1992-09-17City of Blair BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A meeting of the Board of Adjustment was held on September 17, 1992, at 12:00 Noon, in the Chambers of the City of Blair, Nebr. Board Members present were martin, Beck, Jensen and Carlson. M. Stanley Jensen is our new Board Member who replaced Eppley who resigned from the Board because of his job changes. Also present were Gerald and Carol Thorson, Wyman Nelson and Rodney Storm. Chairman Martin asked if there was a motion to suspend the read- ing of the minutes of the meeting held August 3, 1992. MOt6nn by Beck, seconded by Jensen - 4 Ayes, No nays. Carried. Rod Storm explained the sewer elevation to the original building permit, and later found out the elevation was not correctfor the original plans submitted. Gerald Thorson explained the reason for the variance asked was because the building is now on the 25' setback allowed. In order to put a porch on the front of the house, he needs a 6 ft. 4 in. variance. A motion was made by Beck to grant the variance of 6 ft. 4 in. asked by the Thorsons to add an open porch with two pillars, not to be enclosed in any way. Seconded by Jensen. 4 Ayes, NO Nays, Carried. There being no other business at this time, Chairman Martin asked for adjournment. Motion by Beck, seconded by Jensen, 4 Ayes, no Nays, motion carried. Robert W. Carlson Secretary