03-13-1941.v ¢\
'rllcafy of[s\.a{A.ia
Washington CountyMareLocalNewspictures
Than Any Other Weekly
u 0 lg
oil Dlstrlct
fCCs \'lan§To:
lemonstrate Z
leetings KT ScheduledI
For March 17,18
~And 19 ,..
Slx Woodlaflld demonstrutlnnleetlngnforMarchl118and 19
.._.\.uma Soil
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Severll easlarn Nebnlh ww-tlas will meet ln Fmmont onW
and mem! ol combltlngthe
weed which in Int 9-pnulinl ov
the umm pm o! the shoe.Arrangements will be mnlk nt
mn meeting m form districtstlmn
nudly.much 19, to ¢u|¢u»nnY
enabling the stricken dlgtrlctfedeIlht-get ml mmstlnw ln the s
ing ol lhls planel'wveredWaahmgtnn county is
mth hindweed, not | singletown*
map escaping and it isspreldil'\K~
"Q,.~,Z Mu One bindweed umm nwbeen
formed in 'lhe county but the work
~;\m not fnllowed_up and thusno
...-.'results wereobtmned.num.-ul nhould be lormed
Homesteaded On Yo rk
"Creek In 1869.Born
In Sweden
Mrs.John G.Erlkson,well
known in Llus county, pulsednwxylntheFremont hospital lut
Thus-sdly, March Gth.At her
death she was pastseventy»se\'
en yearn ofage.Funeral services were held at
the Rose Hill chureh Mondaynfl.
evening for that members Lum
'ruesalay evening wluch provedto
be |ml mecca Plenty o!podLlungs to sat tunpud the appa-txtes ol those pruult at the 6 30
meal and this wu lollnwod by A
socialevenlng.A nmdnnca resentgood a wus pand the evening was a very ple!!l
The Congregational youngpeo-l 'll we d I
Died Mar.6 u,,,..;~
pc wx a n Ayoung pevpesmeeting at the PlymouthCongre-.,___\ .t....-h an Omalm.next
J. L.Jensen
Well Men
Blair.Man Succeeds E
pillion Driller In Stab
Wide Organization
Jens E. Jensen, A memberad
H. H. Bmw" wall drllllng fin
Blair, was named presidentof
Nebraska Well Driller:Ass#tion at A meeting held ln Ll:
last Friday. Jensonsucreedx
A. Hom nfPnpilllon.A number al' years agn H
Brown of this city and Dr.C
Condra of the Unlvendty of
o 11 \an s
IB lU\.l\.D\.|H....:vary farmer and landowner will
un an opportunity to observes the
work being dons.
fha following meeiins plmea
where thinning md prmmlns will
In demon rlfL hmnbeen an
anamoed by Boy T.lm!!¢i
Diirivt Fnrnlttr:
lure!rub;I.n¢s mmm#2 hir 168 nldh nd hun
win at mam pw 4.A 1:
12:b0;fini.roa 0\n*8\
mm.twvn:!he|~nfen and one uilh
no¢§M Br 1:00 p m.to3:81
r me sum L eruns.J.E.JENSEN \Bm .d ;.l;*;m;§;
The EAC awwPATRQLRAS BUSYWEE]\....n. nu»~#=-1..fez="\2¥'f""'!'§°'1;.."¥;.L¢...`1"?..'l"'IKI,,,,|,|,.¢\¢h\n¢¢\l.
~\~~°-"°"'""""""""""')ll8.LlPl'H'3 m¢¢¢fur.13»nmdhe|!w\\l¢=°.nnmxs SHOULDER prow: w », que ax »»-.-num-
I ~an »...=~f;~§;=;m.§\!~..£_YE._......3.§..Z\_.._niw.w\Mnrx.wimer.lv
UVA;........hmm menu W1 ¢:.
loan yuan <=»m_asa
iwe;;rm~dad as fo '°"""""""'""mmwwl --.._-___
~**"°°°°°*""°=*""§L""w'\»°°'¢»m-a»»dv¢.ua°I'""'"'""a naman.we
.._.\...|..|.unmlhlh ~om,enum.
Dramatic nenthm
|'.., an---'--I -
lmdx 1st.hw.A.=*=v
om hh
~9:60 ». sm wl2=00;Hnrold fini
hm svn mimi wma of om
l rn. us 8:30 p. m._.rch 19Kim.:Bm.Ian
we mile south 01 Highway 80|
Hixlwiv a1 emo n.m.w mb
C.B.llielsrml huh.N0 mi!
west ond two miles south of Fe
Calhoun 1:00 p.m. on 3:80 p.1Visitorsareinvitedtompany one of th demomtrltlonn a
time during the hom mmtim
Personnel 01 the Pnplo Distr
wvnl be proaent to explain 1
work Mins done.
1900 dxinhnsPLACE
With only a shun time rem:
ing in which to place orders
ClarkeMcNary Lreea Con
Agvnv. E.D.Fahmey said to
that orders in this county n
1900.Thr wmplrh lm M trees
fenrd for wlndhn:ik plantings
spring may be uhmined tug
cr with application blanks at
lnhrneys ofhce.This year for the first timeClarkoY\lcNnry progrnm is o
ing wild plum for spring pingandamplestocksareavailableeventhoughthe
alnady a condderable den
[h<~ wild plum provides nhandywicketoiahnxbsor
areas.and is good eopeciall;4~ror1iun control and for wil(
pmmrlion;the fruit is edible
ing to the shr\|bs value.
ln a loctl ellminxdon cthisweekeighteen81nrgraderscompetedforthe
ol repvxrmndzig Blxlr gn \.l
y 5]
whom ohhh!writillluntel
Ennl liekzm nan ~ananmm~will mBw:mths ants meet nrblnM¢Conmz!\y»Viola J4
Plmyllis Johnson and Arlem
The ice in the HiaadurlIf
sw on break up Lm Sl
unch szh. and at this um
pnnucslly clear except fo
ing ice.A gorge formed near F~
houn which threatened u
trouble for a tim!but
from um seotion indicate
danger from it hu passe
Mr.and Mn.Tom Bl
Tekxmah are reponed t
covering niwy from ini
oeivd in an automobilet
lldan thne week:ngo.wellknown in this nom
Bddwln having formefl;
in amr.
public power and mlgnuun din
Kennlrdf mallnhs.nun dir
qualified for ovniimsHunorousuction:Beale Vw
Dennu md H1161 HcNsir Cll
hmnx Jem Sullivan.Harman lb
pdor.Pnhddn West wlhtjorleWhitneyGrail.H
bebbert and Viola Petersm Ben
nington Haul Hnmlxom Ken
llent.One disqualified for avir
l nmd Ill.Cldwlin Calhoun.dl
m of
rn on.[ln nted
G.Exlempmmoons:John w»=4»
Herman snpaiar.Gordon Claw!
en Calhoun excellent.
lnterprelnlhe Urltnry:Bet
linden.Bumingwn nupulvr.
Floyd Burrell Craig Sylvia PMI]
sen Bennlngwn excellant.Eanh school also enmmd a cne
act play ln the rontcst.
Cnllmun limgust :mn.\\~:\~v»~1
Among the many onboftown
relatives and friends atwndingthafuneralofMrs.Martha
IIriksen_Mvnday W1e Mr.and
Mrs.Pete Anderson Mrs Oscar
Ferg and Nels Nelson of Hartlngton;Mr and Mrs Oun Nelson
and daughter.Dorothy of New
Castle Nabfnsla;Mr.and Mrs.
Nels Lindskog of Lincoln;Mr.
and Mrs.Ole Peterson anl Rev.Guleen of Fremont.;Mr.and Mn.
Earl Jana of Craig;Mr.and Mrs.
.Andrew Hoginaon of Hooper;mnMrs.Bertha Hugendom of Co\m~
cil Bluffs.
\LYCHEAARDED\s gomnsmr
Walter Lyr)il5f the Dana Col
lege hculty hu hem awlrdad
an 8hour government nymgschulushipwhichwillmlitlehim
tn privaur tlylng inxtflldnn.Hs
is inatnxcbor in the C. P. T.gmund
course in additiun to hil dutiu an
Pmfeswr of phyliu and maths
mntia at dm eollegv.
The Fontshella school board d
directors hu elected Miss Elda
Wilson w nerve u principal and
upper room instructor for the com»
ing year.Miss Alberta Otteman
will teach the primary grades.
The dnta of the Henna mm
munity Father md Sun banqlln
hu been cwged from nm
Thursday evsxing m Pridxy
Much 21.The event.in w be
given by the Hermm Methodin
A shipment of 6321 lbs.nf
gnham flour and 2058 lbs u!
wheat ceraal has been recently rs
celvsd at the commadity swre for
distrllmtiun to penunl on relinl.
.;.c:D;lna.Coeds Vie For Regal Crow
~um JOHN.G.Emxson
son wax born Ln Jernnlwrz Sock
en Vannlnnd Sweden on H17 81\1868.Wlth har parents she uns
w America.landing on America:
wil on Ma Sl.lB68 her fifth
madiuwly to Moline Illinois but
later w Florence Nabnlkll Here
they remained until Odaber of
1869 when they :mme to this mun
ty and homeswaded up on York
Cnet.She was manded July 9.!88l
w John G.Erikwn who pasasd
away twenty»!ive yen5 ago.Her
married litqwu xpvnr. an the farm
up York Creek uuixtiiel the death
of har husband she continued to
rcalde there.A daughter Mrs.
Otto Nelson passed away four
teen years ago.Three sons and two daughters
an left. to mourn her deuth.TheyareAndrewM.llrikson of Nico
lnua California;Emil B.of Oml
nhl;Mrs.Ruth Forsberg uf Blain
Carl J.of Ilexman; and Goldie W.
Eriklon of Sioux City Iowa;al
so six grandchildren and other
Far the paafqnineteen years she
made her hams with her daugh
ter Mis.Fomherg.
Sixteen members of tha Blair
Rotlry Club md their wives were
guests of the Omw Roury Clnh
M. A dinner at the Fonunalle Ho~
ul lat night (Wednadny).Ab
tonding the dinner was over Awe
hnndnd penom coming from
more than twenty :mms ¢hxwsl\~
out Nebrrllkl nad vrcdarn lawn.
Fvllowlng the dinner tha Rd!!
imni and their RouryAnna wennutsof the Omihl Club nt the
OmnhxMinneapolis Hockey Guns
at the AkSnrBen colllneunl.For
the hulk ol the Blxlr Rohrlum
the hockey guna wu nome¢hing
new ind the enffiftainmei hlthly
enthused the loul visitors.
A nnarriage license was issued
by County Judge John A.Carri
sw.Wednesdny tn Anne Schlnpfer And Alfred Dickmeyer ol Arl
S J R.Vinekd onwr.snvevvdUmStateVisualEdnadofn pmheldltLineolnIntSuarly.His topic was "OurPresent
Nadi,-the FilmUh-nry."
'DO ME'rHoms'r
George Heddlmi who ;nan¢lYundnrwwcusopantinnforbrlih
tumor at thu Omnhl Cluhvn Kos\
pitd was moved on Wednesday |Ihe Methodist Hosplw for a nada
of Xnys.He in much lmprovadincondltluxandexpectstobe
A quuberly meeting of the Fort
Cnlhuux Mena Club wu held
Mondxy evaning wltb a representativeof the Omxhx John Deere
Co. ghuwing several muviel.Lub
ér in oyner supper was served.
Four new members joldng thu
group at Lhat time were Curtis
and Gerald Dixon William Saver
kruhbe and Mr.smml.1
yblrthdny.The funny wont lmxble w return to Blxir in n few
No.1 Wheat _ _ _ ._.No.2 Yellow Com ._Om ._._ _ _ _ _as
Barley _.___Rye _ _..__ _ _ _ _Kdo per 100
Butterfat.--_--.__-__..___--EH*-----~------._-_.__-Hsnvy Hens .._..._._...Ymmg Raostens _Laglwm Hens .._Old Roosters
Five Wxll Compete Fm'-
Dana College Honor
sho illb¢mov|db0thl§Qllr
Nearly fifty WashingtonCoun-
ty teeden mgndcd a recentmeet-
lng of :ounty stockmen,yofinz
unuximouly to organize a
ers group.Board members.
Enfr6in the seven wwnwpg p
nuqbed nt the m&¢il18»do
ll R Baden.Bllllr tvP~i\
Kruger Calhoun twp.;R.J;~$lp~
plnsatt Cumlng City twp.;W.A.
Suavenwn Fantanelle twp.;Mon
gan Rasmumen Grant twp.;Bill
Human Uncoln wp;md Ham
Wridh Rlghlmd twp.Bound mem
hars will later be chasenafrom
Herman Arlington nesuebwma
Sheridan twps.f._\.
KRUGER Es'1'A'rEb»
A highly successful ssll§waa
held by the E.F.Kruger num.Thunday with Tnylor & Wells ui
_The mgetlng Fridly vu held at
Nebraska Hsll nn the Unlvsxdty
campus with 207 in ntundnnu.
Herbert Brown Russell Qxxisun
nn John Rosenbaum md J.BL
Jensen represented tha Blnir 11|m.
The men baud dlacusalons on
irrlgstlon generll well drilling
problems and hook put ln a quas
tion box discussion.
Herbert Brown of Blnir mn of
H.H.Bmwn welldriller vu lp
pdnbod on the auditing bond
éuring the wane of the Aanociv
ticns business meeting.
oLegxslature ls
Hearmg Bulls
Effecting School
Ten Bills Introduced In
Legislature Relative To
Nebraska Schools
A short summary d tenbllI».~»
now pending befor, the at-lie RK'
Fremont ln \ ¥Summa rim# islam:B will lnterwl the readers
brought from $1450 ro $15.26 perlof The Enterprlse.Thw are in
head;ill]Din $9.60 in 1052.A|\xggnnooshmouthmsnbrwxhi$150 xl 3_an
a Shonhom bull $102 and ww;up Intended us improv;uhnininnv
w $91 tion ol mu nrlmol undo md
Aman;the mmchinary and imp funds;Wmm the wvlwmwl gto0la»oldwI~|mmvll|.r$21;n\d |mury m me Bum A
pour drill at zmso;1 www Eduwdow Lind:and mm
plow Su;mmme npruder 8102;(I.milf?a gsm wr yen)me
thxuhlng gqpnnwr 8850;#W we mmzxmx emvloyeea one tw
wr and mltlvnwr $l5I;mm ldmlnilwr fund:and me mhz:
elevnwr #180:and oats bzvqdxv. 5 mrnlnlmr 1md._
40cperbuxhd.(Pmnxnmt School Fund nw
mmm roxlmlhsl $11
SCHOOL oF $5 .¥.§5»»»....»i...M2
.1.53 nl .mr1NsmUcr1oNHEREllndgue\52fl._1
as ns
;~f:=:;.2=.m»=»~~~»=»~U!amy -udminllhvfi u nhmhnv mpai.
mnvmins ~mnmmnuhimem
~\.nTh:sebme¢\.lng:Ire J of n!l d and mm nmounling u>
At Spnng Prom rezvlu vrvznm.mv mee\aw 0 ymly.sw oo the
weekly md take up nrlovu lines nchools.)L.B.72
After m\xehlaHtmiD\\%0el¥f|m 1_1¢1|mum ..Kl=i13z.5v andlam for nm school 32 xmuuufi Ed.m.f Tod provide bf §;_{§;llezs Hly Queen were chosen pgrvlndon of 1 umpexlor olliur.~ment u an Un .1last~.Tha meetings Ire not held *M on.Pe K
yPopular vow of the Itudent body
will demrnulne the May Queen
whose ldenlity will be \seem untilLcoronatlonceremonyatthe
spring prom to be held May 2.
The remaining Nur will be |tl.elld~
Min Didavum v.graduate of
Huuzhlron High School la a
mambo:of the Luther mmeDnmlticsClub.Pep Club md
choir aswell aa cheexluder.Nexi
yalr¥Di¢ty u she is known by
her friends will unter uunel
training.Dlminutlve and blond.
|member of dm choir.U*b
League Pep Club and WAA and
|gndnnta of Knnhnld mga
Bdsm!il Rams Ssndvvld.
Anne Dlgge the only andldxte
wha la not x fnahmln ls n gudnunaof Donny High School of Los
Angela md hll had one yeds
wnrk st the Las Angeles db
~.n_...»...na yuwrdly.Bgvs
one place but axe dxmged *\
this wed(wmlng ho Blain
Art G\udANU P1 Prl»00r af
Am Auw Parts neatly Suv
ghM L\l8r?nner ;»df»\;;
ea prop;on
_§_nd m doing mme rilher
v provunsnv.hkhmflylnfnlt.This .eaummny:nd aomforhble h for
Nm with eonsldnsble _;nf
mm.(Property ncqmdred lor publicpowerdistrictslowgoesof!thc
the tax rolls.There should be nreplacementforthislosslnww
L. B.zuTosubmitwnstitudonll amend?
mmt limiting pmperty ina w r
mills in runl neu 15 milk ln
cities and villnges.L a 28|To pmvlde a new setU11 for
gavoming equliuhle disufbvdm
of school funds mndmny other
wma.\\me funds for mheinmnz ul
NIELSEN ro f a : :
:coNnUcr BIB *y
SERIES 52%nchooln.nam
Rev.Erhnnit Nielsen ol _o
hem Luthmrm Church.<_n
ville Iowa will conduct ierlas
ol Bibls Shxdlu at the 15:Luth
\~._L ...un nm inllj ktudv
To provide for a sfldnawl in
come ax on w1nal md corpornbeincomes.:mmm ua M
wed as replmemmc ul nrvperbhxes.Personal inwme starts al
$1oowlfh2%ux al1dnmsu»
mv;fm smno or more.Corpor
re insnd.
r in |
Dtout l'l.lll.||\.c
C gnTo
n'l"ii'§`l_g_neei .Will Raise Money For
Troop And Pack
A timwe campaign for BOY
Scout Ir |>No.148 end Pack
No.115 of Bm:is planned for
next week According ta Seouunu
ter Donald Yost.The drive will
lsst from Monday thr0\lKh Slim!
day.The esmpslgn whose goslis $200 will be sponsored and an
ned out by the Boys Committee
of Rotary.Members of this committee.in
cluding Karl Christensen usdxnlb
mnlilnirs Scouting patrons.
ntributor will he issued a Sus
taining Membership Card for 1941.
with nll contrihinions on a vol
csrv basis.The money raised in the cungnwillcoverthefollowingex
Vernon F.Bellosu and Reed
Hanlon Sr..plan to raise the
ney through a canvass ofs
ll pais ses:1.bowl Scouts share1
support of the Boy Scou
uncil which promotes Scoutin
this area:Z.Insurance main
nance and improvement of th
out Cabin ond grounds: 3.Print
r be
gack.This fund will not be used
subsidize the boys personal e
#mul ln Scouting These expe
e following re registration
at hxdividwial dues program.which the boy receives in_re
the .;
Bun .mggazme 75c badges
thi advaneunmt prolnlm.30¢:und mm;md 1s¢.
Mr. and Mrs. HenryLnnghontunelle celebrated their1
day when relatives gathered
spend the evening st cards
if visiting.A beautiful vaseis
ne ltlrflol!spread and tsblo lamp were psented the honored couple and
sl the close of the event the guonC
Y make
o be
served a luncheon.
Among those present were
Longhorns wedding attendsnns|11
Wilkening;Messrs. and Mesdn
G. Sthweder and Edna H.Wilk
ing and Henry Jr.W.Wilken
Elmer Bertling and son Del
Emil Lnllman and family Cl
ones Wilkening O.A.Langho
and June.Gilbert Rowe and I
ily Otto Kruse and (emily Da
Stranger rdsughter Bd
bent md ughben Louie
snd Albert Lsnghorst H
Pseper and family.
I rnlsproud to claim as on
uvz and supplies for the 1r9n sm;
p .n
sese are covered by s be weel;lyor
urn F0for
following yesr Blk subscrip
to Boys Life Boy Sant
;and in
tieth wedding anniversary.Thurs
Miss Anna Langhorst and William
IQ D.u.lsxqxsus.
Newton W.Gaines of Lincoln.
nn whom Wuhlnlwn county
o o!its
nt ny.u:ou¢f\\lfoslnsr residents
featured by Culylo Hodgdih
ldHerald Farm Editor ln the
R.F.D.column Mondsy.
Newt has just completed the
paralleled record of having de
red s speeeh in every city
vm villsge and hsmlet ln No
radm.His work ls eommunlh
rganization ln the agricultureextensionserviceandhetalksu
nn groups rnonly but also ol
occasion to business and profes
sional groups of all kinds.Behr
enterkig the extension service h
ght school in Washington courservingfor s time ss superir
dent of the Kennsrdschools.
Dana music students have ti
public appearances scheduled 1
the coming Weds.The college choir will sing
ight oelock Sunday evening
eie Kennard Lutheran chur
psrntory w starting on 1
ng wut of the eastern stat
o admission will bs elwrxod.i1
e Kennard community is invi
On Tuesday evening March
e violin ensemble composed
Dum students will present A IgrnrnsttheHillCrooksch
The public is welcome w att
mis concert also.
The Pontxndls Pss1uf»Tea
on iodnsd tha Nidse
for the regal;minorysv¥~
Willvn oi Waterloo ki
as the lndlnn Woman of the
braska Federation of Won
Clubs was presented in A pro|showing Indian life and d
On the vmfrnm committee
Mr.end Mrs.W.A.Stow:
and Mr.and sm heir.All:
The Amedoan lagion will
hrste its annnsd birth anur!with A ard vm?1
Legion Hall.next Tualdly
ing March 18.Auxllhrybersmdtheirhulbtndssi
glonnsirea uid their viva
been lnvilal to Ybe celeb
The party which is bo be
eight oclock.will he col
with the servinz ol reins!
piended by the lsdiil.
Fifty Purple Pepperspsniedby eleven Blsir sch..|.........r..»smmdnl th
of Mil
mer\y of
mek The
when Mr
Fort Calhomfn city cmxndl wil\
vow April 1 on we question ol
whethu any quot besidm BDU
my be uid by tho drink within
Lhs city limits.This move il b6
mg ma/dz in nsponle to 5 pediion
prwenwd at l reeem.amncll
my m=.............___A buketblll wumxment in Fre
mont Wednesday evedng of hm.
week.Following the wnwri.the
Peppers md the Bldr High upVmm gathered as Ps\1»vw|lar s
Lute mppaf.
The ivdzing Of the muy;of the
SSW contest sponsored by the V.
F.W.mmilsry and The Emg
#f .1 sy~\iUll¢5v|~for ~Um \..|lll.llC.lh Wluu w §~;AUIU A\Yl 2 00
~chosen as I an f S nday ¢uiI1S me starts at 3 10 at
Annan is BBB Oi the biggelt._h8QPY ~un .31 ..l....will GUI!:11\¢in 15%UTI 515.000There¢ent mnrr\l8¥
lazy Jung Heblrd.for
Arlington now ol Mlm
to William H. Curx duo
vru made known Baia 1
Wlddlng wok plu th¢
of February ln thaPWD
gregxuaml dlutd th
will reside in lilunl
Cox is building a hom
;of my life.Cemmg mmm m.uw ........_______ ___cloaelt w mving mul qxpahwre dnua thmugh Fridny z.L.B.378
for uw iw of queen in Violl linda 21.\(fo :swim |v:hoo\baud;no pulf
__._ cm mm Thus stmliu wm begink "l:80 ~proceedings of chdr meelim#
Juul who wu mnnurvv ........queen At. Blah High last year;she
won due Nebruln Church School
I scholarahlp and her extra ¢urrlcu~
lar activities on the campus in
clude WAA Pep Chxb and Luther
League.Although mo modmt to
nmddm any of her previous hnn
en;\e\ing dth an i vi¢§iionin legax new ...extunded to ine public ~ayuni ig 379anyorallof the meetin xg.To eatnbliah_ x Temhar I
Ng# 101mer resident of Bl Rav.m§yH¢¢m ansI:e\ama\¢a_claen in 1 graduate of nity y»one wa now
Sssmilmry.He .wan n wr at f/6$éJf§L§»..12TZf$
LE ..3..fff .£S.Z3 ..in protected by retirement.N
\\».. ¢m4i¢1h .in nution
[IMQEQQ,V i r g i n i h f n e d e n e n d i d ; ° 1 " ; ' \ ° ° " ' ~M l L l u ;" P . . . _r " ' 1 -l l - _a n s !11 n o m ~v n e 1 -l a n g ;Avs u uu v_c o m p o Y n l e _.m e 'Lim l \ 2 § _ B . e u'\.X § m N 0 § n 'QEQQ..firmer of thel Q Q Q£\b ¢|g f
|9f f...§.d.f f&.£. \..f..f.3 fff .......
Cxndidates (or Dana Cllllege void Morehead,howl;Anno " I W "'"°------»:Mny Queen, pictured above, left Dle ,Sidney,Mont.;Vinh.dnmbfounded in tll my me .Shi weI\-recommended, "="';° \-j' me nnnunnnua n._ ,__to right, lm:llurhl Di de neu, " ,if Blnir;md Vh-gi nh Pld-in 1 member ol the choir and sw-usunl xuceau in condu ~ thx! BRASKA?)
Huuhinlrm, Mlm.; Bbml sand-§|.'.g|¢St. Plnl, lllnn.!\he WA.A.`~
,na r y u type uf mldy series.i\\ \'Contimud on Page FourCxndidatesf>rWB\\|Aurtmn nm .»week One b f 54 br ans tha Fort Calhoun uemewrv mm. ul un wqn ____________brought $7 n. round 7 sold for 34;cixthm scwrdlng lo ln.Alice make tha declnidn4headn$4.50 md x buck Trlller |ecre!tfY The :union The winning any vm rwwbm¢m $10.will be held nt dm Cslholm 1lbnlY In next w\ek|Enuwdn L 5 .I .aL
' a f
Ne Munh 13
The annual meeting olthe Kan-
iEnnne |ml Mr. ln dM n.GI m F h UMnnd In Plt Sherwood and G I'l' l€y F8 2 5
dsnxhters of Omlhl vmm Har"";__p $ ° ; , § ' = ; ,mepna.;\E n r a l l e m e n t l n~ P ~ R A M s A ' r . \o s e I I
~~-~und 480 persons*O r u m N o t ¢ $
H e r m a n N e w s
Herman Womln Nate; Slut
Wednesday.March 5.m a r ~
, _ , , -
- 1 1 1 :
limi-r'| Ltlding Newspaper
.~ ~ |
~wd of nda t the
y eveMAcn
- ~ >
evgnlng : was
The V. F. W
C. U: C00
mmiseMond1|Y»when Ellenora L°;°":_';';|shé¥ii£' _hi}lhd-of Mrs.Alice baturuay .1 I l .......,... _ 0 _.M vlrnhm Ad!-ml husb-
r ,ed resndent;ve A la d h eniored the day rs.1 \av evtlrf was ~Efice-preddenil l"d1 mh°=Z'£L¢;3@§Her da\1|I`flf»°l-ess to the Tuesdav afternoonl County farmers were urged Lhis
'°£`f'"'£J fi"$§`;'$;Jengen,secreta.l'Yff¢33°"" HIS.§ " é H'*'€$°§of do§;r11h:1:bri§!l;: °§:'l'2&~.'§'L»"{,=°§'".n.1 dnuarh-W°¢|¢ by County Agent E: ~ Ftzhr
'ad for S€mi".*"P°"t t e Y wi er an i.°Mundi at theneY to enroll in the 1941 'aa re-~ °'~,.§2?'§;;'i§,.'§~ 'Lf a »~=»»=~==f; fl"°"°"'"" :::;°ilfs: *az °»§_?,§§'. ; ' m '.2.,.in a'. m of Forage-lL3§~f¢5t0¢\<12f°=f°'".The
Mrs. M-7mod refreshment; committee were m'i n ;lla 223 Gladys,and Mrs. Trinlett's birthday.lpnagrarn is educalwlml.with no
don Mhi an '?M Arthur Jensen rv,a M Yun a nd M i a Misa Lillian Hansen who 11" "mgula.tion3" and only n few "m"f of Ari- appoxnted.rs.1 Mr.'mx Ti* f émalu and mr. been vary ill at the Blair H°W""?l'plS step: to be followed in orliur
Rei Niel-WB-5 hos1'»¢B8, at the ou.;;":.§"§?`.}°"P oStolcea of Blair.lf°"°"§>'l'§»= an |pp¢nd&CiomY 'alto become a cooperator;in
sons,'°'r.'wi'§°». anal ¥, Mrs Alice Arnold spent s~»»~"`°`§1.and M m Granvilla Dom 32532 °;:§mt§ff°i;mumnni§ouz
ADDl¢bY3\\.I . l 5.=.I na....\..., ...ni.. Mv :md H!l.|anr¥rhildren Of Teklmnh warg . ..-_._...a 1:»..¢+.\.df 'fhn
Duwxus an u1.\vnu ...___ __ka .I. 18 79, at the po stof fic e at B lair , Ne hru:
RSUAY lauraPUBLISHED Evrmx xnuz hmm£1 PublisherRHGA D E S . E d i to r a n .~2 \ r n . \ 1 " \ l . '-2 .Luli!.l.I1l1f Ed i t U 1 '§A d V 6 l " u B m §
W iemer 01 .r\.I|.1LuMr s .Ha rley Appleb:
~zu.... ms Mtn Wa.Mrss VANOLA J. xxnuwrox, Lmotype upurnwnnmnm Imsmusssn, Linotype Operator
r:Au0Ln FRAIN, Apprentice __'Tie mud- Sundav dinner guests of Mr. nnd
I.at Mrs. Edward Case,Mn. 'Doda Parrish ment the' hu week-and in Omaha.visitink herli by ninver, Mrs. Louis Bokemner. who
3410 su.Mr. Pu-ru ma Glen wmv.
~=hl\- Sundlv then.hnun gm mg Hn. Don MePhesrs°n
I n non u n I Iba by fm daya 3 . Hxr ry Lamb
PSBWN, lunge :mu |nm.-... -___awp;which must be taken to
quality the hrmer as A :oopemtor follow:1.Fill out "ba\an¢uflhaet" with county agent; 2. Keep
|£mp!e records of pumre mmm-mmt during 1941;and 8. 'Hmmyo\\'ll help build a betier Nebras-ka ngdculturg through balanced
llivumck and feed operations.
0UT ID|x ....,::.;;'=»¥¢-\"a:..... Hn.° ° r-" 1 W ;. . , . . M ,,en.|..~rln
m mE!!E""_..\......»¢..|.f:.f.A.n|"3 3 %!ll'l- °"i "!\$ ¥'f....f n m l r . md Hn .
