1922 . . . . e' ORDIHAUCE fr 1-'1/ ,GO " lüJ. OrdLl&nCe regulating the driving of loose m1irr.als on hoof 'within Ü16 Oorporr"te LimBs of the Oity of Blair, Nebrz.sJr..a; proLibiting' the driving' ~f sarae on certci.. n sJ~re'3ts and providing IJenalUes for the viola:,10n o~ the provisiollS of' this ûl'dinanoe. BE IT ORDAINED BY mE MAYOR l.JiJD COUNCIL OF THE CI~Z OF ~IR,- Section One,- It shall be Ulll~iZul for any person or persons to drive any loose an:i.r~,pls uJ?on an.y of the paved streets of the City of 13l8.1r,exceþt at the in- terE")ctions thereof Yihe~: the S2J1le is necessG-l'j' to cross a paved street in òrd.er "-:0 follOW street~ not IJßved. ' Section *".0,- It shall be the duty of the City Council of this City to " fix by Resolution I the ro"a.tes by \/11ic11 ~ll loose animt:.ls may be driven upon Jelle lJUb- lic sJûl'eets of the Oi ty of Blair, NebI'r:,slœ, Qna.' shall cause JGO be 1'1aoe.:.1 2/ü each l)QinJG VnWre ~~e County Board contributo~' to Blair comlects Ui~l the public streets of said Ci'Gy, f!, detour sig;l1 describing the route to be followed in clriving' such animals. Section ~1ree,- ~ person, Or persons, driving loose an~ls ïàthin the Oity of Blah' who shall violate ally of~'Ghe p!'ovisio.:ns of t~is OrJ.iDallCe shall be cleema,:1. guil- ty of a misder:lermor D,ne"'.. on conviction thereof be filled. in 8-11Y Sum no'G less than 'l'en Dollars ~r mOl'e than» if'ty Dollars Gnd shall stand com::i tteð.. to 'ilie City Jail UJ."1.til sû.id. fine sh~,11 h<we 'been J?D.i(l. Section Four,- ~~is OrdiDßllCe sllall take effect and 'be in force from and after its passaGe, ~liblicatiJn ~nd approval 48 required by law. Passed and approvecl this nh do.yof lfu,rch, 1922. . ------~~~~----- Ci:GY Clark. ---~ ø: ~ Mäyor. J¿ ~ r ~ u~ 4~ ~ ~{; íJ ~ ç /Pþ'V / ~ tv ~ ~ . AU CBDI:!'iITC3,- WREREAS,- -- ;n~BAS,- - - VïHSBEAS, - - - " ,.. \'mERJ;<J,!J.S, - ,"' .' ViJI.Ei.tiEA::i, - - - , " ,8 't . ~. . ,..' om> IItUTC:S: NO'!,1J3SH Lf t/-:<.. . Declari::g certain i'erri tory mmexec1 ~o tllS Oi ty of Blair, :rTebr£.ska, and e::tellcling the corpo~a te liuits of said 01 ty accol'.:lillgly,. aescriòing said corlJOrate liù-dts,t1nd'to re1)03.1 all Ordinaiiêesdnd-ps.l~tg--oi"Ordil113i- cas ill conflict hereni the -Resolutions to anile:: to the corporate lL;iiùs of the Oiti:1 of Blair, \;¡ashington OOu.:ri;~T <met StD:GC of Hebrc.skG., the con': iguoua terri ~Ol"y hcre- i1k",fter descl'i'bed were cl.uly aclo2?tecl bj" t\'-o-thirds V'ote ~;,nd ::lo."e of all meJ':1be~s elec'ù of the ûi ty ûouncn of s<::id. Oity in accordrmce ì7i th the Statutes ill such cases illD.de and. provided, rmd ïifuich said reso.lutions ' c..nd the votes thereon were ð:u1~T sprecccl u::.)O:1 the records of srdd CounCil, and, -~e said City of nlair, .I.iebrc,s};:a, did thereulJOn prese11t to the District \Jour',;; of WashinGton OoullJey, ,Nebr2.S1:a, its IJetitions, l)rLying for the an;" l1e~'Gion I)f suc" territory, tor;etLer with CoCC1J.1'[~te plats or maps of said territory ShöTii:ig' the àúbdivisi6ns':of.::suoñ-terrrtory ana. its relative pcs:.!. i021 to s~id Oi ty and duly set~;ing forth stô.icl reso1ut:1ons of annexa- tioutosether TIith the votes thereon, and also the l1DmeS of the various o\r.aer$ of sLid 'terri tIDr~', :::D.d. furthersetti21g' forth.: the r:.3. te:ri<.'-l be11e- fi~s oncl Ð.dv~mtcJ.,ges to 1)0 derive:} fl'O,.i such f'11l1exations, and, -Ä notice of 'he fili:15 of such pe'1;i tions waS clu1~T served upon the res- pecti ve, ormel's of such D.ë'.jacelrG end. cont ig¡..lO;;;,S ter1- itory in the sel;le ræ:ml1el'6..s a S1.ù;1rnOns in oi vil .2ctio:1s [',nc'. :lS ~'1rovided by the Sta 'cutes in sue}:. ctô.ses ;-;;0.(:0 o.nd }?rOvided, a:ylaftel' the issues ',70re joinecl, the said 2.ctions c:::r,10 olì to be hearcl 1Jefore the so.iJ .Liis ';rict vourt, r;nJ the s~,id 0011.1'1; h::wing h6[:rO. the sc.)'.le, fOUlld. th11 t sf,id tel'r gory \"-'ould recci ve ::;a- teriol benefits by its a11l1ej~tion to said Ûity of Blair and tb£.t justice and 8Cluit;1 rcg,uireds'U.ch è),l1l1e::aticn of s[dd territOL:7, amI thereUIJOll c:.e- Cl'ees \791"e entered b~r snic1 Oom't accordinçly,anel, ' / - - -uoþies of said decrees of the saiclllistrict Court TIera duly corti fled to 1L1cler se,d ~,he:.'eof, together WitÌ1 plats of the terl'i to r::,r , with D.. prÒpol" descrilJtiOl1 thereof, so decreed to be D..llnexed, and the s,<:r,e h::.ve been filed ~:mc1 recOl"cled in tho of:'ice of tile GO1l11t~T ClerIc of Yiashington Gounty, Uebr,2sko, and . -Ph,e ti:.1e for apl')a¿ls to be tDken fro::: said proceedinGs aforesaid in the s::dd JJistrict 0011.:"- l1D.s lXcssed" o,~lCl no D.þy'eals have bec:l taken therefrom md s::iJ. c1ecrecsha.ving bocc.mo absolute a:ld all of the rcÇ¡,uir6r:6nts of '~he': lD.