1994-11-17CITY OF BLAIR NE. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A meeting of the Board of Adjustment was held on november 17th 1994 at 12;00 noon in the Chambersof the City of Blair, NE. Board members present were Martin, jensen, Beck, Hansen and Carlson. Also present at the meeting were Marilyn Swengard, Arlene Sondrup, Wanda Blomker, Sharon Knibbe and Bill Hardy. Rod Storm and Wyman Nelson also present. Martin called the meeting to order, and asked if there was a motion to suspend the readint of the minutes held October 20th 1994. Motion by Jensen and seconded by Beck. 5 Ayes No nays. Carried. Martin asked Bill Hardy what hardships it would cause Ibsens if the Variance was not granted. Bill Hardy was representing the Ibsens at this hearing. Hardy said he was asked to build and extension to the house. The four ladies attending was more concerned about the water runoff as there had been a problem in the past. A discussio was held and after questions had been answered Chairman Martin asked for a motion on the Variance. A motion by Jensen and seconded by Carlson that the Variance of thee foot be denied. A Ayes 2 Nays. Variance denied. There bring no further business at this time Chairman Matin asked for sdjournment. Motiom was made by Beck and seconded by Jensen. 5 Ayes No Nays Carried. Robert Y. Carlson Secretary