'ro h weather anew lies ol mom UNPD °»'°'~""*° """wh their u,.,2";'§¢2..1m?f'nv..Belore nppllutiom Q W " , , , °.f2\ U10 svm
'nm wu the wnmillx l°"°d°d.mua t be npprvved bf two-Mears.andby an-ry N. Sdwoien oem '>¢'°|m»Jv=irv °f m m m '°""" i n ' Sdma r w a dn
dkgapr of AAA, in m addres s so mwhr nlumdmn.William S. C1
hrm ms nzmd wo me n of ns wm Fnnnern pluxtinl within their Lnwnnne M.
Nehmsk, in Fremont. recently.MA mu m ummm. a re u n- M i s a No r ma c
Sdzooler, a South Dakcu fl¥'""a!f¢ct.ed by mn-hating ""§'": Arlington.
er-rancher.w u n a m by fum Nvn-m°x»¢r»*-1118 in-men.3 ;men and women from _aPP"{X" ever, nre required za mm he a t M. NE L SE
mntely so counties.xncludxngwgn amount of thdx corn or w A
wuhmrnn cnuntY-las A mowrivn for 2-he grant mg
a s m me n e w farm prublemsijority o l h r me n who want._-....\.a»\n¢ __....._ .. lnvm wmrnm. School-Mr. and M1
umxen g-»»...¢......ning.Present wereMesdsmeaA.G.,uzhter of Frmsoot;xok and family mdCook md family,
ook and Joe Cook ot
§`€Z§¢\\~'§a an m f i n --:-----.w dm f~f°~°=§."i"'a;~'°°"-""'m = :§dBl"' _"gd 3
en at me e';:;'f.,.,».,,¥.:.'.N.°:.:'...,:1';"°'»f».ma Mn. m m -cm
In-ne her birthday were Mead-amen were mver mmm,Friday.'hun Tolie, Orin Buwe.Mxrtin gh- and Mn. Clifford Clin 1
1P=\=!9°!=.- °°,§.F'i°E.°f;_f_V,'~'*°§ ; §m m a.pan.gu¢_ n ,
The program Wag ugnmg some
a'a;¢::~..=,_.."».:.:°,:.»:.:.;1 an into a com-
SUSIE were ounusy uuww;1; S1t\\1d8Y llikht Mid btuumy vuswx: -In . --U " H" u u uof Mr and Mn uovd\""°§', me | m¢ ¢ome \ p m h ; § ;";'i ;*;*
nt 0n¢ha." n i .Ima Mn A W Cinrh re-'I"umdnv nveninrr.Mr.and MIB1Pnintn on which thanal
e P
-F - L pro-
c Df°P*`=¢'
deatroy al
stures,rc -=1=\ land w
1 building
n o f h s a w
igeluen,Francis Fonberg a ndi i m u\La Verne, Mr. md Mrs. Ed Jen~ q3===»;»lsen.Mr. and Mrs. Barry Madsent al or,and Mr. and Mrs.Rvbert Chris-M"°.
[spentttOI'i'%?.".md Mn.Harold W. E88-|m'¢,
1 1."~ = " l ma B°*='='°'.,;.';';.a nmzfi;g m2"é'l?»lf.=§'%'h.""""M"\stay at Rocl1enmr,rMlnnesota.
Mis!!Batrlce Richwr ofVanSnntBusinessCollhleOmaha.spent the week»eud
home.Mr.and Mrs.Ivan Helms andLoiiaofOmaha spent Saturday
nlght und Sundnv at the Kruger
and Godsey homes.|Miss Pe n n Rutledn is shy-ins with her grandparents,Mr.u1d Mrs. D. W. Rutledlze.|
|Mr.and Mn. Ivan Heime andLola of Omaha were Sunday even-\
ina supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.G.F. Lowe.|
Staules,Mary,Wendell Mc~\
atwereSundaytheRay andhome.Mrs.McConnaha who had spent:ek-aid, returned to Blair.ay =\1Pl>e1°mlests.helpingErlksencelebratehis birth-wen! Miss Elva Lang.Roy
\,Harold Lung and Mr.
Ln. Irvin Clements.and Mrs.Earl Flebcher,.ee and Romer were dinner,Friday at Alma and Birdie
ers.and Mrs. Art Mazill and
i Mr. and Mrs. A. I. MnxillliqbbaeandMr. and Mrs.Vmderslev Bvent Monday at
l Mnkill harodome.and Mrs.Fred Peck werelv afternoon viniturs at thelan Peterson home..nf Teknmlh.n recent bade..U
s Frmlcen Hovendlck of miscellaneous shower was held
.e spent the W°¢k-end at Friday ahernoon by Mrs. HarrylCooper of Tekunlh.Mrs. I B
|Stanley Tnzhlnen o l Lincolnspent the week»eud with Ins \ur~ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Truhl
'semThe Degree of Honor lodxelwillmeetPrldav evenlnir With,
Mr. and Mn. G. D. Lowe._|Honorinxz Mrs. Edwin Hnms on
ning Mrs._A.H, Penpnuller_Hm.,-W,d M,s_Williamrate her bmhday S°t'"'d*Yimusaennu-\1ad` children were among
msn "aff MJSB-.'?€9"$s_B°,.&'v1-on wwf-.. -
W' Cl'd"§T|§:h`hn '~ cy e l . w " °nor Ill'Hts "lg:-am are band ln lud
|nartv mven b l l :and M"\livesw:k»4!eed balance,
'of drought injured pal
:tum nf unproductive cngrass,increase of sol
crop screages. productio
yields in high quality
`profltable utillzatinn
crops, the building of
serves, and encnurngemc
stock on rented lanns.
br-ate its zgm mmivernnextmeetmz.Apnl -
home o l Mrs.E.C.when the charter memb
iller an l'sa Jeanne Lumen. ofermanonaldSorensonoflmrMrand Mn. Moll K m
ns Mr and Mrs mmettampton. Mr. and Mn. Dal Hdl
Mlss Helen I-luwell and Deanlumen of Teknmah.At the closeI u soc.ial~ evening lunch wma*served and the Fmhs, newlywea
were mesmted A sift.,Mrs.Lnurn Hoye, Hilrh Schoolteacher,.ment the wed:-and inC;`mahn wl her sister. Mrs. For-*
¢ er.The Bench Community Club met'lhursdah nftemoon with M n .Frnnk ompeon; the time wasne nt ln visitimz And lunch wma]
served,The club nluls to cele-|
¢he.Ned Sackett at mlnmimr othelé
ln»R1r5¢n¢ "a Mr.and Mrs.Glen
ll-I _:_1
_ B.;.-
l l
Mr. and Mrs.Tom
spent Sundny evening
attending the theatre.
'_ /'/»-'l /0*C Q f 0 ° ; f \ ' r 4 ? >
§~'~I \1 5 Af
if Mn1ef Nelsen ofcreatedDy war unu e.~,..........,,that another set of of them will
develop when war ends, Schooler
wle d tor agricultural unity.
Only throuszh cooperation,he
ui d,can farm men and women
bring security tn the (ann home
and guard the gains already made
with AAA.He charged that "certain selfish
groups" may be expected by fann-ers "to utilize the popularity of
national defense aa a screen for
their efforts to szuttle the (ann
"Ho also warned Iann-lprogram.ers to he on guard lost any mark-
»|-miiwil » ....... ,.__,,,_er said.i "W ,have two big jobs i'¥""°':
gdiawly ahead ot ua", the regional
director deeisred."We must
have an unusually high participa-
tion in the program to keep pro~
duction within reasonable hounds.
*And we must acquaint every 1arm~er and businessman with t.hLan~
gem that would accompany ureto eatabiinh adequate marketing
.controls.\"The success with which we per-form these job: is 205118 in deter-
luie Kuinard vicinity were nun-I
cred, Saturday evening, at a pro-gram and dance given at the\Vashington Hall in observance oftheirsilverwedding annivei-aary.|
The largo crowd of relatives nndlinendswhoattendedtheevent:
'presented the Nelsons with a
:chest of silver and other pieces.
Of silver service.A midnight
flunch concluded the pany.
miixiaen siied Mrs.Austin lien-|'"'"'shaw at the Immanuel hospiw,'H°'°"Thursdn .Mrs.Renshaw m_1Conna!
wma, ifwiaay.|§§""§'
cuffofa Divine event t1\e.N:;cweekend with Donal R.aam\xasen.\v.M L and Mrs.Waiter Sappen~\Lh_.r';";
field spent Wednesday in Omaha J k iwithMr,and Mrs. James Sau d i ;Qpenfiald and family.iiiaiisei
Mr.and Mrs. Andrew Bohaand il
5-3-=-gmgg Vliarrick and B°;g;'>'Mreruninnero.-'xmdMrB. Wmodrow iién r ~
Tuesday evening dinner z\mts;§§'em,
of Mr and Mrs. hmia Rasmussen'Mrup i food prices durin the m_|mine the course ol farm prices in ..l _m a i ° m ; ° ~ ~ " f : - ° ' ~ 2 " ' " ~\ . . ; " : ' 1 . . : : , e s ~ s " . , : , e ~""'""\r,:.s ~"
at r r t . e .Fi And and M .~n time wgien f a ? - r n e r s T i f f ' : n ' ~ ~ ~ifrugé 1ormerly_o! dy ,§°;;""f» gg* n§'..'°'if,i.. Ra_§:nu:|a-,_r and 51
'u a mornin o wee ;abundance already on hand and ln E A C H w E E K ; M r B-einer 11:5 lived eeverallw x m eédwh lov If 5 35
____. »...... lwtween Arhng- ment '1\\,,¢1;y_wi¢_har dagahter,ll-Iemi
of fm-ago
feed ru-
:nt o f live-
....._.--rnu ni |1151 .Fa m " 5 ;
Lippincottera wil! be
1Each week-end finds the S'=°"*E§§n"°a;§` §r;;om Funeral at
abin south of Blair occupied bY\vices the latter part of the welocal patrol.Recently the B°°""Were attended by Mrs.Willis
r Pttrol, under the ¥eade1-ship ufmhappelear and Fred Bremer:ill Trinu. was at the cabin; Har~|m-lington,chi\dren of the '
an-'Hx-s.Huold 1-'xench and nmuy.ekl Mn. Cullen Wright il lvwdlnsz
uma few dnya lt the John Baklunof home.Mn.Becklun.Mn. Ken-neth Tyson, Mrs. Hurry 'l"yson ac-i e - w ma nn Ornmhn umm."' ° " ' |1 day.
I mx!Wayn
reserve.Mean whi le,he said,"W e navea. big job on our han ds risr ht nov-ci
wi t; th e 1 9 4 1 p r o g r a m. W i th my -a
th i n g li ke an no r ma l crop wsfru e
...|wn.nl .nav|.iiI|to ~mar keting n M m i W e d n e s d a y a f t e r n o o n I n e m u c s n
"¢t n -\ - - » - -. f " n i \ A \ f n l ¢ $R n -CHICKSquota.referendums on both mmlolml 'i'5§\I$i- and Charles Rohinsonlceased.
and wheat this year.1 .,.;wsupervlsed the eamp.The Wolves,"of 5,5 3 ""1§"'ill`§'°E"T§lT.'$l` ~ supervised by P. L. Leslie Bucklln Mr. and lllrs. Francas I-Iovencl
PP and A. S. M.Clprles Gaydou, of the Money district had an th
spent Friday night at the ump,\ guests at dinner, Swjdsy. Mr. scorn n~'$i» on hand our only ml-;
l I --2332 of f.f'$. °§E.£';§'f. 'L."'"`§I.»!..'»».»~.1 the Blackhawks, whose patrol Mrs. Frank IIovendaok nt'lil:
lm,s gygu-,rn for the orderly leader is Jimmy Armstrong, will Mrs. John Aronson. Frilflll Lin:
marketing of 9,11M gro "frspend this week-end st the camp;and son.Bertram, and Mr.1
The legislation creating tl1eGlen Morrow is senior officer._' M m Anderson.
ick Those helping Mrs.Raymond
.Rum. celebrate her birthday. Sat-mr urday evening, were Mr. md Mrsmd Otto Rowe and Dorothy, Mr. and|.ir,\Mrs,Raymond Kuhr and family.
1en"'"d Lloyd |Kulxr.Guests on Sun-
day were Mr. and Mrs.GeorgeKuhr,Mr.and Mrs.GustavoKghnlc and fxmillf. Mr. and Mrs.ljriild .le n and family. andPP°°°. -n-1r..\.....
W .w n u v u u ..» - . . . . . . -'" °" " " ° " " "'0 1 U 1 9 W e s l e y a n u m m " U l u vM.C l e s T h i e l f o l d t .M r s .R o i -a n t i ' l f v g g t e r o f L i n o o l n ,] l | I i | s e | f : f : § : ° m & . ' 7 } m b vb M m .F l g y d M a
p i m m m f ;m t H i m f f f l d o v o t e d t o m a k i n !p r e p x r a t i o m
" °a n d o r r i e t s o n , ..e f o r t h e f l t h e r a n d s o n b a n q u e t
" ' " " " ° ° "w a s a u e n t " " ' " ' " " -a n d l u n c h w a s s e r ve d .M r s .H a r -
f0 H U W € d b y ~l l e y R o g e r ( ~b e h o n e y |g i ;3
¥'!"`"M a ?L a n d o n Q*s v e n d m x s p e c i a l m e o t m l : t h i s w e e k .
w u z w e e k w i t h M n . L l l l i m ~M , _a n d M r s .i R 1 \ l D h S c a r l e t t .
M F -a n d M m .H e f m m l S o r i c k a n d L e o n ' w e n S u n d a y d i l m e r
e n n n l S u n d n v a t t h e E r w i n S p n c k Q u e s t s o i M r .a n d M r s .M e r l e
Q Have Bright Yellow Beaks
And Shanks
O Have High Livnbility
O Develop Into Good LayersNDW NASH AND THI: um-urn THREE"lS;§i;;?,':£:,;.,2"E xt lf You FeedEU l l l l n l l u n - - - - _
$4/we/'John Becxlun name.. U. . . . . _ _.»-.Sundxy evenimr meats of Mx-.'homaand Mrs. Louie Manhlelelh in hon-\Mr. and Mn.
or of Gene's birthday, were Mr-.lntlended a ailw
rnd Mrs.Louis Rasmussen.Mnversary dn-neeandMrs. Lloyd Mathieaen md Uday,Irwin,and Mr.lnd Mrs. John]Mr. and Mrs.
Ragmu;geg;_Bobbie were SMr. and Mrs. John Taylor amd visitors at the 1familywereSundayaftemoon ge; home. ahhh,
and supper guests of Mm, Emma 131 g_,__°rg
s.zz HONEY BEEeweddinkuml-»€Kennnni.S""| m:e 2
A. I. Mnrill m l"'° """ " "" '"'""""iundly a f t e r n o o n g g ~ R " , B n
nsgentll. FF' EP: will bn ah°'!¢1-.....
EUHR?wnoi8wa8|DT..a:nd MTS.ki.W.\.rT8Ilulsun| e "2 0 |re- of Verd urree , Neb raska , wer e Sat
lll|D1"0V1l|g bu t re-
.J ohn B.Erikeenertaineda t dinner
mr Mr s .Eriksecn'e
hda y ;Kuests were1-vin Cleme nts, Mr.
n1-\.-_...I I..-..¥1\¢
\1.udn night and Sunday eatso f i r .and Mr s .Marc us ȣ$`~w
and Mr s . 0 .H.Godsey .
Mr . an d Mr s . D . O Sh e ete we r eSundayvisitorsa t the J ohn
'I"hieLfullt home.Mr .and Mr s.J a me s V a n Ho r n .an \ v.ll_..Ll1\.Iu
F o r t lf lu l w
ith Al\ Esunnhl V\\|mln\
'hon e 98Tl. xii'I.punicu uv vulLandMr s.W i ll Hansen nn d o ui r e s crutc hes.
Bubbi,. and Mrs . Clarenc e Van De Mr an.d Mr s
\Ve'nter drove to Gzxlva. Iowa. Sun~ and fa n ulv ent,
da y an d visited Mr . a n d Mrs.E~1_"£"'%Y-,,?'°§=5>§;
Y r Yl i m o L o o n H o w M u c n m o m s Y o u a s f ]
Q l i o n ' a l m s r a n c a n n o n . . .
gnvlll ll! Huh , uhh Fou rth S peed
|=m-ravi.comp-Mila:wi th o t h a
6 u l 8 c y i ln d a r c a n I n a f f lc la l
Qu i n n E o u n o my Rm.
U9 to 30 miles on a gallon of gn!
D M o s t noon . . _ Nash has
mo rt s e atin g r oo m tha n othc r
tow-price cars. Rear can be made
up into double hed!
Only Nash has burly and frame
welded Into one twist-proof unit.
O m o s t c o n r o n t . . . u l :
ion-pric a c u with c all-sprluuglng
on a l l four wheels . . . for the
smourthest ride a c ar c an hue.
Only c ar offering Weather E y l
Conditioned Air Sy ntum.
I- Io l b e i n a n d f a m i l v .Ji li n d u u n ! !u. i | . .D n n a n c n n \Y . n l\ | n |h | | l ~a n d ~
r tin Kuhr. PropLulhrsL A ; n u t :l l s n »¢\..\-v v.""d h i m ' r e dc l a s s a t t e a c h e l a s t 'I\ xe s~a n ." 9 -'===.¢%f1d \.:_4L..I..r;.::'.....:...,.M r a n d M r s Wisner uniJ ulius W1J ;5 3 "~A n n i l l"CClCl.lE,zu ru .; | n ur b e r .r .v~ . m 1 |m m M m e :C h r i s t e n e W a c h M a l
d a y ,n e l a u x i n u l r u l u u y .|; \ \ 7 || || |.n s m e s t s a t t h e C l a r e n c e H a n s g n
' h u m p w e r e M r .a n d M r s .W l l l
H a n s e n E d n a ,El'i rx\ .h< 'th a n d
l r h h i n \l\ »u (°:\¢:llin H a n n o n .H i l l -
and Mrs.E mi l Weber,Mr .and {e`;";,,~e 5m;;1m visitors Friday .'
Mrs.Cly de Stork and daughtpra.Mi ss Etn a Petm-Jen be au "vM r and Mr s .By r on Ba nlrn k-wo rk Munc h 1 mx assistant b(mli'. -
\larinn Stork.Mr s.Ma ry Weber ¥.r¢».nn.n..f m th n Tvso n-La ni!CUUV.:
r i
un§lr;]d Mr s .E11 H.0\t91diCk en ~QQ ~J B Jensen vi s f
§,'%§"é2<§g ; ° ' ° ' " 1 nunzhbqrs Fri-iiird if lati ve s :ft Sioux City Sun 0
. 1»:r pe|E€la \Q lac $ ;gg ~ |~ l l f l q .g==»=g;;'[ni1\l*l ~
|,1 :as 'nes ay m 0 e | ! ll,.m.n tn l.A.H.¥eppm\Iler .l1ome.r c D r o i l g §;" "' °{ , re c e ntly
1 1 -*r .en est~~~v M i 5 3 g ' E m u was n huiii-\~ 5 R
ness visitor in Blair.WeQm=Sd3Y 0 ~~
'Thu Co zy C or n er C lu b met with Misses Beulah and D o n a Ha r-
Mrs.A n n a Melton.Friday even-risnn of Oma h a agent Sunday \ \n ¢
mi :wi th Mr s Peter Mon ih or st wi . h h
_.|1 t e n parents,ir .and Mr s .| (t h
llrirs.Ray rnonq Sc huldt, Mrs._EI.za L._ §.H r r on.
11...~- -l c e n ,B u d g e t ,
1| "iiZL.-f"§§\§ -i~"i;,}sen
sz#nu u u . ......_..._Mrs . W ill W u lf is sp end ing so v-tr ill day:I in Lina:mln with her s is
lor.Mrs.Bertha Iimusen.
M r a mi Mr s.J e m Hansen nttendedthehockeynamein0111.1
hu.Wednesday evening.On S n
urdav :~\0nin¢»»they were Hurst.uf Mr .and Mrs.Ra vmnn d W ulf.
Sumlay dinner guests of M r
and Mr s.Pete Iversen were M r
and Mr s .Leonard F o x o f Sioux
City .Iowa.and Verne F o x 0
X vn mr lm I o wa Mo n da v after
» l 5
a " - - - - ~ -__nooon E1leafs we re Jens Iversen' a n d Mr s.Imma r me l Andreaso
mu d K a me th o f F r e mo n t.l Mr s ,H°"€=aff1 _'I'aylo1f has bee
[ g i - » \ m= I e b v ~Wijliam Chris»|mrs.\.». zu. Juunnuul\!f€l\S¢2¥\ass\st:1n5x fI`]\:rt.een mem- ,tain a combined maetinsr of the
n bers and their fanulnes wen- urea- Baptlst Guild and kenadnztvhtaut for a sl1ort_meef.h|g and a. pin- Thursday afzuzmitrn.The "":.;1`-\..|--....:fn\.§¢u4n{n §~ ~?"'". . .
;:.." 1 "¢+." H"
.:~., __:. Q . ;
.q ,1 ..j j .= .\~~.. ' I ea' . $~_"1:
... n . . , ».l . .1 .."W m g g , , , m | d y o u m i l d 'o w n - - o u t o f t h e o t h e r l o w -
» | | { e » . q a r s . o r e ~ ¢ h i - m b l i i .g = r d d | 3 a N o l h t k o f g o o s u p ¢ °
s o n u l n n m v s d l v o v f s u ?
1 < ¢ g , y ¢ u r ¢ h o l o a - f o r n o w t h o 1 r ' I * 8 l i 1 i l 1 f » h 0 . m m m
G,N aae¢l¢rb¢1ov-drivuthi»n»*ki§1¢\°f<=*r
nkeginio waliforiiwminuun. Seetbogmazingdmimmoul
refuge: more miles pers'°11°==°'fS"~"P'°?°"l'Y
owners' reports. A ups-manure :hom it'| the roomsett car.And no otlter ar at naarlts price can match the smooth-
nesaofita collqprindnd ondlfour wheels-~tho ease ofits
°pm,.¢;y Roller Sheerini No other car has Nulfa modern
.,,,,;¢§,,d body-emd~frame construction--afar, quieter nding.
Wh not take advuntaie of its overall saving! of $70 touno Iyar? Drive it- md you, too, will change w Naahl
'~\\ _ _ ,I
5 ~.. ». . .é 5 e A lu m .- o do r " o oo "3-Door
S E D A N U N I X u m m m ~ g ; » - = \ \ é = »____W¢°\*__°
m m e : a n d n h r u d . B a n n o n G m a i l .
W h it e B id s W d1 'I'ir u ut o vi lw i l mm .Aho au N aol rl Ml lha lli hf fr m d " 8 "
9 | i o o d n l l
o 1 1 1 r . | n | o t | l 1 S w l l S[»l,¢¢~»J »r P 5 " r
3 3 1 : - f l d l o n o u n -
. g m l u r a l o l l x l t l o w u ~
oehead |I.|lt\ll1"
ann savt
~ max mai
leufferimr with rneurnamm.Mrs. Albert Kuhr and son alliedonMrs. K.P.Hundahl. Tuesday
Faftzrnooon.Mr. and Hn. John Stork wereSundav dinner mlests of Mr. mdMm.Haro Stork and Plelrmf.Mr. and ru. Albert Benson and
nom,and Mrs.Minnie Bensoncalled at the Joe .lesson home.,Wednesday evening and helped
Gloria celebrate her hdrtlmday.Monday afternoon guests at theBenson home were Mr. and Mrs.Orville Benson and daughter. Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Jesoon. Lars Jorgen-
ochle party.First prize at caros
went w Emil Gottsch nod Mrl.Henry Gottoch;aecond to LillieGatschandArthih-Domacker;and third to Richard Limo andMrs.Chris Kmee.A luncheonwas served.The next meeting intoheat Mrs.John Domackefa
Ami 9 .Sunday vinitors at the PeterJohosen home were Mathis Lund
B l ! \ 8 I I 0 I l I U ! I I | 2 5 w s u l i l l v l l | \ u m ¢_ " _G u l l d a t t h e h o m e o f M r s .P a u l
H a n c o c k ,F r i d a y .
l M r .a n d M m .H o m o d W h l s a n m n
a n d t w o c h i l d r e n o f S i o u x C i t y
w e r e S u n d a y g o u s t u o f M r .a n d
i l l l r a .D e n v e r L e v e c k .T h e I n d i e s
' a r e p d a t e r s -';g r o u p o f n e i g h b o r s a n d
f r i e n d s ,l e d b y M m .G e o r s r e B l o o -
c h u l t .c a r r i e d o u t i n n l e n s a n t s o r -
a n d V i c t o r C h r i s t e n s e n o f F o r f m f i s e o o M r s .A .H .P e p p m i l l e i .
C a l h o u n :M r .a n d M r s .R u d y M a t -
z e n a m d E i l e e n .M r .a n d M r s .C l o r -
e n c e W i l m a e n d M r .a n d M r s .
Saturday. in honor of her birth-day.Present were Mrs. Pom:|nil-lor.Mm.Boachult Mrs.'Benson, and Marjorie Gnuse.Ray Jdumm.wachter.Mrs.Charles Thielfolclt
l Mrs.Immanuel Andreason and Miss Alberta Appleby has the Mrs.Ed Wilson,Mrs.GeorireHindleyanddaughters.Misses.on.K nh,f F 1;ned mvmpp |....;n n=§"'§mm§ .in.l§`2.§2'n, cion-'Junior Almlebv snent the woelv §1"° Round H§'Nm°]Wilso_n " d
enum ldav aff£lT|00Tl..levd r ';=;=>m==f=- MrgndMrsi i i . .ln.. ° 'a » ;' ;i .;£.E"°£'.2I:
.lfliils ".;'.E' ~..Tfi""i?.2;'¥l'.?l~11'l\'"'§i'o ppV'i:ifred and Almond coln event from Thursday ontil§tork Sflrl fo.nlilY»Silndav M " - f " = f " ° ' " : . ° f r r *l r. Mine. §nof.e.e ..;':f .¢...".5;"".%z;;z;'=
rsf..3£°2.°';2; '§:l'.:""..".;'°".°.i:.°'.»§.':.'; oo. ;erw ~eek°v?'t eih ls at the Ben Wachter home.1
Paulsen.°'and Alborw Appleby.g The Birthdav Card Club met,with Mrs.Ra Triplett,Mondo;M r .a n d 1 \ i r e .C h r i s l a r o e n ,§ f2 § § '° B § f § § l ` y '" l 'i '. § ` 1 r ' ? . £ § ' ¢ k l ;M a r c h 1 0 .R d_§se er't l u n c h e o n l
!l g li 1 'l \ \8 l l a n g L o u i s e L3._;SBll w e r e l t U H 1 ¢ d t o h e r WOTIK Ia m ;W e d n e a _w a s B € l ° \ '0 d a n d b n g e w a s ~1 u n d o y a t e r n o o n a n .s u l m e r d a y a f t e r a w e e k ' g va c a t i o n .1 T| I'°c l u b p r e s e n t e d M r s .T r i p l e t t
r u e m o f W a l t e r a n d N i n a .A n d e r - l M r .a n d M r s F r e d M o r d . h o r a t " " t h a e i n . .
\ ' ° " 'a n d A l f r e d i f i s i t e d W e d n e s d a v "'" \me ;§° F§ §`l §1S §. f'f§\5 '. ~*» '3'£.°1i i ` § i 2 h " § '{ '
P A P I O N E W S " " i f f ° 2 ` n d ° ` i i ' § » . h % " § 5 ;K r o g e r a n d a t t h e h o m e o f M r s .C h r i s K o r -
h n i _
FITS !T b a f l right.1'h!|eonvcnhni-
»i:ed nngo £1 :ax-mln in il! yaux kitc hen.
Thi s una xh ag Lou p r i c e i s lu n i n i i !
y n u x h u d g c x n q w o ms n u - n p n c i a l lyvri ih A w n n n l m x 1 pu y mn n l
lun.A n d th ! ! g ll whih . po rc u-m a m u h d b u u r y l n n g o w i l l
dn tin i h ly li : y o u : u n c . n o h md wms i n
d n l g n l l ll .I n n o v a .i h h mo d e m
R a p n n n n u m T o n m W A L L . . S u
I! md y o u 'n n lmo d u mmm 1 ° u ll y o u r
East Washington Street, Blair, Nebra s k a .. .|\Melv1n wasted '1hursda.§r aiternoonMr.and Mrs.Roliand Richterwith Mr. and Mm.Peter Kroger.and familv were vnitcrn of A!fred|Mr. and Mrs. William Christen-uists.Jack,Randall and Neil.se:n md children visited SundayattendedtheluckyParkersPin with Mr. and Mrs. George Chris-
Tra de -» | ns o n Th ¢Club there.tenaen and Ruby at Blair._,___ _1 Mr and Mrs.Aifred Menkim:Mr.|}11d Mm._Wiliigm Christen-..\\.....| .......a man |"|a1*¢ Pun.. ann VlSlT¢9d Sutuniay ~ ~
hits.Emil Fallen.assysted byMrs.Glen Rav.enterumed theCheerio class of the Bautiat Sun-day School and their teacher. Mrs.
G.F. Lowe, at, the Follen home,The businessFndsmeetigir was fo lowed bv a noch!
nm-Qnf\A lunch was served.
