2019-05-08 Blair Park Board Meeting Minutes for May 8, 2019 The meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m. Present: Niel Jensen, Todd Wick, Joe Burns, Jeene Hobbs, Betsy Anderson and Parks Superintendent Pat Long. Approval of Minutes: The April 10, 2019 Minutes were approved by Joe Burns and seconded by Todd Wick. Approval of Bills: No bills presented. Old Business: 1. The Policies and Procedures for Cemetery Charges and Reserving and Rental of Park Facilities were reviewed. The recommended changes included additional rental of shelters with electricity, defined usage of the open area between the Depot and the main shelter for Commercial Events, all parks and facilities shall be non-smoking, gun policy as governed by Blair City code and alcohol free facilities with the exception of Optimist Park which will allow alcohol transport from vehicle(s) to boat launching. Parks and Cemetery Fees and Charges were also increased – the increases were consistent with other park and cemetery facilities and in keeping with increased operational costs. Jeene Hobbs made a motion to approve the policy and fee changes – Niel Jensen seconded the motion. All board members voted in favor of the motion. It was anticipated the policy/fee changes would go before the City Council May 28, 2019 with an effective date of July 1, 2019. 2. Update on Park Projects: a. The irrigation lines at the Dana Ball Field were broken during a sewer construction project. Repairs will not be made at this time. b. A new rail has been fabricated for the Optimist boat dock. When the Missouri River water level permits the courtesy dock will be installed. c. The Blair City Pool is expected to open within the next two weeks. d. The Arbor Day Celebration was a success – three trees were planted at the Blair Library and Technology Center. Ponderosa Pine seedlings donated by the NRD were given to all attending students. e. Because of the recent inclement weather there are still two dozen trees to be planted. New Business: 1. Steyer and Stemmerman playground plans are being revised. In lieu of the poured in place surface, a combination of poured in place and crumb rubber is being recommended to reduce surface construction costs. This revision would allow for the addition of a spring surf board and two other spring toys at Stemmerman Park. (The present cost of surface material per square foot is $16.35 for poured in place, $5.00 for crumb rubber, and $4.00 for wood fiber.) A concrete walkway is specked to surround the play facility with the poured in place surface to be in the immediate play zone area and crumb rubber to fill the remaining space. Much discussion ensued with concern about the safety of the play surface as well as the daily and yearly time and maintenance costs for the rubber crumb surface. The board unanimously agreed the poured in place surfacing should be pursued. To allow for the increase in cost of poured in place surfacing and remain fiscally responsible, the board further recommended delaying renovations at Stemmerman Park until such a time the funds were available for poured in place surfacing in this park also. The board agreed a letter should be sent to City Administrator Rod Storm reinforcing the board’s recommendations. 2. The tile work on the Tower of the Four Winds is scheduled to begin May 25 weather permitting. Adjournment: Jeene Hobbs’ motion to adjourn the meeting was seconded by Todd Wick. The meeting adjourned at 8:40p.m. Respectfully submitted by Betsy Anderson May 13, 2019