2019-01-09 Blair Park Board Meeting Minutes, January 9, 2019 Call to Order: Blair Park Board president Neil Jensen called the January 9, 2019 meeting to order. Present: Neil Jensen, Betsy Anderson, Todd Wick, Joe Burns, Jeene Hobbs, Parks Superintendent Pat Long. Approval of Minutes: Betsy Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes of the Sept. 12, 2018 meeting. Motion was seconded by Jeene Hobbs. The motion was approved. ( Date on the printed minutes is September 13, 2018. Actual date is September 12, 2018.) Approval of Bills: No bills presented. Old Business: 1. Discussion of 2018-2019 budget improvements. Pat Long reviewed Park related item from the 2018-2019 budget report. He noted that $190,00 has been budgeted but not expended for playground equipment. Jeene Hobbs asked about how solid surface maintenance on playground surfaces would be budgeted in the future. Pat said he would be making up a schedule for budgeting for playground surface renewal. Pat said that money for playgrounds from last year had been carried over to this year. Board members discussed future projects including Cobble Creek, Ridgeview and Hardy RV. Neil Jensen asked if the city was still looking into work at the city swimming pool. Brief discussion of funds budgeted for maintenance of Tower of the Four Winds in Black Elk-Neihardt Park. Under motorized equipment $22, 500 had been budgeted for a new mower at the baseball complex. 2. Discussion of Styer and Stemmermann playground. Before the meeting was called to order, board members reviewed drawings and layouts and descriptions from vendors for Styer and Stemmerman parks. Members asked to consider a climbing wall for the Stemmerman playground. Improvements to Styer and Stemmerman playgrounds was estimated at around $151,600. New Business: 1. Election of officers. Joe Burns moved to cast a unanimous ballet for Neil Jensen president, Jeene Hobbs Vice president, and Betsy Anderson Secretary. Jeene Hobbs seconded the motion. All voted yea. 2. Friends of Arboretum meeting. The January Friends of Arboretum meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 16, 2019. 3. Arbor Day tree planting. The annual tree planting with students will be scheduled for April 26 at 1:30 at the Blair Public Library. 4. Approval of name for ice skating park at 19th and Front street. Betsy Anderson made a motion to commemorate / name the park at 19th and Front Street in honor of Rich Warrick the name to be determined. Jeene Hobbs seconded. All voted yea. 5. Meeting to review park reservation guidelines. Jeene Hobbs and Betsy Anderson said they would available to meet on January 14 at 1:30 with City Council and City staff members to begin study of park reservations policies including fee structure and rules. Adjournment: Joe Burns’ motion to adjourn the meeting was seconded by Todd Wick. Neil Jensen adjourned the meeting at 8:28 PM. Respectfully submitted by Joe Burns January 22, 2019