\7 llcccscary to i11c1u(1e such J;e1"1'i tory within. the corlJor2te Ih1i ts of the saicl OiJ¡;y of blair, ":rfebrrcska., h~we been complied ì7iti::, :'11C1 for the pu,rpose of co;;ll)le~;il1C the l'?rocee.:lil1C:;'s required b;,r statute in such C2ses r~de and providec1, Now ~herefore, ~ ::ty 0 ,)- . ,I' . " . '. . . . :--- Co::menehlg' at the $outhe~s,tcór-il~r of ,Lot 16, and BlocJ\: 117" in the ~leventh .â.ddi tion to the City ot' »1&,11', ",-Nebraska', running thence' due north along the east line of Þloek 117,'300 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 16, in said .Bloc}: 117, :!;"L1nning t11ence due west to theno~thwest cor;¡er of Lot 15', in ,Block 117,rmmlng thence d-..lenorth a:J.Qm~~he west line ofs,aia. B+ock 117 to the north"est corn~r.o;f'~S3,id :61ockll"jrthencedue weste.;¡Q?J;&; ~he uort1: line of s~1d BlocltllS :ì;a daidJiilev~hth Ad,-Ution and extend1.ngwest along the. north linea!' 1:'ax',Lot :L60 in the northeas,t quarter o,f t4e 119rtheast qua.rte:rl:of ~eø- tionP1ìleveu, township 18~ ~ 11, .st~ ill Washington County, Nebl~aSl':a, to the northwest corner ,ofsai4 1.'~ Lot No. 160, thence, due sou..th àlong the west line of said ~'ax Lot 1'60 and of ~ax Lot 186, a.nd' of :tax totIe5', :to the southerly line of the right of flay of the Ohl00:€p, St" Paul, :Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Coro~, thenceiu a southeasterly direction a10ngtha south- erly line of said r~ght of way to a point where J¡;hesQuth line of Jackeon Street extended west yrould intersect, said.,s:ou.therly lineofsalcl rightot. way, thence east to. the west line of Wal1cer A,venue in said Oity,,: thence north 011 the west line of said Walker Avezme to... the 1'1'o1"t4 line of said Jackson Streed'iexteZìded ' ; " , ".' , west, thence due east along the 1'101'1;4 line of said JackSpn Streett.o, thê ¡¡laeeof beg!m1ing, wbichsaid.'proþsrtyso éontainedwithin the said Bound-' . aries, conta.~ns' the to;1l0mng> 1oJGS ai1dtax lots:.. Lot 16, thé south 300 feet of Lots 10, 11, 12, and 13, al1dall ot Lot 15, in ßlock 117, in the Eleventh Addition to theOity of' Blair, Neþraska.; Lots 1 to 17, inclusive, in Block ue, ,i¡;¡leventh - Addi tioI . JGO the Oi tyof Blair, Nebraska,' being allot said BloCk ll~i ~'ax ~~ 186, 185, 162, lal, 179 and 180 in the northeast quarter1óY ~J.on ðleven, township eighteeJ;l, range eleven, ViaShiTIgton County, NebraSka; and the parJG o.f the right ot way of the Ohicagp, at. Paul, Minne- apolis ~Dd Dmaha Railway Company hereinbefore described.. SECTIOlI ,TWO~- -That tlle cor:!)Orate lim! tact the City of Blair, J:Iebrask? aJ;'e hereby extended to inc1ud.e sftch tel'ritory hereby amlexed and described above, the said cor- poJ.~ate limHs of Said O;ty ofB1air, Nebraska, being described as f'ollows: ø' ' " . ;.. ;.'~ ¡. .i{ebraska, thenèe due, southon the seetio:1 line to the north, line of But- ler Street in s'aid Oi ty; thence e2.st alons the uorthline Of .J3u:f1ler Street' to the southwest' corner of Block :No. 1. Prairie Park Adclition to the Oity of DlaiI', NebraS1-:a; 'thence north alorlg the west line of' s~id BlockNo~, 1 Prairie ParI\: Md1tion, ,to the north line of' said Section 13, aforesaid; , thence west to, theþlace of' begimling, containing about five àcres, , -\- A:!,SO , Starting,a,t the l:Joutmveet,corl1er of Lot :r:ro. 4 in Dlock 1To. 114, running due east al.ong the soutp. line 'Of Lot No.4 and e:1st to the southeast, corner of Lot 155, Brunton '8 Add! tion to 'Ghe. City of Blàir, NebraskD., thence in a soutln1e~terly directicn ~ÙO1¡g the west side of the Kennard road,being along east side of Lots No. 49 and 45, in .DUsse1l '$ AddHion to the C1 ty ot Blair, 1Tebraska, to the southeast ,corner. ofLotlJo. 45 in said Russell's Addition, thellC~ east along the south line of Lot 46, iIL said Ru.ssell's Addition, to J¡;he wast side of Lot No.5, in Block No" 4, Kennard Addition, thence SO-¡¡th to the southwes'¡; corner o.f Lot 1To. 4 hlBlocf;. No. 10, Ke11!l8.rd Addition, thence eas'l;, along the south line of block :!:To~ 10, H;em'lal"dAddi tien, to thesoi;!.theast \ ¡..,.,,¿, ~ tv .~ . . . . corner of' ~ax Lot Iro. 32 in SecJGion 13, ,¡,'ownship 18, Bange 11, Washington Count¡, Nebraska, thence norJGhto the northeast corner of' Lot No. 1, Bloék No. 2ITairie Par1ç Addition, thence east to 'roe noÍhwest corner of ~'ax Lot No. 17, 8aotl,o11. 13, fownship 18, .