2020-11-11 Blair Park Board Meeting Minutes for November 11, 2020 Call to Order: The Blair Park Board meeting was called to order by President Neil Jensen at 7:00 p.m. Present: Neil Jensen, Steve Tonn, Joe Burns, Todd Wick, Sarah Boeka, Betsy Anderson and Park Superintendent Pat Long. Approval of Minutes: The October 14, 2020 minutes were approved by Steve Tonn and seconded by Todd Wick. Approval of Bills: No bills were presented. Old Business: 1. Request from Stephen Fullmer Representing the Thor Trail Group for Approval of First Section of Trail Completion.  Stephen Fullmer reported the completion of section 1 of the Black Elk Neihardt mountain bike trail (3 miles). He stated there will be ongoing maintenance of the trail to smooth rough spots and clear tree stumps that surface as the dirt settles due to decaying root matter. Trail signage will be installed in the spring and will include directional arrows and names for the various trail sections. He publically thanked the many volunteers who diligently worked on the trail throughout this phase of construction. Sarah Boeka moved section 1 of the Black Elk Neihardt mountain bike trail be approved and forwarded to the city administration and council for their review and approval. The motion was seconded by Joe Burns. The motion was approved. 2. Progress Report on 2021 Projects for the Parks Department.  The downed trees and debris at Black Elk Neihardt Park will be collected and placed in piles. The city recycle location is currently full to capacity. When space becomes available the debris will be moved to the recycle area for chipping. The balance beam located along the former fitness trail at Black Elk Neihardt will have two of the three sections dismantled and discarded due to decay. The third section will remain in place.  As a result of the recent ice storm, many branches and tree limbs are down at Steyer and Stemmerman Parks. This debris will be collected and removed as time permits.  The playground sand at Ridgeview Park will be removed in preparation for the spring construction of the new play area. New Business: 1. Request from Stephen Fullmer to Begin Construction on Section 2 of the Black Elk Neihardt Mountain Bike Trail.  Contingent on the city council’s approval of section 1 of the Black Elk Neihardt mountain bike trail, Stephen Fullmer is requesting permission to begin construction on section 2 (1.8 miles) of the trail. During this construction he would also like to add trail features to both section 1 and section 2. These features would include table tops and drops used for jumping. Each feature would incorporate an A line (the descend route) and a B line (ride around) to allow for jumping and skirting of the trail. Work on this section of the trail would begin as soon as the city council gives approval. Joe Burns moved to allow construction on section 2 of the Black Elk Neihardt mountain bike trail, including the construction of the additional features. The motion was seconded by Sarah Boeka. The motion was approved. Adjournment: Betsy Anderson’s motion to adjourn the meeting was seconded by Neil Jensen. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Betsy Anderson November 19, 2020