10075.tif11/25/2014 17:44 402-253-2871 DENISE ZAKRZEWSKI PAGE 02/04 November 25, 2014 0 6 K Excevatir Ina, 'I g ib South 204 Strut Gretna, NE 06020 Rs" Percolation Test Lot b, a�rstai Lake statoo Washington County, Nebraska T02 File No, 4 50.1 i Three percolation taste were performed at tho abawrofo ncod location at your mque$t, Test Male No, 1 wars located 94 feat math and d fit west of the voaathw+eal comer of the propoeed house. teat mole No, 2 Was located 128 feet south grad g feet east of the southwest ctomer of the proposed hose, Tact Hole No, 3 was tocartod 158 feet loth and g feat east of the southw ast comer of the proposed Woo, The teat holes had percolation rates, of fT minutes par lrtoh, 20 minwtee per Inch, anal 16 minutes per Inch taa}p+actively, indicating the# the $oil$ In the area tested are suitable for Installation of a conventlonot $$P to system 1e4erai field, A boring was Weeted batwoon the test holes and was drilled to a depth of 10 feett Yellow gown claysy OR was foams throughout the depth of the bori% No tree groundwater woes found at the time the boring wee 011ed, Thsos teats wore parrfomwd by a Profeaeionol foil Evaluator as certified by the Nebreafica Department of gnvironmontol Quality, The teats were parforr"d In accordance with procedures, outllnsd in current Mate of Nebraska Department Of Environmontal Quality regulations concerning soli porcolation We, T'he e011 We* t+f*tad 4t normal lateral hold depth In the loaaftns, doscrit d above. If titers, are chorips In than proposed Werel field location, or N site grading is dons Oter the toot date, roto'ating may be necellory, This report has been prepArod for the exclusive use of our Went In accordance with generally- s000pted geotoohnicol engineering pradkes, We would like t4 emphasize that Impropor construction mattwdo, Improper use of tho system, snd improper maintenance of the system area beyond our control and, therefore, no other warranty, expree"d or Implied, Is, made, For your InfOrmaticn, we have enclosed a copy of s Neboutde publishad by the Cooperative Extension Oerrvic e, Irmlituts of Agriculture and Natural RaeoMroes of the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, entitled This publication outlines Important Informstlon voncoming the proper use and rnointonance of septic tanks and absorption Heide, As the publication, Indloatso, it is arctic al that the tank to InsPGQIOO periodically and pumpod when exc oselve solids accumulate arc that the absorption field core €unattion properly. Mlouse of the system or failure to properly malntalra the eyfrt m con result In system tsalivre and the nand tip replace tho absorption field, 25/2014 17:44 402-253-2571 DENISE ZAKRZEWSKI PAGE 04/04 0 & K Uipaystln , Inc. November 25, 2014 Page Two We auggest that this Informstion be made sysllaWe to ail systom V$SM to help *mphaslss the nerd for rospansIble use of the system and to Inform tNm that mointenanoo Is vritlasl for the proper operation of the ors -site sewage Wstmant system. If yov hsys any questions portolnIng to this report, please contact the undereignoO. Rospw tl°ully submitted, Chaffs 1, Riggs, F, Calk/bsm Enclosure 7, JJ,ornr,:ason,, dreesser, & dt rner, inc. 11/25/2014 17:44 402-253-2871 DENISE ZAKRZEWSKI PAGE 01/04 Gretna, NE 68028 402-253-8310 402-253-2871 e t4 %ty of Blair From: Jop r@ i1i&K/ Denise Attention: k3randy Date; I W 5/14 Office location: Office jocatiolt Fax number: Phone number- (402) 2 53-93 10 11v � L piww mumot 0 mw rwevw 1J,1 rw y+ttttr wibrmoon Total pages, including cover, 4 Hi B=dy, Please find the attached items you requested_ Per our conversation we are insWling a 1500 gal tank wid 5W sq ft of lattwai, field instead of 630 sct ft of field per the homeowners request_ Thanks and have a (nice day. Denise Ax-4� D&K Excavating