ìimJ.ge 11, ¥iashington1o0unty, NebraSka, thel:J,ca'south to. the southwest, corner of wax Lot No. 33, in said Section 13, thence. east to the southwest corner of Tax Lot No. 28, in saidsaction aforesaid, thence north tothe'northwest èorner of ~ax Lot No. 28,aforesaid, thence east to the northaD.st corner of. said 2,'axLot No. 28, thence north to the llOrtheBtst' quarter co~nerof ~axLot No. .10, in said section, thence east alol~ the sec- tion line ~o the right of Way of the Chicago, 5t. Paul, I\:inneapolis and Omaha Railway CompapëJ, .thence in a northwesterly direction along said right qf way to .the point .of intersection wiJeh the east .side of ï'Welfth street .extended, thence. north along the .east side of St?id ~'Welfth Street to the point of intersection with the ncrth side of Jackson Street, thence west a- long JGþ.e north side of .said Jackson 8t2'e6t to the southeas~corrier of Lot 16, in :Blocl'~ 117, l£levenJGll Ad,,~..i. tio11 to the City of 131m r, .L'iebraska, thence north along the east side"orsaid Lot No. 16., to,;1;he northeast corner of said lot, thence west to the northwest corner Of Lot No. 15, in said Block 117, thence north along-the west side of s&idBloek 117 to the northwest cor- ner of Lot No. .6 in said Block'l17, thence v¡est along the north side ot :BloCk 118' to the northwost corner of ~ax Lot No. 160 in section 11, township 18, range 11, Washing'tonúounty, Nebraska,.tllence south to the southel~ly limits of the right of way of the Oh19ago, 6t. Paul, M.inneaplis and Omaha. Railway Cor¡lþa1J;Y ,thence in a no;¡,;þhweste:cly direction along said rigb.t of' way to t~ nor'¡;heast corner of ~'ax Lot 1To. 148, in said seCtion, thence sout4 to the 'southeo'stcorner of said 'fax Lot l~o. 148, thence west along the south line of s~id ~ax Lot No. 148 to a ]Oint of intersection with the east side.of Center sfreet extended, the~1ce south slong the east side of said Center street to the northwel3t corner of :J:a.xLot No. 85, in said section,thence west along tlie north line of Pilchel./s Addition to the City of Blair, Nebr- aSka, to túe . northwest corner of ~'D.xLotNo. 99, in srddsectión, thence south ~long the westside of Block 18 to the place of beginning. '. SECTION TI-n1EE,- - That all ordiœnce,s and. parts of ordiœnoes in conflict wi th the :pm visions of this ordinance be, and.the S2Jne hereby are, repeâled. SECTION FOUR,- - -~1i$ ordi~~ce Shall.takeeffect and be in force from and after its l)ßssage, approval and. publication, as required. by law. ,Passed and approved' this ,Q;( day of ~ 1'9 b V' II Attest: ðfI~. CitY.-"lerk fJ..LðÍ-~ MayoO '. ~ ~i¡,J ~ . . . . ". ' . ... ... , ORDINANCE NO.443. .. To provide for the .levy of a tax and levying the same on-all the '- taxabl~ property in the City of Blair, Washington aounty,Nebr~ska, for a,ll purposes necessary to maintain the city goverment for1ïhe City of Blair, Nebraska, for the fiscal year oommenoing on the first Tuesday in- Uay,1922,also levying a poll-tax on oe~ain inhabitants of said City for the fi soal year. BE: U ORDAIlITED, By the Mayor and Council of the City of Blair,Nebraska. SECTION ONE~' That there be, and hereby is, levied arid. assessed upon all- the taxable property with~n the oorpoœate limits of the City of Blair,Nebraska, for the flsoal year commencing on the first Tuesday in May,1922; and ending Ç>n the first Tuesday in Hay, 1923, the following sums, to-wit: . .AN ORD~N.ANCE, Purpose !mount. For General revenue Purposes---------------------------5.00 Mills For publie .library purposes--------------------- .75 1I41.lls For street lighting purposes-------------------------l..20 1(1l1s For music and public amusements----------------------- .20 Mills For improvement of water works system ---"F---------- .80 Mills For sewer outlet bonds and interest-------------------.~.90 Mills For intersection paving bonds and interest-------------4.00 Mills For parks and park purposes~----------~-------~--------~ Total amount of Levy----------12.55 Mills That the same be levied and assessGet a.gà.inst all the taxable property wi tl in the oorpo8àt. limits of the City of Blair,Nebraska and collected as other taxes as shoun by the assessment rolls for the year 1922. That there b$, and hereby is, levied DPón{:;~.ach~;e.dd every male inhabitant of said City of Blair,Nebraska,betwGenthe age of twenty-one and fifty years,not exempted therefrom by Statute or Ordinance of this City, a poll... tax in the sum of Two ($la;OO).iPallors on each and every such male inhabit ant aforesaid. The said tax sha~l be collected as provided by law for said fiscal year commencing on the first Tuesday iD May,1922. SECTION THREE, This Ordinanv. shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. SECTION TWO~ Passed and approved this 28th day of July,1922. Attest:C E Krause,Oity Clerk John R Aye,Mayor. '~ ~ ;:y 'c. ~. . . . . . .. . OBDINANCEN9. 444. ANNUAL .APPROPRIATION~BILL. f To be termed,-The Ann~l Appropriation Billft~ appropriation such sam . or sums of money neoesarry to.defray all,neoessary e.z;penses and liabil- ities of the City of Blair,Washington County, Nebraska for the fiscal year commencing on the first Tuesday in l&y,1932, speoifting the obeot - and purpose of each appropriation and the amount for each obj ect and purpose. - B~ I~ ~:rdêlned, By the Mayor and Council of the City of Blair,Nebraska. AN ORDINANCE, SECTION ONE, SECT ION TWO, SECT ION THREE~ SECTION FOUR, '.' 