It's Unexcelled
for the PRICE
fs 6450
New NASH | " " ' .i llllh i lf " "" ° " " " "* " § § : 5 i Gottsc h and Li llie visited later mw '3~ Society for Chris-
f¢1\...¢ul»w afternoon wi th Mr .and .,_"*"'......'i'.'.'1'.f"'.5'...»I-¢+wa l k wi thdl;_ W2 °"1»iEi§1'i¢""x§r£{a`é1~£}`E€wm|; f , . " " "i i30 Ford Coupe (2)m u l .|v v | | !~
35 Dodge Sedan (1)30 Fnrd Tudor
'10 lrnrd Tudor
n ;~M .H G o t t l c h a n d .H ;f- m m . ~ § f " ` f : ° w » d C u r i a -M a n n H a m n t h m e h ; , , f § ¢
,N £c e l e b r a t e h e r b h t h d - u f .~ n . ." M E - T M 2 3 1 R u -'35 tthev rblet Conn
'34 Chevrolet Coach
'33 Chevroln Coach
wwn -.....lynn!S i ~ C o a c h ( 1
ual l'l\¢|r|\n|!| Cnung (
Mr.and Mn. John Dornukex '""°"=" ~"-'-r lnd dnufhiers enwruined n din~Mrs.Thorvnld Pewnen sgfnt; ner, Sunday, in humor of .Ax-¢}\u.r'| lllt Week with her sister,rs.x.bm.ha»y for G w m -Mmmu . L ° °" °h u n e n "4 Osklmd,md|Mr.md Mn.Eggfirt Ohrr.md her mother.Mn. J. 3. Christan-- sons. Mr. .md Mn.uwnrd Chrh- sm of Admlh, returmng Mondnv..!»....n md Doreen and Mr.and The Luther I-»°lK\1e of the Hi\l.¢-...u »~\\n\-eh mei Tnauhv evan~n m
men Youn OLD srovs
'35 Olds Coupe ||||Lv \--w ----- ---./ m m f In.L o o k ' E m O f u e r - P r i c e d R i g h t nun Eousemiccs Eszgoy GAS nr Cooki ng
\Fii'i§~U~ ER vmay mvnr . vChris Miller.Mn.Auldfrom the boa|Mrs. C. A.»dlv nfterhfrillrs.V't"=°=1
n h and 11-vm.-»»»~»»-----»-- i f -ing at the u r nhome.Eric ChristenW o o d r o w B i f f a r h a d c h u s r e o f t h e d e
I -q n l u l i 1 r W H A T !M T .l l l i d ~C l y l
T.i"""ti»..el»-len! I -'yilu 3ii§x33}"'voti n hm I NEBRASKA UGHT &POWER co.a .r-'Mb'O W A -
`l.nu¢n md - » '~az;
m n : u h l H B Y Q Q
Mrs, E. S. Trlpp vu landnr ol
A panel dincmdon whm the Hon-day Afurnolm Club met at the
home of Hn. L. C. Klopp this
week.Assisting har ln l discu-
sion of the subject, "Do You Know
Nebnlh1" were Miss Ann! Rav.
er, li n. Mu Balm, md Mn. H.
J. Hansen.The Club will meet Mxreh 17 lt
Kuapmm Inn, with Min: Elll Hill
md Mn. Galen Jones ln -4--vga ol
District Officer
V§sits Herman
Mrs.Gertrude Laughlin
Held Offiers' School of
Mm Gertrude wzm m 01Umnhn, district mpervinr of 0.E. S., villted the Human Cblv
PQ E. O. Chapter
The mnual alection ol oifinon
was held by memben of tha P. E-
O, Sill'c!'hood'a loal chapter when
they met Mvmdly evaning at the
home at Mn. A. D. Burma.HI LJ. Hilwn Rhodes w u mmm!
pxuidantg l n .Wilhelm Grimm.
vice-president;Mn. W . F.GM/
Blue Rlbbvn Blby Bee!
The third mseting of thu Blue
Ribbon Baby Bee!Club will be
held at the home of Wmen huh!-
mdt, Frldny evening, Mn-eh 14. It
dght o'cl0¢k.
Pun Mstroiu Ulnb
lin. W. D. Hnmmnnd vu hosb
eu to tho Put lhtrom Club, 0.
J. a . Gri mm Emmtn
Pinochle Club
llri nnd Mn. J . H. Gri mm a v
w m n m l m m a i n s (Wodnw
dur)for the memlgen nf thér
Pinochle Club.
Blyth! Young Purple
Attend Fnmoqt Mat
filteen msmben al the Bhi r
.1 -
Bhi r.Ne b u l a . u mm xs.u m n n u u ~ » v . . . . . _ ,c o N ' r E s ' r W I N N E n \
Ann uy e n ti ¢ l s d" W h At lO ws
Ams r lc \ md W h a tAmn i u0 we ¢u a m m u m m m s w n m n
prize in n eonwst upunmnd N-
cmtly by the V. P. W. ludlhry of
Arllngilm.Ilia! S'l.¢rk'| computi-tion wu one of tony-Ave mmnd
by Arlington mn school ltvldmtu;
all were wflttul an the tuple of
Amua- smfvn unv fo llo ws:
glv m 1 du ne s w mwd n s ugov emmat, and dn hlpful mp-gutinxu wwnni the lmhmvcmuai
ul our government m d m l l t
Amerie; n better place in whlch
lo live.In oghsr eoruntfln, esp¢-dllly \ tho u u ma :the Atlmlic
ocean, dm chlldren an taught only
the good palm-| of their govern.
man: And a n severely yunllhod
for anything tint they uy ngnlnlt
their leaderl.How thankful in
mud be, therefore, that we llva in
l u .\.\.....A una nhlrh we a l l
Bnvrniel Sur!
Pipe !Project
The Urowme wrvup, wmyugirlsofpre~Swucing mf'
surflng l pv.\PP¢¢pmjevrt
week with the nuistance of
Evelyn Solomon, junior hizh |
ts tlwr.lade n of the Bro
nr.Mrs. Frank HizhtreeER. Hank .Aye u n u v uw w 1 " 6 § » T £ n i é i = a m a w u z umu UnA....._\...... nu.. "_' o u r lln d
win Attend Play Bsptint Young Peoples umon »».~In Omsha, Friday tended |. meeting at the Immmu-
Amon mm who atm so mem el Baptist Church in omm. sma-
"There §h=11 Be No Night". mae dw nftemwn-
gfoduction tobe dven in Omnha.
dw evening;will be Hrs.L. C. Klopp, Mrs. W. F. Gutschow,
Mrs. G. L. Dixon, Mrs. Louis Hur-
doch, Misses Evelyn Spldt ind
Vera Neuernberger.
Hn . mt l ne u e :
Vhitur Here
Irs. Dora Detlef o! St. Joseph,
liissouri, visited in Blair o1;cx the
weeberxd with her brother-in-law
and sister,Mr.md Mrs.H.L.
Heilwinkle.Other guests at theHellwinklehomewereanother
sister,Mrs.Bertha Henningsen.
g d d a u g h t e r ,M i s s M a r g a r e t ,o f
Christian Women
Plm Sods! Meeting
The women of the Church Of
cm-he will be entertained this
(Thurudw)dternoon at n sodxl
gathering, at the homo of Mn. _D.
A. Compton.
Mrs. James Maher
In Hostess TodayMrs. James Maher is enterblin-
ing today at an dessert lumhwll
and afternoon of cards for mem-
ben of the Thursday Afternoon
Bridge Club.
. _ . . . . - uAn o f i - - . . . . . . l 2 _ . . .
monthly nodal meeting,Tuesday ' mmm R. nmii e h,oorresovildini
afternoon.secretary;Mrs.Emory F'lhIl1°Y»treasurer; Hrs. John P.Brook.
P. -'\» c.chlplldn; and Hrs. L. c. ruupp.
. . : P " " " " " §'°""'"°°"'°..*°§ .'..:.'f a m -
n M r s .W . F ' H e m h i w i l l e n t e r -h s l d ~l f .t h e 1101118 o f L a i n t h e ~ o g ~
H r s .C h l r i e s M m .w h e n t h e '
l e m o n o n m m m .a n d w i n d o w ' a f t e r n o o n ,M " ° h 2 6 .
t m l t m e r l t w a s d i s c u s s e d .f.| .'hQ s 1"- 'f .." z " d { ; ic l u b w i l l m e e r .w i t h M n .F l o y d :f'-@»;r;:ff;»;;;§;;.fi-=§=;,;;r=l=ff.;;:;f1;1f>;;.-=';S t r i e k l e u o n u m a o o .'Q? ?= "'{ ff>"i '= '~1 * fl ~
=¢. s '\EF1'.E . 4 '1.'O . E . S ..rsx\€2.\¢»f\x»nf.f~7l2 . H..L55».L
A regular meeting of McKinley Mr. a nd Mrs . Te d bmw ,nd
Chapter, Onder of tie E"tf°m_fami1y were dinner guests mg iu_
Star, will be held this evening, day visitors at the W h Snow'I'hursdsy.On the refreshment den farm home south of s w f ,
committee are Mr. and Mrs. J. H._Sunday.
Grimm, Mrs. Bessie French, Miss Mr. and Mrs.Alvin Wulf mu
Mary J.Cook,and John A. baby daughter,K"-an Arm,i
.mu mn. uw........... ....,- .. ,,_, ,,,_,_________ __the pmgnm. Flowers will be the ben were pnnnf." " " ' " " " " " " °md For the mm!!topic o! the meeting.l 'During the mmm. folluwhg ~r i th we me Amerien gi*
I dmon at tba hull,nebool l n uld d uCHURCH SUP PER Z1 mimtntdwn fm um 'um \ivein ~=°*=' umm haven 1'..3'°.
- --__ ---- -.- .....\...-¢.| hw Mn nmhun. 0Gf1lli¢°momqlgg._§___f"_ffh_rl.But an
'old npporwmuuna ua, the lent
xld be m just be
n p y n d u tha n
lntelligsnt dtizm
WELL A'1'l'EN ul-lu
\V The Cm1g;re¢atlnua1iltn held a»"P°'lu¢k":upper last Friday
" W H :in the churdl parloxs
which was very well atumded.
These chumh family mppefs,lwhm e ac h funny brings a mn
and where it ls eaten picnic style,
seem quita popular md the good
fdldwnhip which is angendered
more than payl for the exif!
trouble.'Alter the mural last Friday Dr.'Walter R. Clyde, head of the de-
gartment of theology ol the Prel-Q Yierian Theological Seminary ol
Omaha, gave a very lnterestlng
talk on "What Will I Do If the
u m m Stale! Enron the War."
'ln this he ghowed the question in
every angle and the axgllence
lllstened ln a very rw¢ntiv°~1}\99d-
-.. w.........M. ..,...-. __.The mldawry work was put oh
that evening under her super-vidon,and llfbr she eddreuod
the lodge.Kr.and Mrs.John
Jackson,ln. C. S. Ho m,Mn.Marcus KN!" and Mr. a nd Mn.
James Van Horn served refresh-
ments at the dole of the evening.
Mum: for the ceremony was pro-vided by Fred Robertson,C.D.
Johnson,m d L .D.lang,withMrs. John H. Johnson at the piaho.|
Mm.Laughlin was honored atsdinner gxvexx by Mrs. A. H.
Peppmlller.Worthy 'Matson,
Thursday.Other officers of theHerman chapter were also guests,inrludlng Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mc-
Donald, Mm J. A. Jeqporaen, Mrs.
Ben Wachter,Mrs.G. F.Lowe,Misa Harriet Wilson, Mn. HenryTruhlem,M n .Clarence Thane,
and Kenneth Wachter.
phce we aremlnpnvnw-:ww-=-'joy the mdv whl! ol pe ws We
a re llv i nglno ne o f ths fe v rna -
tlona me mgaged ln bloody war.Wedonothaveto beworrledand
have w think perhaps the next
minute a bomb may fall and de-
stroy our homes.
In our dear Amerlu, we y
freedom ot speoch-We may uid-
dze our government md not be
atwd that an odlcer o! the law
mlghto o m¢ a ndludu a w1 a c o a
firing squad or put ul into a con-mntntion amp. We uxjoy Ireedom
DI !¢llgl0n._Our country is not
dominated by one state churuh.
We still enjoy all the other ina-
lienable rights that our forefath-
ers worked so hard for many yearn
120-But in that all um. America
gives to us?
The word "Ame d a "and the
would do mom than that.Hn
wo uddbe vli lllngto dmdha cko f
his oountry and if neeeuary,no
give his llle for her.
A person who realise!what
privileges he hae ln this country
will not haitate to make me cl
them.He will be loyal to his
land and his fellow citlsenal Above
all, he will not become a traitor.
He will not hesitate to serve hll
country. when mulled upon.I feel that another thing every-one should do ll m read and study
our Federal Constitution and the
Declaretlon of Independence.
These an the fundamental docu-
ments of our natlon and ought to
he loved and chorlahed hy all the
citizens ol the Unlted States.
Although we do have definiteresponsibilities "twin-el ammo,
,.. ..__... . _ .. _ . m -
mess Group
Wilh Mrs. Hunt
L. Emory Hunt, Jr.,enter-
I a group of friends at a mrssdinner, Tuesday evening;
nt were Mrs.John Sutton.
Wayne Steinbatxgh, Mrs. C.
award,Misses Dorothy Ty-
Ctlhmm ul~v unGirls~e d
The Wu-Te-Kndn CNDJJUN
girls of Fort Calhoun recentlymet with their sponsor. Misa JaneJeffries. in elect dm following
officers:pnddlmn MaryanneSanders;lecrehry,Knthuine
Wakefield;m d news ruporter,
Jenn Lutdg.
Bid or B
The Bl
tained L
Emvry H
x. Bolt I
and Mn
_ited Monday Lffemoun with mr.
lya and Mrs. Henry L. Kdmr.d or Bye Club wu enter-Mr.sud Mn.Goox-ge Mnynnd
Iondny evening by Mrs. and Mn. Minnie Nslnm wen FH-lunt, Jr., wnh Misa Helen day e v wns sums o f Mr- and
xttdldingu a guest. Hi"Mrl. John G. Jensen spd children.
Tyson won the high prin,|Ed Reddkxg,who is emphyed
1. Ax mn drew the ¢nr._\'Y the Omnhl. Sdevny wmww.Mrs. Wmn.-r Lowe win be :pant 'Jw week-em wieh hu
......n...M...ma A1-knn
~ ~u
"~I ~1-..., ~»f .;. .,.""@}.»:L.~5»~1
l v l 'Ihi fi hncn a n Amllluli |ho uld| ][' ff: 'g_ 1j_ v »-I-H "'.f!."'I
ne\u1umoret.ou|.We llv a ln w " Y '-"""'W H ""mv-C| ' | Ul' C| '\N o f ¢ $inxlmd nf pxmy .We hm fm-I Amerie! given ul no mms' vvnvr-
'dom.Wu have hops.W e \ n l mm ° "b o numanbla to men-
u-__\.x.\...... ......\4\u.\....m anu new.. W...
Woman Conducts
an Club Prom-lun
1 Herman Woman'| Club metlm Ed wa rd Sw!-Mon,I-'rl-
afwrnoon, for a.two o'e.locknz luncheon, election of offl-
md program.Assistant:ses were Mr; Loine Mtch.AKred Enckaen,and Mn.
rt Skinner.at W. J. Koopman ol Blair
nted a program o l m v
readings, which was gnltly
'ed by the mae-mbly of twen-
ree Hermnn women.An ln-
ion was also extended by thelayAfternoonClubfor the
nan organization to attend n
ram at the Blair High Sdlool
:orium on Monday, Marvh 24.plays will be produced at
time.le busineeg meeting was
red by the annual election ofm, with Mrs. Harley Rogortg named president; vice-presh
,Mrs.G. O. Potadle; and nec-ry-tmasumr,Mrs.Edwaud
n e o n .me c lub will meet wi th lld ra. J .
Johnson o n Marc h ZB, when
n College music depar tmenthave c h arg e o f th e e nte rta in-
Atlald FremontEvangellatlc Conference
Rev. and Mrs. Charles E. Ham-
ilton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Kirk-
patrick, Douglaa_Cax'tor, Min Eva
Phillips, and Robert ldcllillm at-
tended an evangelistic conference
at the mm B-mm church ol FN-
mont, Sunday aftemoon and even-
Vlalta Hero En Route
To Army PoetJohnDornacker,son of Mrs.
Amanda Domacker ol Minnolpo-
lla, llinrvpwbm was a brief vialtor
Inst Tuesday at the Prod Dornaolt-
er home near Kennand. He wna en
route from lincoln to Minneapo-
lis, where he neported for a yet!
of military training on Wednes-
Mr.and Mn.Alfred N.Feer
and family entertained Saturdly
evening,complimentary to n n .n m bnurulnxverpryz meet!
were Mr. um Mn. lelioy Crunchand Mr. and Mn. Don Feer.Fri-
day aftemoon callers on Mrs.Peer were Mrs.Fred l.n g ; -
Mrs,Carl Mortensen,and .
Don Peer.
hoowa on March 24.
Baptist Felleuup Clrclo
'Mrs. Sophie Roch,aaalsted by.
Mrs.George Pickell,entertained
the Baptist Felldwahlp Circle,
Tumday afternoon.Misa Graco
Smith led* the a mu m x s .and
Hn .m y 'r.Klrkpaunk had
elm-ge or the entertainment which
followed the hudneea aeedon.
Paulo Thursday Club
The Papio _Thursday Afternoon
Club met with Mrs. Woodrow Bl!-
far,Thursday afternoon, the time
being spent socially followed by a.
luncheon.A gift was presented to
the hosfeae,who lelt early this
week to make her home ln Cali-
lomin.The nut Club meeting ls
scheduled for March 20 when Misa
Almn Miller will be hostess.
Colby Club .Mrs.Howard Rhea entortnlnod
the Colby Corner Club,Thuradly
afternoon,when around fifteenmemberswerepresent.Mn.
Rhea and Mrs. Lloyd McCann,project leaders.smeared we
current lesson material on the
subjects 01'farm house repairsand irrigation of the farm garden.....u.an.a... nf Mn Roscoe
..........., ....... .... .....-...Mrs. Dan lloorgovlll entertaln
a t a i ds this (Tlronday) altar-noon, for members of the H. G. L.
Club.I M n a n d w e a m y m m a n
I. C. Eller vidiod in Plattaimlil-\\.
Bllxnday, with Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
'Gayer..Mr. and Mn. W. D. Hdlonald
and George had aa dinner mid*-I,Sunday, Mr.M»cDovna1d'a brothel*
in-law and alater.Mr. and Mn.
Chnrlea French and children-
Mr. and Mrs.(Hindu B. Wil-
liams uf Coundl Blulla were brld
vlaltors, Sunday afternoon, with
Mr.and Mn. Charles Roberton
and Mlae Agnes Mehdillnn.
|me s L e mma w o rm o f o m.
ha wma a weekend gueet of her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. S.Pierce Allen and daugh-
ters, south of Blair.
Mr. and Mrs. Rooooe Cook en-teroalned Friday evening for Mr.
iand Mn.Frank Hendxdchlon; the
'occasion was n oeldxration of Mr.
Cook'a birthday.|Gueota Sundny of Mr. and Mrs.
Delmar Fear were Mr. and 'lKr\.
Harry Ianen and family of Swa-Jmrz: Mn. Larsen and Mrs. Foer
are sisters.l Jack Jensen and daughter,
--...._--..r-.=ar.....A n t -
Mrs.P. K. Nelson ll upazding
this week aathe gnat o!l\e1"|on-ln-law and mmm, Mr. a ndllrs.
H. C. Kuhr.
Mr; .mi 'un-_ wi mnp so
ot West Point vl|lladSundhy ,with
their |on»l.n~law and dw8hW» llr.
and Mra. Harold Rabbaaa.. 1
Jlm Cooper ls a patient at the
Veterans' Hospital ln Lincoln, un-
dergoing treatments for ahzuatrouble.9
The Past Noble GFI-Hd Club wux
meet at the home of Mrs. Carroll
Thornhnrgh for a one a'clock
luncheon, Friday dtemoon, March
Mr.and Mrs.Walter Huber
were dinner guests ln Waehlngton.Sunday, at the home of Mrs.Hu-
ber'a parults, Mr. and lllra. J. P.
Hansen.Mrs.Minerva \Jul;r celebrated
her blrthdny, Sunday, entertaining
at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Kult
Lowe and Minn Maggie Lowe ol
Herman.Mn. Irvin Carey and son, Irv-
in, Jr.,and Walter Allen of De-
troit, Michigan, visited Monday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe IA-
'l'lllNI'l'Y EV,u r r n .énUBCB
l! .C .J ul Fr e | o . Pu'tAr
.sarvicuat 10:30a.m.Gorman aeryloal every I l n t
Qmdaylnthe month.3 |
ouaatlt8 0p.m.on 1
KFAB Sunda y a at1 2 :0 no vn.d
lmn u ln u m.w m .c n u n c u( Miles Nofulmeat ~'nnmu>E.Eckhardt,S~=~1;5_ School at 9:80 L m.EDI communion aervioee at
10:80 a. m.Welcome,
L UTHERAN c uu pc n(Kmnnrd and Waahinxtnvnl
P. C. Imam. PaewrSundaySchool at Kannard 10a. m. also Bible claaa.Catecheti-m d m lo a .rn..Saturday orvareooase-All welcome,Service next Sundnv 11 a.m.at Washington ohurch,The Dana Collazo choir willdogSundayevening, 8:W p.m.at the Kennlrd church.No ad-milsion._We invite the wbdocommunity to mme and hear our
home college cholr.
C. E. Ha milto n. mmmThe"'"gg_ Glorioun Sundays"
nron-ram awted o l!wlw
filled with hope for tha future.
America gdvna ua a chance lor
an edueation.It uaehea and*Hin* vu. the voonzor generation
of America,to be good oltlzena
e n# » h9 v 'r =s . \>° # ¥ = ~ a nd
non,qlnen we "own new. ......hr many of l-be fxalgn cmmtriea..
'ro mink gf um .nsgqfmake na
Y In ~ ua monélldveotthe "§<H$lI§keawtlut
America glvea to oo."
New, Spring
Mo r e N ew ~ D r e s a e al - l a ve
Just Arriv You Must See
Them To Appreciate Them!
984: ~$1.95ns.f - - ~'attendmce and lnmreat onMn. Mm' Weber and "°°e?h of e (int two Sundnys.Next Sun-
'ekamnh wel'¢Monday dmner day ls "Woman md Girl's Sun-uwil of Mr. and Mm.Charles day":The womepand yrirlg will
Logert.nmx s lg "g snecml nur?bers ,yr
us urm B m o wo n lMiss Betty Benty, daughter 'ff Sunday igchoo classes meet gt
lr,and Mrs.E. M.Benny, xs 10:30 and the worship nrozrnm"_.\..=,. ...Mu an Lim-0. Ne- besrina at 11:00 o'cloek.
g g ' I J I B ~ u n - _ - -r¢ang B.D'C1Jlilpluugu llllo lu u *" " ° [`|J.->B.Jensen m d B e t ty 1
R. C . Ke ns in gton ~to Sio ux City ,
Cho mo nthly kelloington meet-M ': of the W ornn.n'a Relief Corps e n ' ; n ; n g a ; ; ' e r M° ' : ° h I ? § _»~3@»=§
s b e g;at.e ll:0";2ri¢(2;f M';,;§_;~1He.-mn.visited fsanmiuy a t the
nta ppe io ,ay ,e ~_aj .r 28 , wi th eighteen membe rs g gnifgff 1 G¢° lH¢C,Me flun rn e,
ending..M d M L o Bo dA P a if le tl- ' = u mmm wa s fc a deu gh ,slfn ny "'§° y ¢e'f"'°§n?;`-
f n e n d s f r o m Io wa at th ei r a pa r t-
f n t on W est F r o m street,Sun-
y ..
:ding several humorous stories
Linc oln, and Mrs. W . K. Strode,
triotic ine tmc tor f or th e Co rp s,ading patriotic selec tions c on-|W e e k e n d guests o f M r .and
M m .Ger ald L e mo n an d fa mi lyming W a shi ngton.A s ho rt pe r-.we re Mr .an d M n .Br y a n BarryI wa s ta k e n u p b y group sing-o f patriotic songs.Th e r e - la n d daughter,Ma rjor ie An n ,o f
;..I .-1 GLA ..r¢»..mmm wa s W d th i l l;a n d Ro be rt Le mo n of \
Are The Latest Atpenmng um, nu......~_...nska, with friends..6 gg~=sv°3»» vwnh; vm; mee nt|
d f :un ay _ evenmk Oy't gum
d? " ; B? i . '; : " € : n ; ' d A i'l\B e:e rezulgr devotmnal and dxscussxon'
dr:and M .Claude Hauschildh L"§°§°?"§;.m»."QZ~fZ'L"2¢ 'B2§§ S333
vlr. and Mrs.Woodrow Billa r "gf ev§r;nz.~ t o 1 q lc wi ll ge
"ur ponsx 1 ' y IM:allgd Monday.,,Mrs Gmce Simon and E. B. Unfortunate '
ed LUTHERAN CHURCHamnzelon of Omaha mme w -F m s r--__....,,,_.-_
c ~ $1.49
Qéséay with their mother,Mrs.
Semin Stapleton,and Mr.and
Mrs. Ernest Tornblad.;
Mrs.Charles Eugen and son,inm-law,who reantly moved w j
11.U.Jorgensen.H.l..I.luuu.:ISunday ,Ma rc h 16:Sunday
M 0 0 1 a t 9:30;Eng li sh c ommun-
.on servic es at 10:30;Bib le stud-
es b y Re v.E1-hardt Ni d a e n a twi ll be c on1:30.These itud iea -PINHAA Hn|\11u11n11{. fha week.Glid-
_.:.PQ E. O. Chapter
Elects Officers
The mnual alection ol oifinon
Rlbbun Blby Bee!
third mseting of thu Blue
n Baby Bee!Club will be
t'7I ¢_._.`_ ~ I " "
s *:\§;"b. ; . . . ~:P ..
"B ~~
2 1 J "
. . = . ., J J
~x14 2 .
nn ue r ur un:cnsvvaent at play ing hea rts Wayne,Nebmska.
Mr . a n d Mm . E d Arkell en te r
»..:.....a .»" : n - h l »W a d n u d n vxcky Porkers l" "" § "° ;=;,;'"-~-..,_ ,_______.The Lucky Parkers Pix Club even ns.°f r. md Mrs. Wesley Blair from Hennm,len last!as o rga nize d a t the Alma Quist ~ _ gdg gd g r Ch§"'°* Thursday for Wiehim,Kw w- 1
rme. Last Friday, nt whim time Sutherlmd 'an rs.ohn They ue spending A week them
|e lolloyving nffieers_were elct»|juy' and M _among x-emives and friends.I
l:reudent, Jack Ihchmr; vice-'wn dnugh of Mr.and Mm'Mt- and Mn. Charles Face en-
resxdent, Lyle Albsck; sef.ntary._LeRoy Baxwr entertained twentv wrmned,Saturday evemng,for
»mmu= Jensen:and news "¢'lfrlends nm a faint birthday p t§ i M n .Roy Mdeen, Rddy FRGSG.'--_--- °_..., ...A r'..m=~ nz Om-
""»=,4"a:;";;';;.§:" Mn 121Th..ll1EBtillg of the the nAc|hZ'n@E ofeveninir.~lnglnl
Ebba Rasrnunaenthe nonv-
H L AIn cmmcn Uri 5313131I
\lmmmmllIiiimim|u|||n|n|||n||n||||||niizmm|ul||\|||i|i|q|\|\|\||||||1W lnlmd Kichler.0Lher'M 4 .'1 -.ml.....\. -_._____members are Clayton Arnold, Nd\'di2;sn;.l of ~ lol owmg the 53; $5 Mr. ind Mrs. Ed Naya T.
Rlhter, Lexi Jenlcn and Quenwn Mr.md Mn. Lloyd Bly of IMP of Bldr.SurQulst.City, Nebx-uk; arrived early this Lmzll Nlchohmx,mn UI Mr. Chun
cmgry Agent E. D. Y"ll\\'[\°Y ll°|week to mhlfe their home here for and Hn.Glen Nlcholnon, wla ill '°'h_
simd ln the zw\=\>'1 vrxamzaum s mime, mking an apnrtment in uwlwim wnallitis last week.Hu m m;
Later Mn. Quilt served a \\m¢!\-'Fred Inns lwmo.Mr. Bly is do- bmthnr, Ross, wu allo quiw sen- gm 4een, and 1 social evening wah ing carpenter work.Iounly ill wltb the flu; both were day 1......u.~1.n_Nan And J u k l M m .Soren Mehondd md unable to return m uhool on 'Mom va
.IL Lindenmeyar. Mimw-
:day March 18ané d ml ,Hrs
"Don 't Forg et To W ash
Behind The Ears!"
Nobody Can Hcckle Us About Our Wash
Jobs!We Always Do A Thorough Job.
W e'l|Wash Your Car At l i g h t
And Have lt Ready Next Morning
Phone White 250
P h i l l i p s S e r v i c e S t a t i o n
Peter Slrkklatl, Pwlm
E V1 unimlmnlll
; ;r
" T .V ¥ \
I l . * \~1
I ; 3* ~u r
" B G g f ~
I ' l nan
"\nc r _,,¢»|f"'r
P* ~\1 fJ2?1 ;', ; f ¢ - -:w
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n "\."
I '~f 5-:>
/.. ."1'--__-;. .. ' : . " ". - - 3 ; - " 5
\H - " " ' . » » ' .- - - : i a
.an-P". »". " *
' K
\ x\
+. .
r H . f
~a i
::i i i
~4 f v a .1 s
P~\ .
If ' . .:g ,
00 a.m.Momimznunion mi sermon.
-gecount aI
s uv.........,....._.-._. ,Richter will entertain the group
on Marth 28.
Mr. and Mrs. William Scherdinentertained Saturday for Mr.and
Mrs. M. v. Wilson.
Guests, Sunday. of Mr. and Mrs.
M. E. Tyson were their son, Mm-
shall Tyson, and family of Omaha.
Mrs P. C. Sorensen had the flu
last week, but in reported io be
much better at this time.
Mrs. George Van Densen spent
Monday ln Fort Calhoun, where
she was s guest of Mrs. Harold
Schafer uid lsmlly.-
Mildred Hovendick entenslned
at supper, Sunday evening,!or
Lois Wlllinms, Mary Psyns, Helen
Vlasnk, and MsrieJohnson.
Mrs.Byron McDonald visited
Sunday with her psrsntn,Mr.
her guest,Thunsdsy,Miss M m
Kegler.Mondny visitors were
her mother,Mrs.W.B.Rnsem
haum, md her mister,Mm.Ha r
lnn Gotstsnh of Kennard.
Mr. and Mrs, .Aleo ChristinnsenLf Kimball, Nebrsskn, visited Sut-
and Mn.Frank Jahnel,st theirfam;horns nesr Kennnsd.
Betty Lou Andarswn,yesrald
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred|Ander1wn, eelelrnusi hsr' blnhdsy
un Friday.Prasnr, during the
afternoon were Mrs.Janos Jus-
,tice snd chlldrsn, Shkley Ann nndlEddie, md Mrs. Chauncey Wilkins
\nnd Ulflorle,
mf .ml san, sr. o. Dsvh were
nrdny evening with Mr. snd Mn.
Fritz Mnhleam.Sunday goats
were Mr. and Mn. Adler Petersenof Omshs and Msrtln Mathlessn
of Flomnos.Sundny guest; of Miss Msry J.
Cook md Mrs.Annie C.Hnrtin
wer, Mr. md Mrs. B. E. Glssslsrnnd children of Sloucx City, Iowa.
