AP 20131015 “OPEN MEETINGS ACT” Blair Airport Authority Tuesday, October 15, 2013 7:00 P.M. – Blair City Council Chambers 218 S. 16th Street, Blair, Nebraska A Copy of the “Open Meetings Act” Has Been Posted at Both Exits. AGENDA 1. Roll Call 2. Approve the minutes from the September 17, 2013 regular meeting 3. Approve September Financial Reports 4. Consider approval of agreement with Benesch for preparing plans, specifications, and bidding documents for repair of hangar roofs from hail damage. a. Review by Rod Storm b. Motion by Board Member______________ to approve/not approve agreement with Benesch for preparing plans, specifications, and bidding documents for repair of hangar roofs from hail damage. c. Second by Board Member______ d. Tabulation of Vote e. Chairman declares motion (adopted/not adopted). 5. Consider renewal of maintenance agreement with QT Technologies on the card reader. a. Motion by Board Member b. Second by Board Member c. Tabulation of vote d. Chairman declares motion approved/not approved 6. Reports: a. SkyWerkx b. Maintenance c. Plans for winter snow removal d. Update on Tract B moving e. Update on tree removal f. Update on Highway 133 project aa. New entry/exit into airport bb. Finish grading from Tract B to south Blair property line g. RTR (Remote Transmitter) update h. Update on new UNICOM/PCL 123.05 frequency notification to charts and publications. 7. Adjourn