2020-09-09 Blair Park Board Meeting Minutes for September 9, 2020 Call to Order: Blair Park Board member Steve Tonn called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Present: Neil Jensen, Steve Tonn, Sarah Boeka, Todd Wick, Betsy Anderson and Park Superintendent Pat Long. Approval of Minutes: The August 12, 2020 minutes were approved by Sarah Boeka and seconded by Todd Wick. Approval of Bills: No bills presented. Old Business: 1. Steyer Park Shelter Project Update The architectural and engineering drawings for the renovation of the Steyer shelter are not yet available. These plans will include creating a rear entrance and opening up the area directly behind the shelter for a court yard type atmosphere. The electrical feed will come from the existing bathroom building across the street and furnish the power for new outlets and exterior lighting. New Business: 1. Kiosk Construction and Implementation for the Mountain Bike Trail at Black Elk Neighardt Park. Owen Goodwater, along with his father Todd Goodwater, presented a design for a Kiosk to be constructed and used for dissemination of information for the mountain bike trail. Owen is a Life Scout from Troop #143 and working on his Eagle Scout Award. He presented diagrams of the proposed Kiosk which will measure 7’ tall by 5’ long. Plexiglass will encase the information which will include the rules of the trail, a map of the trail system and any pertinent notices. Construction is scheduled to begin September 12/13 with a time line for completion by the end of September. A motion was made by Sarah Boeka to approve the design and construction of the Kiosk that will be installed at the trailhead of the Black Elk Neighardt Mountain Bike Trail System. The motion was seconded by Todd Wick. The motion carried. 2. Update on the Mountain Bike Trail Construction. Brent Fullmer gave an update on the Black Elk Neighardt Mountain Bike Trail System. The construction of the trail system is underway with about ¾ of a mile complete. Phase 1 of the trail system will be a total of 2.7 miles. Weather permitting and with the City Council’s approval construction on Phases 2 and 3 will be completed yet this year. 3. Ridgeview Playground Update The preliminary plans for the Ridgeview playground renovation were presented. Construction is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2021 by pulling out the sand and repacking the dirt. Poured in place surfacing will be utilized with curb edging. Local contractors will be used for the sidewalk construction and any sidewalk repairs that are needed. The existing bounce toy and the digger scoop toy are scheduled for replacement. The climbing bar and swing will remain in place. Two new bounce toys and another play feature will replace the toys being removed. 4. Cemetery Paving Update Paving at the cemetery is an ongoing effort. When the weather permits construction will continue on one/two additional sections. 5. Friends of Arboretum meeting date is September 16, 2020 at th Steyer Park along 18 Street. Adjournment: Betsy Anderson’s motion to adjourn the meeting was seconded by Todd Wick. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Betsy Anderson September 14, 2020