Miss Jennie Bayer of Panda:
spent Mondny with her cousins,Miss Cook and Mrs. Martin-
Hoy Inns.Umm-sity of Ne-
braska student,spent the week-era with su parents,Mr. und
Mrs. Fred lang.Snndny vldtdrs
at the Long homs were Mr. mdMrs. Arthur 1408 md L nrry o f
Omaha.Mr. and Mrs. Clnuds Buckhsrdt
mtertslnsd st s hlrthdny party,
Stmdsy,ln honor of their llttls
son, Leo.Guests wen E. V. Naw-
Kirk and Raymond, Mr. und Mn.Alfml Anderson md auldm. Mr,
Ind Mrs.Jo hn Hut snd Billy,
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin g,.¢¢, uid Mr.and Mrs. Alfred Skov md son.
usy.Mrs- M217 Pale enfsrt-timed at
dinner,Frldsy,honoring hs!
dmzhwr. Misa Ida Knox, on herQsmmmy. Guests were mm Knox,
Mr.and Mrs. Jack Burcham. Mr.'and Mrs.Fu n k Strlcklstt and
liilllard, md Miss Evn Phillips.
Mr. ma Mrs. H. c. Kuhr, Mr.
and Mrs.George K.Nelson and
Norma, and Mrs,P.K.Nelson
were dinner guests in OmahmSun-
day, ol Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Knhr
and hmlly.Mr. and Mn, Edward Jenkins
and daughter of Omnhn visited
Monday with Mr. Jsnldun' mother,
Mn. Fred Jsnkinl. and his grand-
pnents, Mr. nnd Mrs- M. D. Naw-
ell.Mr. and Mrs. Chu Hnnschlldt.md Mr. und Mrs. WL ... Blfhr
lim Mondsy morning for ms gBowh, Clllhmlt, whore they will
spend sn lndslinits length ol time.
Guub Sunday of Mrs. Arminu
Ssppsnlield were Mu nn .md
|Meld|.mss Wnhu'Ssypenflnld
'oi Fort Calhoun,Chrls Wrlnlx,and dnnghbus of Kennsrd,md
,George Hlndloy :nd Inmily af
Herman.Mrs.Sophis Each enhnsinsd
a t s surprise s u n n y gut y .
of the umm numner pnns-on "1Lhe communion service mlnos wr
coming of the nresenf. minister.6:80 9.m.,Young Psople'smeetlna.7:30 v.rn..evening
wanhlu and ssmlon. "wimunnxFor (}|ris¢".l
A heurtv welcome is sxtendsd,to those who an non-church mem-bgrn to attend the r mn l u le n
ORUM nni us n L UTH. c nunc u
Services will be held at the
Orunr .Danish Lutheran church
n m s t u n .Muc h 16th,st 11
n'clock s. rn.
ST.s u n w s EPISCOPAL
c n u n c n
Chl-rlen Johnson11 o'clock morning nnyer. Sunsday, Mnxth 16.Chsrlss Johnson
0.1 Omnhs will tend the service.
o o s m m m r c n u a c as m v l c n s
Savloll nt Glendnls School cv-ery Sundry evudnx st 8 o'c.lock:Snndny School st 8 o'c.lock.tl
zos Eu: Gflnf Stren-Ssrvlcel every Saturday.u
Li l o .
/ '
Every Meal In A B TTER Meal lf
Milk Hn Bean Used tensively. Milk
Adds Vitamins To Tlxe M a l Giving
Health To The Entir&Family.
Every Adult Needs A Quart Of
Milk Per Day
You Buy Enough Milk!
O r d e r Pa l t e m - i ze d Mi l k T o d a y
Phone 35|
I l,,_,§I"»T¢i`h"'"'U0 members of Mr.md Mn. Kenneth West,'Snmx1i|y diasrnovn,oomplimm
their md dub, Wadnmdny avan Bsvnrly and Connie Lou,e nm-
Kng.The nwv includad lea ns . aband Mesdlm
'Sixth and Gouu :susantarywHrs.Ccrs Badxarvw.Rmr.Thomu Cu-mody, Pain:
Snturdny for Mr. md Hn.|Gue eta wen Hn. Chula cum.Sundnv Mu: in Blair nlzernxtu
e u T. A Bohn. John wan:Stdckletx ma Egn¢ g °f,u D,c<»ng3wn,__\Qu__B°{~.'
be t \nl n9 md1 0 .8 0 l. m.M I B ~DAIRY
Ywnz. w. J. Bmw. s. I. Hom
and Curtin Dixon of Fort Cullum
Pr/lla wen n u d e d md
lunehenn wu nnrvod.
M * v \ i s . m ' m ¢ n m - n a n
r~'1.lw>|n.Sunday,Hz,md Mn ima lloorgmd mn. nurun ram-nn. Floyd Hnllield md Dolan! snurlnn.Evmsn., callin nt =». home FREE HEl'BODIST cnuncn
*\A|m d!0 r¢ lMBh4 ¢k l¢ N-l|l¥ df°f|ofln.Be dx ¢ ndln.B|d|s x 0 »Div -in¢wunhip|t 2:80 evu'y
l!r md l l n wu z m d d m ¢ h , d m lL n .H»B m t l z n m n m s w a y u m m u- w a n v u oon.
wa ..u n ," f f y A m u u u m m m n w g u n
W. E. Luclxe, Proprietor
.~... i
P a n P m |4
F l s l n n g L a w s . F o r 1 9 4 1 A r e A n n o u n c e d
npmying ndzeduhn 5| mdk Nehrnh tubing hw; md open seasons, bag and pa e -qw
hadbyTbe Entapr-be yeguktimlelhdifeunil Beptam-limhn:
ufmwn gf :mr mn- ber xs , 1941, mam em zauawmg
¢..;..;__...u-..Paula*-"¥A . - n m
-m e l n ..nml ungsn .w -a ntram,near Blli f,i n n w m d bo
have hem wld m Jay Stokes of
Herman.Pausadon will be giv-
en Apfn ut.Smdgy vlsitnn at the can Kon
temmn home included Mr.a m
Mr .Frederick Knlhzrmzxn n
nr. um nxu-. , --.__and childxm ol Pnpllllnn. Nehru-
ka, were gusts lm Thursday of
Mr, and Mm Joe Love and lir.
and Mn. Rom Love.
Ward has been received by
latives in Fish' that Mm. Orlo
lfmea. the former Fnmw Farwr;
. . . . . . ,. , . . . . . . . . . _. __. _. _. _. . . . . . .. . . _._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . » . . . . . . _. - -
.Ti r e n ly f i ve membe rs of the
'o1n¢n`.\Athlr ti c AHao¢:5ll10¢\
'i lr r lt lu Un1n}m h u t \'»u:dneld8y
ii g ht. L ;vo U" 5 nav bf¥.»§'0£¥I the
Th e u:eo1
be i n g p u bli i
for the gr ad
5 , 5 4
;nmh"'I;:m me Hurt)
Ihr. as to Nw. 30
A n n O p e n .a n a u m l u
H n t i t o s u n | m |K g e p é l i u10
H I n 4 | v a . . . _1 5
Il ~ § : ? , : ~:;~ ~ rindergmm another rn ~ vw'.;~.:1 P,at of Hu 1 ~»ration at s Portland Urs:run hol-mae 81 [Dwi P11-Bl amd is gettin alrvrxg filib
Mra. Bruce Mcliillxn, Heian |nd This il the second major operationRuben mmilma, Miss Agnes 51:-Mil Jones has undergone in theummm, and him ma DickmeyerP*'5t two months.Mrs. Jo11;1cs.is:mended the funeral services held §§<@__._f1=j_\;¢}}_f§_}°.§§'Mrs 1 mana
r uo f n n d
A p r i l
A p r l l
A p r i l
A p r i l
A w i nJ n . .
A p r i l
A p r i l
A p r i l
A p r i l
A n r l l
l b
h t
t ot o( 0
'l b
l nI n
N w .
H o f .
N o v.
Ho 1.
Hn uf.
D a e .
N o v.
N o r .
N o v.
N 0v.H o f .
\ l \ » 1 p i .l l l u r vw l m n nu m m s u mB u n n
s c a nS t a t eS t a l l
R u t a
B u d aR n t l r u
E l l t i n
E n t ! ! !
R n t i r a
E n t i r e S t i l l( n a m 11 .R i ve r p e r m i t )r , . . ? i . ~ . s u m
I t n t i r e s u m
H a t h ! S t a n
B u t e o w n e d h k e s L _ e _ .~
m o m m a
G m e h e n
K e e p A l l
G l n e b e n
e m m a
K a m i ! !
x s z m m e s
1 2 I n d r a
1 2 In c h e s
1 2 I n d u s
K e e p A l l
§k~5ar 5-~. Hx. L ..L< :.:.~| me mln-
qgapolm nm.'ln-mp wus
pads \.: 1 r um .im ~ :w \.! <'.»;»ch
#nina 1,2 u .»h».;r~¢1 \|-kuman d tra mup n rta twn fo r u w ath le t-
k-xn.ln|1:.~<l Dann coedl.
FR E M ON T W IN S ~ rJ u n i o rs ,Se n i o rs 1 c m s v u A n TO U R N E Y
\_FA f t e r ( l a g e CE0W Hi_§~@ny m h wvnhhv pgs; 3
urney um 1
~ ~ .§2,:';f:"?»-?l`»i`I»¥f°l:
L u a ( L M . I
r a p p l s
Iu nt uu h
l a r k l m :m l i h e s d s
' f n h
l l l f i d i
P i h w m mP i k e . N o r t b e
lf l i u g g a r
-... . ..in Omaha, Saturday moming, for
Hn. John Keegan o l Fo n Cal-
Mrs.Minervl Carter md Mrs
Cora Bulgexvw,whose birthdaysoccurredl u t Sxtunhy,enter!
tained several friends at the home'
of Mrs. Badgerow and Mn.So-
phie Reeh tbnt nlternuon.
Mn. Philip 0'Hanlon and J\m»Lmy spent Tuesdly in Omaha with'Mrs. 0'Hanlon'a sister, Mrs. ml
Lind;Mr.0'H\nlon and SaraJme were gum: at dinner at the
Lind home thxt evening, hvnox-ing
Mrs. Lind'| binhday.
Phone 84 We Deliver
FRE S H PRUNE S ...____.,_,._,.__,_..-..-....-....29c
.23cCHERRIE SP E A C H E S A N D P E A R S , N o . 2 % C a n . . l 5 c
T O M A T O A N D G R A B E F R U I T J U I C E ,
46-OZ. CAN .......s.....................-....._..,.......19Ca;
I|Q |.4 l r l i .....__..15,c
Developed, Printed
On e -D a y S e rvi c e
Fihns Rzceived Until 6 RM.Ready For Yon the Next
Rabbass Studio
,,_. . ,.,,._,, ,.,,,,,»¢.=»...,,.'M~..,.,~,,.,f2INUNICAMERAL
ons ~ w a st f-he hun Ranma.|...
' "" "" "twin bo me vuffww ..... .."°"'1 me WCERTIFIEDLIST\ llizh Friday mxht at 4 v~ m. afwéliw bm: _m;g_"§;=_,";",,q
County Agneultural Agent s.g§'2§§§ ;'_;,';,'{,," of §'°§. s. wln mu week by umm; ax an
Wahoo qdntct that ddated the`D. Fnhrney ennouneed this week.km,'Dust the new 1940-41 irecwry uf f.."¢i`.'.".,,.,,.i,T,,`I5,§'§».¢'"2,'¢"¢`Z nm: Blair Bean in the opening rmmdNebraska certified seed ls now n- my hem Wednesday night dw, al the tournament last Wednudly
~'-H;~=~ at his °fg==~Fsrrnerl school hmm.Th, Junlan lbel- night.
»\z»¢~d°!»vr\z°f°P'°"1;a¢»<lmermhm¢nb more-ma w get their tree coplesol M 42 w xi whlla the Siu!" f°|_|PE'l'ERSEN, uocznrr
Bm bulletin, which llltl supplies lewd suit ln their tm Wm| "'°|~ ~
qi emlnea hybrid com, wrzhum. Sophomnnes w , in s so me 44muhn Kflll. om, barley, lvrifls win.Paul Petersen md Hofzett were1/hut. snd dfslh for Isle by r n ,Ffidw evening game N. the leading sconen nn the Dm;grvwers all over the mu.tween the Junlon snd Senlon College bssketbsll tum this #m171° publlutlun ls '"\'d by the should prove to be s good une with muon.Paenen, umm ,mm
~ fm G;ov/e1-s tgnsis nueh ntnnduuts ss Stuart. Green, forvvlrd and }{°:::n,, g;=="°f ~
»n c use o crop es Gulaehow,und Compton ln ths ter on the sq coNan fp Nvbrsnks.Senior lineup .na umm, Rohm- points between them out ol um 460
mn, Nicholson decontlng the Jun- polntu scored by the Dunn mm.lor mm,Putenen hlt fllty-six tlma from
0 the field and lnny-two times lmm. V I C t o r B O W L I N G N e w s the free throw une ze wail 154counten for this season.HogzettThe Sus bowling team turned on made sixty goals and connected 13m!heat, Weiixesdsy night,ss times for 138 points.Nielsen sud`they kegled thelr way to three Boa followed the leaders with 62
~ ; C H l ~win! over the CCC Camp ln thennd 50 pnintl respectively.f m
1 unly league game ol the week.|Dana quintet averaged 37.8 points
.yi ~ ~~Next week Standard Oil mets.per game._I nha Nelson team Thursday nlght,\The scoring recaxd:Msrch 13th, ln three games and P. Petersen ...__----_......----154
R i c h l n ~ ' x 1 I22d§,`l3"1`Li"'é°Z§2§lE,$"§n!§?f§Z '§""§?ZM;'""'""'"" 2§
v l t & \ ' n i l \ 8 ,CCC 'n ln another les gue fr ay .Bae _- _ _ _l- .._ -- - __ -- , S C
--~_u. . .n n..».....~._ _ _ _ 5
mont sand Pita.ln u k f i l uu n a Pits,Rod!Q. ' L a tsHu m a n River only try Cham-13 Incnun
mmm Permit
Earp, hulhlo, suckers, and oth-
nonqgnme (uh may he taken
;h hook ond line lt. any time
bout Xirnlu on d u ,bll'|otxaesliorn.They my be :penned
ween lunrlle and :unset from
fn m w De ce mbe r m.
Undo: proper Commuch! Por-
: i nue d, a tfuh my be g
nm the Missouri River by
e me s he s o fwhi c hu e no tle n
m one md n hall innhel ,w w fanyLima ol the y ur e xe pt
..__.\. m ._ u-.. 4
and rstum to fishing waters ond
take another bag the same dny.
Fishermen are warned that per-
son: so doing will he prosecutet
and (ull amngel o! $5.00 per fxnh
uume d.Eflective Jnnuuy L 1940,the
hunting md fishing l e e : a n ufollows: Canblnman hunting and
fishing, s1.so; hununx. $1.1o; nmins. $1.10.Every pemm over mix-
te my e us o lo ge iarequi re dw
hnld 1 Dannit.
1111 minus ua v u l m )1.It is POSITIVELY FORBID-
0 \A n a l a
hd u l e d E v e n t s F01'\ Eff:..?.".f¥. ".. .°£ ...= . . 111 lln .t J L?IChe#
V i \ 7 C | L " ¢ : | | \ . |u a A J u a n !u - - -. . . . . -- _W @ @ k g f M 3 I ` C h s e I 1 ' s p a r e n t s ,M r .a n d M r s .Z .B .
1 u ' 2 0 S m i t h .
Mr s .Be rtha Dudgean we n t to
Thursday , Marc h 13 Linc oln- Monday morning, to spend
Huw! Clf=1°Club--Mn. -"""°'l Z§é'L'§W»¢é ilm vméhg uiwnzTI2 o severance n''ull 'L11°",?~?»»»Za from N¢§'1'..§""3'f G. L_ Club-Mm, Dan Moore relatives.
Evwlls: 3% £;gf~\1° wfuv rked for Halma. Club-Mn. Ruben ms.Mr. and Mn. Gwfge Kuhr, Jr.,
im Tem ra 's § ¢ '2"`m.»2 1 ~ muns n gd Mr. and li m. He mmn Kuhr
P°'Y ... . .I B ? "Mmvm»ke»~»~Mn.Elm- vglxsited w;;h~=»d»v evening Wim
" `" " ' " "r.an rs.F.L.Bmwn and
|Vic P a y n e wp p e q me me n le g - V u .Acucsnv..1.-|__mm ».Nm.li*Hn n lp n
$1s.5o Quals .....Now $13.20$12.50 Quality .....Now $10.00
$2.00 Grade ......Now $1.80
$2.50 Grade ......Now $2.25
$3.00 Grade ........$2.50
At 10% Discount
I-A Du 'lou cr ous'r n wrrwidn o n nrlven date al\\Dorc as Soc iety --Mrs. P. C. J en»\sons
um°a`L 'élliiiié inmé ommd lirliit ggnof any municipality :hill cease wg Kerman!Methodist Aid--~Mre.Mrs.. Mmmg Bugeon a
we n. part of any dinm: located L. E, Peterson Josephme -{°*"'°°"ma .1
within gud; municipality; requlrun|Herman Baptist Guild»Ken-guests at dmner, Sunday
counts' boards to levy one mill 'on nngton-Mn.C.E.Johnson Mrs. RW Hewett.Mrs. R
.. .i .sl nn ._.1_.n:'.................. n1..¢.\|vn mn of Herman visited Lhem on
d daugh-
|all 0\ltdd6 linda to be (UlfUDUPUQI l.llll!!0.ly Juwnluull \.»|\.\v-"u.|u»- - ---\am0l1 € hig h lc h ooi d irtri c ta within James Maher.Sa.hll€|8Y-nh- nniinf tr (ee a ls o L . B . 3 8 1 I |1=~fmn n u m b 14 Mr s.J o hn Sc hmidt a m
'e w.....,
W~lfe lea vom~ ~lens~ énh 158
whiie other high scores for women
Ynu are pulling vluminn » --D-B-G and controlled lmounlnJ pcolzlnl, carbohydrates, hu.und minenln m work build-
nng poultry md cuz proliln for
you, when ynu feed your chkkn
the ui¢nl|!\e|l\y balanced VIC-
nlng nav, be nnre to feed your
0 0B l a u 'F l o u r M u l l
Flour - Feed; -Cnenl -Salt
Sorensen Bros.
"miie Wu
White .223 Deliver MRS.C.R.MEAD
. ..'rn
. ":.a
F r e d :Su-nd bo wli n g R64
Lea gue S h a d i n g :
S u '-_...-. . . _ .--........
s u n d m i -__ -..._.....--
CC C' |.. .,_......_-.._..-
Hi l ls Na h u m
Unkno wn! , ..........
W on
Juf». :"c .R.M u d o f O m l b l ,
lwmn mle n t Me th o di s t . wmmrr n lf y
sf Hansen
Pluggv _._
Lund ,- --
D. Hansen
G1 Megrue
~ voLu~:YBALL
Six team: an entered in the ln-
trnmurul volleyball league, organ-lzed by Coach Rufus Olson.The
Ellte Bnhen, the Udellms, the
No Stars, the Chlln Gang, Town
Bo n md the Co m Hulkm a re
the ie8m| which begin play Int
Cub lender John Chrhwnun,
" | 3 1 1 U U A &.|s»|»¢q.p*an-rv#-wh "?Y #
M r .a n d M r s . . h m e a h [ u . c ' I * l e r o f
e m u . . n h . . \ r { n l n ; | 1 . r m a m h D Il 0 l 'O d _
W~lfe lea vom~ ~lens~ énh 158
whiie other high scores for women
Ynu are pulling vluminn » --D-B-G and controlled lmounlnJ pcolzlnl, carbohydrates, hu.und minenln m work build-
nng poultry md cuz proliln for
you, when ynu feed your chkkn
the ui¢nl|!\e|l\y balanced VIC-
nlng nav, be nnre to feed your
0 0B l a u 'F l o u r M u l l
Flour - Feed; -Cnenl -Salt
Sorensen Bros.
"miie Wu
White .223 Deliver MRS.C.R.MEAD
. ..'rn
. ":.a
F r e d :Su-nd bo wli n g R64
Lea gue S h a d i n g :
S u '-_...----_-..--......
s u n d m i -__ -..._.....--
CC C' |.. .--, _......_-.._.. _
Hi l ls Na h u m
Unkno wn! , ..........
W on
Juf». :"c .R.M u d o f O m l b l ,
lwmn mle n t Me th o di s t . wmmrr n lf y
sf Hansen
Pluggv _._
Lund ,- --
D. Hansen
G1 Megrue
~ voLu~:YBALL
Six team: an entered in the ln-
trnmurul volleyball league, organ-lzed by Coach Rufus Olson.The
Ellte Bnhen, the Udellms, the
No Stars, the Chlln Gang, Town
Bo n md the Co m Hulkm a re
the ie8m| which begin play Int
Cub lender John Chrhwnun,
-arte n. com E g|'l..Jl.lo A.|\.rH\V"V 3 ~n mmm 1f=`§°ém§yd"&'d§L. Hubert suw E GINGER SNAPS-mm- mm err Honor "df"~.=' m a r m .~Hermia Baptilf Kmd ngi bk*]t w g 1n¢0....dly If-lted 18.811 '~ ~¥9°§u
Hn. Paul Hmewk:P. N. G. Luncheon--Mrs. Carroll
Pn»»~»Mr.and Hrs.Luomrd
Hmmpuon,Mr.lfnd Mrs H!-hie
Baughllnflllnniny, Mmh 17
vmuh 17-20-Section Declam at
r Club-JMU.1 Fmn
ulrmy, March zo'
J. D. Garr~son's
TorcoATs$1s.5o Quant;.....Now $13.20
$12.50 Quality .....Now $10.00
$2.00 Grade ......Now $1.80
$2.50 Grade ......Now $2.25
$3.00 Grade ........$2.50
At 10% Discount
week tlut the Washington CountyPinoehle Pm met u Herman for
the ox-ganlution meeting-',lhxch
Z. The nibétlng vu inUm Legivn
Hal! ltArl.ington.'Mr;md Ur s .'R i d\l rd mn a rPiera. Qiebrukajwexa guenirot
their lm-k\-luv? md daughter, Mr.
and Hn. Cnrol Gad, lzom Wed-
nesday until Saturday o!l l l t
W1-rchP. 4, ¢.-nm. Fioyd Stti¢He\=t
Papio Thunday Afternoon Club
-Minus Alma Miller.
=s¢ CANDY BARS. 3 I-'OR »j~~;,; _;,_...loc
-4. _: =
2§snmom STEAK, LB. ...._.-,___._..27c
§FRESH Oysqvmgs"
P O R K C H O P S . L B . ~ . 2 0 c
H A N S E N'Q \\" °c o s f u m e g l o v e s
RADIANT mzkzs hands
look slim and Xovely. lt's N
in tht utfud way the rudu ire
used.Wear them for Lhdr\ _ " 'slcnderizing magic and be-
>m z uw M
cause 7 " P "muwddail of your pew Spring
\fxods. Hznglo Rayon in new
|Hmseu colors.~ o o
Phone 47
For Reservation For Your Enter Permanent
».e2g..gf.. §*;!S2F'
ie mr. umm.;Iauunu;.....- ---y mo re th a n three hund red
riendl,Sunday ,i n o b s a vi n c a o f
mi r *Gaiden W edding anniver-
u v A dinner wa s he ld a t th o
: lk C i ty mn , f o llo we d b y a p r o -
Qvorkcill mddlsu tha ladies ofnmFinen mx m s n mms
ar, the Nxt mating, Much 21.
- - ' vA T T E N D .f.].,l, QQQUV
W. S. CQS..U G
Mn. H. Lyle Guye r, ~ Jo hn
EP. Brooks and Mn. Funk High-
ms represented the First Metho-
\h|n church az I meeting in Fri-
munt, Tuudsy.The seuidn in-
ludd olflcers of Woman's Sode-
lv of Chrlstinn Service groups.
child, Rev. John P. Brooks, Hlhn
Austin; md Plu1 Pedenes are sb-
tending s tnhtihg coupe lar Cub-
bers, heid each Thyrsda ev.enin¢
u » , Q w -Hw='»,21 C -.1»f~
Bwut Aged NYU) in divided kntn
thus dems vrithSccnh Bill Wl\l-
er, Genty McMmiga|,and D m
iNelnon acting as Den Chiefs.
QFRED FRENCHSlARE CELEBRANTS|M......,n M.-.|=\»».\French en-1
s\1m»~Among the outstanding , , , . ; g
tures af the enmrtslnment,w n n.the phnde of brides;the .,f.»~»l,.
dmsl. 115 yous old. I-he n~p°rYv,;g
o f Mn.Chnrlus Sdmmslns cr!-1Washington.was modsled 5y|
Georgia 'Belle Moeller. The mon P4
up-w~dxt.a gown was worn by sf
mam bride, Mn. Boyd I-Imumma »
uf Fremont (the fonuar Louise
Tamer of Elk City).Mrs. A\\en
Mnc'l'ier,A daughter-ln-law.had
eomposed an origins]poem for1'w§Ii»J&'".¢"iL"g .12;;,`;..;.i *****"*'"'"`"'i,1§f°»?»'f°.$L"»i~`§RITE S H E L D FOR \Satun1ay evenmg;the occasion .'7-YEAR OLD GIRL §~f..=_-g Uléir silver mam mmiveb §§f §§§fd.~'l`§
er, who is '76 yearn of
|wife,'70,and their
L were united a t that
fi r s t ti me i n filteenan.|;ltime for the
~"":,_ld d h_:1u.u. v nu;n \JAIIln ..M.~§T"»¢
'lr.~.'3'$'.d...Z`§".f N o w U N D E R W A Y Choate and M:5. Anne Niel` of
were held at memmmasnf Arlington,Virgmia;Mrs.Carl
,Saturday afternoon.The mvmddiedWednekdaynight d W k in of Waterloo,Iowa;Mrs.Agnespc-rt are un erway a ee I -us' en route to an `0m¢h3\cluding an increase in me size of lP;pplehyfo)ArIingt:n;IMrs. Iglelcn
.9 n w u ,d.yers o avenpo ,own;ow-was she enrolled in t h e ~ f , ' ; , y ' f ' f : , 2 : , , m, , _.'E"he:m1 Mac'I'ier of Seaside, Califor-
Hl" School, where her Elldwl 100-acre field has also been lev'lniB:Dor\ald and Allen Mac'l`ier,
excellent.Survivors include_'ed nd so with I n u fboth of Omaha.other her father 'Theodoru e a vm.a Mrs Choate and Mrs.Ni e l
1 rovernents on the local air-Hvrrington and Norman Mnc'l`ier
_,,,_.,'n 'Th nd ter C. P. T.f Nnhvnik Clw.her\e "F " .on ......hrousrht from Virginia a twenty-
s1s.soQuam§.....Now $13.20
$12.50 Quality .....Now $10.00
$2.00 Grade ......Now $1.80
$2.50 Grade ......Now $2.25
$3.00 Grade ........$2.50
At 10% Discount
Three John Deere Model `A's 0
One John Deere Model B.
Three John Deere GP's.
.u..:Two GP's Wide Tread: wi¢hjCulfi
vator and Power Lift.
Two John Deere Model D.
Farmalls, 10-20 lHC's.
30 head of
TYsoN_LpNc Qo.
ul |~Hmseu ml~n.$1 oo
Phone 47
For Reservation For Your Enter Permanent
t.e2g..gf.. §*;!S2F'
A L i t t l e ~ v
.' 5?
M O N R O E ` . ; i § .
nocmns ~For Our Own f 4
C o m m u i t y ~
/fW h y should thin ummunity srnd
tts "so ld ie r d nlla rn ma rr h in g away
tu wln trade victories for other \:om~
TI-ut is whit it means when we
buy unnecessarily umy (mm home
instud of from lout merchants.
Le\'i defend our own "frontiers"
with l strong nrmy of home dollars
-earned here,:ml open!here la
much u possible.Buy md bunk nt
home for mn mmmunity prosperity.
'n d s c h o o l c o u r s e n a s o e g u nM r s .E m m a .H a n n o n ,u 1. .n : .. l |l...l.......=.».....+=,...I§f»>§1n}i ~ C a e , B h d M r 8 l i d
Mn. Mac:'I`ier were presented withwill be given soona a .zs ;».dio anda gift eil' money from
H. L . K UHR HA S |LEG16i~1 OFFICERS'\=»° community.
~ p m r n m v P A R TY s c u o o p P L A N N E I S TO RK B E L IE V E R
~ :mv of friend! wh-A school for lervtce olfian of IN TR E E S ' V A L U E
s [st the home of Henry L. tha American Ledun in (ive emm-KHI*-"W°dr\e~dny. yq_'*f'v Mmu¢¢,xncmdxng Wuhlngtnn,vm Henry D.smrk of Henman, n... ..... ._ -.\._.._.. -.. u....». Qfuncvl coopersbor with *P Ppln
n a - n m e u n w n n
m w u n l r u w w l
1939 Pontiac
D e l u x e Coach
Radio And Heater
gas F ord D elu xe
Fordor Sedan
1938 Chevrolet
1939 Ford
T u d o r
1936 Chevrolet
T o w n Se d a n
1934 Chevrolet
Se d an De l lve y
a r " " '
M o t o r ( ` o .
O R D M [ l l C U R Y D r u
celebrate hu nsvennmn mrmuy.Aftemoon vlnium were Mr. maMn. Otto Arp and Vernon ol Ken-
nnx~d° gvanlng allen, Mesure. andMw{» m~ Hun wnnh. Gwrn H.
Kuhf,Otto K\i|r,Messrs.WluKuhr,Jphn Kuhr,Chris Wrich
and Mary of Blnlr;Messrs. moMeadnmea Chris Rasmussen. Hn-
uld E.Rumusoen and Shlrley.
llnrry Madsen and family, AlbertKuhr and Duane of Orum, I-'rea
llomncker and lens,Mrs.Ed:
llceh, and Misa Mary Mummarr..
A. M .Anderson of Blair, who
vccntly held u general sale,rmved to Arlingten Int kend..nd ls establishing a b m m i w
lunuiesg in that community.Hia
business will be housed bv the
h-rmer .hy Blmkburn lmplemem
hulhling.Mr. Anderson has been
employed for some time, nt theZliller Tim shop in Blslr.
<;nmm'rso n,A dnughter v u
Sstdrdny uvmlng ntnhounltal to Mr. and
Kenneth Gilbuilon of
De nelu ln rnsmum. V.. ........ -_.The regdonnl school will be held'
ln the PlLhfinder'_Hotel frvm 1
w 1 ma . with Henry A.Krlz,
state service department olflar.
ln el-urge.
