636 N 21 St 2 0 CITY or BL1\IQ August 19, 2008 Shelly M. Chapman 636 N 21st St Blair NE 68008 c;J' 5 of Dear Ms. Chapman, You are in violation for a nuisance of weeds, grasses or worthless vegetation on the above property. According to City Code, you must correct the violation within 5 days of the receipt of this letter or !L$1 00 citation will be issued. We anticipate your property will be inspected on or about August 25, 2008. Again, if the violation has not been resolved, a citation will be issued. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Sincerely, W~ Phil Green Assistant City Administrator @- ~QUA,lHOIJSlNG 218 South 16th Street. Blair, Nebraska 68008 . 402-426-4191 . Fax 402-426-4195 . E-mail cltyofblair@cLblalr,ne,us '"''''"'''' .... . ..;<. .. ,J - ( ~-~"i " , . ~ -....;. - .~ ~ "" o J y - - - ~^'--oE lc --;;0. . . - . - - --- . y - .- .~ . . - . 4.:a" _" 011:1 , ,r . NOT \ C E. NUIS~Nc,.WeeQI, gralSeS worlnless vegetation, ownerlOccu?anl musl con eel (MOW) violalion on \nil ?rooer\l .,Inln Iii dals or br .(,.31./1 ;)/" sJ' . BloloerollneCllloIBllIIJI"'ICiIIlPIl' 9/ft~8 .-r Pro?erll ~dQrell J,5/.!!.",':'){ !:- r-- - -' . ~. , -,' ~ ~""""~-;"-' ": ." p'n , .,,"~' .. .", . . II ;;.l: . r,J J,/" NOT ICE "\j\~~NCE.Weeds, grasses. ',1,0' ~ s. 'l~~t\atiol'l. Owner/Occupant mus: ;a ~"'O'H\ "'\"bt;...n ~_ .~__ _ ~ -.# .- .... ~ '~ ' 'fllJoA"" ."..... ; 'Ptj",'.'::; ~ , . ~ -,-"----. .- ','