1993-09-16CITY OF BLAIR BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A meeting of the Board of Adjustment was held on September 16 at 12;00 noon in the Chambers of the City of Blair, NE. Board members present were Margaret Beck Stan Jensen and Bob Carlson. Also present were Steven and Kristi Rounds, and Rod Storm. Jensen called the meeting to order, and asked if there was a motion to suspend the reading of the previopmeeting held on July 15 1993. Motion to suspend the reading of the minutes by Beck and seconded by Carlson. 3 Ayes No Nays. Carried. The meeting was held up till 12;20 P.M. as the Board did not have a quorum to have the meeting. At that time a motion was made by Carlson and seconded by Beck to continue this meeting on Friday September 17th 1993 at 2;00 P.M. The meeting of the Board of Adjustment was continued at 2;30 P.M. on September 17th 1993. Board members present were Beck, Jensen, Hansen and Carlson. Wyman Nelson and Rod Storm, and Steven and Kristi Rounds. Jensen again acted as Chairman and called the meeting to order. Steven Rounds is asking for Hine foot variance to the rear yard setback at his home at1134 Prospect St. dory Blair Nebraska. Chairman Jense asked Rounds to explain his reason for asking for the building permit. A discussion was held and Wyman:.n. Nelson asked what the hardship would be if the permit was not granted, as this is the purpose of the Board of Adjustment to decide. The discussion continued and then a motion by Beck to grant the nine foot variance setback to the rear yard. Seconded by Hansen. Roll call 4 ayes No Nays Carried. Ther being no other business at this time Chairman Jensen asked for adjournment. Motion was made by Beck seconded by Hansen. 4 Ayes No Nays Carried. Robert G' . Carlson Secretary