08-05-1993Library Board meeting notes for Aug. 5, 1993 Russell Musick, Jeanne Scheve, Paul Emmerich,and Anne Keenan were in attendance. Bills in the amount of 3,783.03 were read and approved by the board. Anne Keenan announced that we had $220.74 left in the Library Book Budget. The Annual and the monthly report were submitted to the Board. Circulation has increased by 3,726 for the 1992 -1993 year. The 1993 -1994 library budget has been approved by the City Council. Final approval will not be made by the City Council until the end of Aug. Rodney Storm called a Dept. head meeting to tell departments to hold on spending until the budget meets with final approval. Anne Keenan received word that the Library will not receive a phone grant from the NLC. Latter Day Saints are now going to be permanent missionaries in Blair. They are looking for community service projects to perform. Anne has suggested that they use the computer to set up an index of marriages and obituaries from the Blair newspapers. Paul Emmerich has created a file to record this information. Anne showed pictures taken by MB Hunt of the summer reading project. Anne mentioned that the frames given in memory of Bill Beaumont have arrived and will be hung in the meeting room. They will display local children's art through the school year. Anne showed the board an article from the Omaha World Herald (7- 31 -93) Midlands edition, pgs 15 -17. about Omaha Public Library Director Lon Dickerson. In this article Dickerson says that legislation expected to be introduced in the next session will call for a regional library service for Washington and Sarpy County. Anne spoke to Dick Allen of the Nebraska Library Commission. Dickerson said he was misquoted in the article and was referring to the new legislation being introduced to the Legislature on creating regional libraries if they wanted to. There is no question of the BPL becoming a part of the OPL System. The Board Meeting was adjourned at 5:30. Meeting cancelled. August 5, 1993 September 6, 1993