John P. Broeln, Mlnister
Services for Sunday,Mxmhm n -I
10 n. m., Church School,Clnsv'
as for all ages.11:00 a. m..Laymen'n Sservice,with Mrs.E.S.
presiding.Other laymanhave A part in the service.
pastor will speak,
5 p, m.. Epworth League.
The Woman's Society.sox-ed a Study ol the Bible 'Nea-I
day nfwrnoun-n Pwmm to run
through Lent.
unday 1
upon- I
E~wln ummwn of Llneolll und
Robert Hamilton of Omslu spent
the weekend with thdr parmll.
Rav. und Mrs. Chula Hunllbmf
l n . E m n n sun :p mt m m '
md Sumdny ln Fremont vmun|:\
_..|_.-. .\- .....A. oh. h-In nuns
Soil Conservation District,is nfirm believer ln the value of wind-
bbnkl and woodlohl for the pm-toalm of rxops fmm hot vdndn,
even ln this far eufxern Nebrnka
caunty.Mr.Stork told Mi nn Austin,
dlntrlct technlclun, that ln 1939 A
grove of trees along the south slde'
ol one of his corn fields protected\
the com (mm hat winds to such
an extent that a yield of from A5
to 50 bushels per acre was securedfromthat part of the field reaclv
ing lrnm the trees hack into the:
field for a diets-nee of about fnrty
A dispatch received by The EJ
terprlse from the war department!
sums that Kenneth Redding andllarold w.Nelson,u m m "wl\n\
left Blah-two week.:am.have
been sent to Fort Krmx. Kentucky
from Fort Leavenworth,Kansa_where they hnve been ullgned
vu active duty with the first ar-
mored dlvdadon of the srmy.
n : » n n n \ r l i 1 n R C H O O I S
omdu; th lun l m d! son,
um .l r .man 4| an nnllr. and lp. Ed Gilbntnn
" K ml r l h n l l e a n u I n f u n d
In Omnhl, this wack, to Ron F.
IAL\Q1|ur,Blxlr,-md 34,md
Frames L. Hullinger, Omlhx, 29.
Advlrtlll in Tha Entupflnn n u m m a n '
g;,; "';; f "" ' ,';'_;",';,,-5; Q;-.n n . " V . . .. ,_ ~ . . -__yf,°"°' °"N"" ' "', § ,°"" § § : g Mn.dlEdm Jnckxon a urfuxn,
p f N M "_ mm ngtmg or uw-d_§;'-t e 1°v;_;' WH! °°:',don md udmna dlrscwr of adn-
nz s;M_,,._"g , °__g__,, °"\u¢.ion,ddted Washington emm-
v l "und ty'| ahvm Approved high :chockSundxyMuchza.. Ammb o ; o f t h a E p l n c o px l h n c l a r t hi s w a c k; S h a ~ \ » v |
n. Rav. Joyner hu bun .nfvlnz County §"P':'"J an " P E-
as |vp»\y pamr lor l nnmbar of Fairehh rl.ac frvm
chunhn i n this mn.tha nm nmarlnundsnvn aides,
1 ;un)r.m
Pun Five
scoU'rs.'ro sPoNs5f¢|
o00K1E SALE*
' -_____u n __-»f\.....l1 __n | | _ _____________ ;l__|
m a n -_ : - . _ . .-......4.............--- _ " " " 'Y C Q U P .H i a :E th q l Stevrg n a n d _ g m Mr s .P . K .Ne ls m i n u p n nd i n gCL E S Di ll M Om a h l s p e n t th e thi s wee k a n the g ust o f h er nu n-
' I * §~~~ ~8 :""":~~ ~i f B l a i r I t Ulf!E .R f>=~f;~,;=g_g daughter, Hr. md Hn.
Anderson-Fiahgr | Ste wart homo.H .r
Bar Nob 1941 : | :
. . . _ -~ -.....\.,__. -..,\
18 Girl Scouts ~
Are invested
The Girl Scouts hold un invesf
titure ceremony at the school audi-
wrium 'i.'h\xrsda evoniR8| whenyninetecin girls received their ten-
;In ohoorvanoc of National Girli
Scout.week,Marek 12-18,theiB\nir DMN? will sponsor a cookie
sale.Orders taken during GirlScoutweekwillbedelivered
throughout the month of Mu-ch.
Orders may be left with Mrs. F.
'H.McVleker,510 West Colfax.[derioot pins.Other reward! were|
also prosenwd at that time by
Mrs. Simon Konhoj, troop leader.
The girls who received .the ten~
dertoot rating wdre Helen Wood»
ring, Betty Schmidt, Lois Madsen;iJune Kinart, Marjorie Shamburg,
Mildred Bhd Marilyn s i mme r,
Wilma Arterburn,Maxine and
Marjorie Baxter,Bonnie Millar,
l.AVonne Corte,Marilyn Meneke,
Jsunita Miller,Barbara McCon-
aughy,Phyllil Stricklett,and
Gloria Walton.Second clue badges wereawarded Mildred Guyer,Barbara
McConnughy,Wanda Gilliam,
Viola Johnson,Phyllil Stficklett,LaVonne Cotta. June Kjnart. and
Phyllis Johnson,Patrol leader
Ibadges had been earned by Gloria
Walton,Mildred Guyer,Emma
I/ou Lundt, Wanda Gilliam, Patri-
ieia Suvely,Wilma Arterbrurn,
Bonnie Bellows,and Marilyn
Mencke, and Patty McCord re-ceived a troop scribe badge. The
following were awarded attend-
ance badges:Bonnie Bellows,
Helen Blotter, Beatrie and Char-
were Carmichael,Shirley Clar-
idge.Wanda Gilliam,Mildred
Phone 367,or wi th u local Girl
Friends received word this
week that Mrs.Gertrude i krn
ham is returning m hor home
here, having left Washington, D.
C.,last Sunday after several
months' visit with her son-ln-law
and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Hamilton and daughter.She will
vildt in Chicago and with friends
in Iowa before arriving here.
Mn. John Bhllo of Omaha, the
tomar Ruth Jenldnn ol Blair, will
'be guest of honor at li one ufelock
~bridge-luncheon and bridal |how~ier, to be given Saturday at the
home a l Mrs.Ieorge Cl-rnpbeil.
Cwhateases for Ula event will ln-
lclnde Mrs. Campbell, Mn. Robert
0'Hanlnn, Miss Emily Jane Han-sen of Omaha, and Mrs.Gordon
.Vinton of Tekamah.
gi g l l vw n u - - - - i - - -- -: I n u nff& l '\1 D 0 | 1 n t t h r e e o 'c 1 o c kAr o u n d to n y - n n e r n e mu c w I n u
friends attc ndc d n soc ial meeting KZ {§é§§{£gE 6; the cmm Luih-
nxan church in Norfolk,Nebras-l n c k
ii, ma" hmmm Anderson bw " ' " "th bride of Paul Fisher;?:Eml?ar°M E Mayer. lmsfxlr nfl U P o n g u y s
n~f%> -4nz:a sNow!
§lt's grand to lvollf
like a m l ll lo n on
un very low cents;Rosénbaum of Kennnni, and JoeSbswnrt, wh of Mr. md Mn. Jay
Stewut,also ol Kennud;wax-e ,_"`'¢w r nNavybeansamrfioon.at
er ~ }}f "' £1 1} ~ -Me th o
To m a t o e s
,Grand md giorioua fc ¢\Ing
5° . . lo know 1 0 B 3 ° 3 5 , 3
and "T i"`i° '°`§...."§,`,.,...¢
_, gn \'¢'. . .Fo r . th e f amous Phoenix
¢rIrd wc ll' and extra beauty
n e lm!!ln lo every silken
l h r n d !Th e f r e b u d g e t -
ln e r l I n : li n g u i s t - l UT,
them today !
"\R S . :Ilnveyouuu-r\P'baun.\.|\
lmewixla ilu S-¢¢a:iryGm"l¢1;
Zo N| A a al1 6 9 e ?
fiuy er.Vi ola Johnson,E m m a |. s.' L o u Lu n dt,I n g a Pedersen,C l m r - , M i x A my Gast ~*f f ~
i ln li e Rhoadc s,Ciarsly nn Tr ip p , He r e On Vi si t Tr ~ .M : \
\Mi s s A m?(last. of Nevada,Mia-rvn :
and Doris W oodard..The Sc outs' mothers were guests souri,arri ved Wed.l1esdaY f o r an
nt a pr ugn am and a lun c h.\indafinite visit wi th her brotheiu
.- i - 1 ,M .Mrs ..b. o f the Americ an-Sc andinavianZz oslster n a w r Mi d W A le amff ul fo r ma l
as so c rnnlzed at the F
| Foundat10n at Da na College, Fm-|le m" c hu rc h of B ia ir , at
= d w eve.1ing.Th e prog ram,i n E d J ensens Entertain 'Sn tur da h,y eve ni ng , w e nIvhnnfgeofProf.Nelson Preu s, Harling ton Friends }Jm,|_dau ghter o f Mr .
.opened wi th gr ou p sing ing of .Mr . a n d Mm, E d J e n s e n h a d a lJ e n s J uu l,bec ame th e
iE n gli sh ,Danish,Noweg ia n, lmf the ir g ues ts Mond ay a nd Tu es day . J o hn Bi ff ar , s on o f Mr .
lSwed is h mi mb er s.lM r .a n d lilrs.Peter Andora»0u.\Frank Biffsr,Re v H. |
I Anker J ensen led an "L Q." c on~Mrs . Osc a r B ere , a nd Nels Nels on sen re ad the ma rri age lil1tt__4¢..........n»...'hhglnnn1.r¢ih1»|¢¢pnce g f a f g w
'iran Lum-1
gi; u'cloc`k~
M88 Ella
and Mrs.bride of
and Mrs.
C. Jorgen-
\\:1s given at the bride'a home fol-
lowing we ceremony.The table
was decorated in pink and white,
with a huge bouquet of pink mm,
flumked by burning candles, form~
ing a most effective centerpiece;
pink and white ntlt cups gfsu
5;»~»\ m':r::-- 5a on BCcnpuh so .,¢ z-\\° Can P o r k &eansP\»f¢"'5¢rve¢\ 5* °CORNHUSKER
F`¢°° Cgffn n N».21/-,0 1 _
1i.}.'" au;nes in thelserved na phre markers
ixumedlabqtiered wedding cake,d
ndx of Lhewith pink roses, held s
ri n ~ t h e ~ v m ; r e - o !|.1\!lI[IllKLU|.l|nv.:enum.um.~an'd
nted by Mrs. H. F-_.S""""}§°'f"fmm.S te wa r t W i n couple-close Irie
Vnn |.an\mn
asf Carrots'6"éf§N. L. Sieabeck and Skov Nlel M"-°\'1 "R°'d 3 \'°'"|Mrs.Don Feer ol Blair played
Mm. Frank Stewart will be *-helthe bridal chorus. md Misa Irene
guest of Misa Elsie Swanson Ofilensen o l Audubon,Iowa,m xOmnha at the Central High Sd\ool"I Love Yon" preceding the cere-
urnul "mad show". neun Friday many...,.~.:...»M i n EWG Swanson.;The bride, given in mxrriagg bY
Guests at the recgption
Rev. Jorgensen, Messrs. axdnmaFrankBl lf u,V
Biffur, Don Feer, Jem Jug
and Jimmy,and Mrs. HI|o! Blair;Mr. md Mm.
l w e r e
l | . _
The Arnlahlardware
.,v "'5 > C Hi`\' l i e
~- _ . `' o f a
" "4 ~\ \ . ... ;. My \\(_,€'\
-'¥~1s:i=<r ~:,~~@
\ ~'~\;]f_1.3 ;
" ` - f -, - / "
FireKing Oven-Glass
Regular P I E P LAT E
15C VALU E Even hearing oven ~ Guaranteed for one
year. Beautiful moulded Renaissance design.
I !Size 8% x 1% inches, A value impossible
e a.xo march.
ev.l .sen;and the students,by Lu e lla
Nieisen,Her be rt Jeppesen and
Ive r Iversen.
ld lu -luis. Jura §lnwnuu'°=».gg~mu nnnunu,In Ammm nn m. brld|'| nu-ma Bw nr. mm mann.lvm An-Lmnn an-nm. ma nr. me un. um
I Grapefruit _
E L.g g g ; m e m . m a n n - \ ¢ w m a m m ;L e m o n s ~
01 th brldngndm.mu ma_ _ ._ _ _ . 'f h -W - _ .! : ': . ; z' f9 * i . " "..'3:\C a u l i f l o w e r
do: 20c
4, 356
mg 18C
Apparel G " ¥ . l 4 l » B \- - - -1 1 1I m l m i c m p e r v i w r a t C ° M 1 ' l \ »u n s h e r f a t h e r ,w a s u v e
. b e i n c h a r g e o f t h e e v e n t .l s a , t i n . _ ¢ U W f \# 1 3 a
I n n n !\f [|l 'v|Biffar of Clukn;Mr. aRudolph Juul and Bobbyra
iam ~
cf11'ivl1"i dance was _];\e1¢1nt\1¢§,~
"'"'"`"" Wédhéaiin .rm-m».\.n earner zilc ul um nnoegrwllihlme num-Dance mu,'ruaday Falowmbgxmwegmz, mr.buummt..»¢a be em of cn lsmmmnduwe.HW J. na fur!u.mv evening.Hn.L_ Edruds 13.1 the devogonlll- lil1¢'~Mr. md Mn. Bilfu ment the immedbtn hmillsn. nt A maven
A nport a dm enum meetix\8 Mm vim Juul served as an week-¢nd in Lincohz, nmrning w wand: wedding dinner. .A ~|..;q_.;».1=w»»\, Tuudn lwv .im-». br'ldamdd» wearing Q ya- Blur on Mondxy.Mr. Biifu. wma M dwg W N" '* rm '
dum hv Mrs. John P. Broo low floor-Iength zvwn f"h*°'\9d mcmtlv uomnlebed a lhoxt coune wa 1>°v\U°°,y evm~Rib Rod:-its
l»"-"".-v with a. bodice of tsffaia md m¢'~h,' Fr¥e'Aircmft School oi' in ..... .J L m aww tzh .m m m `,Gai-\.lr.u;dlI?n~
§,'::¢..:°,..... Hunt _.f,..,.._.e.==s_,. .:L..1... .'~?*\°:':°L1'.a..=f. ..,,."%'.L iiz w}:ir3mxm Kghu Q\o§ce gm; Pnm 1 Rn
Enolce nee:1 {.`Il'...\.\\\\\» \:¥'?':° 1§'_.._Z'_l".»-'.1""\._;.l.."'J LOYB N i u m t d llqu..Fe et wo r n I.uvruel.-mugufl ' " " 'ln a n a i r p l a n e xlc wr y ..alum uuu l '" ' ' " ' " " '""€'T°.__2'.., ....»...¢+annul °wh¢ra\u» »hm drrjul md Mis s J tmlI9 i1's in-| f¢r will 'loin him .f.h0!`8 Yifhih Lh.B'b9mB With Mr .* H I I!Im
we e :1 m 1 -1-.-» 1v\l'1 -- - ~ .. . - - ._---_.\___she had 'l`p2l2' .m=¢»1 mo n th s a- 'f or ma l gg wn wa s ot b ro wn ve lvi. 't.. ne M few' weeks:in th e me md me , S te wu " t.
mo n g relatives and fr iends.Sha'Mr .B lf f a r w a ;attended bs .she will c onduc t buslneau as usual
was a g ues t o f h er sumi n-law =nd ;W ¢ :me Blue o f Linc oln,a f*`**'°"'.st her beauty shop.beginning
daughter,Mr .and M n .W .L. n i ty brother \M0I1d8Y-
GlB f° °" '~" d c i ld fen o f Ri vef ra id e,_..ln c o n wi th Mi ss Franc es Dun-
§»'1f°f»==;d u n n g t h e m a jo n ty ° f ;I u f I ~.r g ~c omb, ac c ording to an item wh ic her vac !! lon.| 5 5 C h n s |U S B 5214*" "~N `" " "appeared i n a recent L i n c o l nian~1 |~Lmewsuauer.They left. Monda y for
» - » » » - » - n u : - n - ' w w w ' w - »
Re v. an d Mr s .A .F .Ne we ll
spent several day s lu s t wee k i n
L 1
Bacon Squares .1 \b1.10c
2-lbs 29cIHamburger
Oleo, Sweet Si
D _ _ . \ -D .._ .. -L
2-lbs 23civhmnU l t wv u
0 lb l6c
lb 18c
4 l
Mrs.Grace Steele pf 1
a n " " `'`r 0 r K n u u a l -Scottsbluff for an extended vim.
with their niece, Mrs. Beanie Brun~9'?'"""in and fami|)'.The Newells,P o l ' k S t e a k 1cH
Fd mmr Anderson In
r Tn amen ;Is H o n o r e e
»m..\....,.»lain Wrapped lb 30c|.|H§5C0\lll.¥IB \.¢I.\.||.l lucu..\¢lDv|1Thurs-day evening at th e h o me oi '...Hpfnt Wednesday visi ting 1
C.Ed mun d Anderson.Ver non F.~Mins VNU-Christiansen,'°}'h°5° and relatives in Blair.
Bellows and K a r l Christensen, mamage 92° Carl S01"¢¥}5€'| i will be Stzzniey Jensen's guests, E
members of the Rotary Boys' noleninizgd her e on Frid ay . Ma rc h eve nin g, wer e B ema rfi W u li
Committee,were present bo dis- 21, la b€ll\8 honored with 'll pleas-Jensen and Merto n J en sen.
wa s plans f0 r
__¢§@_fiH°"¢2 drive." ";°" i§ "m'; f S' ;' ;'" "p ti f: nd °" §§ t§Mr s . D im Pe ter s .En r oute
.n_.n..Hnu-1'v Snnzmien are entertaining ghg.'f3itj_efin_*ff brother,
menus fgrmcrly of B`air have just closedBunday a five _md ahaff year pastorulu B u t t e r ,
f' Earl with the Federated church in
Swift's Pl
The Flaming Anow :scout ra- -----¢- ~ - -_trol will camp at the cabin this wdny (`I'hur9d8Y)at the former nun, at Brrluner.week-end;Lee Guyer is Patrol home, and Mrs.Alfred Skov and Mr.and Mrs.Jack I
Leader.Mn.Harlan Christiansen will be gud Cleo Pmllsen attended
.\......+,..... bn .,....- ¢..+., #nests at a mg of the Live Wim clur~ kxiamah, Tuesdair waning
_ - n ¢ ¢ » '
FireKing Oven-Glass
Regular P I E P LAT E
15C VALU E Even hearing oven ~ Guaranteed for one
year. Beautiful moulded Renaissance design.
I !Size 8% x 1% inches, A value impossible
e a.xo march.
The Arnlahlardware
Hrs. san-ge Nelson |---~~~- -- ~----I Birthday Cekhram lhQme next Saturday aftemoon.Mr_ and Mrs. Ross Deets enter-Mrs. George Nellvn celebrated Mus Joan Cameron of Human ls tained several relatives from Hen
her hinday, Tuesday, entertalnlug planning A slmllar event ~ man, Sunday evening, in observ~:he following friends: Messrs, and Monday evening, wo so be ance of Mr, Deets' birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lucke md
vLeland were Saturday evening
.1 sd J _M,d_1nt the home of Mins Chrisliln2; and "h§i¢°3¥f§mMen M»-i-;;g;_g_-m»- Mr. xnd Mrs. C. W.
Pl ~_nsen..fL»""E>¢§,'§1.¢Z,'§f'iv.1m"黧$$'11-»;;;§-3 of llr.f:'r:gl Mrs. J. Hman
mm,hun Tofu, W lltcr Niel- CIRCLE ENTERTAINS ,5° es '"y-.: Q ~ Fr a n c i s F o rs b e rk AT CHINESE 'rEA',,. ';$3.£';Z' §§,'$if"£'f"'°'2
Other allen nz Mm.Nelson's .|for Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Allison olduring the wélek wars lgm- a.nd|Members of =;\~= Cn§RKH¢\°"31 | Omaha.
Mesdnmea uence mnen of|Lndlea Circle o Aringfnn were Mrs J L_ Pownal o! Banning-R B B Chin T van'ms-L v=:-~. .tem 1E£','.._-.§E.,' ~°§.,§§ s, 21: :*:5"&._°l°":;°:"*,!_5*°,,*:;:°;2
Calif. F-unkinl
Doz. 2lc
Skinless andBoneless
Lb. 290
. P O R K C H E E S E
R O A S T Knn'| CremePnnryBulkBrick or Pimento
L b. 1 8 ¢Z~lb. Bo x 4 9 c
1 ~ ,_.1
Specials for Friday and Saturday
300--PHONE ?00
-Open Sunday Mornings-
Open for inspection-remgerated lockers.
See how you can have your own fresh meat
the year round wi out any canning or
Texan Seedleu
7 For 25c
Large and Solid7c Head
3 For 20c
Onions. Fancy Yellow,3 Lbs...._...10c
Pineapple, (`r\\shed, 3 Small Cans ,25c
Fresh FrozenBox 28c
Butternutczulnr or Dr
Lb. zsc
T o m a t o e s ,H a n d P a c k g d ,3 N o .2 C a n s . . . . - . . . . . 2 3 c
N a v y B e a n s ,L a r g e S i z e ,4 L b s .~ . . . . . . . . . . , , . . 1 9 c
C h o w M e i n C o m b i n a t i o n ,A l l 3 A r t i c l e s
I n B o x . , , , _ . , . . . . . . _ , , . .. . . ._ . . . . . - . . f . . .
T o i l e t T i s s u e ,A m b a s s a d o r ,6 R a i l s . _ . _ . .- . . . , . . . . . 2 5 c
O x y d o l ,G r a n u l a t e d S o a p ,L a r g e P a c k a g e _ . _ 2 1 c
Frdh, LainLb-22c
&i =-mm; Hi!!! Uilrlce gnq nuuuy "ry u |:\uwm.u»;»--»...--...,_Wu.uan,and Mins Marian Nielsen of at the Arlington t:hurch.M H - er uc; '"'""' '""" :annal
A d.Mrs.V.V.1 'shlan I _. ~..2°"?1.D¢H¢n~un1r\|Mm.E.B.Carrigxm spent we
a _|.m.a.w~.' a n a m n u I4.B a l l e r ' m m |Th e m e table wa s attrac ti vely '
Hoate.sara A :Pa rty sem to c am' out the Chinese theme,
Mn r jo r y an d Idaxine BaJLteI,lWi»f-ll Chinese favors an d otllE'l
twi n daughters o f Mr .and Mrs.'dec orations rexbeatimg tlie ""ff_ff,';
LeRoy Baxter,entertained Mo n -
day afternoon a t o joint ce1ebm»
tion of the ir birth day .Presenf
were Phy llis Stric k lett,Barb ara
MeConnaha,'I`lJ1lma Cushman,
Vio la Johnson,Ma i jo r y Sham-
haugh,No r ma Cushman,Char
lotte Rho ades , Be tty Ann Sc hmidt,
E tn a l\Io.'~Zeen,Doris Woodard,
W anda Gillia m.J nunita Mi ller .
l"|nrnu i n n Taindt ~ G 0 Y € I ,
Chinese vases, embroidenes.ers, and as teakwood carved chest
were a lso on display .
Mrs. Bla nc he W o ods Keller p re-
sided as leader o f th e program.
Th e fo llowi h g ladies p o i tn y e f l
Chinese charac ters,appearing Ility pic al Chinese costumes:M f i
Leonard wo l f ,Mr s.c .E .W hi t-
aker,Mr s.Ho wa r d Marsh all.an d
Mr s..-1.c .Boldt.Mr s.5%.A.:
week nd in L ki c oln wi th ne r so n-
in-ln w and daug hter , Mr. and Mrs.
Ha r r y Mor tlo c k,fo r me r Blai r
Mr. an d Mrs . Fra nk Sc hafer vis-
ited,Sunday afternoon wi th Mr .
and Mr s . E . 0 .Fai rc h ild of Ken-
nar d.Mr .Fairc hild is recuperat
in g nic ely f r o m a rec ent oper:~
Charles Morehouse of Dana Col»
lege ente red the Meth odis t ho spi-
tal for a n npp endc c tomy ,Monday
evening.He i s th e s i xth student
in. nmInrvn m1°l|an 0DEl"8l.lIJIl this
Stetson Styled the "Playboy
]%1' Today and Tombrrqwl
Hit of the Avemel The ...for week-end p!§y...for
Stetson "Playboy's" fash-your warm-weather com-
ed f S d fort.:on orlazy prmg ays $ ~
G¥°;_ ~ ` £ f I d Mr i - I l u h lb e c k play ed a p ia n o s ow uu u »--5301 Slersbec k,Arlene Hass,an d Mr s.C.C.Cook concluded tha y ea:
Betty 33`8IfȢ1 imc eti ng with a . p ray er.T1
le Dana
' x u k e m i x c l u b
I rm . . .!!2 n \ r ¢ » r n \ r f l l n| Mrs. 5. P. melsenl l n i j . | " \ u A . . . ." A n i muv-us v wn nun"1 uw |..~.........._,.__1 Hp\Mrs. S. P.Nielsen entferblinemhwem guuta of Misa Cecem "uound forty friends, Tueday af-|b¢nk,Friday evening.Pxeseni
tefnuon md evening,,at har annual were Edm and Em: Good, Max-
open house eelobndon o l her ine Reeves. Mary Payne. Opal md
birth mniversuy.Guests we re hm,M.nrlha|\,Helen Vlunk.
'f""°'* dinner nt ° '°"¢ tl-ble '"nm» wmums, Milam Hnvendjck,
I1dE¢2`§»h§m l nrgml-'
"me :ugh Sehoolmulle a»-T O W N C L U B H AT S , ( A l l f i l l ' F e l t s )..$ 2 . 9 5
!!..""!1'1' 521271 '.2',.'f'.\f.T"\..,".f§Novclty Shnmocks Glvogl "Limb §§ch_Tio Purchase Made Before
-vm u.. ..»..........__.__,an Friday nftemoan.The students
who appeared at that time will
compute in the district mud: con-
text next month.
Mr. md Mrs.George C'hrllten~
sen ol Wen Nebruka strut are
anlnvhm 1 vide from thnlr lon,
.¥J. L. i55UNDsthe Nielsen dining room.d R th Holbrook.An invalid for several M l "u
Mm Nldnen wu I daeerlul Andhnrmv ho mu, mnmng uw pa min her when chair.Among those
wha cum fa the uehbntion wereher children. wuuf, Nall, Gourge.and Alfred Nldssn ind Mn. Ham
,;Pmnm. their hmmu, nu] asv-anl uther minivan and :lonA friend;
A mast-ing ul fha Cvrnhv lwGbrdennte vm b¢ wa at 'l'=h~mm,'rhundny waning.M mm
ls.Az thi : um v m. mul " mu-nele of the mnluvnce Wm be
mn n c n d .'nm vm ma ude the
mmdu mg o l n u m .n n z d l l t
|o( tha wxrml n_y n\=v._ -nd 3:
" " u ' d - " ' g _ .O l i v e r ,w h o
bri ef v n u ,
wi th th e
G u n d aervil
ONE PRICE CLOTHIERIIl \ . . . . . ¢ . . l = u n l ~
w=r`i=i». in 'mb Ente.n:m»e .I\2."£§\¢ mei,)1 v v v *
y§i7W~w:N ~~-,
mal# ;. 1~.r»\\m¢h.1¢l!u¢l\11111 fun
hllnuin Al Join! Annlv erur!CelebntinnMr. md Mn.C. V.Shumaknrmd Mr. and Mrs.Cheifef Dunk-er of Waterloo entertained at njoint celebntion.Saturday even-inz. at the Bucket home Qu hun-or o !Atheir wedding ;'==";°;;=~'"ies.s m u n o rea vesand friends were present,card!
fumllhing the anwtlinment.
Di nn er
y r. and Mr s. Cla us Kue hl enter-
' eu |
unnysl - e,Maney New!
_Mila Vendl Christensen wnsmbnltnhuuhe r l t Mnneyschooltheflnt,qt the week asMisa Vemie Hennmgun was ill.Mr. md Mrs. Chauncey Wrightsnteruined Mcndny wg-= in hon-'or ot the birthday vt eir dumb-|ter Geraldine.Mr..na nm.
Hi l l Alma.Svoxorwn g nzThursdayxftamoonwithro.Kms Von md baby. John.Hr.and li n. Pull W u!!m d
-anna ment Sunday dumovn r t
the Wall- JADD home.HI M.um md Harrv Sv°¢v\'~son went 'Fhundny evening Lt thaA. R. Brock home, in Blair.Mr.and Mn.Bill Vo n we nt
Wadneaday evenlmr nt the Hmm
V homeI" i i i n i n a .P m w u s :and
Frink Huudricknn and -hnet F01 som ment Saturdav evmimt xt
Hhs Gnu and Ralph Ray ea-
'¢8P°<i injuria,Wednesday even-inz. whon their automobile mmover in a ditch vest ul the Wil-
liam Shu.mak¢ farm nur Hu-mln.The accident was caused by a
failure of their Xights as Bae;drove up | :light inclkm onto the
gy-d as they left Joe Crll'-lil\B'°P
f o r Mr . a n d Hn . J o h n P lo o g a n ~H r .m d M n .He n r y Plo og a n d
fa mi ly o f Billiard.Eve ni n g vis~
itora were Mr. and Mrs. Lou Heper.Mr.and Mrs.Arthur Peetz,
4 :0
Ne ls Knuduen.Thu rsd ay alte r -
noon,Advertiru- in The ls nterurlae
Mr s .G.F .Paulsen and Mrs ..I t B ; - i n n R g i m
hor-ut. lor low.At ~ g e ,~rs.Nora Bldgqr md Chet G. Manh~ull wan hizh.md Mn. Allen
La ke r md F. E.Dolan.wanlow.Mila Evelyn Hu ml h won
tha dour arm,
un. Cady. nm. Nelmn.
Co-Hostess A! Lnnnheon
Mn. P.L .Ca d m d M r | . W . L
Nelson were co- oltenet.Sntur-dn~aftemoon, xt n nretdly nv--.-.o'clod¢ luncheon at
n ullod -»=-gf5_»»;<f Hn. Chu.
rlntmldl n oiensen hams, Sundny mmoun.
Mr.md M n .Edward L l no nand d-"gm visited at The N. P.
