mg 'FURNITURE upholnuing, refim iahinz.repairing, an euung,rug work, mauusen, ew. Phone Blua 151.Georg; N. Hiller. 12-L! Fl.-A.:».,.LRlNG,m y kind .gf re-m'W0r¥. done bv W. J. Inm- |,210 Wea:Nebr.m m ._Phone Red 104._12-1: PLOW LAYS and planter nmnen mluyed. Mnka umm like new.10-St'Mi\ler Munk. F Those Who Winln | Mldb.33¢...m Sui! We Hnve TwoF m WhichBeluhfulLineamTo Choose.WANTED I. ~ .!i°xa"'S LIGHT HOUSEWORK ldnn; by hour Anna \=h|.Jncobson.408 No. Wnlker.12 -w SINGLE MAN wlnta work onhx-gx nelr Arligixfqn. inquire of -.~.=.Lr£m$.m1an= 1 1 _: ' f ' €. I § . . ~ ' -- & _ _ _ ; $ » fI . r