AP 20131217 “OPEN MEETINGS ACT” Blair Airport Authority Tuesday, December 17, 2013 7:00 P.M. – Blair City Council Chambers 218 S. 16th Street, Blair, Nebraska A Copy of the “Open Meetings Act” Has Been Posted at Both Exits. AGENDA 1. Roll Call 2. Approve the minutes from the November 19, 2013 regular meeting 3. Approve November Financial Reports 4. Review and approve/not approve plans and specifications for three airport hangar roof replacements and authorize to advertise for bids. a. Review by Rod Storm. b. Motion by Board Member__________to approve/not approve the plans and specifications for three airport hangar roof replacements and authorize to advertise for bids. c. Second by Board Member___________. d. Tabulation of Vote. e. Chairman declared motion adopted/not adopted. 5. Review and approve/not approve the 20 year Capital Improvement Plan for the Airport. a. Review by Rod Storm. b. Motion by Board Member__________to approve/not approve the 20 year Capital Improvement Plan for the airport. c. Second by Board Member_________. d. Tabulation of Vote. e. Chairman declared motion adopted/not adopted. 6. Consider bid for a heater in the building storing the snow removal equipment. 7. Reports: a. SkyWerx b. Delivery of snow removal equipment c. Discussion on rental of airport property d. Report on light repair e. Maintenance f. Report on relocation 8. Adjourn