1995-04-20CITY OF BLAIR NE. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A meeting of the Board of Adjustment was held on April 20th 1995 at 12:00 noon in the Chambers of the City of Blair, NE. Board members present were Martin, Jensen, Beck, Waite, Carlson and alternate Hansen. Also present were Wyman Nelson, Rod Storm, Jim Wilson APA Architects and Bob Woodhouse. Min asked Jensen to chair the meeting as he wasn't feeling the best. Jensen called the meeting to order, and asked if ththere was a motion to suspend the reading of the minutes held on November 17th 1994/ Motion by Waite to suspend the reading of the minutes, seconded by Beck Carried 5 Ayes No Nays. Bob Woodhouse and Jim Wilson, the Architect explained the hardship it would cause if the variance was not granted. Rod Storm also spoke of the setback that had been granted in the past. After a discussion pro and con Beck made the motion to grant a 16 foot variance from the center of the road whigh is only 84 foot from the center of the road to the building which shpuld be 100 foot. Seconded by Waite. Jensen called for the vote 5 Ayes No Nays. Carried. There being no other business at this time Jensn asked for Adjournment. Motion by Waite and seconded by Beck. 5 Ayes No Nays. Carried. PN� Robert V. Carlson Secretary