Nielsen uma. Monday.M. and ln- Henry 'rlet n anddaughters vidted at the llliunMatzeinhome.wednesday even-inn Mrs. Mntun bud returnedfrom the hoaplw thu day,much
im raved.Ilk.. and Mrs.C. V.Shumnker
attended the McTier golden wed-
ding nt Elk Clty,Friday miter-
"°`H».n Sunda called nt the Eric
Knndun home. Wedneadly mom-
I-'xndkameerwerecallenizxll .Monday-
Mr. end Mn.Henry Ti e !~md dnughwn visited at the z~uJensen huma wulh of Blnir, Fri
dny evening.Mr. and Mm. Eric Knudnen anMarybeth were guests at a ho~-
waxminz a m y at the HenKnme home in Omdm, Satumla
evening.George Shumxker of Omnhn .teruined at a dinner, Sunday, lu
Mr. md Mrs. C. V. Shumaker an
Mr. md Mrs. Hans Moeller anfamily of Eilk City..Ms. Will Petes spent 'Phu =-lftemoon with Mrs. John .
Mrs. Leonard Haier spent M~
4 ..vu,
HERMAN DECLAM : L f ~ ~ ' ~ . . . ~
wAs HELD FRIDAY ~»=;gd overrxilaltggvut-me
The H=m"\ *UK* Sdzool nmfrgrviilul. S with her
ry w n m l t w u " N cakla Folev and muo Matxenudeclmuto|Frldsy evenihf. with Min Ilene were nbnnt l w m school I l l ofU! the Bill! High Sd\°°\'|m week on account of dcknas.sn judgm.Winners 1lrere|Robert Koen!!! il dck this week.
Kmgg, gi nt, md Mui ly n,gnd Sunn Wilkinson hu whoov-
ncond,in the §l-.ma ¢m»;°u.~d m n wn u JNormal
Nelno ..s W a t turn,and _.~a n
e'Hr.m d Mn.Elmer llonwn,Bevedy md M i n No n Collixm
'warg in Fremont Monday night 'bn
nttmd a. redml. d °.am n rson new Frldgy ev¢1\1n»z li theS01-en Wdmnrm heme.Pam- Hmmm of Audubon, Iowagpaxt Tuesday with Harry Svogvm-
Vls iwn Bda week with M n .
Svoxerson md Mr.and
.ALL Sfx
. A n f i n g t o r x 'Vi enna
l i n Webb Returns:Mn.S u m
To Be Away Uul\\i\ Jgna
Miss Andny Webb,who hadg;Y-he put :wo month;inornla,returned Friday,and
has re-owned her beauty lhop.
Mrs. Wi\liam Steen.Sr., who ne-
cumnmisd hex' to California. in re-malni nz for a longer vilit withrelatives, and mmm w x¢o_qn tn
'r. W a ldmn. :mx nnxmwun c .E, Whihknr. H. u. Gaines. Wah.
Kmlsr. CdN.HDeeker,m
sm .eer, .55 Ed lndwisz n Omahl-
Legioa Auxiliary Sponann Card
PartyThe auxiliary of the .AxncrieaxxLegion sponsored A cud vlrf-v atthe Legion hall on 'Puesdav even-ing.Prizes at uinodxle were wguby Ed Renard mg Mrs. EviRH.\g
§°_xf§f'm...?\nl:-Ll nlf:r?Walken
Emzene. Oremm no my unux Juno.
la ws .Bskam Bod; |Emnloyeu
f m
'€Bnmnexson v Ln-y e .n u . ,muxwo wf E T ' Hm mm .'iw kE15i=B'.u» hm in Blair 'Wilson. w. B. mu and dmuhtex, table:W m arrlmredElemor; Mesdnmes D. W. Lawson guelts with Mu. CldvAnddllllihter,Misa Lucy.CAN- at one and Mrs. Nelnon AlineReier.J.W,Smale and er.Euh table Wu centdmxhber.a bouquet ol Lmrinnrfluxkedwithug ma c l
Two longforthe
nmsidimrt the oth-emd withflowersn f l l l i
5eo;S'u1iiv\\n.second,humm1oua|""""" °" " °- ----_division;John Skinner,first ,,,§§§'?"%~%'E.°§".?¢;;;_w at Benninir
extemporaneous and oratoHcal|Mr.and Mrs.Fmt; Hazdrlck-divisions.These YOURS D€*0P\@,oen spent Sunday at tha HmrywillCompete in the East Central| Hmdridmen home.\.t-\......l»..rmwfurnncn Contest lt !MT. a n d. !f§ rs . C ha g le s ~
`1 5 i £ § £ , ~ _and _AIIHQ Svcrbérson.C a r l C 8 m 8 ! I li n d , ll ll d ~ w n l i u mMr. .n 5" i1. ~. . J ohn Reel: moved Wieae and Russell.Pmu c h le f u m
on th e f a r m vac ated b y Or vi lle inke d the ente rta inment
Ne ls en la qt. we ek a nd Go rd o n a nd |
""°N .l:.__,t'A.u#ng
for the week-md.Li a n and Mrs.Clifford N.
Decker arrived Saturday fromFortSnellinp:Whtra thev hadbeen stationed.Lieut. Decker hasbeenordered to Fort R1}ey. Kan-sas.and in com~any with Lieut.
Ove T. Anderwn.
W a s h i ng to n Bi n k Bl dg.
loc .
'Buy Pnynunn
~Lol lnbtllt - Prompt Scrvleo
5§Z`"§1m~e at Mn.an.Mrs.
:h scare;ond high;low,led Mesf, Chet G.Andrews.ln.. L M.
MRS JOHN KEEGAN ngton.°I M And Mat en 4 ml-B U R I E D S A T U R D A Y arenvigiufdrex »..,'wm§:',..gloss
|ho»me on Sunday aftzernoon.Funeral services for Mrs. Johng Mm. Ben V235 vlnted Mm Otto
'l3JHesch Satu AyKeegan,Fort Calhoun resident ''who died early 1»-=»».T»~»f»-1-yl.,:t..l:z'>.;2:;'§§;;S:? ;°.."::: f:
Allm Reeh are new :mulls in meBrewster school.Llln Wolsmann_anent the week-
end at the Chns Chrlswflerson
hose, mg; ,§1~f»B Vr. an rs.ill vim Glen,Leland. Nora Collinn and DelbertBmllar went Sunday afvemoon atthe Hans SV°&'Bl'son home.
Shower wmplumenms rum-nWnshlngton Glrl
Mrs. Geome Minieldt. Mrs. Har-old Mlsfeldt.and Mrs.Chu-lesMisfeldt entertained at a mlscel-
laneous shower, Sunday,at the
Charles Misfeldt hams for Mrs.Richard Andrews of Omaha,formerly Miss Mae Mlsfeldt of this¢nmmunltv.wl'mse marriage No-
W. s of c s.Enjo s Program ' * f ' '*he luncheon 1''-noon was nent t bridOn Woman;Sytatua .Neluon's him.i3 Hep The Argo Church Building Located
One Mile North of N. W. Comer of
This County will be Sold at Auction
Mesdarnes H.C.McCIellan A.fH°m¢1-Mfiiler held lugG.llrianafield.and Miss ¢'§1{1*Pk-'1\Iru. L. M. Peterson, secwerehostcsses.Tuesday even1m:.§an Mrs.D. M. Byzrch..to the W S. of C. S.. at the Methl *he guest list mcluc
odiat church,l dames Vernon Mars};l}..
f,.,:\_1.=f:¢=ff=:i"...,2=1 .,,."f'.=:~=,§am,:. l 1¥'"..-..la....Ch{'f.""f¢Rlr Thursday"umm-_W..- . ,...._D v m w ...-....,_."The UE'of Eu...B .l`=.°&§\§°'5f
And Mrs.Lalie French gave atalk.f'Women's Pm;n~ess",gr-. tex- wggfg umround txble discussion.
wasducied the gv o umlhw iuf g
f i * - - ° : a =,m.,r.+~°°a s-row of
Gusts lnclmled Mendxmeu W.
.». om»|w....... .,. .......-..,,_Petenom Dao Weber,Ge0\'>'<€Schoettger, A. L. Hahlbeck. Ther-
lo Reckmeyer,Homer Miller.L.Eclntenkllllv.F.E.Webb,Nom
Bodknr. G. I. Pfeiffer. Alles New-som,Dunne Cady. L.L.Pnmr-son_ Allen Linker, Hnrold Weber,R.C.Ludw1§Don Rhea. C.C.Cook,Art G ord.Ha m'Ostermm,Legllc Frgqlg.__C._Bold'§.
Om nha.
morning of pneumonia,held Saturday, March 8,
Peoefs Catholic church in
Burial w u made in
Bldfs, Iowa.
Mm.Keegan,an Irene
lan, wus burn in Blair onza, 1907, w Mr. md Mm. w. W.
Mcllillxn.s g, mg ent may of
and Mn. Clarence Sorenson ar.Banplnrwn 99 S°. 24. 'e x ~ \was
|Mr .an d Mr s .wn u a r a rmenurvisitedMr s .L y le Simlih mnmer
and inf ant dnu sc hter at St. J oseph
|....m¢h¢\Qnnrlnv Ri llv Ce n tr e
Ono O'clock P| . ! : { | . | . | | u u G l u n a n . ;|» - - --..b y M i s s G u s P a u l s e n .M i s a L o u -
i m R h r i n t n n u m a a n d M r s .H e n r y
met Fri-Clvde E " R rs,me r e m u .Proceeds To Go For Religious
wmoon u, um nw......,,...,..._, ,..,_..,,_i m a ll we re lu r m m t hgg;en.`Rosenbu.un;Mrs.Hi;-iu{C'Ixr-inf
Mr a nd Mn.mol: Hvvsndlck\¢»rhi¢d z s a dizme ¢° ° ° n " °'mrvmM
d l n un my r of nes were wonMr. andMrs F. W . _ An d mo n o d Hw w n .hiwh:H
|Donlld_Mrs.Judxth Aronnmi M 'enkkxt- me d, and M _r m k And Bertrand Lf J gn nndenanMiller. tnvehpz.
Mn.C . V
her life in ron uaunonn,wanna.on llnrch 8, 1928, She was married
tn John ¥l€¢8`ll1rn For Further Information "hits
Mrs.J.W.Swa n ntumed
Sunday frvm Stuart where she
nfxended the funeral ol William
Kmtter, prominent business man;he wu killed ln his nnze Thun-dnv when cnnxhl. between his our
md the door.Mrs.Chet G.Munhnll,Mrs...\__nf v-.\.-.ur...n u m ;
Survivors klclude the nmunnu:_n mtwo som, lm md Bunmni: dune M gg M§}5,wn n "ghd ~ uilgg-mhrk 5_9-=»\>-=g,= banish
dlhn, lin Jewie McMillan md Jnhnol were dinner guests on Mr. day an gbservnnoe M bl' '\,g,¢_\,f
Mn. Jane §\|Verh'\l£:¢of F0 6 nd M n .Walter Chrllhman. My:M m Om,G m g h md
nun an Y y.1,_of Omnln; A brother, mu, and her M N m Christwkn ~ § '§ ""n§'§ '§ , "5.f.`ifv'2'Ll°'°5;»"€?.»§?.§`..
oueer gnuudhther,J.D. fy Y with M n .W ~ M i l l e r h l z h . m d
- |."157'"'»bath °_F°'§. C_ .._. ff'M i n Mn:ion 3nhnel :Banded Lil v i ,""§ `*wf°l "% ~..M.d
m g " " ° -a r u m ' ; ; g ° ; , "-"g "
G u s P a u l s e n h o m e ,T h u r s d a y
H r l .W i l l i a m . W i e n f i l i t e d
l d t h e r .. M m ' W i l i i l m M n t z e n ,
t h e L u t h e r a n h o a p i t n l .T u e a d z
M r .m d M r s .N e l s K n u d s e n
i t - . . . \u . . .P d a l f n n r l n n n
Flmmorrr, `NssRAs\cA
ni*daughter wok Misa Sem Je =-back w Fremont. Mcmday eveningand spent the evmhm with Mrs.
Mary Jensen.Misa Evelyn Wien ol Omahaspent Saturday night md Sundayxt the Williun Wien home and
Much 13Admlndon no-so Cm.
uuuunnuul ' \`.BETTY
~;A n n u F I E L D~ /».|~.,|~¢..~a.
s "r o m !
1 I C
\__an nsuucn u
\»SlI,Q ..» :mm c»
Home Theatre
Bun c! Perlect 'mking fictue
.-. |
@.,X2{§'§ lb
Phone ~ s ~f~ ~
~daughter wok Misa Sem Je =-back w Fremont. Mcmday eveningand spent the evmhm with Mrs.
Mary Jensen.Misa Evelyn Wien ol Omahaspent Saturday night md Sundayxt the Williun Wien home and
Much 13Admlndon no-so Cm.
uuuunnuul ' \`.BETTY
~;A n n u F I E L D~ /».|~.,|~¢..~a.
s "r o m !
1 I C
\__an nsuucn u
\»SlI,Q ..» :mm c»
Home Theatre
Bun c! Perlect 'mking fictue
.-. |
@.,X2{§'§ lb
Phone ~ s ~f~ ~
.I Rura ;\=Club
Saturday, March 15, '41
REYN6'"il°|'3' DAHL
Adm ission 30a and 20:
l \ l l El |C a d .d M i n s E v e 1 y n H a n n a h a l s o t h r e e m m m ,m n .F r e d m u -
a t t e d e d m a m u a i c a l n g r n n a m u r e -m o y e r ,M n .C h a r l e s R o b e r t s o n
s e n t e d b y t h e N o B a d w o -m d M i s a A g n e s M c M i \ l l n o f
Mn.Harrv Neuhaus'birthdaypany,Sundal evening.Mr.and rs.Ben Voss mdMr. and MFI: Bill KD€\'\iK nfiendedthe thestn m omuu. Mondxy.Mr. and Mrs, Frlnk Hendrick-rmn helped Al Ti etzm of Omshl.celebrate his birthday. Satmdny.
Wallace and Alvin Voss wentSundaywithRussell and D m
gua t of Gladys Chriatatlersm.Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nelson spentsevenldayslnCouncxlBl\1H:\
with her mother. Mrs. Jenny Cov-
alt. and other relatives.Mrs. H, B. Plume snmt severaldays in Frenaonn helping MrlnmdMrsAlHumanmme into thalr
new home.Hum,Harry and Misa AlmsSvogvrsonvisxbedattheSorenWolsmsnnhome,Pridsv._
.I Rura ;\=Club
Saturday, March 15, '41
REYN6'"il°|'3' DAHL
Adm ission 30a and 20:
D A L E m s w s
Mrs.Lawrence Hansen.M n .Gus Paulson. Mrs. L. C. Haier md
Mrs, Paul Jones wen umong thanwho attended a shower hnld at theCharlesMisfeldt.home in Wash-
ington.Sunday. in honor of Mae
Minfeldt.Mx-an Julian E.Jungblnth afftended a bddre luncheon in Har-
man, Saturday.Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. M'a.rsha!l an~»-\-nirwd Mr nnd Mn,Rodnev
Mr. and Mrs.Chris H. Nelsonvisited at the Harold Bun' home,
Omlh Fridams.y_Mr. and Mrs. Anszar Jensen o1'o mnw vmiwd, hendny. Lt.ths
Rev. P. C. Jensen home.Misa "Elma Bateg wma n Wed-
Mfdlg, overnight ment of Miss
Li l:olsmann.Mr.and Mrs. Frm1k BwwnlmrolOmahnwereSundxyyidton!ol Mr.md Mrs. Dsva Pntchud
and David.Mx ang M\:~~c n m . H _ i w ;
.I Rura ;\=Club
Saturday, March 15, '41
REYN6'"il°|'3' DAHL
Adm ission 30a and 20:
Iowa.(who vis ited b ri ef ly a t t h
G.L G lo v e r h o me ) md Lieut. HGeic k o f W aterloo,lq wa .le i
Sunday .Mr s .Dec ker w| \l rexnni
fo r n n indefinite visit,wi t h he
pa re n ts . Mr. an d Mn . G_ L. Gk w
(T.H, C . Mc Cle llan to f ln d a n o nof I owa- Ne br as ka inhn I-nd Pav
e r Compxny _e mplo y ees a t B la i
S a w r d l y . g m s w Oma h a no t
guc sts of c u mva n v at a d i n m
and the ho c key game.
Mr .an d Mrs..L .C.Un le n d o ihnaha.spent several da rn the
im o f th e we e k at th e H. C. Mc -
Ilc llln and F .Br ai thwai t homes.
Mr . a n d Mrs .Fred I'lum£@ haveec eived word that their s on, Cor~
rural Ster line Pluinre.wh o has.
een sta tio ne d a t Camp Rob ins on
.ittle Hac k,Akansas,has beenrfdetvdtoBalti more,Mar y la nd.
o r two mon th s'spec ial training.
Mrs . W .E .Antrirn's birthday
-os observed.Wednesday . when s
:roup of friends snent the after-
noon with her.Present were Mes-
ianies Charles Farrar.ll .Kru ge r.Ha lte r K ru e er .Ro h a n Utterbac k.
W.A Br o wn. E d Siezrrist.He nr y
Peters.F .Brn ithwai t.W i llia mAlanis , Otto Mastic k a nd L. Monk-
mg;Mr s.Belle Chapman wh o spent
several day s this week in a nOmahahospitalfo r observation,
returned,Wednesday.Members o f th e Rebekah lodge.
who attended th..kensingtmm i nFre mon t.Friday ,were lllemdames
Chet Men kin z.To m Dowell,Cori
Jenson. L.Hall, M. E. W ins et, I-I.
l..Mc lii bben.W i lli a m Ad ams.
Alic e Ne wc om and Ha r r y 0ster»
ms n .Mr .and Mr s.W ilbu r Cre ig hton
o f Findlay .Ohio.left.Sunday
eve nin g f or th ei r ho me af ter vi s -
itin g Over the week nd wi th the i r
cousins.Mrs.W . A. W hi tfo r d a n d
G. A. Mar sha ll an d o the r r ela tives
he ro a nd in Fre mon t.On Satur-dav e ven in g a n umbe r o f re latives
called a t th e W hi tfo rd ho me to
visit with th em a nd th ey were din~
ne r g ue s ts at th e Mar sha ll home.
Sunday .The Cr eiirhtons we re re-.tur nlng f r o m a vi s i t a t th e h ome
'o f Mr . a nd Mr s. C lif f Msr s h q ll i nI c s x i f o m n an d Tulsa.Oklohoma..
\ c a u » u » ~ . »w - u - - - ---P e t e r s o n o f A r l i n g t o n a t t h e
O m a h a - S t .P a u l h o o k e r g a m e .
W e d n e s d a v e v e n i n g ;
Ma n y Do le people attended the
onen house held in honor of the
golden wedding armiversary oi
Mr .and Mr s.J ames Mo'1`ier.a t
l.l1g= Ent Citv hnll. Friday .
Elme r Paulson an d Edna
Sc hmidt o f Oma h a bro ug ht Lor~
mi n e Paulson ho me Thursday .Mrs.J .O.Mar sha ll attended a:
sh ower a t tl1 e h ome of Mr s. Homg
01- Mc Clellan i n Arlin gto n.Thurs-
day nfternoon.honoring Mm.
Ho wa r d Mar sha ll and Mr s.Ho w-
ard Edmondson.I
visited mescuy at me uwnwNelsonhome.near Florence.
Mr .an d Mr s .Soren W oia msnn
gm;fa mily were Sunday eveningoslle rs a t th e Ch ns C hn stqf fe rs on
ho me in th e Mc C arthy distric t.
W i lma Bates wa s s dlnner
Quest.Sunday ,of He le n Rosen-
baum.Wednesday evening visitors of
Mrs.Ru th Rosenbaum wer...Mr.la n d Mr s.Roscoe Rosenbaum,Mr .
and Mr s . S am W r i gh t and fa mily .
Mr .and Mr s.Glen Rosenbaum
an d douizhters and Elme r Larsen
Mr .and Mr s .Fr an k Sc hafer ol
Blai r wer e Su n d av vis i tor s of Mr
M .D th H t d t an d Mr s. E . 0. F ai rc hi ld .o f §?dlm.,°dm Cl\?,1e:;f "F§.`,L0°n'1.|.Mr._ and iiérs.Lawrenc e Pe ttit
spent the week-end wi th her D m. _1 .I 1mmi e an d . ettvqf 0 w e ;
ents. Mr.and Mr s L. C .I-loier:'§§i'€ii"'h§f`§=';"'"" visitors oft the
Pa ul Jones attended a dsiry \....||1 v i (1 R.F m n t li ls vlsittinsr lm°i°.~§§§a."riid§i.Sprinidie d Ne°| s0n_Gif for d. and fa mi ly . a t Fa ir
Mr s.Otto Liesohe visited wi th
her d augh ter,Mr s Louis Petersen
mon t.Nebraska.Mr .and Mr s .Ha r la n Christen
and fa mily in Benson.Saturday . een hs\'e mo ve d to a f a r m neo.
3 1 J b th ._Arli ngton..sn"r1~"$f.`1i.'2i`2'd'\`i'ean"§é§ ~ Mil'Mr s.To m .Tmsen ifitertamec
Thursday .' lth e Gob-a-lot grub and their. hos
Iand M m .Ed n a Sc hmidt visited
Satur ds __ with Mr s.Pa rk Smith.
s t the ic holas S a i n Hospi tal.Mi s s Lor rai ne Paulson attended
the Peterson-Sorensen wedd ing
and danc e in Bemnington, Sunday .
Mr .and Mr s .J .E .Jozngbluth
and J eanne were Sunday guests of
Mr .an d Mr s.Ha r r y Johnson,in
Oma ha.Mr . an d Mrs . Hug h Rhe a tra n s .
gated business i n Oma ha.S s t u r I
ay.Keith J ones is heloimr his unc le.Lllls r d Jensen.
M r an d Mr s Ha r old Sc hi t.uglnfenfnnaTarn!unfl Rhuvnn ... SR
Mr .m d Mr s._]_0 .M m h a m b a n d s a t a six o'elock dmn ei
' m c c c t n t h 'Ylowa
Mr . a nd Mr s . W . J . No vak we rSuminvafternooniruestsofM1
and Mr s.Paul Ba rr y and son.
The Mc Ca rthy Projec t Club i
meeting this (Thu rsd ay )aft-ol
noon wi th Mr s .Pete J ensen..
birthds _o s r w wi ll be held fcg i g Ia tz and Mr s..Tame
omllsonMr .and Mr s .J ohn Nearhoc
monss WE(illP$£l.l.v aveninu ~
Taken In On Our Trades For
New Dodges and Plymouths
o o 0
/'\rt°s Auto Parts
Blair, Nebraxla
o-Gene Kruppa and Band and
Popular Science.
FRlDA ' x- S ATURD . 'UI '
Mar c h I-I-I5
Saturday Matinee
Admission I0-20 (fl:1.
\-s - w r - u g'' ° ' "mn n ln l mn
m l s l l l l . m m
ur i u n . u n mu_ .u a I n s t a\ ,Fran-as Luwl
no :mo mm nasimanladuln
Also-"March of Time.Evenin,
Admission 10-30 Cts..
March 16-17SundayMatinee
Admission 10-30 Cts.
.\"°"'i\iie in
"s l 4
~ réc: H NSE oLo R~
/'/W _nm my n f;r/W
"PIII Hilgenhm ,ho °""€e!!Le°.__":='f ° ' ° 'g l i l i i .u..u\.¢u a l ! !n Iw e e k ~ a 1 d i n B§`ui§"E|7éékf"1~"i2Ii2Eéiu "o`r`_il?'£"|nH"ii§.J|.mel} A190-CQ Ni_|3_ E595-gl §5_°_;°f,_,1-2skaatthehomeofMrsThompson.[ueter's sister, Mrs. C. Jirows~|Mrs.James Mullm and
their brother, Carl Leu,was .James 'I`homD¢0{\and Ma:le for a few days Iuuended a. meetmn of the 1lr. and Mrs.F. J. Emerson re- lic Ladies Club at the honed word their son Wiiliam J. Mrs.Robert (YIIzxnlun,WI
mon, will enter the army in a day.In in Monterey.California Sunday eveninv: nuests ofdMrs.Paul Ba andan' EM N Di'f'1I'I'\Tl2'Q Marv Barry were r.and
riznxern :mu .W W .-,35loan,sky .M m reel.Evening Admission 10
na of
March 18asian I0-20 Cks.
xe sil-i Mrs.
Satur-Mrs.. DauEarlW u
sy en-Hind-in-lnwnk o f
m sonlim
inn my:l i n .
nl Hrs.in of
ulburnnnrry.I then'[mth-1 Mrs,\, JohnGailo Mrs.low in
Donsldol theviliudMhz
I 1 4 1 | - J - 1 ." w s - a a
\g " 'n n_ m x n n
A n n a n
w s ;
no monom»~_i n u a n a - m u I nh l | | | | | ,
Much l9~20Admission 10-B0 Cu.
con!! as env...
have A |o||\c\dng good timel' \1 ,sam.,
rr ~|'E|r|_E
Clh llo lll
Genuine Chevrolet serv-
ioe insures you full value
on every job.Chevrolet-
/gu P f-_ f §
f cu '5`iBOL.E/
\3xé¢trained mechndes . . .
Chevrola-designed spo-
dnl wok .. . genuine
Chevrolet parts . . .
Charolefn low service
prices . . . Chevrolet
gquare-dbal policies.."4~ V i n t d n - E v a n s C h e v r o l e t C o .
nmf, Nebruhmmmnmm
LI1.11.1 |.\¢1.J\..u..u.r|.:J».J |g_j;_;"Rn and daucrhter§~.aa'aa§"E.f"¥»ZFa~
wmi r: n f hn ma Dic k
e::,z;" ,f;.;;' `of'Wait1\Eii.forJ' * . .r " - ". . _ - -. . - -. . -- ._ .1 'O m a h a t t h o r m z u r .L h e r e .a l l e n e F - n y L i n n o f f § ' r e m o n t ,w g l l -A 2 2 § a =¥ . ? ° 2 °;: * ; * ; " § 1 2 f , : i
r a n d M r s .H u d s o n D o w n s l m o w n i n t h e A r l m g b o n v i d m t y ,VF $ r T e d F m n c h i n K e n n n r d ,1
c h i l d r e r { 1 e a c c m n u 1 é e d , § , ; , = =M r s .g a s b e : n t h a P l é ¢ i ; 1 : ; ¢ §~0 ! »d a y e v e n i n g ,w e r e M r .x m l
t r ,r s .d o e r n e r m e u e n a i o !4 d h (;D nr : § w n ,I o w a ,s p e n t S u n d a y t h e r U .S N n 0 L e o n H m d l e v .M r a n r s
. L _n . . . . _ . . . . .. . . L n . -1: 1 r ~ 1 . . . . - , ..I v l - V Y »e f e c t i v 9 ~T h O I l l l 3 3 ° n »M r . _ _ a n d . ¥ . ¥ " -/ Y f g g mw g I-'i rstiTh 0mpa on, an d Mr . a nd mn.
iI"Pfé1?iiiFf`I§§"5»."»'I5`§"`&3'i y3'1"»2' 'IVE '°"u1'°'l'nh Hn.Hindll
m W. 'r. Phdlun l Ia 1-,_. Geom Hmm-bm' on a~u at N m m.»¢,=»=¢-med Sm'd'§»a°'¢ilg"f-1b r o t h£ \ * ! . ' ° ' ° . § % ' i ' * ! . £ ' ;2 - . .I n 2 3 r - g I . . ? ' - 1 3 3 . H I ~~G .~7 .nu ... 'f-° v»--M ¢~»»~:.Xiimgwn,F O R M E R B L A I R I T E Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tho
P AS S E S I N D E NVE R 3 7 5 » 5 " i '-ffé-5~5=°?` d'?L:if;f' 2
vxsxwrs in their hom); wer;
Wo!~d W" \:°°§"'='% "ale week af f£?'.§1'l}."°'1?...§'J.1"l'I.'°;»d"1$?
"2""§""-""'*?='f"@*=.°"»==-"e-if"~ 7 5 .
fm w..|'wlu= ln. Jnfvu unc ima In. H. wnui ma °°m,:.':.:::.
£2.'i""'r. ""'''".,'l°..Y."..'?..".°..'lT":';. XL .":"': ml- .um ¥f=-A'1.>,_ee§
Art's Auto Parts
Blair, Nebraska
Mr.Ami Mn/ Han Shaffer "'""' """"""' "'"° """ "'"' "'- "-A and ur. nwnm.ma family mms Sundnr; vim nl- 15 "'""°°" home wu mm by N . 31 Hn, numu Mc
dives In Wlnnabszo.am.ol Blair. former nsidentlMr. ma um J. W. swmn nz-nrvioea vm w e in MnC»rt-hy ».w=h-n-uma,hmdod the Seatt Allan fmmnl Deuvdr when hrutmem wu|Sundny with fha Wed/onnurvicu in Milf. Wodnndny.muh.ln. Kixmsy ll :dll living, funlly.
Pure Seven
n;.;~<>¢ #Q
1' i n -N
Mrm iianry Honkeof
nello w u an ovlrnizht -
'I'hunday, og her daughter,l l
W. J, Blutter and hmily.
No lmeh x m uL
hr. Co.,
em'-nnner. tuarerinting
;3'3'¥1§'n?5» "I §%'.;'i¥.'§,~.'2.2§'.§A|°..9 T h e <
25233 In che County Counfo! w -B " c m R o a d Mrs. Hub31.001 mn County, Nebnakl.O4438ESTATE of Henry H Gvtke.et Roiland,cellancaua 1gy, laundry 1.68deceu91- ______l Mr. gud Mn. (;,,me q¢\,¢,lemoon nt
com room in Bldr, H91?r*&"h 'EBI chr4=+»Q=2"'= 1;
LEGAL tho let day 01 April, 1941. I-W "Hf-he 2nd day of July, 1941, (cr the
Purpose of exxmimtion,ld h lf fment md a\lnwnn/ce ol clnlml-All
claims not filed on opbelore the
m an of Julv. 1941. wm \>° !°r-
m pile!Counzy Clerk.
County TnumR. R. Dunley,Enterprise. 3Evnnn Lquq |
ert Stray, nee M»f»»=~|
was honored at a mis-.
Norlus xv onw......,,A. C. Debel. Attorney
Ionntv Court, Washimtwn Coun-ty. Nebraska,ESTATE OF Jam Jensen. de-
sensed.Notice is given to the creditorsLo ann:-ar before me at the Coun-;y Coun room ln Blair. Nebraska.an th- zur dxy ot March. 1941.md on the 28rd dnl' of June 1941.lor the v\1rD0se of examination,ndjnstment BM allowance of
ever barred.HDated this 28th day of Febru-
ary, 1941,(SEAL)John A. Corrigan,9~4t Qounty Judge.
