PC Mins 01-02-2007PLANNING COMMISSION Meeting of January 2, 2007. Chairman Rhoades called the Blair Planning Commission to order at 7:00 P.M. Members present were Hansen, Tichota, Andersen, Rhoades and Krogh. Members absent: Cook, Nicholson, and Young. Others present were Assistant City Administrator Green. Motion by Tichota, second by Andersen to approve the minutes of the December 5, 2006 meeting as presented. All members present voted Aye. Chairman Rhoades declared the motion carried. Agenda Item #3 -Assistant Administrator Green reviewed the proposed preliminary plat map for Pounds Subdivision stating the applicant is requesting to plat a three (3) lot subdivision west of 3ra Street and Jackson Street. The land is currently zoned RML -Multi-Family Residential Low Density District. There would be no change in the zoning. Lot 1 will remain a single family residence. Lot 2 has been purchased by the Catholic Church to expand the Holy Cross Cemetery and this lot will have potential access to Jackson Street. Lot 3 will remain Pounds Printing. The main purpose for this plat is to separate the house from the business so that it can be sold. The preliminary plat does meet all city subdivision regulations. Ardith Pounds, 795 N. Third Street was present. There were no comments from the floor or in writing. Motion by Krogh, second by Tichota to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat submitted by Ardith Pounds, Trustee, 795 N. Third Street, Blair, Nebraska for Pounds subdivision, a subdivision of Tax Lot 128 and Tax Lot 129 lying in the NW '/4 of the NW '/4 of Section 7, Township 18 North, Range 12 East of the 6t'` P.M_, Washington County, Nebraska as presented. All members present voted Aye. Chairman Rhoades declared the motion carried. Agenda Item #4 -Assistant Administrator Green stated Developer's Jason and Mary Berg were given approval of a subdivision preliminary plat on November 14, 2006. At that time, the Developer's platted an area as "Phase II" indicating this area was not real critical in rezoning. The Developer's now feel this area's highest and best use is to rezone it the same as the "Phase I" area. Therefore, they are requesting a general rezone for the property to provide ample land for them to work with perspective buyers of the commercial property. The zoning request is to rezone the west 747.9' of the SE '/4 SE '/4 in Section 14, Township 18N, Range 11 East of the 6t'` P.M_ from RM (Residential Medium Density) to A/CH (AgriculturaUHighway Commercial). The remaining property to the west will remain residential. Discussion was held regarding the location of the future bypass road. There were no comments from the floor or in writing. Motion by Andersen, second by Krogh to recommend approval of the Rezoning application submitted by Jason and Mary Berg, 12049 County Road P30, Blair, Nebraska, for a rezone of the west 747.9 feet of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter (SE '/4 SE '/4) in Section 14, Township 18 North, Range 11 East of the 6r'' P.M, Washington County, Nebraska from RM (Residential Medium Density) to A/CH (AgriculturaUHighway Commercial) as presented. All members present voted Aye. Chairman Rhoades declared the motion carried. Agenda Item #5 -Assistant Administrator Green stated the proposed Ordinance is a recommendation from the Staff providing for some minor housekeeping and adjustments. He noted that in July, 2006 an ordinance was approved that required that portion of property running from the public street, highway or road from the curb drop or cut to any parking area, garage, carport, facility or other structure capable of storing vehicles shall be paved that has positive drainage to the City of Blair right of way. This also pertained to the property in the city's two mile jurisdiction so the ordinance should have made this change pertinent to "public right of way" as opposed to just "city right of way". This ordinance will make this clarification along with changes in the maximum grade from 10% to 20% which is the grade as recommended by the National Code Council. The ordinance also would require that if the driveway is connecting to an unimproved public street, road, or highway, or if the property is located outside of the city limits of Blair, the property owner may request a waiver of the driveway paving by filing a Driveway Waiver Agreement which will state that if the public street, road, or highway is surfaced with asphalt or concrete and the property is then located in the city limits of Blair or is annexed by the City of Blair, the applicant and his/her heirs and assigns agree to pave the driveway within 90 days of being notified to do so. In all situations, if the public street, road, or highway is hard surfaced, the portion of the driveway in the public right-of--way must be paved. There were no comments from the floor or in writing. Motion by Tichota, second by Hansen to recommend approval of an Ordinance amending Sections 303, 501, 701, 702, 703, 704,705, 801, 802, 804, 805, 901, 902, 1001, 1003 and 1005 of the Zoning Regulations in reference to the maximum grade for driveways and the paving of driveways within the city limits and the two-mile extraterritorial jurisdiction of Blair. All members present voted Aye. Chairman Rhoades declared the motion carried. Agenda Item #6 - Assistant Administrator Green again stated the proposed recommendations for changes to the Zoning Ordinance are staff generated in reference to off premise signs in the A/Nll, (AgriculturaULight Industrial and Manufacturing) and A/MH (Agricultural/Heavy Industrial and Manufacturing District). These types of signs are only allowed by Conditional Use permit. The recommended changes would include the maximum square footage to be increased from 150 square feet to 160 square feet (combination of both sides) and the maximum height from 8' to 15'. These off premise signs allow for more than one business to locate together on one sign. There were no comments from the floor or in writing. Motion by Andersen, second by Krogh to recommend approval of the Ordinance amending Section 1114.07 of the Zoning Regulations in reference to the maximum size and height of off-premise industrial park signs. All members present voted Aye. Chairman Rhoades declared the motion carried. Agenda Item #7 -City Administrator Storm and Assistant Administrator Green reviewed changes the staff is considering in the boundaries to the City of Blair's two mile jurisdiction due to recent annexations. Staff will present a map for the February meeting for official approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. At this time, Staff wanted to request any input from the Commission if there are some areas of concern or questions of staff they may have regarding this boundary update. Motion by Tichota, second by Andersen to receive and place on file the letter from Warren Fuhlrodt, 11456 Co. Rd. 27, Blair confirming as part of a condition of his conditional use permit for a second residence on his property that a family member still resides in the second residence. All members present voted Aye. Chairman Rhoades declared the motion carried. There were no communications from the floor. Motion by Krogh, second by Andersen to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 P.M. All members present voted Aye. Chairman Rhoades declared the meeting adjourned. Brenda Wheeler, City Clerk