'l'aht there ,be- andhereby is, appropr4.ated out ot the money derived from the '~,~~.v~eipfor general revenue purposes for the present fiscal year 'oomm$noing on the first Tuesday in May, 192a- and oùt of all other available money or funds therefore belonging to 4a.id City the amounts for each object ,and purpose- as to-llows: Salarlesfor CityOffioials----------------------- ßtreets,Alleys and bridge pU8poses----------~----- Fire Deptt and appuratis-----~-------------------- Uiscellanious & Incedental expenditures----------- Printing and pUblication ------------------------ Expenses of criminal and oival suits-------------- - Payment of sewer assessment on City property------ Payment of paving assessment on City property------ 5000.00 -?500.00 7~¡OO 2000.00 800.00 500.00 500.00 800.00 Any balance of said funds remaining over and unexpended at the end of the fiscal year- shall be transferred to th~,teneral fund. That there be, and hereby is, appropriated out of the money derived from the levy of taxes for public library purposes. for the present fisoal year and out of any and a.ll moneys or funds available therefore the å.mounts for each object and purpose as follows: Maintensnoe-ofpub1io llbrary------------------$ Payment of paving and sewer assessment on p~lio library---.:._-------------------,---- ---$ 2000.00 400.00 Any balance of said fund remaining over and unexpended at the end -of the fisoal year shall be transferred to the public library fund. That there be, and hereby is, appropriated out of the money derived from the levy of taxes for street lighting purposes for said fiscal year and out of any and all other moneys or funds available therefore, the amounts for each object and purpose. as follows, For street lighting purposee----------------------t 4000.00 Any balance of said fund remaining over and' unexpended at t.he end. of the fiscal year sIJa.11 be transferreØ, to the general fund. That there be, and hereby is, appropriated out of the money derived from the levy of taxes for music and,p~b110 ~usements for s&14 fisoal year and out of any and all other moneys and funds available therefore, the amounts for each object and purpose as follows: Musio and pUblic amusements------~-----------------$ 750.00 Ì>. . '~ ~..J :"'l .. SECTION FIVE, SECTION SIX~ SECTION SEVEN, SECTION EIGHT, SECTION NDJE, ~ . . 10 . . , . - " .,. , ' Anybalanoeof.¡said fund remainingovera.ndunexpendect at the end' of the fisoa1 year. shall be transferred to the .musio. and public .. amusèment fund. . . , That there be, and hereby is, appropriated out of the money derived from the levy of taxes for the improvement of the water works seystem for the said fiscal year and out of the revenues derived from the said water works syst,m, out of the water fund,and from any and all other moneys or funds available therefore, the amounts for each object and purpose as follows: . . FII" impro_ement, ope rat ion and maint enanoe . ~~r w::~:rr~: k~/~: :;;-~~;;ï;;i~~;; -~d-;;p~;;;;:=:=:::f . ~g: gg , Any balance of said fund' remaining over an'd unexpended at the end of the fisoal year shall be transferred to the water fund. That there be, and hereby is, appropriated out of'the money derived from taxes for parks and park purposes for said fisoa year and out of any and all other moneys or funds available therefore, the amounts for each object and purpose as ,follows: . rO1' parke and park purpoeee_-____----------------I---$ 350.00 For payme~t of sewer assessment On parjs--_--_-------~--. 150.00 Any balan'ce ot said fund remaining over and unexpended: at 'the en. of the fiscal yearsl¡all be transferred to the Park and P¡' rk purposes, f\m4 That there be, and hereby 1s~ appropriated out of the oney derived fran the operation of the elotrio light system and sale o~ ,urrent and sipplies therefrom and from any and all other moneys a~d funds available therefor, the amounts for each object and purpose a.sfql10ws: . . I ' Salary of Electrio Light Commissioner abdwages of emp10yees--~-_------~-~----------------------$ Operation, maintenaoe,repairs and extention of electriolight system""-~_:"_---------------------------t Payment of outstanding bdebtedness against '. ele~~10 11~ eyet.em~. -----. -. -- --------_è______--------:t Payment of interest on light system bonds----__--------- Payment of lots bought for electric light plant----___---- 9000.00 18000.00 6000.00 1580.00 2050.00 Any balance of said fund remaining over a;nd unexpended at the end of 1¡he fisoalyear shall ~etra.nsferred to the Eleotrio Light System Fubd. That there be, and hereby is, approÞriat ed. out of the moneys on hand in the sewer maintenance f1.md and' out of all other funds and moneys available therefor, the amounts for each object and purpose as follows: For maintenance and operation of sewer èystem---___-------t 1000.00 Any balance remaining over and unexpended at, the end of the fiscal year shall be transferred ,to the Sewer Maintenanoe Fund. ' ~".. That there'be and hereby 1s,apprpriated out of the money derived from the levy-of taxes for the payment Of sewer outlet bonds and interest thereon for the prsent fisoa1 year aforesaid, and out of any and all ...... ~i.J ::h .. SEOTION TEN', ,;, , SECTION ELEVEN, SEOTION .TWELVE, . . . . other funds and moneys available therefor, the amounts for each object and purpose as follows: Sinking fund for payemnt of sewer outlet bonds---------$ 1250.00 Interest on sewer outlet bonds ------------------------$ 1250.00 Any bal&Jloe of said fund remaining. over and unexpended at the end of t1ø fisoal year shall be trans~erred to the fund for sewer outlet bonds. That there be and hereby is, ¡ appropriated from the money received from the levy 0« a tax for the pa~ent of Interseotion Bonds and interest thereon and out of any and all other funds and monéys available therefor the amounts for each object and purpose a~ follows: . . Si~king fund for payment of intersection Paving bonds--t 8000.00 'ayment of interest on Interseotion Paving Bonds-------$lIOOO.OO Any balanoe: of said fund - remadlniz1Lg over and ùnexpended at the end of the fiscal fear shall be-tr~sferred to the Sinking fund for the payment of Intersection Paving. Bonds. TlLat there be, and hereby is,:appropriated out of the moneys derived from the operation of the MunioiPal Ioe Plant and sale of products therefrom and from any and all other funds and moneys available therefor, the amounts for each object and purpose as follows: áalaries 'and~wages of o.perating foroe and emPIOyeeS___-J 2000.00 Operation,maintenaoe,repairs ~d extention of said plant 7400.00 Interest bn Ioe Plant Bonds----------------------------- 1500.00 Any balanoe of said fund remaining over and unexpended at the end of the fiscal year s~ll be transferred to the Ioe Plant Fund. This ordinnance shall take effect andbe in force from and after its passage,approval and pUblioatio as reqwired by law. Passed and ClPProved this 28th day of July, 192a. Attest: 0 E Krause,Oity Clerk. John R Aye,Mayor. , .,;;1. ".',) -.¡ ó'~ "'."..........'\ ' '<.,< . ' , 0 '. . . . . . . '. . . " .'" , . ORDINANCE NO.445., . To amend Section 5 and SsQtion 8 of Ordinance Number 371 and entitled An Ordinance to provide for' ,the location andconst.ruction ot permanent sidew€lks in the City of Blair, Nebraska, to designate the material therefor, to define the sidewalk line,to repeal Ordinances,Nos,329, p21,284 and Sect~on 3 ofOrdianance No 277,passed and approved the 4th daj Of May,l9l6, and to repeal said original sections of said Ordinane No.. 311. . BE IT ORDAINED,By the Mayor and Council of:,the City of Bls,ir,Nebraska.,- SECTION ONE, That.'Section 5 of Ordinance No 371 of the City of Blair,Nebraska, ,passed and approved on.the 4th day of May,19l6, which reads as fóllows 'That all walks hereafter constructed, widenend or repaired on wash- ington street,between Walker Avenue and Sixth Street, shall be permanent a!a character, and in cobstruction shall be of oement, and shall be eight feet in width and laid to the lot line" be, and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: . AN ORDINANOE, It SECTION TWO, Section 5:" That all walks hereafter constructed, widened or repaired on Washington Street between Walker Avenue and Sixth Street shall be permanent in character,' and in construction shall be of cement, and shall extend from the lot liD.- to t1;1.e curbing as ~ow established from Walker Avenue to the east line of tb'é south half of the south half of lot nä.19 in block ~0.36 in the O~ty of Blair,Nebraska, on the north side of said Washington Street and to the east line of , lot 1'0.12 in Block No 47 of the City of Blair,Nebraska., on the south side of Washington Street, and eight fèet in width .and laid,to the lot line for the remainder thereof, said oonstrüDtion to be ~der the,s~er- vision of the Street OOrnmiss1one~ of Blair,Nebraska: That Section S of said Ordiance 1'0.371 of the City of Blair,Nebraska, passed and approved the 4th day of.May,19l6. which reads as follows; RAll sidewalks hereäfter constructed, widened or repaired on both sides of Washinton Street between Fourth streets and Sixth Streets' Both sides of Fifth Street between Ffont and Linooln Streets, 'and the north side of Linooln Street between Fifth Str,et and Walker