AP 20130917 “OPEN MEETINGS ACT” Blair Airport Authority Tuesday, September 17, 2013 7:00 P.M. – Blair City Council Chambers 218 S. 16th Street, Blair, Nebraska A Copy of the “Open Meetings Act” Has Been Posted at Both Exits. AGENDA 1. Roll Call 2. Approve the minutes from the August 20, 2013 regular meeting 3. Approve August Financial Reports 4. Consider approval of Resolution 2013-07 approving 2013 C Series Airport Authority Bond Anticipation Note (Draw-Down Grant Anticipation Loan) a. Review by Rod Storm b. Introduction by Board Member_____________ c. Resolution Read by Airport Manager Storm. d. Motion by Board Member______________ to approve Resolution 2013-07 approving the issuance of Series 2013 C Airport Authority Bond Anticipation Note and direct Chairman and Secretary to sign all necessary documents. e. Second by Board Member______to approve/not approve Resolution 2013-07 approving 2013 C Series Airport Authority Bond Anticipation Note draw down grant anticipation loan. f. Tabulation of Vote g. Chairman declares Resolution 2013-07 (adopted/not adopted). 5. Consider approval of Resolution 2013-08 approving 2013 D Series Airport Authority Bond Anticipation Note (Draw-Down Grant Anticipation Loan) a. Review by Rod Storm b. Introduction by Board Member_____________ c. Resolution Read by Airport Manager Storm. d. Motion by Board Member______________ to approve Resolution 2013-08 approving the issuance of Series 2013 D Airport Authority Bond Anticipation Note and direct Chairman and Secretary to sign all necessary documents. e. Second by Board Member______to approve/not approve Resolution 2013-08 approving 2013 D Series Airport Authority Bond Anticipation Note draw down grant anticipation loan. f. Tabulation of Vote g. Chairman declares Resolution 2013-08 (adopted/not adopted). “OPEN MEETINGS ACT” Blair Airport Authority Tuesday, September 17, 2013 7:00 P.M. – Blair City Council Chambers 218 S. 16th Street, Blair, Nebraska 6. Reports: a. SkyWerkx b. Maintenance c. Hail damage bidding schedule d. fuel farm maintenance e. Tract B Relocation 7. Approve contract with Alfred Benesch & Company for preparation of specs for hail damage repairs. 8. Adjourn