09-12-2018 Blair Park Board Meeting Minutes, September 12, 2018 Call to Order: Blair Park Board president Neil Jensen called the September 12, 2018 meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present: Neil Jensen, Jeene Hobbs, Betsy Anderson, Todd Wick, Joe Burns, Parks Superintendent Pat Long. Approval of Minutes: Todd Wick made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2018 meeting. Motion was seconded by Betsy Anderson. The motion was approved. Approval of Bills: No bills presented. Budget report shows account # 5241 over budget at $5,604. 82, but the amount does not show payment from NRD. Bill for trees came in before the payment from NRD. Actual amount should be + $626.82. Other added costs for Optimist boat ramp. Old Business: 1. Progress on Cemetery paving project: Pat reported that paving at cemetery has been completed. Try to do another short piece slated for next year. Another current project is cutting tree limbs on trees in islands at Deerfield. Limbs are scraping school busses. Project to be completed by end of the week. New Business: 1. Budget for next year: Hourly wage cap increased because worker pool is very tight. Increase in trees budge from $9,000 to $10,000 - mostly for tree removal. 2. Black Elk Park maintenance budget increase of $75,000 for City share of replacing tiles on the Tower of the Four Winds. The amount is contingent on raising the rest of the money from public/private donations. Sidewalk near Tower needs to be temporarily repaired and later permanently replaced after Tower repairs 3. Funds for playground at Stier are carried over but reduced by $5,000. Also $100,000 budgeted for playground at Stemmerman. 4. On Saturday October or 6 or 13 Boy Scouts are planning a service project at Black Elk - Neihardt Park to remove cedar trees. They will camp at the park overnight. 5. Jeene Hobbs and Betsy Anderson volunteered to participate in a sub-committee to establish and revise rules for parks and depot rental, use of park grounds, and cemetery rates. 6. Friends of the Jeannette Hunt Animal Shelter have expressed an interest in establishing a dog park at the south-east end of Black Elk-Neihardt Park adjacent to the new housing development. The area would be accessible motor vehicles and water. The board consensus is that the dog park proponents present a preliminary proposal at a regularly scheduled park board meeting so that board members can ask questions. 7. Betsy Anderson asked about contacting the master gardeners of Washington County about establishing a rain garden in the drainage pit next to the new Lions Park bathroom. Pat said he needs to find out what the city plans to do with that area first. Betsy said it would be a good project for master gardeners to get in some hours, and it wouldn’t take much to maintain the area once you get it started. Pat said he would talk to Mark Hodson and see what the plans for the area might be. 8. Board members discussed the possibility of playground theme and equipment at playground proposed for Stemmerman Park. Adjournment: Neil Jensen adjourned the meeting at 8:20 PM. Respectfully submitted by Joe Burns September 30, 2018