Avenue shall be permanent in character, and constructed: of oement,. and laid to the lot line, and be twelve feet in width. On the south side of Front Street, between Seventh Street and Walker Avenue, the sidewalk shall be of cement, stone or concrete an4 shall be two feet from the lot line, and eight feet" in width. The sidewalk on the south side of State Street between Fourth Street and Sixth Street, and the north s148 of State Street between Fourth Street and Walker Avenue, shall be four 'feet in w1dth,oonstructed of oement'orstone, and shall be two feet from the lot line, be$ and the same hereby is,amenjed to read as follows: #Seotion SiAll sidewalks hereafter oonstrúoted, wideneed or repaired on both sides of Washington Street between Fourth Street and Walker Avenue shall be permanent in character aJ1d constructed of oemen.t and laid to t:e lot line and shall be twelve feet in width from said Fourth Street to the we~t line of Lot 36 in Block 10.38 on the North side of Washington Street in the City of Blair,Nebraska and to the west line of Lot No 5 in Block 1'0.45 on the south side of Washington Street in the City of Blair, Nebraska, and from said points to said Walker Avenue shall extend from the +ot Line to t~e curbing as now established. All sidewalks hereafter oonstruote4, widened or repaired on both sides of Fifth Street between Front Street and Linoolm Street shall be permanent. in character and constructed of cement and laid to the lot line and shall be twelve feet in width from said Front Street to the south line of Lot No.1 in ~ :'-,J t.'b " SECTION THREE, SECTION FOUR, '. ~. . , "., . ' . \ \' "e . , . . Block No. 38 o~ the west aide ot Fifth Street and to the south line of Lot No.15'in ,SlockNo. 37 on the east side of, said. Fifth Street in the CityofõBlair,webraska, and from-said points shall extend from the lot line to the curbing as: now est.ab11ëhed, to the south ~ine of Lot Nol in Block No 45 on the west side of Fif~h Street and to the south line of lot No 15 iT! Blook No.46 on the east side of said Fifth street~ and from said points to said Linooln Street shall be twelve feet in width~ All sidewalks hereafter constructed, widened or repaired on both s~des of Walkèr Avenue betwen 'l'l'ront Streets and Lincoln Streets shall be permanent in oharaøter andoonstruoted of cement and laid to the lot line and shall be twelve feet in width from said Front Street to the south line of Lot No 1 in- Blook No 37 on the.. west side of said Walker Avenue and to the south line of Lot No 15 inuBlook No 36 on the east side of said Walker Avenue in said City of B-~a.ir,Nebraska, and from said Points shall'extend fr9m the lottline to the curbing 'as ~ow established to the south line of Lot No.1 in Block No. 46 on-the west side ,of Walker A'øenue in said City and to the south line- of Lot No.15 in Blook No.47 on the east side of Walker Avenue in said City and from said points to said Lincoln~Street shall be twelve feet in,widthjand,all sidewalks hereafter constructed, widened or repaired on the north side of LinoOln Street between Fifth Street and Wa~er Avenue shall be permanent in 0 oharaot er and construct ed øf cement and laid to the lot line and shall be twelve feet in width; on the south side of ;ront Streei,between eeventh Street and Walker Avenue, the sidewalk shall be of cement oonoret or stone and shall be two feet from the lot line, and eight feet in width The sidewalk on the south side of State street betwen FouthStreet and sixth street, and the north side of ,State Street between Fourth Street And Walker Avenue shall be four feet in widtll, oons~ructed of cement or stone,~nd shall be laid two feet from the lot line, all of said ooristru~tion to be under supervision of the Street Commissioner of Blair ,Nebraska.. That Section 5'an~ Section 8 of Ordinance No 371, passed and approved the 4th day of May,1916, be, and ths- hereby are repaaled. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 'rom and after its passage, approval and pUb1ioation as ~equired by law. . ,~, ~ Passed and Approved this 15th day. of A~ust,1922. Attest: C E Krause,City Clerk John R Ayt,Mayor. ' ~ ~ ':D ..; . . . .. . . . '. - '.' ~ . ." ..""