AP 20130716 “OPEN MEETINGS ACT” Blair Airport Authority Tuesday, July 16, 2013 7:00 P.M. – Blair City Council Chambers 218 S. 16th Street, Blair, Nebraska A Copy of the “Open Meetings Act” Has Been Posted at Both Exits. AMENDED AGENDA 1. Roll Call 2. Approve the minutes from the June 18, 2013 regular meeting 3. Approve June Financial Reports 4. Final approval of Omahawks RC Air Show. a. Motion by Board Member b. Second by Board Member c. Tabulation of vote. d. Chairman declares motion approved/not approved. 5. Request by Lacey Construction for relief on number of liquidated damage days on hangar project. 6. Report from SkyWerx Aviation 7. Reports: a. Maintenance b. Fence Construction c. Armor Coat project d. Hangar drainage project e. Maintenance on new hangar door f. Progress towards getting authorization to cut trees. 8. Motion to authorize Chairman and Secretary to sign grant application and all agreements for FAA grant for Petersen land acquisition reimbursement. a. Review by Rod b. Motion by Board Member _______ to authorize/not authorize Chairman and Secretary to sign grant application and all agreements for FAA grant for Petersen land acquisition reimbursement. c. Second by Board Member. d. Tabulation of vote. e. Chairman declares motion approved/not approved. “OPEN MEETINGS ACT” Blair Airport Authority Tuesday, July 16, 2013 7:00 P.M. – Blair City Council Chambers 218 S. 16th Street, Blair, Nebraska 9. Consider approval of proposed FY 2013-2014 budget and set public hearing for August 20, 2013. a. Review by Rod b. Motion by Board Member _______ to approve the proposed budget and schedule budget hearing for August 20, 2013. c. Second by Board Member___________. d. Tabulation of vote. e. Chairman declared motion approved/not approved. 10. Discussion on allowing temporary living areas in and secondary to a private hangar. 11. Discussion on allowing an addition on executive hangars for an office. 12. Adjourn