1992-04-16CITY OF BLAIR BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A meeting of Blair's Board of Adjustment was held April 16,1992, at 12:00, Noon, in the Chambers of the City of Blair, Nebraska. Board members present were Hansen, Beck, Martin and Carlson. Also present were Rodney Storm and Walter L. Jay. Chairman Martin asked for a motion to suspend the reading of the ,omites of the previous meeting. motion by Beck and seconded bu Carlson - Ayes 4, Nays 0. Motion carried. Chairman Martin called on Walter L. Jay to explain the reason for his wanting the variance requested. He asked for a variance of 14 feet to the front yard setback for the purpose of building a 6 ft.porch with, a ropf onto tlD'e existing structdre,l After discussion, Martin asked the Board to adjourn to go to the property and inspect the request. After returning a motion was made by Hansen to grant the above variance requested by Walter L. Jay, seconded by Beck. Carried Ayes 4, Nays 0. There being no other business at this time, Chairman Martin asked for adjournment. Motion made by Beck and seconded by Hansen to adjourn - Votes Ayes 4, nays 0. Robert J. Carlson Secretary.