08-08-2018Blair Park Board Meeting Minutes, August 8, 2018 Call to Order: Blair Park Board president Neil Jensen called the August 8, 2018 meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present: Neil Jensen, Steve Tonn, Betsy Anderson, Joe Burns, Parks Superintendent Pat Long. Approval of Minutes: Betsy Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 11, 2018 meeting. Motion was seconded by Steve Tonn. The motion was approved. Approval of Bills: No bills presented. Old Business: 1. Progress on Lions Park Restroom: Pat reported that the Lions Park Bathroom is open to the public. The ribbon cutting ceremony was Tuesday, July 10. Everybody liked it. Pat said the City is looking into the possibility of increasing the amount of parking. Gutters will most likely be installed. Pat said the Lions Club did a heck of a job getting the painting done. 2. Progress on cleanup of city trails, Black Elk trails, and disk golf tee boxes: Pat reported that grass and weeds at the edges of all of the trails have been trimmed and cleaned up. He said his crews still need to go through the cemetery. New Business: 1. Don Preister was not present to give his scheduled Gaga pit presentation. Board members discussed the possibility of finding a suitable location for such a pit. Betsy Anderson asked if there was a place where that Board members could go and look and observe a game. Consensus of members is that there is not suitable space available to dedicate to this activity at Lions Park. 2. As reported earlier in the meeting, the Lions Park bathroom dedication took place on Tuesday, August 10. The dedication was a success and the project came in well under budget. 3. The August Friends of Arboretum meeting is tentatively scheduled for August 30, 2018. 4. Other items: A concrete sidewalk adjacent to Tower of the Four Winds at Black Elk needs to be patched. Placement of a boom lift to inspect the Tower mosaic did quite a bit of damage to the sidewalk. Pat also reported that the Cemetery and Parks Department with assistance from Public Works are pouring concrete on two roads at the cemetery. Adjournment: Neil Jensen adjourned the meeting at 7:50 PM. Respectfully submitted by Joe Burns August 15, 2018