... .. " Ordinance No.446. An Ordinance autho'rizing the issuance of refunding bonds 0' the City of Blai-r,Nebraska for, the principal ain°'!IDt of one hundr d fiftI one thousand five hundred , ~inety fow: dollars and forty eight 0 nts ( , 151,594.48) to take 1Jp and , redeem said Distriot Paving Bonds of Paving Distriots 1,2,5 and7'of said City which are outstanding and persoribing form of said refunding bonds and providing for their fegistration and the creation of a sinking fund to pa}l the principal a.nd interest thereof and the levying of general taxes therefore. Whereas , Whereas, Whereas, said City of Blair,Nebraska,Washington County,State of Nebraska has heretofor issued and now has outst~ding and unpaid valid interest þear~ng bonds, to-wit; Its Distriót Pa."ing Bonds of Distriot No.1 in amount oft 50,493.95 n1iunbered from 1 tp 101 inolusive,in denominations 9f $ 500' ~a.ch with the exception of the last bond which is for $ 493.95,da~ed November Ist,1920 due November Ist,1940, optional Nov$~ber Ist,192a;Distriot Number 1 also $ 40,500.00, number,s 102 to 110 inclusive and Numbers IfJ5 to a06 inolusive;in denominations of $ 500.00 each, dated Deoember Ist,1920 due Deoember Ist,1940, optional Deoember Ist,192a. ,Distriot No.2 in the amount of $ 47,500.00 numbered feem 20 to 114 inclusive in denominations cDf $ 500.QO each, dated Januarylst,1921, due January Ist,1941, optional January Ist.~1923.;., .. . Distriot NO.5 ill the amount of $ 5000.00 n~bers 4to 13 inclusive, in denominations of $ 500.00 each, dated Deoember Ist,1920, due Deoember 1st 1940, optional Deoember Ist,1922;~~Dlstriot No.7 in the amount of $ 8100.53 þonds, nœbers l,and numbers 6 to 21 inolusive,in denominations of $ 500.0 each, with the exception 0«, Bond Ntmlber 1 which is for $ lOO.53,dated Deoemberlst,1920, due Deoember lst,194Q, optioal.De~e,ber Ist,1922, issued~to pay the costs in Distriòts 1,2,5 and 7, in s'aid Ci t, in pursuance to ordinances passed by said City in compliance with section 5110, Revised statutes of the state ot Nebraska for 1913; principal sum ki' of bonds one hundred. fifty one thousand ( doUars '\ fi ve hundred.' ninety<>' four~: and forty..,,-eight (ene-hundredths) oents ($ t151, 594~48) ,dr&¡wing interest at the rate of seven per.,,- ~ent per annumm, , and the full amount of the prinoipl. of said bonds is not yët due, but said City Council finQ. they oan refund said bonds at the rat e of five and one-half pe~ .oent (5!) thus making a saving of interest to said City. '. The Mayor and City Council did on the 3rd day of Ootober,l9aa pass and Qaused to be entered in their minutes of their proceedings &. resolution direotingpublio notice to be given in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 7 artioale8 , of the compiled Statutes ibf 19aa, stateing that said Distriot Paving bonds were sought to be taken u» and paid off by means of Refunding Bonds of said Cit' in the principal sum of $ 151,594.48 and fixing the date on which, and place where any taxpayer of said City might file objections to suCh proposed aotion,and, such notice was duly publi Baed for two weeks prior to the dat e fixed for fileing objections as aforesaid in the aTribunea and the Blair Piloto two newspapers printed and of ¡aneral oiroulai,on in said City, and,'" no objections ~obteotio~s were file4 as to the amount of said bonds as stated in such notice, or against the validity of such bonds. Now, Therefore, be it ordained by the mayor and City Council of said City of Blair, Nebraska. ' Whereas, ~ ~, ò .i/ Section one. Seotion two. Section 3. Section 4.. . ¡ . . . i.- . That t,here sheil b,e and. are hereby ordered ias, ued ~fundingÐonds of the City of Blair,Nebraska, of the prinoipal amount of $" 151,594 48. $50,493.95 of the bonds to be dated November 1at;1922, due t 26Qo.oO each of the years November Ist,1923 t9 November Ist,1928; $ 3000.00 each of the years November Ist,192? to November lat,1939, $ 3493.95 ' November 1st,1940. $ 53,600.53 dated. Deoember lst,19aS, due $ 3000.00 eaoh of the years m"'mbe~ 1&t;1923 tQ Deoember lst~1939,inolusive, $a600.53 Deoember 1st,194O; $47500.00 ~ated. January lst,1923, due $ aOOo.OO e,ao~ of the, years January ,1&t,19i4 to 1928, 1nolus1".e,$ 300,°.00 each of the years 1929 to 1940 inclusive; , 1500.00 january lst,1941; and _~a.ll be paid in their numerical order. bearing inf¡ereet at the l'ILte of ~. . ' Said bonds shall be DUmbered $ 5Q,493.95 from 1 to 51 inolusive, in the denominations of $1000.00 each, with the exception of the last bond in ¡ the denominat ion of $ 493.95; , $ 53,800.53 shall be numbered from 1 to 54 inolusive,in the denomination of $ 10CO.00 each with the exoeþtion of the last bond,'whioh shall be in the 'denomination of t SOO.53} , ' " $ 47,500.00 shall be numbered trom 1 to 48 inclusiv" in the denomination of $ 1000.00 each with the 'exoeptionof the last bond which sha.11be in the denomination of $ 500.00. Atta.ohed to eaob bond shall be interest coupons maturing at the date the interest coupons thereon'~become due. Said refunding bonds shall be executed on behalf of sa.1d City by being signed by the Mayor and Oi ty Clerk, who shall affix the Oi ty Seal to each bond. The interest coupons shall be executed on behalf of the city on being signed by the lIayor'and City Clerk. either by their OuD proper