2009-05-31 HWS Consulting $31,300.50DATE 121 AID AIDDtlDT AIITWfNDITV INVOICE DESCRIPTION DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT INVOICE DESCRIPTION DISTRIBUTION AMOUNT NUMBER NUMBER 0 1 BLAIR AIRPORT AUTHORITY CHECK NO. 000497 218 S. 16TH ST. DATE -�l f 0 9 BLAIR, NEBRASKA 68008 TWO RIVERS STATE BANK 76359 (402) 426-4191 BLAIR, NEBRASKA 1049 AMOUNT PAY TO: az' C AIRMAN- f-') OC'Jilil 801.711f.-�[-' L'18 TREASURER IlU 0 1-10 y W-1 iso ?4 0 L 11, D -t 5, Q, 0 1311 S 7 1q, I[o 30068 Vendor Number HWS CONSULTING GROUP INC P O BOX 80358 LINCOLN NE 68501 Account Number Description 5/31/09 aun Date Check Number 3080055116 I IE / 65.C'i�i I 31,300.5.0 I SOUTH PARTIAL PARALLEL TAXIWAY PAVING & I LIGHTING 3-31-0109-09 Total 31,300.50 I do solenmdy swear that the above is tine and correct to the best of myhnonledge. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of Jane, 2009. / P Frahm City Treasurer Finance Committee Approval: STATE OF NEBRASKA PROGRESS ESTIMATE 4 COPIES TO DEPT. DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICS OF AERONAUTICS Sponsor Blair Airport Authority Blair , Nebraska Contractor HWS Consulting Group Inc. Address PO Box 80358, Lincoln, NE 68501 Estimate No, IE Date: April 25, 2009 Project South Partial Parallel Taxiway Paving & Lighting 3-31-0109-09 Blair Municipal Airport Date of Contract April 21, 2009 Contract Item Estimated Quantities No. Quantities Unit Unit To Date Price Amount Part 41,734.00 III Design Phase 75% LS 31,300.50 (90% Submittal) 5,045.00 IV Bidding Phase LS 0.00 V Construction Phase 63,509.43 -Direct Salary, Overhead See 0.00 -and Expenses Attached 7,937.57 -Fixed Fee (15%) Invoice 0.00 71,447.00 0.00 VI Special Services See 23,200.00 -Testing Attached 0.00 Invoice 52-59-1122, 52-59-1123, 52-59-1124, 52-59-1125 As Project Engineer, I hereby certify that the quantities shown Grand Total 31,300.50 above have been completed from measurements made by me or my predecessors and that the work has been performed in Less Retained 0.00 reasonable close c nformity to the plans and specifications. .4Less Previous Estimates r Date: May 4, 2009 0.00 Project Engineer Due Contractor Approved for Payment as per This Estimate 31,300.50 Project Engineer's Certification: Date: ��? 1^� RE`eGiYGV NDA Project Engineer Approved: MAY 7 2009 Date: (O ✓© DEPT. ®F AERONAUTICS Spon or 59-1122.XLS NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICS Dave Heineman Governor Mr. Rod Storm City Administrator Blair Airport Authority 218 South 16t11 Street Blair, NE 68008-2010 Subject: Blair Municipal Airport Blair, Nebraska Project No. 3-31-0109-X03 (09) Financial Dear Mr. Storm: Stuart MacTaggart Director May 29, 2009 Enclosed are three copies of Progress Estimate No. 1 in the amount of $31,300.50 due HWS Consulting Group, Inc. We have reviewed and approved the estimate. If you agree, sign and date all copies. Please pay HWS and send them a copy of the estimate. Retain one copy for your files. Return the third copy to this office. A Summary of Project Costs cannot be prepared until the Federal Grant has been executed. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICS Prepared by: Barbara Atkins Accountant ba enclosures Main Office Mailing Address P.O. Box 82088 Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 402.471.2371 402.471.2906 fax Reviewed by: Russell Gasper, P.E. NDA Project Engineer Office Location 3431 Aviation Road Suite 150 Lincoln, Nebraska 68524 www.aero.state.ne.us An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer printed with soy ink on recycled paper Navigational Aids Office Kearney Municipal Airport 5065 Airport Road Kearney, Nebraska 68847 308.865.5696 fax 308.865.5697