AP 20130820 “OPEN MEETINGS ACT” Blair Airport Authority Tuesday, August 20, 2013 7:00 P.M. – Blair City Council Chambers 218 S. 16th Street, Blair, Nebraska A Copy of the “Open Meetings Act” Has Been Posted at Both Exits. AMENDED AGENDA 1. Roll Call 2. Approve the minutes from the July 16, 2013 regular meeting 3. Approve July Financial Reports 4. Budget Hearing for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget a. Chairman Combs opens Public Hearing. b. Review of proposed budget by Rod Storm c. Questions and/or comments from the Board d. Questions and/or comments from the Public e. Chairman Combs closes Public Hearing. 5. Consider Resolution 2013-06 adopting Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget. a. Review by Rod Storm b. Board member _______ introduces Resolution No. 2013-06. c. Resolution read by Airport Manager Storm. d. Motion by Board members to (adopt/not adopt) Resolution No. 2013-06 as read approving the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2013-2014. e. Second by Board Member_____________. f. Tabulation of vote. 6. Reports: a. SkyWerkx b. Omahawks Event August 18, 2013 c. Fence project d. Drain line for new hangar e. Misc hangar work (80 x90) f. Inspection & Repairs of rental facilities g. Snow removal equipment grant h. Tree removal i. Relocation hearing j. Land acquisition grant k. Sighting PAPI’s 7. Discussion on possible storm damage at airport facilities. 8. Adjourn