NOTICE To coN'mAcrons
in E. Faircmm.postn|!€» etc..Frye Mf . Co.. suppliesMary Gibert, clericalMa ry Hms en , c ler ic alHerman Tele. Co., tolls
W alter G.Hub er,expense
Kelso Chem. Co..suppliegSealed hlds vd ll b e received | t i K I ° vn P r i n t i n z ~ s u p p li e s
th e offic e o l th e D e a r t m e n t o!i C\ 1U- L amb. ba l\ l! f_
Roa ds an d Irr ig ati on n th e S ta te - N T. L u n d & C ° ~ ; ms .
Capitol a t Linc oln,Nebraska,o n lve r e n a Lund , c len oal
Marc h 2 1 1941 until 10:00 o'cloc k H. J . " " " ' P : c o u r t
'Notice is nereuy zlven umm vu~ gg sur g-g og Aggl- 1941, ltcihunntyu gen 0 ce in the ity3:23 ol swf, wmnngwn County. Ne-4 35 braeka, nt ben o'clock in the lore-325noo'n of mid dw, ~ following'l h 'd-sgfmig §§"»2f{'§J;'l»L Zi.. °s..,.;:' °~;°f;;__ gl
6.00 tha Gosker praying (or the ap- 127-00ipolx\tment of gg-gg; H_ 6°-ge =; 1inistntorestate o n i
Henry H. Goaker. deceased.
60.00 . 4
:!aimn.All claims not filed on or ''A. M.and at that time publlcl na,g¢_before the 21st day of June. 1941. openeti and mad for SAND <;nw'I\n5?,...-,, 1 Scott Co.,54.87 9?d this dlY of M ~
wfgg; f l of Febrn- Ex.SURFACING and inddmhl supplies ezs SQL,John A e w w ~
sry. 1941._work on the GRETNA~KENNARD Wm. ,D. Mbowd. prison-1o»4t (founty m,,. 1§§EAL)John A. Cm-inn."°f»'£'§ §'°'.§£3.ii"'¢.'.?&§3'.'Z;. C:rli.Fb°5ll¢ivneir\i|"g¢' f m il
'County Judgo.2,231 55.Yu..$.31 Gravel su-I Omha' P1-muég Co.. mv-Nanci é'"D3.1§",' i i § " " ' " ° " -
NOTICE or mm. nnronrr face Course Material plies 24.ss -»rney 1
P n, M hA. cz mm. Avxorney mfg;»==3g;»s»f hlilders n . §:f;'.;T...=;;m..l.. \lsgggg Inwtlmcidllcfy §<=;f= of w~
1 9,go t Cqun g w,,,_hh,¢. covering sub-letting or nsdgning fan enum ool Supp y.n un y.e .
f7w;FN;;=~i=»»h °1=~f;;_'a nn Mwglg-.1559 mnirnrrz or Cbwwvr Som
deraen deceased.earl Lillie ""` rknlefx ilrm- :»i\°p\:f7g§¢§-muufown. N` E r§¥3l'§' §i.T§§L=122'ig Notion u bmw given um onNmkeinherebyKim um: tract shall be siny-five (ss) cents vim-1 co. 1-aim Bureau `the uh day of April 11141 nt ami
.Anhur N. Andersen has filed with per hour.office main|.enlnce_'118.02 County Judge'g office in ine City
¥'¢§.Ei`,§*,§;,T""'°'*- County Judy; of _ The minimum wage paid to all J.~ »~d=g»» Co.. equipment 922»50'of Blair. Washington County, Ne-_n County,Nehralkx.rnlennedrate labor employed on Jo 9 An arson, labor _32.00 braska, at two o'clock in the aj,
'm""L;°'i='"r".§r§°"r;.°""° "gs,°°".;"°=,:'""'>= fdty-five af? +'"'a' "°'"v;:°°'"..we wrnoon ofsaiddgy the followinl'.s. e ear e e ~_...nraze,a r,e ..,.'.deceased. una made on nunlicatioh ( r1.Z°'§..nE',?\1."°"§..,., paid go all Firestone Auto Sunnfy.grrxfiter "'il_b.fhh°""d _and ""for final administration and dis- unskilled labor employed on this equipment 23.90 e Scm;n ll e Petition of al-e.h:\r'.re. and for the a.ss\\mjr\ent_of contract shall be forty-five (45) H{;;<;§'_§B*°fm Equipment,3A5;p°m§:m gg- P"r;|;|:n "lgg
-, _.,__._.__ ._. tr... ...
were Sulldl)m|h nga d,."§2f;2»£"T':2hhe'§I
Mr. .id 'i¢;'2"»fI'"2§'°,. en-
erfained,Saturwhy ev R.furhir.and Mn.Edgar Imsen and
";=u:'e,"m,~.,°:.'°;"=,2i-£:,,, and
bbs: Grace Ray were their bgr md :ister-in-law. Mr.end#gg R-ly and fnmily. of Herman.r. md Mrs.Byron B w g u d
mr. nnu mn. nun. ummm. eu--berhined for Messrs. md Mel-I Wednesday eftzrnoon Mrs. Hu~dunes Milton Carlberg and nomlben Stray was honored nt n mis-
(".ene_Earl Jensen and Haroldwellxneous shower nt the l>aren\.al»Jansen and ihmilv.Wednead|y|}Ax1,Rnll|nd. home.After p\ak~evenk\R~ymz a hrKde's book. the Kuwts en-Muglret Rasmussen treated herdnyed xuweral mmm and nrisespupil! to candy,Tueadny nt dwwen won by Mrs. John TaylorMarch school, on her birthday an- imauldrs. Wllly Xmas oi Henman.niveraary.B818 inckxded Mrs. M-try Jen-M i "Ruth Wolfe glvs 1 rug'°11 and lon, Chris,of I-'remont;makimz lesson to memben of \,\'\e|P'i*'°-c'!u° Hansen Ind dauzhm-.u..-_..»-....u..,|.M...W F "
I I \ l l 1 l u 1 \ vWallpaper Cleaning.
Phstcf Patching
Pete Pedersen
408 E. Colfax
children,MAN Ann Ind Jackxn,w¢X6 Sunday dinner new nt. theparental.Hugo Haack home, inOmaha.They :lm visited Mr.u.n§_ Mns._1'{qil B3_mrd\_c. __
Mmniifx Pmfm Club,Thnud:y»'~'I »"~=»~»---»-»---~-§€:,a;"°°,.:'° °'::';.:1,.H a m i ¢i§'.;§'=;Ea£:*'§£J""J.i'.§1'||||||||||||||mul||||||u||||||u|||u|
wrxdi. Howard Jensen, lim n°\.'f H1:=fv KW; g B1-3; §}§;|
lxnd.L. E. lgrsen »-=d.Gwrse ........2E£'...""».."£¢cf m l !~
mr. mn Mn. U. rs, nunn spam.Sundas tinx thek fhtar.Mn.pm! RM'¢8» md f y.Mn. J. S. Conety pw: 'nuyiuandWedne-idly. ¢f~mvm¢k 'nznnOnulnh°8v|i=ll \v i &~he ;dlukhtcrin-llw,Mrs.Ned Tysonmd baby mn; they wen nm; toxsturn 1,0 their home in Herman
Tuusdaony.r~.....,.|..nm '|\....\.\ M Hnavmn
Rumuuen and the hostess were
present.Mr. md Mn. C. R. Frenrh sn-rti nhll u a pinochlvw nmv
_evminzMini Anton In ersen was host-ess to :km Ma rek Mi nn Club,
Thursday aftenmon.Mn. "gg-mnnd French wi\l enwrtaln e
clu_§, Av1§l}_ §~,;°~"" -----~. .---a --_5m . .i ; » m n » mw ¢ n .Mr£Rlv Rammsaen and #.:_'ar='~*~'-~*
Hahn/F ln Jqnet Tom-my .\HhJ . ~.'r m n ,Cluenm' Toellc. '=WulylKruse,md two childrén' ol IIu~'mm;Hines Ninn Andernn nnd|
Humth xndlnui s e I.Ax-sen. Mx's.|Ed* Hansen.Mina Edna Hmmm]
\ _
Phone 40
nuuv n ANP !!
x r m d n u w w .Mr . a n d Mr s . J .S.
Conety .Misa Hele n J o hnson of Kenn ard.
wh o nag been wo r ki n g a t the E .E .Duron home,left.Sattlr illi'
evening fOr F m mo n t w h e n she
wi ll be employ ed.
Mr .and Mr s .E .E .Di xo n en-t e r t a i n e d n t d i n n e r a n d l .n o c i t l
. » . _ _ . _ . _n ._ J . . -! - _l l . .. . » . I
no m: . wo me n OI U m u w .wsuvmek-end : n e s t o f Mr . a n d h I |'
andM n
Ho wa r d Jensen.
Mr . an d Mr s. F re d Fr en c h c elebratedtheirsilverweddingamni-
vers arv a t the K e n n lr d pavilion,
Saturday evening.L vuIsiemberso f th e Tr ia ng le Ba b y Ha l
Beef Breeders. Pia: and Corn Clubs din.met at th e Howa rd J en sen ho n1e ,| B 1g
Rnnrlnu |\fln1-nnnn Gnnsti i!lt!1Ud-illld
L. Ca r l ~ 1 1 5 1 E I:i1 e r <\n l u u u u n n v yra.nr-i N.¢.&'C Mrs. Cl-miie Hmnen S E R V I C E
Hazel.Mrs.Gillcrgi Prenchn Modern Funeral
I.Hanv Mndsen.rs, Jens;.mn ,Mn.Fred Knu and'Szrvnce
.» .Mlsl Cahoon.M m Axel!Connldvrnte in Con!
nun Mrs. Chris WLM md Er-e, hfn. Floyd Hin: and non o ~
ir; Mr. and Mrs. Jens Iversonnl Mlm Geornfia Lutz of Dlllr.A l l l l l l l l l l l i l i l l l l l
Mr. md M n . u m m Inraen.Mrs.Sophie Reeh and Mn. Cgrnl
Badgerow were Sunday evemnkdinner mem at the Hayes Rowenhmm hmm in Blair ln honor ofmn. mdgmwm bmhda m I
MH.Hnben.Strov of M\u'dock|spent from Mcmdny until T1\\m~day At the puental, Lars Rolimd;home.Mr.Stmy spent Wednes-d s v u i d : ~MK* and MH.Clarenbe Taelkeand Mn. Joh-n Tnylor spent. Mon-day and Tuesdsv of Isnt week n&~
Floyd Welliver home. in Oun-
. M1-_ and Mrs. Hun Wulf droveto Omah a W nd n ea dxy i n see ~
lgnriand W u lf a n d in fa nt dluf rh-
r .
Public Sale
I wi ll ho ld 1 Public Sale
on the o ld Hofo ldt fa rm 2
mi lu N. W ; o f Elkho rn.1
A cl 41 mi le s§'$ll2h°3?'é\\l`c¢¢,{§_
Mon., March 17
4 Had of Horses
zs Head l-lolsten
Milk CowsTh u s " s . ' : : : " ~ C e - n l . ,
. 1 3 H ai i f H og s
C h l g n s
mmminlx nw
Full Llns Of
Farm Machinery
Anil? n.
Schneekloth, Uwner
Save A t
I .A|
M n .T .A .Baldwin o l Tekamnh
wi ll b e p le a se d c o k n nw th u th ey ,are i mg m vi n g af te r their recenta u w mo i le acc ident.l
Mr s . W i lm e r Re y b d n of No r th
Be nd x a t u m d Slh zrd ay a f mr
g>=»-»H»=»we e k a t th e Llo y d '
me ry o-me.
Ed Niebaum returned from Elk-
hln. Ixdinna, when he visited hisavxhm- und In-mily.Mr.andMrs. Mark Andenen.
Mr. -ng Mrs. Carl Nielsen left
Mmday or the wat wut. nhm»mm; to mide in Oxezqn.TheywereentertainedatdmnerI n tTuesday evenimz by Mr. :nd Mrs,Giffvrd Nielsen.
Advertise Ln 'rue Enterprise
+4++++++++¢» I' :»+=x»<s~4-4-.'-1~¢~1»+»Slim Betts, labor
residue of Estate to sud]ncnerpersons ns are bv law enmled noUn- same. and I hnvc set the 21stdav of March, HMI. at 10 o'clock
A M.. at mv office in said Coun-tv for the henrinn thereof.Dated Februnrv 20th. 1941.QEAL )John A. °""'§"11'
I t Councv u Ke.
Walter G. Huber. Attorney
County Court, Washington County,
Nebraska.ESTATE OF Christine Huge]-
man, deceased.Novice is iven to the creditors
In appear be ore me at the County
Dr. W. F. Hemphill
Home Theatre Building
Blair. Nebraska
Ilnurlt 0 us 12: 2 m 15Evenllzg. Exmpx Wed. Ind su.
° " " '~Sclaklca V', f*ieurltls ';<5
."-...-==f>-1;_°,!~leldn es ~'Rhzumntivsm ~Appendlcltll f -1\"
Cnnatlpallon ~\Sinus,Llver.Slnmxch,Kidney and BlnlderTroubles.Hay Fever.I-'emnle Disorders,Ner-vousnesn.Hlgh Blood
Pressure,lnflwenn nnd
mnny other dleana re-spond to Chlropncllc
cents per hour.Plans and specifications for thework mny be sean and lnformatlonsecured at the office of I-he Coun-*gg Clerk nt Omdm. Nebraska, att e office of the Cmmty Clerk atBlair, Nebraska, ar at the officeof the Department of Roads andIrrigation at Lincoln, Nebraska.The successful bidder will be N-
quired to furnish bond in anamount cquul no 100% of his con-
tract.As an eviuence of good iaith in
submitting a proposal for this
work, the bidder must file, with
his proposal. a cenified check made
payable to the Department of
Roads and Irrigation and in'anamount not less than one hundred
(XOD) dollars.The right is reserved to waive
all technicalities and reject any orall bids,DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND
mmGAT1UN.Wardner G. Scott, State Engineer,
John Slavik, County Clerk, Doug-
las County,Helen K. Bolt, County Clerk Wash,
ington County,9-31;
Interstate Mach. & Sunnly,
J_ E, Jumzbluth. labor _Kennnrd Oil Cn., Kas ~ oxl
Harrv Martinson. repaxrsEdzar Masters. laborNebr.-lawn Oil Co., mm
and oilNebr. Tractpr & Edlllv-
Cv..revalrsWm.G. Pfeiffer, repairs
H. B. Pluszze. laborC, E. Rosenbaum. labor _Skelly Oil Co., zu & allZenith Nixon Carb. Co..
repairsBud Allen. laborAndrew Murphy & Son,
rentHans Beck. labor .C. J. Beekxnum, supplxes
Bohn Oil Co.. zu and ml
Thus. Earwood. labor
and repairs
Interstate Machine & Sup-
ply. repairs
Lundt Bnos. Oll Co..
gn and oilMiller Huuzlbslch CO..
repairs .Nebrflowa Oil Co.. repmnCO. COMMISSIONERS'
County Commininners Room,Blair, Nebr., March 10, 1941._The Board of County Cummin-
uoners met nunmnnt w adjourn-ment taken February 24, 1941.Present: L. D. Long, H. C. Bl:-
co and J. E. Camnbell.
The minutes of the precedierggmeetmg were read and approv .Altar a careful exnminntlnn ofthe folldwinx bllb on the dllfarentfunds, it was moved und seconded
,thnx the following clndms be Al-llowed. and the County Clerk ls
l PnocEEmNGs'
Joe Thomason. laborAndrewMurphy& Son,
repninRiley Broderuon. labor.Prank Eriksen, laboajlnd
repalraScott Hineline, laborHarry Leach. lnborWeston Lanz.nv e l
Wm. Pawllng,abut
Dan Sheets. labor
Smnard Oil Co.. zu _Capital Bridle Co-, :spunGeorge W. Omer. li-bdrln
c. J. Beekrnann. noorBlnlr Lbr. h Coll. Dwr
Blair Tels. Co.. !>0°r
Blue Goose. poorLloyd Brown. Door
1 .33.es
.60100.002 13.88
A l l e n a st a t e o f s a i d C h a u n c e y S c o t t A l l e n .
deceased.Dated this 12th day of March,
1941.(SEAL)John A. Carrigsn.u n c County sum.,
Fort Calhoun!
And \fcinity
Mr,und Mrs.Arthur Clausenund family and Miss Mildred 0hrt_attended the wedding: of Sophla_
Petersen of Bennington and Clar-
1uwmoon_bunuuy,wr mf..nuMm.G. A. Rathmnn. Joan Rath-man, Mr. and Mm. Ben. Swiharr.
and Clyle of Aglinxtvm.Mrs.lu. E. Dxxoxx ment Thum-
dny evening in Blair with Mrs.
Clarence Human.Fndxy evening visitors ar. the
home of Mr.and Mn.GndmondSorensen were Mr. and Mrs. Rubdlll lvenon And son, Genldcmpximenm-y so mn .J. P.
Janeen; who is moving to A LummIowa,Lhis week.Mn.HurryTysonentertainedatbridge,
I n t Thursday alt,u'noon.Guestswen Mrs. Jensen,Mrs.NelsinaPetersen, Mm Edgar Llraen, Mrs.
George K. Nelson. Mrs.MargaretWillmms,Mrs.Byron Bunn. and
Mn.Kenneth Tyson.Saturdav nisrm,Mr.and Mn!-
wce Sorensen of Omaha at t h e ~'Uson entertained ac aLutheranchurchinBennington chicken chow mein !\\W¢r for Mr.Sunday.That night A charivm and Mrs. George Nelson and Nor-
dance honored the couple belor rlla and Mr. and Mm. Edgu-_ Lar-
they left on their wedding hi.ésen and Russell.Roger Kruse, son of Mrs E ww Mrs. Kenneth Tyson. Mn. Hu-Kruse,underwent an appendec-r? Tysnn md Mn. John Bscklml
tomy operation at the Ninhom were o mn m nl w w m.Saturdny-Senn Honultal. Wednesday.He is.Tl1e Becklunn were zuuts as therecovering nicely.Il-larry Tyson home. Mundav even-
A dinner, honoring Albert Ohrw. 5118-and Norman Sluier, was held byl Mr. and Agn. BW*Bunn and
Mr. and Mrs. George Ohrt, Satur- Mlry Ann vmlted ursdny even-day evenin.Guestl were Ng;;==" gg wxth ML and Mn. Hlrn' TY-
S e rue ,me -0 , Cu'-lene Monroe,Albertl Mn.Kmnth Tyson and Mn.
Qu *cms Ju¢\¢».\\mph=c\m-\H"rwfI`v»°n were dinner guest!Bn, M:§dres|»_0hrt. Dorothy Slader,|°f than slswr, Mrs. Walter Gum-'Stanley Ohrt and Mr. and Mrs. Al- §"¢ll,at Tekaln-nh, Tuesday._Dul'~vln~0l\rl*.\:\l\8_the altemoon tiley vmiwd'Kr. me Mn. c. P. Hnnis on °n"'°" mother, Mn.Dmsy B¢k=f»c wi g nabmxn were guests the'Mr. and Mmkenneth Tyson xndta we e k o f Hn a n d Hr s . 0 ;~and Mrs. L. D. lang waregggm m d lnmi1y~Idmngr guests of Mr. and Mn.Ml|a Gre¢-l¢KliDdt;\_of x» ms , X "1 " l ' \ B" " ° a z Herman."1"'°°'
'Clty,Missouri and Misa Arm*Klindt nf Omaha were guests, s-n-;Lf, a nd ~ Cly de Ha uler e n-
day, of Mr.and Mrs.Richard gertuned at dmner. Sunday evan-Sievers and family png,for Mr. and Mn.G¢°l`B'¢
|__Mr. and_l\1re. §c-lzrge eale and Lite).\Mr. and Mrs. Ted Simonsen and
er Mears, and Mesdames AugustStork and Martin, Ed Stork, Hen-ry Hllgenknmn. Frank Byers and
suns,.[lmmy Svend rd and:Roma Nxelsen.Betty vendgaarienmlled in the beef lneeders elnbat thig meeting.The next meal/fins wxll be held lt I-he Andrew
Svendgnud home, April 27.
Miss Vera Nelson, a studentnursent Immanuel I-los itil inOmaha, spent. the week at theparental,Hank Nellonghoms.Mr, and Mrs. George Chunber-
lain And fanxig were Friday even-inz :masts lt a Bill Adams hum
\n Herman.Mr. and Mrs.Albert Shumake
and family were guests o! Mr. and
Mrs. Elza Klng, Monday.Guest:at the Aubrey Guineahome, Saturday night and Sunday,wen Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metzlexand fnmlly.Mrs.Ed Quint md Batty Annnttended the Hamm declamswrycontest. Friday evening_Nesday evenlnsiillir. md MnClnence Chamber n were visit
g "at the George Chamberlain
ome.Franklin Nelson and Dick Tucker, who are lakh!! nn electridweldlngcourse at the Universityof Ommhn. went the weekend al
home.Dinner guests Sundny of theFrank Nelson fsmlly were Mr. mdMrs. Harold Paulsen.Monday evening guests of th
George Chamberlain llmlly wenMr. and Mm. George Lltel.Mrs. Louie Grimm called on MrsRoy Metzler and the new bah;
Sundny.Mr. and Mrs.Carl Jensm oCouncil Blufls snent the weekennmI-'mnlont .!ennen's.Mr.an
Seve At
0 0 I
Last Call on PRINTS at ....10c
Super Heavy Duty Flannel ..14:
5 9 c l ) r e s s e s , .F a s t C o l o r ,F o r C h i l d r e n 7 § ¢
...llru-4.1<l o l
7 2 x 9 9 I n c h P e q u o t S h e e t s $ 1 1 9
$1 21|h i l u l \ s \ \
7 2 x9 9 Inc h Si lv e r Que e n Sh e e ts \$ ] _ _ 0 S
$1.15 Vallua .---.. --'"6 1 3 x 1 0 8 I n c h S i l v e r Q u e e n S h e e t s $ 1 3 0
$ 1 . 1 0 \||1||1~.- ,..- --_ - _ - . -N " W
S 1 x 1 0 8 I n c h G o l d e n G a t e S h e e t s $ 1 1 9
$1 . 3 5 Y n l u v _.. ..__ - --_ _...-.l
L a d i e s B r o w n Ti e O x f o r d , Hi g h He e l $ 1 g g
sean \nlui '
2 9 :
L a r g e , H e a v y ~
454:\ n l u e .. - .- - - -_ -- - - -- . - - . . - - _ - -..
Bell Scharmeer Hosiery, 8%-9-10
$ 1 . 0 0 V a l u e D a r k S h a d e s . - . . . - _ .. - - - _ - . - - _ . . . . -.
M e n s 5 - B u c k l e O v e r s h o e s $ 2 5 0
$3 11 1 V a l u e --_ - - - - - - - - , - - . -.-......-...._-. _'
White Sheet Blankets . 8 9 g
Blain Grey Sheet Blankets ~........_,...65¢;
81-inch Bleached or U. B. Sheeting ...3 4 c
Men's Work Shirts, Full Cut , 2 For . $1 _ 1 0
Me n ' s Unc l e S a m S o c k s _.1 0 c
Ne w A s s o r t me n t o f A n k l e t s ,1 S c
.. . . _. _ . . . . . . _. _ . . _ __.. . ._ -..
¢1|»plv=|u i0url llnmm|||l1 I2 Volfnx lhf1na 26\ent voting uayan .
A ll Ma ke s Ty u ewri tc rI(`o.equipment
'.Xrndt Ild wv.,mp ai rs
.'\\|;rvwtinr ('o.. supplies
+ + + + + + + + + + o + + + + + + + + + + + +
iwaxrlwr ..1 .1 |:.»kmz1.n. supplies
Rnofrm in Mxsyivz llu lld mg |I..\l l» ti Co.rant and
Il ""Blair,Nebraska
1122"!~'!"I°I'¥*!'§"2"l"¥"i"{°~EI"1°'l*'l'*l~°i I : . .L |1r~¢;u :p mvnt
l r 1 \1 \I n m - .1 < , . \ T : m o v j ' a R { e ! : e w
i - " M C H I S - -|
\ | . u . 1 l : n n 1 1 l . K s _ _ B E E : R I
21-Hour Servic e
s»-r-a+-:»+++4-4-+++++++-:~++4--¢»~l-+ I
+++-a--|»+++++++4»++ I
,hereb ordered to d r s w war ran tsone fu nd s indicated.to pay
same.Carried all men:hem ores-
|I.\:.i\:ll'u ni ng to n safe 125.00
1.20|I;| r l.\»r N (Emi, fuel 1TT.'i'l
.Hurry of p s
uQulu. veins. s.».ivn.uoss mon
1 i ++-H»+-1-++++++4~¢»»1»-a»4»++-1-+~a~4»+L E O N A R D A X T E L L
General Contractor end Builder ~
--_£"ft'°=.E2't'£2:'1E,... |m v T H E R E C T U M
alhoun Lbr. Co.. Door
ampbell's Mor tu ar y ,poor
I an Christ oorer m .DhristensenLbr.Co.,n m r
ity of Blair, poor
..J .Dey ,poor;L.Dixon. poor
).C.Feer.poolflue.li e nr v Fischer,poor
l\-si.Wallac e Fitc h.poor
.fiuie (lfrst poorJr.W alter I-1.Goehrinfz.
u n o r
: n o d S a m a r i t a n H e r n e ,p o o r
i r e l r e r s e n D r u e S t o r e ,p o o r
l .L y l e G e y e r .p o o r
l e m r n i n g D a i r y .D 0 0 1
r l o l n i q u i s l .E l e v a t o r .p o o r
H o l m < | u i s t G r .&L b r . .
Hrabak Store. D001
l. ll. J ensen, poorDr.E.T.J ipp,poorCatharineKelly , p oor
D u o La n xlwre t.poor
Larson Bros.,poor
Har old Lathro p.poor
Mrs. Harve y Le wis, voor
Clare Loth rop,poor
Gus Lowe.poor
H. A . Ma rr. DQOIDr . A. J .Merrnrk. poor
Nebr.-Iowa Oi l,poor
M: a Peter J . Nelson, poor
.Jim Paulson. poor
3 5968.00
4 .6510.00
1 .5020.00
Mr .mi d mr s.n e n r y nr uu o uu u i -_.-. . - - . . ._Helen were dinner sweats. Si.nday ,"°': of Orszhil ,"'"§, Sat'§f'ln"3" °"'2"l Mrs.. Ernest Grenier were Sundn
u t the W illi am Kruse home in ne su e o 'I i. on sens evening guestsmother,Mm .C a m e Snnonsen.'sOmah a ihilss Helen Sirnonsm. spent M°"'ifarraIi\l,» ''fm f h a i i o l r e f d l f g g
day in Oma ha,shopping and via-'Mrs.George Rohwer.Sr.,andCelia,Ha rr y Itohwer Sr.,and
Mies An na lio hwer were dinner
guests,Sunday .a t the home of
Dr.and lllrs.li.S.ll.Geesaman
und f ami lyMr .and Mrs.l'u ul Kruse and
Verna attended ri shower.Sunday .
nl. the W illiam l..oe;enmnn home in
Be nn in lr wn i n ho n or of Mr s .Les
tr r Logeinullii.nee Miss Dorothy
Sorenson.June Mc hloir spent the \\£'13k-end
wi th Ru th Anne Ne wma n .
Mr .and Mr s.J .J .Sierk were
dinner guests, Sunday of Mr. a nd
Mrs.llu g u Kru se and fa mlly of
Mr . un d Mrs. C.F.lla n i s o n o f
Craig: and Mr and hire. 0. F. Har-
rison and family were eallem Sun-day afternoon on Mr .an d Mrs.'
Mi lo Hanson in Oma ha .
ili ng the Ted Simonsens.'lite Op al Reeves had as her
Te rn Gnf flns . in Tek amsh .
Sundav supper gue sts of Clyc.i§se»é.._Wednesday.Mrs.Clar-'* " " "" ' " '. " " "` * 'Mr .and Mr
(reunite LlielenceSimpson.Mr .and Mrs.U.Mr .nnd lllra.Leo Vo.ugl1n ar
S.Reeve of DeSoto were Th u r o -day .dinnirr mlests.Sundnv f==-11l.2';"l:f.§.;=i.'"'" spent Tuesday at Ca
ers included Mr .and Mrs.C.B.
llunn and Mr .and Mrs.By ron
liunn and children.Mr .and M m Prentic e Smi th
\isiL¢»,{relatives in Tekn moh.
Tuesday.On Sunday they wereFrllests of Mr. ami Mrs . Ed Farns
wo r th a t Fremont.
Mr.and Mrs.H.C.K u h r we r e£l.!llD||;{the Rlledts wh o honored
Ch d s W ri c h of Henn ard a t a
birthdav na r tr .Sunday .Mr .and Mr s.H .C.Ku h r .Mr .
and Mrs . Georg e Nelso n. and Mr s.
P.K.Nelson w r ,dinner guests
in Oma h a o f Mr .and Mrs.H. K .
Donald Lage.son of Mr .and Ne le on , S un da y .
Mra.Gran t L8 KB. spen t th e we ek-'Janice Re eve;entertained in
en d r n Oma ha wi th B i lly K ru se .celebration o f he r seventh bir th-
Mr. and Mrs. C . B. Ne wman an dda.y ,Saturday afternoon,a t the
Mr .an d Mr s . Gr a n t La ge W¢l0lClareneo Simpson home.Guestscallers.Tuesday evening,a t th e we r e Ma ri ly n an d M d v i n Mille r.
h o me o f Mr an d Mm. P a ul K mse J a c k ie an d Ma r v A n n Bu nn Ma x=mg_famgy ,__\_\ _____lRe ee.end Maiily_1_:grli psen.
Mrs.George ileinasen apeTue sda y with he r sis ter . Mrs. w
W iese. at the Fred Grubhe home
Mr s.Ro be rt Fr y e an d d au gh t
retur ne d after s ever al we ek s wiher mother. Mrs. Clara W hitnaell
Mr .and Mr s.Llo y d Gr ay a
fa mi ly spent Sa tu rd ay o ve mn g
the Clara. Gourley home.
Wednesday dinner gneats at I.Vaughn's were Mr. and Mrs. Ce:
Fry e.Thur sday callers a t Fx
Grabbe'e were M r and M
George Heinssen.Fri day af ternoon c alle rs at 1Llo y d Gra y h ome we re Mr s. C l:
Gourley and c hildren.