signatures, or by causing their engraved facsimile signatures to be affixed to each coupon. , Aft er being exeou1i ed by the Jlayor and Ci ty Ol.rk said bonds shall be delivered to the City Treasurer who 'shall be responsible therefore under his official bond.. The Treasurer shall oaUse said bonds to be transmitted with a certified sta~ement and transcript of all the prooeed- inls had. and done prèoedent ,to the issuance thereo' to the Auditor of PubliO Aooountsof the State of Nebraska, and shall cause said statement to be filed and said bo~ds to be registered in said Auditors Office as provided by law, Eq'ld shall then sause said bonds to be registered in the office of the County Clerk of Washington County, Nebraska.. , Said Bonds and interest coupons shall be in substant ially the ,following f9~Jia , ' - - UNITED STATES OF ADRICA~STATE OF DBRAŠKA,OOUNTY OF WASHINGTON. REFUNDING BONDS OF THE CITY OF BLAIR. ':, $ 10OO~OO DOW ALL MEN'BY THESE PRESEN'l'S,That the' Oit'y of'Blair' in the Oòunty of Washington~State~of Nebraska, hereby acknowledges i teeelf to owe and for valuer eoei ved prom se s' to pay to bearer the sum,lO f One Thousand dollars {$lOOO.OO).-~ lawful money of the United states on the - day of , 19~-¡rl with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid at the rate of 5'1~ per' annum payable semi-annœlly on the 1st day of and the 1st day of in each of the yeare upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons as they become due; ~ue serially as follows, , . Both prinoipal and interest her,einare.payäble at the òffioe of the County Treasurer of Washington Counttr, at Blair,Nebraska.. ." <-' No.1. ~ ~~ þd. ,8 8 8 . . For the p;r:ompt payment of this bo%lc1, both principal and. interest a.t maturi ty', the ful~ faith, oredi t and resourses of said. Oi t) are hereby irreVOoäbly pledged. " This bond is one of an issue of . bond.s, numbered from to inolusive,bonds numbers to . ' inclusive to be in the denominatiõi1'" of $1000.00 each and bonds numbers to be in the denomination of of the total' principal amount of $ of even date herewith, and is issued by the City for the p1Jlrpose of tat. ing. ' up and paring off valid inters* bearing bonds of said Oi ty in th~ principal amount of , , which are outstanding and 'Unpaid in full oomplianoe with the provisions of Section 5110 of the revised stat_tes of lebraska,l913,as amended,and pursuant to proceeding duly had and taken and an ordinance duly passed and adopted by the Mayor and City Council of said City. It is hereby certified and recited ~hat all oonditions,aots and things required by law to exist, or to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, did exist~ havé happened, were done and were performed in regular and due form and time as required by law, and that the indebtedness of said Çi~y, . inçl.udin.g- th~sbon~. does not exceed any limitation imposed by law. ' IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,TheOity of Blair,by its Mayor and Co~oil has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and attesteci by its City Clerk, and its corporate seal to be hereto attached, and had caused the interest coupons hereto attached to be signed by 1:ts Mayor and Oi ty 'Clerk by' th..r . proper espective signatures(faositnile) and said officers do respectively by the execution hereof, adopt as and for their own proper signatures, t~eir respective facsimile signatures appearing on said Bonds. Dated this day of," , ,19~2. . Attest CITY OFBLAIR,NERASKA. By Oi ty Cleft. (FORM OF OOUPOI) :Mayor. No.1. $ . On the first day of ' 192 , the City of Blair in the Itate of Nebraska, will pay to bearer $ , at the office of the County Treasurer i)f Washington Co'Unty ~braska, for interest due on that date on its refunding bonds numbered dated 192_. Attest City Clerk. ' Mayor. Section 5. !he Mayor and Council shall annually oause to be levied and collected a tax on all the taxable property within the City sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds as they become due. the ta.xes so levied and collected s1all be set apart and oonstitutea sinking fund for the payment of said refunding bonds. Said refunding bondsshall be deliver to the Omaha Trust Company, Oma.b.a, Webraska, in accordance with the contract duly entered into between said Ci ty of Blair and said Omaha Trust Company, which oont raot calls for payment at better than par and acoured interest, all in conformity with the contract heretofore ent ered into between the Omaha Trust Company and the City of Blair,Webraska. Section a. Section 7. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and. publication as required by law. ,.~ PASSED AND APPROVED THIS30tb d~Yn.of Ootobe~~l922. ~ . 0 E KRAUSE CITY OLEttl\.. JOHN R... AYE. MAYOR. r\j ,," .,