2020-09-25 Affidavit Redevelopment Plan[, '} iii jj 1(( � State of Nebraska, County of Washington Chris Rhoades, Being by me first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the Associate Publisher of the Enterprise , a legal weekly newspaper published at Blair, in Washington County, Nebraska and of general circulation in said County and State: that said newspaper has a bona fide circulation of more than 3000 copies weekly, in said County: and has been published in said County for more than 52 successive weeks prior to the first publication of the attached notice, that the attached notice was published in said newspaper for 2 consecutive week(s) being the issues of. September 25, 2020 October 2, 2020 Associate Publisher Signature Subscribed in my presence, and sworn to before me this 2nd day of October, 2020. Notary Public GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska G� Tracy A. Prettyman ® My Comm. Exp. Sept. 10, 2021 Printers Fee For Publishing This Notice $ 42.41 Preparation of Affidavit and Billing $ 0.00 Notary Fees $ 0.00 Copy $ 0.00 25% discount for minutes $ 0.00 TOTAL $ 42.41 PUBLIC [NOTICE as: I a redevelopment plan entitled: ADD NOTICE OF HEARING PC CITY OF BLAIR, NEBRASKA ING] NOTICE IS I4EREBY GIVEN that (Par( a public hearing before the Mayor HAYi and City Council of the City, of REP Blair, Nebraska will be heldon 1.59 Tuesday, October 13, 2020, at 7 COU seder and possibly taKe action on veiopment pian can ue vieweu a redevelopment plan entitled: online at www.blairnebraska.org "Redevelopment Plan for the or at the office of the City Clerk at Hayden Place Redevelopment 218 S 16th Street, Blair, Nebras- Project," for redevelopment pur- ka 68008, telephone number 402- suant to the Community Devel- 426-6694. At said time and place, opment Law, Nebraska Revised all interested parties may appear• Statutes, sections 18-2101, et and be heard. Dated this 25 day seq., within the Blair Core Area. of September 2020.' The site for the redevelopment City of Blair, Nebraska contemplated by the above- Brenda Wheeler, City Clerk referenced plan is located at the ZNEZ northeast corner of the intersec- tion of South 20th Street Kellie ENT 9-25,10-2-20 Drive, more particularly described