Mn . ili ar ga re t. W i lli ams, Mm
P.Jensen.an d Nelsine Potenwere W ednesday afternoon view
a t the George Hein ssen home.
Elizabeth Gr i m m spent.
week-e nd at home.
e rth
MA S O N md C A R P E N T E R
Blue Pri ntsP h o n e - B l u k 325
|005 South W llker Avenue
Nebr. Certified Hybrici
Seed Corn
NEBRASKA 4 63 -The ne we st and ba sl y i elding
Nebraska, acccrdmg lo Experimentsco m i n
Station records.
IOWA 93 9 -Ne bra s| <a's o id sta nd-by .
Tm- dvmand (or gond homegrown.hand-picked Inj!rnrvfully graded Seed Corn is especially heavy this
yenr Phone or write your order immediately.i lo i i /a rd D.Tho mps o n Ea rl J . . lh o mp s o n
rnoxr-:Illurk 160 PlI0!\I~. 22 on ao
AGENTSlilmrr Anderson, Blair Hurt County Co-Op. Oxl
I-`d Ilameen. Furl Falhnun Station. Hespnn`"''I Hn . Kennardr el,.\.Piper,Fur! Lnlhuun "ll'|K|\|\4 looWnshington Co. Hatchery, Blair
I \
D r . J . Ti l t o n Y o u n g
1150 North Broad St.
Fremont, Nebruh >l
g o l g m .
erT i m Robeulfs,
Safewqy Ston
poor z u m mr s. Gu y S me a r, wn o nu "' ?'?'a uuun Dunn l3IlLBl\l.I||U\I an.5Co.,poor 16313;receivinyr treatrnanta ; 3 = T=; f =h " "= | ;" # d ' "§ ' °§ ;~ y e v e m n g ,in v
y onor o s apoor1th a p n a t lélm h m i M d m pr e d m u n e u S. S q a n O m nap tal.r.an rs.e r 'a. poor 122 .m 1'M... m i M n Pm+i¢ nhrnn um°e tn| -lninml Satu rdav nnrht m d
Mn a n d Mr s .Llo y d E me r y a n nVay ne were Fr emon t visitors,Lnwrday.|
Th e ma ny friends of M r and|
w. J. su. o9°rMrs, Fred Slert, poor
William Sievem. poorArthur St-oben. poorSlewnn. Pharmacy, poorMrs. Dick Stdcklett. DoorEmma Taylor, poorEW. Taylor & Co., poorTr-karnnh lnv. C0~» poor.lileunor Unzicker. poorillrs. Hugh Vaughan, poor
,ll. Weldon. DoorElinrena Walker. poor
By order of the County Court
nnewal of Mothers Pension wasgrantedBlancheWoodsKeller,unrount $10.00 per month for sixmonths beginning April 1,194).On motion duly made and carl ricd duplicate wnrrlnt No..2[wus ordered cxmoelled ongmal,having been found; O. A. A. war-runt No. 154 was ordered can-celled being deceased and O. A. A.wamant No. 255 wus ordered mn-Vcalled recipient being deceased and
||0. A. A, wnrrant No. 255 was or-
ildered cancelled recipient being in~
m»`2§é£s"`§»{&§\Ta§`3T~El §a;.~.;.; 'bf
Mrs. Dixcn's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James C. Roddy, at Union.Richard and Edgar Geesamun.of\
Lincoln spent the week-end wrth
their parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. S.
B. Geeszxznnn.Many .noble from Fort Calhounand vicnuty attended the funeralof Mrs. John Keegan in Omaha,Saturday morning.
There has been considerable
moving activity in und about Fon-lanelle this week.Mr. and Mrs.Fred Bracken have moved intoLheformer Elmer Bolchult homesouth of ch.. store.Mr. and Mrs.
|éurFl§§,7`furLir§.Muller;d brother
land sister-in-lsw_ Mr. and Mn. W.
C. Anderson.Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sorensen and
fomily,§;f~ and "'_§"5,H"""§' gor
ensen an son. an an|Mlchael Sonderun rlrov: to émvls-
hurst, Friday. where they attendedthegoldenweddinganniversarycelebration ol' Mr. and Mm.NelsIg m n h a h i g r e l a d i e s a r e d a u k h l e r s o f
e1Mr. nnd Mrs.Michael Sonderuv
of St. Paul have moved to rf fnrm
on the bench.Mrs. Sonrlerun ill
o einer of Mm. Carl Sorensen anvl,
Mm, Henry Sorensen of the Bob-ltomneizhborhcod.E
berry Warrick. littlg non of Mr.end Mn. Brvnn Warrick, has beenill several days this weekBernardsuvmryandfunny,The Al u m Andmnené,who
moved tr-mn a funn east of town have been living on one of thew the rwdence recently vucned Henry Meneke farms, moved early'"'i "'i.'"' w. % '2 €}" '""'¥.n ..J""" ";';;",§~";;' the °,§==~;, 's "ir
r I l loc ¢Le Ithehome .J Mr. and Mrs.R°1\°,f.§F.°i<..fX.,, e o e om Y
Allen S""d¥v.*!¢°f!'°P"~ T-he f<"9?§l Mrs. A. E.oix°.. returned lm
For the News that willI t
.I /RJ /
I Nawx Com m entator Phone 396SrliklknkOfW orld
Affairs . . . . . . . .I n
n r w n n a n o ¢}l'.2l0 ; j ' ; = ° = = = ' °
AlrC0ldlL\0lled Pmxmn
| : ' n l : ' \ | r \ \ l ' r N u n n ,
Ieligihh.of h or bemg m 1--_._On motion duly made and car- non, '5'.w¢Th,i i f k mi f m ~ e v e mn g ' m g n f o u r - w e e kmesubstitution ol securities by spent informally and u lunflh wma "W'"\ her two _ughmrm Mrs.
W uh i n mn County B m and served.lP°'f"" Nye °f R-gg City, SouthHermnns u m Bank were Ap-Fred Owen w u in Fnunont| 3333. '~§dbM"_y Murray of
°"2¥,¥'E...,.,,. Lhn Board sdinurned §'ff.-gi' .?{*'¥5! h:0\:n€ e 3 !;| :|r..vi¥;m :f"" wa s n Sundny
-_ l dinner :melt nl Eunice Kuhr M.I'lappen°|`|1»J.|.\.|.¢1..u..4 A
'clocki SHEEPd :HUA brwd ma Olmn wal. eonalnd br
ankwagonr l \ | 3 | u u n I ,A 1 u u | \ |
H w S e \ \ P i n t n t 1 2 : 0 0 0
n o c s C A T T L E HOR SES
mm m mo o t u na ma u m n u n, h t k w a m
Ill k llld l, lh nv a n lll k llld l o f h o n ! n u a n
nnuen ln our lermnry ..!,9¥,!9..,E~;Nelson3n u y c n u : m u u mmm;...v u-A.
0 We hue the but FARM SALE AUCTION
SERVICE lu Nehrukn.Call or nes ui for
dn a .Phone MB.
T A Y L O R & W E L L S A U C T I O N C O .E
c'mmuN|1'1 su e:Em-y Balurdq nl x;oo ml.
o ouo 0uo o|:|e ¢
I damn)
_ Bell.az hx
P Mchars
M n . 1 n m n P e c k m d M u . \EIKQQI L1l S|¢e||y Service StationI5uuluu,mgnqgy gy\§1;l|§, an |»a||uvs|»¢vuuuv--no - - - - - »-r dant,H r 0_AH t h i c k ,ha d oon.H r .I n d M n .A lla n Ma u lme. E fmm§11°m»:i " S g = 5 e i f o m n h n m a l n g g g = -;-.;}= Business giailgg 1
me m e .ra.s as '~$ 2 s e r va d . 1 - e r o f i n . d e ma n d .' e u v u '~
»L.: .
.»Z_\1<"m m .
.v \
a i . : » i | : § . : i h
\1,.,,.»a s
~ ~7' -r':"ff
--'PHFI -i'im:-»r u n m v m vn n rnnnnv a n
mm To Attend
Play, Poetry Clinic
mieomP¢h i v "
at once went £0 fu-min; on msukwnh ccnnectim Irith dw
mm when he una a>m v»£iv= ~yeuimdwhenhedied.g m \°~*;~ 3-'d~__g= wu.:;
'I'woehildx¢mwerebomtoMr»'one ro ar ° " ° ' <ma M n . m m .one n~ ~;m.m=;;_»=°" ""'° " " ' ° '
mm To Attend
Play, Poetry Clinic
mieomP¢h i v "
at once went £0 fu-min; on msukwnh ccnnectim Irith dw
mm when he una a>m v»£iv= ~yeuimdwhenhedied.g m \°~*;~ 3-'d~__g= wu.:;
'I'woehildx¢mwerebomtoMr»'one ro ar ° " ° ' <ma M n . m m .one n~ ~;m.m=;;_»=°" ""'° " " ' ° '
2'n.`i&"°`' I i . ; . ' i u ; 1 2 ; a . a ;
and pnllic hay.
Bmlln li11iu|'.Go., Phonclgg.
n f .mum wl1llwme'!n:'Lb.3;Hips.
Henry 4
'5i"i~'i`é1`X1`§1TfEE'r1NG1mnty entered.
~ M
A n n o :
1 -u
REMEMBERMETHODISTCHURCH dinner,Friday, March 14th; 5:30 p. m.to 1:30 p. m.9-Zt
LOST: A lea'.her bill fold contlin-"gf vahmble cards, papers, driv-e n lhzensa,etc.Reward,;5_
D. C. Beach,Union Tnns. CO.Fremont.10-1
FURNITURE npholntering, nm-
hhing,revdflnz, nut m i n srug vmrk, mntmmeu, ew.Phan~
Blue 151.Georg: N. Miller.
12-tt .
PLOW YS and planter runnerelayMl k m them like n~10-'li'Miller Munk
u'BABY CHICKS, chick I0-IYWF md
grower, md wvlw equipment.
Wnhlmmn County Hnmhery.Phone 89.10~1§"
ROAN MARE. 9. we. 15541 BlackGelding. 5.wt. 140). .GilfordFrench. Phono 2585.10-19.*
FOR SALE:Set cf hm-ness,10-lt'Hu-ry Madsen.
wg\N'I'En.'ro BUY:Old build
~ M
A n n o :
1 -u
REMEMBERMETHODISTCHURCH dinner,Friday, March 14th; 5:30 p. m.to 1:30 p. m.9-Zt
LOST: A lea'.her bill fold contlin-"gf vahmble cards, papers, driv-e n lhzensa,etc.Reward,;5_
D. C. Beach,Union Tnns. CO.Fremont.10-1
FURNITURE npholntering, nm-
hhing,revdflnz, nut m i n srug vmrk, mntmmeu, ew.Phan~
Blue 151.Georg: N. Miller.
12-tt .
PLOW YS and planter runnerelayMl k m them like n~10-'li'Miller Munk
u'BABY CHICKS, chick I0-IYWF md
grower, md wvlw equipment.
Wnhlmmn County Hnmhery.Phone 89.10~1§"
ROAN MARE. 9. we. 15541 BlackGelding. 5.wt. 140). .GilfordFrench. Phono 2585.10-19.*
FOR SALE:Set cf hm-ness,10-lt'Hu-ry Madsen.
wg\N'I'En.'ro BUY:Old build
u \ ¢ \ v v ° |~ " " \ " "" ' . " " '_'v 1 . u \ . | ¢ | n u a .u n :i n d M n f v i n S f b r k .~ i n v n n n n n : Q u i n n a n high_ - + -lHenry Goskst, aged 59 yearn, 6months und 17 dlp. puued lwly
Tnadly, Mardi 4, 1941 in s Fre~mont buspiul where he had beentaken on Fr£d.ly» F¢bmsry %th.
He wu 1 nadvgbf this ommty
\..v¢"» mm bom md reared on =
u w . ,..._.._,.._ -.and the wif;remain to mo uni m
Lhw "x¢at`\0u of x loving hun-1G
band ud father.G
Hs suffered n aeriea ol pmlytic Rstrokes from which bg never re-\
covered and which caused h i ! IAȢh_A man scnlnniously hm-\
~ 'f';"nm"ia11\.§,"ne1m» Mxmanu \./Um25,1 Roberr~vbnn mont, Sponz
z u m I N F R E M O N T m u , , , , , , §
n n m . A M CONTEST dents vm s° zo
cgc,n u x n c ~
soring Meet
, March 14
?{»School stu-
Fremnnt tomor-._ ......,.__..
W-, .-.__ . . . . ._.liumen goes along u lound e f-
feeti man.The Play il entitlod
"The Lord'n Will" md in a dum!
remliflnt \h£\'¢y minutes to give.It wal presented before the High
School nn February 280.11 and hu
nmlermzm further aoachlmz mince.
school athletic gran-p, nn westin!
this evening (Thursday) at Te-
lrmuh bo dinculs the l>!°¥l'\-N for
Condderxdon Of ml m guvern-ing the conference uc!-ivlda will
\. _r..,_.. ,.-,| .. .u..."¢¢h\n nl ached-|.
Blnlr will be one of twelve
school; entering the Chu A Dh-
trlct Dwhm-wry contest st Fyo-
o l l ! w i S AF I W AY '/ J *n S ' P R| ||
R 0 "|I \Gelding. 5.wt. 1 400..Gi f f o r d
Frenc h.Phona 2585.10 - 1 t'
F O R S A L E :Set of h arne ss,10 - lt*Ha r r y Madsen.
I '
nk nuwrnndBABY CHICKS, an equipment.gro we r, md wv lwWuhlxutnnCounty Hntdlery
Phone 89.10~1§"
ree f l ..At th e c lo se o f th e da y a n a ll-
c li ni c di nne r wi ll be te nd er ed the
r e p r u b n t x ti v a o f th e various
...~u ,M
oCollege'a One-Act.Play an d Po e;
tr y Fes tival Clinic .Th e ac ti vity
is sp onso red by the Midla nd P lay -
wi!! ko from Blair High Schoohlan enviable rcputat on mn us sec-=entaring in five departments.Ition of the muntry for their ac-'work of the various teams will Advertige in The Enumrin
~en of ~oot~l~ md m\¢=1b»x1games will be mtand into.'Supt J. 11 ~chlund Coach
Blnlr will be one of twelve
school; entering the Chu A Dh-
trlct Dwhm-wry contest st Fyo-
o l l ! w i S AF I W AY '/ J *n S ' P R| ||
R 0 "|I \Gelding. 5.wt. 1 400..Gi f f o r d
Frenc h.Phona 2585.10 - 1 t'
F O R S A L E :Set of h arne ss,10 - lt*Ha r r y Madsen.
I '
nk nuwrnndBABY CHICKS, an equipment.gro we r, md wv lwWuhlxutnnCounty Hntdlery
Phone 89.10~1§"
ree f l ..At th e c lo se o f th e da y a n a ll-
c li ni c di nne r wi ll be te nd er ed the
r e p r u b n t x ti v a o f th e various
...~u ,M
oCollege'a One-Act.Play an d Po e;
tr y Fes tival Clinic .Th e ac ti vity
is sp onso red by the Midla nd P lay -
wi!! ko from Blair High Schoohlan enviable rcputat on mn us sec-=entaring in five departments.Ition of the muntry for their ac-'work of the various teams will Advertige in The Enumrin
~en of ~oot~l~ md m\¢=1b»x1games will be mtand into.'Supt J. 11 ~chlund Coach
Blnlr will be one of twelve
school; entering the Chu A Dh-
trlct Dwhm-wry contest st Fyo-
o l l ! w i S AF I W AY '/ J *n S ' P R| ||
R 0 "|I \Gelding. 5.wt. 1 400..Gi f f o r d
Frenc h.Phona 2585.10 - 1 t'
F O R S A L E :Set of h arne ss,10 - lt*Ha r r y Madsen.
I '
nk nuwrnndBABY CHICKS, an equipment.gro we r, md wv lwWuhlxutnnCounty Hntdlery
Phone 89.10~1§"
ree f l ..At th e c lo se o f th e da y a n a ll-
c li ni c di nne r wi ll be te nd er ed the
r e p r u b n t x ti v a o f th e various
...~u ,M
oCollege'a One-Act.Play an d Po e;
tr y Fes tival Clinic .Th e ac ti vity
is sp onso red by the Midla nd P lay -
wi!! ko from Blair High Schoohlan enviable rcputat on mn us sec-=entaring in five departments.Ition of the muntry for their ac-'work of the various teams will Advertige in The Enumrin
~en of ~oot~l~ md m\¢=1b»x1games will be mtand into.'Supt J. 11 ~chlund Coach
~ heighborhood.;;€";nd"n friend tc everione nJYon wnsvhizrxe ; ,g'"=. works: in hh church, he Jun
vmm resided and where he grew ity y the entire commun-
w .mmhood.Funeral rites were held i n "" 1Att]-|¢|§h¢;f2Sy¢¢x-nh,wu¢:hux~ch | t V w o mx hm Sa mrdlym r d e d w Bgrtiu Fhcherot and imnmxent wan made in thcl
tht uma neighborhood md they eemewry knovm na the Sc. John's|
u n o : u a s l: wlu r a y :
E ~
F0005 5H~[
/ "' / 1 '1~A sum \, rg(
~ 1%orronuum ~
\r q S m /¢ /
e e n B e a n s ,?I.¥':,'!'&.2 %;. 315 ¢_._ --6 "f:T»l59¢
»Ch Emerald Bly. Fuxry .,...._..__'f3..} 9¢_______6 '52-i 490
. |. r o m ~ 1 o ¢ . . - - - - _ 6 " ° ¢ 1 3 5 5 °
3 Honesty Br|.n\'l. with ~ 3 ¢_ 5 ~
|Cl u l i G r a v y - - - _ . - - - - - - - - - -U b s c - - - "6 1 - m s s c
u 0 1 | » ¥ } § ' < " é ° - ? f i - _ - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ ~ - C m I - - - - - -c m
_%;1.'%9ceral nam! nma .--_---.._--6 634912
1 l e s ~ . 3 ' % ' a . . . » ». _ - - - _ . _ _ _ _ { ' E § 9 ¢ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 ' a g - = ~
n a F l a k a ~C l l s m e
.37 - B | R T H D A y
1~ s o o o S A L E ~
~ ~ Libbfa _______.2 E : Z s c - - - - ~ : - 6 ~ ~
,.,J l -oz.az.1 ¢ ¢¥€5"»¥i'm¢.~-¢ --------» ----3 ; j ' , " ° - - - 6 N § ' I 0 ;
s p a r a g u s ~~"
` P B S L i b)"n , De e p Bro wn ~- --~-' "'-"" § _ f{"" " " " 6 ~ ~
h .,_ _ _ , - - C \ n l l C _ _ _ _ _ _ .C l- M~ l n a c l. \ h b y | F a n c y - . - - -~ » » - -1- lb | _ | b _ 1 ~
e d s a l m o n L i b b y ; F a n c y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ C \ n 2 S c _ . _ . _ . _ 6 c . . = »I
\ f i l e d ~ L i b b y ' | o r A r m o u r ' s . . _ _ } § 3 ' l '. : l 9 C _ , _ _ _ _ _ 6 ~
~ r n e d B e e f H a s h Li hh y ' |_ _ _ ' f 3 ; . } l 3 c . _ _ _ . _ . 6 C - - 7 c
~Ch¢ ¢$8 .'i':$:..,Yam:':;.--..,-...»4 1 6
r p§§f'v|¢¢=|y Co c o a I-lemme!_._._.' ° - ' ° ' ; f § § l 3 c
3 RO L L 1 3 g Chocolate »§',§{<°§`§¢~ l 0 ¢
~-~b. llc
:_~¢.~-Slewy HollowS y r u p 12 c»n1s¢'~_--___----I v o r y F l a k e s ,,.lZ'"¢.»\.\.
Pmuc tn the d e li c ate S y r u p l2~oz.Cnn 144:- _ - -
lu-1 2 7 2 *ends P a l m o l l v e §.§'i¥'
_{°;;: 274:
~ 196
4 Cakes 1'c
~ '"22c <5,,;:J5;n3"
O x y d o l B r o w n S u g a r »°f§{€§.| _,-___._§l'i' llc
8-lb.A mplele household Chi Qunhly,?'u|\|hted soap.RiCe 1».Z»`2§ in Cellophme __._,__,-Bll ~
69~ox. __ -or ~.n». 15;
s A r E w A Y ' s
a w w w - a w w ME ATS
st¢ak §I2'Tl'.§'§§fTLl` L ~
~ ~ ~Beef Roast Bm cmd: cm..~
Pork Chops £"2..?."i'ff_-_-.--_----»~.
FiSh .fi`"$'5TffTi`ff_._--.» I9¢.§°`l§T\lf`f°..--»».
L b . ~
l 9 c
Sc~~Leu Shoulder Cuts _._____,_.,_.Lb.
S m o k e d P i c n i c s ~ ~ 1 5 c
l l c
, _ , -~T l l l B ~ / D ~ A Q
a n \
\I \.J '~ f .r 4 5-
~0 ~. ¢ "`~
ar f !`I
~... Fre~ont. Nebr.45-ti
ROOM for rent.. Phone 194.lD~3t
a\eeping rooms. Charles Roger!
1002 Sam): wum.xo-n
0.t i
~>:=+e'f~r = ~ s-f j.f: \§r\<"\n ~~~ 1. " ~ f s : . . + ~ ' f ~
f .Q ; . 7 [1 \ \| \ a r .\ ,
- " g ' . n : \q ~
;1 ~~§ ' . - Q S '. ;
. , :"w . -:. '== = '. 1:. = ». . . F. . -f ' .. . ~. ¢
Mr s .L .D. W a rr ic k e nter ta in
Tue sda y a ftern oon fo r her do ug
ter, Hrs. Pren tic e Smith, o f n~
o f B l li r .
M n .R.R.Donlay entertain
Wednesday ,for #tha members
her brid ge f ours ome.Gue sts at
dessert lunc heon and d te r n ~
of c a r d s wer e Mr s .W ay ne Stei
bau gh , Mrs . C. Ed mu nd An do =»
an d Mr s/ J ames Tho mp so n.
Mr . a n d Mr s .Ern est To rn bl
an d Mr s Semir a Sta pieto n had
the ir g o a t s over the we ak
Mr .an d Mr s.R.J .Gropper
Craig.Mr .an d Mr s.J .S.B
nett o f Sio ux Ci ty , I owa , and M
S. R. Ti tus of C rai g wer e visi |
Sunday .
Mr s.Robert Ca rmic hlel e~
CAR D O F mn r x sWE WISH bo take thin mum -thank our friends md aagghbo
who so kindly uaixted com
hated lm ¢ t the time of th~
glelth ~d our dun 1-»-\»-»;;1 \ -
I er.omi - » f § ' n i t d u r m mv. W
Alennder for his words of h~ \md to than who una the beidnalhymns md fm-nished -mxusia Your kindnuau will
mlin in our hearts lor msn
yean.Mrs.Henry Gonker,
Walter Gosker.
oNE ooonM»a¢1 A_ John Deeremeta.Robert Divine,gpgiiiu School 10~1¥.
'r>t";:m ..;."a'-"m i n ;
cum Sehwl.10-u'
BUFFALO mrcnuc incubxhor,BOO gsm (Suri) 500 bubyelectric battery, W0-N1 West lincoln Street, §l§i{G1|:\...s.l¢¢r \l¢n~r'|l'\ IA- fn 1o~1v.'
l [ l l l G ] )Av a s l l u n n 0 1 |v v 5S a t u r d a M a r c h z z i n c l u s i v e '
Y a l '|'|
----1 -n x»...... .mn dun Canrwd Foods an affective only March 14 md 15)n .
Van Cu-np'u
S o u p
Sngnr Bella (may, sweet.
blended linen
2 No. 2 Cum 25:
35. as .39
wru. sau. Qui 1 3° in nm
for $68 balance if _ en_|¢nc1Country Home, hncy, CountryGmllanln or G0\den Bmum Easy terms. Write Omaha nunCo., sm Snuth 19th Sf-. 0"§'91£
Neisr.I U
pick-up.Oxk bottom,Gocshape. Hancock Farm Equipmm
"is: 18c..6 "°af.1' sac
f'i.:.':9c.,6 ~ 53cGmnef rui t
n - - v -v " "'_ '2 as-¢|.27cri t L u c e ....mu.. . .E ¢ = r = 3 f € _ ". . , ! . .'r ~ . , t i ~,c F 2-WHEEL r n m m lor BlWith .wa mek.u w .QN. Jlchw. Phone ma 899.16-n*r e a c n e s Choice. Halves or Slices ---____- In L S L .\ |F a n ! ' U T Ci5E`.Q6"£EE 95: §
15c..6"°;§§ 85C |
15c..6 '2LI85c sAsparagusll
m m H A Y f n ! h i u h u m m m w a r n n w n r d3 9 | L u b v n l v l l u o a l l vv | \ u v» »-v - -e d M n .E r n e s t .M o n s o n a n d R o s s' f i Q,
OR SALE:1940 rrvwn yellowblossomsweetcluverseed.Tested.L a n Jupex-sen.212lm 54.10-2u*_
LCARIFIED ys\low sweet dw-
er.Purity, 99-20.Onk poets.
9~8t.°Tom Wilkkmon, _
Rust resistant.Q u Funk '£~'1nuhar.
Love, and low
Mrs. Rudy Juul
den., .
Anhur Knhnk of
awards went ioand Bmtrun Lin-
Mr. and Mrs;Omaha, 'Mn '|i=nd`Mrs. Elmer Wulfmd ~ » '2 § ' a i = ' " ° g f - ~To rn!
ne.u,',um _.a . n i § l g . ~ C l y d e H t # - h o tliarmqnvJlnndawwaning
Yldmngulzllz.and Mn. Ra ndi
s:m...|m,m»: m m m u f m u n m
Due lo the supply of Apples.their prices are very attractive--lnil you well knur their
healthful qualltianly
U n r t u r . - v u m I A n m i r a m m n |
xv u " m u W .....-_,,,__mandy on farm wxd, him lx haveit can be done.We have a good
laying 160-acre farm with ful!
set of improvements locatad ina good farm connmunity wat ofBlxir that nhould be warth $80ur $90 per acre if §t wage free
ScHourWinesaps'0 ; ; ':~.:
. .aa-; : : : ' 1 9 c Bw 1 . 5 3
Br e a d
.\sx\h Lee wnghnu . , . time-day
fresh.whitg or when
_1 .1 lb 7 l / x l b - ~
w k c L u !
" "€ ? \ _
' L v , M IX j i
Nebraska-grown Appha -.-..._. .-......_. nn.-v
"%¥§§i§Z§¥?w......._ 3 25¢
._ -» -- -
Head Lettuce
P o t a t o e s ~
Oranga 5:a\':.':::.L':"
Radisha .'?{i§"¥h.~ ,,.,,,. Sc
-E...._.,._.._...__._ Lu Sn
She so ---._--_----_____ Head SC
_IS Lbs. l5¢
weeds by pers iste nt c ultivation
c o u ld ma kp a n a t : u r n o f mo n ~
cy .I n tho mea ntime,the f a r m
is nroduc ing good crops,as i t
is.H'=;.'° a. c hanc e ,for an ':
ante ln yours u m e r .r p ~ T .E m ei Co.
261 08 , ua momaa , le n lor r TB mu nran d Hooper,Friday ,fo llowin g
several d ay s' visi t with he r sinc er-
i mla w,Mr s.An dr ew C.Han sen
and family .Mn ..Vau gh an wi ll
11:0 visit in S i o n :Ci ty a n d De-
tr o i t b e f u m xe f h n u i n g to th e wu t
ACREAGE cxéwx .md b ami n~P. o. Bax 450.n u aiu
an church. in mmmerztinir in ImA6-ROOM home,all modem,H ' - - - - - ~ " ' - r --double gmsw.chicken bonu,manual hospital Iollomng a. hem-
Iocated on South Wglker Ave., cringe last vfeck.F*o!lowing as
$2500.00.'t usiun Mit. Wednesday even-
A 1%ACRE place in wa t ing his cundjfion h u improved.
Blair, 8-room house Pvflv mod~Donor en' \=f=»~§ int the trmntusdon,d sh ,m o m ...2 ";§=.,L':gd*& ¢0 ::"Thorv .».l Human,Beminlfy
Coifec Airwu -,_3,.':: 13c-..__-___--
C0588 1'§°.Z».»?"é-- -..---..
Crackcrs Eat' »'3§"i'a ?°i';._-_-,__-__--
m k N.B.C. Frankun.C CIS m m n u l u -. . --. . --- ---- ---
-§;"&" 37c
'ak l7c" " `'.=.;.,",: 23¢
THE 1941 dog licenses are nowrwiy and dog mums no usedto buy early.Daad line in May
noun.Roy Svwwn.10-lt Chief of Police.
Wm THE HEAVY corn atnlld this
""¥i:§f1* "i*bBi~: MON.
The local Bhi r Hlzh SdxwlCnmmerclxl cur-:test will be heldnexz Monday at 2:30 at the Blair
High School wpiek th¢ wlnnento mpxeoant Bl r at f-he district
V n m t o3 - l b o a t s ~ R e g u l a r - - - - - _ - , - - _ - - _ _ _ - , - , v : f n s c
2-lbC a n 3 5 C P e a n u t B u t t e r a m m m f " " ° " " ' T i "~
'Ca t su p Mi d we s t Brlnd --_-_-,_..__,_3 n§?3;.' " 2 5 ¢
C n s c q S o d a W a t e r s 3 . ' : : . ° ° . : . , S ' . r 3 ~,,.:;:=.: :sc \~iéai u will need 1 very sharp contest at Schuyler March 29thdisc. Q. roll them ahlrp On 9"' The district meeting will he held
powerful pxegu ru r.Bnng at Sthuyler on that dam,
them in nuwhzu s o o n ~Beginning typists will engagefield work.Ilia?k. 10-a I0 minute speed test,one
..mlmn..nccuracv test and n fave
Premm» o d...re ndy | . o n u Ginger Ale,White Suda, Lime Rickey
WE STILL HAVE same pnvue }1HI=§1r,`é _gttll|»g_(;y itat.gtuderltsmoney for dmoice farm loans.of the advanced typing class will
Quick service, no md La .5 a. 1o'mi ute Wd zest.10-It N . T . ~ F o o i n\§:g?\n|:m¢\ttliI :!1x¢\a\:!? mn]im
b1B"`{é`"é§r§} `iI1"t"f{§ Q§éi1i§§
( l l B h l f , M a r c h 1 4 w l 5 , I M D *
P Fo