1991-03-21CITY OF BLAIR BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A meeting of the City of Blair's Board of Adjustment was held on March 21, 1991, at 1200 noon, in the Council Chambers of the City of Blair. A motion to suspend the reading of the minutes of the meeting of March 14, 1991, was made by Hansen and seconded by Beck - 5 Ayes, no Nays. Board members present at the meeting were Martin, Beck, Waite, Hansen and Carlson. Also present were Brad Jorgensen, Dennis Martin, Wyman Nelson and Roger Storm. A discussion was held. Martin, Beck and Carlson had been to the B & D Truck Parts Property and stakes are in place, and Jorgensen had an idea of a set back of 50 ft. for a fence to be constructed on the Hiway #30 side of the property, and 10 or 15 ft. back on the Northeast of the property line. A discussion was held on the type of fence to be constructed on the property and different types were mentioned. A motion was made by Beck that the hearing on B & D Inc. application be continued until 1200 noon on April 18, 1991, and the applicant shall at that time provide the Board photographs of existing fences, product information, and all alternative proposals for the type of construction of various fences to screen the property, seconded by Waite and carried - 5 Ayes, no nays. Discussion was held regarding the Linda Ring variance of 16 feet which was continued from the meeting of March 11, 1991. Motion was made by Beck, seconded by Waite and carried to grant the 16 ft. variance - 4 Ayes, 1 Nay. There being no other business at this meeting, motion was made to adjourn by Beck, seconded by Waite and carried - 5 Ayes, no Nay. )e Robert J. Carlson Secretary