2012-07-10 MINUTES CIVILIAN RETIREMENT COMMITTEE July 10, 2012 A meeting of the Civilian Retirement committee was held on July 10, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. in the Blair Council Chamber. The meeting was called to order by City Administrator Storm. Those present were Pat Long, Robert Frahm, Deanna Jensen, Terry Vandry, Gayle Roberts, City Administrator Storm, Assistant City Administrator Green and Brenda Wheeler. Absent: None. Motion by Frahm, second by Roberts to approve the minutes of the December 8, 2010 meeting as presented. All members present voted Aye. Motion carried. Rick Dhabalt and Gregory Cismoski from DC Retirement Strategies were present to discuss the activity in the funds currently managed by Principal for the Civilian Pension plans. The plan design and current provisions of the plan were reviewed. No changes were discussed at this time. Discussion was held regarding the coordination with the TPA when reviewing plan provisions. It was noted communication is much better but that everyone should continue to work to improve communication. Plan demographics and trends were highlighted and discussed. Investment performance was reviewed. Discussion was held regarding replacing Money Market account with Stable Value. A list of other investment options currently available was provided for the Committee’s reference. Plan expenses and fees were reviewed and a current total cost summary was provided to the Committee for their records. Participant education was discussed. The Committee asked DC Strategies to contact participants with funds in the Money Market account explaining the potential for the fund to have a negative rate of return and that it will be replaced by Stable Value along with Guaranteed Interest Account (GIC) being frozen. Motion by Frahm, second by Long to replace the Money Market account with Stable Value and freeze the Guaranteed Interest Account effective September 1, 2012. All members present voted Aye. Motion carried. The Committee then reviewed the plan design, plan demographics and trends regarding the 457 Plan. Participant education was again discussed with DC Strategies stating they would contact participants to discuss the Money Market account being replaced by the Stable Value account along with GIC being frozen. Investment performance, plan expenses and fees were reviewed and a list of other investment options was provided to the Committee. Motion by Long, second by Deanna to replace the Money Market account with Stable Value and freeze the Guaranteed Interest Account effective September 1, 2012. All members present voted Aye. Motion carried. Discussion was held with the Committee regarding setting regular meetings of the Committee semi-annually in late January and late July. Civil Service Secretary Wheeler will work with DC Retirement Strategies to schedule the first meeting in 2013. Motion by Roberts, second by Jensen to adjourn the meeting at 2:45 p.m. All members present voting Aye. Motion carried.