2005-06-14 American Legion BaseballMay 23, 2005 Blair Keno Committee American Legion Baseball is asking for the committees help. This worthwhile program is certainly worthy of some of Blair's keno proceeds. We have a proposed budget for 2005 of $12000.00. As you can see from page 2, #3) our balance after the steak fry fundraiser is $6645.00. Also, on page 2, 1 have figured the approximate labor and man hours to put the steak fry together. Any consideration the keno committee can make so American Legion Baseball can achieve their proposed budget goal would be greatly appreciated. Jim Ryan Steve Rounds Baseball Committee April 10, 2005` ., CHECKING ACCOUNT HISTORY STARTING FEBRUARY 7, 2005 BALANCE 122.71 1) DEPOSITS ......... THIS INCLUDES ADVANCED STEAK FRY TICKET SALES, MONEY TAKEN IN STEAK FRY NIGHT, SALE OF LEFT OVER STEAKS. 11,730.97 2) DISBURSEMENTS -STEAK FRY..............NO FRILLS 211.77 BLAIR BAKERY 84.00 LEGION LOUNGE -PAPER PRODUCTS 449.60 RICK HILLMAN -MUSIC 150.00 BLAIR SUPERFOODS 4215.73 NEWSPAPER -THANK YOU 62.00 DEPOSIT STAMP 35.58 3) CHECKBOOK BALANCE FOR BASEBALL SEASON AS OF 4-10-05 6645,00 4) ADVANCE TICKET SALES -80 HRS @ $10.00 PER HOUR 800.00 5) SETUP, COOKING, SERVING, CLEAN UP-160HRS @ $10.00 PER HOUR 1600.00 6) TOTAL LABOR 2400.00